___________________________________________________________________________ \ _ _ / |\/ \/| | This File Was Uploaded To .. | | ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __.--._____. | | | Y Y Y Y _ Y _ Y _ Y Y | _ | | | | | | l__| | | | | |__ | | | | | | | | | | .__l__| l_____| .__l__| | '__l__| l__| l_____l__| | | | <-`--' ---- 2F ---- `--' --- `--^--' --- `--' `--' ------ `--'-> | | | | Sysop: Ranx/JediArts!·Komeda·Fairlight·Orange·Sonic | | JediArts WHQ · Komeda WHQ · +358-0-674934 · 1x28800 | |_ _| /_______________________________________________________________________\ · · .--. ___ __ __| __ _ ___ o |ŻŻ\( /,.--|(__| \ / )( /, o ŻŻŻ ŻŻ ŻŻŻ You have decided to leech this collection made by Stezotehic/Style and Ranx/Jedi Arts. That's a cool thing and I hope you enjoy reading / watching this peace of art, heh. So what are we waiting for? Let's go! ------- ________________ _ | / /_| | /____ gmm. W@@W | ,gW@A~ *@@@s | __ i@@@P 'M@@@m_ | ]@@b M@@@i @@@@@@s | ,____ Y@@W_ VM@@W____m@@@@@@@Ws | _mm@@@@@@@@Ws_. V@@@@@m@@@@@AM@@@@@@@@@@@b | ]@W@@@@@@@@@@@@@D. ~~V***@@@@[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@***M@@@@@@@b m@s. _m@@@@sM@@@@@@@@@@@@f '*@@@`,_ ~M@@@@@@ ~@M@WmW@@@**~M@m@@@@@@@@@@Af d. 'f ` -s. @@@W@P ~V*f~ ,gm@@@@**@@@@AMWm@@@s W@@A*f` ____mW@@@A*~` 'V@@@@i '******f` ~M@@b. ,mm | | V*M@@@@**MW. | sTZ!/sE | ,d@@A _d@! | | _gW@@@W_ **! | d@@f~~~@@s | ,gmm@@W. X@@mmmm_ | '~~~`'~` ~~` '~~~ ______ ___|____ ______ ______ |_____ __\__ \\ __// _ \\ \\ _/___ _/ _ \_ ___| / _/. \____ \ \_____\_____/____\____\____|______//_______/ | | | | | | | | | ,_mm@M@@ms | ,d@@KX!M@A* | ,_dA! M@_@@ ______ _________ ________ |,__===*~~` ,@@@~` | __\__ \\ \\ _ \ mZ~~ __. ]@P~ | _/ _ \_ \ / / / @A ,_A****! @@[ | \_____\_____/___/ _/________/ imP~ iP` i@@ | /___\ iP~ ,d@@i | ,@A ,_* ,@@@* | iP` ~ W@@@[ | ,mf _gf ,_@@@*f | ,gY~ ,g*f d@@A* | @P ' i@@@@ | ]@@@*m. ,_d@@*~` | !@@~ ~\ms_ imW@@*~ ______ __|___ ______ ______ _____ _____ !*b_ !* d@@@@[ \ /___\ \\ \_\__ \ \__ |\ _/___ '~V*+mm@@A*f` _/ ) \ \ \ ___/ /__|____ \ ~~~~` | \_________/______/______/_____\________________/ | | |_____ | __ / | |_/ /_______________| Afros And Boozes - Style And Jedi Arts ___________\__ ________ ____ | \\ | | | |____| : |____________________| |______ | __ : ____ _|____ _____ ______ ______ \/ _____ _________ |______ / _/_\_ |_ /_\_ /__ \__ | __\__ \\ \\ _ \ \____ \ _/__/ \ / \ /___| _/ _ \_ \ / / / /______/___| ___/______\____\ \_____\____/___/ _/_______/ : /______\ /___\ : ___|__ ______ _______/\sTZ!/sE _____ _________ _____ __|__ ___\__ / \__ |\ _ \ \ __\__ \\ _ \\ |_ _/___ \ / \ /___| / / \ _/ _ \_ / _/. _/____ \ /________\_____\_______/____\ \_____\____/___\____|____| /______/ | | : _________\\_________ : |________ | \ | | _____ / / | Co-oP CoLLECTIoN | : |____/ /_______| |_____\\________| \ ____ ___ _____ ________ ______ ______ ______ \ \/ \_\__ \\ _ \\__ | \ /___\ /___ / \/ / _ \_ / / /___| _/ ) \___/ \ \___/ _/____\____/_____/______\ \_________/ ____/ /____\ sTZ!/sE /______\ ________ ._____. ________ _/ ___//__ | |____ ___\\___ \_ .___. .___ ._\________ \| _____//___ ________/_.____|_ /|\ .| /__________ | |/ |_ \\_ _/ \| |____`_/_`_\|`_/________ //____ | _|______|/____/ \._____|_ | //_______ fTL____/ /________| __\______| ________. ____________ ._____________ _\\______ \.__________\__ |_________ _________ //________| _ / ____// | __ \. __| / //___________| /______/ \| | |/ | \__ _/ `-----' \_________|______|______| |___| \ /_________|e^D|_______\ As Shock G mentioned in his marvellous collection Solid Scheme, we now have Fatal's Another Step as a SWEHQ and Backfire maintained by Satan's Fire as a DHQ.. So a big welcome to you! Not much more news this time. My asciis are pretty much requests if not 100%.. I'll prolly make another pack pretty soon. So see you then.. Ranx/JediArts*Fairlight*Komeda*Orange*Sonic.... ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ 2fast (pc) - 2fast : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ŘŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŘ Ř Ř ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŘ 2 F A S T ! Ş _ŘŘ_ Ş Ř __ |ŘŘŘŘŘ__ Ř _ŘŘ_ _ŘŘŘŘŘŻŻŘŘ _ŘŘŘ_ ŘŘŘŘŘ ŻŞŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ_ Ř Ş _Ż _Ř||ŘŘŘŘŘŘ___ _ŘŻŘŘŘŘŘ ŻŻŘŘŘŘ_ |ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ| Ř |ŻŘ ŘŻŻŻŻŻ Ř _ŘŻ _|ŘŘŘŘŘŘ _ŘŘ| ŘŘŘŘŘ| ŘŘŘŘ ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ Ř ______Ř Ř_| Ř _ŘŘ__ŘŘ|ŘŘŘŘŘŘŞŘŘŘŘŻŻŘŘŘŘŘŘŞ__ŘŘŘŘ||ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ| Ş Ř |ŘŘŘŘŘŻŻ ŘŘŘŘŘŘ ŻŻŘŘŘŻ Ř ŻŻŻ Ş Ş Ř_________ Ř Ř C O N T R A ! Ř______________________________Ř ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Deluxe Diz - Patrician : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' sTZ!/sE _____ ________ ______ _____ ____ __\ _/___\ /_____ \ _ \\__ | /__\ \ \\ \ / \__ | _/ / / /__| / \ / \\___\__/. /__| \_____/______________\_____/ \___|_____\ .------------------------/________\--------. | | | | `------------------------------------------' ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Acid House - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ________________ _________ ________ .__\__ / __/_| / \_ /_ _______________________________ | _ / | / / / / |________/\_________|______/|________/ /___ _____ & _________ / | _ / ______ ______________\_ /__ _______ _________. | \/ rX/jA! \ | . / / .\ _/_ / _ / |____________________.\ _ | / / /| | \ | / /. | \____|\_______/\__________|________|_________| |______\ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Deluxe - Patrician : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _ ___________\____ |_\ \ \\ | ____\ sTZ!/sE : ___ _____ | _________ __|______ ____ ._\ |___\ |______ ________ : ._\ ._ \\ _. // |___|__ | /_\___| // _. / | | |/ / \|__/ | / | \_ .____/. \|__/. | |_________/____________________/_________/__|_____|________| : ___| |______\\________\ : \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Anarchy - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ________ ____________________ _________ _________ _______ ______ ____\__ /___. _\__ / _ /_\__ / _ // _/_.\ | _ / / | | _ / |/ / _ / / /. | _ \/ / | |_______/|____|____/|________/|____/_____|_________|______|___. ______| . |_____/ : . : rX/jA! : a n a r c h y ! :_________________________________________________________: ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Crux Diz - Patrician : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' sTZ!/sE ______ _________ _______ _________ ____\ _/___\ / \ __/__\_ _ \\ \ \\ \ / / \ / / _/. / \\___\___/. .-\________/____\____|_________/ \____|-. | /________\ | | | | | `------------------------------------------' ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Ansi - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' _________________. ______ _______ _________________________. \__ / _ |/ _/_./ /________ \ | _ / |/ |\_ | / / | |_______/____/_____| ____|_____/ _ / | a n s I ! |___/ \/| | rX/jA! | |___________________________________________________________________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Crux - Patrician : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _ __________________ |_\ \ | ____\ sTZ!