... where graff began +++ _______ ______ ___ ___\ /____ \\ /______\ /_____ tHE yARD \\___ ______/___/\ ___ \\ _____/____ // |/ / /\ / /\ ___|/ / ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> > /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\ /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\ [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ] ____|---/- ___ ___ ___ ------------. ___\ | /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____ .--------' \\ \ | ___\\_____ \\_____ \\_____ \ -----------\------\__ \ | \ / /__ /\ /____/\/_____\'cls \ \| \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+ +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\ gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998 /\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\ * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN * /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb /\ .____. .____: .______ |. |__ |. _| |. __ \_ | __/ | \\\_ | \\\___/_. -·----------------------------------------·- | |____| | | | |: | |: | |: | running on latest registered fame! |:: |:: | |:: | amiga 123o/5o/34mb tower and 2.5gb store |:::. |:::.| |:::. | `---------`----| |---------' -·----------------------------------------·- tGø| | | | slapshot · shallow · m-plant · wormeater · moondog . | | __: | | shelter whq · outlaws & saints & quasar ghq (amiga) /_/:__ | | decent & head ghq (ascii) · dkb whq & pzk ghq (graffiti) \_\:\_\ | | juicy dildos ehq (porn) · the uaf ghq (hpad) /_/:/_/ | | ucm dist & tscc whq (atari) · vex & elite ghq (atari) \_\: | | : | | amiga · atari · console · graffiti · porn · ascii · hpa . | | | | one node modem · 2 nodes isdn · 2 nodes telnet static | | .____.____| |_________. ________.____. __ ._________._________. | |. | |. _ |_\ |. |__ ._(__)_|. |. _ | | | | | | | _ | __/ | | | | | | .____| | | | | | /__| |____| | | | | | |: | |: | |: | |: / |: | |: |: | |: | | |:: | |:: | |:: | |:: |:: |:: |:: | |:: | | |:::. |:::. |:::.| |:::. |:::. |:::. |:::. |:::.| | `---------`---------`----|____|---------`---------`------`---------`----|____| File `H^O-AYOH.TXT' Validated At 24/o2/98 On 14:52:15 ! [ Slt!TextAdd v1.1 ] ··· · S · h · E · L · t · E · R · ······································ ._____ _:______ ____|___ |_____|_ _______ | |_ ______\ / _| _:______/ /__|__ _ _./_____ ________ .__\ |\ · \ \. / : /____ / · //// : /____\ / |_//_________:__/ |___\ . _| /______:_\ \ . _| / /\ __. ÷e÷|_____| \__________\ |_____\___________\_______\\_| ······················· · p e r F e c T I o n o F D e s I r e · ···· [24/o2/98] - [Slt!CheckPoint v1.o - ©1998 Shallow/Shelter] - [14:53:o1] -+----------------------------------------------------------------------+- | ·pHANTOm· ·2 nODEz· ·uSROBOTICs 33k6· ·3 tELNEt nODEz· | | ·A3000/25MHz· ·1GB HD· ·6MB mEMORy· ·hELLCAt· ·aNALYZEr· ·/X V4.x· | | ·aMIGa· ·iBMPc· ·pLAYSTATIOn· ·cODINg· ·jE7SEt ^ pARTEk HQ· | | | | ·*· +31 - 46 - 4339611 (33k6) ·**· +31 - 46 - 4330206 (33k6) ·*· | `----------------------------------------------------------------------' This file was leeched from: -+--------------> T h E <---------------+- _____ _________ __________ | | / \| \ AMIGA BBS | | | | | | | | | | ! | ! | | | | | < | |_____| | | | SySoP: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ThE OnE and | ! | | | | OnLy PrOf \_________/|_____|_____|__________/ B-RoM 24 HoUrS BBS 33k6 +31-(0)513-651141 33k6 BBS 24 HoUrS --------------------------------------------------------------- 0-2 days GOLDIE OLDIES / BRAND NEW WAREZ 0-2 days A LOT OF GAMEDOX/ AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST TERRA_X THE PLACE TO BE: For INFORMATIVE files CALL THE LAB BBS +31-(0)513-651141 Lots of HISTORICAL (as well recent history as ancient history), ARCHEOLOGICAL, SCIENTIFIC, THEOLOGICAL, ASTRONOMIC TEXTS AVAILABLE Many unknown facts you find here!!! IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SUPPRESSED INFORMATION JUST CALL THE LAB!!! Uploaded at: 14:26:49 on: 22-Feb-98 By: Shai Hulud From: -( HANG^oN WHQ )- On node: 1 This text was added with AirAdder V3.4. Now able to add uploading date & time!!!! Also able to add Uploader and Location!!!!! And of course, node. Wanna read this? Please download it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /SOF/ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.