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 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
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 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
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 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9611 |_

- - - [ sof ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                            tHiS iS aRt_ _ __  _________.  |,weiterzugeben und a
es ist an der zeit:                          \/         | /\um & traume aufzuspü
lle welten in trau|      ________ __________ ______/|  /\ \/der anderen zulassen
ren. das ausleben |    _/     _  Y  __      Y_      |_ \//\|n kalten code der we
d, durchbrechen de/\   |      |  |   '   __/ /      _/  // \-2 zu entschlüsseln.
lt, versuchtes 0-1\//\ |      _  .  |    `  /       |   \  /in einem lachen aufl
& all unser können|/  \|_____ |__| _|\_____/_______ |   |\/|t die geschichte an.
lösen. und so fäng|\ //      \|  |/       / [fL^sE]\|   |__|_____/\__ _ _
              _ __|_\//\ __                                |                    
                  |   \/                                   |
                  :              nOt jUSt cHiLdiSh dREAMS! :
                                      / \
                                     /   \
                                 /\ /     \     
                                /  \       \/\  
                             __/    \_______\_\___7!o
                     tHE gIZEh shRINkhEAd aSSoCIAtIOn 1979
                   :                   .                   :
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                - -X--                                   --X- -
                   !                                       !
                   ______       _ /     _____                        kem/k0
   _____ ___ ______\    /_______\/______\   /_ __________________ ___ _____
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                   \     .   z   .   i   .   t   .   o   .
   f  e  a  t  u  r  ' d   .   b  y   .   n  e  m  o   .   n  o  b  o  d  y
                          .                 :
                          !                 |.
                          |                 |.
                          :                 ||
                                             |          .
                                             |          |
                               pRESEntiNG    |          .
                           iN tEXtmOdE w8o & mO'sOul
                                 wHERE aVAiLABLE
   :                                         |
   |                                         |
   .                                         |
   .                                         :
                                  production of                      |
         ______     ____           ____                __________   _: ___ !_
  _______\     \___|    \_ _______|    \_ _______ _____\        /  | !]   [| |
 |        \     \  |      \       |      \       |      \______/|  | |     | |
 |________/      \_|_______\_     |_______\_     |______________|  | |]   [| |
      z!o/_______/           \____|         \____|                 |_:_____!_|
 [  t  w  o   t  h  o  u  s  a  n  d   a  n  d   e  i  g  h  t  y   o  n  e  ]
              .                  |
              !                  |.
              |                  |.
              .                  |!
                                 |:  .
              .                  ||                       .
                                 .|  |
                                  |  |
                                  |  :                   .
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                                  :  |                    :
                                     .                   .
                              sHOOtiNG oN tAPE tHE       :
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               \ _)/___/_/    /  \\  /_  \ \ _ _        \\  Southern
      .        / \____  /    /   //   /    /     :   .  ¯¯    Riot    __
          .   /    /   /    /   //   /    /                  Travels  \\
              \\__/    \   /\\__     \   /       .                   ¯¯¯
      .        `--\____/  /  `--\____/ _/            .
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      :           _/  `--\____/`--\____/`--\____/`--\____/`--\____/`--\____/
      |                                     .
      !                                     !                 .
      :                                     |                 |
                                   .        |.                |
      .                            !        ||                :
                                            ||               .|
                                            :|               .|
                                            |!               !|
                                            .|               ||
                                             |!              !|
                                             |!              |
                       :                     |!              |
                       .                     :|             ||
                                              !             !.
                       !                      |             |
                       |                      .             |
                       |                                    |
                       :                                    !
                              ______              ______
                              \  ___\   .    .   /___  /
                               \ \  \\__ \  / __//  / / 
                                \ \  \  \_\/_/  /  / /  
                                 \ \_/  /_||_\  \_/ / 
                                  \  /___ || ___\  / 
                                   \//  | || |  \\/  
                                   //___| || |___\\ 
                               z!o\_/     \/     \_/ .
                                           !         ! 
                                           |.        |:
                                           |         !
                                           |!        .
                                           ||         |
                                         | |
                                         | |
                                         | |
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                                         | |
            :                            |||                                  /
            |                            | |                                 /
    ________:____________________________|.|__________ _____./______________//
 ___\__     .                           _||!_         Y     //             //
 \\ _\/                                 \| |/         !     /       _\___//
   \/  reminiscending - intro ductio     |_|          :               \ /
                                         |\|          .              __\
    i dont have girl friends anymore    _| |_
    i do them sometimes, but by defi    \| |/         .
    nition they belong TO somebody e     \_| 
    lse. (yes, it is the WITH we for     |/|         __
    get all about these days. nothin     / |         \/
    g to marvel about the world is g  __/:_:_ ____ __/   _
    oing down the strudel...) so jus  \/            /
    st a little note on this usual t
    opic at this very place inside ascii-collies as read a thousand times
    lately by increasing my "top commentators" ranking on asciiarena.com.
    and the ascii scene has not been more active in the past even  though
    it seems so in our memories.  in the second paragraph artists used to
    take care about the lazyness of people of their time active.  so eith
    er our  scene is dying since the beginning and will continue doing so
    up to the end of days, or we are just a bunch of nice but damn lazy d
    udes sticking around forever complaining about the inactive  dying sc
    ene we are participating in. well, if we do so, it cant be dead at al
    l. or what do you want more?
    at last i did not delay with logos as i already sent everyone knowing 
    to put out a collection will take longer these days.
    so for the facts. its a new style (its even "and a half"), not many l
    ogos, nothing brilliant, but i needed to kick out something. and i co
    nfess: i like it! my ascii hands are itching... (but see above: no ac
    tive scene doing requests for me or requesters in need for my particu
    lar pieces. so "maybe the art needs to evolve" somehow, as quoted fro
    m zeus. on the other hand i said this like 8 years ago already, knowi
    ing its just my lame style, so there is nothing changing, eh?)
    no indexing this time, i am doing lazy here for the balance.
    signing off again,
    zito, no masta zitah, just a little boy attempting to talk with his h
    eroes in a mysterious world called scene.