/sE : ____ ._______ | _______ __|_______)_ |___ _____| / : ._\ _._|__)__ ._ / | /_\ | __/. | | \| / |/ _/ | \_ | \\ |____________/___/ \_______._/ |______| :\ | \_____/ |_____| |_____________________: ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Armageddon - Armageddon : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ________ _______________ _____ _________ ___________________________ ._\__ \/ _ \ \/ \ \__ \ |/ | _ \ / /\ \/ / _ / / |__________/ \_____|_____/ /|_________/ a r m a g e d d o n ! / \ \ \______| / / |_____ /_______ __________ ________ _________ ________ _________ / / __/ | _ / \ _ \ _ \/ _ \/ _ \ / / | / /. / / / / / / / / /|____________ \_____ |_________|__________________/\________/____/ /. \____| / \______| . rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Conftop - Allah : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______ _____ _________ __________ _____ ________ \ _/__/_ \\ \\ __/ |_ \\ \ / \ / \ \ / __| _/ \ /____/ \_______/______/___/ _/_____\_____|______/_____\ /____\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Asciis - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' __ ________________ _______ |_/ _____ _______ _____________. \__ /\ _/_| _/_ ______| |\ _/_ _____________ \ | _ / \ | | . . \ | / \ |_______/|_________|___ |______|______________| / \ \____| / \ _ _ / \/ a s c i i s ! rX/jA! \/ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Conftop - Allah : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______ ________ ___________ _________ _____ _____ ___________ ._\ _._|_\__ __ \\ ._ \\ __// __| __ \\ ._ / | \| / \/ \ |/ / __) | \/ \ |/___/ |__________/_______/____| _/_______\______|________/______\ /_____\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Boo-ya - Boo-ya : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ____________________________________________________ | | . b o o - y a ! | ______ _______ . ________.\ _ |__________________________ \ \ _______ ._________ \ _ _ | \/ _ / _ _ _ / _ / / .__\__ / | _ _ / \/ \ | / / / / / / / / / | _ | / \/ |__________/\________/\________/ \_____. |__________| . |_____| . _| |_ \| |/ rX/jA! |____________________________________________________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Cypress Hill - Zinko : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____________\_______________ _ | \\ / / | _______ _______ _______ _____| _____:_____ _____ / /__| \ __/_\_ /___\ \\ _ \ \__ |\ _/_/_ _/___ /_____ / \ /___/ \ /___/ / _/. /__|____ \___ \ | \_______// ____/____\____\____|_______//_____//_____/ | /_____\ | | | sTZ!/sE _____ /\ ____| _____ |______ \ _|_/_ \\ /__\ /__ ___ / _/ \ \ \ / \ / \ | / / \____/____/__\______\______\ |_/ /_______\\__________________| \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Chrombacher - Nurgle : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ______. ______ ____ _________________ ____ ______ _ ___________. \ _|_\ _ | | _ / | \/ / /(_________ \ | .\/ _ | / /| / | \/ / / | |_________| \____|____\___|\______/|____/ /. rX/jA! | | _____ |_____| \_____| | | \ |____ ______________._______.____ __________________ | | | _ \_\__ / _|\ _ | |-\ _ / _ / | |_ _ | / / _ / \/ _ | / _/. / /. _ ____| |________/________/\________| \____|_________| \____| |_____| |_____| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Element - Snafu : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______________________ \ | ____\ sTZ!/sE : | ______ ____ ___|__ ____ ___ ______ _______ ____ : __\__ | /__ \__ |\ \/ \ \__ | \\ |_ | / /___| / \ /___| \/ / /___| \ / _/ \\ \_______\________\__________/ _/_______\____/ _/_____| |\ __| /____\ /___\ |_______________________\ : ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Citruz - Citruz : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . ___________________________________________________ |/ \| | c i t r u z ! _________ | _ ________ ________________ _________ ___\ / _________ _ \ / _/__/ \__ \/ _ \/ \ \ \ \ / / | / / / /. |\ \/ /. \__________|_______/_______ /_____\______|_____________\_________| / | . | | | rX/jA! |\___________________________________________________/| . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Element Diz - Snafu : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _____ ___ _____ ___ __ _____ __________ _\__ | /_\__ |\ \/ \\__ | \ |_ / /__| / \ /__| \/ / /__| \ / _/ \____________\_______/ _/_________/ _/____| .------sTZ!/sE------/___\--------/___\-----. | | | | `------------------------------------------' ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Cna - Gluster : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . _____________________________________________ . / |/ : / ________ __________ ________ / |/ / __/_._\ _ \ _\__ \ /| / / | |/ / _ / / : /|_____ \____ |____/______|_________/_____/ . rX/jA! . \_____| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Beyond the Hell - Dream-X : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______ ___________ _____ ________ _______ \ /___\__ \ /_/_ \\ \\ _ \ _/ ) \ /__/___/ \ \ \ / / / \_________/____/ ____/____/___/ _/_______/ sTZ!/sE /_____\ /___\ ______ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ \_ |_\ _|___ \__ | \ _|___ \__ |\ /__\ /__ | _/ \ \ /__| _/ \ \ /__| / \ / \ |____|____/____/____\ \___/____/_____________\______\ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Combined - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ._________________________________________________________. _| |_ \ c o m b i n e d ! . / _______ ____________ ____ ________ _ /|________ ________ ________ / _/_./ _ . \/ \/ _ / \/ | _ \/ _ / \ _ \ \ | / | \/ / \/. | |/ / / _/. / / \_______|________|____/ /|________|_____|__/_____\________|________/ \_____| __ \ / __ \/ \___________________________________________/ \/ rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Dream World - Dream-X : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ________ _______ _____ _____ ____ ___ \ _ \\ _ \ \__ |_\__ \\ \/ \ _/ / / / _/. /__| _ \_ \/ / \_______/____\____|_________\____/__/ _/ ______ sTZ!/sE /____\ ___\ _/____ ________ _____ ________ \ \ \ \\ _ \\ /__\ _ \ / /\ \ \ / _/. / \ / / \___/\___/____/___\____|_______\_____/ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Crime Scene - Nevermind : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . : _______________________________________ : |/ \| | c r i m e s c e n e ! | ________ _______ ___ _____ ______ _________ / _/_ \ \ __\_/ / \/ / \ _ / \ | / /| \ \/ / / _/ \________|___\_____|______|\____/ __________| . ______ ______ ____________\_____| _________ / _/__./ _/__ \ _ / _ \/ _ / . : \ | | / _/ |/ / / _/ : |__________|_________|________| /_____|___________| |_____| | | | | |\_______________________________________/| rX/jA! : : . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Pussy - Dream-X : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _____ ________ _\ _/_____ _____ _______ \ \\ \ \ _/___\ _/_\_ /___ / /___/ / \____ \____ \__/ \ /______\________//______//______/ ___/ sTZ!/sE /______\ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Deleted - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' rX/jA! _________ _______ _______ _______._________ _______ _________ _____. \ _ / \_ /./ /__\_ /|_ / \_ /. \ _ /_____ _\ _ | / / / / | /. / / |/ / / / | / / _ /_ \ \/ |_______/\_________|_______|_________|______/\_________|_______/ \/ / \ / \ d e l e t e d ! / \______________________________________________________________________/ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Europol - Snafu : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _____ _____ __\ _/________ _____ ________ ____ _____ __\__ |\ \ \\ _ \\ \\ \\ \\ /__ _/ /__| / \ / _/. \ /____/ \ / \ sTZ!