Erhm jezz... guess it's that time again... .. _____________ ...................................................... : / --- ____ Ź\ _______ ___________ ____________________ : _/ Ź____,Ź_____-'\_ / _____Y__ _______Y_ __Ź\_________ Ź\_______ (_ Ź(°T..(°)_Ź _) _\________ Ź\ | Ź\ `/ \ `/ /_____/ T`-- Ż____Ż __,Ź T / | \ l \ / \ \ \___/. l_ ,-Ź/----\-` ! / l \_ \/ \ \ \ : .\__ /______\-ŻŻŹ/ /_________________/__________\ \_____\ \ : : | `------' TŻ.____________ _____ ________/___________\__ \___\ : : `-----------' | ________Y __ Ź\/ _______/_ _______/_ : : | _______/ `/ \ | Ź\ ______/ Ź\_____ : : s C A r | T / \ l \ \____\_: : | | / \ \ xCz \_____\ : f A C e l_____l______/ \___________\____________\ : : /___________\ : :.....................................................................: . : Ś . : ._____._____._____._____._____ _____.__._____._____: l_ _ Ś___ |___ | ___l_ _ l_ _ l__)___ :_ _ Ś | | | |__Ś |__Ś___ í Ś Ś _ _j Ś Ś | í__j | | | __/| __/| Ś | | í | í | | | | í | | | ! | ! | | | | | Ś | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ś | | | | | | | | | | : | | | | : | : | | Ś | | | | | | | ! | | | | | | | | | : | Ś | Ś | ! | ___l | | | | | : í | | : | : | | ! | | Ś | | | Ś |__ |__ |__ l___ |__l l__| ! :__Ś |__ | : l___: . : . : l__: . . l__: . l__: l___j . : . . : . : : . . . -DtN : . . .____________ ___________________ __________ __________ ______| (______) _____________ \/ ______/_______ /_ \ | / \______ \ _/ \ \_ / _____/ / skz\_________/\_______/________/__________/_________/__________/p^A Presents another basic merchandise called: .../\____/\___..__/\_______/\___..__/\___....................... : / _____ \ \_ ______ . \ \_ . \ __/\_____ : : / \/ l \/ /____/ | \/ | _/_ \_ ___/ __/\_____ : :/ \ | \ / \ . \ . \/ /____ \_ ____/ : _ _/ \__l \__ \__l \__l \_ / \/ __/___ : \ \__________/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/__ \_ l \: : \_______/__ \_ : ._ __/\_______/ : ˇ ___ __ __. ___ __ ___ ___ __. _i_ ___ __|\ \_ . \ : : l \ / \__ \_l_ \ Ź \__ \_/_, \ Ź \_l_ l_, \_/_, \_l / | _/_ : : / . \: : ________ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _ __/\____l \_ : \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ . \_______/ : / | \ : : / . \ : :________ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _ ____/\____l \_ : :\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \___. \\_______/ : : | \ : : _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _ __/\___l_ \ : : \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ ___ˇ/ \_ : : ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _ ___/\___ / __/_l_______/ : : \ \ \ \ \ \ \______ \/ l \ : : / | \____ \_ : : [ i n c a r c e r a t e d ] / l \ \_______/ : ˇ...............................\____ \_...........vC!/oS!..ˇ \_______/ ________ __. ___ __.___. ______. _ .___. _____ _ __.___. __. ___ _____ _______ ._\ |__ ._\ | |_\ _ | __|_ |_\ __/_._\ | |_\ |__ _\ __/___ | __/_| _ | | |/ / | \ | _ | __/_.\____ / | \ \ | | | / / | \ | | | \ \ / / ______ |________\__|___|_______\_______|_______|___|___|________\___pHS! _____ Actually I hate writing these sort of 'intros'... not bcoz I have nothing to say but bcoz most of my 'stories' are non-computer related. In my relatively short life (20) I've witnessed, done and experienced more things than a lot of other people. I must admit that most weren't legit and/or wise to do, but at the time I didn't care much about the consequences. But now I've found something that makes me 'happy' and most important, keeps me off the streets. Next month I'm turning 21 (on the 17th.. so send me mail!;) and on that day I will change my lifestyle... it might be too much to ask but if I don't try I'll never know what'll happen. Anywayz, enuff serious babblin'! This collection only includes requested logos!! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. ::. -/^\- iNCARCERATED -/^\- .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' ....................Artmag requested by =zEn=/rDZ!................... ...........City of thieves requested by mYSTIC/pST................... ............Save our souls requested by xCLUZIWE/dZAIN............... ...............Sanity claw requested by lONG fOX..................... ............Apocalypse now requested by sPEED/sQUAD.(not sure though) ...........Funeral oration requested by tROUBLE/???.................. ....................Orgasm requested by mOTIVE pOWER/mYSTIC.......... .................Brainrush requested by cRAZY sQUIRREL............... .......................Sos requested by xCLUZIWE/dZAIN............... .................No escape requested by xCLUZIWE/dZAIN............... .................Ecstatica requested by iNSTANT/sENABYTE............. ...............Dark vision requested by cAUTION...................... ..................Xcluziwe requested by xCLUZIWE/dZAIN............... .......................Xcz requested by xCLUZIWE/dZAIN............... .................Chronicle requested by aXEBLADE/hOS!................ ............Effect&friends requested by rADAVI/eFFECT................ ............Metal meltdown requested by pROWLER/kILLERS.............. .................One liner requested by sPEED/sQUAD.................. .........Outlaws&overlords requested by nECRONOMICON................. ....................Partek requested by mOTIVE pOWER/mYSTIC.......... ...................Macless requested by fANFAN/bDZ................... ..............Degeneration requested by aERODYNE..................... .....................Squad requested by sPEED/sQUAD.................. ................Amiga only requested by hI-fI/eFFECT................. ..................Get away requested by pROWLER/kILLERS.............. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Coach: Can I draw you a beer, Norm? ˇ::: :::. Norm: No, I know what they look like. Just pour me one. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #artmag.req'd_by.=zEn=/rDZ! . . . .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. . . ...:. .:... . . . ... ... . . .______________ .______________ _.__________________._\ Ź\_\______________\__._ |___________. Ź|: \_________________________________| |: / |. __ |: | !_________/ !_________/ !________________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ . A . R . T . /_________\ /_________\ . M . A . G . ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ . R . O . A . D . H . O . G . Z . ._________ _.__________________.__________________.________\ Ź\_._ |: ._ Ź|___________. Ź|: _\__________| |. \/ |: / |. /__ | !_________/ !_________/ !_________/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ /_________\ /_________\ sCf/_________\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ . . ... ... . . . ..... ..... . : .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. : . . .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Coach: What'll it be, Normie? ˇ::: Ś: Norm: Just the usual, Coach. I'll have a froth of beer :Ś :::. and a snorkel. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #city_of_thieves.req'd_by.mYSTIC/pST .______________ .______________ _ _._\ Ź\_._______ _ _____\______________\_________. | \______._ |: \_______________|: Ź\__________________________ \| Ź| |. / |. |: |: ! | !__________________!_______________!________________!__________ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ = C = I = T = Y == O = F == T = H = I = E = V = E = S = /_________\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .______ __. _. _ _. .______ ._\______\_________/ |___ _.________/ :___. | \__.________/ :_\ \_. |___________ .__/ |: \___|: __/ |: \| |: __/ |: \_______| |: |: __ |. |. .__/ |. ! |. .__/ |_____. | !________!_____/ !_______!__________!__________!__________!__________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ sCf/_____\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: How's life in the fast lane, Normie? ˇ::: :::. Norm: Beats me, I can't find the on-ramp. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #save_our_souls.req'd_by.xCLUZIWE/dZAIN! .____________ ____ _._ _._\ Ź\__________________.______. | Ź\__.______________/ : |: \________________________. Ź|: \| |: ____/ | |________. | / |. ! |. ._____/ | !________________!________/ !________________!________________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /________\ . S . A . V . E . ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ . O . U . R . _____._ _____ .__________ _.__________/ Ź:________|: Ź\_.___\ Ź\_._ |: ._/ |_ |. |: \___________| |. |/ |/ ! |. __ | !________________!________________!________/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ . S . O . U . L . S . sCf/________\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .__________ ____._ ____ .__________ ._\ Ź\___________/ Ź:_______|: Ź\_.______. /\____._\ Ź\_. | \_____________ ._/ |_ |. |: |/ Ź| \___________| |_______. |: |/ |/ ! |. / |_______. | !______________!______________!______________!______________!______________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Woody: How are you feeling today, Mr. Peterson? ˇ::: Śˇ Norm: Poor. ˇŚ Ś. Woody: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. .Ś :::. Norm: No, I meant `pour'. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #sanity_claw.req'd_by.lONG fOX .________ .______ .________ _ _._\ Ź\______________.____\ Ź\_.____ _ __\________\______. | \___._ |: \__________________. |: \_ |: \_________________ \| Ź| |______. |: / |. | |. |: |: ! | !____________!______/ !______!______!_________!__________!_______ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ /______\ -/^\-= S = A = N = I = T = Y =-/^\- /______\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ .______________ -/^\-= C = L = A = W =-/^\- .________ ._\ Ź\_.________. /\______.__________________._______\ Ź\_. |: \_______________|: |/ |___________. |: \ | |. / |. / |: / |. /\_. | !__________________!__________________!_________/ !