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  |    <-`--' ---- 2F ---- `--' --- `--^--' --- `--'  `--' ------ `--'->    |
  |                                                                         |
  |           Sysop: Ranx/JediArts!·Komeda·Fairlight·Orange·Sonic           |
  |           JediArts WHQ · Komeda WHQ · +358-0-674934 · 1x28800           |
  |_                                                                       _|
  ·                                                                         ·

                         .--. ___  __  __|  __ _  ___
                       o |ŻŻ\(  /,.--|(__|  \ / )(  /, o
                              ŻŻŻ  ŻŻ             ŻŻŻ
                 You  have decided  to leech  this collection
                 made by Stezotehic/Style and Ranx/Jedi Arts.
                 That's  a cool thing  and I  hope  you enjoy
                 reading / watching this  peace  of art, heh.
                 So  what  are  we  waiting  for?  Let's  go!


                      ________________  _
                     |               / /_|
                     |              /____
                      gmm. W@@W          |
                   ,gW@A~  *@@@s         |
             __   i@@@P     'M@@@m_      |
            ]@@b   M@@@i      @@@@@@s    |          ,____
             Y@@W_  VM@@W____m@@@@@@@Ws  |      _mm@@@@@@@@Ws_.
              V@@@@@m@@@@@AM@@@@@@@@@@@b |    ]@W@@@@@@@@@@@@@D.
                ~~V***@@@@[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@***M@@@@@@@b
            m@s.    _m@@@@sM@@@@@@@@@@@@f    '*@@@`,_   ~M@@@@@@
            ~@M@WmW@@@**~M@m@@@@@@@@@@Af d.     'f  ` -s. @@@W@P
               ~V*f~   ,gm@@@@**@@@@AMWm@@@s             W@@A*f`
                 ____mW@@@A*~`        'V@@@@i
                '******f`                ~M@@b. ,mm
                     |                   |  V*M@@@@**MW.
                     |        sTZ!/sE    |   ,d@@A  _d@!
                     |                   | _gW@@@W_ **!
                     |                    d@@f~~~@@s
                     |                ,gmm@@W.   X@@mmmm_
                     |                '~~~`'~`   ~~` '~~~
           ______ ___|____ ______ ______ |_____
         __\__   \\    __//  _   \\     \\   _/___
       _/    _    \_  ___|   /  _/.      \____    \
                     |                   |
                     |                   |
                     |                   |
                     |                   |
                     |           ,_mm@M@@ms
                     |          ,d@@KX!M@A*
                     |        ,_dA! M@_@@        ______ _________ ________
                     |,__===*~~`  ,@@@~` |     __\__   \\        \\   _   \
                     mZ~~  __.    ]@P~   |   _/    _    \_   \   /    /   /
                   @A  ,_A****!   @@[    |   \_____\_____/___/ _/________/
                imP~  iP`        i@@     |                  /___\
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             ,@A  ,_*          ,@@@*     |
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         ,mf  _gf          ,_@@@*f       |
       ,gY~ ,g*f           d@@A*         |
       @P    '           i@@@@           |
      ]@@@*m.         ,_d@@*~`           |
      !@@~ ~\ms_    imW@@*~   ______   __|___ ______  ______  _____ _____
       !*b_   !*  d@@@@[      \    /___\     \\     \_\__   \ \__  |\  _/___
         '~V*+mm@@A*f`       _/    )   \      \      \   ___/   /__|____    \
              ~~~~`  |       \_________/______/______/_____\________________/
                     |                   |
                     |_____              |
                      __  /              |
                     |_/ /_______________|

                   Afros And Boozes - Style And Jedi Arts

             ___________\__                      ________   ____
            |           \\ |                    |        | |____|
            :              |____________________|        |______
            |                             __                    :
      ____ _|____ _____ ______   ______   \/    _____ _________ |______
     /  _/_\_    |_   /_\_   /__ \__   |      __\__  \\        \\  _   \
     \____   \   _/__/    \ /   \  /___|    _/    _   \_   \   /   /   /
      /______/___|     ___/______\____\     \_____\____/___/ _/_______/
            :   /______\                                  /___\ :
         ___|__ ______ _______/\sTZ!/sE _____ _________ _____ __|__
      ___\__  / \__   |\  _   \ \     __\__  \\    _   \\    |_  _/___
      \    /  \   /___|   /   /  \  _/    _   \_   /  _/.    _/____   \
      /________\_____\_______/____\ \_____\____/___\____|____| /______/
            |                                                   |
            :               _________\\_________                :
            |________      |          \         |               |
             _____  / /    |  Co-oP CoLLECTIoN  |               :
            |____/ /_______|                    |_____\\________|

            ____  ___  _____ ________ ______   ______   ______
            \   \/   \_\__  \\   _   \\__   |  \    /___\    /___
            /   \/   /   _   \_  /   /  /___| _/    )   \___/    \
            \___/  _/____\____/_____/______\  \_________/    ____/
               /____\                    sTZ!/sE      /______\

      ________    ._____.           ________
    _/    ___//__ |     |____   ___\\___    \_      .___.   .___
  ._\________    \|    _____//___    ________/_.____|_ /|\ .|  /__________
  |        |/     |_  \\_      _/    \|        |____`_/_`_\|`_/________  //____
  |       _|______|/____/      \._____|_       |                      //_______
  fTL____/             /________|     __\______|           ________.
____________         ._____________ _\\______  \.__________\__     |_________
_________  //________|    _       /     ____//  |      __     \. __|        /
        //___________|    /______/      \|      |      |/      | \__      _/
                     `-----'   \_________|______|______|       |___|      \

            As Shock G mentioned in his marvellous collection Solid

            Scheme, we now have Fatal's Another Step as a SWEHQ and

            Backfire maintained by Satan's Fire as a DHQ.. So a big

            welcome to you! Not much more news this time. My asciis

            are pretty much requests if not 100%.. I'll prolly make

            another pack pretty soon. So see you then..


      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ 2fast (pc) - 2fast                                     :

                       Ř                              Ř ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŘ
         2 F A S T !   Ş                   _ŘŘ_       Ş        Ř
                                __        |ŘŘŘŘŘ__             Ř
                  _ŘŘ_  _ŘŘŘŘŘŻŻŘŘ  _ŘŘŘ_ ŘŘŘŘŘ  ŻŞŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ_   Ř
            Ş    _Ż _Ř||ŘŘŘŘŘŘ___ _ŘŻŘŘŘŘŘ ŻŻŘŘŘŘ_  |ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ|  Ř     |ŻŘ
     ŘŻŻŻŻŻ Ř     _ŘŻ _|ŘŘŘŘŘŘ  _ŘŘ| ŘŘŘŘŘ|    ŘŘŘŘ ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ   Ř ______Ř
            Ř  |ŘŘŘŘŘŻŻ              ŘŘŘŘŘŘ ŻŻŘŘŘŻ
            Ř  ŻŻŻ     Ş                              Ş
            Ř_________ Ř                              Ř  C O N T R A !

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Deluxe Diz - Patrician                                 :

 sTZ!/sE              _____   ________
 ______ _____ ____  __\  _/___\      /_____
 \  _  \\__  |   /__\  \  \\   \    / \__  |
_/  /  /  /__|  /   \  /   \\___\__/.   /__|
\_____/______________\_____/    \___|_____\
|                                          |
|                                          |

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Acid House - Sin Fame                                  :

     ________________  _________  ________
  .__\__     /    __/_|        /  \_     /_ _______________________________
  |   _     /         |       /    /    /                                 /
  |________/\_________|______/|________/                                 /___
   _____                                 &  _________                       /
  |  _ /               ______ ______________\_      /__ _______   _________.
  |  \/  rX/jA!        \     |    .          /     /   .\    _/_ /   _    /
  |____________________.\    _    |    /    /     /|   | \      |    /   /.
                       |     \____|\_______/\__________|________|_________|

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Deluxe - Patrician                                     :

   _  ___________\____
  |_\ \          \\   |
   ____\  sTZ!/sE     :                 ___    _____
  |       _________ __|______ ____    ._\  |___\    |______ ________
  :     ._\  ._    \\  _.   //    |___|__  |  /_\___|     //  _.   /
  |     |    |/    /   \|__/      |     /  |    \_  .____/.   \|__/.
  |     |_________/____________________/_________/__|_____|________|
  :                ___|
  |______\\________\  :

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Anarchy - Sin Fame                                     :

   ____________________ _________ _________ _______  ______ ____\__    /___.
  _\__     /    _     /_\__     /    _    //     _/_.\     |    _ /   /    |
 |  _     /    |/    /   _     /     /   /.         |      _    \/   /     |
 |_______/|____|____/|________/|____/_____|_________|______|___.     ______|
 .                                                             |_____/
 :                                                         .
 : rX/jA!                                                  :  a n a r c h y !

