_                         _
   ____._     ______ \/  ______. ___    __._  \/  ___     ______.  _._______.
.__\_  |/__._/ _   /__.__\_    |_\__)_./  |/____._\__)_.__\_    |__\|_      |\
|  _/      |   / _/   |   /    |      |\__      |      |   /    |    /      | \
|_ \      _|     \   _|  /    _|     _|  /     _|     _|       _|  _/      _| |
\(__\_____):_________):_______):_____):________):_____):_______):__\_______)\ |
 \\  \    \\\        \\\      \\\    \\\       \\\    \\\      \\\  \      \\\|
                                          r  e  v  i  s  i  o  n   2  o  2  o                        
                                 o  f  f  i  c  i  a  l   r  e  s  u  l  t  s               
                                 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   -  -  -  -  -  -  -               
|//)/ /  p c  d e m o

  1           VX2 - Spectrals .......................................... 2006
  2           cathodoluminescence - MFX + HOLON ........................ 1765
  3           Bring It On - Cocoon ..................................... 1700
  4           Asahi - Futuris .......................................... 1693
  5           isolated, in sunlight - traction and brainstorm .......... 1550
  6           Twisted - Floppy ......................................... 1533
  7           Home - Still ............................................. 1495
  8           Dopaminecraft - The Planet Of Leather Moomins (TPOLM) .... 1348
  9           Eternal Fortress - Peisik & Friends ...................... 1322
  10          Parallel Multiverse - Abyss .............................. 1205
  11          Transmitting Beyond - Hackers Media Industries ........... 1189
  12          SECOND ONE - New Order ................................... 1180
  13          cc2020invitation - light future group .................... 1082
  14          Karthago Party Teaser - Jugi Kaartinen ................... 1031
  15          Live The Trance - zsacul/norferin ........................  927
  16          Erpholia - Wrighter ......................................  849
  17          57.11 seconds - LIQUËURBOYZ ..............................  835
  18          Midori - S-Video .........................................  822
  19          Activate Retro - Plexa / Flying Cows Inc. ................  815
  20          Something Fresh - Desire .................................  785
  21          chaos constructions 2020 invitation - 349604 .............  662
|//)/ /  p c  6 4 k  i n t r o

  1           RE: SIMULATED - gam0022 & sadakkey ....................... 1317
  2           fr-094: Hypnotic Bass - BeRo^Farbrausch .................. 1302
  3           Saarwellingen - TeVe ..................................... 1124
  4           Under Coronstruction - Team210 ...........................  931
|//)/ /  p c  8 k  i n t r o

  1           Flitzekacke - Alter!Krass ................................. 964
  2           CMD shenanigans - Nanohenry ............................... 904
  3           Filler 2.0 - Alter?Was? ................................... 799
|//)/ /  p c  4 k  i n t r o

  1           Deck II - LJ & Virgill ................................... 2145
  2           La vie opportuniste - Razor1911 .......................... 2033
  3           Wackelkontakt - Alcatraz & Prismbeings ................... 1823
  4           Sync Cord - NuSan and Valden ............................. 1775
  5           Cinder - EvilRyu ......................................... 1654
  6           String Theory - LIA ...................................... 1643
  7           The 8th Seal - evvvvil & Virgill ......................... 1613
  8           Is There Hope In Wonderland? - rimina .................... 1598
  9           Opaq - K2 ................................................ 1574
  10          stuck - jetlag ........................................... 1529
  11          Sophie's half-full dildo battery - HANDSOME HOOLIGANS .... 1387
  12          awatenai - chlumpie ......................................  999
  13          The Beginning - Nesnausk! ................................  993
  14          an Oster - Mämmilaakso ...................................  777
  15          John 3:16 - LoveJesus ....................................  510
|//)/ /  p c  2 5 6 b  i n t r o

  1           Memories - HellMood / DESiRE ............................. 2272
  2           Enigma - Marquee Design .................................. 1538
  3           Apollo 21: No Signal - iONic / AstroideA ................. 1532
  4           Metal256 - Abaddon ....................................... 1351
  5           Plattenbau 3000 SSE - Kuemmel ............................ 1205
  6           Sierpbounceski - Nuclear / Mindlapse ..................... 1154
  7           Voladore - Optimus .......................................  850
  8           leebsi - IlII ............................................  839
  9           signals from solaris - sensenstahl^hjb ...................  829
  10          rupradc - gopher / alcatraz ..............................  682
  11          Jesus is Lord! - loveJesus ...............................  437
|//)/ /  a m i g a  d e m o       