           _                               p.s. i realized i put in every
           /___ _______________            single colly i made a hidden p
                             //            art, at least one. so if anyon
                 _   __ ____// /           e might be interested in the a
                            / /_           rt  stuff i did in my life one
                        __ /__             day... get your hands on the o
                        \_/  /      _      riginal files!
                                      _/ _:_ \_
     (                               / \/ | \/ \                      .
     ,                            - -- ---X--- -- -                   :
     )                               \_/\_|_/\_/                    .:::.
     _                                 \_/:\_/                       :::
      \                                __\_/__                    ____|____
      _\__                             \_|.|_/                    )_______(
   ___\___\            _________       /_| |_\                    )_______(
   \_____\_____________\________\________|!|_______________________ (___)
        \_________________\   \______ ___||!______ ________________)--'
                                         |:|      Y
                                         ||!      .
                                         | |
              .                          : |
              :                            !
              |                            .      :
              |                                   !
              |  .                                |
              |                                   !  .
              !  :                                |
              .  |                                :  |
                 |                                   |
                 !                                  .|
                .|                                  ||   .
                !:   :                              !.
                 .   |                               :   |
                     !                                   !
                     :                                   .
         at tHE eNd aLL oF uS aRE oN tHe spiRitUAL jOURnEy tO uNdERstANd
              .       wHat iS dRiviNG uS to sEARch fOr aNSWERs...
              !      .                                   !
              !                                          !___
              .                                          |   |
              .                                          |__#|
         ____ |                                
        | _   |                                     |
        ||    |                                   . |
        |_____|                                   | |
                                 .                | _     |
                      sO pLEAsE                   ||     :|
                                 :                |      ||
                                 !                l_______j
             _____        _______|      _______          :  
          __| _   |___ __|    _  |_____| _    /_ ________ __ 
         |  ||   _|   | _|____| .| _   ||    / / _  _   .|  |
         | :|    \____|| _____  |||   :|    / /||  |/   ||: |
         | ||     \___|  \|     ||    !|   / .\|   l_____|| |__
         l__l___      |__________l_____|  /   \\_____|______l__|
                \_____!oAh             |_/     \\   o!z     
                                       l_________\   .           
            ____\   _____         ,______             _____         ._____
           (_____\ (_____) (__,__) \     )   (_____/ (_____) (_____) \    '
                                                 _/                     :  
             ____              _______ _______          __________      !____:
          __| _  |____ ____ __|    _  | _  _  |__ _____| _    / ./______|   .|
         |  ||   |/   |/   |  |____| .||  |___|  | _  .||    / // _  ___|_  ||
         | :|   ___  ___  :|  _____  ||______   :||   ||    / //||  |_   .| :|
         | ||    |/   |/  ||  \/     ||    _ |  ||    ||   / // |_____|  ||__|
         l__l____|____|____|__________|__ |__|  ||_____|  /  \\___________|__ 
                 !                    hAo!_______|     |_/_____\z!o     |    |
                 |                                                      l___#!
                 .                    !        .
                                      |        | :
            .               :         |        ! |       dEAR fRiENdS!
            .            ___!         |       ___!
            !           |.  |   ______:        .    ...wARRiORs oF liGHt...
            |           | __|  |      .        |
            :            Y     | :           . |
            !__          :     | |           | |
            |__|               | |__         | :       __ ______ 
               !               |_____________|        |  _      |
               :                             .        | |       |
                                                      . |       !
               .                                      ! :    #  .
                                                         __  !  :
                                ____               | \\
                                \__/               | /\\
                                              .___ | \ \\
                              ________            \|\ \/\\
                              \______/             \_\  //  
                            ________________________\  //
                            \                      / \//_____
                   __________\_____________      _/ __\ ___ /
                   \              \       |      | |   \\_//
                    \              \      |      | |____\_/
                     \              \     |      |  ___    
                      \              \    |      | |  /
                       \______________\___|______| |_/
                         ______________    ______
                         \             \  |______|  
                          \_____________\ |______|  
                            !    _______   ______
                            !    \______\ |______|  
                            !      \_____\ ______
                            !             |      |  
                            !             |______|    
                            !              ______
                            !             |______|
                            .              ______
                                \  /                 _    _                
 _nE//:                          \/                 (_)  /   miNiAtUREs mINE  
  \ _______________________________________________/___ / gO oUt fOR rESCUE    
  \\\                                             //   /____/________ _   __ 
    \\   cALL oUR bOARdS eNtROpy & tHEyARd  _     /   /___/__                      
      \\_    fOR jOiNiNG & mORE oF oUR aRt (_)_______//                       
        \\                                           /                     
                                           never since my birth,
                                           since i do remember,
                                           i felt anything as real as
                                           my tongue between a woman's legs.
