shed.tif test image


Description: shed with "No Parking" sign and licence plates

Author: Jana Duncan


License information for the original raw digital photograph

Author: Jana Duncan

Summary: CC-by


The DSC_6745.NEF file, containing a raw digital photograph of a shed,
is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.


Creation of the test image from raw

Nikon D80 raw processed with photivo version 20120325hg-1dhor~oneiric
with everything plain vanilla except:
-White balance set to 5852 (with Spot)
-Turn off Wiener Filter (Sharpen) Only edges
-16-bit TIFF output
-Remove metadata and erase thumbnail
-1:1 (full size) output

The resulting 16-bit sRGB TIFF was further processed by NIP2:
-Import with embedded sRGB Perceptual
-Convert to XYZ
-Crop left 240, top 5, width 2520, height 2520
-im_shrink 3 3 (3x3 box downsampling to 840x840)
-Export with built-in sRGB Perceptual
-Save as TIFF

Finally, the file was stripped with exiftool -overwrite_original -all=


Abbreviated Exif data

FileName = DSC_6745.NEF
FileSize = 10212849
FileModifyDate = 1334191409
FilePermissions = 33204
FileType = NEF
MIMEType = image/x-nikon-nef
ExifByteOrder = MM
+ [IFD0 directory with 24 entries]
| 0) SubfileType = 1
| 1) ImageWidth = 160
| 2) ImageHeight = 120
| 3) BitsPerSample = 8 8 8
| 4) Compression = 1
| 5) PhotometricInterpretation = 2
| 7) Model = NIKON D80
| 8) StripOffsets = 119120
| 9) Orientation = 1
| 10) SamplesPerPixel = 3
| 11) RowsPerStrip = 120
| 12) StripByteCounts = 57600
| 13) XResolution = 300 (300/1)
| 14) YResolution = 300 (300/1)
| 15) PlanarConfiguration = 1
| 16) ResolutionUnit = 2
| 17) Software = Ver.1.11 
| 18) ModifyDate = 2011:11:19 03:35:53
| 19) SubIFD (SubDirectory) -->
| + [SubIFD directory with 8 entries]
| | 0) SubfileType = 1
| | 1) Compression = 6
| | 2) XResolution = 300 (300/1)
| | 3) YResolution = 300 (300/1)
| | 4) ResolutionUnit = 2
| | 5) JpgFromRawStart = 177088
| | 6) JpgFromRawLength = 1225659
| | 7) YCbCrPositioning = 2
| + [SubIFD1 directory with 17 entries]
| | 0) SubfileType = 0
| | 1) ImageWidth = 3904
| | 2) ImageHeight = 2616
| | 3) BitsPerSample = 12
| | 4) Compression = 34713
| | 5) PhotometricInterpretation = 32803
| | 6) StripOffsets = 1402748
| | 7) SamplesPerPixel = 1
| | 8) RowsPerStrip = 2616
| | 9) StripByteCounts = 8810101
| | 10) XResolution = 300 (300/1)
| | 11) YResolution = 300 (300/1)
| | 12) PlanarConfiguration = 1
| | 13) ResolutionUnit = 2
| | 14) CFARepeatPatternDim = 2 2
| | 15) CFAPattern2 = 1 2 0 1
| | 16) SensingMethod = 2
| 20) ReferenceBlackWhite = 0 255 0 255 0 255 (0/1 255/1 0/1 255/1 0/1 255/1)
| 21) ExifOffset (SubDirectory) -->
| + [ExifIFD directory with 32 entries]
| | 0) ExposureTime = 0.03333333333 (10/300)
| | 1) FNumber = 4 (40/10)
| | 2) ExposureProgram = 1
| | 3) ISO = 200
| | 4) DateTimeOriginal = 2011:11:19 03:35:53
| | 5) CreateDate = 2011:11:19 03:35:53
| | 6) ExposureCompensation = 0 (0/6)
| | 7) MaxApertureValue = 4 (40/10)
| | 8) MeteringMode = 5
| | 9) LightSource = 0
| | 10) Flash = 0
| | 11) FocalLength = 10 (100/10)