  1           Chillobits - Offence ..................................... 1857
  2           Netflex und Chill - FLEX ................................. 1513
  3           Syntetikk Life - Nah-Kolor ............................... 1413
  4           Noord - Nordlicht Demoparty 2020 Invitiation - TiTAN ..... 1250
  5           Top Gear - Nah-Kolor ..................................... 1138
  6           Things We Know About Dogs - Void ......................... 1069
  7           Faking it oldschool - Paradontax ......................... 1064
  8           Boozedrome III - Dekadence ...............................  987
  9           Monodon Monoceros - Void .................................  754
  10          Yip Cover - Void .........................................  543
|//)/ /  a m i g a  i n t r o     

  1           Way Too Rude - Logicoma & Loonies ........................ 1980
  2           Colombia - Lemon. ........................................ 1958
  3           fam - losso / AttentionWhore ............................. 1547
  4           Crashing Bitplanes - Nah-Kolor ........................... 1381
  5           Cubic Meditation - Software Failure ...................... 1329
  6           Breadbox - APPENDIX ...................................... 1253
  7           Worn - hukka/Void ........................................  837
  8           Back to the 80's - BalrogSoft, JosS, Fireboy .............  737
  9           Revision 2020 Mini-Intro - Void ..........................  644
|//)/ /  o l d s k o o l  d e m o 

  1           BEEB-NICCC - kieranhj / Bitshifters ...................... 1396
  2           MERKÉN - Bitnenfer / Foco ................................ 1198
  3           FIGHT! - Atlantis ........................................ 1158
  4           37 bytes of RAM - SENIL DATA SYSTEMS ..................... 1146
  5           Ancient Civilizations - Moods Plateau .................... 1109
  6           Silly Venture 2020 invitro - HMD, MSB, AGENDA ............  944
  7           MULTIDEFENDER: multimatograf 2020 invitation - NESDEV: 
              mr287cc, tmk, n1k-o, adam bazaroff .......................  866
  8           Say Hi To Vanessa - Desire ...............................  858
  9           WWTF??? - RMDA ...........................................  829
|//)/ /  o l d s k o o l  4 k  i n t r o

  1           Square Roots - Vanity .................................... 1259
  2           Morte Subita - RBBS + Resource ........................... 1037
  3           Daymo of the tentacle - Pulpo Corrosivo & Praline & Arkos.  835
  4           chp - chlumpie ...........................................  763
  5           4korona Intro - Twilight of Excess .......................  713
  6           Pandemia - Zden / Satori .................................  562
  7           World panic in 256 bytes :) - SerzhSoft ..................  553
  8           BEE#1 Party Invitation - Brainstorm ......................  379
  9           Hebrews12:2 - LoveJesus ..................................  342
|//)/ /  o l d s k o o l  g r a p h i c s

  1           Dorian - Made / Bomb ..................................... 1456
  2           The Mighty Hunter Origin (OCS) - Facet of Lemon. 
              & Genesis Project ........................................ 1393
  3           a glimpse of freedom - jok'dreamweb ...................... 1361
  4           Ghost Rider - LMan ....................................... 1186
  5           Killing Oldschool - Beb .................................. 1038
  6           From Russia with love... - jagp .......................... 1015
  7           Patron of crowns - Mikael and Soya of Censor Design ...... 1011
  8           Trust me - orreborre .....................................  893
  9           Corposlave 1_2 by Koyot1222 - Koyot1222 ..................  695
  10          Lambo - Tucker / Imaginarium .............................  664
  11          It's easier than asm68k! - atom32k .......................  615
  12          Retooama - Pararaum ......................................  473
|//)/ /  o l d s k o o l  m u s i c        