                                           that is oNE reason for the chase.
                          _____ __ _  ___  ______   __     _
                         (_)) )      (_)  |______) )__)   )_)
                                          |                     .
                                      :   |                     :
                                      !   !                     !
                                      |                         .
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                  _ __  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE dO wItH aWAREnESS  /  / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\ gIFt 4 zoRRo, mAStER oF fREE dOtS  _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                    :                                  :
            _ __ ___|_________ _   _________________ __|__ __  _
                    |                                  |
           _______  |  _________    ______     ______  | _________
         __\      \_:__\       /____\     \____\     \ __\       /_
        |   \_____  |   \     / |   /     /|   /     /|   \     / |
        |_________\_l____\___/__l___\     \l___\     \l____\___/__|
                    |                \_____\z!o \_____\|nE
                    :  zorro! of lP!                   |
             __ __ _|_______________________ ________ _|___ __ _
                    |                                  |
                    :                                  :
                                              ___ __ __|___\
                                              \        |
                                              _\       |
                                                       ! she always wore
                                           that scarf of past around her neck.
 now I do understand that all considering me is just depending on one thing,
                 and that is my decision towards myself.
                                                       !      __
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO aS wE dO aS wE dO aS wE dO... / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\ tHE mORE aCCEPtABLE fOR zEUS/StyLE _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                    :                                   :  
            _ _ ____|______ __________________________ _|___ _
                    |                                   |          
                  __|____   __________   ________   ____|__            
                __\      \_|         /___\      /__/      /__      
               |   \_____  |    ____/ |   \    / |  _____/   |        
                    |        _________  ________        |           
                    |        \________)(-------         |      
             _______|   _________ _____       ______    |__________       
           _/      /:_ _\        |     \____ /     /____|         /_    
          |  _____/   |  \_______|______\   |     /     |    ____/ |  
          |_/_________l__________j  l_______|____/______l___/______|  
                   z!o                                  |nE     
               _ ___|____________ ______________________| __ _
                    |                                   |  
                    :                                   :
                  und alles was dich jemals berühren wird ist gebraucht.
                   jeder kuss, jeder blick. jede idee.
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wHAt wE dO'S tHE gOAL oF cREAtiVity / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\  hAkR! rEQUEStEd hAkR! fOR hAkR!   _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
             ____      h   ____   A    _____ k    _____ R    _____ i
            !    !_____ ___\   \__ ___!    /_ ____\    \ ____\   /_
   _ __  ___!    !     \    \   \ !   !    \ !    /    /!     \_/  !___  __ _
            !____!     /____/    \!___!     \!____\    \!__________!
              z!o!____/    /_____/    !______\     \____\nE
                      it hurts to feel. it hurts to heal.
         it hurts to remember. it hurts to turn. forever 
                   it hurts to wake up. it hurts to hide 
                                        it hurts to call 
                      to turn my head. towards the light.
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE dO wItH mOSt pLEASuRE / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\  pWR rEQUEStEd by pOWERLiNE        _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                                       // \
                                ______//   \______
                         _______\___  /  ______  /______   :
                      ___\/     \   |___|    \/___\/    \  .
              __ :_ _|   /      /   |   |    /|   /     /__!_
               __|___|  /______/\   |   |   /_|   \     \__|__ _
                 |   |______|z!o X__|___|__/  |____\_____\ |
                 !              /_____     /_____\         !
                 :                    \   //
                 .                     \ //
            _ ___!____ _________________ ___  __ __
                wenn er zu mir spricht,
                spricht er als der pfleger.
                und er spricht als engel.
                und ebenso als die illusion eines anderen menschen.
                und wenn wir uns begegnen,
                treffen sich die angst und die schönheit
                auf bereits erspürten wegen.
                und ich erkenne die not in der unsicherheit,
                in der erfüllung erbrachter pflichten,                 :
                die nie gewesen sind.                        _ __ ____ |__ _
                und wo seine fehler, seine unbekannten sind,           |
                zerbreche ich die grenzen des bewussten.               |
                eine matrix überschreibt die andere,                   !
                permanent.                                             .
                fragt sich,                                            !
                ob die seiten leer bleiben oder leer werden dadurch.   :
             _ __!___ ______________ _________________ _ ______________!___ _
                 |                                                     |
                 :                                                     .
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE dO wItH aLL oUR hEARt / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\  nAMAStE gIFtEd fOR tHE gOdS       _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
   ___    n    ____a   __  m        a____      s______  t _______e  ________
  |   \_____ __\   \__|  \ ___ ___ __\   \__ __/     /_ __\     /  /       /_ 
  |    \    |   \   \ |   \   |   |   \   \ |  _____/  |   \___/__|    ___/  |
  |_____\   |___/    \|____\__|___|___/    \|_/     ___|__        |___/______|
     nE81\__|  /_____/               /_____/ /_____/      \______z!o
            .        :
        _ __!____ ___!__ _
            |        !
            |        |
            |  es gaebe immer ein zurueck, glauben wir.
            |  wuenschen. und hoffen.
            |  und alle kunst verliert sich in dieser hoffnung.
            |  und immer wieder begegnen wir uns selbst,      .        :
            |  der schatten, den wir hinterlassen haben ___ __|____ ___|__ _
            |  in der vorherigen runde.                       !        |
            |  wenn wir es nicht schaffen den kreis enger zu ziehen    |
            |  und in die unvorhersehbare goettlichkeit       |        |
            |  eines strudels aus unwissenheit                !        |   
            |  zu fallen.                                 _ __|_______ |___ _
            |        !                                        |        |
      _ __ _|______ _|___ __                                  :        !