\________________/___\____|_____/_____\_______/_______\sTYLe ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Dreamer's Hideout - Dreamer : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' _________________________________________________________________ | | | d r e a m e r ' s h i d e o u t ! | | _ ________ _______ _________ ____________ _____ ________ _________ //______ \ _ \/ _ \/ _ /__\__ \ \/ \/ _ / \ _ // / | / / / /. / /. _ / \/ / / /. / /.\ \ |_______/ \_____|________|________/|____/ /\________| \_____|_______/ \_____| \______| _______|_____| . ________ ____ ______ ________ ________ _______\ /_____________ \ | | | \ _ \/ _ // _ \ / \_ \ \ _ _ | | / / / /. / / /| |/ / .\/ \____|______|________/\________|________/\__________|________/ |______| | | | rX/jA! |_________________________________________________________________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Boone - Boone : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______ _____ _____ _________ ______ \ /_/_ \\ \\ \ \__ | _/ ) \ \ \ \ / /___| \_________/____/_____/____/ _/_______\ sTZ!/sE /___\ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Drugs - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ________________________________________________________________ \ / ______ _________ | _____| / _______\_ /__ ______ _______ d r u g s ! | \ _ |-\ / / |/ ___/_\ _/__ | \ \ | / /. /| . \ \_ | _________________| rX/jA! \________| \____|______________\ ________| |____| _ /____/ \/ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Euphoria - Mabdboy : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _______\_____________ :__\ \\ | ______ | sTZ!/sE | _____ __\ _/_______ ___ _____ ___|____ /\ _____ | __\__ |\ \ \\ \\ _|_/_ \\ _ \/ \__\__ \ | / /__| / \ /___/ \ \ \ / _/. \ _ \_ | \________________/____\____/____/____/___\____|____\__\____/ | | ___| |_______\\___________\ : \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Exorcist - Exorcist : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ________________________ | _ / | \/ ______ . _______\_ |_______________________________ _______ ._________ \\ _ / | _/ _ . _ / __/_ _____.\ _/_|__ / . / /. _ \ / | / /. | | \ |/ / |_________|____|____\_______/| \____|___ | |________|_______\\ . |____| \____|\____| | e x o r c i s t ! . | | rX/jA! |______________________________________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| EPH Diz - Madboy : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' sTZ! _____ _______ ___ __\__ |\ \\ _|___·E·U·P·H·O·R·I·A· / /__| /___/ \ \ .-\_____________\____/____/----------------. | | | | `------------------------------------------' ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Hardcore & Gabber - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ___________________________________________________________________________ _\ /_ \ h a r d c o r e & g a b b e r ! / ______ ____ __________________________________ ______________________________ \ _ | |_\__ _ / / _ / _/_| . / _ / \/ _ | _ \/ / /. / / | / | / /. / /. . \____|_______. \_____|_______/|________|\_______/| \_____|________| |______\ |____| |____| . __________ ___________________________________ __________ rX/jA!. | & / ____/___\__ / _ / _ / _ / / | |______ \ \ . _ / \/. \/. / /. / /. ______| \_____\ |_______/|________|________|________| \_____| _ /____| |____| \/ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Madboy - Madboy : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____ ___ _____ ________ _____ _____ ______ \ \/ \_\__ \\ _ \\ /_/_ \\ /___ _ / \/ / _ \_ / / ) \ \___/ \ _ \\\___/ _/____\____/_____/_________/____// ___/// /____\ sTZ!/sE /_____\ _____ ___________\________ |_____\ \ \\ : ________\ | | : ______ | ____ ____ _______ ___|_______ ____________ ______) /__ : ._\ \/ \\ _. \\ ._ \\ ._ // __ \ / /_ | | \/ / \| \_ |/ / |/ _/. \/ \____ \_ \\ |_____/ _/_____\____/________/_____|) |______._/ ____/ |\ /_____\ | \_____| |_____/ : ______: | sTZ!/sE \ ___ |______\\______________\ \__| \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Hooligan - Hooligan : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . ___________________________________________________________ |/ \| | | | h o o l i g a n / j a ! | | _____ | ______ _____________ _______ ________/ | ________ _________ _________ / | _/ \/ \/ / |/ _/_ \__ \/ _ \ \ _ | / / / / /. | | _ / / / |\ \____|________________/\________|______|____ |________/___/ / |_______\ \_____| / \______| . . | | | | |\___________________________________________________________/| . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Alkaholiks - Folar : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' __________\_________ _______\____________ ____\ \\ | | \\ /____ | | | | ___|_ ______ ____ ____ ___|_ _____ _|___ _____ /\ ____ ___| ___ __\__ \\ /__\ |/ /_\__ \\ _|_/_ \\ /__/ \\ |/ // _/___ _/ _ \_ / \ / _/. _ \_ \ \ \ / \ \ / _/.____ \ \_____\____/_______\__\____|___\____/__/____/____/_______\___\__\____|/______/ | | | | | | sTZ!/sE | | | \\ _____| |_____ | |_______\___________\ /__________\\_______| \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Hpavc - Jam : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . _|_____________________________|_ \| |/ | h a c k p h r e a k a n a r | . ______ . _____ _______________ ______\_ \ __ ______ / | . _ /_\__ / / |/ __/_. \ _ | / ___/ _ / /| / | \ \____|_____| |________/|________/|___ | _ /_____/ . . \____| \/ | | . rX/jA! |_ c h y v i r u s c r a c k _| |/___________________________\| . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Mystic Diz - Mystic : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____ ___ _____ ______ ______ /\ ______ \ \/ \\ /_\_ _/_\_ |_ \\ __/___ / \/ /___/ \___ \ _/ \ \ \ .\___/ _// ____//_____/___|____\_______/ `---/____\ ____\---------sTZ!/sE-----------. | | <------------------------------------------' ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Jedi Arts - Jedi Arts : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . : ___________________________________________________________ : |/ \| / | _________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ .________ ________ \ / \ _ /. \ _ \___\ /._\__ \ \ \|_ \/ / . \ \ / / | / / / | _ / / /|/ /\ \ | _____/\________|________/|_______|________/_____\_____|_______/|________/ |__/ _ | / |\___________________________________________________________/| rX/jA! : : . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Doors - For me : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ________ _____ ______ _________ ______ sTZ!/sE \ _ \\ \\ \\ _ \\ _/___ _/ / / \ \ / _/._____ \ \_______/_______/______/____\____|/_______/ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Jungle & Breakbeat - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ___________________________________________________________________________ _\ /_ | _______ | | _______ \ \____ ___________ ________ _________ ___________ | | .___\ \/ / | _ \/ __/__/ / _ / | | | \ \ /| | |/ / |_ . /. / / . | | | ______/___________|___/_______\______/ |_______|______ | | | |____/ |______| \______| | | | | j u n g l e & b r e a k b e a t ! | | ______ ________ | | | |______ __________ ___________ ___________ / / | | | _ \ \ _ \/ _ / __\__ /___ / /____ | | | / / / /. / / . _ / / / \__/ | | |____________/|____\_______|___________|__________/|____\_________| | | ______ | |_ | |______ ___________ __________ ___________ rX/jA! _| /___________ | _ \/ _ /_\__ \ _/_____________\ | / / / _/. _ / | |____________/\____ |__________/|_________| \______| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| The norhthern Palace - Zinko : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' :________________\___________________ ·THE NORTHERN PALACE· | \\ /______: _______ ____ ___|__ | \_ |_\ _|___\__ | : | _/ \ \ /___|a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/33.6DS/28.8DS/16.8DS| |_____|____/____/____\ Three Nodes Ringdown - +45-58-NOT-4-YOU| | : _________ _____ ____:____ ______ ____ ______ ________ _____|___ \ \\ \\ _ \\ |_\ _|___\__ |\ _ \\ \ / \ / \ / _/. _/ \ \ /___| / _/. \ / /____/ _/_______/____\____|_____|____/____/__________\____|___/ _/ /____\ : sTZ!