| | 12) MakerNoteNikon (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [MakerNotes directory with 54 entries]
| | | 0) MakerNoteVersion = 0210
| | | 1) ISO = 0 200
| | | 2) ColorMode = COLOR
| | | 3) Quality = RAW
| | | 4) WhiteBalance = AUTO
| | | 5) Sharpness = AUTO
| | | 6) FocusMode = AF-C
| | | 7) FlashSetting = NORMAL
| | | 8) FlashType =
| | | 9) WhiteBalanceFineTune = 0
| | | 10) WB_RBLevels = 1.73828125 1.37890625 1 1 (445/256 353/256 256/256 256/256)
| | | 11) ProgramShift = ..
| | | 12) ExposureDifference = ...
| | | 13) PreviewIFD (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [PreviewIFD directory with 7 entries]
| | | | 0) Compression = 6
| | | | 1) XResolution = 300 (300/1)
| | | | 2) YResolution = 300 (300/1)
| | | | 3) ResolutionUnit = 2
| | | | 4) PreviewImageStart = 12542
| | | | 5) PreviewImageLength = 105568
| | | | 6) YCbCrPositioning = 2
| | | 14) FlashExposureComp = ..
| | | 15) ISOSetting = 0 200
| | | 16) ExternalFlashExposureComp = ..
| | | 17) FlashExposureBracketValue = ..
| | | 18) ExposureBracketValue = 0 (0/6)
| | | 19) CropHiSpeed = 0 3904 2616 3904 2616 0 0
| | | 21) ColorSpace = 1
| | | 22) VRInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 8 bytes]
| | | | VRInfoVersion = 0100
| | | | VibrationReduction = 2
| | | 23) ToneComp = AUTO
| | | 24) LensType = 6
| | | 25) Lens = 10 20 4 5.6 (100/10 200/10 40/10 56/10)
| | | 26) FlashMode = 0
| | | 27) AFInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 4 bytes]
| | | | AFAreaMode = 0
| | | | AFPoint = 0
| | | | AFPointsInFocus = 1
| | | 28) ShootingMode = 0
| | | 29) Nikon_0x008a = 2
| | | 30) LensFStops = <..
| | | 31) ContrastCurve = I ...#(,159=BGLPUY^bglquz...[snip]
| | | 32) ColorHue = MODE1a
| | | 33) LightSource = NATURAL
| | | 34) ShotInfoD80 (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 1156 bytes]
| | | | ShotInfoVersion = 0208
| | | | ShutterCount = 8883
| | | | Rotation = 0
| | | | VibrationReduction = 0
| | | | FlashFired = 0
| | | | NikonImageSize = 0
| | | | ImageQuality = 4
| | | | CustomSettingsD80 (SubDirectory) -->
| | | | + [BinaryData directory, 17 bytes]
| | | | | Beep = 0
| | | | | AFAssist = 64
| | | | | NoMemoryCard = 0
| | | | | ImageReview = 0
| | | | | Illumination = 0
| | | | | MainDialExposureComp = 0
| | | | | EVStepSize = 0
| | | | | AutoISO = 0
| | | | | AutoISOMax = 48
| | | | | AutoISOMinShutterSpeed = 5
| | | | | AutoBracketSet = 0
| | | | | AutoBracketOrder = 0
| | | | | MonitorOffTime = 64
| | | | | MeteringTime = 4
| | | | | SelfTimerTime = 1
| | | | | AELockButton = 0
| | | | | AELock = 0
| | | | | RemoteOnDuration = 0
| | | | | CommandDials = 0
| | | | | FunctionButton = 0
| | | | | GridDisplay = 0
| | | | | ViewfinderWarning = 0
| | | | | CenterWeightedAreaSize = 4
| | | | | ExposureDelayMode = 0
| | | | | MB-D80Batteries = 0
| | | | | FlashWarning = 0
| | | | | FlashShutterSpeed = 0
| | | | | AutoFP = 0
| | | | | ModelingFlash = 0
| | | | | InternalFlash = 192
| | | | | ManualFlashOutput = 0
| | | | | RepeatingFlashOutput = 48
| | | | | RepeatingFlashCount = 9
