.-.-.-.-.-.- DREAMHACK WINTER 2005 -.-.-.-.-.-
This is the results from the world's largest computer festival,
DreamHack 2005. The Scene was held by "datasektionen" at KTH.

There were 557 people voting at the party.

::: PC DEMO :::
1st  (204p) // Kakmonsterklubben - Knutten Kents Karaoke (Windows)
2nd  (121p) // Digital Devotion + Adam Blair - Destruction Remix (Windows)
3rd  (112p) // goofben - fortytwo (Windows)
4th  ( 99p) // piksel - wildcompodemo (Windows)

1st  ( 86p) // PsyGan - Journey Part 2 (DH W Contribute)
2nd  ( 54p) // Creation - Bosse
3rd  ( 50p) // Robin Tengvall - Javlarvagott
4th  ( 46p) // André Söderlund - Monsters @ DreamHack
5th  ( 43p) // zentrix - Mitt i Cassandras nyrenoverade badrum
5th  ( 36p) // Monochromic & treetrallen - That 70s Danceoff
6th  ( 30p) // Neah - Strange World (Dreamhack Edition)
7th  ( 29p) // RacerMammeluckerna - School Spirit
8th  ( 24p) // Henke - Wellcome to Dreamhack
     ( 24p) // Weird stuff (DHW05 rmx)
10th ( 18p) // FuD - crazy nights
11th ( 17p) // Raddox - Come Fly With Me (Bigscreen Version)
     ( 17p) // Rapid - nadom of fyllecell feat Opad of iNKA and friends - Superman
13th ( 16p) // w00d - Infinite
14th ( 13p) // metaph0r - touch
     ( 13p) // Sceneskaegg - Stanna upp
16th ( 10p) // RS - 4.25PM

1st  ( 80p) // Kapten Floede av Filosoferna - European Superheroism
2nd  ( 65p) // Sc00by_p4rad0x - Tyroleralen
3rd  ( 41p) // zentrix - Den som tar, han har
4th  ( 40p) // Klas E. S - densitet
5th  ( 39p) // Souleye - embrace
6th  ( 34p) // RacerMammeluckerna - Forgetting Everything I tried to remember
7th  ( 31p) // Robin Tengvall - riddle
     ( 31p) // fegolhuzz - När knusper körde i diket
9th  ( 21p) // piksel - bo
10th ( 19p) // nobles - M0 use
11th ( 18p) // Rapid - Fisk i Bamba chip
12th ( 16p) // TJC - pikzel-cancer
13th ( 10p) // treetrallen - skanelasse
14th (  3p) // Sutek - GD NatChip

1st  (390p) // Urkas - Voodoo Gubbe
2nd  (251p) // FISK - DH-Cruiser
3rd  (148p) // piksel - The Dead
4th  (127p) // Balkongtomte - Raytraced
5th  (120p) // keffosteffos - helikoptern
6th  ( 55p) // zrg - ensam snowman
     ( 55p) // Mullemeck and fulmust - LazerLab
8th  ( 53p) // Anderstorpcode - Spike

::: HI-RES GFX :::
1st  (333p) // André Söderlund - Paradise Shower
2nd  (268p) // Kimbil - Hires
3rd  (215p) // jsp - Den spriten, den spriten
4th  (148p) // treetrallen - Falkmans Jul
5th  (127p) // fulmust - jaettemegaargapan
6th  ( 88p) // Hanes - Song
7th  ( 74p) // Dockan - See you @ dreamhack
8th  ( 54p) // Viktor Marin - Slice
9th  ( 50p) // Joolet - Lady
10th ( 38p) // pcg - Saruke
11th ( 34p) // Rapid - Hires
     ( 34p) // Robin Tengvall - Crocing
13th ( 29p) // nobles - Paint Hires
14th ( 28p) // The Row - Highrez
15th ( 11p) // Mjulfjul - Katana
16th ( 10p) // estel - Lonely Heart
17th ( 10p) // eXt - Chrome Orb
18th (  9p) // metaph0r - Vengeance

::: LOW-RES GFX :::
1st  (236p) // fegolhuzz - Ninja-Bob
2nd  (135p) // Sgt - Lowres
3rd  (109p) // zentrix - Julen är här
4th  (108p) // Raddox - Jetpack Warrior
5th  ( 76p) // Dockan - Clock
6th  ( 48p) // metaph0r - Eye
7th  ( 39p) // Majzen - DHw2005
8th  ( 32p) // nobles - Paint Lowres

::: WiLD :::
**** (133p) // Armada Network - Starwars
1st  ( 92p) // keffosteffos - CS bidraget
2nd  ( 91p) // FilmFocus - DHWild02
3rd  ( 58p) // tGhost - Förr räckte det med Win98
4th  ( 47p) // zink - LAMEPARTY
5th  ( 42p) // Celestial Soul - Gman
6th  ( 17p) // GeekZone - DH2005 Paint
7th  (  8p) // Outpost Crew - Rondell Mannen

**** Armada Network's compoentry was disqualified after 
     the price ceremony.

1st  (337p) // goofben - warezr4p
2nd  (175p) // MaToGames - Poopoo
3rd  (102p) // TJC - TJC Lame
4th  ( 65p) // kakmonsterklubben - lame
5th  ( 55p) // Celestial Soul - lame
6th  ( 50p) // noble - Laemo
7th  ( 49p) // FISK - lame
8th  ( 47p) // Muffins - lame
9th  ( 43p) // The Row - exe2gif
10th ( 13p) // togi - togi's lame

1st  (only) // Muffins - Muffins trainer