--/(___________/\____________)\---. | / ___|___ \_/\ __ \__| |/ \_____/ \ \ \/ /\ /_________|__________\___________/ / \________/ \__________\__________\/| | | :-96---] H A N G % O N [---f@nK!-| :==================================: | A Y O H E E ASCii COLLY | |::. Created by Shai Hulud .::| `----------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _ _ /(_______ .-----------------------------. /(__|____ / ___ \ _ /(_______ _ _ | / _|_ / /___\ \/(---:____ / _____:___. /(________ /(---:____ / ___ \----| / / /___ |/ _ \/ \ `------| \ `----/ | `--------------/ y \ | \ | `-------' `-------`------' | `--------------'----`------' `---------------------. | `------98-[f@nk!]- | HANG^ON PRODUCT RELEASE | 20/02/1998 | `--------------------------------------' After spending the holliday (Christmas, Sinterklaas (Dutch), and New Year, The. crew of Hang^On wanted a new year for.. releasing their new productions. Well., making productions is not a problem...! But the first problem arised: WHAT YEAR ARE WE LIVING IN! After hours and hours of meetings we finaly decided that this must be the year with only 2 years left before the most personal compters are.. going to become insane! millenium bug.! On hearing this fantasic news that most personal computers. are going to stop counting... the crew of Hang^On started.. to get more and more members! So, we first will introduce.. you sceners to some new and.. verry happy members:......... Yellow Water - The Multitasking Sysop, Trader and. Ascii artist of Hang^On. Also his.. board -lAST LEGEND!- joins the crew as Dutch Headquarters. Welcome!!!.. Dr. Dead - New and cool scener. His talent is. still developing, so watch out for. future releases from this dude!.... He joined as Trader / Ascii artist. Amiga Games Country (his top board) joined as Distribution site........ We hope to release manny &.. funny & cool releases this.. year and will keep you up to date with the latest news of the crew and the scene...... But let us now continue with the brand new ascii collection made. by shai hulud..................: AYOHEE ___/\_ _____ ___/ /__ \___( ________________ ________________________ / _ \_______\ \_ /_____\_ ______/ ______/ \ __/ _/ ( / _/ // /_/ __\__ __\__ \______\_____ __________\____// /_______________________/ __/ / / /^SHLD^ \_______/ /___/ _____ ____ \___( ___________________/ /_____________________ _______\ _/ _ _/ _____/ | _/ _\ (_ _ ( / \_ ___/_ _ \__-shld- ______)____________|________________________________|______/________ \___ ___/ |- ---- -- - -- --- ---( BOARD StYLiNG )----- --- -- - -- --- -| | | | 1] Upload - EveryOne | | 2] Menu - EveryOne | | 3] New-User - EveryOne | | 4] Consoles - EveryOne | | 5] Download - EveryOne | | 6] Goodbye - EveryOne | | | |- -- -- - - - ----( BOARD StYLiNG bY dR DEAD )-- -- - - - -- -| | | | 1] Upload - EveryOne | | 2] Menu - EveryOne | | 3] New-User - EveryOne | | 4] Consoles - EveryOne | | 5] Download - EveryOne | | 6] Goodbye - EveryOne | | | |- ---- -- - -- --- ----( tHE REQUEStS )---- --- -- - -- ---- | | | | 7] Lost Dream - Scudy/Ovd | | 8] Overdose Ansi - Overdose Crew | __| 9] Overdose - Overdose Crew |__ \ | 10] Phase One - Phase 1 Crew | / \\________________________________________________________________// ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Upload || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: EveryOne | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| ___ _______ _____ __________/ /___________/ /__________________________________/ / \ | / _ / / _/ _| / / _/ ~ _ / / _____ _ \ \_ _ / \ ( ____/ / \_ ` - ` / \_____________ /\____ /________________|_______________/ /____/ \________/ -SHLD- 1] PLACE YOUR RULES HERE (* CREDS) 4] PLACE YOUR RULES HERE (* CREDS) 2] PLACE YOUR RULES HERE (* CREDS) 5] PLACE YOUR RULES HERE (* CREDS) 3] PLACE YOUR RULES HERE (* CREDS) 6] PLACE YOUR RULES HERE (* CREDS) ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Menu || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: EveryOne | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| __ _______________ _ _______ \(----------------/ ____/\(------------/(-------| \ _\ / ____/ \_ ~ \ .