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Crux Diz - Patrician                                   :

 sTZ!/sE                 ______   _________
  _______  _________ ____\   _/___\       /
  \   __/__\_   _   \\    \   \\   \     /
  /   \     /   /  _/.    /    \\___\___/.
.-\________/____\____|_________/    \____|-.
|                            /________\    |
|                                          |
|                                          |

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Ansi - Sin Fame                                        :

                               _________________. ______   _______
    _________________________. \__     /   _    |/    _/_./      /________
    \                        |  _     /   |/    |\_      |      /        /
    |                        |_______/____/_____|    ____|_____/      _ /
    |   a  n  s  I  !                           |___/                 \/|
    |                                                          rX/jA!   |

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Crux - Patrician                                       :

         _  __________________
        |_\ \                 |
         ____\    sTZ!/sE     :       ____          ._______
        |         _______   __|_______)_  |___ _____|      /
        :       ._\   _._|__)__  ._    /  |  /_\    |   __/.
        |       |     \|      /  |/  _/   |    \_          |
        \\      |____________/___/    \_______._/   |______|
        :\                    |  \_____/      |_____|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Armageddon - Armageddon                                :

    ________  _______________  _____  _________ ___________________________
  ._\__     \/   _     \     \/     \ \__      \                           |/
  |  _       \   /     /\    \/     /  _       /                           /
  |__________/   \_____|_____/     /|_________/   a r m a g e d d o n !   /
           \      \          \______|                                    /
    /      |_____ /_______  __________ ________ _________  ________  _________
   /             /     __/ |   _     / \  _    \    _    \/  _     \/   _     \
  /             /          |   /    /.    /    /    /    /   /     /    /     /
 /|____________ \_____     |_________|__________________/\________/____/     /.
                      \____|                                     /     \______|

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Conftop - Allah                                        :

             ______   _____ _________ __________ _____ ________
             \   _/__/_    \\        \\   __/   |_    \\       \
             /   \    /     \   \    /   __|    _/     \  /____/
             \_______/______/___/  _/_____\_____|______/_____\
                               /____\          sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Asciis - Sin Fame                                      :

                ________________  _______   |_/   _____ _______
 _____________. \__     /\    _/_|     _/_ ______|     |\    _/_ _____________
 \            |   _    /  \      |        |      .     . \      |            /
  \           |_______/|_________|___     |______|______________|           /
   \                                 \____|                                /
    \ _                                                                 _ /
     \/ a s c i i s !                                            rX/jA! \/

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Conftop - Allah                                        :

         ______  ________ ___________ _________ _____ _____ ___________
       ._\  _._|_\__ __  \\    ._    \\     __//   __| __  \\   ._    /
       |    \|     / \/   \    |/    /     __)     |   \/   \   |/___/
       |__________/_______/____|   _/_______\______|________/______\
                              /_____\             sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Boo-ya - Boo-ya                                        :

            |                                                    |
            .     b o o - y a !                                  |
         ______                               _______            .
________.\ _   |__________________________    \      \      _______ ._________
\ _   _ | \/   _     /   _    _    _     / _  /      /   .__\__   / | _    _ /
 \/   \ |      /    /    /    /    /    /  / /      /    |   _      | /    \/
        |__________/\________/\________/     \_____.     |__________|
            .                                      |_____|       .
           _|                                                    |_
           \|                                                    |/    rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Cypress Hill - Zinko                                   :

                                ____________\_______________  _
                               |            \\             / / |
_______ _______   _______ _____|  _____:_____  _____      / /__|
\   __/_\_    /___\      \\ _   \ \__  |\  _/_/_  _/___  /_____
/   \    /___/    \  /___/  /  _/.  /__|____    \___   \       |
\_______//    ____/____\____\____|_______//_____//_____/       |
        /_____\                |                               |
                               |     sTZ!/sE    _____   /\ ____|  _____
                               |______          \   _|_/_ \\   /__\   /__
                                ___  /         _/   \    \ \  /   \  /   \
                               |  / /          \____/____/__\______\______\
                               |_/ /_______\\__________________|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Chrombacher - Nurgle                                   :

              ______. ______ ____ _________________ ____  ______  _
 ___________. \    _|_\ _   |    |    _   /        |    \/     / /(_________
 \          |         .\/   _    |    /  /|    /   |    \/    /            /
 |          |_________|     \____|____\___|\______/|____/    /.    rX/jA!  |
 |       _____        |_____|                           \_____|            |
 |       \    |____  ______________._______.____  __________________       |
 |       |    _    \_\__     /    _|\ _    |    |-\  _    /   _    /       |
 |_ _    |    /    /  _     /        \/    _    |    /  _/.   /   /. _ ____|
         |________/________/\________|     \____|_________|   \____|
                                     |_____|            |_____|

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Element - Snafu                                        :

        \                     |
     ____\      sTZ!/sE       :
    |        ______ ____   ___|__ ____  ___  ______ _______ ____
    :      __\__   |   /__ \__   |\   \/   \ \__   |       \\   |_
    |     /    /___|  /   \  /___|    \/   /   /___|   \   /    _/
    \\    \_______\________\__________/  _/_______\____/ _/_____|
    |\                      __|      /____\           /___\
    |_______________________\ :

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Citruz - Citruz                                        :

            .                                                     .
            |/                                                   \|
            |  c i t r u z !                        _________     |
     _   ________   ________________  _________  ___\       / _________   _
     \  /      _/__/      \__       \/   _     \/    \      \ \        \  /
       /          |        /        /    /     /.    |\      \/        /.
       \__________|_______/_______ /_____\______|_____________\_________|
            |                    .                                |
            |                                                     |   rX/jA!
            .                                                     .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Element Diz - Snafu                                    :

  _____ ___ _____ ___  __ _____ __________
 _\__  |  /_\__  |\  \/  \\__  |      \   |_
/   /__| /  \ /__|   \/  /  /__|  \   /   _/
\____________\_______/ _/_________/ _/____|
|                                          |
|                                          |

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Cna - Gluster                                          :

               .   _____________________________________________  .
                  /                                             |/
               : /      ________   __________   ________        /
               |/      /     __/_._\   _     \ _\__     \      /|
               /      /          |    |/     /   _      /     / :
              /|_____ \____      |____/______|_________/_____/  .   rX/jA!
             .             \_____|

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Beyond the Hell - Dream-X                              :

                ______   ___________  _____ ________ _______
                \    /___\__  \    /_/_    \\       \\  _   \
               _/    )   \ /__/___/    \    \   \   /   /   /
               \_________/____/    ____/____/___/ _/_______/
               sTZ!/sE       /_____\           /___\
          ______  ____     _____    ____     _____ ____  _____
          \_    |_\  _|___ \__  |   \  _|___ \__  |\  /__\   /__
           |    _/   \    \  /__|  _/  \    \  /__|  /   \  /   \
           |____|____/____/____\   \___/____/_____________\______\

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Combined - Sin Fame                                    :

        _|                                                         |_
        \    c o m b i n e d !                .                     /
   _______   ____________  ____  ________  _ /|________  ________ ________
  /     _/_./   _   .    \/    \/     _ /  \/ |   _    \/  _    / \  _    \
  \        |    /   |    \/    /      \/.     |  |/    /   /  _/.    /    /
   \_______|________|____/    /|________|_____|__/_____\________|________/
         __    \                                             /    __
         \/     \___________________________________________/     \/  rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Dream World - Dream-X                                  :

                  ________ _______  _____  _____ ____  ___
                  \   _   \\  _   \ \__  |_\__  \\   \/   \
                 _/   /   /   /  _/.  /__|   _   \_  \/   /
                 \_______/____\____|_________\____/__/  _/
                      ______       sTZ!/sE          /____\
                   ___\   _/____ ________ _____  ________
                   \   \   \    \\   _   \\   /__\   _   \
                   /   /\   \    \   /  _/.  /   \   /   /

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Crime Scene - Nevermind                                :

                  .                                         .