            :        !
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE dO bECAUSE wE lOVE!   / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\ bLASt fROM tHE pASt rEq'd by hAkR! _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
   _ __ ___ _ _________  ______       ______     _______   ________ __ __ __ _
  / /  /    __\/      /_/    \/___ ___\/    \_ _/     \/__ \     \/__    \  \ \
 / /  /    !  /       \/     /    !    \     \! \_____/   ! \____/   !    \  \ \
 \_\__\__ _! /____     \    /     !    /      \______     !_         !_ __/__/_/
    _________ ___!_____  ________  ,____ ____   ________       !     ________
    \-----    \-------<  \_______\ \    '    \      \     \--------\ \-------'
                 !   _______    _____      _______   ________  !
                 !___\/     \___\/   \__ _/     \/__ \     \/__!
                 !   /      /    \    \ ! \_____/   ! \____/   !
                 !  /______/!    /     \!______     !_         !
              _ _!_______!  !___/______/!_____/_____1_\_____z!o!_ _
                 !                                             !
                 :        it's the BLAst FRom tHe pASt!        :
                                                    !        .
                         .                          |        |
                         |                          |:       |
                         !                          |.       |
                         |                          ||       !
                         :                          !|       ||
     "du bist soviel weniger in der realität als ich", sagte sie.
           aber genau das ist doch der weg ans ziel, dachte ich.
      doch ich schwieg, wie zumeist. weil sie mich nicht ernst nahm.
              was hatte sie eigentlich gemacht in der zeit,
                         in der ich sie kennengelernt habe?   .
                         ||                          |       ||
                         .|                         .||      |
                          !                          |!      |
                          .                         |||      !
                                                    !|:      .
- - - - - [ made real by the fabulous www.asciiarena.com - thanks! ] - - - - - -
                                                \ __/\__
                                                /_\    /:
                                                  /_  _\::       __/\__
                                                    \/:::::.     \_  _/
                                                        ::::.    ::\/
                                                          :::.  :: 
                                                            :: ::
                                                .             ::
                                                !              :      *
                                                :               :   .:
      .     .                                                 __/\__:
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE dO aS wE wANt tO dO!  / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\  bLASt fROM tHE pASt 1St vERSiOn   _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                 :                                             .
            _ ___!________________________________ _ ______ ___!___ _
             ____!_____  ______       _____      _______    ___!____
             \/        \/    \/___ ___\/   \__ _/     \/__ _\     \/_
             /         /     /    !    \    \ ! \_____/   !  \____/  !
            /___       \    /     !    /     \!______     !_         !
                 ! _________ _________  ________  ,____ ____   !
                 ! \-----    \-------<  >_______> \    '    \  !
                 !                             ________        !
                 !        --\------ \--------\ \-------'       !
                 !   _______    _____      _______    ________ !
                 !___\/     \___\/   \__ _/     \/__ _\     \/_!
                 !   /      /    \    \ ! \_____/   !  \____/  !
                 !  /______/!    /     \!______     !_         !
              _ _!_______!  !___/______/!_____/_____1_\_____z!o!_ _
                 !                                             !
                 :        it's the blast from the past!        :
                                  :              .
                                _ |_________ ____|__ _
                                  :              |
                                  |              |
   ich befinde mich in einem permanenten schockzustand. seit meiner geburt.
   frage ich mich wo der himmel ist bei jedem augenaufschlag.  darum schien
   auch keiner meiner erlebten unfälle überraschend oder nach neuer erfahr-
   ung duftend.   der schmerz ja,  der war immer wieder eine neuentdeckung.
   doch  nicht der angsterschüttende adrenalinstoß und das entgeisterte ge-
   fühl, danach noch teil dieser materiellen welt zu sein.
                                  !              !
                    ____ __ ______|___   _ ___ __|___   __
                                  !              |
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE gO wAhwAh, wE dO wOOwOO! fEVER!  / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\ styLE uPdAtE fOR tHE gREAt fOLAR!  _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                    :                                   :
               _ ___|_____ _______________________ _ ___| __ _
                    |                                   |           .
             _______|     _______ ______      ______    |__________/       
           _/      /:_ ___\      |      |___ /     /____|         /_    
          |  _____/   |    \_____|______|   |     /     |    ____/ |  
          | /_________l__________j  l_______|____/______l___/______|  
          |/       z!o                                  |nE     
          :         |  styLE - wE aRE nEVER oUt oF...   |
               _ ___|____________ ______________________| __ _
                    |                                   |  
                    :                                   :
                                       ! More  than  anybody  else inside as one
Deckard is the image of a human being.   untains and finding the toad, his toad.
must notice when he is climbing the mo : he  can't  be  human as he seemed to be
So one could think in this case,  that ! ngly reached his goal by getting a real
human all the time. And than he  seemin| ted as Deckard  himself.    When   Iran
and own pet.  And the it gets disappoi | ... And this is the situation?
noticed that the toad has a switch. So .