/sE /____\ _______ _|___ ______ _____ _______ ______ : \ \_\__ \\ /____\__ \\ __/___ \__ | \\ __ /\ / /___/ _ \_ / \ _ \_ \ \ /___| \ _, /_/ /_/ /_____\_____\____/_______\__\____/________/_____\ | | : |________ | ·THE NORTHERN PALACE· : /______________\\__________________|_ \ : _________\_____________ _____ ____ | \\ / /_____| _______) |_____ __________ | /________ ._\ __| | // _. / \\ | | | \|___/. |\ | |______|_____| ._________| | THE NORTHERN PALACE | |_____| __:_ : __________ _______ ____________ _____). |____ _________ _________ ___|____ ._\ ._ \\ __ \\ ._ // __| | // _. // ._ // ._ \ | |/ / \/ \ |/ _/ | \|__/ |/ _/ |/ / |_____| /_________/____/ \_.____|____| .____________/ \_.__| / /____/ sTZ!/sE \______| : |____| \______| /____/ __________ ______ ____|__ ________ _______ _____|_____ ._\ ._ // _. \\ /___/_ _. \\ _._|__\__ _. / | |/___/ \| \_ / / \| \_ \| / \|__/. |_______\______\_____/________/____\_____/_________/________| | | | \: |_________ \| ______ / \ |_____/ /____________\\________| \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Manga - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ______ ____ _______ _____________________ ________ rX/jA! / \/ |_\__ \\ _ _ _____/__\__ \ __________________ \ \/ | _ / |/ / \ _ . _ / _ / .\ \____________/|____/_____/\____\/ |_______/ \/| |_______/ |_____| m a n g a | . _ | |_//_____________________________________________________________________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Royal - Whirlwind : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ________\_______ sTZ!/sE ______ | \\ /___ __________ _____) /__ ____|____ _______ | ._\ ._ // __ \ / /_\ _. \\ /_____ | | |/ _/ \/ \___ \_ \| \_ / / | |____/ \______._/ ____/____\____/________/ | \_____/ |_____/ |____ | /___________\\__| \ _________ _______ _______ ______ ________ / _ \\ \\ /______\__ \\ /___ / / _/. \____/ \ _ \_ / \ \_____\_____|_______// ____/___\_____/__________\ /______\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Maxim - Maxim : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . __________________________________ |/ \| | m a x i m / j A ! | | . | \ __________ | _____ ________ _____________\ /_____________ ________ | \/ /_\__ \ \ / \/ / | \/ / _ / \ / . \/ / |_____/ /.__________/ /_____|_________|_____/ /| \_______| |_______\ \_______| \ | | . | | | | | |\__________________________________/| . . rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Royal Diz - Whirlwind : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _______ ______ ______ _____ ______ / _ \\ \\ /_____\__ \\ /__ / / _/. \___/ \ _ \_ / \ \____\____|______// ___/___\____/_______\ <----sTZ!/sE-----/_____\-------------------. | | - -- ---- -----------------------------' ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Misc - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . ____ _____ ____________ _____ . . \ _ \/ / \ \ _/___/ _/__ _________________. / : \/ \/ / |\_ / | | / |_____/ |______| ______________| |/ | \_____| |___/ / | m i s c e l l a n e o u s ! / |_____________________________________________________/ rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| One Eight Seven - Whirlwind : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______________ _____ :_) \\ | | sTZ!/sE \ : _____ _________ ______ ______ /\|_______ ______ ____|__ / \\ \ \__ | ___\__ | \\ __/_\_ _|_\_ |_ / \ \ / /___| / /___| \ \ | \ \ _/ \_______/___/ _/_______\ \________\_____\________|__/____/____| /____\ ______ | : ____ ______ \_ /___ ___:__ _________ | / _/___ \__ |/ _/ / \__ |\ \ \\ \____ \ /___| \ / /___| \ / :\ /______/_____\________\_______\_____/ _/ | | /____\ | : ___| |_____\\__________\ : \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Murphy's Irish Stout - Ranx : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' _______________________________________________________________ | | | g e n u i n e p u b d r a u g h t ! | | ______ _ _____ ______/ /___ _________________________ __________ ______//_____ | \/ / / | _ / _ / | _ \/ / _/_. | \/ /. /| | / /| / __/ _ / / _ \ | |_____/ |__________|____\_____|_______|______/ /|__________|_________| \______| \_____| _ _. __________ ______ _____ _______ ._ _ \ \| _______/ _ /______/ _/_| | / |/ / | | / / /| /\ | _ / | | |_____/|____\_____|____/|________|_____/ /| | | _______ \_____| _ | | ______ .__________________/ /___.__________ / | |______. / _/_|_ / _ / / |_ / /____| | \ |/ / / / /| |/ / / |_________|______/|_______/|____________|_______/ rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Internet - Marwic : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' /\ ________ ____ _____ _______ ________ _____ ______ / \\ \\ |_\__ |\ _ \\ \ \__ |\ |_ / \ \ / _/ /__| / _/. \ / /__| _/ /______\__/ _/_____|__________\____|___/ _/______________| /___\ /___\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Nitro - Elusive : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' _________ ___._________ _________ ________ . \ _ / \ _ / \ _ / _ / ________ | / / |/ / / /. / | _________ _\ |___/ /|_____|______/|____\_____|________| /_ \ /_____\ / \ n i t r o ! / \____________________________________________________________/ rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Quartz - Quartz : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _____ ______ ___\ _/ _____ _________ ______ ______ / \\ \ \__\__ \\ _ \\ |_\__ \ / \ / \ _ \_ / _/. _/ ___/ \____\___/_______/___\____/___\____|_____|______\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Pcboard Support - Strode : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' _ __________________________________________________________ _ \ \ / / | p c b o a r d s u p p o r t . . . | | | ________________ ____________________________________ _________ . \ / _/_.\ _ / /\__ / / \ / | / __/ | \/. / / _ / / /. / / |_______|\_________|________|\______/|_______/____\____|_______/ _______ ________ \ /___ ___________________________________________. \ _/_. / |\ / / / / __| . \ | /| | / __/ / __/ / / / /\ \ |__________|___________|______|_______| \_______/____\_____\_______\ _ \/ |_ _| |/ \| _ /________________________________________________________\ _ \/ \/ rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Spw - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _________/_________________ | // : ______ : ____ __|____ __\ _/ | / _/___\ \\ \ \ : \____ \ /___/ /\ \ |________ /______/____\\____/\___/ _____ / : |____/ /________/___________| sTZ!/sE // ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Pcboard - Purplex & Exorcist : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' _ __________________________________________________________ _ \ \ / / | p c b o a r d | | | ________________ _________ __________________________ _________ . \ _ / _/_.\ _ // _ /\__ / _ / \ _ / | / __/ | \/. / / _ / / /. / / |_______|\____ |________|_______/|_______/ \____|_______/ \____| |_____| |_ _| |/ \| _ /________________________________________________________\ _ \/ \/ rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Phantom - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____________________\___ (_: \\ | sTZ!