  1           redruM redruM - Virgill / Maniacs of Noise ............... 1255
  2           Begrenzt Viruzid - Dascon / The Deadliners^Haujobb^DSR ... 1070
  3           Optimal Workflow - Teo / Focus Design ^ Rebels ........... 1065
  4           Microgroove - LMan ....................................... 1060
  5           Radio Free Truth - Mibri / Atlantis ^ MultiStyle Labs ^ 
              Proxima ..................................................  948
  6           Pull & Weight - ALPA .....................................  945
  7           Riding Again - JosSs .....................................  941
  8           Bring the Spring - Curt Cool / Depth & Nah-Kolor .........  926
  9           Nintendose - AceMan / RSE^DW^HL^AGD ......................  925
  10          Scruffy - Response of Darklite^Dekadence^Hoaxers .........  920
  11          There's no key for Pokey - Triace ........................  918
  12          YamahAY - Modest .........................................  913
  13          Tremors - Juice ..........................................  871
  14          (You Are) My Twinkle in the Sky - Lohis / 
              Tekotuotanto^u+1f35e .....................................  791
  15          b13 - Crococat ...........................................  734
  16          Ballsy! - GliGli / Blast! ................................  610
  17          joyfilled aleluya - loveJesus ............................  448
|//)/ /  s t r e a m i n g  m u s i c      

  1           Too Many Datas Come Too Fast Inside - Romeo Knight .......  998
  2           Tapdancer - Saga Musix / Nuance^SVatG^HUP ................  981
  3           Soundwaves At Night (Revision Edit) - Little Bitchard ....  964
  4           This Ocean Can't Be Tamed - Alysius / Akustikrausch ......  959
  5           Origin - X-Ceed / Altair ^ Floppy ........................  935
  6           0 F_cks Given - bod ......................................  932
  6           Moderate (Compo mix) - Puryx .............................  932
  8           Enrage - jco .............................................  926
  9           I Would Go To John O'Groats (For A Demoparty) - Gasman ...  920
  10          Bad Move - ghost and Netpoet .............................  899
  11          staying home forever - cosmiq ............................  884
  12          Innholdsrik Enebolig - Kroon & Xerxes ....................  847
  13          Flight to Tomorrow - kazpulse ............................  836
  14          elysium - Jugem-T / FRONTL1NE | DSdA .....................  827
|//)/ /  t r a c k e d  m u s i c          

  1           Reshoot Proxima 3 - Virgill / Maniacs of Noise ........... 1238
  2           Haunted Tracks - Triace .................................. 1076
  3           Homunculi - AceMan / RSE^DW^HL^AGD ....................... 1034
  4           valkyr 2049 - e!ghtbm .................................... 1016
  5           My taylor is the dealer - JosSs & Wonder ................. 1010
  6           Epilogue - Saga Musix / Nuance^SVatG^HUP ................. 1001
  7           Amigaism - Zombie Cats & Comatron ........................  967
  8           Subi Locks it Down - Subi ................................  950
  9           Run to the hills! - okkie / accession ....................  851
  10          DoDI: Dance of Drunk Icons - CreatorYous Music ...........  841
  11          Chaos Lockdown - Voicer ..................................  822
  12          Splattergas - Curt Cool / Depth & Nah-Kolor ..............  813
  13          bitch glitch - liqube ....................................  715
  14          ohoho - smuchter .........................................  699
  15          Crossbow - Mibri / Proxima ...............................  645
|//)/ /  e x e c u t a b l e  m u s i c    

  1           Zero Sum Game - Gargaj / Conspiracy ...................... 1117
  2           CSPR - -pOWL! / Alcatraz .................................  909
  3           The Forbidden Swamp - SunSpire ...........................  836
  4           Hydra - Teo / Focus Design ^ Rebels ......................  777
  5           Rozza Mella con Kl4ngione - Triace .......................  702
  6           Tasty Rush - BeRo^Farbrausch .............................  695
  7           so Holy (Revelations 4:8) - loveJesus ....................  254
|//)/ /  f a s t  m u s i c                

