C363 - Course Description
Taught By: 
Dave Hearnshaw (Westminster)
Number of students and their location:
3 groups of 5 students for the videoconferencing sessions.
3 groups of 5 students for the face to face sessions.
All videoconference students located in separate rooms within the UCL Computer Science Department.
Start Date:

Number of Sessions:

8 sessions, plus face to face introduction and final roundup. 

Description of Course:

David Hearnshaw (Westminster) will teach a half-unit course on computer networking to students taking a B.Sc. in Information Management at UCL.  The students work through course materials on a CD-ROM and complete a set of coursework each week.  The students then attend a weekly 1-hour tutorial via videoconferencing in groups of 5-6, in which they discuss their solutions with David Hearnshaw and each other.  The students know each other well, but have not previous experience of videonconferencing.

partners|activities|timescales|network monitoring|ukerna|Software|PIPVIC-1|private_access