                  : _______________________________________ :
                  |/                                       \|
                  |  c r i m e  s c e n e  !                |
               ________   _______    ___  _____  ______ _________
              /      _/_  \      \ __\_/ /     \/     / \  _    /
              \         |   /    /|      \     \/    /     /  _/
               \________|___\_____|______|\____/     __________|
            .  ______    ______    ____________\_____|  _________
              /    _/__./    _/__  \  _    /     _    \/   _    / .
            : \        |         |    /  _/     |/    /    /  _/  :
            |__________|_________|________|     /_____|___________|
                  |                                         |
                  |                                         |
                  |\_______________________________________/|     rX/jA!
                  :                                         :
                  .                                         .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Pussy - Dream-X                                        :

                   ________ _\  _/_____   _____ _______
                   \       \\ \  \   _/___\  _/_\_    /___
                   /   /___/  /   \____   \____   \__/    \
                  /______\________//______//______/    ___/
                        sTZ!/sE                 /______\

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Deleted - Sin Fame                                     :

        _________ _______  _______  _______._________ _______  _________
 _____. \  _    / \_    /./      /__\_    /|_       / \_    /. \  _    /_____
_\ _  |    /   /   /   / |      /.   /   / |/      /   /   / |    /   /   _ /_
\ \/  |_______/\_________|_______|_________|______/\_________|_______/    \/ /
 \                                                                          /
  \   d e l e t e d !                                                      /

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Europol - Snafu                                        :

               _____ __\  _/________ _____ ________ ____ _____
             __\__  |\  \  \\   _   \\    \\       \\   \\   /__
           _/    /__|   /   \   /  _/.     \  /____/     \  /   \

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Dreamer's Hideout - Dreamer                            :

     |                                                                 |
     |   d r e a m e r ' s   h i d e o u t !                           |
     |                                                                  _
 ________  _______  _________  ____________  _____  ________ _________ //______
 \  _    \/  _    \/   _    /__\__    \    \/     \/  _    / \  _     //      /
|   /    /   /    /.   /   /.  _      /    \/     /   /   /.    /    /.\      \
|_______/    \_____|________|________/|____/     /\________|    \_____|_______/
        \_____|                            \______| _______|_____|     .
    ________ ____ ______  ________  ________ _______\       /_____________
    \       |    |      | \  _    \/  _    //   _    \     /    \_        \
     \ _    _    |      |    /    /   /   /.    /    /    /|    |/        /
     .\/    \____|______|________/\________|________/\__________|________/
     |                                                                 | rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Boone - Boone                                          :

                    ______  _____ _____ _________  ______
                    \    /_/_    \\    \\        \ \__   |
                   _/    )   \    \     \    \   /   /___|
                   \_________/____/_____/____/ _/_______\
                         sTZ!/sE            /___\

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Drugs - Sin Fame                                       :

        \                                                              /
         ______        _________                                       |
   _____|     / _______\_      /__  ______ _______      d r u g s !    |
   \     _    |-\       /     /   |/  ___/_\    _/__                   |
    \    \    |    /   /.    /|   .   \     \_      | _________________| rX/jA!
     \________|    \____|______________\    ________|
              |____|                 _ /____/

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Euphoria - Mabdboy                                     :

                                                :__\      \\            |
                   ______                       |              sTZ!/sE  |
           _____ __\   _/_______ ___   _____ ___|____  /\   _____       |
         __\__  |\  \   \\      \\ _|_/_    \\   _   \/  \__\__  \      |
        /    /__|   /    \  /___/  \    \    \   /  _/.   \   _   \_    |
        \________________/____\____/____/____/___\____|____\__\____/    |
                                                |                    ___|
                                                |_______\\___________\  :

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Exorcist - Exorcist                                    :

                                          |                     _ /
                                          |                     \/
            ______                        .
     _______\_    |_______________________________        _______ ._________
    \\  _    /    |   _/   _    .    _    /    __/_ _____.\    _/_|__      /
   .    /   /.    _   \    /    |    /   /.        |     | \      |/      /
   |_________|____|____\_______/|    \____|___     |     |________|_______\\
   .                            |____|        \____|\____|
   | e x o r c i s t !                    .
   |                                      |                       rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  EPH Diz - Madboy                                       :

sTZ! _____ _______ ___
   __\__  |\      \\ _|___·E·U·P·H·O·R·I·A·
  /    /__|   /___/  \    \
|                                          |
|                                          |

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Hardcore & Gabber - Sin Fame                           :

 _\                                                                         /_
 \   h a r d c o r e & g a b b e r !                                         /
______ ____  __________________________________  ______________________________
\ _   |    |_\__   _ /        /   _     /    _/_|         .          /   _    /
 \/   _    |  _    \/   /    /.   /    /        |    /    |    /    /.   /   /.
.     \____|_______.    \_____|_______/|________|\_______/|    \_____|________|
|______\           |____|                                 |____|
 .        __________   ___________________________________ __________ rX/jA!.
 |   &   /     ____/___\__     /     _ /      _ /   _    /          /       |
 |______ \     \     .  _     /      \/.      \/.   /   /.    /    /. ______|
          \_____\    |_______/|________|________|________|    \_____|
              _ /____|                                   |____|

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Madboy - Madboy                                        :

              ____  ___  _____ ________ _____  _____ ______
              \   \/   \_\__  \\   _   \\   /_/_    \\    /___
            _ /   \/   /   _   \_  /   /    )   \    \___/    \ _
            \\\___/  _/____\____/_____/_________/____//    ___///
                 /____\            sTZ!/sE           /_____\

    _____  ___________\________
   |_____\ \          \\       :
    ________\                  |
   |                           :                           ______
   |     ____  ____ _______ ___|_______ ____________ ______)    /__
   :   ._\   \/    \\  _.  \\    ._    \\   ._     //  __  \   /  /_
   |   |     \/    /   \|   \_   |/    /    |/   _/.   \/   \____   \_
   \\  |_____/   _/_____\____/________/_____|)     |______._/    ____/
   |\       /_____\            |             \_____|      |_____/
   :                     ______:
   |           sTZ!/sE   \  ___
   |______\\______________\ \__|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Hooligan - Hooligan                                    :

        .                                                             .
        |/                                                           \|
        |                                                             |
        |  h o o l i g a n / j a !                                    |
        |                                _____                        |
 ______ _____________  _______  ________/     | ________  _________  _________
/      |    _/       \/       \/       /      |/      _/_ \__      \/  _      \
\      _    |    /   /   /    /       /.      |          |  _      /   /      /
|\     \____|________________/\________|______|____      |________/___/      /
|_______\                                          \_____|       /    \______|
         .                                                      .
        |                                                             |
        |                                                             |
        .                                                             .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Alkaholiks - Folar                                     :

            __________\_________             _______\____________
        ____\         \\        |           |       \\          /____
       |                        |           |                        |
    ___|_ ______  ____  ____ ___|_ _____   _|___ _____   /\ ____  ___| ___
  __\__  \\    /__\   |/   /_\__  \\   _|_/_    \\   /__/  \\   |/   // _/___
_/    _   \_  /   \   /  _/.   _   \_  \    \    \  /   \   \   /  _/.____   \
       |                        |           |                        |
       |                        |  sTZ!/sE  |                        |
       |     \\            _____|           |_____                   |
       |_______\___________\                     /__________\\_______|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Hpavc - Jam                                            :

                       .                             .

                      \|                             |/
                       | h a c k p h r e a k a n a r |
                       .                   ______    .
               _____ _______________ ______\_    \ __  ______
              /     |    .   _     /_\__    /    /   |/   __/_.
              \     _    |   / ___/   _    /    /|   /        |
               \    \____|_____| |________/|________/|___     |
             _ /_____/ .                             .   \____|
             \/        |                             |        .    rX/jA!
                       |_ c h y v i r u s c r a c k _|
                       .                             .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Mystic Diz - Mystic                                    :

 ____  ___ _____ ______ ______ /\ ______
 \   \/   \\   /_\_  _/_\_    |_ \\  __/___
 /   \/   /___/    \___   \   _/  \  \     \
.\___/  _//    ____//_____/___|____\_______/
`---/____\ ____\---------sTZ!/sE-----------.

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Jedi Arts - Jedi Arts                                  :

        .                                                             .

        : ___________________________________________________________ :
        |/                                                           \|
        /                                                             |
  _________ ________  ________    ____  ________  ________ .________  ________
  \       / \ _    /. \  _    \___\  /._\__     \ \       \|_       \/       /
 . \      \   /   / |    /    /     / |  _      /    /    /|/       /\       \
 |   _____/\________|________/|_______|________/_____\_____|_______/|________/
 |__/                                                                 _
        |                                                             /
        |\___________________________________________________________/| rX/jA!
        :                                                             :
        .                                                             .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Doors - For me                                         :

                  ________ _____ ______ _________ ______  sTZ!/sE
                  \   _   \\    \\     \\    _   \\   _/___
                 _/   /   /      \      \    /  _/._____   \

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Jungle & Breakbeat - Sin Fame                          :

 _\                                                                         /_
|              _______                                                        |
|      _______ \      \____ ___________  ________   _________ ___________     |
|  .___\      \/      /    |    _      \/     __/__/        /    _      /     |
|  |    \      \     /|    |   |/      /     |_     .      /.    /     /  .   |
|  |     ______/___________|___/_______\______/     |_______|______       |   |
|  |____/                                    |______|              \______|   |
|                                                                             |
|               j  u  n  g  l  e   &   b  r  e  a  k  b  e  a  t  !           |
|     ______                                                    ________      |
|    |      |______  __________  ___________   ___________     /       /      |
|    |      _      \ \  _      \/    _     / __\__       /___ /       /____   |
|    |      /      /    /      /.    /    / .   _       /    /       / \__/   |
|    |____________/|____\_______|___________|__________/|____\_________|      |
|              ______                                                         |
|_            |      |______  ___________ __________ ___________      rX/jA! _|
 /___________ |      _      \/    _     /_\__       \         _/_____________\
              |      /      /     /   _/.  _        /         |
              |____________/\____       |__________/|_________|

