 ______________  _______________________________   ___________ ______|      /
 \_     _    _/./      _    |     _____/       /_./      _    |\     |     /.
  |     /      |       /____|    ____/        /  |       /____|      _      |
 _|     \______|_________/|_______| |____________|_________/ |_______|______|
 \_______| _ __ ____ _______________________________________________________
  rX/jA!                                    ____________________________ _ /
                                            \                            \/
                                   Of                   /
                                              ____    /
                                              \_ / __/
                                \  /_
                                /_/ /
                            \    THE



           A                    A                 i                 G
                     M                  Z                N

                (applause)                      (applause)

                              |                                                |
._____________________________l___________.                                    |
|                                         | · j · e · d · i · a · r · t · s ·  |
|                                         |                                    |
|   __________        __________          |    __________ _________________    |
|   \        (_______.)     ___/__     .__|____)_____   (_)_______________(_   |
|  ._\__________     |     ______(_____|   _________/    |                 |   |
|  | _               | _   \           | _               | _               |   |
|  l_)\    __________l_)\    __________l_)\    __________l_)\    __________|   |
|      \__(              \__( .__________ |\__((rLf)         \__(-T            |
|         ___________ ________|         /_|___.            ________            |
|  .______)_______  (_)     __|        /)     l__        ._\   ___(________.   |
|  |          ____   |      \_.     __/.     ___/________|  \_________     |   |
|  | _               | _      |________| _    |          | _        (/     |   |
|  l_)\    __________l_)\    _|        l_)\    __________l_)\    __________|   |
|      \__(              \__(             |\__(              \__(              |
|                                         |                                    |
l_________________________________________|__ _  _    - posse                  |
                                          |                                    |
                                          |                                    |
                                   _____\ _
                                  /      \/
                               _ /__
                               \/   \
                                    ____\ _
                                   /     \/
                       _ _ _ /_ _
                        \\  /    \
                          \/      \
                                     _ \  ____ _
                                    /   \    //
                                   /     \  /
                                  /       \/
                             _ /
                                      _ ____ ___              _____ _
 __________________________________________\/__ \    _______ /______
 \_  _     / _    /   _    /  _______   _     /  \  /   \__ /    __/________
  |  /    /  /   /    /   /_____    /   /    /    \/      |/     |   ______/__
  | /____/    __/_  _____/|    /   /  ______/   \         |      |_______    /
 _|/   |__/\      \_______|_______/______________\       /|______|      /   /
 \/         \______/r!/jA :                       \_____/      ____________/
                                                        _ _____\ _











                c    A    l    l    e   d   .   .   .   .







                                                        .          _______
        __________ _________________ _________________ _____ ______|     /
        \_  _    /  _    /\__    __/   |    |   _    /      \|     |    /__
        |   /   /   /  _/   /    |     |    |   /   /        \     |___/  /
        |___\______________/|____|__________|___\_________\  ____    |___/
          |                ____|_     |   _    /___|   _   \_\  /____|
          |  o f   t h a   \   |/     |   /   /    |   /    | \/  /r!
          |________________\\_________|____________|_______/|    /

                   -   R E T U R N   O F   T H A   J E D I -









                         .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .





     _ ___________________________________________________________________
      \\_                                                                |
       ||       awright.. I named this pack RETURN OF THE JEDI because   |
       ||       I was really inactive for some time and when I           |
       ||       (finally) decided to make a new pack.. Well. Name is     |
       ||       excellent, what else can I say?                          |
       :|                                                                |
       :|       ( Btw, thanx for the name goes both to George Lucas      |
       .|       and finnish graffiti painter, Miro)                      :
        :                                                                :
        :                                                                .
        .                                                                .

                                  ___                _______ /     __/
     ___________    _____________/  |                \     |/      /
     |    |     \  /      /   __    |____________     \___ |      /
     |    |      \/      /     /    |    _     /_______/     ____/____
     |____| /\__________/___________|    /    /           /\         /__ _
      _  _|/r!                     \   ______/    /\  ___/  \_______/__///
      |  \/                         \____________/__\/                _
      |                                           \/                  |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |     Ascii                                To                   |
      |                                                               |
      |     Jediarts              ..........     Jediarts (heh)       |
      |     Anarchy in Finland    ..........     The Cube             |
      |     Bumpusville           ..........     Hason                |
      |     Trival                ..........     Hason                |
      |     Sliver                ..........     Sliver               |
      |     Ranx                  ..........     Ranx     / jA        |
      |     Propaganda            ..........     Ranx     / jA        |
      |     Shock G               ..........     Shock G  / jA        |
      |     Hooligan              ..........     Hooligan / jA        |
      |     Presents              ..........     Sin Fame             |
      |     Credits               ..........     Sin Fame             |
      |     Instant Delay         ..........     Sysop                |
      |     Violent Solution      ..........     Sysop                |
      |     TombStone             ..........     Caramon              |
      |     Caramon               ..........     Caramon              |
      |     Digital ladies        ..........     Hustler              |
      |     Armageddon            ..........     Genesis              |
     _|                                                               |_

