Index of /ftp/vol/rzm8/mbone/vcr
README file for the MBone VCR on Demand Service
Copyright © 1997
University of Mannheim
Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik IV
Wieland Holfelder
This is a beta release of the binaries for the MBone VCR on Demand Service (MVoD).
Please see the MVoD
Homepage for a general overview on the project.
If you encounter any problem, please send us an email at
(You might want to check the latest CHANGES file first, to see if the problem was not already fixed)
System Requirements for MVoD Client and MVoD Server
Supported platforms for the RTP DataPump in this release:
- SUN Sparc Solaris 2.6
- SUN Sparc Solaris 2.5.1
- DEC Alpha OSF 4.0
- IBM RS6000 AIX 4.2
- SGI Mips Irix 6.2
- i586 Linux (kernel version 2.30 or higher)
(more platforms may be available upon request)
Installation and configuration instructions:
- You probably already un-tared the tar file since you see this README
- You may need to set the environment variable MVOD_HOME to where you
installed the mvod package. It defaults to $HOME/mvod so if you un-tared
the MVoD-tar file in your HOME directory you don't need to set MVOD_HOME
- You may also need to set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JDK 1.1 is
installed. The mvod script is trying to figure this out automatically and
will tell you if it fails.
Some notes about the directories you see under $MVOD_HOME:
The sessions directory holds the session information files (*.mvod) for
the MVoD Server (pure text files). Please never edit these files by hand!
The data directory holds the RTP data recorded by the RTP DataPump. This
directory actually depends on the entry in the $MVOD_HOME/.rdcpd_passwd
file, see below, so you may configure multiple RTP DataPump users with
different data-directories, say data-1, data-2, etc.) Initially one RTP
DataPump user with userid "mvod" and directory "./data" is configured.
Since the RTP DataPump is always started in the $MVOD_HOME directory when
you use the command "$MVOD_HOME/bin/mvod pump" to start it, the relative
path ./data means that the default directory for the user "mvod" is then
always $MVOD_HOME/mvod/data regardles where $MVOD_HOME is. You will find
one session description file (*.rdcp) for every session and two files (*.rec
and *.idx) per media in a session in this directory.
An index file ends in .idx and a data file ends in .rec. The
filenames for these files are automatically generated out of the
session filename and the corresponding rdcp-id.
For example, given that a session stored in the session file
whd-007.rdcp consists of one media with rdcp-id 0 and and one media
with rdcp-id 1. Then the automatically generated media files would be:
whd-007-0.idx, whd-007-0.rec, whd-007-1.idx and whd-007-1.rec.
The content of the .rec file is more or less the raw rtp-data dumped
into the file as it was received from the network. The .idx file contains
a fixed-length header per data packet which holds a mapped timestamp
generated from information of the rtp-timestamps, an offset to the
corresponding rtp-data packet in the .rec file and a few other details.
If you need more information about the file format, please contact:
The cache directory holds SAP cache entries for the MVoD Server (*.an)
and a dump file (*.se) per active session. If the Server is stopped (or
killed or crashed...) when sessions are active (e.g. playing, recording
or scheduled for playing or recording), all active sessions will still
survive as dump files in the cache directory. By default, the server reads
all these dumped *.se files when it starts and tries to recover all the
sessions in the state they where left when the server was stopped. This
behaviour can be omitted when the server is started with the option "-r",
which will not restart any session but leave the dumped session files in
the cache directory). To clean all cached sessions start the server with
the option "-s". To clean cached announcements and to force the server
to receive all SAP announcements from scratch, start the server with the
option "-a".
MVoD Server configuration
The MVoD Server can be configured with the following configuration files
found in $MVOD_HOME:
.mvod (the general MVoD configuration file)
- .mvodap (the setup file for the MVoD Announcement Protocol)
- .mvod_passwd (user file for the MVoD Server)
- .mvod_groups (groups file for the MVoD Server)
- .sap (the setup file for the Session Announcement Protocol)
(NOTE: the syntax of these files must be exactly as described in the files,
any change of the syntax my cause the MVoD Service to crash/fail/...)
