Martin, Homer Dodge (American, 1836-1887)
View of Lake George from Long Island Oil on canvas. 83KB |
A Wilderness Pool Oil on canvas 165KB |
Martin, John (English, 1789-1854)
Manfred and the Witch of the Alps 1837 Watercolor and gouache on paper Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester. 195KB |
Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion Oil on canvas. 100KB |
The Great Day of His Wrath 1851-53 Oil on canvas Tate Gallery, London. 197KB |
Martinez, Francisco (Mexican, Active Approx. 1715-57)
The Dormition of the Virgin 1720-40 Oil on canvas Davenport Museum of Art. 162KB |
Martini, Francesco di Giorgio (Italian, 1439-1501)
Annunciation (Painted with Fiduciario di Francesco) 1470 Panel Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena. 215KB |
The Coronation of the Virgin 1472 Panel Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena. 221KB |
The Nativity 1485-90 Panel Saint Domenico, Siena. 245KB |
Martini, Simone (Italian, 1283-1344)
Please see the Martini Section!
Martorell, Bernardo (Spanish, active 1427-1452)
Saint George Killing the Dragon 1430-35 Tempera on Panel Art Institute of Chicago. 253KB |
The Legend of Saint George: The Flagellation Panel Musée du Louvre, Paris. 166KB |
The Legend of Saint George: The Saint Dragged through the City Panel Musée du Louvre, Paris. 168KB |
The Legend of Saint George: The Saint Decapitated Panel Musée du Louvre, Paris. 178KB |
Saint Peter Altar 1437-1442 Tempera on wood Museu Diocesà de Girona. 246KB |
Christ and the Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well 1445-52 Tempera on wood Santa Creu Cathedral, Barcelona. 119KB |
Marziale, Marco (Italian, active 1492-1507)
Supper at Emmaus 1506 Panel Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice. 191KB |
The Virgin and Child with Saints 1507 Oil on panel National Gallery, London. 315KB |
Masaccio (Italian, active approx. 1401-1428)
Please see the Masaccio Section!
Masanobu, Kitao (Japanese, 1761-1816)
Ichikawa Monnosuke II as Chotto Tokubei 1780 Woodblock print Published by Okumura Genroku. 181KB |