IP Storage (ips)

 Last Modified: 2006-05-31

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     David Black  <black_david@emc.com>

 Transport Area Director(s):
     Magnus Westerlund  <magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com>
     Lars Eggert  <lars.eggert@nokia.com>

 Transport Area Advisor:
     Lars Eggert  <lars.eggert@nokia.com>

 Technical Advisor(s):
     Keith McCloghrie  <kzm@cisco.com>
     Murali Rajagopal  <muralir@broadcom.com>
     Franco Travostino  <travos@nortelnetworks.com>
     John Hufferd  <jhufferd@brocade.com>

 Mailing Lists: 
     General Discussion:ips@ietf.org
     To Subscribe:      https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ips
         In Body:       subscribe
     Archive:           http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ips/index.html

Description of Working Group:

There is significant interest in using IP-based networks to transport 
block storage traffic. This group will pursue the pragmatic approach of
encapsulating existing protocols, such as SCSI and Fibre Channel, in an
IP-based transport or transports. The group will focus on the 
or transports and related issues (e.g., security, naming, discovery, 
configuration), as opposed to modifying existing protocols. Standards 
for the protocols to be encapsulated are controlled by other standards
organizations (e.g., T10 [SCSI] and T11 [Fibre Channel]). The WG cannot
assume that any changes it desires will be made in these standards, and
hence will pursue approaches that do not depend on such changes unless 
they are unavoidable. In that case the WG will create a document to be 
forwarded to the standards group responsible for the technology 
explaining the issue and requesting the desired changes be considered. 
The WG will endeavor to ensure high quality communications with these 
standards organizations. The WG will consider whether a layered 
architecture providing common transport, security, and/or other 
functionality for its encapsulations is the best technical approach. 

The protocols to be encapsulated expect a reliable transport, in that
failure to deliver data is considered to be a rare event for which
time-consuming recovery at higher levels is acceptable. This has
implications for both the choice of transport protocols and design of 
the encapsulation(s). The WG's encapsulations may require quality of 
service assurances (e.g., bounded latency) to operate successfully; 
WG will consider what assurances are appropriate and how to provide 
in shared traffic environments (e.g., the Internet) based on existing 
IETF QoS mechanisms such as Differentiated Services. 

Use of IP-based transports raises issues that do not occur in the 
existing transports for the protocols to be encapsulated. The WG's 
protocol encapsulations will incorporate the following: 

- Congestion control suitable for shared traffic network 
  environments such as the Internet. 

- Security including authentication, keyed cryptographic data 
  integrity and confidentiality, sufficient to defend against threats
  up to and including those that can be expected on a public network. 
  Implementation of basic security functionality will be required, 
  although usage may be optional.

The WG will also address the following issues related to its protocol

- Naming and discovery mechanisms for the encapsulated protocols on 
  IP-based networks, including both discovery of resources (e.g., 
  storage) for access by the discovering entity, and discovery for 

- Management, including appropriate MIB definition(s) for the 

- By agreement with the IESG, the WG will additionally develop MIB
  definitions for the SCSI and Fiber Channel standards. 

The WG specifications will allow the implementation of bridges and 
gateways that connect to existing implementations of the encapsulated 
protocols. The WG will preserve the approaches to discovery, 
multi-pathing, booting, and similar issues taken by the protocols it 
encapsulates to the extent feasible. 

It may be necessary for traffic using the WG's encapsulations to pass
through Network Address Translators (NATs) and/or firewalls in some
circumstances; the WG will endeavor to design NAT- and 
firewall-friendly protocols that do not dynamically select target 
or require Application Level Gateways. 

Effective implementations of some IP transports for the encapsulated
protocols are likely to require hardware acceleration; the WG will 
consider issues concerning the effective implementation of its 
protocols in hardware.

The standard internet checksum is weaker than the checksums use by 
other implementations of the protocols to be encapsulated. The WG will 
consider what levels of data integrity assurance are required and how 
they should be achieved. 

The WG will produce requirements and specification documents for each
protocol encapsulation, and may produce applicability statements. The
requirements and specification documents will consider both disk and 
tape devices, taking note of the variation in scale from single drives 
to large disk arrays and tape libraries, although the requirements and 
specifications need not encompass all such devices. 

The WG will not work on: 

- Extensions to existing protocols such as SCSI and Fibre Channel
  beyond those strictly necessary for the use of IP-based transports. 

- Modifications to internet transport protocols or approaches
  requiring transport protocol options that are not widely supported,
  although the WG may recommend use of such options for block storage 

- Support for environments in which significant data loss or data
  corruption is acceptable. 

- File system protocols. 

Operational Structure: 

Keith McCloghrie (kzm@cisco.com) will serve as the MIB and Network 
Management advisor for the WG. 

Due to the scope of the task and the need for parallel progress on 
multiple work items, the WG effort is organized as follows: 

A technical coordinator will be identified and selected for each 
protocol encapsulation adopted as a work item by the group. This 
will be responsible for coordinating the technical efforts of the 
with respect to that encapsulation, working with and motivating the 
document editors, and evangelizing the group's work within both the 
community and relevant external organizations such as T10 and T11. 