Therefore we recommend that you always use the MVoD administration tool
(start it with "$MVOD_HOME/bin/mvod admin") to customize and administrate
the MVoD Service through a GUI.
You need to start the MVoD Server first (see below) in order to run
the MVoD administration tool. Note that the administration tool only provides
a graphical user interface and accesses the MVoD Server through RMI to
actually do all the configuration.
Most of the parameter changes even take immediate effect even when
the server is running. E.g. you can add/remove users, change guest_login_allowed,
etc. during runtime. Changes that you make in the configuration files by
hand are not only discouraged but will also not be available until you
restart the server by hand.
To be able to login to the MVod Server with the admisitration tool,
a user must be a member of the special group "admin". A special user "admin"
with group "admin" is configured allready in this distribution and must
always be present. This user may be used to administrate the MVoD Service.
Initially the password for the user admin is "admin". Please change this
password immediatly after login with the administration tool so that no
one else has access to your MVoD Server with this default password!
RTP DataPump daemon configuration
The RTP DataPump daemon can be configured with the following file:
$MVOD_HOME/.rdcp_passwd (user file for the RTP DataPump daemon)
The syntax is as in a unix /etc/passwd file, use "mvod pump -admin" to manage the
content of this file).
Initially a user "mvod" with password "only4mvod" is configured for the MVoD Server
to access the RTP DataPump Daemon. You will find these values in the $MVOD_HOME/.mvod
file also. The $MVOD_HOME/.rdcpd_passwd file must either be in the directory
from where the RTP DataPump daemon is started or specified as command line
parameter on startup. This is done automatically if you use the command
"$MVOD_HOME/bin/mvod pump" to start the RTP DataPump. See section data-directory
above for some comments on how the data-directory is used. The MVoD Server
contacts the RTP DataPump daemon through the RTP DataPump Control Protocol
(RDCP) when it starts up and asks information about all recorded sessions.
Also a new RDCP connection is establised for each newly created or opened
sessions. For each RDCP connection, a new process with a new RTP DataPump
is forked by the RTP DataPump daemon. If an RTP DataPump is killed when
a session is active, the MVoD Server will always try to recover (i.e. it
tries to call the RTP DataPump daemon again to create a new RTP DataPump
and tries to recover the session in the state it was before the RTP DataPump
went down). If you kill the RTP DataPump daemon, all sub-processes created
by the daemon will also be killed.
Default user
Within this distribution, a user "demo" with password "mvod"
is initially configured in the $MVOD_HOME/.mvod_passwd file. This user
has full rights and you can use it for a first login. However, it is higly
recommended to change this userid and/or password with the administration
tool (see above) or within the MVoD Client (Server menu, Change password)
as soon as possible in order to avoid that other people can login to
the server with this default userid/password.
To start the MVoD Service
Note: we highly recommend that you always use the mvod script to start
all the various components, otherwise some unforseen effects can occur
because some environment variables and/or parameters may not be set correctly.
A typical example would look like this
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod reg
... RMI Registry will be started in the background, some messages appear...
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod pump
... RTP DataPump daemon will be started in the background, some messages appear...
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod server
... MVoD Server will be started in the background, some messages appear...
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod client
... and we are (well, should be) ready to go for a first test... (yes
all MVoD components can be started on the same host, this is no problem
for playbacks, however, you might not be able to record any data from MBone
tools running on the same host, see below under general comments)
... and a little later, you might remember that the README said please
immediatly change the passwords for the users "mvod" and "admin" and the
RTP DataPump password so you now might want to start the administration
tool with:
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod admin
... and do the necessary changes in the MVoD Server configuration. The
command "mvod admin" can always be started, however, to connect to an MVoD
Server for configuration, RMI registry and an MVoD Server must be running.
Afterwards, you start the command:
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod pump -admin
... to do the necessary changes in the RTP DataPump configuration
as well. The command "mvod pump -admin" can always be started, regardless
whether an RTP DataPump daemon is running or not. Changes in the .rdcp_passwd
file will always be immediatly available to a running RTP DataPump daemon.