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Jediarts                 |   to Jediarts                       \ _\

           __ ______
           \/ |    |       ________
         _____|  _ |_______\______|
 _ ______|    |  / |  __   |__________
  \\_    |    |    |   /   |         |
    |    |    | ___|_______|_________|______________________
    |_________| \        |    _   |   _    /       |  _____|___
              |  \      _|   _    |  _  __/__    __|______    /
              |_________\ ___/    |__/_______\____|__________/
                         \/       |

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   aNarchy in finland       |   requested by the Cube             \ _\

      __   ____  __________________                     _______ __
      \/ __\__/__|________________ \________________ ___|     |_ /__  ____
        /   _    |    _   _/  _   \_  _     /      |/  _|     | /   \/   /
      _/    /    |    /   |   \   |   /    /   \___|   \_     |/    /   /
      \_____\    |   /____|___/___|___\    \____________|     |____    /r!jA
      |      \______/_______________   \____|_________________|    \__/|
  iN  |     __|   _/    _   |    _ /___\_    _      |    _    |  _     |
      |     _/     |    /   |    \/     |    /      |    /    |  /     |
      |_____|______|___/____|___________|____\      |___/_____|________|

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Bumpusville              |   requested by Hason                \ _\

__                 ____.     _ __  /\_________    ____ _
| \______  :_______|   |_______  \/___________\  /   ________  ______  ________
|   _  _/  |  _/   |   \_  _  |  |  _/  _____/ \/   /  |    /__|    /__|   _  |
|   \  |   |   |  \_/  |   /  |  |   |____  \     _/__ |   /   |   /   |   /  |
|______|_______|   |___|  ____|______|_______\    \  /_|_______|_______|  ____|
                   :   |_/                  r!\  / \/jA                |____/
                   _                           \/

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \     Trival                 |   requested by Hason                \ _\

                    _ __ ____ __ _
                        \\  //
                        __\/___       _______
      ___________ ______|_   _|____  /    __/______ __________
      \__     __/   _    /   \_    |/     /   _    \\_     _ /______ __
        |     |     /   /     |    |    _/    /     \      \/    __//
        |_____|_____\___|     |_________\_____\      \___________/
        :               |_____|                \______/r!/jA

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Sliver                   |   requested by Sliver               \ _\

                           _\   /_
       _________ _______   \_\_/_/       _______
     __\     __/_|_    |   |  _ _|_____ /   ___/______  _ __________
   __\  \_____    /   _|___|_  \\_    |/    \_  _    /__// __      /___
  _\  \      /   /    \|   _/   \|    |     |   /   /  _/   /     /   /_
  \_\__\________/__________|     |_________/|__________\____\     \_ /_/
                                            r!/jA            \_____/

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Ranx / jA                |   requested by Ranx                 \ _\

     ..:::::::....'   '.                                             ...
  .:::'    _ ______________     _______  _____________:_______    .:::::::.
  ::::::.  \ |     _      /_____\_     \ |     \      \      /  .::'    `::.
   `:::::::  |     /     /   _   |   _  \|     |\__       __/   ::   .   .::
       `:::: |      ____/    /   |   \        _|/     _     \   `:: ..:  ::::
         `:: |             _          \               /      \_   `::'   :::
           ` |____\        /___________\ ____________/|_______/         ::::
               ... \______/             \/                      .....:::::'
                `::.                             ...:::::::::::::::::::'' r!/jA
                  `::.                   ....::::::'
                    ' .:.             . '
                       ' .

