                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__
               \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /
               /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
                 \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__///
         _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _
        /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  
       /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
              ONLINE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLINE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__

              .                ·
              :                :
   .----------¦                ¦-----------------------------------------.
   | o2       | _____          |                                         |
   |         _|_\    \_        |         Shelter Fastest Dist Side       |
   |        /\   \____\\       |                                         |
   |       /  \___\_   \\      |        Fix Ltd. German Headquarter      |
   |      /   /    /    /_____ |                                         |
   |      \  /    /    //    /\|       Lightforce! Fastest Dist Side     |
   |       \/_   /    //    /  \                                         |
   |          \______//    /___/    Sceptic /X Design Fastest Dist Side  |
   |          |  sTZ!/_   /    /\                                        |
   |          |      \ \______/  \ Rektum! /X Division World Headquarter |
   | 15/12/96 |       \_\     \  /                                       |
   |          |          \_____\/      Cellblock 4 World Headquarter     |
   | 03:16:59 |                |                                         |
   `----------¦                ¦-----------------------------------------'
              :                :
              .                ·

       Some people are afraid that there's more to life than there's
        to reality.. this ain't no ordinary sick brain. be careful!


 if you are not viewing this file in CygnusEd Proffesional V3.5 it won't
 be no fun! 

                               ·     .
                                \     .
                                 \     .
                                  \     . 
                                   \   .
                                    \ .
                                    . \
                                   .   \
                                  .     \
                                   .     \
                                    .     ·                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ->666
                               _._   _   _._
_.         _   ,   ¸           \/    ,   _    ¸                  ._ 
123456789o123456789o123456789o12456789o123456789o123456789o12345678                                                                                                                                                                                                          123456789o123456789o.. haha

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ Beatiful!!     \\\    ///          _ __ ___
   ___________ _  _\__/_  neTTwerk         T
  -lNTW _____l___(_))((_)______ 96.        |
 --l    L_         _ _________7 ascii      |
  -l trick¯·­º±_      |jOYCe|| wh'ever    \|
---l  or fucking¯·­º±_`-----'| by your    \\
 --l____treat_________¯·-º±_ j own -jC!    \
        ¯¯¯¯¯               ¯              |

  The celldoor opened and the sunlight flashed into his eyes, he screamed
    for the pain the light caused to him. A dark and loud voice laughed
     and before he could see who the person who entered the cell was,
     everything suddenly got from almost un-natural light to black and
   quiet as death. A voice could be heard again but this time it sounded
   like an old man preaching in a unknown language, Malcom couldn't get
   loose or see anything for though someone had put him in heavy chains 
   and he was lying on a big wooden table. The preaching man continued 
   for hours and Malcom couldn't sleep by any chance even though he had 
 the worst headake ever and felt very very tired. It seemed eternal, as if
                       he had been there forever!  

    Suddenly the man stopped, it was like the eternal machine who never
   could stop really did stop, Malcom felt and heard the man in his head
     long after he had stopped. A small face quickly looked up at him,
       the little thing whatever it now may have been had a horrible
       face and looked so incredible angry, this little guy was only
    trouble, he could feel that by pure instincts. The little creature
  opened his mouth and slowly haughted out of his bloody jaws of death  
     " Joyce is back... to rule the world forever!! MOAGHAWHAWHAW!! "

                           EVIL - IS WONDERFUL!

[%] if your oppinions of me are negative, don't let it affect the rest of
    the Nettwerk members, But if your oppinions of me are positive then
    let the other people in Nettwerk get some credit for it! [%]

       |/___          _____
   ____|   /         |     |                
   \   l  /_____ ___ | Yes |           .   ·  . ._
    \    /     /___/_| Yes | .      .           |/___          _____
     \._/|____/____  | Yes |     ·. .       ____|   /· .      |     |
      l\ l\ . l   '  l_____j    .      .    \   l  /_____·___ | Yes |
       ¯  ¯.   ¯¯¯¯¯¯ [___]    .         .   \    /     /___/_| Yes |
          .                   .            .  \._/|____/____  | Yes |
         .           ._       .             .  l\ l\   l_  '  l_____j
         .           |/___     .    _____   .   ¯  ¯    .¯¯¯¯¯ [___] 
         .       ____|   /       . |     |            .
          .      \   l  /_____ ___ | Yes | ·      . · 
           .      \    /     /___/_| Yes |·   · 
             .     \._/|____/____  | Yes |
               .    l\ l\   l   '  l_____j
                  .  ¯  ¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯.[___]
                      .          .
                          ·   ·

