Index of /ftp/site/crypto/pgp/OLD/unix
- pgp263is.tar.gz
Source of PGP 2.6.3i, the current International version.
- pgp263i.patch
Patches to the PGP 2.6.3i source code to fix a few minor problems.
Source of PGP 2.6.2, the currently recommended US version.
- pgp262is.tar.gz
Source of PGP 2.6.2i, the previous International version.
- pgp262uis.tar.gz
Source of PGP 2.6.2ui, the Unofficial International version
- pgp26ui-src.tar.gz
Source of PGP 2.6.ui, an unofficial International version of 2.6.
Use 2.6.3i instead, or 2.6.2ui if you must.
- pgp23A.tar.Z
Source of PGP 2.3A, the last version before MIT took over
Instructions on how to use the Red Hat Linux distribution kits in
RPM format.
- pgp-2.6.3i-1.src.rpm
Sources for the latest International version of PGP, packaged
for Red Hat Linux.
- pgp-2.6.3i-1.i386.rpm
Precompiled binary for the Intel 80x86 of the latest International
version of PGP, packaged for Red Hat Linux.
- pgp.patch.linux.elf
A small patch to the Makefile for PGP so that ELF format binaries
can be generated on Linux machines.
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