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Propaganda               |   To Ranx of JEDIARTZ               \ _\

                  _____                                             -
      ___________/  _ /_______ _                __ _               /
______\ _________ __\/__ ______ ______________ /____  _____  ____ /_________ __
\_   _ \\  _    /  _   / _    /  _  _    ____//  _  \/   _ \/   // _  \_  _ \\
 |   /  /  /   /   /  /  /   /   /   \   \   |   /   \   \     //  /  /   /  \_
 | ____/___\   \_____/| ____/___/\    \_____ |___\____\__/\   //_____/   /____/
_|/         \_________|/          \____\    \|_  \\________\_//_________/
\/                   \/                      \/              /

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Shock G / jA             |   Welcome to jediartz ascii         \ _\

      ________      _________                             _________
   ___\   ___/______\     _ /__________________ _        /        /
   \_  \_____  |     \    \/    _    __/  _ ___\/______ /        /
   |        /  |     _     |    /    /    \/         __/      __/
   |___________|_____\_____|________/________________\        \_
          \         ____\_    _____/________ ___      \________/
           \___ _ __\    |    \____       _/   /__ _ ______/r!ja
                  \__\___|________/_______| __/__/

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Hooligan / jA            |   Welcome to jediartz ascii         \ _\

   ______                 _______      _______ _
   |    |____ ______ _____|     |____ /_ ______    ________ _____ ____ _
  _|    |  _//  _   \   _  \    |  __/_//    _/____\__  _  \| _  \\ ______
  \     _  |/_  /   /   /  /    |__/  |      |  _____/  /   \ /   \/   __/
   \____|__/j\_____/______/_______/___|______|  \   |___\____/\        /
          _ A ___________________/    \___________  |r!        \______/

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Presents                 |   requested by Sin Fame             \ _\

                                      _ ____ ___              _____ _
 __________________________________________\/__ \    _______ /______
 \_  _     / _    /   _    /  _______   _     /  \  /   \__ /    __/________
  |  /    /  /   /    /   /_____    /   /    /    \/      |/     |   ______/__
  | /____/    __/_  _____/|    /   /  ______/   \         |      |_______    /
 _|/   |__/\      \_______|_______/______________\       /|______|      /   /
 \/         \______/r!/jA :                       \_____/      ____________/
                                                        _ _____\ _

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Credits                  |   requested by Sin Fame             \ _\

      ____________ \ _/                    /\      _________
     /______________\____              :__/__\_____|_    __|________
    /   _____    _   \  /___________   | /   _      /    \__     __/_______
  _/   /    /    /    \/     __    /___|/    /     /       |     |   _____/___
  \________/_____\     \      /   /    /__________/|_______|    _|_______    |
                  \____ \_____________/r!ja      \  _______:    \___    /    |
                                                  \/              \__________|

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Instant Delay            |   To sysop of Instant Delay         \ _\

        \   |/                    .::.
         \  |       _____    .....::::.....        _:___
         _\ |______ |  _|_____`::::::::::'_________ |  _\__________
       _/  \| |    \|  \  ______  ::::___\__   |   \|  \___    ___/
       \      |   _ \   \_____  \_::::     /   |    \ _   |    |
        \     |   \  \  |    /   /::::   _     |  \  \/   |    |
         \____|___|\____|_______/ ::::   /_____|___\___________|[r!jA]
              ____________________`::'  /____________  ________
             _\_____   \_   __   /     / \_   __   _/__\     _/
             \     /    /    /  /   _ /__ /    /   |    \ _  |   /\  ____ _
   _ __  /\___\   /    /  _____/    \/  _/    _    |     \/  |__/  \/
       \/     \\ _____/\________________\     /____|_____    ||
               \\/                      \\   /       _ _/    |
                                          \_/         \\_____|

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Violent Solution         |   Requested by sysop of Violent Sol \ _\

            ______               :     :
      ______\    /__ _______ ____| ____|______     :________ _ ______
 _____\_   _/\__/ _// _   _/     /___  _     /_____|_     _/ /    __/
 \ __  |   |      |   /   |   _ /  _/  \/   /     _ /     |       |
  \_/  |   |      |  /    |   \/   |  _____/   \  \/    _ |       |
   |  _|   |______|_______|________|____________\         |_______|  ________
   |  \|   |___________          |     |r!    ___\________|          |     _/
   |  _____|___  _    /___  _____|    _|______\_    /___________     |     |
 __|_ \   ____/__\   /   /____   |    \__     _/___/_\ _   _  _/____ |     |
 \ _/  \_____   |   / _ /   _/   |_    |      |       \/   /  |     \|     |
  \        \/   |__/  \/    |    |/    |      |       |       |      \ _   |
   \____________|___________|___       |______|      /|_______|   \   \/   |
                :           |   \______|      |_____/       \______\       |
                            :          :                            \______|

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Tombstone                |   Bonus to Caramon                  \ _\