__________________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ sCf/_________\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Woody: Can I pour you a draft, Mr. Peterson? ˇ::: Śˇ Norm: A little early, isn't it Woody? ˇŚ Ś. Woody: For a beer? .Ś :::. Norm: No, for stupid questions. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #apocalypse_now.req'd_by.sPEED/sQUAD! (max width: 73) .__________ ___. .__________ .______________._\ Ź\________/ :_\ Ź\________________. |_________. |: \__________ ._/ |: \_____________________. | |: / |. |: |/ |. / |: / | !_______/ !___________!_____________!______________!_______/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ /_______\ [ space for rent ] /_______\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ .__________ .__________ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ__. .______. /\____._____. | \____._\ Ź\\ Ź\_.__________/ : |: |/ |: \| |: \__________ \___________|: __/ | |. / |. ! |. |_______. |. .__/ | !______________!________ !___________!______________!_____________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /_______\ [ space for rent ] ._________ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ______. ._________ _._______\ Ź\_.___________/ Ź:_______\ Ź\_._ |: \_ |: ._/ |: \ | |. | |. |/ |. /\_. | sCf!_________!_________!__________________!___________________!-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Woody: How would a beer feel, Mr. Peterson? ˇ::: :::. Norm: Pretty nervous if I was in the room. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #BONUS!.three_years_old! .|\_.A.|\_.P.|\_.O.|\_.C.|\_.A.|\_L.|\_.Y.|\_.P.|\_.S.|\_.E. | \_| \_| \_| _\_| \_| \| |\_| \_| _\_| _\_ | | \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ |___l \_ | \_| \_ __\_ | _ \_ _/ | \l_ \_ \_ \_ \_ _/__. \_ \_ l__|_______|_______________|___________|____|__|_______________|NOW! (this is a classic! ;) .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ "What can I do for you Norm?" ˇ::: Ś. "Well, I am going to need something to kill time before my .Ś :::. second beer. Uhhh, how about a first one?" .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #funeral_oration.req'd_by.tROUBLE/??? _ ._____ _. .______ _.____________| \__.___\ Ź\_.________/ :_\ Ź\____________.____. /\__. |: ________| Ź|: \_ |: __/ |: \_______________. |: |/ Ź| |. ___/ ! |. | |. .__/ |. _ |: / |. / | ! /__________!_____!_____!__________!_____/ !_____/ !__________! / _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /______\ -/^\- fUNERAL oRATION! -/^\- /_____\ /_____\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ __. .______ .______ __. ._____ _._______/ Ź:_\ Ź\____________\______\_____ _._______/ Ź:___\ Ź\_._ |: ._/ |: \_______________. __________ \___|: ._/ |: \_ | |. |/ |. _ |: / |: |: |. |/ |. | | !__________!_____/ !_____/ !________!_______!__________!_____!_____! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ /_____\ sCf/_____\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Norm: Afternoon, everybody. ˇ::: Śˇ All: Norm! ˇŚ Ś. Cliff: Afternoon, everybody. .Ś :::. All: [silence] .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #orgasm.req'd_by.mOTIVE_pOWER/mYSTIC! - -- ---(- oRGASM! /^\ mYSTIC! dHQ! /^\ pARTEK! eHQ! -)--- -- - __. .______ ._______ .______ .________/ Ź:___\ Ź\_._____\ Ź\___________.___\ Ź\_.____________. |: ._/ |: \_______|: _\______________. Ź|: \_______|: ._ Ź| |. |/ |. __ |. /__ | :/ |______. |. \/ | !___________!______/ !______/ !______/ !____________!______/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ +31-227-pRIVATE! /______\ sCf!/______\-Os! /______\ 1 nODE /^\ 28k8! /______\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: What will you have, Norm? ˇ::: Śˇ Norm: Well, I'm in a gambling mood, Sammy. I'll take a ˇŚ |: glass of whatever comes out of that tap. :| Ś. Sam: Oh, looks like beer, Norm. .Ś :::. Norm: Call me Mister Lucky. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #brainrush.req'd_by.cRAZY_sQUIRREL ._______ ._______ ._______ _.____\ Ź\_.____\ Ź\________________._____ _._____\ Ź\_._ |: \ |: \__________________. |: \_____|: \_ | |. _\_______|. __ |: / |. |. | | !______________!_______/ !_______/ !___________!_______!_______! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ . B . R . A . I . N . /_______\ /_______\ . R . U . S . H . .________ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _____ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ.________ _____._ _._____\ Ź\__________|: Ź\_._____\ Ź\_.__________/ Ź| |: \___________ |. |: \___________ .__/ | |. __ |/ ! |________. |. __ | !________/ !________________!________________!________/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ /________\ sCf/________\Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Norm: [coming in from the rain] Evening, everybody. ˇ::: Śˇ All: Norm! (Norman.) ˇŚ Ś. Sam: Still pouring, Norm? .Ś :::. Norm: That's funny, I was about to ask you the same thing. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #sos.req'd_by.xCLUZIWE/dZAIN! .________________ _______. .