  1           Super Mutant Playground Heroes - RbR .....................  839
  2           Revision Fast Music Compo - jeenio .......................  740
  2           CM of 90s SF drama in JAPAN - hadhad .....................  740
  4           Revisionary (The computer show for kids) - Gaspode .......  732
  5           Leeroy & Snooks - bod ....................................  697
  6           Scientific Laser Shark Dragons - Lohis / 
              Tekotuotanto^u+1f35e .....................................  669
  7           Let's stay home - kazpulse ...............................  658
  8           Quaternary Research Institute - LiSU .....................  649
  9           The Last Limp Ninja - Shifters Legacy - docd^TRSi^Hoodlum.  632
  10          Sky Dog - eladamri .......................................  612
  11          That one Duck - _Ook .....................................  579
  12          Monster Things - OddJohn .................................  543
  13          The CodeTurtle - CreatorYous Music .......................  538
  14          Moon Cop 2012 - akole/npli ...............................  536
  15          Cheesy Days - Alysius / Akustikrausch ....................  517
  16          The Closed Show - Sophira ................................  502
  17          The World In 2020 - 97s ..................................  501
  18          'arghh'...who is a pirate!?!?! - e!ghtbm .................  492
  19          Johnny the  Dachshund - Amergiglia .......................  483
  20          Pfeffi mit Steffi / Minty with INTy - QM / Team210 .......  472
  21          Stranger THX - PotcFdk ...................................  436
  22          '80s News Room Drama - Miguel Mendez (a.k.a Flynn/Capsule)  428
|//)/ /  m o d e r n  g r a p h i c s      

  1           Coffee Break - Oni ....................................... 1380
  2           Prediction - Unreal / Rebels ^ Focus Design .............. 1283
  3           Gaea - Made / Bomb ....................................... 1259
  4           El Swampo - LMan ......................................... 1226
  5           Drowned - Iloé ........................................... 1026
  6           Approaching Eclipse - Neotheta ........................... 1021
  7           Sushinoodle vs. Thaiwok - maxon / HBC ....................  960
  8           dragon discoveries - Andr00d .............................  883
  9           ( )A - Rorque/Cocoon & Madwizards ........................  847
  10          The Shipwrek - Callisto ..................................  818
  11          Queen Siphonophore - Rusalka .............................  812
  12          FEEESH - Xanthe ..........................................  806
  13          There Is No Place Like Home - Elizabeth Casua / 33ZTH ....  794
  14          we will be reborn soon...  - shexbeer/lamers .............  781
  15          Brütal smoke machine - Tropical Trevor ...................  649
  16          Post Corona Street - XenoDuck ............................  623
  17          Wanna Play, Lovely Boy? - Laila ..........................  612
  18          assassin-partyversion - Titus / Rabenauge ................  593
  19          Happy Snaky - mgt^Drehwerk ...............................  515
  20          Resistance is futile - Bo_Nanuz ..........................  336
|//)/ /  p h o t o                        

  1           Lost in time - Made / Bomb ............................... 1432
  2           Step Into The Unknown - borg ............................. 1358
  3           Red - Iloé ............................................... 1332
  4           Once upon a time in a dream / ?????? - Luisa ............. 1162
  5           Safe at Home but still watching - peripatus .............. 1127
  6           Hong Kong building - Zavie / Ctrl-Alt-Test ............... 1088
  7           Storm - -pOWL! ........................................... 1074
  8           Frozen Times - Viscid [NPL] .............................. 1067
  9           Geike - FRaNKy / RBBS / ACC / DSS / SDS / Baas ........... 1040
  10          Nightmarish Fields - LMan ................................ 1036
  11          Fr33 R1d3 - v3nom ........................................ 1014
  12          Oldtimer@Takeoff - Nullchecker / (Sofalurkerz) ...........  976
  13          Glowy Zugmaschine - duplexstargate .......................  964
  14          Raytrace - 4 cubes and 2 toruses - Pasy/Rebels^
              fresh!mindworkz ..........................................  889
  14          Mirror's Edge Reality - Bobic / BitFellas ................  889
  16          Banana Joe´s Triflé - RELOADED - Banana 6 Ways - H2o / 
              Rebels / TRSi ............................................  888
  17          the shifting sands of time - imjustpickle ................  867
  18          Triangles - Cmdr.Homer ...................................  852
  19          xenos.alpha - sensenstahl^2xl crew .......................  843
  20          padua@revision - Lubber / Padua ..........................  820
  21          Packed for Revision - Ivan ...............................  798
  22          Stone in Oil - Cathole / Elektrohippie ...................  784
  23          Winter Apples - fractalpixel .............................  741
  24          Cable.Bot 3.0.2 - Radovan Dranga .........................  701
|//)/ /  p a i n t o v e r               

