File: Author: Attila Mezei ( Release: 1.2.0 (Aug. 29th, 1998) Compatibility: R3 Location: contrib/utilities Description: The well-known public domain scripting utility Notes: bug fixes and new features since the previous version History: 1.2.0: the syntax is extended by Sander Stoks ( to contain with name= [and name= [...]] at the end of the command which will add additional data to the scripting message. Also a small interpreter is included. Detailed printout of B_PROPERTY_INFO in BMessages. Better than BPropertyInfo::PrintToStream(). Prints usage info for a property if defined. 1.1.1: minor change from to return -1 if an error is sent back in the reply message; also added B_COUNT_PROPERTIES support The range specifier sent to the target was 1 greater than it should've been. Fixed. 'hey' made the assumption that the first thread in a team will be the application thread (and therefore have the application's name). This was not always the case. Fix from Scott Lindsey