              .           .
            .·.·.       .·.·.
           ·   ·.·.   .·.·
               [o__]_[__°|       - ÷ [ jOYCe is back! ] ÷ - 
                         ·                      .
                                              .· ·.
                                            .·     ·. 
                                          .·         ·. 
                                        .·             ·. 
                                      .·                 ·.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Olle upptäckte på senare tid att pubis håren började hårdna..
          -jC                          ·.               .·                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HAN HÖLL PÅ ATT BLI EN FLUGA!
                                         ·.           .·
                                         .··.       .·
                                       .·    ·.   .·
                                    _ ·        ·.·
                        .          (_)  
                      .· ·.     .·
                    .·     ·. .·
                  .·         ·. 
                .·             ·. 
              .·                 ·.
               ·.               .·                         -jC
                 ·.           .·
                   ·.       .·
                     ·.   .· 

                                                                                                                                                    ____  .___
                                                                                                                                           ._       \_ 7  |¬¯ T  ._     ____
                                                                                                                                       ____|/  .___ _| |__|   |__|/__ _( __/_
                                                                                                                                      |:·  |---l   Y ._  ¬\   |      |   `   | - ----------------------.
                                                                                                                                      |    l_______l_|/___/___l______|__   .:|   pUbLiC eNEMy          |
                         There's no return now!                                                                                       l____|¬         .      /|        `-----'        _. ___  _.       |
                                                                                                                                                      .      ¯'  _ _______.___ _______\|/__/__\|       |
                                                                                                                                                      |           Y      /|  ¬Y      /¯\/  ¯\ ¬|__     | 
                                                                                                                                                      `-------- - |_____/¯|   |_____/ .:|____\_` / - --' 
                                                                                                                                               nUMbER oNE!        l\   `--l___l\    l___|       / 
                                                                                                                                                                  '¯         /|¯         _ ____/ 


                                 _ _______
                       :_   ______\\     /________   _:
                      _|/)_/        \___//        \_(\|_
                       |                              |
               ____.   |            .____.            |    ______
              _\___l_  |  ______    |    |    ._____ _ ____\ _  /_
             /      (_____\ _  /____|    |____|   _/____     |   (_
            /____   __      |     ___    ___      \|     _____   __\
            -rLF/___\_______|   __\ /____\ /__   __:_____\   /___\
                       _    |___\            /___\-T! _
               ·       |                              |     ·
               .      _|_            ___ _           _|_    .
               .       :/)_________ /   \\__________(\:     .
               :                  //_____\     _  _ __ ___  :
               ¦                                          \ ¦     
               | So now when kObOLt is dead and I have jo \\|   /\ 
               | ined Nettwerk I'm gona start to do some m \\  //\\
               | ore serious collections than my recent "la \\//  ·\   
               | me" collections. However.. this collie is  |\/ 
               ¦ realesed only to show my membership in NTW ¦   
               : So it ain't a "real" colly just simple sty :  
          .    ·                                            ·
 ________/|________ __/\____ __/\____ ______     .________   _______  ____
 \       .|__     /        /        /       |___/|__     / __\     / /   /
 _\___   || )____/_\______/_\______/_.      l    | )____/_|  ¬)___/l/ __/_
|    |   '|____    |___    ¬|___     |____ _/\_  |____    |     |_) __   ¬\_
`----l____|-jCl___ |  l_____|  l_____|   l_ /\___|   l___ l__   |   (/     /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                blåbärs-plockning focking rulez!
               . \ |                      \/            \ | `---'---/_____/   
               :  \|   [ NTW - Louder than words! ]      \| .
               ¦   '                                      ` :  
             /\| ling. A lot of stupid texts and ascii's on ¦
            /  \ ly to make it look cewl! but my next reale |
           /  /\\ ase I'll try to make more loggos.. in my  |
          /  · |\\ recent ones there have been as maximum a |
               | \\ bout 15 logos.. not much... ahahah.. ha | 

                             [%] jOYCe/NTW [%]