________________ _._\ Ź\______________/ Ź:_\ Ź\_._ |: \___________________ ._/ |: \_________________| |__________. |: |/ |__________. | sCf!____________________!____________________!____________________!-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Woody: What's going down, Mr. Peterson? ˇ::: :::. Norm: My cheeks on this barstool. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #no_escape.req'd_by.xCLUZIWE/dZAIN! ._____________ _______._ _.____\ Ź\_.____________/ Ź: |: \_____ |: ._/ | .---------------|. | |. |/ |----------------. Ś !__________!_________!____________________! : : ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ . . _. .________ .________- NO - ESCAPE! - .________ _. .__________/ :_\ Ź\_._\ Ź\______________._\ Ź\_________/ : |: __/ |: \_________|: \__________________. |: \________ __/ | |. .___/ |______. |. / |: / |. |: .___/ | !____________!____________!____________!______/ !_________!____________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ sCf/______\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, there's a cold one waiting for you. ˇ::: :::. Norm: I know, and if she calls, I'm not here. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #ecstatica.req'd_by.iNSTANT/sENABYTE ___. .__________ .__________ .__________ _.__________/ Ź:_\ Ź\_._\ Ź\_\__________\________________._ |: __/ |: \___________|: \__________________________________. Ź| |. .__/ |. / |_______. |: |: / | !______________!______________!______________!____________!_______/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ .__________ .__________ /_______\ _._\__________\_______ _._\ Ź\________________._ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |_______________ Ź\_____|: \_____________________. Ź| |: |: |. / |: / | [ space 4 rent ] !____________!___________!______________!_______/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ sCf/_______\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: What's new, Normie? ˇ::: Ś: Norm: Terrorists, Sam. They've taken over my stomach. :Ś :::. They're demanding beer. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #dark_vision.req'd_by.cAUTION! .___._ .________ .____________ / Ź: _._/ /_____.________________._\ Ź\_._______. / | | / _:__________. Ź| \_____________| !/ |. |________/_ | / | ._ | ._ | !________________!________/ !________/ !________/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ d A R k v I S I O n /________\ /________\ sCf/________\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ .________ ___. .______ _.____. | \___.____ _._\ Ź\_.____ _.________/ Ź:____\ Ź\_._ | \| Ź| Ź\____| \_________| Ź\____| ._/ | \_ | | ! | |______. | | |/ | | | !____________!_________!____________!_________!____________!______!______! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Woody: What's going on, Mr. Peterson? ˇ::: Ś: Norm: Let's talk about what's going <in> Mr. Peterson. :Ś :::. A beer, Woody. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #xcluziwe.req'd_by.xCLUZIWE/dZAIN! .____ _ .____ .____ _._ _._____/\_._\ \_.___. /\_.____| \_._/ /_.__ _.__\ \_._______/: s|_ / _| \_____| |/ | | |_____/ | \__| \ | __/ | C| | / | / | ! | .____| | /\_. | .__/ |O f!___\ !________!________!________!________!_____!_________!________!s ŻŻŻ \_ \ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /____\ ŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: What can I get you, Norm? ˇ::: Śˇ Norm: [scratching his beard] Got any flea powder? ˇŚ Ś. Ah, just kidding. Gimme a beer; I think I'll .Ś :::. just drown the little suckers. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #xcz.req'd_by.xCLUZIWE/dZAIN! X .____________ C .____________ Z _._________/\_____._\ Ź\_._/ /_._ |__ / __|: \_____________:_____________/ | |: |. / |: .________| !_______\ !________________!________________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \_ \ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ sCf/________\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: Hey, how's life treating you there, Norm? ˇ::: :::. Norm: Beats me. ... Then it kicks me and leaves me for dead. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #chronicle.req'd_by.aXEBLADE/hOS! .__________ ____. .__________ ____. _._\ Ź\___________/ Ź|_\ Ź\___________/ Ź|_ |: \____________ .__/ |: \____________ ._/ | |. / |. __ |. __ |: |/ | !______________!_______/ !_______/ !______________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ c H R O N I C L E ! /_______\ sCf/_______\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ._______ .__________ _._ _._____\ Ź\_._____ _._\ Ź\_.______. /\____.____________/ : |: \_ |: \_____|: \___________|: |/ |: ____/ | |. | |. |. / |. / |. .____/ | !_______!_______!___________!______________!______________!______________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, what's up? ˇ::: :::. Norm: The warranty on my liver. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #effect&friends.req'd_by.rADAVI/eFFECT _. _. .________ .________ _.