  ..::· ·::.      - ---->  HoTWire  <--- - |
 ::::     ·::.     «-------{ oF }------»   |
::::       ·:: F · F · S · P · R · I · N · G
::::       .::   «------{ PReSeNTS }-----» |
 ::::.   ..::'  --» Dazed & Confused 1 «-- |
- ··::::::··-------------------------------'
  ..::· ·::.      - ---->  HoTWire  <--- - |
 ::::     ·::.     «-------{ oF }------»   |
::::       ·:: F · F · S · P · R · I · N · G
::::       .::   «------{ PReSeNTS }-----» |
 ::::.   ..::'  --» Dazed & Confused 1 «-- |
- ··::::::··-------------------------------'

        ____\_                      ____\_
       /   //            ____      /   //                _/__  __
      / __/_ __ ____ __ /    \ __ /   /__ ______ __ ____  \ / (_ \_ \_
     /  \_  \\//  _ \\// /  \ \\//   / _//      \\//\_  \_ /  _____)/
    /   /    \/   /  \/ /_  _\ \/   /  \/  -rN!  \/ _/  _//  /_    \
 _//___/______\  /   /___/  \___\  /\  /__________\ \    /____\     \
  \       _//__________\`----´/____/\____\\_  _//____\     \   \_____\\_
           \                              /    \      \     \         /
                                                       \     \


      .__  _ _:___   .___     ___©nUp!.___    .___ _ ____   .___     .___
    __|_ \  __¦_  \__|_  \_ _/ _/_  __|_  \___|_  \_ _ _/ __|_  \  __|_  \_
   /  |/  \/  l/___/ l/___/·\___  \/  l/   /  l/  _/    ./  l/   \/ _l/___/
  /   l\   \   __/    __/_/    /   \_ /___/   /    \_   :   /     \_\_    \_
  \________/____\______\ \__________/___\\___/______/   ¦__/_______/_.     /
                                                        :            `----/


                 .                 .
  _____________ _|_________ _____ _|________ _ ______________________.
._\_.   __   _   |_\__    /   _    |_\__.   \                        |
|   |   \/  _/   :    ___/    _}---:    |    \_                      |
l_______/___|__ _|_ _____)_________l__________/                      |
                 |                                                   |
                 :                                                   |
             · ··&·· ·                                               :
                 :              .                      .             .
              _ _|_______ ____ _|_ _  _____ ________.__|_ ___ _____ _|______
                 |  .   /   .   |   \|    / _    /  |  |   _/__  _   |_\_.  \
                s:  l__/\_  |   :    \   /  _)__/   |  :__    /  _}--:   |   \
                cl_______/______|   \___/___|  \_______l_____/_______|_______/

-  - ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
   Greetings, HoTWire returns to your screens with a new ascii collection  |
    It`s been a while since I did "Vision Of An Exploding Nan" under the   |
Fine Dezigns label, you may have noticed this was released under the group |
OffSpring, have Fine Dezigns died?? Nope! we have linked up with another   |
group to form OffSpring, expect more from this group in the future, and    |
expect more from me, as I am soon finishing college! BUT! not too much more|
as also Summer is here so that means Girls, Cars, Frisbee, Parties etc. etc|
Rember there is a life beyond this Silcon Dream......                      |
 This Little colly has been done over two days, it is only a small colly   |
as when I get a Large collection I rarely take notice of many of the logos |
about half way down you start to get bored, unless the artist is changing  |
styles a lot, which is a VERY cool thing to do, as long as you keep it good|
Anyway, there is a Small Respects section in this collection, why is it so |
small?? Not cos I don`t respect many people, but because I am currently    |
working on a project with a couple of good friends to present the BEST ever|
Respects collection... So watch out for it!......                          |
  |                               .------------.
  |                               |            |
 pART 1. Respects                 | pART 2. Groups
 pART 3. Requests                 | pART 4. Greets etc.