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE dO tO dO wHAt wE dO!  / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\ zEUS uPdAtE fOR tHE miNiMAL mAN... _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                      _______ __________________ ____.___
                     |__|    \__________________/ /_/|__/
                        :                            !
              _______    ____________    ___________ .   _______
        ______\      \__|           /____\         /____/      /______
       /       \______  |     _____/  |   \       /  |  ______/       \
             __ ___ __________________ ____|__        _________
            /__/___|__________________\_______\      |_________\
             __ _
            /__/ m: if the universe has no centre & no edges.
                    what is one supposted to do?
                 i: catch dreams, my dear. catch dreams.
                |____  _                                    ___ _   __
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE dO wItH cONSCiOUSnESS / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\  aNNo2o81 aS gIFt fOR oURSELVEs    _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                 :                                           :
                 |             ahEAd oF oUR tiME             |
         _ ___ __|_______________________________ ____ ___ __|__ ___ _
                 !                                           |
                 |   ____    ___        ___          _______ |
                 |___\   \__|   \______|   \______ __\     /_|
                 |    \   \ |    \     |    \     |   \___/  |
                 |____/    \|_____\    |_____\    |__________|
                 |   /_____/       \___|      \___|z!o       |  
                 |  ______     ______    _________    _____  |
                 |__\/    \_ _/  \   \_ _\  /    /____\   /|_|
                 |  /     / | \   \  / |  \/    / |    \_/ | |
                 |_/     /\_|__\   \/__|__/    /\_|_____/  |_|
                 |/_____/__\nEmo\__/     /____/__\     /___| !
                 |                                           |
                 |                 aNNo 2081                 |
         __ _ ___|_________________ _ _______________________|____ _ __
                 |                                           |
                 |       a diViSiOn oF gEZEitENREitER!       |
                 :                                    .      :
                      ich habe es zumeist aufgegeben _|__ _  ! __
                    einerlei strukturen zu erkennen.  |      |
             etwas greifbares zu finden zu erwarten.  !      :
                 es gibt unabänderliche oberflächen.  |
      wie die frontmauern vor dem gesprochenen wort.  :
             wie die telefonate zu den unangefassten.  .
        wie die versuchten briefe auf 160 miniaturseiten.
             !           wenn jedes zeichen von bedeutung wird.
             !         und alles was du denkst wird alles was du sagst.
 war alles was du tust. und jede zeile ist aus einer anderen zeit.
    und jede silbe ersetzt ein vergebens erdachtes gefühl.
           weil nichts mehr da ist wenn du aufwachst.
             : und es gibt nur noch einmaligkeiten.
         werde ich meine realität jemeils teilen können?
   mit einem anderen, vielleicht gegenteiligen, fühlenden wesen?
 ist diese vorstellung nicht die illusion, der wir alle immer wieder erliegen?
    die letzte und die erste illusion aller illusionen,
        derer wir habhaft werden können?
           gestrichen auf jede der kleinen vom wasser abgeschliffenen scherben
             :           zwischen dem sand unter unser immer nächstem schritt.
             !                   :
             .                   |                    !
                            _ ___!______ _____________|_ _
                                 |                    .
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE aRE tOLd, tOLd tO dO! / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\  pLAyFULLnESS fOR zEUS/StyLE       _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
               .                                 :             .     .
             __|_________ __________________ ____|__    ___     \   /     ___
         _ _|__|         \__________________/    |__|   \  \_____\_/_____/  /
         ___|___   __________  _________   _______       \  \____|z|____/  / 
     ____\      \_|         /__\       /__/      /____    \__  |_|!|_|  __/  
    /     \______ |    ____/ |  \     / | ______/     \    \_\___|o|___/_/     
   /_____________\l___/______l___\___/__l/_____________\     \) _lT|_ (/        
            |nE81      _                     _               /____|____\        
            |           \\_ zEUS oF styLE _//                     |     
         \  |  _______   _________ ____       ______hAo!__________V       
   ___ __\\_|_/      /_ _\________|    |____ /     /___|         /___ ___
   \  \       ______/  |          |    |    |     /    |    ____/    /  /
    \__\_____/_________l__________l____|    |____/_____l___/________/__/
            \\\                        |    |       __.|__
               \                                   |      
                \                                  |      
                                  !    .
                                  |    |
                                  |   .!
                                  |   !|
                     beyond  all  the tragedy, all the
                     pain  during  processing, all the
                     mess we made as we did  not  know
                     to do better, beyond all those on
                     the  surface of our crossed lives
                     lie the most beautiful moments  I
                              was witness to.
                     sometimes,   when  I  speak to my
                     daughter  realizing  I do not use
                     my mother tongue but english with
                     a  light  scottish  accent, I  do 
                     remember the kids playing infront
                     of the captain's table one.  this
                     little restaurant on the bay next
                               to the harbor.
                                  !   :| 
                                  |   |.
                                  .   |!
- - - - - [ cOME & jOiN tHE ciRcLE fOR a rEVOLUtiONARy aRt mOVEMENt! ] - - - - -
                                      !    .
                                      |    |
                                      |   .!
                                      |   !|
                                      !   :| 
                                      |   |.
                                      .   |!
      .     .                             ||                  .    .
      |     |                                                 |    |
      :     :                                                 :    :
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO wHAt wE dO bECAUSE wE dO It!  / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\  rAStAmAN vIbRAtiON cOMPo eNtRy    _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                     ,                      : let jah music clean our mind
                     :                      | mamma  ganja  connecting  to
                    .:.                     : and smile baby, smile for me
           :       .:::.                    . when we catch our ride home!
