[ the future waits.. ..millennium line #ooo1 ] % +,=;+, я ;:; , , %Н :М ),= ,ОЗ: ,НО%,:З , )%: :) , , : О+::%О%,%О+ ,%: М % %::)ОО;НОН ОН ) О: = ОО%%ОЗ:;, З О+, := : ::)%:= ЗОО:О))%М; І +% я %%%Ня%%ООМ; НООООя%ОО= З | :О + НОООООООООООО:ООООО%О% ,;Н , І | =О% ООООООООООООМММООООО: +НЗ З | | ;ОО, +ООООООООООООО=ООООО% =МО : З | | яМ ЗООООООМ%ООООО:ООООН =ОО%)% ; | | =: :ОООМ%=;;=МОО:М%ООМ::ООО)НН | | ;О%, %%%;:МООО%%)О%%МО) %ООООМя ,З | | ,ММ, М;МОО)+++ЗООО;ЗЗ МООМОО) :) | | = :О: я+%ООЗ+З)я;НОО,: ,ООМООО+ + | | +О; %ОО%ЗОООООН+я% =:ОООН%МЗ ,З, | | : %:,%ООНО%%:ООО%%= %ООО%%=, :+; | | З%+),)яООЗ;%МЗ;%%ОО: ОООО+;: ООМ; , | | %: ; :+%=яО%%О::+я% =О%ОО,М, НМ%Ня | | ) , ::+)М);::О%З)%+%О%ОН О +яОО:, , | | , %Н%М+%%%я:О%МОМООМО:)% :%;;:, ; __ | | ) %ОО+МООООМООО%ООООМ ) ;,Зя я \\/ | | % %О%=%М%МОО%ОО%ОООМЗ % %, = , | | :+ :)М% , ,%М;%:ООО+, : З : ) | | , яНО: :%:)ОО% ,=%я | | ; ) ,ОЗ, + :+З, ,яОМО, | | : , %= ;%+; я +)==%= + | _| % =я:= :%ММ% : я%М%%) | \\_ %М) О ООО% %ООО)Н:;я + | | З%% :Н)ОМО; , %++Н, %М%%;,%%% , | | +:: ::ОО%: я %ОО; я; ;;%О% | | ,яН:%ООО+, ,:я )=ОО=:,Н я%%=%%: , | | %ММОО)О, :%) О=ОО%;:%М %ООМОМ,: | | %:ОО=я :О:)%)% ОМООООН;=О%ОМ%:Н= | | ,Н=О%, НН:О%О+ЗМОМММОО;)яМООМ:З | | О+О= О%ОООН О%ООМООО,Н ООО%:) | | О%ОО%;:НООООО=О%МООООО % ЗООН== | | З%ОООМ%О%О%%+ООО%ОМООО + ЗОО=, =+ | | ,%)%ОМО%Н%::=ООО:ОМООМ , )МН =З | | ОООО+З=ННООООО%+ООО% ,% , : | | )%%О О МОООО%%О:ООО% ,М ,, | | ,:%)О=%ОООО%;О=:ОО% :О := | | ,О%МО%ООО) М%яОО%;:Н Н | | ОМООНОООЗ ОО;ООМ) % | | + )%),%ОМ МОяООМ+З ; |_ | %: я)Н+ ОО:ОООНя _// | я% :%% ООМОООН | З | З+ :З+ ООМОООО З ; | . | М% %=, %ОООООО : ; | . | :Мя :% Н% :ОООя= я, Н | : | %Н ОМ МОЗ ОМ%,% , Н% | ...: | ( t ) R A N НМ О% МОМ З%+,= %%, S M I S I O | N :...... | яО,О% О); % :М: | : | _ ___ О=О; З :З) =О= | :::::::: | //__ _ ОНО Ня%З:ЗО :ОЗ | :..... | :ОО яяНяОя= МН |.. . . . ::: | МО , ; %Н |:: : : : ::: | +О= НН |:: : : : ..::: | ( c ) O M M E N О% + : :Н C E D |:: : : : :...... | НМ : : + =Н | ..:: | %+,; ;я:: =я:% | : | :О : =% :: ,;З % | .:.....|............ . О М яд;З= , = : | : | %%Н::е%%% ; = З | . | ,Оя% жжже, : : : | | ООО+ +%е ; я ) | З | )ОММ ; = я Н + ) | | %=О, : =: НН + я | І я=:) = %Н ) +, | . О;:,, %% ;) ) І %М%%%== яЗ я . ,:ООМ=, = :; s o m e w h ere out ) О) = there in the night a conversation is taking place ООН:, = =, ООООО%МЗ): between kindred spirits. i would normally see no reason яОООМОММ:) ОООМОООМ: for this to need an explanation, but we have made ЗООООМН% ОО%:%Н: connections. confused? you should be. these things '+"" make little sense in the light of day.. so how could they make any more in the dark n e s s ? o _________________. . O ._\ | | \\ | _ ._____ | _ ________ | ________ (_) | /_______\ ___\__ /___\__ /_ | _ \/_ |/ /_ )/ / |----/________ /----/_____/----------/ _ ___ _ \/ _____ _ | -hzn- | _ ___ _ \ | p r o t a g | \\_| o n i s t . . _ __|________________\ : we begin in the usual way, a recap of our respective days, and finding a smile and a laugh we make the real connection. two like З spirits of the night, we are unable to fill the time with fluff o or surface level conversation. products of our times we move from one idea to another in rapid succession, creating a continuity _ O few could understand. lennon was right, love is understanding. (_) З ____ o ____________________ _ \ ._\ O _ __________ | \\ (_) ____ __________ xCz \ /__________ __ / \. ______\ /___ __________ .--\__ // _ /-./ \/ |/ _ \\__ // /___/_. _ /-. | / /____ /____/ | _ /\ | / Y / /______ | /____/ | |____\ \________|___\/ |________|_\ \_____|_________| \________\ /_______| _ ______ \________\ _ _ _________ _ \ | \\_| _ _____________________________\ once i would have begun this tale by addressing my own concerns З and fears for the future and left it at that; an insight into the o mind that is my own. i would prattled on of apocalypse and nightmare, never once believing they were actually possible. then O _ somewhere in the night we made the connection to the larger (_) nightmare. i can see now, the futility that is humanity. .... .____. ._____ _____ .... . ............. _| |___ | /_______\_ \_ ............. . :::: ... . \_ ____//_| _ /____/_ :::: З :::: : :---\ ____|----/____________ // :::: o :::: . \/ \/ :::: :::: the future :::: _ O ________ .______ ___. .______ ________ _____ (_) .__\ ____//___| / |___ _____| /___\__ /___\_ \_ | _/ /| /_ ____// /| /_ |/ /_ /____/_ |_____| _ _________ /---\_______________ /----/_____//_______ // \/ \/ \/ :::: -hzn- part two :.. :::: . ..::::...................................... : :......::::.. . .... :.: .... we stumble upon it innocently, as children. you with your interest in that which i will make my life. and me, with my technological З drive to understand not the why, but rather the how, of it all. o uranium, incased in missiles. which in turn are incased in silos somewhere to the south, across the border in america. controlled _ O by men with keys and computers. computers with clocks.. (_) . o .... .... . .............