-\ _ _ \___ _ / /------------. | \____|____|_________________________|________________________/ MENU -SHLD-| `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND [C] OMMAND ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: New User || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: EveryOne | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| ___________________________ ___________________________ \ / | \ \______\ _______/ / \_ /__/ ' _\ \\ \ ______// ____/ .---/ __ \_ \ _/ \________ \---. | /_______\___________________________________________________\ | | | | HACKiNG ACCoUNtS = illEGAl. | | UPloADiNG CHilD PoRN = illEGAl. | | ANNY FoRM oF ABUSiNG/FLAMiNG/DiSCRiMiNAtiNG = illEGAl. | | UPLoADiNG ANNY ViRUS = illEGAl. | | CARRiER DRoPS (+++) = illEGAl. | |-SHLD- -tHE StAFF-| `-----------------------------------------------------------------' ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Consoles || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: EveryOne | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| ___/\_ -( PSX / NES / SNES / SEGA )- _____ -SHLD- ___/ /_________________________________________/ /_____________________ / ____/ _/ _/ _____/ _/ /____ ___ ____/ \ \_ / \_ \_____ / \_ / _____\____ _ \________________________|___________________________________________________/ ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Download || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: EveryOne | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| _____ ___ ___ ___ __ ____\ \----------// /___\ \\(----------\ _/ \ \_ \_ /_ /_ ENJoY tHE FiLES dUDE! \ [ / / / / _ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \________________________________________|_____/ ______ __ __ _____ / / / (--------/ (--------._____\ \ / /--/__ \_ _ /_ \ \_ / / / / _/ / [ / -SHLD-\__________________________|_________________/ ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Good Bye || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: EveryOne | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| _______ ____________________________________________________ / / \ \ ____/ \ ____/ ____/ / /--/_ _ \ \ ___ _ \ __/ __/ \ / ~ / / / ~ / | | ____\___________________________/_________________|shld_____|____ | | | [ NAME OF BBS ] - SYSOP NAME - PHONE NUMBA - BPS - | | [ NAME OF BBS ] - SYSOP NAME - PHONE NUMBA - BPS - | | [ NAME OF BBS ] - SYSOP NAME - PHONE NUMBA - BPS - | | [ NAME OF BBS ] - SYSOP NAME - PHONE NUMBA - BPS - | |_______________________________________________________________| ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Lost Dream || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: Scudy/Ovd | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| _____ ____________________________ \ \_____/ / / \___ _\ \\ \_ _ \ ___// __/____ \ / ~ \_____ \ \__\ /SHlD/oVD \__________/__________/___________\__________/ ____ __________________________________________\ /___ ______\ \ / _______/ \_ \/ _/ _/ \ \_ /__/ ______/ \ \ \ [ / __ \_ \___ - \ __ \__ \___________/______\___\__________/____|_____/____\/_____/ ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Overdose Ansi|| \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: Overdose Crew | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| [0;40m[2J[H [34m-[36mSHLD[34m- [37m_____[6C[34m-( [36mo V E R D o S E [34m)- [37m_______\ \ _____________________________________________________________ /[8C\_ \_/ / ___/ _ _/[8C_/[8C_/[5C____/[5C___/ /[5C/[13C/ ___/[9C\_[7C) \_ / \____[10C___/__ \__________________________________\__/_______________________________________/ [0m ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Overdose || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: Overdose Crew | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| -SHLD- _____ -( o V E R D o S E )- _______\ \ _____________________________________________________________ / \_ \_/ / ___/ _ _/ _/ _/ ____/ ___/ / / / ___/ \_ ) \_ / \____ ___/__ \__________________________________\__/_______________________________________/ ___/\_ -shld- _____ _____ ___ _____ _______ _____ ___/ /_______________________ \___( \___( -.