                        ________:________ _\(___
                       |        :         )/\  /  
         _.            |        :            \/|              ._
          ¦           ,                                       ¦
          :       _O_/"                                       :
          .      (\©/   -< NEttWERk RULEz! fOCk tHA rESt!     .  
          ·      "(Y)                                         · 
          :       ¯ ¯                                         :
         /|            |     __                |              |\
         ¯'        __  |  ___)/_        .      |  __          `¯ 
                  | (__/\_\  /\( ______ : ____/\__) |
             _____|_       \/           :         __|_____ 
            /     `                     :           '    / 
           /                                            /
          /     o¹. 6-10           o4. RAD members     /
         /_     o². The rcok       o5. Another step __/ 
        _C      o³. RAD boards     o6. MNG WALL 2.0 C_  
         \                                           \   
          \                                           \
           \                                           \
         ___\    _______________ ______________         \    
        /    \  | o         __  Y O         --.|_________\ 
       /  _   \_|             | |______________|   _  \  ¯
       \  C\ __.|_______________|          \   .__/)  /
        \___\         /                     \    /___/ 
                     /  ___________________  \         
                    (_ |___|     |     |___| _)  
                         . |_____|_____| .





    _   _  __·.· _        _     _     _      ___   _     · 
_ _/L_ _\_\/____NEEkKiNDaLE_¹²³_/.  )_/(    /
[]\ ¬¯  \       ¯    ¬   ¯     ¯ ¬   ¯ ¯¯¯`----' ¯¯   /    /     /  / 
  ¯\ _    _|  LG : 6-10  x×X×x ¦:. B: jYCe .:¦/    //   //  // /                             
·   ¯'----'j___                ____           ___  __/    //   //  // ///
 ° o          / j (Ce) ? -jC \  /  _________(¬\/\//    //   //  // / 
 O  _        /                  \/    \            /    /     /  / 
   (_)            _  _ __ _______\     \ public enamy numba one! yeah!        

                  ....                    :
               .::::::::.       __________:___._
              .::::::::::      |          :   |/__________._
              ::::::· ·::    ..|          .   :   ·       l/_ 
              ::: __      .::::::.   ______   ·   :         T
     __       :·__\/_ .::::::::::::: \    :   ·   :      :  |
     \/       :\  /\/:::::::::::::::  \___|__            ·  |:
             :::\/  :::::::::::::·:::  |     7_______       |:
             ::::  :::::::::·· |   ::: |     |   ._  \      |:    :
          -jC::::. ::::::::·   |   ::: |   : |   l/   \_    |                 : ::
           .--::::::::::::·----|--:::--l___:_|_________|----'                                   :
           |   ::::::::::::::..|.:::       :/|   .:.../|....
         : |   : ::::::::::::::|::·        :¯^    :   ¯'
      :::  |       ::··········|                  
       ::  ¦        :       :  |                          __
         : : :  ::::          :|                          \/
           ·                   |              ::
           ·                   ¦
           .                  ::

    _   _  __·.· _        _     _     _      ___   _         · 
_ _/L_ _\_\/____NEEkKiNDaLE_¹²³_/.  )_/(        /
[]\ ¬¯  \       ¯    ¬   ¯     ¯ ¬   ¯ ¯¯¯`----' ¯¯       /    /     /  / 
  ¯\ _    _|  LG : the rock  x×X×x ¦:. B: jYCe .:¦/    //   //  // /                             
·   ¯'----'j___                ____           ___  ______/    //   //  // ///
 ° o          / j (Ce) ? -jC \  /  _________(¬\/\/    /    //   //  // / 
 O  _        /                  \/    \                /    /     /  / 
   (_)            _  _ __ _______\     \ public enamy numba one! yeah!        

