Thu May 08 16:49:20 GMT 2008
  Minor tweaks I suppose always follow a brand new stable release.
  No binary package changes.
meta/gsb-complete-2.22.1-noarch-5gsb.tgz: Updated.
  Thanks to John Garrott for pointing out that the gsb-complete
  metapackage wasn't so complete.  Added in the missing packages. :^)
libraries/XML-Simple-2.18-i586-3gsb.tgz: Removed.
  Deprecated.  Not a part of any installation, and replaced by 
  Slackware's perl.  Should have been removed from the tree earlier 
  but I missed this one.  :/
Mon May 05 17:47:19 GMT 2008
 GNOME SlackBuild 2.22.1 released for Slackware 12.1.