  1           Forest - Oni ............................................. 1123
  2           Evolution - The Mad Artist - Unreal / Rebels ^ 
              Focus Design .............................................  912
  3           Cinder - LMan ............................................  860
  4           The end of a Spacepirate Battle - Hellife / DESiRE .......  838
  5           Pieniä Käärmeitä - Neotheta ..............................  823
  6           The Tale of Walther the Pony - justmona / Team210 ........  783
  7           Park bench - rohtie / ninjadev ...........................  779
  8           Wild World - Jaz .........................................  734
  9           Lucid Dreaming - gyr ^ DESiRE ............................  716
  10          Maybe the Real Treasure Was the Friends We Made Along 
              the Way - jobe ...........................................  714
  11          Party Venue 2050 - Amergiglia ............................  695
  12          this strange engine - Laddie .............................  688
  13          Fishing but catching nothing but Pico8 palettes - farfar / 
              lns ^ fd ^ dub ...........................................  666
  14          Ancient God - Layer ......................................  652
  15          Here Come the Waschbars! - RaccoonViolet .................  650
  16          Fairy butter ponny  - Callisto ...........................  648
  17          Bottom Life - Shiera .....................................  644
  18          The Friendly Slayer - Solanumnigrum ......................  617
  19          Intergalactic Boneyard - muffintrap / FCCCF ..............  604
  20          Braindead Insect - Grim // ZomBee ........................  539
  21          Traveller - m4d ..........................................  526
  22          Betrayal - tobo ..........................................  497
  23          <drunk> I swear a saw a horse! </drunk> - Viscid [NPL] ...  449
  24          simply_life - whtcrw // ZomBee ...........................  441
  25          attack on mars - soda ....................................  415
|//)/ /  a n i m a t e d  g i f         

  1           Bloom - tdhooper ......................................... 1322
  2           Hexahedral Recurrence - yx / Polarity .................... 1260
  3           winding alley / ?????? - Luisa ........................... 1232
  4           Clutch - Gargaj / Conspiracy .............................  991
  5           The real party is on my sofa - Tibou^Poo-Brain ...........  940
  6           jamp - halcy^SVatG .......................................  937
  7           Spring Tree - blackle / Suricrasia Online ................  821
  8           circuits - musk ..........................................  799
  9           Herbert - Laila ..........................................  788
  10          Keep Smiling - AA-Ray / BitFellas ........................  717
  11          Galaxy Wheely Dance - FRaNKy / RBBS / ACC / DSS / 
              SDS / Baas ...............................................  715
  12          Out / In - Zden / Satori .................................  704
  13          Interplanetary, good vibe zone. - Facet of Lemon. & 
              Genesis Project ..........................................  632
  14          Revision yeah ! - z0rg ...................................  535
  15          Laserorb - Numtek ........................................  529
  16          BEFTEX shaking booty @ Sofa World Revision 2020 - 
              BEFTEX / Poobrain ^ TurboAnalIsis ........................  521
  17          Inception - Tucker / Imaginarium .........................  506
|//)/ /  4 k  e x e c u t a b l e  g r a p h i c s

  1           Hoody - iq/rgba .......................................... 1747
  2           The Real Party Is In Your Pocket - Fizzer ................ 1551
  3           Waterfall - NuSan ........................................ 1473
  4           mathketball - mercury .................................... 1419
  5           Narcissus - Prismbeings .................................. 1410
  6           Primitive Portrait - yx / Polarity ....................... 1187
  7           O'Hare - pro/nuance ...................................... 1134
  8           district 581c - musk ..................................... 1108
  9           The Night Shift - rytone ................................. 1085
  10          n-scape - Mrvux .......................................... 1042
  11          undefined symbol - Alia / Church of the Spinning Cube .... 1027
  12           Mission Accomplished - Psycho / Loonies ................. 1012
  13          Backbone - cpdt ..........................................  990
  14          access control - blackle / Suricrasia Online .............  717
  15          Kunimitsu - LovelyHanibal ................................  708
  16          The Narrow Door - LoveJesus ..............................  336
|//)/ /  g a m e                                     