In addition to the normal responsibilities of IETF working group 
chairs, the IPS chairs are responsible for selection of coordinators, 
identifying areas of technical commonality and building 
cross-technology efforts within the group. 

Coordinators for initially important encapsulations: 

SCSI over IP (aka iSCSI): John Hufferd (hufferd@us.ibm.com) 

Fibre Channel (FC-2) over IP: Murali Rajagopal (muralir@cox.net) 

iFCP: Franco Travostino (travos@nortelnetworks.com)

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit the initial protocol encapsulations as working group 

   Done         Submit initial version of framework document as an 

   Done         Discuss drafts and issues at the IETF meeting in San Diego. 

   Done         Discuss framework, specification and related drafts (e.g., 
                MIBs, discovery) for the protocol encapsulations at IETF 
                meeting in Minneapolis. 

   Done         Submit final version of iSCSI requirements draft to the IESG 
                for consideration as Informational RFC. 

   Done         Submit initial Internet-Draft of FCIP/iFCP common encapsulation 

   Done         Begin revision of WG charter in consultation with the Area 

   Done         Meet at IETF meeting in London to discuss specification and 
                related drafts (e.g., MIBs, discovery) for the protocol 

   Done         WG Last Call on IPS security considerations document. 

   Done         WG Last Calls on iSCSI, iSCSI naming/discovery, and iSCSI MIB. 

   Done         WG Last Calls on all WG drafts intended to be published as 
                RFCs, except NAA naming draft 

   Done         Submit remaining non-MIB protocol drafts intended to be 
                published as RFCs to IESG, except NAA naming draft 

   Done         Revise iSCSI boot draft to address security issues and submit 
                to IESG 

   Done         Determine whether to advance NAA naming draft for publication 
                as an RFC in consultation with Technical Committee T10 

   Done         Submit draft on iSCSI ordering considerations for SCSI commands 
                to IESG for consideration as Informational. 

   Done         Submit NAA naming draft to IESG for publication as an RFC 

   Done         Review with ADs what (if any) additional work the WG should 

   Done         Submit iSER (iSCSI Extensions for RDMA) and DA (Datamover 
                Architecture) drafts to IESG as for Proposed Standard 

   Done         Submit remaining MIB draft (iSNS) to IESG for Proposed Standard 

   Dec 2006       Submit X#NodeArchitecture key draft to IESG for RFC publication 

   Jan 2007       Submit iSCSI clarifications and corrections draft to IESG for 
                Proposed Standard 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Oct 2001 Oct 2006   <draft-ietf-ips-isns-mib-10.txt>
                Definitions of Managed Objects for iSNS (Internet Storage Name 

Sep 2004 Dec 2006   <draft-ietf-ips-iwarp-da-05.txt>
                Datamover Architecture for iSCSI (DA) 

Sep 2004 Oct 2005   <draft-ietf-ips-iser-06.txt>
                iSCSI Extensions for RDMA Specification 

Jul 2005 Sep 2006   <draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-impl-guide-03.txt>
                iSCSI Implementer's Guide 

May 2006 Nov 2006   <draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-nodearch-key-03.txt>
                Declarative Public Extension Key for iSCSI Node Architecture 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC3347 I    Jul 2002    Small Computer Systems Interface protocol over the 
                       Internet (iSCSI) Requirements and Design Considerations 

RFC3643Standard  Dec 2003    FC Frame Encapsulation 

RFC3723Standard  Apr 2004    Securing Block Storage Protocols over IP 

RFC3722Standard  Apr 2004    String Profile for iSCSI Names 

RFC3721 I    Apr 2004    iSCSI Naming and Discovery 

RFC3720Standard  Apr 2004    Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) 

RFC3783 I    May 2004    SCSI Command Ordering Considerations with iSCSI 

RFC3821Standard  Jul 2004    Fibre Channel Over TCP/IP (FCIP) 

RFC3822Standard  Jul 2004    Finding FCIP Entities Using SLPv2 

RFC3980Standard  Feb 2005    T11 Network Address Authority (NAA) naming format for 
                       iSCSI Node Names 

RFC4018Standard  May 2005    Finding Internet Small Computer Systems Interface 
                       (iSCSI) Targets and Name Servers using Service Location 
                       Protocol version 2 (SLPv2) 

RFC4044Standard  May 2005    Fibre Channel Management MIB 

RFC4171Standard  Sep 2005    Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) 

RFC4172Standard  Sep 2005    iFCP - A Protocol for Internet Fibre Channel Storage 

RFC4173Standard  Sep 2005    Bootstrapping Clients using the Internet Small Computer 
                       System Interface (iSCSI) Protocol 

RFC4369Standard  Jan 2006    Definitions of Managed Objects for Internet Fibre 
                       Channel Protocol iFCP 

RFC4404 PS   Feb 2006    Definitions of Managed Objects for Fibre Channel Over 
                       TCP/IP (FCIP) 

RFC4455 PS   Apr 2006    Definition of Managed Objects for Small Computer System 
                       Interface (SCSI) Entities 

RFC4545 PS   May 2006    Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Storage User 
                       Identity Authorization 

RFC4544 PS   May 2006    Definitions of Managed Objects for Internet Small 
                       Computer System Interface (iSCSI)