... _ _ _ _ ... :::: \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY /// :::: :::_ .___. \ / _::: :://-- | |-----\ 24/7 Static Cable - Daydream/*nix /--------// :: |. .___. _:____ _ ___ _: _ _| |_ \_ // // /____ __ _ cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFFiti \: \\\_ _/__/ /___ _ /__||/// =C64/mACINTOSH/gAMES/aPPS____ | |_ \_\ \ /____/ _ _____ _ _____ ./ _/ . . /_ \________\________\\ ._) _ \\______\__ \____| \_ _ _: _ : \______\\t^/lp! ____ | _/ / / \ _| _////__\\ / /___ \ \ __ \\ _/__\| \ :/ > t H E y A R D BBS! < _ / / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \ \ : : _ //_____\\: \ /___| \_________\ _. -.----\\-----------------------| |----- .-----------||-------- ----/: | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615 |_ -@----------------------------._____.---------------------------------@ ._______________________/\ _____. /o. /_________. /o. /______. ______ | / \\___ l/_____/_ ____ _l/ __/_____ l/ /_ ¦ Amiga 4o6o/5o · 6Gb Hd ___(_____ . \__( \__ '---. _(______ . \_ : DAT, CD-Rom, FastLane ·/ (/ ) / /¬ ) /o. (/ ) / . ...are w8ing for you // _/_______/ /________/ _/_______/ l___________________\ /_________\======/________\========\________\========] \/ _____ _____ _\ __/ · enzo · mandrake/hf · fury psg · colonel/qtx · \__ /_ .\\\/ t c b ! / q t x and c a m i l l a / p s x ÷ n a t i o n \///. \ . / o·°· CRUX ·°· HELLF|RE ·°· CORRUPT ·°· BAD KARMA ·°· EUROPEAN HQ'S ·°·o .o | N S A N E SCHQ and U N | Q U E WORLD HQ o. . _ _ A M | G A · C (_) N S (_) L E S · P C __ _ . . _ __ \_(_) sp: YES ·|· nup: ASKEL|TE! ·|· fOUR nODES ·|· |SDN aLSO! (_)_/ · ____._ .:::::::.________._ _____________. _____ ________________ ___/o. l/__ .:· ¦ ·::::\__ l/______ ___ l/ .o\_ ________._ .o\_ \__ ____/__ .· | :::::( / .o\__( /_______/ _( __l/ / / / . \_--(O)- :::/¯. /¬\ / . _____/____/ . \__ __/__ / / ) /: T :::/ ( _ / ( (/ / ( /¬ / \, __/ _/:::.¦.::::\______/ _/\______/ _/\______/ _/ -p)h./ ¸ __\=·:::::::::·====/_________\======/_________\======/_________\ aZk|NESS·9° · __ __ · \_[ uPPeD oN: 20:53:08 · 11-01-96 ]_/ ______ _____ _____ ___.-___ __ _____ _____ ______ _) _Y _Y _Y (__) | _Y __Y _Y (_ \_ | \_ | \_ l_\_ _/\_ \_ _/\_ l_\_ | _/ | | | | | | l | | | l | | | | | l__| l_____l__| l__ l__| l__ l__| l__| | `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' ______ _____ ___.-______ _____ _____ _) ._ Y_ _Y (__) _Y _Y __| \_ |/ / | \_ | \_ | \_ |_\_ _/_ | __/ . | l | . | l | l | l__| l__| l__ l__| l__ l__ | 2F `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' 3nds Ringdown loaded with AMIGA/ASCII/CONSOLE/PSX/MAC 4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/TELNET * TRSI RECORDZ DKHQ * DREAMCHART HQ * HOODLUM DK HQ * * MOT!ON HQ * ROYAL HQ * TRADERS DREAM HQ * STYLE HQ * * LSD HQ * DATA DIVISION EHQ * POLKA BROS. WHQ * PUZZLE WHQ * * KEFRENS WHQ * SAVE OUR SOULS HQ * ARTWORK EHQ * REBELS WHQ * * LOOKER HOUSE EHQ * ROYAL MAC SCHQ * OLDSKOOL HQ * THE PROTECTORS ARE: ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^BLACK PANTHER/PSG UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^RECALL/CLS^QTX <0> +45 58ASK4IT <0> <0> +FIND ON IRC <0> ___ ___ .------------------------------------------------------------\\/----\\/-----. | _______ _ _________ _________ _ ¯ ¯ | | _\ ____(___ _\\\____ /_\ ______///_ | | fASTEST! | \ | `/ \_________ | wE`VE nO! | | | _ | | _ \/ | | | dEMO bOARD | \\\_ _/// | gAMES bUT | | ¯\_ | | _/¯ | | iN gERMANY `---------'-----------`-------dG' pERFECT fUN | | | | - -+×X- L·O·S E·N·D·O·S B·B·S ! -X×+- - | | _________ _ _ _________ _ _________ _ _________ _________ _ | | _\ ______///_\\\ _ /_\\\____ /_\\\____ /_\ ______///_ | | | _)----. | | `/ | `/ \_________ | | | | _ | | | / | | _ \/ | | | | \\\_ | | _/ | _/// | | | ¯\_ | | | \ | | _/¯ | | `m!-------'-----|_____|----\______|-----------`---------' | | | `------------. .------------' !¯¯ uPLOADTIME: 10:45:26 uPLOADDATE: 01-Nov-96 ¯¯! | | | uPLOADER: eXON! /[^] RIOT^JRM [^] nODE:1 | `-------------------------------------------------------' __ _____________________________ __ ._(__\\\___________________________///__)_. | _____ | | ___\ \_ | | /\ \____\\ | | / \___\_ \\ | | / / / /_____ | | \ / / // /\ | | \/_ / // / \ | | \______// /___/ | | sTZ!