__________/ :_______________________________/ :_\ Ź\_\________\__._ s|: __/ |: _________/ ________/ __/ |: \_____________________| C|. .__/ |. _____/: _____/: .__/ |. / |: |O f!____________! / ! /!____________!____________!__________!s ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ / _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /________\ /________\ & __ _ . _ _ _| __ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |_ l 'l|-'l |(_|`-. l `----------' .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Paul: Hey Norm, how's the world been treating you? ˇ::: :::. Norm: Like a baby treats a diaper. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #metal_meltdown.req'd_by.pROWLER/kILLERS .__________ _.______________.____________/\\__________\________________.______. /\____._ |: ._ Ź|: ___/ _______________________. Ź|: |/ Ź| |:. \/ |:. .___/ |: |: / |:. / | !_______/ !______________!____________!_______/ !______________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-----/_______\----------------------------------/_______\--------------. : ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ m E T A l m E L T D O W n ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ : . . .____ .____ _. .____ .____ . _.________._______/:___. /\_\____\___/ /_.______/ :__\ Ź\_.__\ Ź\_._ |: ._ |: __/ |: |/ ________ / |: ._/ |: \ |: \_ | | \/ | .__/ | / |: |____/_ | |/ | /\_. | | | !____/ !________!________!______!________!________!_________!____!____! ŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ /____\ ŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ "What's up Norm?" ˇ::: Ś: "God's in His Heaven, [pause] something, something, something." :Ś Ś: "Beer, Norm?" :Ś :::. "Yeah, that's it." .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #one_liner.req'd_by.sPEED/sQUAD _. .____ .____ .____ .______/ :__\ Ź\_._______/: .___. /\_.__ _.__\ Ź\_._______/:_\ Ź\_. | ._/ | \_ | __/ | | |/ | \__| \_ | __/ | \_____| | |/ | | | .__/ | | / | | | | .__/ | _ | !________!____!____!________! !________!_____!____!____!________!____/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ/ _/ sCf/____\ ŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. ::[The Cranes are concerned that Frederick has yet to say his first word]:: Śˇ Norm: Afternoon, everybody. ˇŚ Ś. Frederick: Norm! .Ś :::. Lilith: He said Mommy! .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #the_outlaws&the_overlords.req'd_by.nECRONOMICON/logo#1 __. __ .______ .____ ._____ ._______/ Ź:_____| \_\______\______. /\_____________.___\ Ź\_.__\ Ź\_. |: ._/ |: | ____________ |/ _________. |: \ |: \______| |. |/ |. ! |: |: / | :/ |. /\_. |_____. | !__________!__________!________!__________!_____/ !__________!__________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ -^-/^\-^- tHE oUTLAWS! -^-/^\-^- /_____\ _____. _ ____. .________ _.__________/ Ź:______. | \_____.___________/ Ź:_____\ Ź\_._ |: ._/ |: \| Ź|: __/ |: \_________| |. |/ |. ! |. .__/ |. __ | !________________!________________!________________!________/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ -^-/^\-^- tHE oVERLORDS! -^-/^\-^- /________\ ____. ._______ ._______ ._______ .______. /\____._________/ Ź:____\ Ź\_._/ /____.____\ Ź\_. |: Ź|/ Ź|: ._/ |: \________|: / Ź|: \________| |. / |. |/ |. __ |_______/_ |_______. | !______________!______________!_______/ !______________!______________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ sCf/_______\-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ "How's life Norm?" ˇ::: :::. "Ask a man whose got one." .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #the_outlaws&the_overlords.req'd_by.nECRONOMICON/logo#2 __. __ .______ .____ ._____ ._______/ Ź:_____| \_\______\______. /\_____________.___\ Ź\_.__\ Ź\_. |: ._/ |: | ____________ |/ _________. |: \ |: \______| |. |/ |. ! |: |: / | :/ |. /\_. |_____. | !__________!__________!________!__________!_____/ !__________!__________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ -^-/^\-^- tHE oUTLAWS! -^-/^\-^- /_____\ ŻŻŻŻŻ ._______.___ __._______._______.___ ._______._______._______._______. \_ \ \| \ ____\ __ \ \___\ \ __ \____ \ ____\ s| \ \ \ \ __\__ _ \_ \ \ \ \ _ \_ \ \____ \ C| \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ f|_________/_______/_______/___/___/_______/_______/___/___/_______/______-Os! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ -^-/^\-^- tHE oVERLORDS! -^-/^\-^- .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Woody: What can I do for you, Mr. Peterson? ˇ::: :::. Norm: Elope with my wife. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #the_outlaws&the_overlords.req'd_by.nECRONOMICON/logo#3 __. __ .______ .____ ._____ ._______/ Ź:_____| \_\______\______. /\_____________.___\ Ź\_.__\ Ź\_. |: ._/ |: | ____________ |/ _________. |: \ |: \______| |. |/ |. ! |: |: / | :/ |. /\_. |_____. | !__________!__________!________!__________!_____/ !__________!__________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ -^-/^\-^- tHE oUTLAWS! -^-/^\-^- /_____\ ŻŻŻŻŻ ___________.