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  The norhthern Palace - Zinko                           :

 ·THE NORTHERN PALACE·  |                \\                 /______:
    _______  ____    ___|__                                        |
    \_     |_\  _|___\__   |                                       :
     |     _/   \    \ /___|a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/33.6DS/28.8DS/16.8DS|
     |_____|____/____/____\ Three Nodes Ringdown - +45-58-NOT-4-YOU|
                        |                                          :
    _________ _____ ____:____ ______  ____    ______ ________ _____|___
    \        \\    \\    _   \\     |_\  _|___\__   |\   _   \\        \
    /   \    /      \    /  _/.     _/   \    \ /___|    /  _/.   \    /
   /____/  _/_______/____\____|_____|____/____/__________\____|___/  _/
       /____\           :                   sTZ!/sE              /____\
              _______  _|___ ______    _____ _______    ______     :
              \      \_\__  \\    /____\__  \\   __/___ \__   |   \\
      __  /\  /  /___/   _   \_  /   \   _   \_  \     \  /___|    \
  _, /_/ /_/ /_____\_____\____/_______\__\____/________/_____\     |
                        |                                          :
                        |________                                  |
 ·THE NORTHERN PALACE·  :       /______________\\__________________|_
                                                 \                 :

                                          _________\_____________  _____
         ____                            |         \\           / /_____|
  _______)   |_____ __________           |                     /________
._\    __|   |    //   _.    /          \\                              |
|      |               \|___/.           |\                             |
|______|_____|     ._________|           |      THE NORTHERN PALACE     |
             |_____|                   __:_                             :
  __________ _______ ____________ _____).  |____ _________ _________ ___|____
._\   ._    \\  __  \\    ._    //    __|  |   //   _.   //  ._    //  ._    \
|     |/    /   \/   \    |/  _/      |             \|__/    |/  _/    |/    /
|_____|    /_________/____/    \_.____|____|    .____________/    \_.__|    /
     /____/    sTZ!/sE    \______|       : |____|            \______| /____/
                   __________ ______ ____|__    ________ _______   _____|_____
                 ._\  ._    // _.   \\     /___/_  _.   \\   _._|__\__  _.   /
                 |    |/___/   \|    \_   /     /  \|    \_  \|      /  \|__/.
                                         |                              |
                                         |                             \:
                                         |_________                    \|
                                          ______  /                     \
                                         |_____/ /____________\\________|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Manga - Sin Fame                                       :

    ______  ____  _______ _____________________  ________   rX/jA!
   /      \/    |_\__    \\    _     _   _____/__\__     \ __________________
   \      \/    |  _     /    |/     /   \ _    .  _     /                _ /
   .\      \____________/|____/_____/\____\/    |_______/                 \/|
   |_______/                              |_____|           m  a  n  g  a   |
   .  _                                                                     |

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Royal - Whirlwind                                      :

                   sTZ!/sE      ______       |        \\     /___
                __________ _____)    /__ ____|____ _______       |
              ._\  ._    // __  \   /  /_\    _.  \\     /_____  |
              |    |/  _/   \/   \___    \_   \|   \_   /     /  |
              |____/    \______._/    ____/____\____/________/   |
                   \_____/     |_____/       |____               |

              _________ _______ _______      ______ ________
             /    _    \\      \\     /______\__   \\      /___
            /     /   _/.       \____/     \   _    \_    /    \
            \_____\_____|_______//     ____/___\_____/__________\
                                /______\     sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Maxim - Maxim                                          :

                     .                                    .
                     |/                                  \|
                     |                 m a x i m / j A !  |
                     |             .                      |
                                    \ __________          |
        _____  ________ _____________\         /_____________  ________
       |     \/       /_\__      \    \       /              \/       /
       |     \/      /   _       /     \     /         .     \/      /
       |_____/      /.__________/      /_____|_________|_____/      /|
             \_______|         |_______\                     \_______|
                                        \                 |
                     |                   .                |
                     |                                    |
                     |                                    |
                     .                                    .         rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Royal Diz - Whirlwind                                  :

  _______ ______ ______     _____ ______
 /   _   \\     \\    /_____\__  \\    /__
/    /  _/.      \___/    \   _   \_  /   \
\____\____|______//    ___/___\____/_______\
 -  --  ----  -----------------------------'

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Misc - Sin Fame                                        :

         . ____  _____ ____________    _____                         .
         . \ _ \/    / \    \    _/___/   _/__  _________________.  /
         :  \/ \/   /       |\_      /        |                  | /
         |_____/     |______|   ______________|                  |/
         |     \_____|      |___/                                /
         |                         m i s c e l l a n e o u s !  /
         |_____________________________________________________/  rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  One Eight Seven - Whirlwind                            :

                                               ______________ _____
                                              :_)            \\    |
                                              |    sTZ!/sE     \   :
      _____ _________  ______        ______ /\|_______ ______  ____|__
     /     \\        \ \__   |    ___\__   |  \\   __/_\_   _|_\_     |_
    /       \   \    /   /___|   /     /___|   \   \     |  \    \    _/
    \_______/___/  _/_______\    \________\_____\________|__/____/____|
               /____\            ______       |                    :
                  ____    ______ \_   /___ ___:__ _________        |
                 /  _/___ \__   |/  _/   / \__   |\        \      \\
                 \____   \  /___|   \   /    /___|    \    /       :\
                  /______/_____\________\_______\_____/  _/        |
                                              |      /____\        |
                                              :                 ___|
                                              |_____\\__________\  :

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Murphy's Irish Stout - Ranx                            :

      |                                                               |
      |   g e n u i n e   p u b   d r a u g h t  !                    |
      |        ______                                                 _
 _____  ______/     /___ _________________________ __________  ______//_____
|     \/     /     /    |    _     /    _     /   |     _    \/      /    _/_.
|     \/    /.    /|    |    /    /|    /  __/    _     /    /     _ \       |
|_____/      |__________|____\_____|_______|______/    /|__________|_________|
      \______|                                    \_____|
   _ _.                 __________       ______  _____ _______        ._ _
   \ \|         _______/   _     /______/    _/_|     |      /        |/ /
      |        |      /    /    /|     /\       |     _     /         |
      |        |_____/|____\_____|____/|________|_____/    /|         |
      |                                    _______    \_____|     _   |
      |         ______ .__________________/      /___.__________  /   |
      |______. /    _/_|_       /   _    /      /    |_        / /____|
             | \       |/      /    /   /      /|    |/       / /

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Internet - Marwic                                      :

           /\ ________ ____  _____ _______ ________  _____ ______
          /  \\       \\   |_\__  |\  _   \\       \ \__  |\     |_
         /    \   \   /    _/  /__|   /  _/.   \   /   /__|      _/
        /______\__/ _/_____|__________\____|___/ _/______________|
                 /___\                        /___\   sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Nitro - Elusive                                        :

                  _________ ___._________ _________ ________
               .  \ _     / \   _       / \ _     /    _   /
      ________ |    /    /     |/      /    /    /.    /   | _________
     _\        |___/    /|_____|______/|____\_____|________|         /_
     \            /_____\                                             /
      \                    n i t r o !                               /
       \____________________________________________________________/  rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Quartz - Quartz                                        :

               ______ ___\  _/  _____ _________ ______  ______
              /      \\   \  \__\__  \\    _   \\     |_\__   \
             /        \   /   \   _   \_   /  _/.     _/   ___/
             \____\___/_______/___\____/___\____|_____|______\  sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Pcboard Support - Strode                               :

         _  __________________________________________________________  _
         \  \                                                        /  /
            |  p c b o a r d  s u p p o r t . . .                    |
            |                                                        |
         ________________  ____________________________________ _________
       . \        /    _/_.\     _ /         /\__     /       / \       /
       |    /  __/        |      \/.    /   /  _     /   /   /.   /    /
       ________   \     /___ ___________________________________________.
       \     _/_.      /    |\        /       /        /       /      __|
     .  \       |     /|    |    / __/   / __/   /    /   /   /\       \
     |__________|___________|______|_______| \_______/____\_____\_______\ _
            |_                                                      _|
            |/                                                      \|
          _ /________________________________________________________\ _
          \/                                                          \/


     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Spw - Chainsaw                                         :

                     |        //                 :       ______
                     :                  ____   __|____ __\   _/
                     |                 /  _/___\      \\  \   \
                     :                 \____   \  /___/   /\   \
                     |________          /______/____\\____/\___/
                      _____  /                   :
                     |____/ /________/___________|   sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Pcboard - Purplex & Exorcist                           :