The advanced user may start reg, pump and server in a row with:
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod all
However, in this case you may not give any commandline options to
the RTP DataPump or the MVoD Server.
To stop the background processes of the MVoD Service (reg, pump and
server), you may use the commands:
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod kill reg
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod kill pump
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod kill server
The advanced user may stop reg, pump and server in a row with the command:
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod kill all
or even with:
whd@solon [~/mvod] > ./bin/mvod kill -f all
MVoD Client as Applet
to install the MVoD Client as an applet, you need to add the following
lines of code to your html-page:
<param name="MVoDServer" value="idl:sunw.door://name-of-your-mvod-server-host:4465/MVoDServer">
and change name-of-your-mvod-server-host to the hostname of your MVoD Server
(for applet security reasons, this must be the same host as your web server,
so the MVoD Server must be started on this host!)
Copy the file: mvod-applet.jar into the the directory where your html file is stored.
Create a subdirectory "gif" in this directory and copy all the gif files from
the mvod distribution into it.
That's basically it. Note that most of the Browsers do not fully support
JDK1.1.4 and therefore you might see some ClassNotFoundException...
To verify the applet installation, please use the appletviewer, this is
know to work. If this doesn't work you probably misconfigured something
(if you get a SecurityException, you may have to loose the security restrictions
in the appletviewer). If it works with the appletviewer and not with your browser,
it is very likely that your browser is not fully JDK1.1.4 compatible.
Browsers known to work:
Please let me know if you have succesfully tested it with any other browser or on
any other platform so I can add it to the list of supported browsers.
MVoD Client usage
Hopefully the usage of the MVoD Client is straight forward and intuitive and you
don't need much help. However, A context sensitive help is given in the status
line depending on the state of the client and the area the mouse pointer is in.
Some hints and tips are also available in the help menu. The following quick-keys
are availble for the MVoD Client:
| Meaning
| quit
| go back one level
| play
| play at
| stop
| stop at
| record
| record at
| edit session
| info about session
| start tools
| start all tools automatically
| loop-mode on
| loop-mode off
| forward one second
| forward 10 second
| forward 1 minute
| back one second
| back 10 second
| back 1 minute
| goto end
| goto start
Some general comments:
If the MVoD client does not see the server announcements (i.e. the server
doesn't appear in the list on the gui of the client when the client starts,
client and server may not have multicast connection or the TTL for the
server announcements may not be set high enough (see .mvodap).
Note: With most of the MBone tools, you cannot record data that is sent
from the same host where the RTP DataPump daemon is running (e.g. with
vat, vic) because these tools do not do so called local loopback. However,
for playback you can run the RTP DataPump daemon and the MBone tools on
the same host since the RTP DataPump does not turn off local loopback.
The MVoD Service currently only supports RTPv2 data streams. Other streams
like the ones generated by wb or nt are not supported. If you connect to
a session that consists one or more unsupported streams, these streams
will be silently ignored.
We experienced problems when the RTP DataPump runs on one machine and stores
or reads its data from an NFS drive on another machine. Therefore we suggest
to avoid such situations.
Probably not necessary to say but just to complete things, the MVoD Client
can not playback any RTP data streams. To playback the data streams received
by the RTP DataPump you have to start some RTP compatible tool e.g. vat
for audio and vic for video. This can, however, be easily done from within
the MVoD Client in the tools menu.
Enjoy the MVoD Service!
If you have any comments, please send us your feedback to
-- Wieland
Very special thanks for their help/support/jokes/hacks/bugs/bug-fixes/etc.
that contributed tremendously to the project goes to:
- Achim Steinacker (now Technical University of Darmstadt) - the MVoD Server guy
- Markus Kaas (now SAP AG Walldorf) - the 1. MVoD Client guy
- Michael Grundel (University of Mannheim) - the 2. MVoD Client guy
- Reinhard Kirchner (University of Mannheim) - the Admin Tool guy
- Christian Bartolomae (University of Mannheim) - the Local-Client guy
- Mattias Mattsson (ICAST Corp.) - the plumber (working hard with the pump)
- and many others... (let me know if you think you are missing on the list :)
Wieland Holfelder