               ........:                    :.........
               :  ._                                 :
             ._·  |/    [ tHE ROCk ]   _____         : ._ _.__  
           __|/__ |_____ ______      __\___/__.___ ____|/  l)/_
           \____/_|     |     /     |    |   \|  ¬|   _/_ _. ¯¬\kBt   
         -jCl__   l_|   |____/      l____|________l_  ` | /|____\ 
              `---' `---|\                         `----' ¯'     
               ·        `¯                           ·             
             Rapid design WHQ [%] SysOp: Aceman [%] 2NDZ 33k6
               .                                     .
               :.......                       .......:

    _   _  __·.· _        _     _     _      ___   _      · 
_ _/L_ _\_\/____NEEkKiNDaLE_¹²³_/.  )_/(     /
[]\ ¬¯  \       ¯    ¬   ¯     ¯ ¬   ¯ ¯¯¯`----' ¯¯    /    /     /  / 
  ¯\ _    _|  LG : RADB.  x×X×x ¦:. B: jYCe .:¦/    //   //  // /                             
·   ¯'----'j___                ____           ___  ___/    //   //  // ///
 ° o          / j (Ce) ? -jC \  /  _________(¬\/\/ /    //   //  // / 
 O  _        /                  \/    \             /    /     /  / 
   (_)            _  _ __ _______\     \ public enamy numba one! yeah!        

                 ____________ _. _________________________     
    _____    _. | ._ ._       \|    _  _.                 |
  __\___/_.__\|___|/_|/__  ____|__ (_) \|                 |           ___.
 |    |  \| __|   |      |/ _____/  ____|__ _____ ______ ._    ___ __|   |
 |____|\____l |   |______|  `   |  / _____/     /_\ ___/_l/__ |._¬Y  |   |
           -jC|   |      `------' Y  `   |_____/______|      |`|/ |--|___|
              l___|               `------l\          /l______|¯¯  |kBt  /|
                .                         ¯          ¯'   . ------'     ¯'
                |  [ RAPiD·DESiGN bOARDs ]  _.            |
          ____  |                _.  _____  \|  _______   | 
         |¬  /  | ____.___ ___.__\|__\___/___|__\  ___/   |
         |  /_.__|   \|   |  \| __|    |/ _____/_____|    |
         l__¬\|  l________|\____l |____|  `   |     /|    |
           `-----'                   . `------'     ¯'    |
                |  tHE ROCk          .     +46-bla-hblah  | 
                |  mUPPEt·aCNEn      :     +46-590-15924  |
                |  tHE NESt          ¦     +46-bla-hblah  |
                |  oUT oF cONTROl    |     +46-bla-hblah  |
                |  Dream lands       |     +46-bla-hblah  |
                |  Dream land        |     +46-bla-hblah  |
                |  Ross 128          |     +46-bla-hblah  |
                |  Risin' high       |     +46-NOT-forU!  |

    _   _  __·.· _        _     _     _      ___   _     · 
_ _/L_ _\_\/____NEEkKiNDaLE_¹²³_/.  )_/(    /
[]\ ¬¯  \       ¯    ¬   ¯     ¯ ¬   ¯ ¯¯¯`----' ¯¯   /    /     /  / 
  ¯\ _    _|  LG : RADM  x×X×x ¦:. B: jYCe .:¦/    //   //  // /                             
·   ¯'----'j___                ____           ___  __/    //   //  // ///
 ° o          / j (Ce) ? -jC \  /  _________(¬\/\//    //   //  // / 
 O  _        /                  \/    \            /    /     /  / 
   (_)            _  _ __ _______\     \ public enamy numba one! yeah!        

                        [ MEMBERS OF RAPID·DESIGN ]

     _. ___ Aceman _. ___ ____  Bigfoot                   CHiLLOuT   
   __\|/__/_______ \|/__/_   /    ______ _________  
   |  \/   |     /  \/   T  /_.__|     /_\___  __/ Bøøth 
-jC|   |___|____/|   |___l__¬\|  |____/   ¬|____|            EXodiTE
   l___|   l\    l___|     `-----l\   |____|   /|     GonZo
            ¯                     ¯            ¯           ._  
  Delorean             EXeCuteR           jOYCe  ____._ ___|/_   REAL
             Jedi                  hype!        |   \|  \____/
   Pusher            Lover    _.                l________|  |
    _____    _.   ._ ._       \|    _  _.                l__| 
  __\___/_.__\|___|/_|/__  ____|__ (_) \|   pADA                      ___.
 |    |  \| __|   |      |/ _____/  ____|__ _____ ______ ._    ___ __|   |
 |____|\____l |   |______|  `   |  / _____/     /_\ ___/_l/__ |._¬Y  |   |
              |   |      `------' Y  `   |_____/______|      |`|/ |--|___|
 RUSKIS^STORM l___|  REanimator   `------l\          /l______|¯¯  |kBt  /|
                                          ¯  sNÖARN  ¯'     ------'     ¯'
             Wannabe                                    zED