         _  __________________________________________________________  _
         \  \                                                        /  /
            |  p c b o a r d                                         |
            |                                                        |
          ________________  _________ __________________________ _________
        . \  _     /    _/_.\     _ //   _    /\__     /  _    / \  _    /
        |    /  __/        |      \/.    /   /  _     /   /   /.    /   /
        |_______|\____     |________|_______/|_______/    \____|_______/
                      \____|                        |_____|
            |_                                                      _|
            |/                                                      \|
          _ /________________________________________________________\ _
          \/                                                          \/


     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Phantom - Chainsaw                                     :

     (_:                  \\  |           sTZ!/sE
     |     _______ ____      _|___ ________ ____  ____ ____  ___
     \\    \      \\  _|_____\__  \\       \\   |_\   \\   \/   \
     |\    /  /___/   \    \   _   \_  \   /    _/     \   \/   /
     :    /_____\\____/____/___\____/__/ _/_____|______/___/  _/
     |                       _|       /___\               /____\

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Planet Rave - Sin Fame                                 :

      ___________ ______ _________ __________ _________________
 .____\ _  _    /      /_\__     / \ ._     / \_    /__       /_____________
 |     \/  \___/      /.  _     /    |/    /   /   /./       /             /
 |    .      \|________|_______/|____/_____\________|_______/             /_.
 |    |_______|                                   _______                   |
 |__                            __________ _______\_     \      _______     |
   /  p l a n e t  r a v e  !   \  _     /_\__     /     /___.__\_    /     |
  /__________________________ |    /    /.  _     /     /|   |   /   /. ____|
 .                            |____\_____|_______/\__________|________|

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Bulletins - Chainsaw                                   :

          _:___________\       \\                    /__________:_
           |     _____            sTZ!/sE                       |
       ____|_ ___\  _/_____  _____   _____ _____ /\ ________ ___|_
       \    /_\_  \  \\   /__\   /__ \__  |\    |_ \\       \\  _/___
      _/    )   \ /   \  /   \  /   \  /__|     _/  \   \   /____    \
      \_________/_____/_______\______\__________|____\__/ _/ /_______/
           |                                           /___\    |
           |_                                                  _|
           :_)      · ··B·U·L·L·E·T·I·N·S·  ·M·E·N·U·· ·      (_:
           |                                                    |
           | o1 -                      11 -                     |
           | o2 -                      12 -                     :
           | o3 -                      13 -                     |
           : o4 -                      14 -                     |
           | o5 -                      15 -                     \\
           | o6 -                      16 -                     |\
           | o7 -                      17 -                     :
           | o8 -                      18 -                     |
           : o9 -                      18 -                     |
           | 1o -                      19 -                     |
           |__                                                __|
           :_/______________                    ______________\_:

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Pong - Vinzi                                           :

            .                                                     .
            |/                                                   \|
            |                                               _________
            |  __________  _________  __________  _______   \        \
            | /    _     |/   _     \/    _     \/     _/__ /        /
            |/     /  ___/    /     /    |/     /          |        /
             __________| \_________/_____/______\____      | ______/
            |                     /                  \_____| \   _
            |  p o n g !         .                            \  /
            |                                                  \/ |
            .                                                     .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Uploads - Chainsaw                                     :

           ___\  _/_______ ____  _____   _____ ________ _____ sTZ!/sE
           \   \  \\      \\  /__\    \__\__  \\   _   \\  _/___
           /   /   \  /___/  /   \     \   _   \_  /   /_____   \
           \_______/____\_________\____/___\____/_____/ /_______/

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Porno - Exorcist                                       :

                   |                                   |
                   | p o r n O o !                     |
              ________________  ________  _________  _______
            . \  _    /   _   |/  _     \/   _     \/   _   |
            |    / __/    /   |   /     /.   /     /    /   |
            |______| \____________\______|__/     /|________| rX/jA!
                   .                        \______|   .
                   |                                   |

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Upload - Chainsaw                                      :

   ______\__________________ _____
  |      \\        _____    \     :
  :             ___\  _/_______ __|_  _____   _____ ________
  |             \   \  \\      \\  /__\    \__\__  \\   _   \
  |   sTZ!/sE   /   /   \  /___/  /   \     \   _   \_  /   /
  :             \_______/____\_________\____/___\____/_____/
  \\                              :
  |______   YES DO UPLOAD! IT'S   |
   ___  /   GOOD FOR YOU HEALTH   :
  |__/ /________________________\_|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Rainfall Center - Gluester                             :

     \|                                                                 |/
      |    r a i n f a l l  c e n t e r !                               |
      |                                                                 |    .
       _______   ________  ____. ________  ________._______  _______ ______ /_
      _\      \._\__     \/    | \  _    \/     __/|_      \/      /       /
     /   /    /|   _     /     |   |/    /     __/   _     /      /.      /.
  _ /____\_____|________/______|___/___________| |________/|_______|_______|
   /        _______   ________ _________._______  ________ _______
  .  _|    /     _/_./       / \  _     |_      \/       /_\      \.    |_
     \|__ /         |   /  _/.   |/     /       /   /  _/.   /    /| ___|/
      :   \_________|________|___/_____/_______/\________|___\_____|    :
      .                                                                 .


     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Download - Chainsaw                                    :

           sTZ!/sE       ______            |           \\               /_:
       ________ _____ ___\   _/________ ___|_  ______   _____ ________    |
       \   _   \\    \\   \   \\       \\   /__\     \__\__  \\   _   \   |
      _/   /   /      \   /\   \   \   /   /   \      \   _   \_  /   /   :
      \_______/_______/___/\___/___/ _/_________\_____/___\____/_____/    |
                                  /___\    :                              |
                                           |   UH! LEECHING? IT'S A VERY  :
                                           :  BAD HABIT! U SHOULD STOP IT |

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Reflex - Reflex                                        :

         .                                                          .
         |/                                                        \|
         |  r e f l e x / j a !                                     |
         |                                                          |      .
       _________  ______________________________ _________________ _______/_
      /    _    \/   _     /        __/        //    _     /      |      /
     /     /    /    /    /.       __/        /.     /    /.      _     /.
  _ /______\____|__________|________\__________|___________|______\______|
  .      |                                                          |
         |                                                          |
         .                                                          .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Rules - Chainsaw                                       :

                   _______ ___\  _/______   ______ _____  sTZ!/sE
                  /   _   \\   \  \\    /__ \__   |\  _/___
                 /    /  _/.   /   \   /   \  /___|_____   \
                 \____\____|_______/________\____\ /_______/

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Relief - Relief                                        :

                     .                                 .

                     |                                 |
                     |          ________  ___          |
             _________ ________/       /  \_/   ________ ________
           . \  _    / \  _   /       /.______  \  _   //     __/
           |    /   /.    /  /.      /        |    /  /.      _/
           |    \____|________|________       |________|______|
           |____|    .                 |______|        .          rX/jA!
                     |                                 |
                  _ _|_  r e l i e f / t w i s t e d  _|_ _
                     |                                 |
                     .                                 .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Conferences - Chainsaw                                 :

  ___   ____ _______ ______ _____ ______ _____ _______ ____    _____ _____
 /  _|_/_   \\      \\  __/ \__  |\ _   \\__  |\      \\  _|___\__  |\  _/___
/   \    \   \  \   /   __|   /__|  /  _/. /__|   \   /   \    \ /__|____    \
\________/___/__/ _/_____\__________\____|________/ _/_________/_____________/
               /___\                             /___\        sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Royal - Citruz                                         :

                         ___________________________________. .
                        /                                   |/
                       /  r o y a l !                       /
              _________  ___________. ________ .________  ________
             /    _    \/    _    \ |/       /_|__      \/       /
           ./     /    /.    /    /_        /    _      /       / .
           |______\_____|________/ /       /|__________/\_________|
                 /                                    /
                /                                    /
              .                                                rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Directories - Chainsaw                                 :

 ________/\ ________ ______ ____  _______  _____ ________  /\ ______ _____
 \   _   \ \\   _   \\__   |\  _|_\_     \_\    \\   _   \/  \\__   |\  _/___
_/   /   /  \   /  _/. /___|   \    \    _/      \   /  _/.   \ /___|_____   \
\_______/____\__\____|____\_________/____|_______/___\____|____\___\ /_______/

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Rts - Nevermind                                        :

                        :::                        :
                        :::                        :
      ............  \      _     /         __/\      __/_.  .............
      :::           .\     /    /\          \| \         |            :::
      :::.........  | \    \_____|\__________|___________|  ..........:::
                    |_______\ _                    .
                             \/ R t s !            :                 rX/jA!
                        :::                        :

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Monthtop - Chainsaw                                    :

