                                     /  \                ____
          ___________ __________    /   \\  ____________/    |______ 
       ___\____      \_       __|__/__   \\/          _/     |_     |
.--- -|       /       /     _|       /    \\          |      _/     |- ---.
|     |______________/_______________\     \\_________|      |______|     |
|                               /           \\÷e÷   /________|            |
|                              /______________\                           |
|                                                 _________               |
|               _____________ ___________ _______|_       /               |
|            ___\____       /            \        /      |                |
`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
hOOdLUM MhQ          \    /  ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B]
  INSaNE USHQ         \  /       /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE]
    SNEaKERS TRHQ      \/            LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt]
      ARCLitE ASCii WhQ                NiGHt AsSAsSiN/SNK]
        NUT & BOLT WHQ      
          HYBRiD HQ                      
                          nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68
                          nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678
                          nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916
                          nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267
                          nODE 5: ++ASK-4-TELNET

                              fILE pASSED tHROUGH
      __        __        _________       __   /
  ____\_\_______\_\_______\  ___/ /--. ___\/_  .---------------------------.
  \_____  ________       \_______/    \\% /\/  |                           |
      \     \     \_______\ \__________\\/     |       sYSOP: fLI7e        |
       \_____\                       _         |        _______       :    |
               ...:...........       \   _______________\      |   ___:____|
__________________:__________________ ___\____     /     \_    |   \____    \
\____________________________________\\    _______/____________|_____________\
                                       \_____\ |                           |
         sAD wHQ - hJB eHQ - bVS xhQ           |        ..............:... |
         cS! wHQ - nJY gHQ - c! dIST           |                      :    |

                             oN: 12-01-96 at 16:11

                       oRIGINAL fILElENGTH: [ 5365      ]

                                          SAD-ADD eNHANCER v2.2 ©1995 fLI7e/SAD

     ________ _
 ____\   ___///__   ________ _
|     \____     //\_\  ____///__   ________ _                __
l___      /             /      //\_\  ____///__   __________ \/
   /______________                   ___/     //\_\     _   \__   ______ _
                 /_______________                 _ ____/     //\_\  __///_____
                                /_______________  \\\________       ______/   /
                 ........................      /_______/   _ \__     /       /
                 :                      :                  \\  /___     ____/
             a.M.I.E.X.P.R.E.S.s        :                    _____\_____/_ _
                 :                      :                __ |            ///
                 :               d.E.S.I:G.n             \/ l___        /
                 :......................:                   ___/    ___/
                                                       __/\_\  ____///__ ÷f!÷
                                                      |         /      /
                                                      l___            /_

   _)                                                                     (_
  |                                                                         |
  | -.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.- |
  l_                                                                       _|

    Hello dear reader ...

    As  all  of  you  sysgods  may  know  from my previous released doors a
    registration  will  NOT cost any money just a call.  This regulation is
    still  actual,  but  the way of becoming a registered SAD DOOR user has

    I  created  a keyfile routine which will register ALL doors i decide to
    register to you!  If you `ve the key!  ...

    I  include  this  keyroutine to all the soon coming doors so there will
    NEVER be the word UNREGISTERED in the door if you`ve the key!  Just get
    the  public released version(s) and install and your personal name will
    be pop up instead!

    Message  to  KEYFILEHACKER:  Do not hack it!  It`s a simple bitxor with
    some  reverse  and  charactertranslations.   And ehm ..  maybe a little
    random bitxor offset but who cares!  Also it`s useless to crack the key
    because i don`t want any kind of money!

    But  if  you  still  want  to  "CRACK"  the key ..  well ...  do it but
    contact me then so i can think of another routine to crypt!  Maybe some
    splits  of  N.A.S.A  coding  cause  I  have  some  information on their
    crypting ..  NOT!  haha!

                                           signed: fLI7e/sAD^hJB^kLF^cS!^c!

   _)                                                                     (_
  |                                                                         |
  | -.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.-.N.E.W.S.- |
  l_                                                                       _|

  ................................                  ..............
  :                              :                  :            :
  :                              :                  :            :
  :                              :                  :............:...........
__:____                   ______ :    ____________._      _______:          :
\   __/________ ______   / __  /_:___/  ___   ____|_______\_____/_  ______  :
 \______       / ____/__/_ \__/      \_ \_____\__      /           / ____/__:_
..: \_________/  \        \___________/__:___|  |     /__________ /  \      : \_
:            /_____________/(rLf):              |       |     -T!/__________:__/
:                 ......         :              l_______|                   :
:....             :    :.....    :                                  ........:
:...:     ........:         :    :....                              :
          :...:             :....:   :                              :
              :                  :...:............                  :
              :                                  :                  :
                ........................         :        .....     :
                :                      :         :........:   :.....:
            a.M.I.E.X.P.R.E.S.s        :                  :...:
                :                      :
                :               d.E.S.I:G.n

-   -  - - -= -== -========[ fILE pROCESSED bY FIDEnhance v3.3 bY fLI7e/sAD ]=-

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ     __________________________________   __
  __|                                  |__\/
 _) |  sCEPTIC aMIeXPRESS dESIGN 1996  | (_
|   l__________________________________|   |
|                                          |
|   Announcement on some news about SAD!   |
|    Read about public/registered doors    |
| and how easy it could be for all SYSGODS!|
|Typed by the author of the most SAD DOORS:|
l_        fLI7e/sAD^hJB^cS!^c!^kLF        _|
[THE]=--=] cS!-^-sAD-^-hJB-^-KLF! [=--=[PUB]
                              fILE pASSED tHROUGH
      __        __        _________       __   /
  ____\_\_______\_\_______\  ___/ /--. ___\/_  .---------------------------.
  \_____  ________       \_______/    \\% /\/  |                           |
      \     \     \_______\ \__________\\/     |       sYSOP: fLI7e        |
       \_____\                       _         |        _______       :    |
               ...:...........       \   _______________\      |   ___:____|
__________________:__________________ ___\____     /     \_    |   \____    \
\____________________________________\\    _______/____________|_____________\
                                       \_____\ |                           |
         sAD wHQ - hJB eHQ - bVS xhQ           |        ..............:... |
         cS! wHQ - nJY gHQ - c! dIST           |                      :    |

                             oN: 12-01-96 at 16:11

                       oRIGINAL fILElENGTH: [ 5365      ]

                                          SAD-ADD eNHANCER v2.2 ©1995 fLI7e/SAD

                                     /  \                ____
          ___________ __________    /   \\  ____________/    |______ 
       ___\____      \_       __|__/__   \\/          _/     |_     |
.--- -|       /       /     _|       /    \\          |      _/     |- ---.
|     |______________/_______________\     \\_________|      |______|     |
|                               /           \\÷e÷   /________|            |
|                              /______________\                           |
|                                                 _________               |
|               _____________ ___________ _______|_       /               |
|            ___\____       /            \        /      |                |
`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
hOOdLUM MhQ          \    /  ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B]
  INSaNE USHQ         \  /       /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE]
    SNEaKERS TRHQ      \/            LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt]
      ARCLitE ASCii WhQ                NiGHt AsSAsSiN/SNK]
        NUT & BOLT WHQ      
          HYBRiD HQ                      
                          nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68
                          nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678
                          nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916
                          nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267
                          nODE 5: ++ASK-4-TELNET

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]