Domain Keys Identified Mail (dkim)

 Last Modified: 2007-10-15

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Stephen Farrell  <>
     Barry Leiba  <>

 Security Area Director(s):
     Tim Polk  <>
     Sam Hartman  <>

 Security Area Advisor:
     Tim Polk  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The Internet mail protocols and infrastructure allow mail sent from one
domain to purport to be from another. While there are sometimes
legitimate reasons for doing this, it has become a source of general
confusion, as well as a mechanism for fraud and for distribution of 
spam (when done illegitimately, it's called "spoofing"). The DKIM 
working group will produce standards-track specifications that allow a 
domain to take responsibility, using digital signatures, for having 
taken part in the transmission of an email message and to 
publish "policy" information about how it applies those signatures. 
Taken together, these will assist receiving domains in detecting (or 
ruling out) certain forms of spoofing as it pertains to the signing 

The DKIM working group will produce a summary of the threats that are
addressed by the proposed standards-track specifications, while
acknowledging their limitations and scope. The DKIM working group will
also produce security requirements to guide their efforts, and will
analyze the impact on senders and receivers who are not using DKIM,
particularly any cases in which mail may be inappropriately labeled as
suspicious or spoofed.

While the techniques specified by the DKIM working group will not 
prevent fraud or spam, they will provide a tool for defense against 
them by assisting receiving domains in detecting some spoofing of 
known domains. The standards-track specifications will not mandate any 
particular action by the receiving domain when a signature fails to 
validate. That said, with the understanding that guidance is necessary 
for implementers, the DKIM documents should discuss a reasonable set 
of possible actions and strategies, and analyze their likely effects 
on attacks and on normal email delivery. The DKIM working group will 
not attempt to establish requirements for trust relationships between 
domains nor to specify reputation or accreditation systems.

The DKIM working group will consider mailing-list behaviour that is
currently deemed acceptable, will make every effort to allow such 
mailing lists to continue to operate in a DKIM environment, and will 
provide a plan for smooth transition of mailing lists that fail to 
operate. The specifications will also advise mailing lists on how to 
take advantage of DKIM if they should choose to do so.

The signatures will use public-key cryptography and will be based on
domain name identifiers. Public keys needed to validate the signatures
will be stored in the responsible identity's DNS hierarchy. The
specifications will be based on the following Internet Drafts:

   * draft-fenton-dkim-threats
   * draft-allman-dkim-base
   * draft-allman-dkim-ssp

These documents represent experimentation and consensus from a number 
of designers and early implementors.

Experimentation has resulted in Internet deployment of these
specifications. Although not encouraged, non-backwards-compatible 
changes to these specifications will be acceptable if the DKIM working 
group determines that the changes are required to meet the group's 
technical objectives.

The resulting protocols must meet typical criteria for success. In
addition to security, these include usability, scalability, ease of
deployment, and cryptographic algorithm independence.

To prevent this task from becoming unwieldy, several related topics are
considered out of scope for the DKIM working group. These topics 

* Reputation and accreditation systems. While we expect these to add
  value to what is defined by the DKIM working group, their development
  will be separate, and is out of scope for the DKIM working group.

* Message content encryption.

* Additional key management protocols or infrastructure.

* Signatures that are intended to make long-term assertions beyond the
  expected transit time of a message from originator to recipient, 
  which is normally only a matter of a few days at most.

* Signatures that attempt to make strong assertions about the identity
  of the message author, and details of user-level signing of messages
  (as distinguished from domain-level keys that are restricted to
  specific users).

* Duplication of prior work in signed email, including S/MIME and

Once the primary goals are met, the DKIM working group may also study
whether to adopt a work item for specifying a common mechanism to
communicate the results of message verification to the message 
recipient. The generation of a standards-track specification on this 
topic will require an update to the DKIM working group charter.

The deliverables for the DKIM working group are these:

* An informational RFC presenting a detailed threat analysis of, and
  security requirements for, DKIM. IESG approval of this document is
  a prerequisite for the submission of the standards-track

* A standards-track specification for DKIM signature and verification.

* A standards-track specification for DKIM policy handling.

* A standards-track specification for DKIM DNS Resource Record(s).

* An informational RFC providing an overview of DKIM and how it can
  fit into overall messaging systems, how it relates to other IETF
  message signature technologies, implementation and migration
  considerations, and outlining potential DKIM applications and
  future extensions.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         WG last call on DKIM threats and security requirements 

   Done         WG last call on DKIM signature specification 

   Done         WG last call on SSP requirements 

   Done         WG adoption of SSP protocol draft 

   Nov 2007       WG last call on SSP protocol 

   Nov 2007       WG last call on overview document 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Jun 2006 Feb 2008   <draft-ietf-dkim-overview-09.txt>
                DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Service Overview 

Jul 2007 Feb 2008   <draft-ietf-dkim-ssp-03.txt>
                DKIM Author Signing Practices (ASP) 

Nov 2007 Feb 2008   <draft-ietf-dkim-deployment-01.txt>
                DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Development, Deployment and 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC4686 I    Sep 2006    Analysis of Threats Motivating DomainKeys Identified 
                       Mail (DKIM) 

RFC4871 PS   May 2007    DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures 

RFC5016 I    Oct 2007    Requirements for a DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) 
                       Signing Practices Protocol