    _   _  __·.· _        _     _     _      ___   _             · 
_ _/L_ _\_\/____NEEkKiNDaLE_¹²³_/.  )_/(            /
[]\ ¬¯  \       ¯    ¬   ¯     ¯ ¬   ¯ ¯¯¯`----' ¯¯           /    /     /  / 
  ¯\ _    _|  LG : Another Step  x×X×x ¦:. B: jYCe .:¦/    //   //  // /                             
·   ¯'----'j___                ____           ___  __________/    //   //  // ///
 ° o          / j (Ce) ? -jC \  /  _________(¬\/\/        /    //   //  // / 
 O  _        /                  \/    \                    /    /     /  / 
   (_)            _  _ __ _______\     \ public enamy numba one! yeah!        

             |                   ._                    _/
          _. _____          ._   |/             _____  |  
   ____.__\|_\_   |____._ __|/__ |_____ ______ _\___/  | 
   \  \| __|  |   |   \|  \____/_|    ¬|     /    |    |
 -jC\____l `--l___l________|__   l_|   |____/l____|    |
             .   /|          `---' `---l\              | 
             |   ¯'                    `¯             (¯)   
             |     GRAtiS fATAL-iZERiNG                T
             |                               __________|
             |                              | ._
             |                        ________|/__  ______  ._
             |                       _\ _________/_|     /__|/
             |                       |______|l__   |____/   |
             |   ÷[ Another·Step ]÷    _.  /|  `---l\   |   |kBt 
             l_________________________\   ¯'      `¯   |   |   

    _   _  __·.· _        _     _     _      ___   _         · 
_ _/L_ _\_\/____NEEkKiNDaLE_¹²³_/.  )_/(        /
[]\ ¬¯  \       ¯    ¬   ¯     ¯ ¬   ¯ ¯¯¯`----' ¯¯       /    /     /  / 
  ¯\ _    _|  LG : MNG-WALL  x×X×x ¦:. B: jYCe .:¦/    //   //  // /                             
·   ¯'----'j___                ____           ___  ______/    //   //  // ///
 ° o          / j (Ce) ? -jC \  /  _________(¬\/\/    /    //   //  // / 
 O  _        /                  \/    \                /    /     /  / 
   (_)            _  _ __ _______\     \ public enamy numba one! yeah!        

            ______          __  
 _ __ _____j  _  l_______ _|  \  _______ ___ _  
          __ /       _  `      ·   _   /   _       _     /   \ ___|      
 .          Y____.   /  ___|    .  /  ..   /      [_]   /__l__\ __/___|  
 :  _ ______|    l______j  l_____\  _/ l______ __             \  /    l___._
 ¦                           /_______\-jC                                 :
 |      [ mONGOWALl 2.0 ]                  [ bY: sNÖARN&jOYCe/RAD ]       ¦
   ..                                                    ][
   .                                                     []
   .                                                     ][
   ..                                                    []
   ...                                                   ][
   ....                                                  []
 Let's rape this mother fucker off!!                     ][ jOYCe
: __ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 __ :

     tAG tHA mOtHA fUCkA? [Y/N/?]

     HiDe yOUR nAMe? [Y/N/?]

: Not very neat design? nah .. mongowall 1.0 was nicer.. I'll have to
  do some more changes. 

                          [ END of REQ. logos. ]

    _____       ._    ._    ___.           ___|_               
   _\_   |______l/__ _l/__ |   |__ ______ _\___/ ___          
  |  |   |     /___/ ____/_|   |  |     /    ||_/ _/_- -- ---.         
  `--l___|____/l__  ¬l__   | _/\_ |____/l____|l__\   \       |
     .  /|\      `---' `---`---.__l\      -jC     \___\      |
     :  ¯'¯                        ¯                         |
     ¦        Nettwerk - NTW - yeah! - NTW part!             | 
     |                                                       |
       .øø.               Requests from us to you!            .øø.

