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             :        .         Distance '97 Results
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º PC Demo
 1.  08 Aurum                          Miraculix My Mind Muffin    (95)
 2.  04 Pimp                           Cuba                        (64)
 3.  05 Sublogic                       Anders 3                    (35)
 4.  10 Submatic                       Undigital Motion            (14)
 5.  03 Calamity                       Ich hat eine cap            (13)
 6.  02 System-X32                     Taco II                     (10)
 7.  07 Wimp                           hum›rsyk satire p† roma's seri›se
                                       bidrag til democompo        (8)
 8.  01 System-X32                     Ravetracing                 (6)
 9.  06 System-X32                     AtMooZpHeRe (3)2            (5)
10.  09 System-X32                     ATMoZphea 1                 (3)

º PC/Amiga 80K Intro
 1.  05 Sublogic                       Paul Pot                    (74)
 2.  02 Index                          The space between silence   (46)
 3.  08 Ephidrena                      Eph vs Cpu                  (44) *Amiga*
 4.  03 tpolm                          We came from kocmoc         (31)
 5.  06 Instinct                       Mint                        (30) *Amiga*
 6.  04 Rectum Cauda                   Jeg bor her i denne hallen  (20)
 7.  07 Instinct                       Friendship 2                (13) *Amiga*
Entry #1 crashed and was never shown.

º PC/Amiga 4K Intro
 1.  01 Zien/Nocturnal                 Fade II                     (75)
 2.  02 Starfish/Submatic              Stargate 4K                 (54)
 3.  03 Credex/System-X32              Credex sin 4k til avstand 97(31)

º Multichannel
 1.  01 Kaiowa/Promixa^Sorrox          Do aliens have pets?        (38)
     16 Surreal/Aurum                  Cyclothymia                 (38)
 3.  06 Zauron/Index                   Unseen face                 (34)
 4.  08 Frequent/Ephidrena             Onyx theme                  (29)
 5.  02 Antastal/Freelance             Kalima Numbdi III           (27)
 6.  17 Madhi/Calamity                 Supernatural nature         (17)
 7.  04 Pahladin/Sublogic              Maxwels barnehage           (14)
 8.  05 Nogsf/Tundra^Ewox              Love dug down               (13)
 9.  11 Infinite/drd^adp^sx32          Roma tells it all           (12)
     10 Arbeidsledighet/Rectum Cauda   Rock - vi sl†r p† lokk      (12)
11.  09 Starfish/Submatic              Catch this moment           (11)
12.  07 Pinocchio/Contraz              Genes2                      (7)
13.  03 Xhale/Calamity                 Digital time voyage         (6)
     13 Optic/tpolm^TRSI^DCS           Wooden shavings             (6)
15.  12 Dr. Insite/Rectum Cauda        Stricktly c†merz            (4)
16.  14 Silencer/Sotu                  (In my mind) I can fly      (2)
17.  15 Thor/tpolm & Elric/tpolm       Funkytonkyplommonpop        (1)

º 4 Channel
 1.  06 Dj.dr.cand.med.Hiphop-Putevar  .Pling                      (64)
        og Dr.Verdensbestemusiker
 2.  04 Frequent/Ephidrena             Heatseeker                  (47)
 3.  01 Xhale/Calamity                 Kankaksi kulman             (19)
 4.  08 Abhoth/Laban                   Dash of heroism             (16)
 5.  02 Pinocchio/Contraz              Flying high                 (15)
 6.  05 Tentacle/Instinct              prosjektR                   (14)
 7.  03 Fro-d/Contraz                  Happy'95                    (13)
 8.  07 Elling/Laban                   No faith                    (10)

º Graphics
 1.  01 Pahladin/Sublogic              Jeg har tatt narkotika      (44)
 2.  15 Cheetah/Ephidrena              Closeup                     (31)
 3.  04 Hezze/Pimp & Tuna/Pimp         Porno                       (27)
 4.  02 Orome/Talent                   Hodeplagg                   (21)
 5.  03 Infinite/drd^adp^sx32          CPIX er fylt 17. og. eh.    (21)
 6.  08 Thor/tpolm & Feather/tpolm     Carlos shot the sheriff     (20)
 7.  16 Stoney/Ephidrena               Dr›vstuter Goabeng          (20)
 8.  06 Kaiowa/Sorrox &                Jurassic Parkeringsvakt     (15)
 9.  07 Kaiowa/Sorrox &                Jurassic Spark              (13)
10.  14 Tentacle/Instinct              Leo                         (12)
11.  11 Bounty/Proxima^tpolm           Morfar og mormor er gode venner, men
                                       de elsker hverandre ikke lenger  (11)
12.  10 TMK/Inf & Snupi/Inf            Suna no tenchi              (8)
13.  05 Optic/tpolm^TRSI^DCS           Rose                        (7)
14.  09 TMK/Inf                        Bosui onna                  (5)
15.  12 PSyChO/Instinct                RubbahFingaz                (3)
16.  13 The Man/Spetsnaz               SeaHouse                    (2)

º Fastmusic
 1.  05 Oce/Pimp^tpolm                 l-kork                     (61)
 2.  03 Infinite/drd^adp^sx32          Walker's paradise           (32)
 3.  01 Zauron/Index                   Out of tune                 (27)
 4.  02 StGeorge/Index                 Snackbar massacre           (23)
 5.  04 Starfish/Submatic              Running out of time         (13)
 6.  06 Kaiowa/Sorrox &                Casanovaliens               (0)
Due to an error in the votingprogram, it wasn't possible to vote for
entry #6, but nobody noticed.

º Fastintro
 1.  01 Rectum Cauda                   Seigmenn og bamsemums -
                                       Wonders of the world        (75)
 2.  02 Elite Productions 3d           How to kill a bamsemums     (57)

                    80 people came, 8+ girls, 3 foreigners
                           51 of those people voted