6	Tips and Tricks


This chapter gives you some tips and shortcuts to help you use NCSA Mosaic 

Canceling a Document Transfer

If a file is taking too long to transfer, cancel the download by left-clicking on the 
Mosaic spinning globe icon in the top right-hand corner of the Mosaic window.

Going Back to an Internal Hyperlink

Some documents have a set of internal hyperlinks from one location in a docu-
ment to another location in the same document. In this case, using the Back 
menu option or button returns you to the start of the hyperlink, but you remain 
in the current document.

An example of internal hyperlinks is in the BeginnerÕs Guide to HTML on the 
NCSA Mosaic Help menu. The Òtable of contentsÓ on the first screen of that doc-
ument is a set of internal hyperlinks within that guide. The Back button returns 
you to the start of the hyperlink.

Getting Source HTML

One of the best ways to learn the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is to 
mimic other documents. To do this you need to check the source file. 

To view a document source file, choose View Source... from the File menu. The Doc-
ument Source window opens displaying the coded source.

To mail a document source to yourself, choose Mail to... from the File menu. Enter 
your full electronic mail address, choose a file format, and click Mail.

Setting an Editor

You can edit a source document by choosing Edit Source... from the File menu. This 
is a convenience for Web document authors. If you already have an editor 
already set, no action is required.

To set an editor, add the name of your editor by including the following line in 
your .Xdefaults file:

Mosaic*defaulteditCommand /path/editorname

You can also set the EDITOR environment variable in your .login or .cshrc 

setenv EDITOR /path/editorname

Opening Document Directly

On occasion you may want to open a document directly instead of connecting to 
a document through a series of hyperlinks. To do this, use the Uniform 
Resource Locator (URL). URLs combine the protocol, name of the machine 
serving the file to the Internet, and the path and filename. 

From the File Menu

To open a document directly, select Open... from the File menu and enter the URL 
in the URL To Open field that appears in the dialog box. Your cursor must be in the 
field in the dialog box to type. 

Using the URL Field

You can enter a URL directly into the URL field at the top of your Mosaic win-
dow. Highlight the current URL and press the DELETE key to remove as much 
of the existing URL as necessary (e.g., you can almost always retain the http:// 
information and sometime much more if you are opening another document on 
the same server). Enter the URL and press RETURN. 

Displaying the URL

Your cursor becomes a small hand when you have it over a hyperlink. The URL 
of the document under the hand pointer is shown in the status line on the Doc-
ument View window. This tells you the server location where NCSA Mosaic 
will go to retrieve the document.

Another way to see the URL for a document is to open the document source file 
by choosing View Source... from the File menu. The Document Source window dis-
plays the HTML source file that is being interpreted by NCSA Mosaic. Look for 
the URL enclosed in one of the following HTML codes: <a href="URL"> or 
<img src="URL">. 

Saving Inlined Images

Occasionally you might want to save a particular image file. The process for 
doing this is less straightforward than saving the source HTML file. To save 
inlined images to disk:

1.	Choose View Source... from the File menu. Note the URL of the source image 
you want to download. Inline images are referenced with the <IMG SRC> 
tag (e.g., <IMG SRC="MyPicture.gif">).

2.	Choose Load To Local Disk from the Options menu.

3.	Select Open URLÉ from the File menu.

4.	Enter the URL of the inline image. If the URL in the IMG SRC tag is a com-
plete URL, enter that into the Open URL field. Otherwise, the image fileÕs 
location is relative to the source HTML document.

For example, if the URL of the source HTML document is 
http://www.univ.edu/directory/file.html, and the <IMG SRC> 
tag is 
<IMG SRC="MyPicture.gif">, then the URL of the inline image is 
http://www.univ.edu/directory/MyPicture.gif. Enter the full 
URL into the Open URL field.

5.	Press RETURN or click Open. A standard dialog box appears for you to specify 
the name and location of the downloaded file.

6.	Enter the name of the image file. Click OK. The image is saved as a binary 

NOTE: Remember to deselect the Load To Local Disk on the Options menu. If you 
leave it checked, all hyperlinks are saved rather than displayed.

Keyboard Options

Underlined Keys on a Selected Menu

Each underlined letter is a shortcut to the same action as the corresponding 
menu item after the menu is open on your screen. You must have first selected 
a menu for the underlined shortcuts to work.


While your mouse pointer is in the hypertext viewing area, the following hot-
keys (keyboard shortcuts for common actions) are active. As the table below 
shows, in most instances, NCSA Mosaic accepts either case for the hotkey.

	Equivalent	Action

	a or A	Annotate 

	b or B	Back

	c or C	Clone

	d or D	Document source

	f or F	Forward

	H	Hotlist

	m or M	Mail to

	n or N	New window	

	l or L	Open local

	o or O	Open URL

	p or P	Print

	R	Refresh

	r	Reload

	s or S	Search/find in document

	h	Window history

	ESC	Close current window

Moving Around the Window

Use the following arrow keys to move around in the NCSA Mosaic window:

	Key	Action

	Down arrow	Scroll down one line

	Up arrow	Scroll up one line

	Left arrow	Scroll left

	Right arrow	Scroll right

	PAGE UP	Scroll up one page

	PRIOR	Scroll up one page

	BACKSPACE	Scroll up one page

	DELETE	Scroll up one page

	PAGE DOWN	Scroll down one page

	NEXT	Scroll down one page

	RETURN	Scroll down one page

	TAB	Scroll down one page

	SPACE	Scroll down one page

Selecting Text

You can select text from the viewing area as though you were in a normal work-
station or editor window. Cut and paste into other X Window System windows 
as usual by pressing the left mouse button to begin selecting text and then 
holding the button down and dragging. Alternately, release the left mouse but-
ton and use the right mouse button to complete the selection. 

The Fancy Selections toggle under the Options menu causes the paste function to 
imitate the formatted display in the NCSA Mosaic viewing area.