( m i l l e n n i u m )............. . O :::: :::: _ ::З :::: (_) __ __ З _/_ ___. ___. ______ ____ ____ _/_ ._ З: __ __ ___\ V /_._(/__._( |_( |_\ ___/._\__ )_._\__ )_._(/__. _| )_._\ V /_. \\_ \_/ | | | | ___)_| | | | | |_( | | \_/ | | | | | | | \| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ |_ | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |_____|______//____//_____|___| |___| |_____|_______|___| |_ |____/ЉhP! |____/ |____/ .... |____// .... :.. SK:OD :::: . ..::::.............. : :..............................::::.. . .... :.: .... the year 2000 is not the new millennium, but because there are З too many people who can't count everyone on tv acts as if it is. o and if the machines crash, it might be the end of all humanity as we know it. i usually laugh at our doom-generation, but as O _ we make this connection i realize the only important thing is (_) wether or not i love. love is god. and i love you my friend. З . . : : ___/:\___ ____\ __:__ /____ _ ___\ | _\ З /_ | /___ _ | \ | | / | _|_/ | | \_|_ \| _| |_ |/ .......... . | _\ /_ | . .......... : ............ | /_\_/_\ | ............ : : ::::: _______| /(___)\ |_______ ::::: : : :::: _\ _ _/ _ _ \_ _ /_ :::: : ______ / _ __)\\_ .\ /. _//(__ _ \ ______ nM _ __ / ___//_________ \_____/ _________\\___ \ __ _ _ __//_/ //___\ ......... | `lll' | ......... /___\\ \_\\__ _ . ..... . .::::::: :.. |_ `-' _| ..: :::::::. . ..... . : ::: : : :::.:... ..: /___.___\ :.. ...:.::: : : ::: : : ::: : : :::::::: : _/ __:__ \_ : :::::::: : : ::: : : :::.: : :::::::: : \ \ : / / : :::::::: : :.::: : . З :::::::: : . \\:// . : :::::::: З . . ... ::: : : : ::: ... . ЗЗЗ :::.: З :.::: ЗЗЗ З . " l e t u s p r e y " it's been a busy time for me, my future is at hand. i have alot to do this summer and very little time to do it in. so this is a sort of "fare thee well" collection. i will still be drawing and should be back on the net shortly but the scene has always been more of a winter thing for me. if you requested an ascii and its not in this collection it sucks to be you. i still have my large reqs list and will get around to drawing them all in my own time.. if you happen to run into me online please don't bug me about it, i have more on my mind than worrying wether some kid in timbuktu usa got his font or not, thanks. love and positivity to all my peeps. especially to sara, who was the inspiration for this collection. i love yah girl and always will.. don't forget it. hiro protagonist / devin june 13, 1997 З І | | З ___|___. :___ _______ __( | |_ _ | /_._\ ____/ :|: ||: : ::|::| З \_ _/_/-| | ____)__. :|: ||: : ::|::| І | | __ | \| | :|: ||: : ::|::| | : ::| | |/ | | |::::::::: :|: ||: : ::|::| ::::|::: :: : | | | | | | :|: ||: : ::|::| | |_ З | | | | _| :|: ||: : ::|::| | /____\ _| |____|________\ SK:OD :| :| | / \______| : \ :| АЙВЙЙГАЙГГ :| | З | . З З /\ З | | _________ :_____ __ /\ _. ___: _\____ _______ | ._( ______/ __| __( /\ |_ |__ .__\_ )_ ._\ ____/ | | ____)._( | \_ _/ | )_| __ _/_| ____)__. | | | | | | | | | \| | \| | І | | | | | | | | | | | |:: : З | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ | |_ | |_ _ __|__ | | | | З _| the future /_____|__ /________ /_______| /_______|___| |__/_____\ / : / : |_______/ \ З З . : | З . | ЉhP! І З [underground delirium - fixed from money] #o1 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr .__ ____ _\___ _______ ____ __| )_.___\_ )_.____\_ )_._\ ____/ __\_ )_ З ................. ._( | | | | | | ___)__. _ _/_. . :: ::: | | | | | | | | | | | . :: ЉhP! .....::: | | | | : | : | | | | :..:: __ :.......... | | : | : : | : |_ \// :: | : | : / SK:OD :: | | ___/_ ____ ______ .__ ____ _\___ | | ._( _/____.__\_ )_ ._( _ /_ __| )_.___\_ )_.____\_ )_. | . .... : | \_ | _ _/_| | ._( | | | | | | : :: | | | | | | | | | | | | | __ :: | | | | | | | : | | | : | \\/ ::... | | : | | | : : | | | : | | | | : __ | : | ............. . | : | : \\/ : | :::: . | : __ : :::: : ЗuNDERGROUNDЗdELIRIUMЗ . \// :::: /\ . :::: _\___ _______ _/\__. _/_ ____ _/_ :__ ___ ___/_ : .____\_ )_._\ ____/ ._( |_(/___.__\_ )_ __(/___. __| )_._\_ V _/_. : | | | ___)__| | | _ _/_. |_( | | \_/ | З | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _| | | | |_ |_ |_ | | |_ | |_ | | \__________|__________/_______/______/__| |_______/_________/___| |_ | l______/ .... l_____/ _ __ : :::: //__. . . .....................:::: __ _ | . . : : :............ .__\\ __ |_ ...::: | \\/ /__________________________ :............ . _| __ _ _____________________\ \// #o2 [midnight hours - fixed from money] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr ____. /\ ___ ___ _/_ ___ ____ _/_ ___ \ |___ _/\__. ._\_ V _/_._(/___.____\_ )_.___\_ )_._(/___._( _/____._\ | /_._( |_ | \_/ | | | | | | | \_ | _ | _/ ЉhP! | | | _| | | | | _| | | | | | _ |____| |_____\__________|____| |_____\__________|____| |_______| //_. |_____/ ____. |_____/ |_____/ | . \ |___ _____ .__ ____ ___/_ | |_ ._\ | /_._( _ )_. __| )_.__\_ )_ _( _/___. | __ //__ | _ | | |_( | | _ _/_._\___ | ____|_ \\/ (---------- | | | | | | | | | | | : SK:OD |____| |_________|_________|___| |_________| |_____/ |______/ [hit 'em up - by request of megga hertz] #o3 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr . ....... _\_ _______ ___ ___ .....: \) ._\ ____/ ._\_ V _/_. ::....... ( | ___)__| \_/ | : ____. /\ | | | | | :::::::::::: \ |__ _/_ _/\__. | | | | | ._\ | )_._(/___._( |_ ____________________________ __ | _ | | _/_____________________________/_// | | | | | . . . . . |____| |______|_______| | | | | | ЉhP! |_____/ .