  `--------------------------{ Quick Respects }------------------ -  -

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  aXEBLADE  }-               ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

                 ...... ......
     ___________ :     :     :   ___________
   __\__  _    ¬\:           : __\__    ___/
.-/       )      \...     ...:/         _)__------------------------ -  - .
|/               :\          :             ¬\                             .
/_________:      : \        /:               \   [ a X E B L A D E ]      :
|      Os!|______:__\  .   /_:________________\                           |
|                :.....:.....:HTW                                         |
|      _________  _______       ___________   ________    ___________     |
|    __\__    _ \|      /     __\__  _    ¬\__\__    ¬\  _\__     __/     |
|   /          _/|     /___  /       )      \          \/         _)__    |
|  /           ¬\|    /   ¬\/                \        _ \            ¬\   |
| /           -  \         /_________:        \       )  \             \  |

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  dANZIG  }-                 ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

                 _______               _________     __________
 .       _ ____ |      ¬\ «------------\       ¬\_-_/         /-----------.
 .            _\|    _   \ _ ____       \___/  ..|.|..    ___/            |
 :             \\    )   _\     ¬\_____/¬    __:_|.|.:   (__ ¬\           |
 |      .       :\        \\      \   ¬\     \ : | | :      _ /           |
 |      .      _:.\..|      \          _\      : | | :      //            |
 `------:      )   \-|_______\          \\_____:_| |_:______/-------------'
        :........../Os!   :_______\       \HTW :.....:

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  fATAL  }-                 ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

                 __________  _ _____________    _ ________
               _/         /___             /____       _ /
-  - ----------|     ____/   ¬\___   _____/    ¬\      //----------------»
               |   ____/   _   \ |   \  |    _   \   __/______
               |   ¬| |    )   _\|   _\ |    )   _\   /    _ /
               |    | :         \\    \\:         \\       //
«--------------:    :-:....|      \_____\....|      \______/--------- -  -
               :....:Os!   |_______\         |_______\HTW

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  gRIMLOCK  }-               ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

.                                                        .-------------------»
:_____________________________/\_/\_/\__________    ____ |_____________ ______
|     ____/      _   /________  \  /  ____/    /   /   ¬\|     ___/    |     /
|    (__ ¬\       __/|   ¬|  ¬\  \/  /  ¬|   _/___/   _  \       ¬\       __/
|         /    .   ¬\|    |    \    /    |   /   /    /  :\       /    .   ¬\
|________/`----|_____\____|_____\  /_____|______/________:.\_____/`----|_____\
|                                \/                      |HTW

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \         -{  jEDI  }-                 ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

                 :::::::::                     ......
                    ::::::  _ _________ _ ___  :....:HTW
-  - ---------------::::::.           /     ¬\-:    :--------------------.
    .               ::::::.      ____/|      _\:    :                    |
    .       .::::.  :::::::     __)  ¬\       \\    :   [ oFFSPRING ]    |
    :       ::::::. :::::::         _ /      _ :\   :      [ dCS ]       |
    |       `::::::.:::::::         //:      ) :.\..:                    |
    `--------`:::::::::::':........./ :........../-----------------------'

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \          -{  nUP  }-                ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

        :        ______       ________        _________     :
        |       |     ¬\______\ _    ¬|______|     _  /     |
-  - ---+-------|       \    ¬\\\     |     ¬|     ) /------+-------------»
        |       |             _\\            |    __/       |
«-------+-------|_______\      \\\___        |    ¬|--------+--------- -  -
        |                \_______\   \_______|_____|HTW     |
        |                                                   |
        `---------------------{ pRESENTS }------------------'

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  rED DEVIL  }-              ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

 _ ________    _ _________ _ ___
        _  \ .           /     ¬\«----------{ rED dEVIL }-----------------.
.       ___/ .      ____/|      _\                                        |
.       )  ¬\:     __)  ¬\       \\                                       |
:    :      _\         _ /      _  \                                      |
:....|       \\        //:      )   \      _ _______                      |
  |  |_________\......./_:........../_____       _ /                      |
  |          _\ _ _______________|    .../...    //                       |
  |     .     \\            /   ¬|    :./...:  __/_____                   |
  |     .     _ \      ____/|    :    :/  . :   /   _ /                   |
  |     :     )  \    __)  ¬\       _ /   . :       //                    |
  `-----:         \       _ /       //:   :.:_______/---------------------'
     Os!:........./       //:...____/ :.....:HTW