          ____  ___ _____ ________ ____ ____  ______  ____ _______
          \   \/   \\    \\       \\   |_  _|_\_    |_\   \\      \
          /   \/   /      \   \   /    _/  \    \   _/     \  /___/
          \___/  _/_______/___/ _/_____|___/____/___|______/____\
             /____\          /___\                sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Sandworld - Douwan                                     :

         __\                                                      /__
         \                        _______                           /
  ______   ______  _______  ______\_    /____ ____  ______  _______ _________
  \   _/_._\__   \ \  _   \ \ _    /   /    /  _  \/  _   \|      / \  _    /
 . \     |   _   /   |/   /   /   /   /\   /   /   \  /   /|     /_.   /   /
 |_______|______/|___|____|______/|___/\___\_______/  \____|_______|______/
         /__  s a n d w o r l d !                                 __\
          /                                                        \   rX/jA!
         .                                                          .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Weektop - Chainsaw                                     :

              ______                    sTZ!/sE
           ___\   _/ ______ ______ ____  _____ ____  ____ _______
           \   \   \_\__   |\__   |\   |/    //    |_\   \\      \
           /   /\   \  /___|  /___|    /   _/.     _/     \  /___/

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Scene - Sin Fame                                       :

      ________   ______   _______  _________ _______
      \     _/_./    _/_./  _   /./  ._    / \_    /                   rX/jA!
      .\_      |        |   /  / |   |/   /   /   / .____________________
      |    ____|________|________|___/____\_________|                _  /
      |___/                                                          / /
            s c e n e !                                               /
     _   _ __ _______________________________________________________/

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Newuservore - Chainsaw                                 :

                                  _______   ______
              _________ ______ ___\    _/___\   _/______   ______ _________
              \        \\__   |\   \    \\   \   \\   _/___\__   |\   _    \
   sTZ!/sE    /   \    /  /___|    /\    \   /    \____    \ /___|    /   _/.
             /____/  _/____________/\____/________//_______/__________\_____|
  ______         /____\                 ________________________________
  \_   /___ _____ _______  ______  .____\                              /____.
  /   /   //     \\      \_\__   | |      .N.E.W. .U.S.E.R. .V.O.T.E.       |
 /    \   \       \      _/  /___| |__          ________________          __|
 \________/_______/______|______\  :_/_________(                )_________\_:

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Shock G - Shock G                                      :

            .                                                 .
            |/                                               \|
            |                                                 |
            |                                        _______  |
    _________ _____ _______________  _______   ______\      \ |   _______
   /        /      |     _/   _    \/     _/__|      /      /_|  /     _/__.
  .\        \      _     |    /    /          |     /      / \_ /          |
  |_________/\     \_____|________/|__________|_____\______|  | \___       |
             /______\                                         |     \______|
            |           s h o c k   g  /  j e d i a r t s !   |
            |                                                 |
            .                                                 .

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Menu - Chainsaw                                        :

                  ____  ____ ___________________ ____.____
   sTZ!/sTYLe   ._\   \/    \\  _.   /    ._    \\   |   /_
 _______________|     \/    /   \|__/     |/    /    |     \_ _______________
|               |_____/   _/______________|   _/____________/                ¦
| //                 /_____\         :  :/_____\                          \\ :
| /                          :       |  ¦                                  \ |
·   O - Operator Page       _|_ _    |  |   B - Bulletins              :     |
¦   E - Enter Message(s)  //_/\      ·  |   A - Alter Flagged Files   _|_ _  |
|·  R - Read Message(s)    \_\//     |  |   D - Download File(s)     /_/\    :
|:  C - Comment 2 Sysop      :       |  |   U - Upload File(s)      \\_\/    |
||  X - Expert Mode On/Off   .       :  |   F - File listing          :      |
:O  S - Show Your Status             |  :   N - New Files Since Date  .      |
|·  W - Edit Your Stats        :     |  |   V - View/Check File              ·
|   J - Join Conference      __|_ _  |  |   Z - Zippy Search File Listing    |
|   G - Goodbye/Logoff      /(_(     :  ·   M - Color/Mono Mode              |
:       ·                   \/_/     |  |          ·                         |
|________\\__________________________|  |________//__________________________|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Solid Scheme - Shock G                                 :

                  .\                                        /.
                  |         s o l i d  s c h e m e !         |
                 _______. _________ ________   _________________
  _____________  \     _|_\    _   |\      /_. \ _  .    _     / _____________
 .\             ._\       /    /   :/     /  :  \/  |    /    /              /.
 |              |________/|________/_________.      |________/                |
 |                                           |______|                         |
 |        _______. _______.  _____     __________ ____  ______ ________       |
 |_       \     _|_\     _|_|     |____\_  _    / \   \/     / \ _    /      _|
  /____  ._\       /        |     _   _ /  /  _/.     \/    /    /  _/.  ____\
 .       |________/|______________/   \/._______|_____/    / .________|       .
                  .              |______|             \______|
                  |                                          .
                  |_                                        _|        rX/jA!
                 _ /________________________________________\ _
                 \/                                          \/

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Newusermenu - Chainsaw                                 :

                 ______  _____
 _______ _____ __\   _/__\  _/_____   _____ _______
 \      \\__  |\  \   \\  \  \\  _/___\__  |\  _   \
 /  \   /  /__|   /\   \  /   \____   \ /__|   /  _/.    ·NEW·USER·MENU·
/___/ _/__________/\___/______//______/________\____|
   /___\                                      sTZ!/sE                   _____
                                                ____  ___ _____ ______ _\  _/
 [ O ] - YELL SYSOP       [ G ] - GOODBYE       \   \/   \\__  |\     \\ \  \
 [ C ] - COMMENT 2 SYSOP  [ J ] - DREAM ON, BOY /   \/   /  /__|  \   /  /   \
 [ D ] - HAH! CHILL MAN!  [ U ] - UL, GREAT!   /____/  _/_________/ _/_______/
                                                   /____\        /___\

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Stage Dive - Nurgle                                    :

     _|                                                                  |_
     \   s t a g e  d i v e !                             _________       /
 ______ __________ ______________ __________   _________  \ _     /____ _______
 \   _/_\_     __/_\__    /  ___/_\ _  _   /  |   _    /___\/    /    /-\ _   /
| \      /     \    _    /   \     \/  / _/.  |   /   /     |   /|   /    / _/.
|_______/|______\_______/\____\    |_______|  |______/      |\______/|________|
          _                    \___|                 |______|        _
          \                                                          /
           \ ______________________________________________________ /  rX/jA!
            \/                                                    \/

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Contra - Baffle                                        :

                ____   _____ ________ _____  _______   _____
               /   _|_/_    \\       \\    \_\  _   \__\__  \
              /    \    \    \   \   /     _/   /  _/.   _   \_
              \_________/____/___/ _/______|____\____|___\____/
                                /___\          sTZ!/sE

   ________\____  ___
  |        \\  / /___|
  |           /______
  \\                 |
  |\                 :
  :     ______     __|_____ ___________ ________ __________ _______
  |   ._\  _._|___/_  __   \\    ._    \\     __|   ._    //  _.   \
  |   |    \|      /  \/    \    |/    /      |     |/  _/    \|    \_
  |   |___________/_________/____|   _/_______|_____/    \_____\_____/
  :                  |          /_____\             \_____/
  |       sTZ!/sE    :
  |_______          \\
   ____  /           \
  |___/ /__\_________|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Stezotehic - Stezotehic                                :

  _________ ______________________________________       :               :::
  \      _/_\_        /  _    /\_       /    _    \      :  stezotehIc!  :::
  .\        ./       /   /   / ./      /.    /    / ::::::               :::
  |_________|_______/\_________|________|\_______/                       :::
                              ________________________ ____  _______________.
    ::::: :                   \_        /  _    /     |    |/        /     _|_.
    :::             ::::::::  ./       /   /   /\     _    |        /         |
    :::  oF style!  :         |_______/\_________\    \____|_______/\_________|
    :::             :                            /_____\
    :::::::::::::::::                                                  rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Bumble Bee Land - Baffle                               :

            ______    ___\   _/____  ___ _____  _______   ______
            \    /____\   \   \\   \/   \\   /__\_    /__ \__   |
           _/    )    \   /    \   \/   /    )    \  /   \  /___|
           \__________/________/___/  _/__________/_______\____\
                                  /____\        sTZ!/sE
         ______     ______ ______    _____    _____ ________ _______
         \    /____ \__   |\__   |  /    /____\__  \\       \\  _   \
        _/    )    \  /___|  /___| /    /   \   _   \_  \   /   /   /
        \__________/_____\______\  \_________\__\____/__/ _/_______/

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Stezotehic - Stezotehic                                :

    _______ _________________________  _________  __________________________  .
   /      /|_       /  _    /\       \/    _    \                           |/
 . \      \/       /   /   /./       /.    /    /                           /
 |________/       /\________|\________|________/   s t e z o t e h i c !   /
                             ______________________ ______  _______  ________
   /                        |_       /  _    /     |      \/       |/      _/
  /                         /       /   /   /.     _      /        |         |
 /|______________________  /       /\________|_____/     /|________|___      |
.                          \_______|               \______|            \_____|


