Layer 1 Virtual Private Networks (l1vpn)

 Last Modified: 2007-12-02

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Adrian Farrel  <>
     Hamid Ould-Brahim  <>
     Tomonori Takeda  <>

 Routing Area Director(s):
     Ross Callon  <>
     David Ward  <>

 Routing Area Advisor:
     David Ward  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The L1VPN Working Group's task is to specify mechanisms necessary for
providing layer-1 VPN services (establishment of layer-1 connections
between CE devices) over a GMPLS-enabled transport service-provider 

The following two service models will be addressed:

1. Basic mode: the CE-PE interface's functional repertoire is limited 
path setup signalling only. Provider's network is not involved in
distribution of customer network's routing information.

2. Enhanced mode: the CE-PE interface provides the signaling
capabilities as in the Basic mode, plus permits limited exchange of
information between the control planes of the provider and the customer
to help such functions as discovery of reachability information in
remote sites, or parameters of the part of the provider's network
dedicated to the customer.

The WG will work on the following items:

1. Framework document defining the reference network model, L1VPN
service model, fundamental assumptions, and terminology.

2. Specification of the L1VPN signaling functionality between the
customer and the provider network to support the basic mode.

3. Specification of the L1VPN signaling and routing functionality 
the provider network to support the basic mode.

4. OAM features and MIB modules and/or extensions required for the 

5. Specification of the L1VPN signaling and routing functionality
between the customer and the provider network to support the extended 

6. Specification of the L1VPN signaling and routing functionality 
the provider network to support the extended mode.

7. OAM features and MIB modules and/or extensions required for the
extended mode.

8. Applicability guidelines to compare the basic and extended modes.

At this point the WG will address the single-AS scenario only. The
multi-AS/provider scenario may be considered in future.

Protocol extensions required for L1VPN will be done in cooperation with
MPLS, CCAMP, OSPF, IS-IS, IDR, L3VPN, and other WGs where necessary.

L1VPN WG shall also cooperate with ITU-T SG13 through the established
IETF process, and use documents Y.1312 and Y.1313 (describing L1VPN
requirements and network architectures) as input to its design process.
The documents will be available at the IETF liaison web-site.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit first Internet Draft of L1VPN framework 

   Done         Submit first Internet Drafts of basic mode specifications 

   Dec 2005       Submit first Internet Drafts of MIB modules for basic mode 

   Apr 2006       Submit basic mode specifications to IESG for publication as 
                Proposed Standard 

   Jun 2006       Submit first Internet Drafts of enhanced mode specifications 

   Aug 2006       Submit MIB modules for basic mode to IESG for publication as 
                Proposed Standard 

   Dec 2006       Submit enhanced mode specifications to IESG for publication as 
                Proposed Standard 

   Dec 2006       Submit L1VPN framework to IESG for publication as Informational 

   Aug 2007       Submit MIB modules for enhanced mode to IESG for publication as 
                Proposed Standard 

   Dec 2007       Recharter or disband 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
May 2006 Jan 2008   <draft-ietf-l1vpn-bgp-auto-discovery-03.txt>
                BGP-based Auto-Discovery for L1VPNs 

Jun 2006 Dec 2007   <draft-ietf-l1vpn-ospf-auto-discovery-04.txt>
                OSPF Based Layer 1 VPN Auto-Discovery 

Nov 2006 Oct 2007   <draft-ietf-l1vpn-applicability-basic-mode-03.txt>
                Applicability Statement for Layer 1 Virtual Private Networks 
                (L1VPNs) Basic Mode 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC4847 I    Apr 2007    Framework and Requirements for Layer 1 Virtual Private 