          :::.     :::::                    |                            
         :::::     :::::             .      | for bob, that one           
          ::::.   .::::::        .:::.      |
 tried to draw an extraterestrial:big:blunt.|when i built one for real the fake
 reality dissolved infront of my:eyes...late unfitting logo with spirit inside!
    :::::.   :::: :::::::   .::::::      .  :                             :
 _ __|_:::____:::__:::::__.:::::______.:::._|_ _____ __________________ __|_ __
     |_____    ____     _______   ______   ____   ____        ____   __   |
   __\     \ __\   \_ _/      /_ _\     |__\   \_|_   \____ __\   \_|  \__|__ 
  |  /     /|   \   \|  _____/  |  \____|   \   \| \   \   |   \   \|   \    |
  |__\     \l___/    \_/________l_______|___/    \__\___\__|___/    \____\   |
     |\_____\  /_____/                  z!o/_____/            /_____/     \__|
     |         . ,_______   _______  _______  ,___     .  ______  ,______ |
  ---+/______)-|-\_______}-|------{-|-------)-)_______-|-(______)-)      )+-- -
     :      .:::.  :::::    :::..           :                             |
           ::::      ::       ::            |                             |
     .  already fallen:in love, thank you paja mamma for the winter time! :
        music, people,:green in eyes in views, ideas of paradise, smilin' .
                     ::                     |
                     ::                     | evry need got an ego 2 feed
                      :                     :
                      :                     .
               _ __ __|__________________ __:_ __
                      |                     !
                      |                     |
                     alle dunklen visionen der 
   - wie immer unterbezahlten, unterschätzten, unterschlagenen -
       autoren phantastischer literatur und utopischer romane
                  sind doch längst war geworden.
               ihre einführung verlief jedoch
        unter einer mit e potenzierten subtilität,
         dass wir, die es betrifft, mal wieder nichts mitbekommen haben.
                  genau. dich meine ich auch!
                      :                     !
                      |_______ _____________|____ _  __
                      :                     |
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO aS wE dO tO fEEL gOd aGAiN    / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\  aSCiiaRENa cOMPo eNtRy... bAEh... _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
         __                                                          :
        |__|_________________________________________________________|__ _
           |                                                         !
           ! iNhERE...          -X=X=X-        i t ' S  t H E        |  
   _____   :   ____       ______     ______    __            _______ !___
 _/    /___ ___\   \__ __/     /_ ___\    /   |  \ ___ ___ _/      /_|   \ ____
|/    /    |    \   \ |  _____/  |    \__/_   |   \   |   |    ___/  |    \    |
/_____\____|____/    \|_/     ___|___      |  |____\__|___|___/______|_____\   |
           |z!o/_____/ /_____/       \_____|                         :      \__|
           !                                                         |
           |                      l A S t  m E n  s t A N d I N '    |
     ______:    ______    ____    ___          _____   _____  ___    !  ______ 
  __/     /_ ___\    / ___\   \__|   \ ____ ___\    \ _\   /_|   \ __:_ \___  |
 |  _____/  |    \__/_|    \   \ |    \    |    \    \  \_/  |    \    |  /   |
 |_/     ___|___      |____/    \|_____\   |____/    /_______|_____\   | /____|
  /_____/  |    \_____|   /_____/       \__|   /____/           nE8|\__|         
           !__                                                       |
          __  |        sEt by nEMO nObOdy & 7!to oF aNNo2o8|         |
         |__| |______________________________________________________!__
     i think therefor i am not. i think to see myself in the full beauty
     i am.  and that does not go for me as a person - although to get to
     the whole,  every single bit me included has to finish the path - but
     for the everything we are.  we do all think to create the illusion of
        a reality that is just there to experience this separation for the
        purpose of remembering the wholeness, the holyness, we are. that's
        not just buddhistic crap anymore.  if you carefully use the tools you
        gave yourself in form of another human being or situation or dream or
       whisper in your head, combining just basic history, biology philosophy
       or just open up your eyes and really watch to understand what is going
       on  around  you   during  your  lifespan, you are going to realize
       everything in your entire universe is striving to that very point.
      .     .                                                 __/\__
 _ ____\   /____ _ __                                     _  .\_  _/  __ __ __
 \ \   \\_//   / /  / wE dO pRACtiCE lEttiNG gO fAME...   / .:/_  _\ / // // /\
  \_\___ | ___/ / _/                                    _/.:::::\/: /_//_//_/ /
  /__ /__|__\ __\__\ lEGENdARy tEXtFiLEs #2 fiLE_id.dIZ _\::::=2o81=\_\\_\\_\/
                  ____  ______       _______     __________  
                  \/ / /    \/____ __\    \/__ _/        \/__
                   \/ /    .//    |   \___/  .| \________/ \/
                     /    ///    !|___       ||!  \____/____ 
                    /_____/_______| z!o_______|______|  \ \/ 
                         -= |EGENdARy tEXtFiLEs #2 =-        
                   vERSiOn vo.o| bEta (eARLy stAtE) 2o/o6/|| 
                  cOLLECtEd, cOMPiLEd & pRESENtEd by aNNo2o8|
                      tHiS iS nOt fOR sPREAdiNG aNywHERe!    