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  rELIEF  }-                ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

          ___________________________......_________ _____________
      Os!|            /     /       /...:.:        /|            /
.--------|   _\______/  ___/|      /:   : :    ___/-|   _\______/---------»
|        |   \¬\  |    __)__|     / :   : :   __)__ |   \____)
| rELIEF |      \ |        ¬\   _/__:__ : :       ¬\|     ¬\
|        |       \|          \  /   :./.:.:         \       \HTW
`--------|________\___________\______/--|____________\_______\-------- -  -

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  sHAPECHANGER  }-          ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

              _____________.__ _ _______      _________ _ _______
            _/        /   ¬: ¬\        ¬\   _/     _  /         /
-  - -------|   (____/|    |  _\     _   \--|      ) /     ____/-------------»
            |____    ¬\        \\    )   _\ |   ____/|    __)  ¬\
            |   (   _ /         :\        \\|    ¬|  |        _ /
            |       //:....|    :.\..|      \     |  :        //
«-----------|_______/------|_______\-|_______\....|--:......../---------- -  -
  _____________.__ _ _______   ____         __________ _ ________ _ ______
_/        /   ¬: ¬\        ¬\ |   ¬\_____ _/         /          /      _  \
|    ____/|    |  _\     _   \|     \   ¬\|     ____/      ____/       ___/
|    )   ¬\        \\    )   _\          _\    (__  ¬\    __)  ¬\      ) ¬\
|       _ /         :\        \\          \\       _ /        _ /    :    _\
|       //:....|    :.\..|      \____\      \      //:        //:....|     \\
|_______/      |_______\ |_______\    \______\_____/ :......../      |_______\
            Os!|:.                                                 .:|HTW
               `-------------------{ sHAPEcHANGER }------------------'

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  tANGO  }-                  ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

        ____________________  ______       ____________________
.-- -  -\    _   _    /    ¬\|     ¬\_____/       ____/       ¬\
| «------\___/   \___/   |   \       \   ¬\       \_ ¬\         \--------.
|          _/     \_/         \            \          /      |   \       |
|       Os!\_______/_____|     \____|       \________/____________\HTW   |

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ u-MAN }-                    ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

                _______    _______  /\    _  _ _____ _ _____
           ____|      /    \_____¬\/  \/\_____     ¬\      ¬\_____
«---------|   ¬|     /------|   ¬\ \  / _____/   |   \       \   ¬\-------.
          |         / .---. |     \ \/ /   ¬|         \            \      |
       Os!|        /  `---' |______\  /     |____|     \____\       \HTW  |
-  - -----|_______/-----------------\/______|----|______\----\_______\----'

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  vIETCONG  }-               ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

      ________ _ __________ _ _______
 ____|    .../..          /         /
|   ¬|    :./..:     ____/    _____/________ _ ____  _____          ___________
|    :    :/   :    __)  ¬\  _\ _/         /      ¬\|    ¬\_____  _/          /
|       _ /    :        _ /   \\|     ____/         \      \   ¬\ |       ___/
|       //:    :        //|     \     )   ¬\    _    \          _\|      (__ ¬\
:...____/ :....:......../ :....__\       _ /    )  _ /           \\         _ /
                             Os!|        //        //....__\       \        //
                                :....____/:.....___/HTW     \_______\....___/

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  zEUS  }-                   ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

____|______          ______                                              |
\   _     /_________|   __/_________                                     |
 \_/   __/    __/   :   \/     _   /                                     |
  /           _)_       /\__    \_/                                      |
 /________ _     \_____/         \                                       |
    |  /__________\HTW  _ ________\                                      |
    |                                                                    |


  `--------------------------{ Quick Group Logos }------------------ -  -

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ aRTCORE }-                 ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