/_ / /\ | | \ \______/ \ | | \_\ \ / | | \_____\/ | | | | Shelter Fastest Dist Side | | Fix Ltd. German Headquarter | | Lightforce! Fastest Dist Side | | Sceptic /X Design Fastest Dist Side | | Rektum! /X Division World Headquarter | | | | Uploaded at 01/11/96 on 07:26:05 N#o4 | |_ ___ ___________________________ ___ _| · (__///___________________________\\\__) · ._____ ___ _________ ___ ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____. | ___Y (__) Y _)_| Y Y ___Y ___Y | | _/_| l | | | |__ l__| | l__| _/_| _/_l__| |-------------------+ l__ l__ l__|__| l__' | l__l__| l__ l__ | l__| da chaos returned | <- `--' `--' --- `--' `--' --------2F-- `--' `--' ------------------------+ -« uPLOADED oN: 31-Oct-96 aT: 11:07:49 »-----------------« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »- _____________________________________________________ / WENN IHR DENKT DAS WIR TOT SIND, \ / SIND WIR GERADE DABEI EURE GRAEBER ZU SCHAUFELN \ / C00L BBS - C00L BBS - C00L BBS - C00L BBS \ \_________________________________________________________/ Finally it happened! - THE PUB IS OFFLINE FOREVER - After my big hardware burnout, which kicked alot of dma and io chips, the buster and Zorro Board the day-x came across! The FUCKING filesystem AFS (reg. version + 020 optimized) had several disk structure problems and block allocation mismatches! Nearly all my doors, lotsa bbs files (including nearly all .info files of /X and the mainfiles themeselves) got damaged or killed 100%! In about 4 years of beeing a small and reliable bbs THE PUB went down and the power supply got switched off! I tried to rebuild the hd and its affiliated files but it failed about 5000 of 9560 files! There`s no sence or reason for me to keep the bbs up! I may install a bbs for myself to keep on coding some doors for the future (/X, S!X and FAME) but that`s not a promise as i`m deep in HTML and INTERNET coding at the present time doing lotsa homepages at the mo. You can still reach me under: Fli7e@liteline.mcnet.de fhau@aol.com thenke@metronet.com and soon under fli7e@nacamar.com (i hope so) Also you`ll see me around on some of germans best and most reliable bbs systems as there are ACID SLAM, EVIL MOON and more! Also i`ll be present on the most popular IRC channels soon! Final "THANK YOU" must go to: ALL SAD MEMBERS - KEEP ON! I`ll never be away! ALL SHELTER MEMBERS - By this is leave shelter, nice time in the past! SHALLOW - You`re still one of the best friends i ever had through the years! MOGUE - Even if we had some private problems, you`re a real cool one! H2o - FINALY IT HAPPENED! I WAS FASTER THAN GUENNI! LENNY D. - I`ll keep on callin` you! Clyde Radcliffe - KEEP ON THE SAD THING! and all that 1001 more peeps i know and some of them made as friends throughout the years! Keep up your work - ALL OF YOU - and keep the UOF in mind (insider know whatta mean!) BBS HISTORY BBS Name : THE PUB Sysop : Fli7e CoSys : Shallow and Goonie Day of birth : 01.06.1992 Day of death : 30.10.1996 Highest amount of user: 419 Crashes : 3 WHQ of : SAD (Till the end) WHQ of : CS! (Until 04/96) EHQ of : HAUJOBB (Until 01/96) EHQ>GHQ of : OMA (Until 08/96) EHQ>GHQ>DIST of : SLT (Till the end) DIST of : NEON (Till the end) !All of you who have my voice are free to call me for a chat! Also if you need some kinda html page - try to contact me and we`ll check ourselfes out! Luv, Peeze `n Harmony - Fli7e ... 8^(((( @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ___ ___ _______________) //\\ (_________________ _) (_ | ·T· ·H· ·E· - ·P· ·U· ·B· | | | | !OFFLINE 4 EVER - NOT BUSTED! | | Read`n Spread this text please! | |_ _| )______________ _ _ ________________( )_\\//_( @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _____________________________________________________ / WENN IHR DENKT DAS WIR TOT SIND, \ / SIND WIR GERADE DABEI EURE GRAEBER ZU SCHAUFELN \ / C00L BBS - C00L BBS - C00L BBS - C00L BBS \ \_________________________________________________________/ ._____ ___ _________ ___ ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____. | ___Y (__) Y _)_| Y Y ___Y ___Y | | _/_| l | | | |__ l__| | l__| _/_| _/_l__| |-------------------+ l__ l__ l__|__| l__' | l__l__| l__ l__ | l__| da chaos returned | <- `--' `--' --- `--' `--' --------2F-- `--' `--' ------------------------+ -« uPLOADED oN: 31-Oct-96 aT: 11:07:49 »-----------------« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »- __ _____________________________ __ ._(__\\\___________________________///__)_. | _____ | | ___\ \_ | | /\ \____\\ | | / \___\_ \\ | | / / / /_____ | | \ / / // /\ | | \/_ / // / \ | | \______// /___/ | | sTZ!