| / _ \ ____/ _____/_______ _______ NAME: Phase One || \ __/ _/____ _ \___\ (_\ (_ FOR: Phase 1 Crew | \______\_____________\__________________________( ___ _____ _______ __| ______ ______ __ __________\ \\ \____________/ (---------____________ \ _/ \ \ /__ _____\ / _/ \\_____ \ \ _ /_____ \ ___ / \ /____/ \____\\_____/ _/ /___________/ \____/ .-\____/-------------------\____|____/-----------\__________\-. | _____________ | | _____________ ______\ / | `-----------\ _ __/____\ \\ ___ /---------------' _/ | \_ \ _/ \____/ \__________//____\ \__________\ \_____/SHlD sniff, sniff, sniff ;) this was indeed the last ascii of this collection... but do not fear.... we will be back with more stuff to release soon greetings in random order go to:............... ignite - pino - coplill3r - minor threat - dopey - dagger - q branche - prof b^rom - agony - odin yellow water - herby - kleinduimpje - henchman - ghostface - dr. dead - and the rest i forgot ;)) if you have anny ascii / ansi request, then tell me so i can make some nice things for ya! keep me rolin with hot wheels of fire !) contact me at my board: neon noon +31-(0)70-368-0039 / 33k6 24hrz signed: shai hulud / h^o /EOF/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This file was leeched from: -+--------------> T h E <---------------+- _____ _________ __________ | | / \| \ AMIGA BBS | | | | | | | | | | ! | ! | | | | | < | |_____| | | | SySoP: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ThE OnE and | ! | | | | OnLy PrOf \_________/|_____|_____|__________/ B-RoM 24 HoUrS BBS 33k6 +31-(0)513-651141 33k6 BBS 24 HoUrS --------------------------------------------------------------- 0-2 days GOLDIE OLDIES / BRAND NEW WAREZ 0-2 days A LOT OF GAMEDOX Uploaded at: 14:26:49 on: 22-Feb-98 By: Shai Hulud From: -( HANG^oN WHQ )- On node: 1 This text was added with AirAdder V3.4. Now able to add uploading date & time!!!! Also able to add Uploader and Location!!!!! And of course, node. Wanna read this? Please download it! [A¡RaDDer v3.5 By A¡Rcø] -+----------------------------------------------------------------------+- | ·pHANTOm· ·2 nODEz· ·uSROBOTICs 33k6· ·3 tELNEt nODEz· | | ·A3000/25MHz· ·1GB HD· ·6MB mEMORy· ·hELLCAt· ·aNALYZEr· ·/X V4.x· | | ·aMIGa· ·iBMPc· ·pLAYSTATIOn· ·cODINg· ·jE7SEt ^ pARTEk HQ· | | | | ·*· +31 - 46 - 4339611 (33k6) ·**· +31 - 46 - 4330206 (33k6) ·*· | `----------------------------------------------------------------------' ··· · S · h · E · L · t · E · R · ······································ ._____ _:______ ____|___ |_____|_ _______ | |_ ______\ / _| _:______/ /__|__ _ _./_____ ________ .__\ |\ · \ \. / : /____ / · //// : /____\ / |_//_________:__/ |___\ . _| /______:_\ \ . _| / /\ __. ÷e÷|_____| \__________\ |_____\___________\_______\\_| ······················· · p e r F e c T I o n o F D e s I r e · ···· [24/o2/98] - [Slt!CheckPoint v1.o - ©1998 Shallow/Shelter] - [14:53:o1] - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - _ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _)_) _/___) / \__) _/ _) /____) \__) _/ _) \_ _ /__ / / _/__/ / /___/ / _/__/ /___//_ //___' /___/ /___` /___ / /___/___` /___/ 2F `---/ `----\ `---/ `---/ `---/ s h e l t e r - p e r f e c t i o n o f d e s i r e - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - File `H^O-AYOH.TXT' Validated At 24/o2/98 On 14:52:15 ! [ Slt!TextAdd v1.1 ] ... where graff began +++ _______ ______ ___ ___\ /____ \\ /______\ /_____ tHE yARD \\___ ______/___/\ ___ \\ _____/____ // |/ / /\ / /\ ___|/ / ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> > /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\ /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\ [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ] ____|---/- ___ ___ ___ ------------. ___\ | /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____ .--------' \\ \ | ___\\_____ \\_____ \\_____ \ -----------\------\__ \ | \ / /__ /\ /____/\/_____\'cls \ \| \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+ +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\ gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998 /\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\ * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN * /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb /\