·this file passed· _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\ \ ____\ \_______\ \/ <(·tHE YARd·)> \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY! [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·] [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·] [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·] [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·] [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·] [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·] __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> Sat Oct 14 10:27:41 1995 @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _____ _____ __.__ .-_\____\__/ ___/_/ | \_-----------------. _/ / \_____ \____ \_·PRESENTS 1995·| \___ _/ _/ l / l ___/---------------: | \_____|_______/____/s!p | | | | - - --÷[ S E H R S C H Ö N ]÷-- - - | | ASCii-CoLLECTiON BY DRASTiC/DESTiNY | | Contains all(?) logos requested at | | Nile City and a few others! | | CHECK IT OUT! | | (951001) - LiVE LONG AND PROSPER! | `------------------------------------------'@END_FILE_ID.DIZ /\ /\ /\ / \/\. CONNECTION ESTABLISHED - READY TO TRANSMIT! ./\/ \ /\ \/ \/ ... In the beginning there was light. The world could feel his holy might. Born into a world he soon would leave People would not listen, people would not deceive. He tried to bless, he tried to heal, He told the mighty powers to conseal. The disciples of his father, born of God, They believed that they would bleed the holy blood... Jesus Cries - Edge of sanity ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ __ ÷ ¬ ÷ ¬ ÷ __ \/ __ ÷ . . . ÷ __ \/ __ \/ __ _____ _ \/ \/ \/ /\ \\\ ÷ :::::::::::· -------- -----÷--/ \____\---÷----- ----------------. :::::::::· _______________ _ \ / / __________ ÷ ¡ :::::::· \___________ \__ \\\/____/ __/ /______ .--' .--. :::::· ÷ / / \_ ÷ \ / _/ | ¦ | :::· / / /_______________\___________ \ `--÷-¦--' :· __/ / _/ _____________/ / \_ ¦ \ _/ \____________ \ _/ / .--÷--' | \__________________/ / \________________/ `-----. | ÷ _/ / /dRS __ | `------------------- \ _/ / ----------------÷--\/---' \_________________/ ÷ -÷- N O D O U B T A B O U T T H A T -÷- _ __ _ _/\___________________________________________________/\_ _ __ _ /\ /\. PARDON ME, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - TIME FOR ACTION! ./\ /\ / \ / \ / \ \/ \/ .--- - - - - | .-|----. : ¦ | | `--÷-' : | d r a s t i c o f d e s t i n y `-. | p r e s e n t s .--|-. | : | `--' | .---' | :______ | | ____________:________________| 7___________ _ __ | `------_/ ___________ ________/ | _________ \___ /// ---' \_________ 7 _____/__ l | / / __ _ _/ / | \ ¯7 _ | _/ / \\\ \ / | \ | 7 | \ \ _____ _ \ _/ | \_ |_____| |______\ \ /\ \\\ \_____________l__________j¯¯¯¯¯l_____j¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_______\ / \____\ __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _ \ / / _\/_ . :__ __ \\\/____/ \/\/ : :\_\ \_\ ____________:_________________: :________________:_____ _ ___ _/ ___________ . | | :________ \__________ \ \\\ \__________ 7 |_____| | | / \ | \_ _ _ _/ / | | | _ | / \ | / \\\ \ / | | | | | / / | / ___\ _/ | l |_____| |__________/_____|_____/________ \ \_____________l___________j¯¯¯¯¯l_____jdRS¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯:¯¯¯¯¯ / \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ / \ s e h r s c h ö n / \ / \ /\___. d e s t i n y a s c i i f o r c e .___/\ / \/ \/ - c a r a m b a ! a s t o l d , m a d e b y /\ /\ / \ / \ ___ _ /\ / \ /\.DSY./\ / \ /\ _ ___ _ /\__\\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ //__/\ _ \\/__/ \/ \ / \ / \/ \__\// \ / \ / _______ \/ \/ 7 7 ____ ___|_____|________ _________ __________) )________________ / _______________ \__\_______ \_/ _________ ______:___. _ \__ _ __/ \ | / / ______ \________ | \ | : T_____/ \\\\_ \ | _/ / \ | / | \ | | | \__ ____ \ \ | \ \ \ | / | \ | | | /__ \ \ \ | \ \ \ | / | \ l l l / / \ \________l_____\_____\_________l__________l________|___l_________/ / \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / \ / \ / \ ___ ___ / \ \_/ )- / \ / \ / __ \ / __ _\/_ \ / _\/_ \/\/ _______ .:: / \/\/ 7 7 .::::::: :_____/ ___|_____|___________________ ::::::: _____________| 7____ / _________ _______ _______/::::: :___\_____ \_ | \ __/ \ | ______|________ |:::· | | | | l \__ \_ \ | \ | / |::: .:::| | | |________ _/ \ \ | \ | / |::::::::::| | | | / / \ \ | \ | / |::::::::::| | | | / / \________l________l_________l::::::::::|___l____l____|________/ ::::::::::::: \ ::::::::::: \ / \ / r \ / 5 a \ / 9 v \ ||||||||| / 9 e \ __(__ __)__ / ¹ \ | |_| | / s \ l_____j l_____j / y o \ (__._.__) / n c \ _________ / i i \ \ L| L| / / t e \ \_____/ / s t \ / e y \ / d \ / \_/ /\ /\ /\ / \/\. BORING INTRO COMING UP - STAY AWAKE! ./\/ \ /\ \/ \/ _______ _______ ________7_____7_________________________________7_____7________ | · · T | Hi there! | | | | This is the first collection made by me, Drastic. | | I haven't been involved in the wonderful world of | | ascii for so long, so I haven't released anything yet. | | Just some logos requested at Nile City... | | | | | | | | **** !ATTENTION! **** | | | | Destiny are searching for some GOOD gfx-men/women, | | because we need GOOD stuff for our upcoming intros. | | So, if you think you're good enough, don't hesitate | | to call our whq NILE CITY - +46-(o)271-20001 and | | have a chat with our fantastic sysop D-Fekt! | | See further details at the end of this collection... | | | | well, now i'm bored so let's kick it! | | | | · · | l______________________________________________________________l dRS| | | | | ¬ | | ¬| | ¬ | | | | | | | | | | ¬ | |¬ ¬ | | ¬ | | | | | | ¬ | | | ________________l_____l_________________________________l_____l____________ ________ __ /__ __\ __ _\/_ \\/ \// _\/_ ( \/\/ ) \ ·· / ( \/\/ ) !BEWARE! \ __ / !BEWARE! \__/ ALL E.T:S AREN'T NICE! /\ /\ \ / \/\. I'VE NEVER TRUSTED A KLINGON, AND I NEVER WILL! ./\/ \ / \/ \/ __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ ______________ _______:______ __ \__________ /_ ________________\ : ___/ __ .----\/---- / / / \_/ _____________/ | \ ---\/----. | __ _ ____/ / \_________ 7__________ \__ _ __ | | \\\\_ / / / | / _//// | | dRS\ / _/ / | / / | | \______________\_________________|_____________/ | | | | s e h r s c h ö n b y d r a s t i c | | | | | | __ -·- THE ORDER -·- __ | `-------\/---.------------------------------------------.---\/-------' | | | o1. REQUESTS - REQUESTED ASCIIS | | o2. RANDOM - SOME LOGOS FOR | | FRIENDS, BBS's ETC | | | | | | - the feeling of perfection is so close! | | __ __ | `---\/--------------------------------\/---' __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ __ __ .------------\/-----÷- l o g o s m a d e o n -÷-----\/---------------. | | | | | ___________ _ : ¦ | | \________ \_________________________| \__________________: |______ | | / / / _____________ \ | \ ______/ ______/ ______/ | | _/ _/ / ______l / \ | \_ _____|_______ \ | \_ | `-\ \ \ \ | / \ | / \ | / \_ | /---' __ \______\ \ \ | / / l / \ | / / | /_____ \ dRS\______\_______l____ __/______/________l_________/______/ / \ /___/ / \ / \ a l l r e q u e s t s m a d e a t / \ / \ NILE CITY - DESTINY WHQ / \ / \ except #o6 . requested somewhere else :) / \__________________________________________________________/ .----. .--÷-. .--÷--. `--÷-:-÷--. .-÷-----÷------. | | | `-÷--÷--' | | `------- -- - - -- `--÷----÷-' `-÷--' .--÷--' o1. DILDO Requested by: DILDO : o2. RUBBERLAND Requested by: DILDO `-. o3. ASCII Requested by: KID .