___ |_________|____| |_ __________ _ ... ___| )_ ________ |_____/__________/_// ::: SK:OD ._( | |_( _ /__ ::: | | | | _/ _ ___________________ _| | | _____) \\_\___________________\____________| | ... \______| ЗhЗIЗTЗ ЗeЗMЗ ЗuЗPЗ :::......... .......: ::::... ...:: " just who do these jagoffs think they are? " : . #o4 [full blown - by request of endless nameless] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr /\ ______/\____________/_ .......... \ _/ .......... __ ___\_ ________\ __ _:_________ __________ :::::::::: \\__\_____ ______\ /_____ | /_. /_. ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ \ \ / \| | | ::::::::::::::::: ::::: \ \_ /\ \ |_ |_ __ .......... : : /_ ___/--)___ \__________/___/\ ____/__// :::::::::: : : (____/ __/\_ /___________/__ _ ____ \/ ........:::::::::: : : _\ _ / /_. ___)\_____ ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ : : _) /____/____ | ____\___ /__ З : . | _ / |__\ _ /_ _/ _/----\-- - : SK:OD |_ (/ \________/ (/ / \ \ __ _\_____ . - -- -ї--------)______________/ |_ / /_________\/_\___ \_ /__________\ / \/ (/ ((--- - _/ / \ ЉhP! [ F U L L B L O W N ] \________\ \_ __ ... \___________/__// . . ... .............................................::: [main menu - by request of spidey] #o5 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr . ___ ___ ____ _/_ ____ ___ ___ _______ ____ __ . ._\_ V _/_.___\_ )_._(/___.___\_ )_. ._\_ V _/_._\ ____/ .___\_ )_. \/ ..: | \_/ | __ | | | | | \_/ | ___)__| | | \/ :: | | | \| | | | | | | | |/ | | | \/ ::.... . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \/ . | | | |__ | | | | | | | | | | |____| |_________| /____|____| | |____| |_________|____| | :::: ______ |_____/ __ _ |____|_ |_____/ | | : _\ : - --|-З |__ : | | | )_. | | | | | ..commands 'n shit would go here.. | | | | |_ | | | /________| | .... . | .......:::: | | :::..... | | ....:: ЉhP! | | :... | | : SK:OD | |_____ . _____| //_________________________________________________________________\\ #o6 [logoff - by request of spidey] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr _______. _______ _____/_ _______ _______ _______ ____ ._( |_( _ )__( __/_____( _ )__( ____/_ ____/_ ____ \\_ | | | \_ | _____) _____) _// /__ | |_ | | | | | ______\ . |__________/______________________________________| ______| | : SK:OD |_ ЗANDЗDON'TЗCALLЗBACKЗ __ _ /__[ЉhP!]________________________________________________________\\ [cracktech 2000 - vintage compo #9 <winner>] #o7 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr __ _ ___/(__ _______/\__ ___________ ___________:_ _.__\_____ \__\_ _ _\_ _ _\_ _ | | _____/_ | | | | | | ______ _ | | | | | | | | | cRACK _ __\\ | | | | | | | | | cRACK | | | | | | | | _______ bABY! _ ___________ | ________ | ___________________ | _______/ / \\_\_ _______/_____\__ \_ __\_____ \_ ______/___\_ / / / (/ / / __/_/ ___/ / (/ / __ __/_ / / / _ / \) / / / (/ / / / (/ / / / / /__ _ /______ З____/___/ /_________.__/____________/___/ /__/_/// / _/__ /_________\ _ _ . _ . /_________\ _ ___/ /____ _ ____________________ | _______ | . . \\_\_ ______/_____\___ \_ ______/___\_ /________ | | SK:OD / (/ / (/ / (/ / _ / | | / / / /______/_ / / (/ / | | ___ / / / / / /__ _ | //____ _ /____________/_____________/___________/___/ /__/_/// / | ... . . . . . /_________\ . | :::... ЉhP! | | | | | . . | | ::::::: ........: | | | | | | | | | ..... :... ::......... | | | | | | | | | ::::: :::: ....::::: _| | | | __| | __| | __| :::::... : :::... \\______ |_________\ |_________\ |_________\ ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ : ..: (______! ....:::::::::::: :. : . [З C R A C K T E C H 2 0 0 0 З] #o8 [fahrenheit - by request of fahrenheit] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr . . : .____/_ ______ _____ __| / _____ _______ ______ ._( ___/___\___ )_._( | /_._\_ )_ ._\ ____/ ._\___ )_. | ______) __/ | __ | /____/_| ____)__| \| | ......... | | | \| | \| | __ | |/ | | | ....:: __ _| | _| | _| | _| \| _| | _| | | ::..... . \\__\______| \______ \_____| \____| \_________\_____| |_ __ . \_____/ |_____/ |______/ |_____/__// ЉhP! : .____/_ SK:OD _____: І ЗFЗAЗHЗRЗEЗNЗHЗEЗIЗTЗ __| / _______ _\_ ._( |_ __ ((( ( | ._( | /_._\ ____/ .___\)_| _/__// | ЗOЗFЗ | __ | ____)__| | | З | З | \| | |/ | | | _\ | /_ ЗRЗEЗMЗOЗRЗSЗEЗ __ _| | _| | _| _| | _ __\_\|/_/__ _ \\__\_____| \_________\______\________|__ _ Y |_____/ : : . [vintage - a gift for sargon] #o9 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr /\ ____. /\ ._\ |___ _/_ ____ _/\__. ____ ____/_ ____ | | )_._(/__.___\_ )_._( |_ _\_ )_._( __/___._\ _/_ < << | | | | | | _/ _ | \_ | ___)__. | | | | | | | | | | | | | l_ | _| | | | | | | | |_ | | >> > /_________\ _____l____| l_______|____| l_________ /________l ..... l_____/ : l_____/ . SK:OD :::::........ . | ЉhP! . ......: | | ::.. | . ...........: [ v ] I N T A G E [ c ] O M P O ! | | |_ | /____________________________________________________|_ : #1o [serial - by request of sargon] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr __ _________________________ _ \\/ _ __\\ ____/_ :_________ _( _/___________________/_ _________\_ _/_ ЉhP! | /_. ______\____ ______ /____\_____ \___(/_____________|_ SK:OD | \ / / (/_____/ / __(/ / __________ \_ | \ __________/___ / \_ ___/_ \ ___/ _/ - --|-- \-----/-- /-----------/------/ \_______\ \) \ | _ __ /----------\ \___________.__\ |_ _ //_________ _ |___________/_/ [ S E R I A L ] [wtsds header - by request of whodini] #11 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr __ __ : _____ _____ _____ where the sun ____ - ---\---/\---/-------|____/_ __\\ ____:_ ___/_ (__don't_shine__) //__:_ _ _/ / \ \_ __ _/ _/___ __\ | _/ _/___ | \_\____/\____/__\ _\_____ )ї--\___ Ё_\_____ )_ logo: | ....... /\ _ __ \( __ (/ / (/______ (/ / __| :::....... З (------//_ _____| (------/ ___/\ __) ...::: whodini & / \/ _ ______\\ \/ __ ЉhP! ::... cybergod \/ for: ... \// __ ::... . _ ______ . ..\/.........................::: SK:OD \\/ //___ _ \/ #12 [modemland - for myself] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr _\______/\___________ _ ____/\____________ ______/\_ _\ _ _ \__ _ ___\___ \__ ____/ _\ _ _ \_ / / / / / / / / __/___/ / / /\ . ______ / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ З \\____ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / . З / /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ / / З З /____/ / /_________/_________/_________/____/ / / / :+ З. \ \/____/\ \ \ \ \/____/ / . \____\ \ \____ ___\_________\____ ___\____\ \ / З. .:З . _\______\____\/____/\_ _ _______ ____/\_ \____\/ +. . \__ / _ __\___ \______ \__\___ \_ З . З / /____ __/ / / / / /\ SK:OD З . З / / / \ / / / / / \ / / / / / / / / / /_____________ / / / / / / / / / /_____________// /_________/____/ /____/ /_________/ / \ \ /____/\ /____/\ \ / ЉhP! \_________\__\ \ \__\ \ \_________\/ \____\/ \____\/ ЗЗ W E G O T T H E P O W E R ЗЗ ModemLand З [306-652-4359] Remorse!Ascii World HQ З Katharsis!Ascii World HQ З Quad-P World HQ Ganja Canada HQ З Serial Canada HQ З 3o3 Canada HQ З ACiD Member З FOOD Member Auto-validating VIP password available from hiro@ricochet.qpt.com [quad-p - a joint with mithrandir] #13 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr З З ___\ ___:___ ._ _____ ___________._ _. _______/_ ___:___ /___ __ \ \_ | /. |/. \ /_ \\____\ |/. .\|--\ / .\ | _/ / __ \/ / / | | | | \ \ _________| | | | \ \ __: | | \ \ \/ / / | | | | \ \ \ \ | | | | \ \ \_| | | \ \ _/ _/ | | | |_ \_ \_ \_ \_ |_| | |_ \_ \_ | | \_ \_ \____\-----|- | |__/-----/____/ /____/--/| |__/-----/____/ | -|-----/____/ _ __ mr |__ |_ _ Џ: : _ _| __| ЉhP! __ _ //__ _ (__/_/ \_\__) _ __\\ #14 [code zero by - request of shift] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr .. _\___ ________ ______ _:_________ .. .___\_ \_ .\ ____/ .\ _ \_ | __ /. . ..::............ | ____/_| __)---| __ _/_| \| | :: | \| | \| | \| | | | :: SK:OD | | | | | | | | ___/_ :: ___________ | | _\___ | _______/_ | | _( _/______________ _\ _ /_ __________\_ )_ _( _____/______ | \ \ \/ | \/ / \ __> \ | \ \ \_ | \_ / \_ | \_ _ \______ /\ ________/ : __/________________/_______________/_// /\ .. \_____________/ . . . . . . . . ЉhP! /\ :: . . | | | | | | | | :: __ : | | | | | | | | | :: \/ . _| | | | __| | _| | | :: \/ \__________|_______\ |___| \__________|_ :: |_____| .. : C ј D E :: Z E R ј : :: :: :: . ..::..............................................::.. . ЗЗ ЗЗ ЗЗ ЗЗ [coded inferno - by request of mjay] #15 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr ____ _____ ____ ______ ____ ._( __/___.__\ _ /__.___\__ )_._\ ___/__.___\__ )_. | | | | | | | _) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | burnin' burnin' |_________|_________|_________|_________|_________| like a coded inferno! : .. : : : : : :: _/_ ____ _____________ _____ ____ _____ :::: ._(/___.___\_ )_._( ______/ ___/__._\ _ )_ .___\_ )_.__\ _ /__. :... | | | | ___) _) | _ _/_| | | | | .....: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | :::....... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |______|____| |_____| |_________|___| |____| |_________| SK:OD : : |_____/ : : : |______/ |_____/ЉhP! : : : : #16 [satanic verses - by request of blindman] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr ___/_ _\____ ______. _\____ _\____ _/_ ___/_ _( _/___.___\_ )_._\ |___\_ )_.___\_ )_._(/___._( _/____. ._\____ | __ | З _/ __ | | | | | | ::: : : . | |/ | |/ | | |/ | | |_ | | _| | | __|___ | |_______|___ | |____| /_____|________\ З |_______\ \__.___| : \______| |______ _ .. . : \ | SK:OD :: З ЉhP! \ |__/\___ :: :. _ __ \ | /____ _\_____ ___/_ ____ :: ___/_ :З / /_ | _( __/___._\ _ )_ _( _/___._( __/___. _( _/___. :: /___ \ | / _) | _ _/_._\____ | _) |_\____ | :: \ / / \ | /|__ | | | | |/ |__ | | |/ | : _)\--/(_ З \| / /_______|___| | | __| /_______| | __| _\ .__. /_ | / |_____|_______\ .. |_______\ \ \></ / |/ : :: : \:. /\ .:/ : :: (__ ЏЏ __) . s a t a n i c . v e r s e s . .. /_ _\ .... )__( ::... . .. [folar - by request of folar] #17 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr З : _ ______ ...І... //___ _ SK:OD ::::|: :: ______ ::::|: :: ____: ___ _____/_ ._( ___/__З::|: :._( |____\_ )_._( /_ | _______)З:|: :| | __ | _ )_ _ _ _| | ..::|: :| | \| | |____/_/ \_\___ | ::::|: :| |_ | | | /____|_ ::::|: :|_______//__ |____| : ::::|: :. /-----: ::::|: :: ЉhP! . _____ ::::|: :: ______ _ _ __\\ ЗЗ:|:.:З І : f ј l a r . #18 [style - by request of folar] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr __ _ З s З t З y З l З e З _\ :___ _( :_______ \ ___: ______: ____ | _/______| /_._\\ |___._\ |_\ _/____: ЉhP! | | | | | | _) | : ::: |__ |__ |___ | |_ _| ::: : /_________ //_____| /_______|________//______\ / _ __ : / SK:OD (_ _ _ /_ where it's at. _\-) [penthouse - by request of folar] #19 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr З _______ . .