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        .   /_________\    _      /  \____________/                  |
        |            \_____/_____/          _ __ _______             |
        |                           ________  ___      /             |
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     ________                  /     _/     /____\           /\      |
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                    \____________/  _     \_____________/Rpd!/    _      /
                              \_____\      /                /_____/_____/
                                     \    /
    5 Nodes /X Bulletin Board System  \  /
       Prodigy GHQ - HauJobb Dist      \/  +1-8oo-v.34 RD  +1-8oo-ISDN RD
    Fresh Amiga, Console & IBM Wares

                      :_/                               \_:
                      |  _________  _____        ______   |
                      |__\        \/\    \___  __\     \_ |
                      /\  \________\ \____\  \/\  \_____\\|
                      \ \__\__     / /    /___\ \__\__   \\
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        \ \______/  \ \______/  \   /____/  \   /____/  \ \______/   /
         \_\     \  /\_\     \  /\__\    \  /\__\    \  /\_\     \  /
            \_____\/  | \_____\/     \____\/     \____\/  | \_____\/
                      |                                   |
                      | gODFATHER: bUD wEISER  kILLA: SyS |
                      | cOMODORE ^ nINTENDO ^ sEGA sTUFF! |
                      | fON: +49-2o64-tHREE-nODZ-RINGDOWN |
                      |  [ MTX ] · [ FIX LTD ] · [ RNG ] _|
                      : \_______________________________/ :

                                           Uploaded at 01:24:36 on 26-Jun-95.

    .:::::'`::::.::::.::::.:::.::::.::::'            THE VOID BBS
    ::::::\   `::::.::::.::.::::.::::'/: 
    ::::::/        `::.:::::.::.::'   \:     9 BLAZZZZZZZING 28.8K NODES
    ::::::   ~~-._      `::.:::'  _.-~ :     
    :/~\:'    ____~~-.___.';;`_.-~__  l            +1-414-276-0785  
    l|~.'    ` _ ,` ~~~=   '` =~,~ _; l            +1-414-276-0860
    l /         ~~~~~~'_.-  .'.`~~~  l'            +1-414-276-0722
    l `l           _.-~     :   ~-.  l             +1-414-276-0461
    `l `l-.                 :       l'             +1-414-276-0782
    `:\ `l ~--              `:    -~l              +1-414-276-0785
     `:`~ \                ` '     l'              +1-414-276-0790
      ::l   \          ________   l'               +1-414-276-0860
      `: l    \       `    __    l'                +1-414-276-0868
       l   l    \               l'              
       l     l    \_           /                AMIGA / CONSOLE / PC
      l        l    ~-.   __ /l
 - --( Uploader:                   Date: 16-Jun-95 05:17:05    Node: 00 )-- -
     ( Location:                   BB-TxtAdder v0.7 by BiLBo BaGGins/M! )

O-------------0/1 dAY'S-[aMIGA]-[pC]-[sNES]-[sEGA]-[gAMEBOY]-------------O
               .      -=-=-[ gET cONNECTED tO ]-=-=-
         ..:::            .  gLOBAL oVERDOSE eHQ            ..:::
         .::_______    ___:  ._____________________________.:::  
        ---/.     ¬\--/. ¬|  ¬\__    ____/  ____________   \---
         -//   |   .\//   |   .\|:   | /.  ____)_|.   _¬  _/-
         /     l    \\    l    \\|   |//        ¬\    |.   \
         \___________/__________/    |\__________/____||    \
        .::.         Y          |  __:_               |______\
         :: _ _ _ __ ____________ |_ ._| ___  ___         .::.
         :     \\\\_\  _______   \ _\/_ /. ¬\/  ¬\        .:
                       |.   _¬  _/| \/.|/        .\      oNLINE sINCE
  sYSOP: Jaf           ||   |.   \|   ||    \/    \\       09/27/90
cODUDES: Gordon        >____||    \____|____||      \ __ _ _ _
                       +31-79-219299 or +31-79-521171
|    ThIs TExTfiLe iS ImPOrTanT fOR aLL    |
|   SysOpS wHo ArE CAllEd bY PhReaKeRS!!   |
|   MaKe yOuR BbS mORe aCceSsaBlE WitHiN   |
|             a mINuTe wORk!!!             |


Okay, this is da story; when phreakers call a board, the fist thing that
happens is that the modem of the BBS will lift the DTR. About a second after
that the modem will start sending it's answer-signal. But in most cases the
first few seconds of the line will be disturbed, because of the strange ways
some people call. In case of Blue-Boxing, the first few seconds are disturbed
by the beeps, that are caused by the CCITT#5-protocols. For that reason it is
important, dat the modem starts the answer-signal at about 3 seconds after
lifting the DTR. You can make this happen by changing the answer-string in the
configuration of your BBS. Normally this is set to ATA. If you change this to
ATDA the 'D'-command causes a delay of a few seconds. And that's exactly what we
want!!! If the delay is not long enough (probably not) you can add some commas
between the 'D' and the 'A' like ATD,,A or something. Do this now!! All Blue-
Boxers will be greatfull!! They will have much better connects in the future!!