     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Baffle - Baffle                                        :

         __  ___\______________
        |__\ \  \\             |
         _____\     sTZ!/sE    :
        |      ______      ____| ________ ______ ____   ______
        |      \    /______\__  \\    __//   __//   /__ \__   |
        :     _/    )    \   _   \_   __|    __|   /   \  /___|
        |     \__________/___\____/____\______\_________\____\
        |                      |
        :                      :

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Style - Style                                          :

                 s t y l e ' 9 6 !
              /                                                           |/
             /      _______ ___________. ______________ ________          /
            /      /      /|_       /  |/      /      /   _    /         /
           /     . \      \/       /___       /      /.   /   /.        /
          /      |________/       /   /      /\_______|__      |       /
         /                \_______|   \______|           \_____|      /
        /                                                            /
       /|___________________________________________________________/  rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Hyperspeed - Madboy                                    :

 _____    _______   _______ _____ _______ _____   _______ _____ _____ _______
 \   _|___\     /___\      \\__  |\  _   \\  _/___\      \\__  |\__  |\  _   \
_/   \    \____/    \  /___/  /__|   /  _/.____   \  /___/  /__|  /__|   /   /
\____/____//     ___/____\___________\____|/______/____\____________________/
          /______\                            sTZ!/sE

                    ____\________   ____
                   |    \\       | |____|
                   :             |______
                   |                    |
    ___      _____ |      sTZ!/sE       |
  ._\  |_____\   /_: ___________ _______: __________
  |    |   /    /  /_)   ._    //  _.   //   ._    /
  |        \____     \_  |/___/    \|__/     |/  _/
  |____|    ._________/_____\\_______________/    \_
       |____|      |                    :    \_____/
                   :         _____  ____|______ ________ ________ ________
                   |        /   __|_\__ _.    //  _.   //  _.   //  ._    \
                   :       .\____     / \|___/    \|__/    \|__/    |/    /
                   \\      |_________/_____\\____________________________/
                   |\                   |
                   |______              |
                    ____  |             :
                   |____| |________\\___|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Subsonic - Subsonic                                    :

      .____________________________________                             .
      |                                   /
      |                                  /                              |
      |    _______                      /                               |
    ______ \      \   .________  ______. ________. ________  ____   _____.
  . \   _/_/      /___|    _  /. \   _/_|   _    | \  _    \_)  /_ /    _|_
  |  \     |     /|   |    \   |  \     |   /    |   |/    /   /  |        |
  |    ____|__________|________|    ____|\______/|___/    /|______|____    |
  |___/                        |___/                \______|           \___|
      |   s u b s o n i C !      /                                      |
      |                         /                                       |
      .                        /|_______________________________________|

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Irc - Czero                                            :

                                    ._\           \\        |
                                    |                       |
                        /\  sTZ!/sE :                       |
                       /  \ ________|____________           :
                      /    \\     ._     /    _._|______    |
                     /      \     |/   _/     \|       /    \\
                    /________\____/     \_.___________/     |\
                                  \_______|                 |
                                    :                       :
                                    |   I·N·T·E·R·N·E·T     |
                                    :  R·E·L·A·Y C·H·A·T  __|
                                    |                     \

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Techno Music - Sin Fame                                :

                         |                    |
                         | technoMusic!       |
           .______________________  ____ ___ _________  _______
           |__     \   _   /    _/_/    |   |    _    \/   _  /.
            /      /   /  /.       .    _   |   |/    /    /   |
           /      /|_______|_______|    \___|___/    /\________|
           \_______|          _____|_____/   ___\_____|
                ____  _______/     / ______ |     |______
               /    \/    .  \     \/   __/_|     .    _/_
               \    \/    |  |\     \_      |     |       |
               .\    \____|_________________|_____|_______|
               |______/                       .              rX/jA!
                         .                    |

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Internet Relay Chat - Czero                            :

           /\ ________ _____  ______ _______ ________ ______ _____
          /  \\       \\    \_\__   |\  _   \\       \\__   |\    \_
         /    \   \   /     _/  /___|   /  _/.   \   /  /___|     _/
        /______\__/ _/______|___________\____|___/ _/______\______|
                 /___\                          /___\    sTZ!/sE
                   _______  ______ _____    _____ ______
                  /   _   \ \__   |\   /____\__  \\    /__
                 /    /  _/.  /___|   /   \   _   \___/   \
                 \____\____|_____\_________\__\____/   ___/
                        ____   _____     _____ ______
                       /  _/___\   _|____\__  \\     \_
                      /   \    \   \    \  _   \_    _/

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Temple - Nevermind                                     :

        .________. _________ _____  _______ _________ _______ _________  rX/jA!
        |_       |_\  _    /.     \/    _ / \ _     /       / \  _    /.
 ::::::  /        /   /   / |     \/    \/    /  __/       / .   /   / | ::::::
 :    _ /________/|_________|_____/      |_______| |_________|_________|      :
 :    \/                         |_______|                                    :
 :                                                                            :
 :  t e m p l e !                                                             :
 :                                                                            :

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Terra Firma - Psyche                                   :

                _______  ______ _______ ________   _____
                \_     \_\__   |\  _   \\   _   \__\__  \
                 |     _/  /___|   /  _/.   /  _/.   _   \_

                     ______/\ ________ ____  ___  _____
                    /   __/  \\   _   \\   \/   \_\__  \
                   /   ___|   \   /  _/.   \/   /   _   \_
                   \_____\_____\__\____|___/  _/____\____/
                           sTZ!/sE        /____\

                                     _  _______\______
                                    |_\ \      \\     |
                                     ____\            |
                                    |       sTZ!/sE   :
               _______ ________ ____:____ __________ _|_____
             ._\    __|  _.   //  ._    //   ._    //  _.   \
             |      |    \|__/    |/  _/     |/  _/    \|    \_
             |______|_____________/    \_____/    \_____\_____/
                                  \_____/    \_____/  :
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             |     ___)     \    |/  _/     \/    /    \|    \_
             |_______\_______\___/    \_____/   _/______\_____/
                                 \_____/   /_____\    |
                                    :                 |
                                    |   TERRA FIRMA   :
                                    :                 |

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Texts - Sin Fame                                       :

                    _\                  :                 /_
                    \    t e x t F i l e:s !               /
                .________  _____________:_____.________________
                |_       \/   _    /    :     |_       \     _/_
      .   .. ..../       /    /   /     _     |/       /\       |.... .  .
              _ /_______/|_________     :      _______/_________|
              \/                  |_____:______|
                        __\             :            /__     rX/jA!
                        \/ \            :           / \/

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Psyche - Psyche                                        :

             _______ _____   ______   ______   _____     ______
             \      \\  _/___\    /___\  __/___\   _|___ \__   |
             /  /___/____    \___/    \  \     \   \    \  /___|
            /_____\  /_______/    ____/________/___/____/_____\
                            /_____\             sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Trance & Ambient - Sin Fame                            :

                   |                                    |
                   |   t r a n c e & A m b i e n t !    |
    .____________________ ____________________________  _________
    |_        /   _     /_\__      /    _     /     _/_|   _    / ___________
.    /       /    /    /.  _      /    |/    /         |   /   /.            |
.   /_______/|____\_____|________/|____|_____|____     |________|            |
.           _____________  ______________ _______ \____|____________________ .
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         |________/|_____/    /|________|_____/\________|___|_____|_______|
                   .     \_____|                        .
                   |                                    |   rX/jA!

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Asylum - Madmax                                        :

                _____ _____   ______   _____  ___\  _/____  ___
              __\__  \\  _/___\    /___\   /__\   \  \\   \/   \
            _/    _   \____   \___/    \  /   \   /   \   \/   /
            \_____\____//_____/    ____/_______\______/___/  _/
               sTZ!/sE       /_____\                     /____\

                                            |      \\         /_.
                                            :                   |
                              ______        |     ____  sTZ!/sE |
       __________ _______   ._)    /__ _____|_  ._)   |___ _____: ____
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     |______\____._/     _______________/________/__________/___/   _/
                 |______/                   |                  /_____\
                                            :                   |
                                            |    A·S·Y·L·U·M    :
                                            |__                 |
                                            · /___________\\____|

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Twisted - Twisted                                      :

            _______________________     ________________________
            \ _                   /     \                    _ /
             \/ _______          .       \                   \/
          ______\__    \__________   ______ .________ _______ ________
         |__      /    /     .   / | \   _/ |__     / \ _   / \ _    /
          /      /    /\     |     |  \     |/     /    /  /.   /   /
       _ /______/\____/\_____|_____|________/     /|________|______/
       \/                                   \______|
                .__        /                            __.         rX/jA!
              ____/       /   t w i s t e d !   \       \____
              \ _        /|_____________________|\        _ /
               \/       .                         .       \/

     ____    ______
.---/  _/sTZ \__   |---------------------------------------------------------.
:   \____   \  /___|  Madmax - Madmax                                        :

            ____  ___  _____ ________ ___  ___  _____ _____ _____
            \   \/   \_\__  \\   _   \\  \/   \_\__  \\    |    /
            /   \/   /   _   \_  /   /   \/   /   _   \_      _/.
            \___/  _/____\____/_____/____/  _/____\____/___|____|
               /____\                   /____\       sTZ!/sE

      ______ _____
.--sTZ\_   /_\__  \----------------------------------------------------------.
:  \   /   \   _   \_ Xavier Scenit - Weapon-X                               :

               .                                              .
               .  x a v i e r  s c e n i t !
              _|_____________________________________________ :
               |                                             \|
               |                 _                            |
          _____ _____ ________ __\ ______  ______  _________ ________
         |_    |    /_\_      \   \      |/      |/        / \       \.
         /     _    \   _     /   |\     |       /    /  _/|    /    /|
      _ /______/_____\_______/\_________/|______/|_________|____\_____|
      .    _______   _______   _________ _________  _______.________
          /     _/_ /     _/_._\       / \   _    \/       |_       \
        . \        |         |    /  _/|    |/    /        /        /
        |__________|_________|_________|____/_____|______ /________/
               |                                        .     |
               |\_____________________________________________|_   rX/jA!
               :                                              |
               .                                              .


                   Art Work by ............. sTZ!/sE ^ rANX/jA!
                 Art Assistant ....................... fATAL/eD
                  Release Date ....................... 04-05-96

                          _  ____   ______  _____  _
                         // /  _/___\     \_\__  \ \\
                            \____   \     _/  ___/

      _____   _________  ______ ______ _____ /\ ________ _____   _____
     /   _/___\    _   \ \__   |\__   |\    \_ \\       \\  _/___\  _/___
 _  /    \    |    /  _/.  /___|  /___|     _/  \   \   /   \    |____   \  _
 \\ \_________|____\____|_____\______\______|____\__/ _/_________|/______/ //

                            Bobo · Boheme · Bs&Dtr
                            Bright Angel · Cesspool
                              Coco Pops · Der Hm
                              Don Martini · Elvis
                              Ezco · Enzo · Folar
                              Fresh-Kid · G.o.d.
                           Hijack · Jmf · Killraven
                           Lagers · Madboy · Marwic
                           Mike · Misfit · Muad'dip
                            Necrarch · Nup · Quartz
                            Ranx · Rastaman · Repe
                           Scarface · Slime · Sweet
                             Sce · U-man · Wearoz
                            Webster · Zeus · Zinko

                     Xcluziwe: damn your diz was too big!

   ___   ____  __
  /   \_/ _/__/  \_/\  /\
 /    /\_   /  /__/  \/2F\
/____/_ /  /_ /  /____\___\
       \__/  \__/             __    ___   ___   __    ___   __   __     ____
                            _/  \__/ _/ _/ _/__/  \__/ _/ _/  \_/ /_  _/ _/_
                           /  /__/  _/_/\_   /  /  /  _/_/  /__/  _/_/\_   /
                          /__/  /_ /  /_ /  /  ___/_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /
                                  \__/  \__/___\    \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/


          | alkaholiks!, arclite, atre, epsilon design, azkiness,  |
          | whale, contra, caustic style, house of style, oma,     |
          | jedi arts, sos, divine stylers, honey, twisted, unique |

                         Style Bulletin Board Systems:

    Digital Underground - +358-0-se-posse - sysop: Stezotehic - Universe HQ
         Bermuda Triangle - +358-0-5861380 - sysop: Quartz - World HQ
           Fear Factory - +358-0-se-posse - sysop: Zeus - Finland HQ
          Nuclear Waste - +46-51-027-1XX - sysop: Marwic - Sweden HQ
       The Northern Palace - +45-58-506-081 - sysop: Zinko - Denmark HQ

                   __________   ______ _________ ____ ______  _
                   \    _    \__\__   \\        \\   |     / //
                _  /    /   _/.   _    \_   \   /    .   _/.
                \\ \____\_____|___\_____/___/ _/_____|_____|
                                 sTZ!/sE   /___\

      _____   _________  ______ ______ _____ /\ ________ _____   _____
     /   _/___\    _   \ \__   |\__   |\    \_ \\       \\  _/___\  _/___
 _  /    \    |    /  _/.  /___|  /___|     _/  \   \   /   \    |____   \  _
 \\ \_________|____\____|_____\______\______|____\__/ _/_________|/______/ //


                 and ofcourse all the loved ones who i forgot

   ___   ____  __
  /   \_/ _/__/  \_/\  /\
 /    /\_   /  /__/  \/2F\
/____/_ /  /_ /  /____\___\
       \__/  \__/             __    ___   ___   __    ___   __   __     ____
                            _/  \__/ _/ _/ _/__/  \__/ _/ _/  \_/ /_  _/ _/_
                           /  /__/  _/_/\_   /  /  /  _/_/  /__/  _/_/\_   /
                          /__/  /_ /  /_ /  /  ___/_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /
                                  \__/  \__/___\    \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/


      ::                                                                ::
      ::    _  And these houses producing such a fine art ..            ::
   __ :: _ _\\_______________________________________________________ _ :: __
 ._)  ::                                                                ::  (_.
 |    ::  arclite..art..atre..contra..divine.stylers..epsilon^design    ::    |
 |    ::   house.of.style..mo'soul..oma..sos..style..twisted..whale     ::    |
 |_   ::                                                          _     ::   _|
   )_ :: _ ______________________________________________________//__ _ :: _(
      ::                                                                ::

                     The Jedi Arts Bulletin Board Systems:

              propaganda - +358-0-674934 - sysop: ranx - world hq
         zillion hours - +358-31-3713472 - sysop: traitor - finland hq
          back fire - +31-73-5215288 - sysop: satan's fire - dutch hq
            another step - +46-21-330975 - sysop: fatal - sweden hq
         terror temple - +358-0-jedidist - sysop: hooligan - dist.site

                                    x x x

                       The Official Jedi Arts Releases:

33humppa.txt (Mar'95) - pistepirkko feat. humppaa tai kuole - (c) ranx & maxim
               r!kemos.txt (Apr'95) - kemosynteesi - (c) reflex
      ench_rnx.5th (Aug'95) - enchanted star shines innovative - (c) ranx
             aos!_rnx.6th (Sep'95) - the art of sketch - (c) ranx
                noon_rnx.txt (Oct'95) - bitter noon - (c) ranx
       pass-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - the passion of ranx/jedi arts! - (c) ranx
            ja!-ihts.txt (Oct'95) - i heard they suck - (c) shock g
                 tdf-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - to die for - (c) ranx
             fwwm-rnx.txt (Nov'95) - fire walk with me - (c) ranx
                 wt-rnx.txt (Dec'95) - winter tears - (c) ranx
                maria.txt (Dec'95) - marian ilmestys - (c) ranx
               hoo!face.txt (Jan'96) - phuckface - (c) hooligan
          ja!-twt.txt (Jan'96) - time will tell - (c) ranx & shock g
            r_o_jedi.txt (Jan'96) - return of the jedi - (c) reflex
 ja!-tale.txt (Feb'96) - fairy tales of million dollar happiness - (c) shock g
   ja!-royl.txt (Feb'96) - grand royal - a tribute to the best - (c) shock g
       ja!-eyes.txt (Feb'96) - dead eyes - no light no beauty - (c) ranx
              ja!-slds.txt (Mar'96) - solid scheme - (c) shock g
            seja-aab.txt (Apr'96) - afros and boozes (c) ranx & stz

                                    x x x

                                    \                                        /
   ________ ____________ ________                                           /
 . \     _/|__       _ / \_     / .__     s t e z o t e h i c   &          /
 |  \        /       \/        /  | /_                                    /
 |__________.         .___________| \/                 r a n x .         /
            |_________|                                                 .
    .                      _____________  _________  _________________ /______
   /                  ____.\     _     /__\_       \ \    _           /      /
  /   rX/jA!          \ _ |    _|/    /.   _       /     |/     /\    \     /.
 |_________________ _  \/ |    \/______|__________/      |______|______\ ____|
                          |_____|                 |______|             /

                        You have reached to the end of

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  |       _|______|/____/      \.__________/    |___________|___|_         |
  fTL____/  . ... .... /________|   /___________|                 \_______eD
                .                 Production

 __      ¸_           ¸    .   _¸_ ,     __
 \/      )\(//¸(    ,_\( /)| (\\'\ )     \/
|    S·T·Y·L·E  A·N·D  J·E·D·I  A·R·T·S    |