| | | | | RepeatingFlashRate = 144
| | | | | CommanderChannel = 2
| | | | | CommanderInternalFlash = 0
| | | | | CommanderGroupAMode = 0
| | | | | CommanderGroupBMode = 0
| | | | | CommanderInternalTTLComp = 9
| | | | | CommanderInternalManualOutput = 224
| | | | | CommanderGroupA_TTL-AAComp = 9
| | | | | CommanderGroupAManualOutput = 0
| | | | | CommanderGroupB_TTL-AAComp = 9
| | | | | CommanderGroupBManualOutput = 0
| | | | | CenterAFArea = 0
| | | | | FocusAreaSelection = 0
| | | | | AFAreaIllumination = 0
| | | | | AFAreaModeSetting = 0
| | | 35) HueAdjustment = 0
| | | 36) NEFCompression = 1
| | | 37) NoiseReduction = OFF 
| | | 38) NEFLinearizationTable = D..H.H.H.H...!"#$%&'[snip]
| | | 39) ColorBalance02 (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 266 bytes]
| | | | WB_RGGBLevels = 445 256 256 353
| | | 40) LensData0201 (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 32 bytes]
| | | | LensDataVersion = 0202
| | | | ExitPupilPosition = 24
| | | | AFAperture = 48
| | | | FocusPosition = 85
| | | | FocusDistance = 86
| | | | FocalLength = 25
| | | | LensIDNumber = 249
| | | | LensFStops = 60
| | | | MinFocalLength = 25
| | | | MaxFocalLength = 49
| | | | MaxApertureAtMinFocal = 48
| | | | MaxApertureAtMaxFocal = 60
| | | | MCUVersion = 75
| | | | EffectiveMaxAperture = 48
| | | 41) RawImageCenter = 1952 1308
| | | 42) SensorPixelSize = 6.05 6.05 (605/100 605/100)
| | | 43) RetouchHistory = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
| | | 44) Nikon_0x00a3 = 0
| | | 45) Nikon_0x00a4 = 0200
| | | 46) ShutterCount = 8883
| | | 47) FlashInfo0100 (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 20 bytes]
| | | | FlashInfoVersion = 0101
| | | | FlashSource = 0
| | | | ExternalFlashFirmware = 0 0
| | | | ExternalFlashFlags = 0
| | | | FlashCommanderMode = 0
| | | | FlashControlMode = 0
| | | | FlashCompensation = 0
| | | | FlashFocalLength = 0
| | | | RepeatingFlashRate = 0
| | | | RepeatingFlashCount = 0
| | | | FlashGNDistance = 0
| | | | FlashGroupAControlMode = 0
| | | | FlashGroupBControlMode = 0
| | | | FlashGroupACompensation = 0
| | | | FlashGroupBCompensation = 0
| | | 48) ImageOptimization = NORMAL 
| | | 49) Saturation = AUTO 
| | | 50) VariProgram =
| | | 51) MultiExposure (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 16 bytes]
| | | | MultiExposureVersion = 0100
| | | | MultiExposureMode = 0
| | | | MultiExposureShots = 0
| | | | MultiExposureAutoGain = 0
| | | 52) HighISONoiseReduction = 0
| | | 53) ToningEffect =
| | 14) SubSecTime = 30
| | 15) SubSecTimeOriginal = 30
| | 16) SubSecTimeDigitized = 30
| | 17) SensingMethod = 2
| | 18) FileSource = 3
| | 19) SceneType = 1
| | 20) CFAPattern = .....
| | 21) CustomRendered = 0
| | 22) ExposureMode = 1
| | 23) WhiteBalance = 0
| | 24) DigitalZoomRatio = 1 (1/1)
| | 25) FocalLengthIn35mmFormat = 15
| | 26) SceneCaptureType = 0
| | 27) GainControl = 0
| | 28) Contrast = 0
| | 29) Saturation = 0
| | 30) Sharpness = 0
| | 31) SubjectDistanceRange = 0
| 22) DateTimeOriginal = 2011:11:19 03:35:53
| 23) TIFF-EPStandardID = 1 0 0 0