     /      _  .              _  /               /
«---/_      )  .              ) /\    __  __    /------------------------.
   //          :      .      __/  \__/_    ¬\__/                         |
  /         |  :......|       ¬\    //                                   |
 /__________|______ _ |_________\  /__________ _      _ ____________     |
           Os!/             /HTW__________________________         /     |
.            /_       _____/   /      .               _  /_     __/      |
.           //            ¬\  /_      .               ) //     __)__     |
:          /                \//   _   :      .       __/           ¬\    |
|         /__________________\    )   :......|        ¬\             \   |
`--------------------------/______________ _ |__________\_____________\--'

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ dEZIGN }-                  ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

                                             ........                    .
                 _ ______________            :......:                    .
        __________              /____________:__  ..:_____               :
    ____\_       ¬\          __/ \           : /  : :    ¬\________      |
---|              _\        __)__-\  /_      :/---: :      \      ¬\----»|
   |             _ \\           _\ \//    ___/    : :       \      _\    |
   |             (   \           \\/         :....:.:               \\   |
«--|__________________\____________\      -  - ---|_________\         \--'
                              Os!/____________ _HTW          \_________\

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ ePSILON dESIGNs }-         ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

. ___________  _________________......._______  ______  ______
:_\_    ____/ _\     _ \   ____/:.....:    _ / /     ¬\|     ¬\_______
|       __)_ |       ) /      ¬\:     :    // /        \       \     ¬\
|          _\|    ____/\___     \     :   _/_/_     _  :\       \     _\
|           \\     ¬|           :\    :   /   ¬\    )  : \             \\
|_____________\_____| _ ________:.\...:_________\______:..\_____\        \
|                           __  __ ___  __        __          HTW\________\
|                      __| (_  (_   |  | _  |\ | (_
`---------------------(__| (__ __) _|_ |__) | \| __)----------------------»

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ oFFSPRING }-               ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

 _  _ ______     _________  _________
           ¬\  _/        /_/        /
          _  \ |    ____/ |    ____/
          )   \|   ___/   |   ___/
_  _ __________\   ¬| «---|   ¬|-------------------------------------------.
 .             | ...|_____|____|_______ _ ____ ......__                    |
 :             : :  :     : /  :   _  /     _ \:..:.:  \____ _ __________  |
 |             :.:..:  (__:/...:   ) /     ___/:  : :   \   \           /  |
 | [ oFFSPRING ] |_____    ¬\   ____/      ) ¬\:  : :        \      ___/   |
 |               |    (   _ /   ¬| |    |      \  : :         \    (__ ¬\  |
 `---------------|        //|    |-:....|      :\.:.:___\      \      _ /--'
                 |________/ :....|Os!   |________\HTW    \______\     //

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ pRO-aRTS }-                ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

  _______________    _____            /\  ______________________________  .
 _\_   _¬\_    _¬\  /    ¬\          /  \_\_     _¬\    _  _    /   ___/  .
|      ) /     ) / /       \ .----. /    \       ) /\__/   ¬\__/      ¬\  :
|   ____/      _/\/     _   \`----'/     :\      _/\  /       _ ____    \ |
|    ¬||    |     \     )    \    /      : \  |     \/             /     \|
|_____||____|______\__________\  /       :..\_|______\________ _ _________\
      |                      Os!/____________\HTW                         |
      `--------------------------------------------------{ pRESENTS }-----'


  `--------------------------{ Quick Requests }------------------ -  -

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  aCHERON  }-               ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

      ___     _______   ____      _______ ________________  _____ ___
  Os!/  ¬|___/      ¬\_/   ¬|HTW /  ____//     _   /     ¬\/    ¬\  ¬\
    /       ¬\        /     |___/   __)_/       __/        \      \_  \
   /         _\    __/         ¬\      ¬\        ¬\        _\         _\
  /      |    \\    ¬\          _\      _\        _\     _  \\    _    \\
_/              \_    \_    |    \\_     \\_  |    \\_   /    \_  ¬\     \_