\ . /. З | З : З | .: | З З : | .: .---------. : З_|_____: \ _______: ____ :_______ / :: | ЗЗЗ ЗЗЗ | З | . . . | ._\\ __ |_\ _/____| __ //_. :: ЉhP! ________| ЗЗЗ ЗЗЗ | : | : : : |___ | \) | _) | (/ | :: | ЗЗЗ ЗЗЗ | З | . . . | /_. | ___|_ _|___/ . ..|.::........ . | ЗЗЗ ЗЗЗ | : | : : : | | |_______\ //______\ /______| :: ........ | | / :: :::::::::: ї P E N T H O U S E ї | | : :::::::::: | | :____ / ::: _______ :_____ :___ / ____ | | put some info here | //____._\ __ /_| /____| _//_____._\ _/____: |_ | __ | \) | /) | | _) | /_____________________ |__(/ | |_ Џ |__ |_ _| /______|_________ //_______ /________|//______\ .. .......... / __ / _ SK:OD З:.:::::::::: _ _________\\ `:::::::::: ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ [ notice! ] :_______ / _______ \ ___: ____ :_______ / | //_._\ __ /_._____\\_ |_\ _/____| //_. | \/ | (/ | __/ | _) | \/ | _____________:_ |___/ | _| \)__|_ _|___/ | | _ /______|_______\\_______\ /______\\ /______| _| SK:OD | \ \ __ _) ЉhP! | \ _____: \ ___:________ _\\ \ ___: _|___ m o d e m l a n d ._\\ |_____\\_ | __ /_._____\\_ | : //__ __ | | __ | (/ | __/ | (_________ \/ ________ | _| \)___|___/ _| \)__| \/ |______\______\ /____\\_______\ \/ \ modemland will be temporarily down this summer while i'm in the process of relocating to vancouver, bc. expect the bbs to back up in the via with several nodes of telnet via cable modem if i can afford it. my thanks goes to everywho who helped by contributing a little of their time and artwork. [ notice! ] #2o [abuse - by request of folar] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr ... ... ___ _ ::: _ ___ _ _\ ::: /_ _ ::: SK:OD \ ___:____ / :_____З :___ / ____ ._____\\_ | _ //____| /____| _//_____._\ _/____: | __ | __ | /) | | _) | | \)___|__(/ |_ Џ |__ |_ _| |_____\ : /______ //_______ /________ //______\ / ... / _ __ ЉhP! ::: __ _ /___ _ a b :u: s e _ ___\ ::: ЗЗЗ ЗЗЗ [stezotehic - by request of folar] #21 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr :___ / :________ ____ \ ___: _______ | _//_____| /_._\ _/____:_____\\_ |_\ __ /_. | | | _) | | \) .|........................ |__ |__ |_ | __| _| : /________| //___:__ //_______|________\ _______\\ ЉhP! : / : / \ : З : :________ ____ :____ / _/ :___ : : : | /_._\ _/____| //____._(/--| _/___:__. :: :.............|. | _) | __ | | \ : | ::: |__ |_ _|__(/ | _| __| . ..:::::::ЗЗ З //______ //______\ /______|___\\ ________\ :ЗЗ / / \ SK:OD . #22 [crossfire - by request of horizon] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr З : | ..:........... ::::: :::::::::: :___ З ЗЗ::::: :::::::::: _______ :___ / :___ / | _/______. ::: ::::ЗЗ З ._\ __ /_| _//_____| _//_____. | \ | ::: . | \) | | | SK:OD |_ __| ::: | | _|__ |__ | - ------- //______\ .::: --<ї>--- |_______\\ /________ /________| ------ - / .:::: | \ ::::: | ЉhP! :_______ / _/ З::З ____ (З crossfire З) | ____//___(/--: : ._\ _/____: | ______/ | : | _) | |__ \ | _| : |_ _| put some info here /______\ |___\\ : //______\ \ ::: / . :::. | .:::::. | ЗЗЗ : . [horizon - by request of horizon] #23 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr З З // _/ \ _// ._(/--: _ ______\\)___ | | ___________ _ З | | :____ / _______ \ ______ | | \ ___: _______ :_______ / ЉhP! | //____._\ __ /_._\\ /_| |_____\\_ |_\ __ /_| __ //_. | __ | (/ | __ | | | \) | (/ | : :: |__(/ | _| (/____| ::|: __| _|___/ | :: : /______|_______\\ ______\ | |________\ _______\\ /______| SK:OD \ | | \ __ | | \\/ h o r i z O n |_ _| o f t r O p i c (__\\ \ #24 [prophet's hold - by request of hostile] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr : | ...|.... :З :|::::: : :|::::: : :|::::: /\ _____________ : :|::::: ____________________________ /\ ________ ._\\ : :|::::: /\ //_. | ЉhP! : :|:З З: , | \ _______: \ _____ :|: \ _______:____ / ____ :_______ .___ / | ._\\ __ |__\\ /_: :| ._\\ __ | //____._\ _/____| /_| _//_____: | \) | __ | :| | \) | __ | _) | | | | ____| (/____| :| | ____|__(/ |_ _|__ |___ | |______\ |______\ . :| |______\ /______ //______\ //______ /_______| . : :|..... / / . | : :|:З З: | | SK:OD :____ / : :|: \ _____: \ ___: З prophet's hold З | |_ | //____. :| ._\\ |_____\\_ | _| (_____ | __ | :| | | __/ | __________________________) |__(/ | :| | _| \)__| /______| :| |______\ ______\ . :|:.... :. :|::::: ЗЗЗ|ЗЗЗЗ | : [core - by request of omicron] #25 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr . . . . : :___ _______ \ _____ ____ : _ ____:__ | _/______._\ __ /_.__\\ /_._\ _/____: __:____ _ \_\___.__ | \ | \) | __ | _) | __.