XML Representation of Unicode 15.1.0 UCD

© 2023 Unicode®, Inc.
For terms of use, see https://www.unicode.org/terms_of_use.html

This directory contains the representation in XML of Version 15.1.0 of
the UCD, using the schema defined by UAX #42: Unicode Character
Database in XML, at https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr42/

While every effort has been made to ensure consistency of the 
XML representation with the UCD files, there may be some errors;
the UCD files are authoritative.

There are six files, available in zip/jar format; the size is that of
the archive:

                    flat         grouped

no Unihan data     1,010 KB          600 KB
Unihan data only   7,108 KB        7,117 KB
complete UCD       9,341 KB        7,368 KB

The flat versions do not use the group mechanism. The grouped versions
use the group mechanism, with groups corresponding approximately to
the blocks (a few blocks have been subdivided).

The "no Unihan data" files do not contain the properties expressed only
in the Unihan database. The "Unihan data only" files contain only
the properties and code points expressed in the Unihan database.
The "complete UCD" files reflect the complete UCD data.