  1           HOSPITAL HERO - bitch, gizmo & muhmac .................... 1292
  2           Fred's Journey - Cosmos Designs & Retroguru .............. 1018
  3           Graviti shadow - Amir Nasyri / Excess team junior ........  975
  4           Hampster Raid - Wursthupe ................................  701
  5           ZGR3D - Juen (code) / Koyot1222 (gfx) / JMD (msx) ........  646
|//)/ /  w i l d                                     

  1           Sofa World - Poo-Brain ................................... 1460
  2           Hardware Malfunction - fgenesis, m4dguy, uctumi .......... 1241
  3           AmigAtari - OXYGENE ...................................... 1090
  4           Tracing real rays - Nupo .................................  966
  5           OK Computer - Proxima ....................................  946
  6           ESP32-SICK - Nanohenry ...................................  854
  7           UFO from Planet Slime - K2, Peisik & SVatG ...............  793
  8           Risc OS 3dball - Kuemmel .................................  788
  9           Vice Tribute - Bonzai ....................................  773
  10          Introduction to Llamacore - Synesthesia/RiFT .............  722
  11          Leapmotion on shadertoy - z0rg ...........................  654
  12          Boop - Molive ............................................  616
  13          Coronizer - SPACEPIGS ....................................  543
  14          Welcome Home musicdisk - Xylitol^RED .....................  511
  15          The Collection - 2xl.crew ................................  453
|//)/ /  a n i m a t i o n  /  v i d e o         

  1           Home Alone - Gaspode ..................................... 1412
  2           Ekspresja - Lalka ........................................ 1215
  3           Unbroken - Bobic, KF & Sierra / BitFellas ................ 1058
  4           Koritsu - Ronny Selnes and Xerxes ........................ 1053
  5           reborn - shexbeer+mch/lamers ............................. 1046
  6           The Case of Killer Prod - HUGE LOAD ......................  917
  7           N++ Demo - ps ............................................  864
  8           Road to Revision II - Gabbie ^ Poo-Brain .................  861
  9           May The Horse Be With You - Slipstream ...................  853
  10          never found - | the lost underground | ...................  735
  11          Fields - Cybernetic genetics .............................  699
  12          Schlafen Sie Gut? - Halucigani, Matcha & Laila ...........  691
  13          F40 - nosfe ..............................................  687
  14          Working Concept - Greippi / Finity Games .................  657
  15          Space Train - zero .......................................  592
|//)/ /  a n s i  / a s c i i  /  p e t s c i i 

  1           Ich mach mir die Welt, wie sie mir gefällt! - Elko ^ TRSi. 1374
  2           Corona - necro ........................................... 1353
  3           Epic Loon - Cranksy ...................................... 1163
  4           Space dude - Malmix / Fatzone ............................ 1132
  5           despues del ZOIA - L23MN ................................. 1043
  6           Akira - aNACHRONiST ...................................... 1035
  7           bone-headed - Titus / Rabenauge ..........................  960
  8           KoronaWirus - sIMONkING/thelo0p! .........................  920
  9           stay safe - dipswitch / divine stylers ...................  814
  10          ???  BAUHAUS 101 - juN3bula / ? ..........................  786
  11          nkx-rev2o2o.txt - FuZioN / NeoKorteX .....................  783
  12          Fox Three! - Quake .......................................  770
  13          Flashparty 2020 - Arlequin / PVM .........................  713
  14          meeting - nosfe ..........................................  452

|//)/ /  p a r t y  f a v o r i t e

              Memories - HellMood / DESiRE

|//)/ /  s h a d e r  s h o w d o w n

          monsieur soleil
          wrighter     |
                       |   wrighter
                       |   cosamentale |
          branch       |               |
        ---------------+               |
          cosamentale                  |
                                       |    wrighter
                                       +---------------+---- flopine
                                       |    flopine
          provod                       |
        ---------------+               |
          flopine      |               |
                       |   flopine     |
                       |   evvvvil
          nusan        |
:                                                                             .
|_ _ _                                                                   _ _ _|
       revision 2o2o - 10-13 april 2o2o - https://2020.revision-party.net
                  logo & design by dipswitch / divine stylers!
                  - ---------------------------------------- -