___________________________.____________________________________ \_ . \_ \ \_ __________ \_ | . \_ ___ \_ . \_ ______/ s| | \_ \ \_ __\___ _ /__ __|____ | \_ _ /__ | \____ \_ C| | / / / \ / \ / \ / | / \ / l_ / / fl____ /___ /___ /__/ /___ /___ /__/ /___ /___ -Os! ŻŻŻ\___/ ŻŻ\___/ ŻŻ\___/ ŻŻ\___/ ŻŻ\___/ ŻŻ\___/ ŻŻ\___/ ŻŻ\___/ ŻŻ\___/ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ -^-/^\-^- tHE oVERLORDS! -^-/^\-^- .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: What's going on, Normie? ˇ::: Ś: Norm: My birthday, Sammy. Give me a beer, stick a candle :Ś :::. in it, and I'll blow out my liver. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #partek.req'd_by.mOTIVE_pOWER/mYSTIC! __._ .________ .________ .________ _. / Ź| _._\ Ź\___________._\ Ź\_\________\____________/ :_____. / | |: \_______________. Ź|: \______________________ ___/ |: !/ |. |. |: / |. _ |: |: .___/ |. __ | !_________!______/ !______/ !__________!____________!______/ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ /______\ sCf/______\-Os! /______\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: What's new, Norm? ˇ::: :::. Norm: Most of my wife. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #macless.req'd_by.fANFAN/BDZ .______ _. .______ .______ .__________.__________._\ Ź\_.____. /\__.________/ :_\ Ź\_._\ Ź\_. |: ._ |_______. |: \_______|: |/ |: __/ |: \_______|: \_______| |. \/ |: / |. / |. / |. .__/ |_____. |_____. | !_____/ !_____/ !__________!__________!__________!__________!__________! ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ sCf/_____\-Os!/_____\ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: How's life treating you? ˇ::: :::. Norm: It's not, Sammy, but that doesn't mean you can't. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #degeneration.req'd_by.aERODYNE .____ . .____ . .____ . .____ _._/ /_._______/:___\ \_______/:__\ \_._______/:_\ \__________._ | / | __/ | _\_____ __/ | \_ | __/ | \____________. | |____/_ | .__/ | /__ | .__/ | | | .__/ | __ | / | !________!________!____/ !________!____!____!________!____/ !____/ ! / _/ / _/ / _/ sCf!/____\ .____ _. .____/____\-Os/____\ _._\____\____ _.______/ :__\ \_._ [ space for rent! ] |_________ \__| ._/ | \_ | | | | |/ | | | !______|_____|________!____!____! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Coach: What's the story, Norm? ˇ::: :::. Norm: Thirsty guy walks into a bar. You finish it. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #squad.req'd_by.sPEED/sQUAD.logo/diz __________________.____________________ \_ ______/ \_ \ \_____ \_ . \_ ˇ|____ \_ | \_ \ \_ Y \_ | \_ˇ :| /____ / / / _ / l_ /: :l___ /_\ ˇ /___ /__/ ˇ/___ /:: `===\___/===\___/===\___/===\___/sCf\___/Os! (arghhh.. this one is ugly! ... sorry sPEED! :) .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ [Norm goes into the bar at Vic's Bowl-A-Rama] ˇ::: Ś:Off-screen crowd: Norm! :Ś Ś: Sam: How the hell do they know him here? :Ś :::. Cliff: He's got a life, you know. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #amiga_only.req'd_by.hI-fI/eFFECT! .ˇ¤ˇ._______._ ____.__ _.________________.ˇ¤ˇ. .\ ._ ˇ \.^/ \_ \_: ._______._ \_ .------| Ś/ _ _ / | /__ ˇ/|/ /\------. Ś | __ . \/ / | / /__ / / Ś Ś sCf!l__/ :__/ /_____|_/ /_/ / / Ś `--- - -\/_____/ˇ_/_____/\______/_____/\/_____/ / -- ----' \_____\/ \_____\/ \_____\/\_____\/ .__ .ˇ¤ˇ._______._______:._|___________.__.ˇ¤ˇ. .\ ._ \_._ \__:__________/ \_ .------| |/ /|/ / |/ / / /\------. Ś | : / / / / / / / / Ś Ś l_______/_/ /________/__. /-Os! Ś `--- - -\______\/_____/\__________/_____/ / -- ----' \_____\/ \_____\/ .______ _.____________.____________.____ _._____\ \____________._ |________. | .___ . | \____| _\______________. | | / | \/ | | /__ | / | sCf!______/ !______/ !_________!______/ !______/ ! / _/ / _/ / _/ / _/ /______\ /______\ /______\ /______\ ___. .______ __ _.________/ Ś____\ \_._____. /\___.____. | \__._ | ._/ | \_ | |/ | \| | | |/ | | | / | ! | !____________!______!______!____________!_______ !-Os! / _/ /______\ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ "What'll you have, Norm?" ˇ::: Ś: "Fame, fortune, and fast women." :Ś Ś: "How 'bout a beer?" :Ś :::. "Even better." .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' #get_away.req'd_by.pROWLER/kILLERZ .__________ __.________________ _._________\ Ź\_________________/ Ź\________________\__._ |: _\____________ ____/ ____________________| |::. /__ |:. .____/ |:. | !__________/ !____________________!__________________! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /__________\ G E T A W A Y !! ! ! ! ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ.________ _ _.________________.______\ Ź\__________________.______. | \_____._ |__________. Ź|: \ ___________. Ź|: \| Ź| |::. / |::. /\_. |::. / |::. ! | !________/ !_________________!________/ !_________ ! ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ _/ /________\ /________\ /________\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. :::ˇ Sam: What'd you like, Normie? ˇ::: :::. Norm: A reason to live. Gimme another beer. .::: `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' ________________________________________________ ____ ________________________ _ _ ___________._______________________________/ /__ __________ \\\\ _ | _ / ____ / ____ __ ___/___._\_____ / \ \ | /____/ /____/. /____/. \ | _____/_ >vNZ \_____ |____| \_____ |\_____ |\_____ |_____ \ _ _ _________ /_____| ____________ |____| ___ |____| ___ |____| __ |_______\\\\ __ ÷===========================================================================÷ aNTHONY, aLCOHOLIC, bAFFLE, bIRD, cLAWBREAKER, dAFFY, dELITE, dIABLO, dIXY, dIZY, gNO, gOZZ, gRIMLOCK, hELLCAT&aNALYZER, hERAKLES, hI-FI, hOTWIRE, iLLUSION, iNSTANT, jAKE, jEDI, jENNIE, kEFNER, kID cURRY, kINGPIN, mAGIC, mAUD'dIB, mAX fART, mOTIVE pOWER, mR.oRION, mSW, mYSTIQUE, nECRONOMICON, pHILIX, pRIS, pRIDE, QEN, rADAVI, rANDY, rAZTA, rELIEF, rETEP, sAL-1, sATAN'S fIRE, sCORPION, sECTORCHARGER, sTYLEZ!, tHE rAVEN, tRICKSTER, tSAR1, tWISTER, uTAH, vIETCONG, wEBSTER, wHIRLWIND, wILDCAT, wISHBRINGER, xXL, xCLUZIWE, zACK, =zEn= (& crew!) + all the other buds out there ÷===========================================================================÷ aLL mEMBERS iN: aC!, aRCLITE, aRT!, dEZIGN, e^D, hOS, p^A, hNY, gRT, sOS + aLL tHE fREElANCERS oUT tHERE! ˇ . : ____ ___.______|______ _______ _______|_______ _______|______ | \_ \/ | _ | ___/__ __/_ __ | __/__ _ | __/__ | s / _ / : _}--|__ /__ / _/ : (_ / _}--|__ /s | c_/ \/___l______(______(______/ l___l_______/_______(______/ c | .-----\____|------------------------\_____|---------------------------------' | ˇ | bAFFLE : when is bbl up^runnin' again? (Newsflash! It is now! :) : | bEHEMOTH : let by-gones be by-gones... it was my very first ascii Ś | coll, and it's now over a year old! So lets start all over | | bIRD : what's new in dk? & where's yer modem | | cLAWBREAKER : uhmm... or should i say WRAiTH now? | | dELITE : thnx for filling up the missing pieces in my | | ascii-collection collection! =] | | dIABLO : within one year... 3 nodes and one of the biggest in nl! | | keep it up bud! (& welcome!) | | dIXY : how's maria (or was it jessica? :) | | gNO : dunno where you are, and what your new handle is! | | write back! | | gOZZ : alwayz great work from you! give/make or supply me with a | | sCARFACE and oFFSPRING logo! ;) | | gRIMLOCK : you really crack me up man! don't you EVER stop making | | those cool norwegian collies!!! "Hvis du var en strřmpe, | | og jeg en agurk, ville livet vćrt suppe?" =] <- lego-smile | | hI-fI : run je nah onder S!X, /X of nogsteeds DD? :) | | hOTWIRE : when is that coop thingy finished? (and the internal! ;) | | iNSTANT : Sorry m8 but u're not in! | | jAKE : jupp, demos roel! :) | | jEDI : to which groups do you belong nowadyaz? | | jENNIE : my fav girl! Randy told me abt what you've been up to, | | so we'll just wait untill the summer is over! | | kEFNER : anything new you're working on? | | kID cURRY : from sweden, right? (or was it denmark) | | mAX fART : what exactly is that tool you made for Hydra mag? | | mOTIVE pOWER : weren't we supposed to coop in some ansi anims? :) | | and thnx for the postcard from Magyarorszag! (?????:) | | mR.oRION : how's Mental Ins. going along? | | mSW : waar ben jij nah weer heengegaan?! zeker weer op vakantie | | ofzo! ;) | | mYSTIQUE : welcome to the crew m8! | | nECRONOMICON : what the hell does that mean?!?! :) | | pHILIX : yess I know! TechnodRome!.... but are you still in | | skid rAw or skid rOw? :)) | | pRIS : you're abso-fuckin'-lutetly the best gfx'erress around! | | pRIDE : have you stopped all scene activities? | | qEN : sorry we couldn't get intouch earlier... but that's life | | i guess | | rADAVI : hebbie nog een aantal Bottom quotes? of andere english (!) | | humour? | | rANDY : thnx for the info on Premium m8! btw are you in Neo now? | | rAZTA : when is STINGER finished????? hehe | | rELIEF : yes, i admit... 90% of the time i'm drunk and/or stoned | | outta my mind.. so stop beating me with those ealls!!! :)) | | rETEP : sorry for not calling more to Mass Appeal! | | sAL-1 : wat moet ik nog meer gaan teste voor je board? :) | | sATAN'S fIRE : nah hoop ik toch ech dat je snel terugkom van je holiday.. | | want jij zou die title logo voor me make!! :) | | sCORPION : still making those whicked mods? | | sTYLEZ : i'm not in Edge anymore but in Visage! :) | | make my day with a logo, pleazz! | | tSAR1 : sorry for delay, but it's freaking hot! How was bulgaria? | | tWISTER : well.. now i can be found on your board too! (there goes | | the neighbourhood! ;) | | uTAH : how's Sia? And when are you coming back? :) | | vIETCONG : I love your asciiz m8! | | wHIRLWINd : ik had jou toch een geeltje gegeven voor een disbl? Krijg | | ik die ook nog op je new 3 node board? ;)) | | xCLUZIWE : are my requests ready? :) I finished yours in under six | | hours! (not counting my normal 5 hours and 55 mins of | | quality sleeping time) hehe | | =zEn= : we komme elkaar nah al ech overal teguh! ;) | | ennuh... gah zau dohr met agt-meg (haagse har.!:) | `-sCf/vSG^Os!