___/_/ : |_ __| _| (/____|_ _| : ЉhP! З : //______\ _______\\ ______\ //______\ : З SK:OD .: . / \ / . :. З::. .::З З::::.. . c O r e ! . ..::::З ЗЗ:ЗЗЗЗЗЗ З З ЗЗЗЗЗЗ:ЗЗ #26 [last callers - by request of omicron] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr :___ l a s t \ ___: ______: ______: ____ \ _____ :___ / | _/______._____\\_ |_\ |_\ |_\ _/____:_\\ )_| _//_____. : :: | \ | __ | | | _) | __ | | :: : __ |_ __| \)___| _| _| _| (/____|__ | __ _\ //______\ _____\ |_____\\ _____\\ _______\\ ______\ /________| /_ | / \ \ \ : | | | | ( put tha shit here ) | | ___ __ _| |_) / ( bbs name here ) ____ \/ _\ : // З __ __\\ \/ /____\------\//-- - SK:OD ..last XX callers! ]---) \/ ЉhP! [users - by request of omicron] #27 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr ... __ ... :______ :___ / ____ \ _____ :___ / \// ::: _ ___| /___| _//_____._\ _/____:_\\ )_| _//_____. : _ __)\_\___ /) | | _) | __ | |___ _ : |_ Џ |__ |_ _| (/____|__ ___/_/(__ _ ::: SK:OD //_______ /________ //______\ ______\ /________| :::......... / / : .. . ЉhP! З:ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ u s e r s o n s y s t e m __ ЗЗ З З \\/ #28 [greets - by request of windrider] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr . . : _\_____:_ _._____/_ ____/_ ____/_ _|__ ЉhP! __ _\ | | | | /_ _\ _/___. _\ _/___. | _____/_ )______/_ З _ | | | | :-ї---'-| _) | | _) | | | /_ . | /_ _ З _:__\\ `-ї---|_|-l З l_| |-l_| |-l_| |-l_| | //__:_ : _l SK:OD :---ї-' :---ї-' :---ї-' :---ї-' : . З З З З . [option 99 - by request of mekong] #29 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr .......................... .......................... .: :.::: :::.: :. : ЉhP! :::З :З З: SK:OD : _______ \ _______:________ :З _/ _______ :_______ / :________ :________ ._\ __ /_._\\ __ | /_._(/--:_\ __ /_| __ //_. | __ /_| __ /_. | \) | \) | | | \) | (/ | | (/ | (/ | | _| ___|__ | _| _|___/ | |___ |___ | |_______\\ _______\ //______|___\\ _______\\ /______| //_____| //_____| \ / .... \ \ :. / / : ::::: :..:: . З ЗЗЗЗ::::::::::::::.:..:::::: ::::::..:.::::::::::::::ЗЗЗЗ З З : : З . ..:. o p t i o n 9 9 .:.. . З З #3o [mekong - by request of mekong] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr __ \ ______ \/ ____ :__ / _______ \_______ :___ / __ ._\\ /__._\ _/____.--| //___._\ __ /_.\\ __ /_| _//_____. \/ _ | \/ | _) | __ | (/ | (/ | \___ | _ ЉhP! _\ |____/ |_ _|__(/ | _|___/ |_ (/ _| /_ :_( /______ //______\ /______|_______\\ /______ /_______\ )_: ::| SK:OD / : \ |:: : З( mekong )З : [warez list - by request of bozo] #31 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr :______ \ ___:_______ / ____ \ ___: | /___:_____\\_ | //_._\ _/____:_____\\_ | ___ | /\ | __ | __ | _) | | //__ |_ | \)___|__ (/____|_ | __| | //_______|_____\ /_____\ //_______|________\ ЉhP! | / __ / | //_ \ _____: _/ :___ / :________ | w a r e z ._\\ |_(/--| _//_____| /_. SK:OD | l i s t | | | | | |_ _| _| _|__ |__ | //_______________ \_______\____\\ /________| //______| \ / #32 [bozo - by request of bozo] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr :____ / _______ \ ___. _______ | _ //____._\ __ /_._____\\_ |_\ __ /_: : :: | __ | (/ | | (/ | :: : |__(/ | _| __| _| ЉhP! /______|_______\\ ________\ _______\\ SK:OD \ \ З( b o z o )З [lucas - by request of statik] #33 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr __ \ _____:_____ [ lucas ] \/ \ ___:___ / ._\\ | /____.___ \/ ._____\\_ | _//_____. ЉhP! | | /) | _/______| __ | | SK:OD _| _|_ Џ | \ | \)___|__ |_ \_______\ //_______|_ __|_____\ /_________/ _ ___ / __ //______\ ____________ _ (_____ / __________) #34 [gamez - by request of crane] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr :___ / \ ___:_______ / ____ \ ___: __ | _//_____._____\\_ | //_:_\ _/____._____\\_ | __ _ ___\\ | \___ | __ | \/ | _) | | //___ _ |_ (/ | \)___|_ \_ |_ | __| SK:OD /________|_____\ /____/----//_______|________\ ЉhP! : / : [artpacks - by request of crane] #35 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr :::: \ ___: \ ____..::::....\ _______: \ ___:___ / :__ / :___ / ЉhP! ._____\\_ |__\\ )_:::: ._\\ __ |_____\\_ | _//_____.--| //___| _//_____. | __ | __ |::: ::| \) | __ | \ | __ | | | \)___| (/____|::: ::| ___| \)___|_ __|__(/ |__ | |_____\ |______\ :::: ::|_______\ |_____\ /_______\ /_______/________| _ ____ З:::.::::::: __________________ _ SK:OD ::::::З ( artpacks! ) #36 [acid file_id.diz - by request of radman] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr ___:___ ACiD! _/_ #xx ___. .______\_ | _/______._(/__.______\_ | | __ | \ | | __/ | | \)___|_ _| _| \)__| |_____\ /_______\_____\_______\ : : :.... .....::::: [ xx/97 Accquisition ] ЉhP! :::.... . [suicide - by request of deezack] #37 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr З З З З: З s u i c i d e З :: :___ / :: \ ___: ____ | _//_____._____ _\ _ :___ _\ _ ._____\\_ |_\ _/____: | | /____._\)--| _/______._\)--| __/ | _) | |__ | /) | | \ | | \)__|_ _| /________|_ Џ | _|_ __| _|______\ //______\ //_______|____\ //______\_____\ / ЉhP! / .. / SK:OD :: .: . . . #38 [chat off - by request of deezack] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr __ __ :___ / :____ / \/ \ ___:_______ / \ ______ :______ / :______ / \/ | _//_____| //____._____\\_ | //_. ._\\ __ /_| ___//__| ___//___ | \ | __ | __ | _ | | (/ | ______/ ______/ |_ __|__(/ | \)___|--/ | | _|__ \_ |__ \_ _ __ /_______\ _ /______|_____\ /_______| |________\ /_____/ _ /_____/ ЉhP! /_______________SK:OD_____________________________\ [online - by request of deezack] #39 ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ m i l l e n i u m . .. ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ....: | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | t h e f u t u r e :... |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| ..............................:: gdm^lkr \ ______ :_______ / \ _____: __/ :_______ / ____ / SK:OD ._\\ _ /_| _ //_._\\ |_\/--| _ //_._\ _//___: ЉhP! | / | \ | | \ | \ | _) | : :: | _|___/ | _| _|___/ |_ _| :: : |________\ /______|______\_____\ /_______/_______\ #4o [happy birthday - for myself] .. . m i l l e n i u m ____ ____ ______ _____ ____ ____ ____ :.... ._\_ /__\ _/_ _\ /_\ _ /_\_ /_\ _/_\ _/_. ...: t h e f u t u r e | _/ __) \ \/ \ _/ \__ _) | ::.............................. |__\____\_____\ _/___________\______/__\___| gdm^lkr :____ ___: ________: ________: ____: | /_____:______\_ |_\ __ |_\ __ |_\ |___. :__ | __ | __ | \) | \) | _| | __: ЉhP! | |__(/ | \)___| ___| ___|___ \ | | SK:OD _| /______|_____\ |_______\ |_______\ /_______| |_ _\\ //_ :____ | __ ______ ______ :____ ___: ___: ____: | _ /_____:_\\/_:_\ )_:_\ )_| /_____.______\_ |______\_ |_\ |___. | __ | | __ | __ | __ | __/ | __ | _| | |__(/ | _| (/____|--(/ |__(/ | \)__| \)___|___ \ | /______|____\_______\ /______| /______|______\ |_____\ /_______| _ _ |_ З happy birthday to me З i'm now an old man З _| //__ _ _ __\\ __ _\/_ __ )\/( __ ( / _/\/\_ \ ) ЉhP! \\/ /\/\ \// \ __ __ / : :::( \_][_/ )::: : \ _ /_ _\ _ / ____\\/-(_____ _ _// \ \/ / \\_ _ SK:OD _)-\//____ ._) \\ \_\_) (_.._) (_/_/ // (_. | \ .. / | З ЗЗЗ З ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗІІЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ З ЗЗЗ З | .. | | | | ... we're all dying, day by day ... | | \ / | | \\ ЗЗЗ bit by bit, byte by byte. ЗЗЗ // | _ __|__ ::: ::: __|__ _ : /____...__ _ __ _ __...____\ : З ::: /\_\ ::: З ..................::: \/_/ :::.................. :.......... ..........: ....::::: :::::.... ::..... M I L L E N N I U M .....:: ..:: ::.. _ __:______ t h e f u t u r e p a r t t w o ______:__ _ З //__ _ _ __\\ З . З З . І ( r - m l n n m . t x t ) І | | :_______ :_____ :______ / :_____ \ ______ ____ | | ____/___| /____| //__| /____._\\ /_._\ _/____: : :: | _______/ /) | __ | /) | __ | _) | :: : |__ \ |_ Џ |---/ |_ Џ | (/____|_ _| /_______\ //_______| /______ //_______|______\ //______\ . / / / . | | | this draws to a close another ascii collection from | | me, look for future remorse releases where ever you | | got this one. the new style i'm using here in these | | headers and elsewhere in the end of this colly came | | about suddenly the other night as i free-styled the | | 'style' logo folar requested. it may continue in my | | next collection, depending upon feedback. as always | | you can shout me out at hiro@ricochet.qpt.com but i | | may be a while in responding since i'm moving to bc | | in july. i haven't talked to tinyz in a while but i | | am still planning to do a joint collection with big | | poppaz which we've titled 'supreme competition'. it | | will be released under the kts banner.. keep an eye | | out for it. quad-p is taking the summer off.. as we | | usually do, but expect to find the crew back with a | | fresh pack in august or september. remorse pack #12 | | hit recently and was a nice mix of the new and old, | | as always. i haven't had time or connectivity to be | | on the net recently, but i'll be back, have no fear | | kids. modemland is of course temporarily down while | | i'm moving but it will be back as soon as i can get | | the telcomm setup. peace. | | | | - devin | | | | З :___ З \ ______ ____ \ ___: _/ :______ / .___ / | _/______._\\ /_._\ _/____:_____\\_ |_(/---| //__| _//_____: : :: | \ | __ | _) | __/ | | __ | | :: : |_ __| (/____|_ _| \)__| _|---/ |__ | //______\ ______\ //______\ ______\ |____\\ /______ /________| / . / \ . | | | [ artist contribution(s) ] | | | | brute! screaming graphic | | horizon hiro logo & the future logo | | g.d.m. remorse logo (header) | | necromancer skull & cross graphic | | xcluziwe remorse logo & explosion graphic | | | | big thanks to y'all for making this possible | | | З З :____ / _/ :___ / :______ / _______ \ ______ \ ___: | //____._(/---| _//_____| //__._\ __ /_._\\ /_._\\ |___. : :: | __ | | | __ | \) | __ | | | :: : |__(/ | _|__ |---/ | _| (/____|___ | /______|____\\ /________| /______|_______\\ ______\ /_______| . \ \ . | | | it is hard for me to keep track of how much ascii i | | actually do, and alot of my stuff gets released the | | old fashioned way of logo by logo (guest appearance | | and quadp releases for example). a complete list is | | therefor an impossibility, but here's a list of all | | the collections i've done since 1995.. | | | | ЗdescriptionЗ Зmm/dd/yrЗ ЗbytesЗ ЗgroupЗ | | | | logo collection #1 | | hp-logo1.txt o9/26/95 65,984 trank | | | | file_id.diz collection #1 | | hp-diz1 .txt o9/26/95 13,6o7 trank | | | | reservoir dogs | | hp-rsdgs.txt 1o/25/95 19,477 trank | | | | respect for da homiez | | hp-rspct.txt 11/1o/95 28,1o7 trank | | | | file_id.diz collection #2 | | hp-fid .txt 12/21/95 25,1o6 trank | | | | katharsis rules supreme | | hp-krs1 .txt o3/o9/96 124,ooo kts!asc | | | | from dusk 'til dawn (joint w/fahrenheit) | | wu-fdtd .txt o5/o1/96 144,9o4 wU/trank | | | | tiger style | | wu-tiger.txt o6/12/96 76,59o wU/trank | | | | men in black | | tk-mib .txt o7/2o/96 57,o13 trank | | | | evolve | | tk-evol .txt o8/3o/96 47,918 trank | | | | deus ex machina | | kts-hdem.txt 12/19/96 56,241 kts!asc | | | | in the mouth of madness | | r-itmom .txt o1/29/97 35o,o37 remorse | | | | leftovers from in the mouth of madness | | hp-bbsd .txt o2/o1/97 44,45o quad-p | | | | to serve man | | r-tsm .txt o2/24/97 193,316 remorse | | | | the future (joint w/cyberkid) | | r-future.txt o4/1o/97 128,256 remorse | | | | firestarter | | hp-fire .txt o5/o1/97 44,45o quad-p | | | | money | | r-money .txt o5/o6/97 134,ooo remorse | | | | millennium: the future part two | | r-mlnnm .txt o6/13/97 95,794 remorse | | | | 18 collections - total: 1,649,25o bytes | | | З | :____ / \ ______ ____ ____ :______ / .