Network File System Version 4 (nfsv4)

 Last Modified: 2006-03-24

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Brian Pawlowski  <>
     Spencer Shepler  <>

 Transport Area Director(s):
     Magnus Westerlund  <>
     Lars Eggert  <>

 Transport Area Advisor:
     Lars Eggert  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The objective of this working group is to advance the state of NFS
technology by producing specifications to extend the original NFS
Version 4 work (RFC 3010) to provide additional capabilities, as
described below.

o NFS version 4

  Advance the protocol along the standards track, coordinating the
  development of test suites to provide a high level of implementation
  quality. The ONC RPC standards that NFSv4 references must also be
  advanced. This includes work to make NFSv4 and the underlying ONC RPC
  protocol compatible with IPv6.  Specifically, we will advance RFC 
  3010, RFC 1831, RFC 1833 and RFC 2203 to Draft Standard. The working 
  group will help advance related security RFCs, specifically through
  the definition of a method to advance APIs.

o Replication and Migration

  The original working group defined a mechanism for NFS clients and
  servers to support replication and migration of data transparently
  to an application.  Left undefined in the initial work was the
  server back end migration and replication mechanism.  The working
  group will produce a draft submission of a replication/migration
  protocol that supports NFS Version 4 clients - needed to create and
  maintain replicated filesystems as well as migrating filesystems
  from one location to another -  and servers for consideration as
  Proposed Standard.

o Management

  The working group will produce a draft submission for consideration
  as Proposed Standard of a management MIBs to provide better 
  management and administration capabilities for NFS and ONC RPC.

o Minor Versions

  NFS Version 4 contains within it the capability for minor versioning.
  Some discussions within the working group suggest addressing
  additional requirements over the original charter.  The WG will work
  to identify additional requirements for NFSv4 and determine if they
  are appropriate and worthwhile for a minor version.  This work may
  lead to proposals for additional work items.  If it does a specific
  proposal to add these work items to the charter will be forwarded to
  the IESG and IAB.

o RDMA/RDDP enabling

  The performance benefit of RDMA/RDDP transports in NFS-related
  applications, by reducing the overhead of data and metadata
  exchange, has been demonstrated sufficiently such that the
  working group will pursue in parallel enabling NFS and RPC over
  the transport defined by the RDDP working group. The WG will
  restrict its initial activities to defining the problem
  statement and specifying the requirements for possible
  extensions to RPC and NFS (in the context of a minor

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Issue strawman Internet-Draft for v4 

   Done         Submit Initial Internet-Draft of requirements document 

   Done         Submit Final Internet-Draft of requirements document 

   Done         AD reassesses WG charter 

   Done         Submit v4 Internet-Draft sufficient to begin prototype 

   Done         Begin Interoperability testing of prototype implementations 

   Done         Submit NFS version 4 to IESG for consideration as a Proposed 

   Done         Conduct final Interoperability tests 

   Done         Conduct full Interoperability tests for all NFSv4 features 

   Done         Update API advancement draft 

   Done         Form core design team to work on NFS V4 migration/replication 
                requirements and protocol 

   Done         Submit revised NFS Version 4 specification (revision to RFC 
                3010) to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard 

   Done         Strawman NFS V4 replication/migration protocol proposal 
                submitted as an ID 

   Mar 2003       ADs to submit API advancement internet draft as informational 
                RFC (needed to advance GSSAPI to Draft Standard to allow 
                advancement of NFS Version 4) 

   Mar 2003       Continued interoperability testing of NFS Version 4 

   Apr 2003       Internet draft on NFS V4 migration/replication requirements 

   Apr 2003       AD review of NFS V4 migration/replication requirements draft 

   Apr 2003       Creation of internet draft on ONC RPC MIB 

   Apr 2003       Revision of internet draft on NFS MIB 

   Apr 2003       Draft problem statement I-D for NFS/RPC/RDDP submitted 

   May 2003       Document full Interoperability tests for all NFSv4 features 

   Jun 2003       Depending on results of AD review of NFS Version 4 
                migration/replication requirements document, review scope of 

   Jun 2003       Submit related Proposed Standards required by NFS Version 4 for 
                consideration as Draft Standards to IESG - RFCs 1831, 1833, 
                2203, 2078, 2744, RFC 1964, & 2847 

   Jun 2003       Draft requirements document I-D for NFS/RPC/RDDP submitted 

   Jun 2003       Submit ONC RPC and NFS MIBs to IESG for consideration as 
                Proposed Standards 

   Jun 2003       Submit an NFS V4 migration/replication protocol to IESG for 
                consideration as a Proposed Standard 

   Jun 2003       Submit report on results of NFS version 4 RFC interoperability 

   Jul 2003       AD review of NFS/RPC/RDDP progress and charter 

   Jul 2003       Interoperability tests of NFS V4 migration/replication 

   Aug 2003       Submit revised NFS Version 4 Proposed Standard for 
                consideration as Draft Standard to IESG 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
May 2003 Dec 2006   <draft-ietf-nfsv4-rfc1831bis-06.txt>
                RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2 

Feb 2004 Oct 2006   <draft-ietf-nfsv4-nfs-rdma-problem-statement-05.txt>
                NFS RDMA Problem Statement 

Jul 2004 Oct 2006   <draft-ietf-nfsv4-rpcrdma-04.txt>
                RDMA Transport for ONC RPC 

Jul 2004 Oct 2006   <draft-ietf-nfsv4-nfsdirect-04.txt>
                NFS Direct Data Placement 

Oct 2005 Mar 2007   <draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion1-10.txt>
                NFSv4 Minor Version 1 

Jan 2006 Mar 2007   <draft-ietf-nfsv4-pnfs-block-03.txt>
                pNFS Block/Volume Layout 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC2623 PS   Jul 1999    NFS Version 2 and Version 3 Security Issues and the NFS 
                       Protocol's Use of RPCSEC_GSS and Kerberos V5 

RFC2624 I    Jul 1999    NFS Version 4 Design Considerations 

RFC3010 PS   Dec 2000    NFS version 4 

RFC3530 PS   May 2003    Network File System (NFS) version 4 Protocol 

RFC4506Standard  May 2006    XDR: External Data Representation Standard