-|÷--. o4. THE KESTREL Requested by: THE KESTREL : | | o5. WRAITH Requested by: WRAITH | | | o6. DREAM PHASE Requested by: CYBERTRON : `---' o7. BYTE PLANET Requested by: LINKAN | o8. MAIN Requested by: KID `-÷--. o9. EXTREME Requested by: KID : /\ /\ / \ /\. CRASH BOOM BANG - DESTINY SURE RULES THE SCENE! ./\ / \ \ / \ / \/ \/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: DILDO requested by: DILDO | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' _________ _________ \_______ \__ ________ ______ \_______ \__ ____________ / / \/________| |_______/ / \/_______ \ / / \_ | | / / \_ / \_ _/ _/ / | l _/ _/ / _/ / \_______________/________l___________\_______________/_____________/dRS __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: RUBBERLAND requested by: DILDO | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' .:: :::: .:: .:: ________:::: :__ .::: .::: _________________ \_____ \_____| \ .:::.. .:::.. \ _____/______ \__ _/ _/ / | \_:: ·::..:: ·::. _____| _/ / _/ \ \ | /: ::::: ::: \ | \ \_ \_______\_____\______/::. :::::. :::_______l_____\_____/ .:::: ·:::.:::··:::.:::·dRS :::::: __________________________ __ ::::::: \____ \_______ \______ \ _\/_ :::::::. _/ ____ \ | | / \_ (( \/\/ )) ::::::::::::::. \ \ / | | / / ·::::::::::::::.\_______/____l____|________/ __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: ASCII requested by: KID | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' __________________________________________________________________ \___________ | ___________/ . l__________l__________/ _/ _________ |__________ | |_______| | \_ \ \ | / | | | | / \ \ | / | | | | / \______________l_____________l_____________l__________l__________/dRS __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: THE KESTREL requested by: THE KESTREL | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' - t · H · E - _____ ___ ________/ /________________/ (___________ ___________ \_ / / ______| ______. ____________ \__/ _____| |___ / _/ / ______|______ | \ \_ __/ / _____| | | _/ \ \ \ | / | \ / \ \ \ | l |----. \______\ \_______|________|_______/____\_____\______l_______l : \_____\dRS .---' · .---÷--. .--÷--' : : | : `--' `--÷--' __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: WRAITH requested by: WRAITH | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' .:: ..::::... :::::::::: ____ _______ _____________ ________________ .::· ______| \__ \_ |___| ________ \___\______ \______.::: \_ | _/ __/ | | | / / _______ | .:::: .:::| | \_ \_ | | | _/ / \ | :::::::::::| _ _/ \ l l | \ \ \ | :::::::::::| | | \_ _l_____\ \__________l_____::::::::::l____|____l \________/dRS \______\ ·::::::· __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: DREAM PHASE requested by: CYBERTRON | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' _________ __________ _____________ __________ _____: \_______ \_ \_______ \\_ _______/ _\______ \_\ :_______ / / \_/ ___/ _/ _____/__/ _______ \_ \ : ___ _/ __/ / \_ \ \ \ \_ \ / \_/ \_ \ _/ / \ \_ \ / \ / | / \_____________/______\______/_________/____________/______|_____/ __________________ ________ _________ __________ ___________dRS \ ________ /___| /_\_______ \_/ _______/_\ _______/ \_/ / / | _/ _______ \_________ \_ _____/__ __/ ___/ / _ \ \ / / / \ \_ \ _____/ | \_ \ / / / \ / \_______/ \_______|______/__________/___________/____________/ __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: BYTE PLANET requested by: LINKAN | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' ________ ____ _ \______ \__/ /_____/ \____________ / __/ _/ / _/ \_ ____/ _/ \___ \_____ \__/ \__/ ___/___ \ _/ / / / \ \ / dRS\________/________/_______\________/ _ ________________ ________ ______________________/ \__ \________ \_ |____\_____ \___\_______ \_ _____/ \_ / __/ / | \_ _____ \_ | _/ ___/_\__/ \__/ _/ _____/ | / \ / | \ \ / \_ \________\ \_________/__________/_____|_____\________/_______/ __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: MAIN requested by: KID | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' ______ _ \____/ ____/\___:___/\____________/ \___________/\_________/\__ :__/\__ \_ _ : _ ______ _ ______ ______ \ : _/ .