---------------------------------------------------------------' ________________________________________________ ______ ___________________ ___________________________________________|__ _ | ____________ _\ ______/_ _ _ ______ \ ___// |_\______ / \ \ / /______/ /______/\ \ / ______/__ \____ /\______\ \_______ |\___________/_______ \ ________ /______/ ________________ |______| _____________ >vNZ|_________\ ___ mAIN aSCII^sTUFF: __/\_____ \ _____/ sCARFACE/oFFSPRING! (sCf) ................/\_____ \....__/\_____.... :vC!__/\_____ / l \ \_ ___/ : gUEST aRTISTS: : \_ ____/ \____ \_ / /____ : : / __/___ \_______// / \ : sKIZE/pRO^aRTS! (skz) : / l \ \____ \_ : gOZZ/hONEY! (gZ!) : \____ \_ \_______/ : uMAN/aRTCORE! (uMn) :__/\__\_______/ __/\___ : sHAPECHANGER/dEZIGN (sc) :\_ ___/ \_ . \ : vINZI! (>vNZ) :/ /____ -^ s c a r f a c e ^- / | \: pHASE! (pHS!) / / \ / . \ dARTAGNAN/oTT! (-DtN) \____ __/\___ __/\___\____l \_ vIETCONG/oFFSPRING! (vC!) : \___\_.. \ \_ . \oS!\_______/ rAPID/aRTCORE! (RpD!) : / | \__/\_____/ | _/_ : xCLUZIWE/dZAIN! (xCz) ˇ....../ . \_ ___/ . \.......ˇ tANGO/aRTCORE! (tGř) \____l \_ __/ \____l \_ \____ __/ | \_______/ rEACH mE oN tHESE oS! ^ vSG! bOARDS... \ | \___l ______. _____. _____. ____ ________ ______ ____ .___________ ./ _ |/ _|_/ _|___/ __/_______ /___ /._____)___| / _/___. |uMn\aC!| __ / __ /____ \_ _. / _/ / | / \ / \ | |_______|_____|\/_____|\/_________/__|\/___\_____|_____/____\___/_________| ˇ ˇ : dIGITAL cANDY........: +44-uKAY-hEADQ! 5 Ndz: sYSOP : hYBRID : Ś bOONDOCKS............: +31-dUTZ-hEADQ! 3 Ndz: sYSOP : sAL-1 Ś | fLASHBACK............: +46-zWYD-hEADQ! 2 Ndz: sYSOP : tWISTER | | eLECTRONIC cONFUSION.: +45-dAYN-hEADQ! 2 Ndz: sYSOP : wEBSTER | | zILLION hOURS........: +35-fINY-hEADQ! 2 Ndz: sYSOP : tRAITOR | | | `--oS!---{ hOTWIRe, kId cURRy, rELIEf, sCARFACe, vIETCONg, jEDi! }---oS!--' ._____ _______ _ _______ _ ____| _ _/__ / ___________/ ___________ \ | ____)\____ \_____ \ \_ \___ /_ .----------------\_____/ \_______/ _/ \_____/ __/ /----------------. : vISAGE bOARDS... \_____/skz \_______/p^A \______/ wORLDWIDE!! : Ś Ś | tHE pAYOFF.......: +31-dUTZ-hEADQ! 3 Ndz: sYSOP : dIABLO | | bUMBLE bEE lAND..: +47-nORZ-hEADQ! 1 Nde: sYSOP : bAFFLE | | pREMIUM..........: +46-zWYD-hEADQ! 1 Nde: sYSOP : dIXY | | mENTAL iNSANITY..: +45-dAYN-hEADQ! 1 Nde: sYSOP : mR.ORION | Ś tECHNO dROME.....: +45-sITE-hEADQ! 2 Ndz: sYSOP : pHILIX Ś : eLECTRICK kAFE...: +45-lEDA-hEADQ! 1 Nde: sYSOP : bIRD : ˇ ˇ `--vSG!-------------------------------------------------------------vSG!--' You can also reach me on Inter Section (roadhogz whq) for online ascii ordering! @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _ _ __(__(__ __ __ __ . __ _ (__)\ \ `--.\_)( |( )(_| sCf/vSG^Os! .---------------'-\------------'-----------. : sCARFACE/vISAGE/oFFSPRING presents: : : - INCARCERATED! - : `--------------------------------[tGř/aC!]-' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ FILE_ID edited with DIZ-Ed V2.0 by nocTurne deSign/OGN - USER: sCARFACE/vSG /==========================================================================\ One last note: If you see some strange characters in this colly please change them into the original style! Here they are (btw if that IS the case... the ones listed below won't help you much! ;) " ź " should be " Ź " (ALT + SHIFT + Z) " ť " should be " Ż " (ALT + SHIFT + N) " ˝ " should be " Ť " (ALT + 9) " ° " should be " ř " (ALT + O) " Ş " should be " Ś " (ALT + SHIFT + I) There are loads more... but I haven't figured them all out yet (and some don't even show up!) I'm guessing that it's bcoz of Roadhogz bcoz they use PC's to spread the colls worldwide... but take a look at this quick example: Original: __ __ __ ć0ŘŘ0ć¸ ć0ŘŘ0ć¸ ć0ŘŘ0ć¸ ŘŘ°ŻŹ°ŘŘ ŘŘ°ŻŹśŘĐŘŘ°ŻŹśĐĆ ŘŘ ŘŘ Đ߸ Ź"´Đ߸ __/\_______/\_____/\___ __/\____/\___ __/\_____ ŘŘ ŘŘ ßŘäćřo ßŘäćřo\ _______ . _ . \ \_______ \ \_ ____/ ŘŘ ŘŘ ßФ°"Ż ßФ°"Ż/\____ \/ | \ | _/_/ \/ Ś \/ | \ ŘŘ ŘŘ ßĐ ßĐ / l \ .___/ . \ \ | \ l \ Řظ .ŘŘ ßĐ ßĐ \____ \_ | \____l \_ \__l \__ \_ °ŘäćřŘŘ° ŘĐ ŘĐ vC! \_______/_l oS!\_______/_____/\_______/\_______/ Ź°°~ Ź° Ź° Roadhogged: __ __ __ ľ0 0ľ ľ0 0ľ ľ0 0ľ ťź ťź ťź áááá ź" __/\_______/\_____/\___ __/\____/\___ __/\_____ áááá Sľ°o Sľ°o\ _______ . _ . \ \_______ \ \_ ____/ ń "ť ń "ť/\____ \/ | \ | _/_/ \/ Ş \/ | \ / l \ .___/ . \ \ | \ l \ . \____ \_ | \____l \_ \__l \__ \_ Sľ° vC! \_______/_l oS!\_______/_____/\_______/\_______/ ź ~ ź ź Now I don't have anything against RDZ and =zEn= bcoz they are great m8s but they really should consider changing to the 8bit ISO Amiga characters and not the IBM one! (buy an Ami!;) And bcoz I use quite alot of those Ż Ź Ś ˇ chars, I can imaging that this coll might look mighty weird to some! (but then again... I've never been that good ;) \==========================================================================/