___ / З | _//_____._\\ /_._\ _/____:_\ _/____| //__| _//_____: : :: | \___ | __ | _) | _) | __ | | :: : |__ (/ | (/____|_ _|_ _|---/ |__ | /_________|______\ //______\ //______\ /______ /________| . / / . | | | no general shouts this time kids, there is no way i | | can remember everyone. instead here are a few words | | to specific people. if there's nothing for you then | | i just didn't have anything to say to you - do me a | | logo and i'll have some positive vibe for yah. ;) | | | | necromancer - i wanna run linux & x-windows.. gimme | | some pointers.. heh. who da man? yeah, you is nig. | | much love 'n all dat, be back online soon bro. | | | | whodini - see above, only i need your god-like | | system security knowledge since i don't want fah | | hackin my box. ;) | | | | red demon - dropped you a post card with my bc adr, | | hope it reaches you before you leave for canada. | | | | paine - has the secret service caught up with you | | yet? you really should have learned how to use a | | calling card properly before you made all those | | calls to dorian.. poor boy almost had a seizure. | | | | tinyz - we must still do supreme competition. so | | sorry i haven't been around, i'll mail you wil my | | new phone number in vancouver after i move. keep | | it real nig, kickin' tha shit for life. | | Џ Џ Џ | | xcluziwe - kill all those old email adrs you have | | under my listing in ascii gazette, only the hiro@ | | ricochet.qpt.com is valid now. thanks for the art | | btw, looking forward to seeing another col from | | you one of these days.. =] | | | | tango - we must hook up for a few drinks if i make | | it over to england next spring. i'll even show you | | how to make a good shooter or two.. ;) | | | | ohseven - if you wanna be my secretary you really | | should start spelling my name right. looks awfully | | silly on the letter-head otherwise. SK:OD baybee! | | | | dark trooper - i do still want to be in food, i've | | just been too busy recently. expect me to return | | in full force during august or september. =] | | | | omicron - get your cable modem yet? we'll haveta do | | do high speed test runs when i get hooked up. =] | | | | windrider - much love to you nig. when i come back | | to saskatoon at christmas we'll go for a guiness. | | | | bubblegum mask - also gotta send positivity out to | | you bro.. we'll smoke of tha good shit when you get | | out to vancouver.. =] | | | | megga hertz - hey jagoff, who just joined? hehe i'm | | still wearing that thin.. ;) | | | | ranx - you and jedi arts have been pretty quiet in | | the past few months, hope you guys start making | | some noise again soon. gimme a shout and send me | | some of your fly system/x utils, i only have a few | | of your's. heh. | | | | mithrandir - how'd you like the joint? ;) | | | |_ _ .... : .... _ _| (----//___________...._____І_____....____________\\----) . :::: І :::: . SK:OD .. .:. .. ::::.....І.....:::: .. .:. .. . .. .:..: :..:. І .:..: :..:. .. . : :: :... ...:ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ: І :ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ:... ...: :: : : :: ::З:::::::: : І : ::::::::З:: :: : : З:.:. .:.::.:: : І : ::.::.:. .:.:З : З:....: :........: І :........: :....:З ЉhP! ЗЗЗ І ЗЗЗ : . . e v e r y t h i n g d i e s , e v e n t u a l l y . .... ..::::::. ..:::::::::.. .::::.ЗЗ ЗЗ:ЗЗЗ З::..ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ.. ..:ЗЗЗ З: З .З З:. .::ЗЗ .:ЗЗЗ.. .::З .З ЗЗ. :::. . :: З:::З . .: :: :. .. :. :: .:: З::...:З : .:З .. .::З ЗЗЗЗ ЗЗ:::: .::. .:::::З З. :З:::....З . : :З ЗЗЗЗЗ . . :. :З З . :. З.. : .:.З ...З ......: З.: : :.З::З . З: : :З :. .... .З ...:ЗЗ . : ЗЗЗЗЗ . ... .ЗЗ::::::. . ЗЗ. : ..... ЗЗЗ..... .....:ЗЗЗ :З .... ..........::...... .. . .:З ..З.:З З: ..ЗЗ:. ..ЗЗЗ..:ЗЗЗЗ . .З З ..:::ЗЗ :.ЗЗ :ЗЗ. : ЗЗЗ... .З ..:ЗЗЗ :З xCz :З З. . ЗЗЗЗ........ ..ЗЗЗ .:З : З:.: . З . ЗЗ З .З .З З. З . : З ЗЗ. . ЗЗ .. З . З . . b u t n o t e v e r y o n e l o v e s . [ the future can't be stopped.. ..millennium line #196o ] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ another remorse 1981 ascii collection __: ._____ _ _\\ | | З M I L L E N N I U M З | | // the future part two . ...| | / :| | b y h i r o p r o t a g o n i s t .| | | | _____ __ __ _____ :___/_ | |_/_ :_\ //_:_\ \/ //_:_\ //_| _/___ ' /_____| _ | \/ | _ | //_: |_ /____|___/ _|_ /____|___ _| SK:OD (____\ ЉhP!/_____) (____\ /_____) @END_FILE_ID.DIZ SAUCE00Colly - Millennium Hiro Protagonist REMORSE 199707072v�����������������������������������