Od BloodMan'a: spokojnie - macie juz to co mam. Reszte podociagam i
zaniedlugo pojawi sie poprawiona (z autorami np. w gfxcompo) wersja.
Ale To juz sa oczywiscie oficjalne punkty (wyniki). 

                           !!!  VERSION 0.9  !!!

      S Y M P H O N Y     D E M O     S C E N E     F E S T I V A L

  O R G A N I Z E D    B Y    P R O T O T Y P E    A N D    F R I E N D S

             T R Z C I A N K A     1 4 - 1 6 . 0 9 . 2 0 0 1 r

                     O F F I C I A L     R E S U L T S

  Lp. = Classification
Prod. = Production number
 Pts. = Points
    + = aexequo

                     Votes: 61   Fakes: 23   Total: 84

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    3   51   Mad Wizards - "Cruel Karma Forms"
 2    1   36   Amnesty - "Dogstar Descends"
 3    2   33   Encore + Nah Kolor - "Plus"
 4    4   11   "Puke"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    2   48   Nah Kolor - "Initialize"
 2    1   45   Addict - "Miracle"
 3    3   42   Suspend
 4    5   33   Spiral - "Pulsar"
 5    7   20   Zone51 - "Altered State"
 6    6    7   SNF
 7    4    6   Marcel

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    1   32   Decree - "SIL"
 2    2   29   Appendix - "Psychol"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    3   44   Faktory - "Domino"
 2    1   25   Ultima - "Narrow Way: The Secret  Life Of Plants"
 3    2   17   Klub AA - "Anonim2 Promote Intro"
   Offcompo:   Altair - "Macie Baterie?"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    1   21   MC Kromson - "First Contact"
 2    2   14   Da'hoo + Prototype - "Viher2"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1   16   55  Mime / The Grid - "Toxic Twins"
 2    4   26  "Prisoner Of Dreams"
 3    2   22  Neuromancer / Appendix - "Hard Riddle"
 4   13   21  "Mystical Garden"
 5    8   17  "Czysta Propaganda"
 6   11   16  "Koncert Nieskonczonosci"
 7    7   10  "Balance"
 8    1    9  "Whats That"
 9   12    8  "Sad"
10   10    7  "Ja Nie Chce"
11    3    3  "Deegirl"
12+   9    2  "Hellfire"
12+  14    2  "Pitfall"
12+  15    2  "Sad" (2)
13    5    1  "Fuck & Die"
14    6    0  "Autumn Elf"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    4   90   Traitor - "For Sale"
 2    8   44   "Evacuated"
 3   10   18   Ubik / Mad Wizards^100%Prophets^Whelpz - "Misery"
 4    2   17   Degrysin / Nah Kolor^Clasp^Faktory - "Save me... Darling"
 5    5   13   Bartex - "Reactor"
 6    9   10   Azzaro / Mad Wizards "Elemental Difference"
 7    1    9   WitchMan / Ind. - "Land of Shadow And Light"
 8    3    7   "Sword"
 9    6    6   Scarab - "Grisznec i Szkarab Odpoczywaja"
 9   11    6   Dixie / Prototype - "Las"
10    7    0   DrugLord / Zone51 - "Preview 14"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    4   54   Rem / Procreation - "Extermination"
 2    1   36   Skip / Potion - "Scream"
 3    3   35   Azzaro / Mad Wizards - "Cruel Karma Forms"
 4    2   27   "Still Loving"
 5    5   26   "Kid Shoot"
 6    6   10   "Running Trough My Head"
 7+   7    2  
 7+   8    2  
 7+   9    2  

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    1   18   Bzyk / Samar^Lepsi De - "Negative"
 2    2   17   Richard / DynaByte - 
 3    3    9   Flapjack / Appendix - "Sixtus, Don't Sing"
 4+   4    6   Skuter / Negative^Purple Arts - "Mr_Saw"
 4+   8    6   Lesnik / Altair - "Afraid"
 5+  10    5   Unaware / Analogik - "Call from"
 5+  12    5   X-Ceed / Floppy^Darkage - "Glow Worms"
 6+   6    3   Beeper / Antidotum - "Epidemic"
 6+   9    3   Fragile - "Biesiada"
 6+  13    3   Emsi / Addict^Distort Waves - "spxtc"
 7+  14    2   Silgar / Distort Waves - "Ra"
 7+  11    2   Nordbase / Distort Waves^Spiral^Freelancers - "Grace 32"
 7+   7    2   Rzs / HDD - "Dream"
 8    5    0   

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    5   37   Skip / Potion - "Prayer For Life"
 2    2   27   Waveman - "Man Research"
 3    7   25   X-Ceed / Floppy^Darkage - "Virtual Madness"
 4+   6   19   Stilgar / Distort Waves - "Alienation"
 4+   1   19   Flapjack / Appendix - "Gentle Troughts"
 5    3   14   Kure / Rno^Whelpz - "AEM"
 6    4    9   Popcorn / Appendix^ABS - "Jajko"
 7    8    6   

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    5   30   TZX & Fademan - "Rasp in feelings"
 2    8   25   Quantor / Ind. - "Thin in limes between"
 3   12   16   Moonflower - "Temple of music"
 4+   3   15   Darshan / Ind. - "Meet My Sub Killah"
 4+   9   15   Samar / Lepsi De - "Bzyk"
 5+   2   12   Crash / Cryogen - "Po Prostu House"
 5+  11   12   MC - "Sexual Instincts 2"
 6   10    8   Lothar / Moons - "Smashed To Atoms"
 7    1    4   Beeper - "Meaningless Existences"
 8    6    3   Singer / Altair^Anadune - "Long Distant Call"
 9    4    2   Rzs / Hdd^Rush^Atmosphere - "Forbidden Ground"
10    7    1   Cactoos / Da'hoo^Prototype - "Gmaj"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    1   27   Wacek / Arise - "Drop It"
 2    7   16   Stilgar & Siatek & Nordbase / Distort Waves - "Apogee"
 3   11   13   Singer / Altair^Anadune^Addict^Vague Records - "Aura"
 4    8   11   C97 / Virtual Poland - "Gangsta"
 5    2   10   Voyager / Darklight - "Hacked Datasphere"
 6    3    8   X-Ceed / Floppy^Darkage - "Time Deflection"
 7+   4    7   Gex / OutOfScene - "Withering Flowers Of Life"
 7+   6    7   Timer - "Storm"
 8    5    3   Artha - "Mahabharta"
 9+   9    1   Siatek - "Squash"
 9+  10    1   Essential Sound - "Essential Theme"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    2    21  PSB - "Misio"
 2    3    14  Brygada RR - "Wybory 2001"
 3    1     7  Matryks - "Cudze"

Lp. Prod. Pts. Author/Group - Name
 1    1   17   Mad Wizards - "Elemental world [beta]"
 2    2   11   Dixie / Prototype - "Metamorphosis"

     ASCII/ANSI:  competition not started
 Commodore demo:  competition not started
Commodore intro:  competition not started
 Amiga 4k intro:  no productions
     Atari demo:  no productions
    Atari intro:  no productions
     Web design:  no productions
      Java demo:  no productions

 the organizers of the symphony party 2001 wish to thank following peoples
    for their invaluable help within the party organizing. without their
  involving that festival of fine modern arts would never be such a scene
                             event as it was.

                            the true ones are :

                         tomasz 'azzaro' wisniewski
                           elmer 'radi' radisson
                        piotr 'fenek/arise' fenicz
                           marcin 'payda' moys
                          przemyslaw 'ubik' kuca
                        bartosz 'madbart' urbaniak


Party archive @ ftp.scene.org