Robust Header Compression WG (rohc) Monday, November 8 at 09:00-11:30 ================================= CHAIRS: Carsten Bormann <> Lars-Erik Jonsson <> AGENDA: 0900 Chair admonishments and agenda bashing (Jonsson) 10 - NOTE: It is assumed that people have read all drafts 0910 WG and document status update (Jonsson) 20 - Published: RFC 3095, RTP RFC 3096, RTP requirements RFC 3241, ROHC over PPP RFC 3242, LLA RFC 3243, 0-byte RTP requirements RFC 3408, LLA R-mode RFC 3409, ROHC RTP lower layer guidelines RFC 3320, Signaling Compression (SigComp) RFC 3321, SigComp - Extended Operations RFC 3322, SigComp Req's & Assumptions RFC 3485, SigComp SIP/SDP static dictionary RFC 3486, Compressing SIP with SigComp RFC 3759, ROHC Terminology & channel mapping examples RFC 3816, Definitions of managed objects for ROHC RFC 3843, A ROHC profile for IP - Approved/in RFC editor queue: draft-ietf-rohc-udp-lite-04.txt (Proposed Standard) - Submitted to IESG: draft-ietf-rohc-sigcomp-nack-02 (Proposed Standard) draft-ietf-rohc-context-replication-06.txt (Proposed Standard) draft-ietf-rohc-tcp-requirements-08.txt (Informational) draft-ietf-rohc-tcp-field-behavior-04.txt (Informational) - Passed WGLC: None! - Current WG drafts: RTP/Framework: 2 ( TCP profile: 2 (profile/notation) SigComp: 2 (sigcomp-sip/ ROHC-General: 1 (reordering) 0930 SigComp towards Draft Standard (Bormann) 15 * Documents: RFC 3320, RFC 3321 draft-ietf-rohc-sigcomp-impl-guide-03.txt 0945 ROHC TCP & Formal Notation 30 * Documents: draft-ietf-rohc-tcp-08.txt draft-ietf-rohc-formal-notation-04.txt 1015 ROHC RTP towards Draft Standard 30 * Documents: draft-ietf-rohc-rtp-impl-guide-08.txt draft-ietf-rohc-rtp-rfc3095-interoperability-03.txt draft-brinkmann-rohc-3095-fn-00.txt - Introduction (Jonsson) (5) - Implementer's Guide (Jonsson) (10) - RFC 3095 in Formal Notation (Bormann) (15) 1045 LLA ROHC RTP Implementer's guide (Sandlund) 10 * Documents: draft-ietf-rohc-rtp-lla-impl-guide-00.txt 1055 ROHC over channels that can reorder packets (Pelletier) 5 * Documents: draft-ietf-rohc-over-reordering-00.txt 1100 ROHC over 802 networks (Bormann) 30 * Documents: draft-bormann-rohc-over-802-00.txt ================================ DRAFT SUMMARY: Approved for publication: RTP: draft-ietf-rohc-udp-lite-04.txt (PS) Submitted to IESG: SIG: draft-ietf-rohc-sigcomp-nack-02.txt (PS) TCP: draft-ietf-rohc-context-replication-06.txt (PS) TCP: draft-ietf-rohc-tcp-requirements-08.txt (I) TCP: draft-ietf-rohc-tcp-field-behavior-04.txt (I) Passed WGLC: None! Current WG drafts: RTP: draft-ietf-rohc-rtp-impl-guide-08.txt RTP: draft-ietf-rohc-rtp-rfc3095-interoperability-03.txt RTP: draft-ietf-rohc-rtp-lla-impl-guide-00.txt TCP: draft-ietf-rohc-tcp-08.txt TCP: draft-ietf-rohc-formal-notation-04.txt SIG: draft-ietf-rohc-sigcomp-sip-01.txt (EXPIRED) SIG: draft-ietf-rohc-sigcomp-impl-guide-03.txt GEN: draft-ietf-rohc-over-reordering-00.txt Individual submissions: GEN: draft-bormann-rohc-over-802-00.txt RTP: draft-brinkmann-rohc-3095-fn-00.txt Legend: RTP: ROHC RTP, including IP, UDP, ESP, LLA, UDP-Lite SIG: ROHC Signaling Compression TCP: ROHC TCP GEN: General ROHC issues