---- / \ : / \ / l \ / \ / \ \: \ -----. | _/ \ : / \__/ _ \__/ \__/ \ \ \_ | : \ \_/ /\ | /\ /\ \ \ / : | \________l________/ \______l______/ \______/ \_______\_______/dRS | : : | | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------' __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: EXTREME requested by: KID | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' __: _____________ / :_________ _______________________ :________________ \_ _______// | \_ /___\________ \_ _______/___: _ \_ _______/ _/ ____/__\__ _ __/ ______ __/ _/ ____/___ _ : / _/ ____/___ \ \ / | \ \ / \ \ \ / \_/ \ \ / \_________/_____|_____\_______/_____\____\________/____|_____\________/dRS ___ _ /\__\ _ \/__/ _____ /\ \ _ / \____\ _ \ / / \/____/ ___ _ /\__\ _ \/__/ -*#*([===])*#*- ONCE AGAIN - ATTENTION - ONCE AGAIN -*#*([===])*#*- Remember, Destiny wants GOOD gfx-men/women for upcoming intros etc. (If you are a good ASSEMBLER-coder, we want you too!) If you think you are the man/woman, do NOT hesitate to call our WHQ: ____ __ __ \ / __ __ .-- \/ -------- \/ ----------------- \/ ----------------- \/ -------- \/ --. : ______ _____ - DESTINY WHQ - _________________________ __ | | \_ \l l___ ____ _________ \_ \_______ ____/ |_____ /\_\ : : / _ \ |___! | \ _____/ / |____l____| | l _/ \/_/ | | _/ \ \ | | |___| ___/_ _/ | | | |______ \_ : : \ \ | | | | \ | \ | | | | / / ¹o5.6 | | \ \ | | l | \ | \ l | | | / / : : \____l\___l___l_______l_______ldRS\________l____l___l________/ | | .----------------------------------------------------. : `-------. : - -÷ · amiga · pc · asciiordering · modules · ÷- - : .-------' `--' `--' __ The Number: +46-(o)271-2ooo1 __ _\/_ The NUP: CYBER _\/_ (( \/\/ )) The Modem: USR 288oo (( \/\/ )) The Sysop: D-fekt/Destiny The Mood: Have Fun! - Destiny - among the stars... /\ /\ / \/\. NOW TO THE NEXT PART OF THE COLLECTION! ./\/ \ / \ ___ _ /\__\ _ \/__/ _____ /\ \ _ / \____\ _ \ / / \/____/ ___ _ /\__\ _ \/__/ ______________ _______:______ __ \__________ /_ ________________\ : ___/ __ .----\/---- / / / \_/ _____________/ | \ ---\/----. | __ _ ____/ / \_________ 7__________ \__ _ __ | | \\\\_ / / / | / _//// | | dRS\ / _/ / | / / | | \______________\_________________|_____________/ | | | | s e h r s c h ö n b y d r a s t i c | | | | - RANDOM ASCII - | | __ __ | `-------\/----.----------------------------------------.----\/-------' | | | o1. AMIGA | | o2. DEMOS | | o3. MAIN MENU | | o4. GAMES | | o5. KID | | o6. ENIGMA | | o7. PROTEQ | | o8. 3LE | | o9. 3LE - FILE_ID.DIZ | | | | | | When you're sure you're sure: Destiny | | | | __ | `-----------------------------------\/---' _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: AMIGA made for: none | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' .---÷--[5oo - 5oo+ - 6oo - 1ooo - 12oo - 2ooo - 25oo - 3ooo - 4ooo]--÷----. | ________________________ __________________________________________ | | \ \ \/ \ \ \ \ | | \__________ \_ \______\_ _________\___________ \_ | | _/ | | | \ \_/ | | | | _______ | _ _ | | \___ | _______ | | | | | | \ / | | | | | | | | | | | \ / | | | | | | | | | l | \ / | | l | l | | | |______________|_______\/_______|______|______________|______________| | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ dRS¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | __ __ | `----\/-------------------------------------------------------------\/----' __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: DEMOS made for: none | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' _________ 7 7 :_______ _________ ___|_______|________________: _ _/__________/ ______/ / __________ ________ __ | / |________ \_______ \ _ _ __/ \ | ________| \ l / | / \ / \__ _ _ \\\ \_ \ | \ | \_/ | / / / _/ /// \ \ | \ | | | / / / / ______ \___________l__________| |_____l_________/_________/______ \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯l_____jdRS¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / \ ¯¯¯¯¯ / \ / \ w r i t e s o m e t h i n g f 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¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: KID made for: KID/DESTINY | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' t h e f a b u l o u s _____________ __ _ ___________/ ________ / \\\\ __________/ / /_____________________ \ \ / /______________________ / / / / /__________________ / \ / / __/ / | / \ \ _____/ / \ \ | / \ \ \ ___/ \ \ | / \__\_ \ \ \ \ | / / /_ __ \ \____________\ \______l________________/ //// \_____________ \_________\ _____________________/ \_____________\dRS o f d e s t i n y __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: ENIGMA made for: ENIGMA/DESTINY | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' _______________ :_______ \_ _________/_______ ______________________: _ _/________ / ________/_______ \_|_____| _________ __ : / |_______ \ _/ \ | | | | \____ | \ : / ! _____ \_ \ \ | | | | / | \_/ | \ / ____ \ \ | | | | / | | | \ / ___ \ \__________|_____| |_____|__________l_____| l_________/ / \ l_____l l_____|dRS / \ / \ o f d e s t i n y / \________________________________________________________________/ __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: PROTEQ made for: PROTEQ/DESTINY | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' _________ __________ _______ ____ ________ _______ \_______ \_\_______ \___\_____ \___/ /_____/ ______/ \_____ \_ __/ / / __/ / / \_ _______ ____/__/ / \_ \ __/ / \ \ / / \ / \ \ / / .--\ ____/______\______\_________/_________/__________\__ / __/--. | \_____\ /____/dRS | : o f d e s t i n y : : : | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------' __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: 3LE made for: ALL ELKS IN 3LE | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' - t h r e e l i t t l e e l k s - ____________________ ________ ____________________ \_______________ \__ \ | __/ _______________/ __\___________ / __/\ |______ \ ___________/__ dRS ____/ / _/\_\_ | \__/\_ \ \____ \ / / l \ \ / \_______________________/_____________________\_______________________/ - t h e a u t h o r s o f B r a t w u r s t ! - __ _ /\_\ _ \/_/ _______ ______ ______ __________ ___ ______ __ __ \_____¬\_/ ___/__/ ____/_ _ _ ¬/_/ ¬\__\____¬\__/ \ / ¬\_ _/¬ / \_ __|¬ \_____ ¬ \_/ \_/_ ¬\_ | ¬\__ Y ___/--÷-. .-÷-\ _ _/ / l / | / ¬/ / : ` / ' ¬\_ | | \________/________/________/_______/________/__|_____/_________/ | | | | logo: 3LE FILE_ID.DIZ made for: ALL ELKS IN 3LE | : | | __ .-÷------÷-. .------÷-. __ | `-÷--\/---÷-+-. `-÷---------÷---s!p----÷-----' .-+-÷-- \/--÷-' `-' `-' _________ _________ \______ \__ ___ __/ ______/ ___\____ /_/ | \ ____/___ _/ / /\_ |_____/\ \ \_ \ / / | \ \ / .--\ / / | \ \ /--. | \_________/_____________\_________/dRS| : t h r e e l i t t l e e l k s | | | | | | : | __ __ | `-\/-----------------------------------\/-' /\ /\ / \ /\. AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! ./\ / \ / \ / \ / \ \/ \/ _______________________________________________________________ \ _ \________ \_ ________________ _/ _________/ _/ T______| / / ________| / \_________ \__ ____\ | | _/ / \ | / \_ / /____ \ \ | | \ \ \ | / / / /dRS / \ \ l | \ \ \ | / / / / / \ \____________l______\______\_________l___________/___________/ / \ / \ f o r t h i s l i t t l e p r o d u c t i o n / \ / \______________________________________________________________/ -^.^- main ascii by drastic -^.^- -^.^- destinylogo by snipe -^.^- -^.^- used equipment: a¹²oo/²8MHz/6/6o -^.^- -^.^- used software: ced ²·¹² -^.^- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×X×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x music support: s.p.o.c.k - five year mission s.p.o.c.k - alien worlds s.p.o.c.k - astro girl lim.ed. _ ____ _ s.p.o.c.k - never trust a klingon _ ____ _ ///\ \\\ s.p.o.c.k - all e.t:s aren't nice ///\ \\\ / \___\ s.p.o.c.k - strange dimensions / \___\ _ \ / / _ mark'oh - tears don't lie _ \ / / _ \\\/___/// various - absolute dance 6 \\\/___/// various - dance collection 6 various - welcome to the rave #1 page - hallå coma records - the album 4 u96 - love sees no colour the prodigy - music for the jilted generation the klf - the white room and all great amiga musicians! _ __ (_). _ __ _ _ _ ) __ ____ _ (_| _ _ _ ) )(_)( )(/_(/_( --- (__)(--)( ( ((_) --- | - (/_\/(/_( __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x ° .