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{  eFFECT  }-                ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...
    .      _______________________________________________    _____
    :    _/    ____/    ____/    ____/     ____/     ____/___|     |____
«---+---|     ___) \   ___)|    ___)|     ___) \    /    \____     ____/--.
    |   |          /    |  |     |  |          /         /   |     |      |
    |   |         /     |  |     |  |         /         /    |     |      |
    |   |________/|_____|  |_____|  |________/|________/HTW  |_____|      |

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ aKIRO&dR.pOOP }-           ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

_ __________   ____ ___________ ___________ _ _____
           ¬\-|    |     /_____)       _  /       ¬\----------------------.
        _    \|       __/|    ¬|       __/          \                     |
        /    _\        ¬\|     |        ¬\          _\                    |
              \\        _\     |         _\        _ \\                   |
 _ _____|       \__|     \\_   |____|     \\_      /   \_                 |
    |Os!|________/ |_______/___| HTW|_______/_ _________/                 |
    |                                                                     |
    |                        -{ AnD }-                                    |
    |                  ___             ________              ________     |
    |                 |   |           |       ¬\            |       ¬\    |
    |                 |   |          _|___|__\  \          _|___|__\  \   |
    |            _____|___|__________\__________/__________\__________/   |
    |           /  ________/   _____/ |  ¬|  / _   ¬|    _¬\|  ¬|         |
    `-----------\  \ ¬|  ¬||    ¬|----|   | /  \    |    /  \   |---------'
                 \________||_____| .  |___|/________|________\__|

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ dIAL hARD aDD }-           ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

.  ________  .......  /\      ________
:__\__     \ :.....: /  \   __\      / -  - ----------{ dIAL }------------.
|           \:     :/    \ |        /__                                   |
|        _   \     /      \|       /   \  Amiga : CRUX WHQ : MOTION CH-HQ |
|        )   :\   /:       |      /     \ Console :   ANTHROX CH-HQ       |
|____________:.\./.:       |____________/ AmiExpress :  MYTH CH-HQ        |
|            Os!/____________\HTW         Ascii :     aRTcORE! CH-HQ      |
|                                                                         |
|  [ Nodes 1 & 2  +41 iTsELITE » 2 NODES RINGDOWN « ] Sys-Password : ???  |
|  [ Node  3      +41 iTsELITE                      ]    NuP : FinDiT!    |
|  [ Nodes 4 & 5  +41 iTsELITE »   ISDN RINGDOWN  « ]                     |
|                                                                         |
|    All Modems 33600 USR Courier DS : All Nodes Locked at 115200bps      |
|                                                                         |
| A4000T : CyberStorm 040/40Mhz : 22Mb RAM : 3 GiG HD : 4 CD-ROMS On-Line |
|                                                                         |
|          pATRICIAn [ DTL/JMS ] : SNAKE & DELBOY [ PSG/CRX/MO!]          |
|        -[dEViL&rAVEN]- [ TRSi/PSG ] : ARTIC CAT! [ HF/EDGE/SNK ]        |
|                      ______ ___      /\     _____________  _________    |
|                    __\__   |   \    /  \  __\__      _  /__\__      \   |
|                   |        :    \  /    \|            _/|            \  |
`-----{ hARD }------|              \/      \             \|         _   \-'
                    |        .      \      :\      .      \         )    \
                    |________|_______\     :.\_____|_______\______________\

 _________/  \___________________________________... .............
(_______                                         .. ..:::::::...
        \       -{ cOMPO }-                   ... .:::::::::......
         \  /\_________________________________._ ..  ... ..::::::...

