Begin3 Title: Dungeons of Noudar 3D Version: 1.2 Entered-date: 2022-01-23 Description: A first person 2.5D dungeon-crawler Summary: A first person 2.5D dungeon-crawler for Protected-Mode, written in C++14(ish) as a love letter to 90s RPGs. Sound options include Adlib, PCSpeaker and OPL2LPT. Keywords: games, rpg Author: Daniel Monteiro Primary-site: ALternate-site: Platforms: DOS Copying-policy: Modified BSD (2-Clause) License Modified-date: 2025-03-10.0 Group: games CRC: 8da868ec MD5: e00513ababfb7cb452cb0315a016488e SHA: 036136e4b980735162d271be1928851095d832fae8ef5b7c417f3a42714e5631 End