                   _________ __ _________ _____ _____________
                  \\/_______|__\__\____./__ __/____________\/
                            |                      :
                            |                      |"turn the lights.
                            |       she raised her | no humping anymore!"
                            | finger & turned away.|
                            |                     ||"see you tomorrow, boys."
                            |  and then it was all |
                            :                 gone.|
                            |                     !|            
                            |                     .|                   
                            |                      |                         
                            |                     ||
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                            !                      !
     tHERE iS no oNE diSCONNECtEd tO tHE oNE wHO iS eVERywHERE, tHE miGHty
            ______          ______   ______  ________         ______
       ____/     /_________/    _/___\_.   \/       /________/    _/_____.
      /  _/     /     __   \.______    |   \/      /    __   \.______    |
  <==/___\       \__________|=/  /     |___/-------\__________|=/  /     |==>
          \_______\       tR!/_________|-T!                    /_________|
     oR gOd, kRiShnA, hOLy mOtHER, eXiSteNCe, aLLah oR hOWeVER yOU cALL iT
                            .                      .
                            |                      | 
                            |                      | 
                            |                      |:
                            |                      ||
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                            |                      ||
                            |                      ||
                           .|                      ||
                           ||                      |!
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                           :|                      |
                       _ ___ ____________________________ ___ _
      _  _______ ___ __ ______________________________ ___________ ____  __
                   _ ___________________________________________.
                .           . RidiNG, RidiNG aLoNG tHE sPiRit tO
      __  _____  \ .__  ___/  _______   ____________ ___________.
   __\_/_/    /____|  ./  /__/      /                           |
   \    /    //   /___|__    \    _/. ...            t^/dS!     |
  _/   /_____\    \_    / ___/___/     :::.       .             |   
  \___/       \____\_____/           .::::'    ___:             |
                   !       ___  _____ ________/   | _____ ____  |   .  .
                   :      /   \_\    \\_     /_   |/   _/     \ |____ /
                   : . __/   _   \    _/  _   /   /   /__    .//    /
                   | \\\_____/    \_  \__ /   \__\\   \  \\_________\\\
                   !  .\   --\_____/    /-\____/   \_____/      !      .
           .· ·::::.    .        ./     \::::.     .....        |
                ::::    ..      //______/ ::::.  :::::::·      .|
                ·:::  .:::::.  .           ':::·:::··:::::·    .|
                ::::  :::::::::.   ..:·     :::::::: . ::::    ||
                ·:::  :::: ·:::::·:::·      ·::::::: : ::::    !|
                ::::  ::::.  ·:::::::       :::::::: ':::'     .|
                ::::  ·::::   ··::::       .:::::::::....·      |
                ::::.  ::::.   :::::      ¸::::'·:::::::: ..::: |
                 ::::.:.::::  ·:::::.    .::::'  ·:::::.    ::::... .. .
                  :::::' ::::.::::::::..::·::     ·::::::..:::::::: :: . .
                   ':'    `::::::'·:::::::'        ·:::::::::::·|
                   |                                  ·:::::::· |
                 _ |_ _ __________ _____________________    ____.
               .      jUSt mAkE lOVE! +++ jUSt mAkE lOVE! +++   _   
              __\ _._ __________________________________________!
              .    !                                            __.
                   .     _ _____________________________________|/__ _
                   .    !                                       //
                        .                                       Y
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                   !    .                                       :
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                   !  ___  _______  ___    ____   ______ _____. ..
                   |  \__\ \_    /__\_/___/   /__/ ._   \\_  /| ::
                   .   \  \/    / \  /  \      _/  |/   /\    | ::
                   |    \_/    /_ /    //     //   /   /  \   | ::
                   |     /______//_____\_____/\_______/   /_  | ::
                   !     \      \\      \    \ \      \  //___| ::
                   .      \______\\______\____\/\______\/h7     "
                   .             .                              |.
                                 .                         hAS  || bEEn oN...
                                 !   :                          ||
                                 |   |                          :|
                                 |   :                          ||
                                 |                          .   |.
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                       .      ___     \   /     ___         .
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                       .        \__  |_|!|_|  __/  
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                       |           /____|____\       .
                       ! .              |            |
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                         |  aNd iS gOiNG tO...       !
                                            /                             /:
                                           /                             / .
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             __/\   ___________/  /   ___  ____  __________            /
            / /__\_/   \_  / \_  __\_/ / \_\_  \_\_  \_    \          /    .
           /___ \/  /  /  /  /  /__/ __  /  /__/  /__/  /  /         /
          /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  ___/    \/  /  /         /
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       __/  /  ____  _______  _  ____  ___   __/\            /
       \_  __\_\_  \_\_  \_ \/ \_\_  \/  /  / /__\          /  .
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                        /                             / zS!    |
                     _ /____________________________ /         |
                      /                             Y          !   :
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                            |             __!___                   .         
                            |  .         | _   .|                            
         aNOthER fiNE rELEAsE  !         ||    ||                   __       
                            !  |         |______|          \       |__|      
   ________                    |     by      |              \\_____          
  | __     |   ____            :         /   |     2o8|      \\___ \_        
  ||    ___|__| _  |_ ___:_____|_______//    :              /  \ ___/   .    