                              -{ TIME FOR A }-
         .::::::::.             ____  ____    _______
       .::::'  `:::   _______  _\  ¬\/   /_  /     _ \ _______
«------::::'---------/      ¬\/  \      / ¬\/     ___//      ¬\------- -  -
       ::::.   .::: /     _ _/    \    /    \_     ¬\/      _  \
       `::::..::::'/________\______\  /______/_______\__________\HTW
-  - ---`::::::::'------------------\/------------------------------------»

      Yes it`s time for another Digital Candy Compo, this time it`s :

-  - ---------------> These Requests Are Incomplete <----------------- -  -
  -  - -----------> Full Requests Colly Out Very Soon <------------- -  -


  `------------------------{ Quick Greets & Things }------------------ -  -

      _________ __________________________    ____     ____      ________
      )   ____/ )    _   /     ___/)      \_ |____|___|    |____/    ___/
 «---/        |/     ) _/     __)_/         ||    |___      ___/___  \  |---
   _/         |         |         |       _ ||    |   |    | _/   /     |
 --\_____     |____|    |____     |____   ) ||    |---|    |-\_____     |--»
         `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'`----'   `----'       `----'HTW

                    |                                   |
                    | Ascii & Design .......... HoTWire |
                    | Guest Artists ...... NuP! & Ramon |
                    | .................. SH/\PECH/\NGER |
                    | Number Of Logos .............. 22 |
                    | Computer ... A500, 1Meg, 2Drives! |
                    | Software ........ CED (Naturally) |
                    | Music : Heather Nova, Boo Radleys |
                    |     Salad, Skunk Anansie, Pulp    |
                    |  Public Enemy, Prodigy, Tori Amos |
                    |  Elastica, Pink Floyd, Radio 1Fm  |
                    | Kiss 100Fm, SuperGrass, PJ Harvey |
                    |           and of Course :         |
                    |    Dazed & Confused Soundtrack    |

           _________ _____________________________   ____      ________
           )    ___/ )    _   /     ___/)     ___/__|    |____/    ___/
«---------/    (_  |/     ) _/     __)_/     __)____      ___/___  \  |-- -
        _/         |         |         |         |  |    | _/   /     |
- ------\_____     |____|    |____     |____     |  |    | \_____     |---»
              `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'  `----'       `----'

HoTWire Sends His Greetings to (in NO order) :

     Hybrid, Ruff Stones, Linebacker, Sal-1, Twister, Tango, Zephyr,
Wishbringer, Zygote, Samir, Fury, Savage!, Logic, JBM, Astro, Fatal,
Desoto, Jedi, Nup, GodFather, QEN, Warhammer, Gozz, Hollywood, Relief,
Centurion, Android, iCON, Sasha, Randell, Shapechanger, Whirlwind, Red
Devil, Polo, Zorro, B-Real, Devil&Raven, Zin!, Akiro&Dr.Poop, Jam, Axen,
JMF, Axeblade, Zoltrix, Aquafresh, Cannakid, Dark, Dimension, Dreamfish.
...... And all those I KNOW I forgot.....

Messages :-

          Hybrid : Bloody Northerners :)
     Ruff Stones : Long Time No chat :((
           Sal-1 : How are you sweet heart??
         Twister : More Power, More Nodes.....
           Samir : Hamsters, Old demos Rule!
             Jam : Lobsta
        Cannakid : Snakes
            Fury : Hope you like the add, will call soon!
             QEN : Wheres the new colly??
    Shapechanger : ^^^^^^ Same to you my friend....
       Red Devil : Tango is back soon, so... hehe Colly time!
         Randell : The Army sucks!
           Tango : You back yet you daft bugger?
Zephyr & Android : When U two loonies comming to the UK?
          Relief : See you at the end of the month!
  Fatal & Desoto : Hey look no rips! :)
       Dimension : Long time no chat ;(
            Axem : You`ve vanished!

OffSpring Greets :

   Arclite    Artcore    Dezign    Epsilon Designs    Pro Arts

HoTWire Sends Respect to :

     Releif, Jedi, Pride, Vietcong, V-Cut, Fatal, Desoto, Wishbringer
   Ramon, Axeblade, Nup!, Zeus, Red Devil, Shapechanger, Tango, Grimlock
    Danzig, /Y\ascot, Cromebacker, Gozz, Satans Fire, Boomer, Maz...
      ... and all the others that make the ascii scene Rule....

Where To Contact me :

Try the Following Boards...