/_ / /\ | | \ \______/ \ | | \_\ \ / | | \_____\/ | | | | Shelter Fastest Dist Side | | Fix Ltd. German Headquarter | | Lightforce! Fastest Dist Side | | Sceptic /X Design Fastest Dist Side | | Rektum! /X Division World Headquarter | | | | Uploaded at 01/11/96 on 07:26:05 N#o4 | |_ ___ ___________________________ ___ _| · (__///___________________________\\\__) · ________ __________ _ __________ _ _____ \ _____(_____\ ____///_\ ______///_ \ // _/ \ _ \_ \' _\__________ \_ N0DEo...+49-x1x3-!aSK? _____\/__ \ _(_)_ / \ '/ / N0DE¹...+49-x1x3-!aSK? \ /\// \_ (_) (_) _/ \_ _/ -------------------------\--//--. `-----------'-------------`--------dG!' \// | _ ___________ _ _________ _ _ _________ __________ _ __________ _ | .-\----- \ _______///_\ _ ///__\\\___ \\ ____///_\ ______///_-' | \ _/ _)-----._ | \_ '/ \_ \' _\__________ \_ | \ \ / | / _/ / \ '/ / | \ \_ _/ | / \ / \_ _/. | ____\ _`-----------'------|_____/-----\______/-------------`---------m!' . | \ \/ . | ×-> L·O·S E·N·D·O·S B·B·S <-× : `--------------------------------------------------------------------------' . this file has been frozen inside . . : ____ _|_ __ : : \/ \ / \/, : : ______ ______ ______ ____ _____ ______ ______ ______: __) _ (____) __ (____) _ (__) (__ __) /_____) ___( __) _ (__) _ (__ / / _ ( _ __ __/_/ _ / _ __(__/ __ / / \___/ /\____ /\___/ \____ ( \___/ /\____ _____/ \___/ / : )___/gdm-)____/ /____/ )______/ /____/ )____/lkr/____/ )___/: : _ _ : : - - -)_)- P · A · L · A · C · E -(_(- - - : : : `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------' _::_ 3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac _::_ \/ 4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet \/ motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · dreamchart · hoodlum dkhq style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter! save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq kefrens whq · artwork ehq · rebels whq . - - board dedushka-morozes - - . : : zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · recall/cls^qtx ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg : : . -^- - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- - -^- . . . .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---. ##:##:## - @@-@@-@@ this textfile passed Sky Tower #¹¹ ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -· . _ _ . . ( Y ) Without a guy called something like -U-S-E-R-H-A-N-D-L-E- . : \|/ this file would never have made it and you wouldn't : | (º) be watching it right now.... | | ¯ | `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--' [mULTI-cHECK v1.3 by SieGeL/tRSi] _________________________________________ · ( / t H E y A R D : ::| .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_ | /____ / | __|__/\____ / // · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 5 · | \\_|_ __/_. __/\____ _____·__ // ____ _______ |\___ |/ \ |____(_ ____/____ \ /__/_____\_ \__\_ / ________| / / / | _/ _) )____\ / ( _ / _ _/_( _ / / _/ _ \ | ( \_ _| | / | \ | // (_____\_____| \___ | __\_______.__\___| /_________\ [==|=========|______\=\_______|_________/_/================|________\dVN==|===] | / | | aMIGA/aSCII/cLASSIC aMIGA gAMES // nINTENDO64/gAMEcUBE/wII cONSOLES | | sONY pLAYsTATION cONSOLES ·// sEGA dREAMcAST & sATURN cONSOLES | | gAMEbOY/sGB/gAMEgEAR/wONDERsWAN / nEOgEOpOCKET/gBC/gBA/nINTENDO DS | | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES /. =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT | | aPPLE mACINTOSH - tYPO/fONTS // 0dAY gRAPHICS/aUDIO aPPS & gAMES | | gRAFFITI/dESIGN eBOOK/xVID / cLASSIC pC gAMES - gSM/pDA/pHONE | | aUDIO pRODUCTIONS sAMPLES / dAYdREAm/lINUX dEVELOPMENT/dOORS | | . | '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615+ >»-' -> Another Quality Release uploaded at TY <-