Greetings to all the people in the world who are not paying for their calls ;)

Signed: The staff of 'The Chronic'

O-------------0/1 dAY'S-[aMIGA]-[pC]-[sNES]-[sEGA]-[gAMEBOY]-------------O
               .      -=-=-[ gET cONNECTED tO ]-=-=-
         ..:::            .  gLOBAL oVERDOSE eHQ            ..:::
         .::_______    ___:  ._____________________________.:::  
        ---/.     ¬\--/. ¬|  ¬\__    ____/  ____________   \---
         -//   |   .\//   |   .\|:   | /.  ____)_|.   _¬  _/-
         /     l    \\    l    \\|   |//        ¬\    |.   \
         \___________/__________/    |\__________/____||    \
        .::.         Y          |  __:_               |______\
         :: _ _ _ __ ____________ |_ ._| ___  ___         .::.
         :     \\\\_\  _______   \ _\/_ /. ¬\/  ¬\        .:
                       |.   _¬  _/| \/.|/        .\      oNLINE sINCE
  sYSOP: Jaf           ||   |.   \|   ||    \/    \\       09/27/90
cODUDES: Gordon        >____||    \____|____||      \ __ _ _ _
                       +31-79-219299 or +31-79-521171
                       ___                _____
             ___/\____|  .|__/\____  ____|    /___  ___ _____/\
      .------\_   _/  |_ ||   ____/--\   |   / __ \|  .|\____  \_- ---.
      |      _/   |   _/ ¦|   _/  \_  \  :  /  |:  \  ¦|/   |   /     |
      |  ····\____|___|___|________/···\___/\______/___|_______/(K)·  |
      |                                                               |
      |   (9) 28.8 MODEMS     +1-414-276-0785     FAAAAAAAAST!        |
      |  (12) GIGS OF FILEZ   +1-414-276-0860     COOOOOOOOOL!        |
      |                       +1-414-276-0722     HOOOOOOOOOT!        |
      |     AMIGA/CONSOLE     +1-414-276-0461                         |
      |         PC            +1-414-276-0782                         |
      |                       +1-414-276-0785                         |
      |   OPEN TO PUBLIC      +1-414-276-0790                         |
      |     FOR 1 WEEK        +1-414-276-0860                         |
      |                       +1-414-276-0868                         |
      |                                                               |
 - --( Uploader:                   Date: 16-Jun-95 05:17:05    Node: 00 )-- -
     ( Location:                   BB-TxtAdder v0.7 by BiLBo BaGGins/M! )

|·| Îf ¥øµ ÂRÊ CøøL, ¥øµ'RÊ ÂLRÊÂÐ¥ HÊRÊ!  ØR ¥øµ KNøW SøMÊøNÊ WHø ÎS!  |>|
|·|                                                                     |>|
|·|   /\__|\__ _|\_ ___/\_  /\_|\___|\_ ___/\___/\___/\______/\/\_ _    |>|
|||°¬/    \  (/ \  Y _/  /¤/  /|    \  V _/  __/  __/  ______  \  V \¯¬°|||
|<|::\ .\_/.    /. | |. /:/. /:|. ° /. | |. /\/. /\/. _/:|.  ° /  | .\::|·|
|>|:/V  \\|| \  \|   | /¯¯\ /¯¯\| ° \|   | /  \ /  \  \/\|| \  \__  //::|<|
|||:\  __/| _|\_/___ |__  /__  / ___/___ |__  /__  / ___/| _|\_/ ___/Mat|>|
|>|                                                                     |>|
|>|+×+-+×+-[] 4* µSR 28.8øøvALLs w/RÎÑGÐøWN - 2* GiGs OnLiNe! []-+×+-+×+|>|
|<|                                                                     |<|
|>-<>-><-<·>-<>-><-<·>-<>->< "ThE BrOtHeRhOoD!" >-<>-><-<·>-<>-><-<·>-<>kø|

_ __ ___ ____ ___________________________________________________ ____ ___ __ _
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f¡ND oUR lOCAT¡ON!             .:```````::..
                                 ......::' :::.
f¡ND oUR nUMBER!       ..  .:....::::::::.   ```:.
                       ·:.  .::::::::::::::   `::::.
f¡ND oUR nUP!       .::::::::::::'  `:::::        `::.
                       ::::::::.   .:::::'         ```:
                     ::::::::::::::::'':'             `:
                   ::::::::::::::  :..                 ::
                  `:::::::::::::.''                   ::::
                   :::::::::::::....                 `::::
                   `:::::::::''     `''               ::':
                     `:::::::          .  ``:    .    :: '
                   :. `::::::.   .     `:  .::. :::   `:
                     .:::::::::::.       ``::::.::::.   ::
                    .:::::::::::::.       .:::::::::::.::
                     :::::::::::::'      ::'::::::::::::
                      :::::::::::::.    :: .:::::::::::      · THE BOARD ·
                       `::::::::::::   .::.::::::::::'
                         `::::::::::..:::::::::::::'       3 NODES RINGDOWN!
                               ```:::::::::'''               AMIGA-CONSOLE
_ __ ___ ____ ___________________________________________________ ____ ___ __ _
¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]

       \    ___________   _   _   \
     __/\____    \_   /   \_ _/    \_
 === \_     \    _/  /    _/ \_    _/ == tHiNK yA cAN hANDLE eLiTE? gET xS! ===
       \______  /______  /_____\  /
              \/       \/       \/
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]