                                        °      .        _
                        ¸        `    ·     ,       _o° .
                        °    ·¸   ¹  ,     ó      _°"  .
                          _   °,_ `  [     1   _<°  l_
                       ·¸ ¬\    °»___¹     ¹  /°   _·
                                .  ,      ¬¯      \_/   _· ¸¢
                     q__  · ¬¸                 .-  _° ,
              ¬ - ,_  ¬°¢*ææ/              ,     ,r ,·  _¢
               ,   ¬·.            °  610        _`   _,³¯
                    .___           Tb-303       L__<³"    _
                      ¬°v_     .  Mrs.Green     °°¯  __,«²°¯
                 - ---- _¬    Cultivated Bimbo.    _¢°¯    
              ·¢»æææææ«=°~   Nettwerk (big,diz)  ,³________ _
                         .      mUPPEt aCNEn        ¬^^^°°~``¯¯¯                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  vA!?                                        
               ______        ,      jOYCe               __  __
                ``"`~~~~`~~¯ Õ" ¸    dEW  .   °   __æ*¤°°`¯¯
                _. -- `__æ+°¯                    ."
                     _·"      _-m    _     __     ¢_
                    °_    __o²` ¹  ,³°°>  ,°°°o_   ¬^-_
                   .·  _-»°¯   é   ¹      F    °¢_    °¢m__
                . ¯  _r"      _   f       l      ¬e      ¬°
                     ¯    :  ,`  j         ,       \¸  ¬-¸
                             F ` ¹      ,  ¬        °     ·.
                            f / f         ¹    _            "
                             ,            l    ^

                To GEt a HOLd Of aNYONe oF uS FOr JOiNiNg.

                     [ Respects - WE HAVE NO RIGHTS ]
               I usually forget people easy so if you aren't included..
                            please contact me!

 the reason why you, fATAL ain't included here is because I do not respect
  you man.. but that doesn't have to mean that I do not like your style.
I mean .. you haven't relly given me a good reson to respect you, have you?!
                  The same thing stands for you, U-MAN..

                             [ Greets - why? ]

       Oh NO!! not again! I hate greets. I greet myself this time..

                      o       o
                    [ |NfORMAt|ON - because we gotta! ]
Editor: CygnusEd Professional V3.5 Copyright © 1987-1993 CygnusSoft Software
Food?!: Pepsi (ofcoz!) and candy.  
litter: Text files about aliens and other planets. 
thougt: Right now I'm thinking of how many girls I'll get tomorrow (saturday)
Why???: Still don't know why...


                 [ Ascii artsists - we do not need them! ]

                 jOYCe - everything but the "intro" logo!
                        Releif - the "intro" logo.

                            FIGHt EVERYTHINg !
                  Do NOt FEAr To KILl THe ONEs YOu FEAr !
                LIVe FOr YOUr OWn LIFe, NOt SOMEONe ELSEs !

           Well.. why am I living when I can only fight myself?

                               .                     .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ____________________________________________________________________   
            _                _/|     .øØø.         _/|           _                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ¬ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØج
        ··  ··                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ.oOØ ASCii av 3:e graden! ØOo.ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ     
 -÷[\/ THE·END //]÷-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ
           ¬             |/          °*Ø*°     |/                 ¬

 Reach me at:

   mUPPEt·aCNEn +46-590-15924


   There's so much we feel that we need to know, what would you ask god?
                       if you only got one question!

              .                ·
              :                :
   .----------¦                ¦-----------------------------------------.
   | o2       | _____          |                                         |
   |         _|_\    \_        |         Shelter Fastest Dist Side       |
   |        /\   \____\\       |                                         |
   |       /  \___\_   \\      |        Fix Ltd. German Headquarter      |
   |      /   /    /    /_____ |                                         |
   |      \  /    /    //    /\|       Lightforce! Fastest Dist Side     |
   |       \/_   /    //    /  \                                         |
   |          \______//    /___/    Sceptic /X Design Fastest Dist Side  |
   |          |  sTZ!/_   /    /\                                        |
   |          |      \ \______/  \ Rektum! /X Division World Headquarter |
   | 15/12/96 |       \_\     \  /                                       |
   |          |          \_____\/      Cellblock 4 World Headquarter     |
   | 03:16:59 |                |                                         |
   `----------¦                ¦-----------------------------------------'
              :                :
              .                ·

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      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
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              ONLINE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLINE BIS ZUM KNAST
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