File: Author: Edmund Vermeulen Release: 1.0.0 (May. 11th, 1998) Compatibility: BeOS R3 for PowerPC and Intel Location: contrib/add-ons/translators Description: Archived BBitmap translator add-on Notes: Public domain. Source included. ArchivedBitmapTranslator is a translator add-on for reading and writing archived ('dehydrated') BBitmaps. Because of its simplicity, it makes for a nice example translator add-on. Installation First rename the correct version for your machine to 'ArchivedBitmapTranslator'. The file ending in '_ppc' is the PowerPC (BeBox and Macintosh) version. The file ending in '_x86' is the Intel x86 (Pentium PC) version. Then copy the file to the folder '/boot/home/config/add-ons/Translators'. History Release 1.0.0 (May. 11th, 1998) - First public release. /\n /o \ |_n|