SIP/IN Interworking BOF (sin) Tuesday, August 1 at 1415-1515 ============================== CHAIRS: L. Slutsman <> Hui-Lan Lu <> DESCRIPTION: "The SIP/IN Interworking (SIN) BOF is intended to determine whether a working item on SIP/IN interworking is needed in the IETF, and, if so, whether the relevant work is to be carried in an existing working group or a new working group is to be created. SIP/IN Interworking is considered here for the purpose of utilizing the existing Intelligent Network solutions in setting up an 'IP_Host-to-Phone' call. The solution of this problem is essential to the industry in order to re-use the existing applications in the IP telephony environment: most telephony applications (800, PSTN VPN, credit card calling, to name only a few) are based on IN. It is essential then to re-use them in the IP telephony environment. The proposed architecture employs the Software Switch (soft switch), which appears to the PSTN (in this case, the IN service control point) as a "normal" PSTN switch; it appears to the IP network as a SIP Server. Thus, the soft switch must translate certain SIP messages into appropriate Intelligent Network Application Part (INAP) queries to service control; conversely, responses and instructions from the service control must be translated into (sequences of) SIP messages. In particular, 1) IN Call Model must be interpreted for the SIP-based IP telephony environment; 2) IN messages must be mapped into (sequences of) SIP messages and vice versa 3) IN parameters must be mapped into existing SIP parameters (or relevant SIP extensions must be defined) and vice versa This work will need careful coordination with the ITU-T IN Questions. AGENDA: Introduction - Chairs, 5 mins Problem statement - I. Faynberg, 5 mins ITU-T, - D. Lebovits 5 mins Implementation experience with SIP-enabled IN services - V. Gurbani, 5 mins SIP/INAP interworking - H. Schulzrinne, 10 mins Open discussion - all, 25 mins What's next - all , 5 mins