°. · . ° · . .° \ food support: .° ·.°/\ \ estrellas sourcream&onion chips °.· \/\ · yoghurt · /\\ \ . . coca-cola / \ \\/. ° leverpastejsmörgås \ \/ . ° stekta champinioner \/ ° · . ° · pripps extra strång 7.2% swedish elk lager _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ° . · . (_(_)(_(-) - (_(_)(_(-) -- `/(_)((((((`/ . ° · __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x×°¯¬×x ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ GREAT FRIENDS: =·=·=·=·=·=·= D-FEKT/DESTINY: Jo, snowboard suger mer än en Nilefisk DammMaster deluxe! KID/DESTINY: Pleeeese, make a zooming beaver for me? Och hälsa person X! PROTEQ/DESTINY: Keep up the good work! BrainPain was GREAT! SNIPE/DESTINY: Well, I do like your ascii's... maybe I got a bit influenced there ;) EXPLORER/3LE: Nej, capricciosa med curry är INTE gott! ;) NUDE/3LE: Ja det är verkligen cyber att göra lumpen i tomtedräkt! BIZZARE/BF: Hello! See you at the party 5? ANT/BF: Hmmm... pixla med handduk på huvudet? Är det bra? MRK/JEWELS: Nänä, inte alls påtänd som en galt på Arvikafestivalen? :*) SPROCKET/HONEY: Skip The Party 5 for some days on gran Canaria?!? You must be out of your mind pal! ;) MARDUK/HONEY: Webchat sucks! XERXES/RAGE: Hello there! :) DJ CAT/KESO: Har du sett Tobbe? (guru!) PHAZZER/IND.: Snorksgrrrhrgfgurgel! The beaver is on the loose! and of course a big howdy to all DESTINY-members worldwide, and to all I forgot! (sorry for the swedish parts) === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === -*#*([===])*#*- ONCE AGAIN - ATTENTION - ONCE AGAIN -*#*([===])*#*- Remember, Destiny wants GOOD gfx-men/women for upcoming intros etc. (If you are a good ASSEMBLER-coder, we want you too!) If you think you are the man/woman, do NOT hesitate to call our WHQ: ____ __ __ \ / __ __ .-- \/ -------- \/ ----------------- \/ ----------------- \/ -------- \/ --. : ______ _____ - DESTINY WHQ - _________________________ __ | | \_ \l l___ ____ _________ \_ \_______ ____/ |_____ /\_\ : : / _ \ |___! | \ _____/ / |____l____| | l _/ \/_/ | | _/ \ \ | | |___| ___/_ _/ | | | |______ \_ : : \ \ | | | | \ | \ | | | | / / ¹o5.6 | | \ \ | | l | \ | \ l | | | / / : : \____l\___l___l_______l_______ldRS\________l____l___l________/ | | .----------------------------------------------------. : `-------. : - -÷ · amiga · pc · asciiordering · modules · ÷- - : .-------' `--' `--' __ The Number: +46-(o)271-2ooo1 __ _\/_ The NUP: CYBER _\/_ (( \/\/ )) The Modem: USR 288oo (( \/\/ )) The Sysop: D-fekt/Destiny The Mood: Have Fun! - Destiny - among the stars... === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === · === - See You At Some Party SomeWhere in Some City SomeTime in Some Dimension! ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS FILE: 58368 KB RELEASEDATE: 951001 copyright (c) 2294ad drastic/destiny /\ /\ / \ /\. CONNECTION LOST! ./\ / \ \/ \/ -*([===])*- sure! why not have some fucking bbs adds?!? -*([===])*- Sat Oct 14 10:27:42 1995 __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> . . _____: . O o O _____|_____. _____ .) |____o [ t . H . E - y . A . R . d ]_o . _| / .|_____/_ /_ : _ | : \ / |/ / _// \ . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . | |____/|____/ /__________\ . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . | /______/ _ _: _____ ______ __________ ________: \\\. / /__________\_ /_/ _ // ._ /. consoles.amiga.graffiti ! / /| / _ \ / / |/ | ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc |/_____ /____\_______\___\________________| classics.drugs.linux/dd :_ t^/____/ _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY | (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______: one of the finest in +49 _ _ ___) (_) : #1 33k6. #2 28k8. #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet #8 telnet