                  _ __
      _______________/       __________________________
______\____ _____ _____  ___/_|  \_____________________\____ ____  ____
\__    \__/  _   \     \/  /  |   _   \  ___/___    __/  _  \  _ \|   |____
  |     \    /   /  \   _ /   |   /  _/_____  \|    |    /  /  \  \   |_  /___
  |_____|\______/____\  \/____|______\ _______/|____|\_____/____\_____|/ /   /
     Tomb                             jA

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Caramon                  |   To Caramon                        \ _\

 __________  /\          _ ____           _________ ______________  /\________
 \_   ____/_/  \_______________\_______  /       _//______________\// \    __/
  |   \    / _  \_   _    /    _\\_  _ \/        |    _   \_      \/   \   /
  |_______/  \___|   /   /     /  |  \     /    _|    /    |    \  \    \ /
         \___/   |___\__/     /___|___\___/|____\|__ /_____|_____\       \
                       \_____/                   \  /             \_____/ \___

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \   Digital Ladies           |   Requested by Hustler              \ _\

                  ________        ________
         _________|     _|________|     _|________ ___________ _______
      _ _\ _  _   |     \|   _____|___  \|_     __\_____    _//      /_____ _
      //  \/  /   |      |   \_      /   |      \ _  ____   |     _ /    _//
   _ _/      /   _|      |    /     /    |       \/     /   |     \/     |
    \\___________\ ______|___/    _/     |_______|     /____|_______     |
                  \/         \____|      |[r!]   |____/     :       \____|
   _ ________            _________|_     | ____________________
   //       /____________\    ___   \_   |_\___      \    ____/_________
  _/     _ /  ________    \     /    /   |    /     /_\_________       /
  \      \/   \ _  ____   |    /    /    |   ______/    |      /      /
   \__________|\/     /   |________/     |______________|____________/
              |      /____|    _ _|______|              |
              |_____/             |                     :

   ___________________________________________________________________ __ __
 __\                             |                                    \  \ _\
_\  \    Armageddon              |   Some older one to Genesis         \ _\

                              _ _________ _
                              \ \_     _/ /
   _________ _  ____  ___________|__   |_________  _  _________         _______
___\___  __/_/__|_  \/    \___   __/   |    _   /__\__|_    _ |________ |    _/
\ _  __  |  _    /_   _   / __  _|  ___|__  /  /_   _  |    / | __ \_  \|    |
 \/   /  |  /  _/ |   / _/   /  \_  \    | ___/ |   /  |   /  | \|  |   \ _  |
 |   /   |  _     | \/  |   /    |   \ _ | \    |  / __|_ /   |  |  |    \/  |
 |       |  |     |_|   |        |    \/ |    __| /  \ _/     |    _|__\     |
 |_______|  |_____| |___|________|_______|____\ |     \________    \|   \____|
        \___|                            :     \_______|    \_______|r!


 - -:-----------  Greetings (in some wacky order)  --------------------------
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :   Caramon, Doodle, Sliver, Logan, Ranx, pNshr, Hustler, Revenge,      .
    :   Astriag, Doc Ansi, Mister Big, Insector, Sigmund, the Cube,         .
    :   Hawkeye, The God, Pizza.                                            .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :   Everyone else I forgot.                                             .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :   Graff painters all over the world.                                  .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                                                       .
    :                                            ___                        .
    :                                            \ /                        .
    :                                             \  ________________________
    :........................... . . . .  _ _____/ \/                       |
        And little something in finnish..                                   |
            _                                                               |
            |    Mainostv 3 osaa todella suomentaa sarjojen nimi„,          |
            |    HIGH TIDE on tottaki VAUHTIVEIKOT ! Hee, ihme ettei oo     |
            |    pist„ny nimeks vaikka Pilviheput tai Pollepojat..          |
            |    wAY TO GO, MTV !                                           |

       \_                                                          _/
        |   This pack is dedicated to all those people who run     |
        |   from the law to express their art.                     |
        |                                                          |
       _|        - Reflex of Jediarts - Reflex@Megabaud.fi         |_

             --->  CypressHill - HouseOfPain - FunkDoobiest  <---

___|  | _ \_ _ |___| _  | _  /__  __/ __/_
\_ |_ | / /| / |   | /  | /  \ |  | \____ \
 | |/ |  / |/  |   | \  | \   \| _|__     /
 |____|____|___|   |__\ |__\___|_\  /____/
               |___|   \|_      \/\/     r!
  Reflex of  .......... \/ ..............
  Jediarts                             ''
    ...         presents an 4th asciipack
    :::         called                 ..
    :::......                          ::
                   RETURN OF THE jEDI  ::