/sE | _______ ____ _|___ ________ ____ ____ ____ ___ \\ \ \\ _|_____\__ \\ \\ |_\ \\ \/ \ |\ / /___/ \ \ _ \_ \ / _/ \ \/ / : /_____\\____/____/___\____/__/ _/_____|______/___/ _/ | _| /___\ /____\ |________\\____________:_) \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Planet Rave - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ___________ ______ _________ __________ _________________ .____\ _ _ / /_\__ / \ ._ / \_ /__ /_____________ | \/ \___/ /. _ / |/ / / /./ / / | . \|________|_______/|____/_____\________|_______/ /_. | |_______| _______ | |__ __________ _______\_ \ _______ | / p l a n e t r a v e ! \ _ /_\__ / /___.__\_ / | /__________________________ | / /. _ / /| | / /. ____| . |____\_____|_______/\__________|________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Bulletins - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ________\______________________ _:___________\ \\ /__________:_ | _____ sTZ!/sE | ____|_ ___\ _/_____ _____ _____ _____ /\ ________ ___|_ \ /_\_ \ \\ /__\ /__ \__ |\ |_ \\ \\ _/___ _/ ) \ / \ / \ / \ /__| _/ \ \ /____ \ \_________/_____/_______\______\__________|____\__/ _/ /_______/ | /___\ | |_ _| :_) · ··B·U·L·L·E·T·I·N·S· ·M·E·N·U·· · (_: | | | o1 - 11 - | | o2 - 12 - : | o3 - 13 - | : o4 - 14 - | | o5 - 15 - \\ | o6 - 16 - |\ | o7 - 17 - : | o8 - 18 - | : o9 - 18 - | | 1o - 19 - | |__ __| :_/______________ ______________\_: )_________\\_______( \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Pong - Vinzi : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . ___________________________________________________ |/ \| | _________ | __________ _________ __________ _______ \ \ | / _ |/ _ \/ _ \/ _/__ / / |/ / ___/ / / |/ / | / __________| \_________/_____/______\____ | ______/ | / \_____| \ _ | p o n g ! . \ / | \/ | |\___________________________________________________/| . . rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Uploads - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _____ ___\ _/_______ ____ _____ _____ ________ _____ sTZ!/sE \ \ \\ \\ /__\ \__\__ \\ _ \\ _/___ / / \ /___/ / \ \ _ \_ / /_____ \ \_______/____\_________\____/___\____/_____/ /_______/ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Porno - Exorcist : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ___________________________________ | | | p o r n O o ! | ________________ ________ _________ _______ . \ _ / _ |/ _ \/ _ \/ _ | | / __/ / | / /. / / / | |______| \____________\______|__/ /|________| rX/jA! . \______| . | | |___________________________________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Upload - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______\__________________ _____ | \\ _____ \ : : ___\ _/_______ __|_ _____ _____ ________ | \ \ \\ \\ /__\ \__\__ \\ _ \ | sTZ!/sE / / \ /___/ / \ \ _ \_ / / : \_______/____\_________\____/___\____/_____/ \\ : |______ YES DO UPLOAD! IT'S | ___ / GOOD FOR YOU HEALTH : |__/ /________________________\_| \\ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Rainfall Center - Gluester : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . _:_________________________________________________________________:_ \| |/ | r a i n f a l l c e n t e r ! | | | . _______ ________ ____. ________ ________._______ _______ ______ /_ _\ \._\__ \/ | \ _ \/ __/|_ \/ / / / / /| _ / | |/ / __/ _ / /. /. _ /____\_____|________/______|___/___________| |________/|_______|_______| / _______ ________ _________._______ ________ _______ . _| / _/_./ / \ _ |_ \/ /_\ \. |_ \|__ / | / _/. |/ / / / _/. / /| ___|/ : \_________|________|___/_____/_______/\________|___\_____| : . . rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Download - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ___________\__________________. sTZ!/sE ______ | \\ /_: ________ _____ ___\ _/________ ___|_ ______ _____ ________ | \ _ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ /__\ \__\__ \\ _ \ | _/ / / \ /\ \ \ / / \ \ _ \_ / / : \_______/_______/___/\___/___/ _/_________\_____/___\____/_____/ | /___\ : | | UH! LEECHING? IT'S A VERY : : BAD HABIT! U SHOULD STOP IT | |______________________________| ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Reflex - Reflex : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . ________________________________________________________ |/ \| | r e f l e x / j a ! | | | . _________ ______________________________ _________________ _______/_ / _ \/ _ / __/ // _ / | / / / / / /. __/ /. / /. _ /. _ /______\____|__________|________\__________|___________|______\______| / . | | | | |\________________________________________________________/| . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Rules - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _____ _______ ___\ _/______ ______ _____ sTZ!/sE / _ \\ \ \\ /__ \__ |\ _/___ / / _/. / \ / \ /___|_____ \ \____\____|_______/________\____\ /_______/ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Relief - Relief : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . |_________________________________| | | | ________ ___ | _________ ________/ / \_/ ________ ________ . \ _ / \ _ / /.______ \ _ // __/ | / /. / /. / | / /. _/ | \____|________|________ |________|______| |____| . |______| . rX/jA! | | _ _|_ r e l i e f / t w i s t e d _|_ _ |/_______________________________\| | | . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Conferences - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ___ ____ _______ ______ _____ ______ _____ _______ ____ _____ _____ / _|_/_ \\ \\ __/ \__ |\ _ \\__ |\ \\ _|___\__ |\ _/___ / \ \ \ \ / __| /__| / _/. /__| \ / \ \ /__|____ \ \________/___/__/ _/_____\__________\____|________/ _/_________/_____________/ /___\ /___\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Royal - Citruz : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ___________________________________. . / |/ / r o y a l ! / _________ ___________. ________ .________ ________ / _ \/ _ \ |/ /_|__ \/ / ./ / /. / /_ / _ / / . |______\_____|________/ / /|__________/\_________| \________| / / / / /|___________________________________/ . rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Directories - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ________/\ ________ ______ ____ _______ _____ ________ /\ ______ _____ \ _ \ \\ _ \\__ |\ _|_\_ \_\ \\ _ \/ \\__ |\ _/___ _/ / / \ / _/. /___| \ \ _/ \ / _/. \ /___|_____ \ \_______/____\__\____|____\_________/____|_______/___\____|____\___\ /_______/ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Rts - Nevermind : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ............................ ::: : ::: : ____________________________________ ............ \ _ / __/\ __/_. ............. ::: .\ / /\ \| \ | ::: :::......... | \ \_____|\__________|___________| ..........::: |_______\ _ . \/ R t s ! : rX/jA! ::: : :::........................: ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Monthtop - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____ ___ _____ ________ ____ ____ ______ ____ _______ \ \/ \\ \\ \\ |_ _|_\_ |_\ \\ \ / \/ / \ \ / _/ \ \ _/ \ /___/ \___/ _/_______/___/ _/_____|___/____/___|______/____\ /____\ /___\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Sandworld - Douwan : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ________________________________________________________ __\ /__ \ _______ / ______ ______ _______ ______\_ /____ ____ ______ _______ _________ \ _/_._\__ \ \ _ \ \ _ / / / _ \/ _ \| / \ _ / . \ | _ / |/ / / / /\ / / \ / /| /_. / / |_______|______/|___|____|______/|___/\___\_______/ \____|_______|______/ \____| /__ s a n d w o r l d ! __\ /______________________________________________________\ / \ rX/jA! . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Weektop - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______ sTZ!/sE ___\ _/ ______ ______ ____ _____ ____ ____ _______ \ \ \_\__ |\__ |\ |/ // |_\ \\ \ / /\ \ /___| /___| / _/. _/ \ /___/ \___/\___/_____\______\_____\_____|_____|______/____\ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Scene - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ________ ______ _______ _________ _______ \ _/_./ _/_./ _ /./ ._ / \_ / rX/jA! .\_ | | / / | |/ / / / .____________________ | ____|________|________|___/____\_________| _ / |___/ / / s c e n e ! / _ _ __ _______________________________________________________/ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Newuservore - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _______ ______ _________ ______ ___\ _/___\ _/______ ______ _________ \ \\__ |\ \ \\ \ \\ _/___\__ |\ _ \ sTZ!/sE / \ / /___| /\ \ / \____ \ /___| / _/. /____/ _/____________/\____/________//_______/__________\_____| ______ /____\ ________________________________ \_ /___ _____ _______ ______ .____\ /____. / / // \\ \_\__ | | .N.E.W. .U.S.E.R. .V.O.T.E. | / \ \ \ _/ /___| |__ ________________ __| \________/_______/______|______\ :_/_________( )_________\_: ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Shock G - Shock G : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . _______________________________________________ |/ \| | | | _______ | _________ _____ _______________ _______ ______\ \ | _______ / / | _/ _ \/ _/__| / /_| / _/__. .\ \ _ | / / | / / \_ / | |_________/\ \_____|________/|__________|_____\______| | \___ | /______\ | \______| | | s h o c k g / j e d i a r t s ! | | | |\_______________________________________________/| . . rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Menu - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____ ____ ___________________ ____.____ sTZ!/sTYLe ._\ \/ \\ _. / ._ \\ | /_ _______________| \/ / \|__/ |/ / | \_ _______________ | |_____/ _/______________| _/____________/ ¦ | // /_____\ : :/_____\ \\ : | / : | ¦ \ | · O - Operator Page _|_ _ | | B - Bulletins : | ¦ E - Enter Message(s) //_/\ · | A - Alter Flagged Files _|_ _ | |· R - Read Message(s) \_\// | | D - Download File(s) /_/\ : |: C - Comment 2 Sysop : | | U - Upload File(s) \\_\/ | || X - Expert Mode On/Off . : | F - File listing : | :O S - Show Your Status | : N - New Files Since Date . | |· W - Edit Your Stats : | | V - View/Check File · | J - Join Conference __|_ _ | | Z - Zippy Search File Listing | | G - Goodbye/Logoff /(_( : · M - Color/Mono Mode | : · \/_/ | | · | |________\\__________________________| |________//__________________________| / ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Solid Scheme - Shock G : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' __________________________________________ .\ /. | s o l i d s c h e m e ! | _______. _________ ________ _________________ _____________ \ _|_\ _ |\ /_. \ _ . _ / _____________ .\ ._\ / / :/ / : \/ | / / /. | |________/|________/_________. |________/ | | |______| | | _______. _______. _____ __________ ____ ______ ________ | |_ \ _|_\ _|_| |____\_ _ / \ \/ / \ _ / _| /____ ._\ / | _ _ / / _/. \/ / / _/. ____\ . |________/|______________/ \/._______|_____/ / .________| . . |______| \______| | . |_ _| rX/jA! _ /________________________________________\ _ \/ \/ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Newusermenu - Chainsaw : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______ _____ _______ _____ __\ _/__\ _/_____ _____ _______ \ \\__ |\ \ \\ \ \\ _/___\__ |\ _ \ / \ / /__| /\ \ / \____ \ /__| / _/. ·NEW·USER·MENU· /___/ _/__________/\___/______//______/________\____| /___\ sTZ!/sE _____ ____ ___ _____ ______ _\ _/ [ O ] - YELL SYSOP [ G ] - GOODBYE \ \/ \\__ |\ \\ \ \ [ C ] - COMMENT 2 SYSOP [ J ] - DREAM ON, BOY / \/ / /__| \ / / \ [ D ] - HAH! CHILL MAN! [ U ] - UL, GREAT! /____/ _/_________/ _/_______/ /____\ /___\ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Stage Dive - Nurgle : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' __________________________________________________________________ _| |_ \ s t a g e d i v e ! _________ / ______ __________ ______________ __________ _________ \ _ /____ _______ \ _/_\_ __/_\__ / ___/_\ _ _ / | _ /___\/ / /-\ _ / | \ / \ _ / \ \/ / _/. | / / | /| / / _/. |_______/|______\_______/\____\ |_______| |______/ |\______/|________| _ \___| |______| _ \ / \ ______________________________________________________ / rX/jA! \/ \/ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Contra - Baffle : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____ _____ ________ _____ _______ _____ / _|_/_ \\ \\ \_\ _ \__\__ \ / \ \ \ \ / _/ / _/. _ \_ \_________/____/___/ _/______|____\____|___\____/ /___\ sTZ!/sE ________\____ ___ | \\ / /___| | /______ \\ | |\ : : ______ __|_____ ___________ ________ __________ _______ | ._\ _._|___/_ __ \\ ._ \\ __| ._ // _. \ | | \| / \/ \ |/ / | |/ _/ \| \_ | |___________/_________/____| _/_______|_____/ \_____\_____/ : | /_____\ \_____/ | sTZ!/sE : |_______ \\ ____ / \ |___/ /__\_________| \\ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Stezotehic - Stezotehic : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ::::::::::::::::::: _________ ______________________________________ : ::: \ _/_\_ / _ /\_ / _ \ : stezotehIc! ::: .\ ./ / / / ./ /. / / :::::: ::: |_________|_______/\_________|________|\_______/ ::: ________________________ ____ _______________. ::::: : \_ / _ / | |/ / _|_. ::: :::::::: ./ / / /\ _ | / | ::: oF style! : |_______/\_________\ \____|_______/\_________| ::: : /_____\ ::::::::::::::::: rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Bumble Bee Land - Baffle : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ______ ______ ___\ _/____ ___ _____ _______ ______ \ /____\ \ \\ \/ \\ /__\_ /__ \__ | _/ ) \ / \ \/ / ) \ / \ /___| \__________/________/___/ _/__________/_______\____\ /____\ sTZ!/sE ______ ______ ______ _____ _____ ________ _______ \ /____ \__ |\__ | / /____\__ \\ \\ _ \ _/ ) \ /___| /___| / / \ _ \_ \ / / / \__________/_____\______\ \_________\__\____/__/ _/_______/ /___\ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Stezotehic - Stezotehic : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' _______ _________________________ _________ __________________________ . / /|_ / _ /\ \/ _ \ |/ . \ \/ / / /./ /. / / / |________/ /\________|\________|________/ s t e z o t e h i c ! / \_______| ______________________ ______ _______ ________ / |_ / _ / | \/ |/ _/ / / / / /. _ / | | /|______________________ / /\________|_____/ /|________|___ | . \_______| \______| \_____| rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Baffle - Baffle : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' __ ___\______________ |__\ \ \\ | _____\ sTZ!/sE : | ______ ____| ________ ______ ____ ______ | \ /______\__ \\ __// __// /__ \__ | : _/ ) \ _ \_ __| __| / \ /___| | \__________/___\____/____\______\_________\____\ | | : : |_________________\\___| \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Style - Style : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' s t y l e ' 9 6 ! ___________________________________________________________ / |/ / _______ ___________. ______________ ________ / / / /|_ / |/ / / _ / / / . \ \/ /___ / /. / /. / / |________/ / / /\_______|__ | / / \_______| \______| \_____| / / / /|___________________________________________________________/ rX/jA! ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Hyperspeed - Madboy : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _____ _______ _______ _____ _______ _____ _______ _____ _____ _______ \ _|___\ /___\ \\__ |\ _ \\ _/___\ \\__ |\__ |\ _ \ _/ \ \____/ \ /___/ /__| / _/.____ \ /___/ /__| /__| / / \____/____// ___/____\___________\____|/______/____\____________________/ /______\ sTZ!/sE ____\________ ____ | \\ | |____| : |______ | | ___ _____ | sTZ!/sE | ._\ |_____\ /_: ___________ _______: __________ | | / / /_) ._ // _. // ._ / | \____ \_ |/___/ \|__/ |/ _/ |____| ._________/_____\\_______________/ \_ |____| | : \_____/ : _____ ____|______ ________ ________ ________ | / __|_\__ _. // _. // _. // ._ \ : .\____ / \|___/ \|__/ \|__/ |/ / \\ |_________/_____\\____________________________/ |\ | |______ | ____ | : |____| |________\\___| \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Subsonic - Subsonic : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' .____________________________________ . | / | / | | _______ / | ______ \ \ .________ ______. ________. ________ ____ _____. . \ _/_/ /___| _ /. \ _/_| _ | \ _ \_) /_ / _|_ | \ | /| | \ | \ | / | |/ / / | | | ____|__________|________| ____|\______/|___/ /|______|____ | |___/ |___/ \______| \___| . | s u b s o n i C ! / | | / | . /|_______________________________________| . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Irc - Czero : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____________\_________ ._\ \\ | | | /\ sTZ!/sE : | / \ ________|____________ : / \\ ._ / _._|______ | / \ |/ _/ \| / \\ /________\____/ \_.___________/ |\ \_______| | : : | I·N·T·E·R·N·E·T | : R·E·L·A·Y C·H·A·T __| | \ |_________________\\___\ \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Techno Music - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ____________________ | | | technoMusic! | .______________________ ____ ___ _________ _______ |__ \ _ / _/_/ | | _ \/ _ /. / / / /. . _ | |/ / / | / /|_______|_______| \___|___/ /\________| \_______| _____|_____/ ___\_____| ____ _______/ / ______ | |______ / \/ . \ \/ __/_| . _/_ \ \/ | |\ \_ | | | .\ \____|_________________|_____|_______| |______/ . rX/jA! . | |____________________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Internet Relay Chat - Czero : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' /\ ________ _____ ______ _______ ________ ______ _____ / \\ \\ \_\__ |\ _ \\ \\__ |\ \_ / \ \ / _/ /___| / _/. \ / /___| _/ /______\__/ _/______|___________\____|___/ _/______\______| /___\ /___\ sTZ!/sE _______ ______ _____ _____ ______ / _ \ \__ |\ /____\__ \\ /__ / / _/. /___| / \ _ \___/ \ \____\____|_____\_________\__\____/ ___/ /_____\ ____ _____ _____ ______ / _/___\ _|____\__ \\ \_ / \ \ \ \ _ \_ _/ \________/___/____/__\____/____| ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Temple - Nevermind : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' .________. _________ _____ _______ _________ _______ _________ rX/jA! |_ |_\ _ /. \/ _ / \ _ / / \ _ /. :::::: / / / / | \/ \/ / __/ / . / / | :::::: : _ /________/|_________|_____/ |_______| |_________|_________| : : \/ |_______| : : : : t e m p l e ! : : : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Terra Firma - Psyche : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _______ ______ _______ ________ _____ \_ \_\__ |\ _ \\ _ \__\__ \ | _/ /___| / _/. / _/. _ \_ |_____|___________\____|___\____|___\____/ ______/\ ________ ____ ___ _____ / __/ \\ _ \\ \/ \_\__ \ / ___| \ / _/. \/ / _ \_ \_____\_____\__\____|___/ _/____\____/ sTZ!/sE /____\ _ _______\______ |_\ \ \\ | ____\ | | sTZ!/sE : _______ ________ ____:____ __________ _|_____ ._\ __| _. // ._ // ._ // _. \ | | \|__/ |/ _/ |/ _/ \| \_ |______|_____________/ \_____/ \_____\_____/ \_____/ \_____/ : /\ | | ________/ \ ________|___ ___ ____ ___|_____ ._\ __/ \\ ._ // \/ \\ _. \ | ___) \ |/ _/ \/ / \| \_ |_______\_______\___/ \_____/ _/______\_____/ \_____/ /_____\ | : | | TERRA FIRMA : : | |__________\\_____| \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Texts - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . ___________________.__________________ _\ : /_ \ t e x t F i l e:s ! / .________ _____________:_____.________________ |_ \/ _ / : |_ \ _/_ . .. ..../ / / / _ |/ /\ |.... . . _ /_______/|_________ : _______/_________| \/ |_____:______| __\ : /__ rX/jA! \/ \ : / \/ \___________.__________/ . . ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Psyche - Psyche : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _______ _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ \ \\ _/___\ /___\ __/___\ _|___ \__ | / /___/____ \___/ \ \ \ \ \ /___| /_____\ /_______/ ____/________/___/____/_____\ /_____\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Trance & Ambient - Sin Fame : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' ____________________________________ | | | t r a n c e & A m b i e n t ! | .____________________ ____________________________ _________ |_ / _ /_\__ / _ / _/_| _ / ___________ . / / / /. _ / |/ / | / /. | . /_______/|____\_____|________/|____|_____|____ |________| | . _____________ ______________ _______ \____|____________________ . | & .__\__ / \/ / _ / / _ / _ / _/ |_______ | _ / \/ / \/. / / /. |/ / | . |________/|_____/ /|________|_____/\________|___|_____|_______| . \_____| . | | rX/jA! |____________________________________| ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Asylum - Madmax : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ___\ _/____ ___ __\__ \\ _/___\ /___\ /__\ \ \\ \/ \ _/ _ \____ \___/ \ / \ / \ \/ / \_____\____//_____/ ____/_______\______/___/ _/ sTZ!/sE /_____\ /____\ ______\___________ | \\ /_. : | ______ | ____ sTZ!/sE | __________ _______ ._) /__ _____|_ ._) |___ _____: ____ ._\ _. \\ __|__|__ / /_) /__|__ | /_) \/ \ | \| \______ /___ \_ / / | \_ \/ / |______\____._/ _______________/________/__________/___/ _/ |______/ | /_____\ : | | A·S·Y·L·U·M : |__ | · /___________\\____| \ ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Twisted - Twisted : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' _______________________ ________________________ \ _ / \ _ / \/ _______ . \ \/ ______\__ \__________ ______ .________ _______ ________ |__ / / . / | \ _/ |__ / \ _ / \ _ / / / /\ | | \ |/ / / /. / / _ /______/\____/\_____|_____|________/ /|________|______/ \/ \______| .__ / __. rX/jA! ____/ / t w i s t e d ! \ \____ \ _ /|_____________________|\ _ / \/ . . \/ ____ ______ .---/ _/sTZ \__ |---------------------------------------------------------. : \____ \ /___| Madmax - Madmax : `----/______/_____\----------------------------------------------------------' ____ ___ _____ ________ ___ ___ _____ _____ _____ \ \/ \_\__ \\ _ \\ \/ \_\__ \\ | / / \/ / _ \_ / / \/ / _ \_ _/. \___/ _/____\____/_____/____/ _/____\____/___|____| /____\ /____\ sTZ!/sE ______ _____ .--sTZ\_ /_\__ \----------------------------------------------------------. : \ / \ _ \_ Xavier Scenit - Weapon-X : `--/________\__\____/--------------------------------------------------------' . . . x a v i e r s c e n i t ! _|_____________________________________________ : | \| | _ | _____ _____ ________ __\ ______ ______ _________ ________ |_ | /_\_ \ \ |/ |/ / \ \. / _ \ _ / |\ | / / _/| / /| _ /______/_____\_______/\_________/|______/|_________|____\_____| / . _______ _______ _________ _________ _______.________ / _/_ / _/_._\ / \ _ \/ |_ \ . \ | | / _/| |/ / / / |__________|_________|_________|____/_____|______ /________/ / | . | |\_____________________________________________|_ rX/jA! : | . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] STYLE · JEDI ARTS [*] - JEDI ARTS · STYLE - [*] STYLE · JEDI ARTS [*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Art Work by ............. sTZ!/sE ^ rANX/jA! Art Assistant ....................... fATAL/eD Release Date ....................... 04-05-96 _ ____ ______ _____ _ // / _/___\ \_\__ \ \\ \____ \ _/ ___/ sTZ!/______/_____|_____\sE _____ _________ ______ ______ _____ /\ ________ _____ _____ / _/___\ _ \ \__ |\__ |\ \_ \\ \\ _/___\ _/___ _ / \ | / _/. /___| /___| _/ \ \ / \ |____ \ _ \\ \_________|____\____|_____\______\______|____\__/ _/_________|/______/ // sTZ!/___\sE Bobo · Boheme · Bs&Dtr Bright Angel · Cesspool Coco Pops · Der Hm Don Martini · Elvis Ezco · Enzo · Folar Fresh-Kid · G.o.d. Hijack · Jmf · Killraven Lagers · Madboy · Marwic Mike · Misfit · Muad'dip Necrarch · Nup · Quartz Ranx · Rastaman · Repe Scarface · Slime · Sweet Sce · U-man · Wearoz Webster · Zeus · Zinko Xcluziwe Xcluziwe: damn your diz was too big! ___ ____ __ / \_/ _/__/ \_/\ /\ / /\_ / /__/ \/2F\ /____/_ / /_ / /____\___\ \__/ \__/ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ __ ____ _/ \__/ _/ _/ _/__/ \__/ _/ _/ \_/ /_ _/ _/_ / /__/ _/_/\_ / / / _/_/ /__/ _/_/\_ / /__/ /_ / /_ / / ___/_ / /_ / /_ / /_ / / \__/ \__/___\ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 2fASt..bEHEMOTh..bOHEMe..cHROMBACHEr..cOCopOPs cOUNtzERo...cRUSADEr...cYBERGOd...dANZIg...dHM dESOTo..dRAKAr..eLVIs....eXOCEt..fATAL...fOLAr g.E.m..gOZz...gRIMLOCk..h2o...hAUSFRAu..hIJACk hOMICIDe....jUAn.....kARMa.....mANTa....mISFIt mOGUe...mORTIMErTWANg....nUp..oR!On...pASZcZAK rANx..rELIEf...sCARFACe..sHAPECHANGEr..sHOCk-G sKˇn...sTRATOs..sTYLEz.....tANGo....tHEfOUNDEr tOMMy.....tREACh.....u-MAn.....xCLUZIWe...zEUs .--------------------------------------------------------. | alkaholiks!, arclite, atre, epsilon design, azkiness, | | whale, contra, caustic style, house of style, oma, | | jedi arts, sos, divine stylers, honey, twisted, unique | `--------------------------------------------------------' Style Bulletin Board Systems: Digital Underground - +358-0-se-posse - sysop: Stezotehic - Universe HQ Bermuda Triangle - +358-0-5861380 - sysop: Quartz - World HQ Fear Factory - +358-0-se-posse - sysop: Zeus - Finland HQ Nuclear Waste - +46-51-027-1XX - sysop: Marwic - Sweden HQ The Northern Palace - +45-58-506-081 - sysop: Zinko - Denmark HQ __________ ______ _________ ____ ______ _ \ _ \__\__ \\ \\ | / // _ / / _/. _ \_ \ / . _/. \\ \____\_____|___\_____/___/ _/_____|_____| sTZ!/sE /___\ _____ _________ ______ ______ _____ /\ ________ _____ _____ / _/___\ _ \ \__ |\__ |\ \_ \\ \\ _/___\ _/___ _ / \ | / _/. /___| /___| _/ \ \ / \ |____ \ _ \\ \_________|____\____|_____\______\______|____\__/ _/_________|/______/ // sTZ!/___\sE meeba..coroner..maxim...delsion...shock.g..headfuck..reflex jaz..ftj...dune..mik.sair...beatnik...phantom..wiz..hoplite cybelius..shocker..gluester..yrwin..mayday..poise..lustlord nup!...hooligan...shamus..xtc...disco...traitor..gwenhwyvar sin.fame...apollo...sparr..stz..genesis..pizza and ofcourse all the loved ones who i forgot ___ ____ __ / \_/ _/__/ \_/\ /\ / /\_ / /__/ \/2F\ /____/_ / /_ / /____\___\ \__/ \__/ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ __ ____ _/ \__/ _/ _/ _/__/ \__/ _/ _/ \_/ /_ _/ _/_ / /__/ _/_/\_ / / / _/_/ /__/ _/_/\_ / /__/ /_ / /_ / / ___/_ / /_ / /_ / /_ / / \__/ \__/___\ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 2fast...acid.kid...chrombacher...coco.pops...crusader..danzig desoto..dhm..dino..dual..elvis..exocet..fatal..gozz..grimlock h2o..headfuck..homicide!..hooligan..juan..karma..maxim..mogue mortimer.twang..nup!..phase...ramon..redskin...reflex..relief scarface..shapechanger..shock.g..stezotehic..STRAUSS..stratos stylez..treach..u-man..vinzi..wishbringer..xcluziwe..zeus...! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: _ And these houses producing such a fine art .. :: __ :: _ _\\_______________________________________________________ _ :: __ ._) :: :: (_. | :: arclite..art..atre..contra..divine.stylers..epsilon^design :: | | :: house.of.style..mo'soul..oma..sos..style..twisted..whale :: | |_ :: _ :: _| )_ :: _ ______________________________________________________//__ _ :: _( :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Jedi Arts Bulletin Board Systems: propaganda - +358-0-674934 - sysop: ranx - world hq zillion hours - +358-31-3713472 - sysop: traitor - finland hq back fire - +31-73-5215288 - sysop: satan's fire - dutch hq another step - +46-21-330975 - sysop: fatal - sweden hq terror temple - +358-0-jedidist - sysop: hooligan - dist.site x x x The Official Jedi Arts Releases: 33humppa.txt (Mar'95) - pistepirkko feat. humppaa tai kuole - (c) ranx & maxim r!kemos.txt (Apr'95) - kemosynteesi - (c) reflex ench_rnx.5th (Aug'95) - enchanted star shines innovative - (c) ranx aos!_rnx.6th (Sep'95) - the art of sketch - (c) ranx noon_rnx.txt (Oct'95) - bitter noon - (c) ranx pass-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - the passion of ranx/jedi arts! - (c) ranx ja!-ihts.txt (Oct'95) - i heard they suck - (c) shock g tdf-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - to die for - (c) ranx fwwm-rnx.txt (Nov'95) - fire walk with me - (c) ranx wt-rnx.txt (Dec'95) - winter tears - (c) ranx maria.txt (Dec'95) - marian ilmestys - (c) ranx hoo!face.txt (Jan'96) - phuckface - (c) hooligan ja!-twt.txt (Jan'96) - time will tell - (c) ranx & shock g r_o_jedi.txt (Jan'96) - return of the jedi - (c) reflex ja!-tale.txt (Feb'96) - fairy tales of million dollar happiness - (c) shock g ja!-royl.txt (Feb'96) - grand royal - a tribute to the best - (c) shock g ja!-eyes.txt (Feb'96) - dead eyes - no light no beauty - (c) ranx ja!-slds.txt (Mar'96) - solid scheme - (c) shock g seja-aab.txt (Apr'96) - afros and boozes (c) ranx & stz x x x __________________________________________ \ / ________ ____________ ________ / . \ _/|__ _ / \_ / .__ s t e z o t e h i c & / | \ / \/ / | /_ / |__________. .___________| \/ r a n x . / |_________| . . _____________ _________ _________________ /______ / ____.\ _ /__\_ \ \ _ / / / rX/jA! \ _ | _|/ /. _ / |/ /\ \ /. |_________________ _ \/ | \/______|__________/ |______|______\ ____| |_____| |______| / . You have reached to the end of ._______. _________ ._______. ____ ________________ | |/ _____//_ _____|__ | _(____)_____\\ _____________ _____|____ | _______//__ ./ ___// |/ |________\\ ./ _|___/ | \| \| \| | | | \________|_____|_ | |_______|_______| fTL_____\ _\________|________\ ._____. ________ ____________ ____\\______ \.____________| |____ _/ ___//__ _________ //___./ ____// | _ | _____//___ _\________ \. //______| \| | /______/|_ \\_ _/ |/ | .___. .___ |_________|______|_____| |/____/ \. _|_____eD |_ /|\ .| / /________|_______/ ` / ` \|`_/ ________ ._____. ______. ._______. _________ _/ ___//__ | |____ ./ _|______ | | ./ _____//_ ._\________ \| _____//__| \ \| | | _______//__ | |/ |_ \\_ _/ \___ | |_|_. \| \. | _|______|/____/ \.__________/ |___________|___|_ | fTL____/ . ... .... /________| /___________| \_______eD ·:· : . Production . @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __ ¸_ ¸ . _¸_ , __ \/ )\(//¸( ,_\( /)| (\\'\ ) \/ .----------/-------------------------------. | S·T·Y·L·E A·N·D J·E·D·I A·R·T·S | )------------------------------------------( | CO-OPERATION COLLECTION MADE BY: | | STEZOTEHIC/STYLE AND RANX/JEDI ARTS! | `------------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