Sieve Mail Filtering Language (sieve)

 Last Modified: 2008-04-23

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Cyrus Daboo  <>
     Alexey Melnikov  <>

 Applications Area Director(s):
     Chris Newman  <>
     Lisa Dusseault  <>

 Applications Area Advisor:
     Lisa Dusseault  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       body=subscribe

Description of Working Group:

The sieve mail filtering language specified in RFC 3028 has now been
implemented in a wide variety of user agents (UAs), mail delivery 
agents (MDAs), and mail transfer agents (MTAs). Several extensions have
been specified (RFCs 3431, 3598, 3685, 3894) and have also been widely
implemented. Several additional sieve extensions have been defined in
various internet-drafts.

All of these documents are individual submissions; up to this point
work on sieve has been done informally and not under the auspices of
any IETF working group.

The sieve working group is being chartered to:

(1) Revise the base sieve specification, RFC 3028, with the intention 
of moving it to draft standard. Substantive additions or revisions to
the base specification are out of scope of this working group. However,
the need to loosen current restrictions on side effects of tests as 
as the need for a normative reference to the newly-defined comparators
registry may necessitate a recycle at proposed.

(2) Produce updated sieve relational (RFC 3431), subaddress (RFC 3598),
spamtest/virustest (RFC 3685), and copy (RFC 3894) extension
specifications, again with the intention of making a move to
draft standard possible. It may be necessary to recycle some or all
of these documents at proposed, depending on the scope of any changes.

(3) Finalize and publish the sieve extensions as proposed standards:

(a) Variables (draft-homme-sieve-variables-04.txt)
(b) Vacation action (draft-showalter-sieve-vacation-05.txt)
(c) Message body tests (draft-degener-sieve-body-02.txt)
(d) Regular expressions (draft-murchison-sieve-regex-07.txt)
(e) MIME part tests (draft-daboo-sieve-mime-00.txt)
(f) Notification action (draft-martin-sieve-notify-02.txt)
(g) IMAP flags (draft-melnikov-sieve-imapflags-06.txt)
(h) Header editing actions (draft-degener-sieve-editheader-01.txt)
(i) Reject before delivery (draft-elvey-refuse-sieve-01.txt)

Additional drafts may be added this list, but only via a charter
revision. There must also be demonstrable willingness in the sieve
development community to actually implement a given extension before
it can be added to this charter.

Some aspects of sieve have complex internationalization issues; the 
working group will seek out internationalization expertise as needed 
to complete its work.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit revised variables draft. 

   Done         Submit revised vacation draft. 

   Done         WG last call for variables draft. 

   Done         Initial submission of RFC 3028bis. 

   Done         WG last call for RFC 3028bis. 

   Done         Initial submission of revised relational draft. 

   Done         Initial submission of revised subaddress draft. 

   Done         Initial submission of revised spamtest/virustest draft. 

   Done         Submit revised editheader draft. 

   Done         Submit revised imapflags draft. 

   Done         WG last call of revised subaddress draft. 

   Done         Submit revised body test draft. 

   Done         WG last call for editheader draft. 

   Done         Submit revised reject before delivery draft. 

   Done         WG last call for body test draft. 

   Done         WG last call for refuse draft 

   Done         WG last call of revised spamtest draft 

   Done         Submit variables draft to IESG 

   Done         Submit revised notification action draft 

   Done         WG last call of revised relational draft 

   Done         WG last call for imap-flags draft 

   Done         WG last call for vacation draft 

   Done         Submit revised loop draft 

   Done         Submit revised relational draft to IESG 

   Done         Submit vacation draft to IESG 

   Done         WG last call of revised subaddress draft 

   Done         Submit revised subaddress draft to IESG 

   Done         Submit imapflags draft to IESG 

   Done         Submit revised spamtest draft to IESG 

   May 2006       Submit editheader draft to IESG 

   Done         Submit 3028bis to IESG 

   Jun 2006       Submit revised regex draft 

   Done         Submit body test draft to IESG 

   Jul 2006       Submit refuse draft to IESG 

   Jul 2006       WG last call of regex draft 

   Done         WG last call for notification action draft 

   Done         Submit notification action draft to IESG 

   Aug 2006       3028bis interop report framework/matrix 

   Aug 2006       WG last call for loop draft 

   Sep 2006       Submit loop draft to IESG 

   Sep 2006       Submit regex action draft to IESG 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Feb 2005 Mar 2008   <draft-ietf-sieve-editheader-11.txt>
                Sieve Email Filtering: Editheader Extension 

May 2005 May 2008   <draft-ietf-sieve-refuse-reject-07.txt>
                Sieve Email Filtering: Reject and Extended Reject Extensions 

Sep 2005 Dec 2007   <draft-ietf-sieve-notify-12.txt>
                SIEVE Email Filtering: Extension for Notifications 

Dec 2005 Mar 2008   <draft-ietf-sieve-notify-mailto-07.txt>
                Sieve Notification Mechanism: mailto 

Jan 2006 Feb 2008   <draft-ietf-sieve-notify-xmpp-09.txt>
                Sieve Notification Mechanism: xmpp 

Mar 2006 Feb 2008   <draft-ietf-sieve-mime-loop-04.txt>
                Sieve Email Filtering: MIME part Tests, Iteration, Extraction, 
                Replacement and Enclosure 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC5228 PS   Jan 2008    Sieve: An Email Filtering Language 

RFC5235 PS   Jan 2008    SIEVE Email Filtering: Spamtest and Virustest Extensions 

RFC5229 PS   Jan 2008    Sieve Email Filtering: Variables Extension 

RFC5230 PS   Jan 2008    Sieve Email Filtering: Vacation Extension 

RFC5231 PS   Jan 2008    Sieve Email Filtering: Relational Extension 

RFC5232 PS   Jan 2008    SIEVE Email Filtering: IMAP4flag Extension 

RFC5233 PS   Jan 2008    Sieve Email Filtering: Subaddress Extension 

RFC5173 PS   Apr 2008    Sieve Email Filtering: Body Extension