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  |_ __|___:  `----'    ||     .     /                    //_________\  |7!o 
    hAo!                |.          /                    /  _______/_   |    
       |    hARRiSONbERgEROn & nEMo nOBOdy & iNcoGNitO  /  /______/_ \  :    
       :   . & 7ito & .zEPhyR & dASMo & dAV_iD & yOU ???   \     //  /  :    
       .                       .                            \   //  /   .    
          -+--- -              !       liVE fREE oR dIE...   \__/__/    |    
   - --+---|  ...fOR dEAtH iS NOt tHE wORSt oF eVIL!       \___/____    |    
           :                   .                           \\   ___/   _|__  
                               |  cALL oUR bOARdS  .        \___\  \    |_   
                               |                   !        /      \\  __/   
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                     :     |_|_|      |        mEditAtiON iN 2o||     :
                     |       |________|                               !
                     |                                                |
                     |                                                |
                     |                 .                              |
                     !                 !                              .
                     |                 |
                     |                 |
                     |                 |
                     |                 |
                     .                 :
                     :                 .
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                     !
  z i t o  &  n e m o: n o b o d y  o n
  ______     ______  ! _________   _____ 
  \/    \_ _/  \   \_|_\  /    /_ _\   /|
  /     / | \   \  / |  \/    /  |  \_/ |
 /     /\_|__\   \/__|__/    /\__|___/  |
/_____/__\nEmo\__/   | /____/__\    /___|
 s o u t h e r n  r i:o t  t r a v e l s 
                     !                        .
                     .                        !
                                      ___\  _   _  /___
                      ________________\   _  \:/  _   /______________
                 _____\    .______________\/  !  \/___________ __.  /
                 \\   :     \/                              \/     /__
                  \__.| ###  ___ _                             ### _(/
                     ||      \                                     
                     |!      _\        some words before the end   |
                     !                                             |
                         we have been travelling. not as much as   .
                         we wanted to so far,  but enough to get
                     .   a glimpse of the idea of true  freedom.   !
                     .   we lost a lot of things,  we got robbed   .
                     |   we had hungry days & days full of gifte   |
                     :   d paradise fruits. we had endless horiz   |
                     .   ons,  love making on lonely beaches, fi   |
                     |   re making & music & the forests, we had   |
                     |   visions in the desert, we got hash inst   |
                     |   ant from the fields. we met our mentors   :
                     .   ghosts & spiritual helpers.  and yet we   |
                     .   have a lot to look forward to.            |
                     |                                             |
                     !                       gracias mamma gaya.   |
                                              .                    |
                                              .                    |
                                              !                    |
                                              :                    !
                     :                        !                    .     
                     |                        |                    |     
                     |                        |                    |     
                     |                        |                    |     
                     |                        |                    |     
            .    ___/¦          .             .          .         ¦\___
      _____/¦____\___|___  ____/¦_____   ____/¦_________ ¦\___  ___|_  /
      \____  _________  ·\ \_   _____/   \_   _______   \|  _/ /·  __ ·\
         /·  |  /·   |   \\/·   __|____  /·   __|__/_  \ \  ·\//   |   \\
        //   | //    |    \\_   |     / //    |     /   \ \  \\_   |    \\
        \____| \_____|      /________/  \__________/____|\     /_________/
                     |_____/ skZ                          \___/
                        - =  e N d  t I t L E S  = -
        concept & main design as well as mINIatUREs, divider & logos by
                         additional design & logos by
                                 nEMo nObOdy
                 take down your masks! & design assistance by
                          guest artists' logos list
  art by folar + zito by kempy + rastaman by spot + southern riot travels by
     zefyros + kosmos by threaz! + just make love by trivial + zito by h7
    southern riot travels by zeus + the end by skize + anno2081 by zefyros
      excerpts from the texts "ferienlager" & "Production Notes #10" by
                                 marc oberst
                        partly lectured & selected by
                              musical support of
 bob marley + keny arkana + tvbuddhas + exitVagina + wunderwaldradio + marlango
   sam ragga band + jamiroquai + beth ditto + mumford & sons + marcus miller
                          deep artists' respects to
        banksy + christopher nolan + chuck lorre + gaspar noé + folar
                    karim hussain + scour + snow + zorro!
                messages - well friendly greetings at last to
 acid + angeldust + asarhad + aztec + blackdragon + budgie + browallia + choize
     chrombacher + curt cool + crown + darkus + dascon + d!rt!e + deathr0w
         dissident + dipswitch + dodge + elend + evan + far + frequent
    ghandy + gone + hakri + kempy + malmis + monk! + ne7 + pogue + punisher
    ramses + renton + scicco + scour + skope + spot + stezotehic + threaz
  tripper + twister + wade + x-ceed + yojimbo + zaner + zefyros + zerox + zeus
                   pm me if i forgot about your name here!
      vERy sPECiAL tHANkS tO .zAPHyR fOR aLL tHE sUPPORt & cOMPANiONsHip
              aNd aLL yOU gUyS hANGiNG aROUNd iN tHE ciRcLE!
 wAtCh oUt fOR uPcOMiNG aRtpACk "kEEp yOUr sUbstitUtES"    !
                                  - itS gONNa bE a hIt!    |]
                                                          _: ___ !_
                                                         | !]   [| |
                           .stILL sEARCHiNG fOR aRtiStS  | |     | |   aNNo
            oF jOy, rEVOLUtiONARy sPiRitS & tRUE lOVERs  | |]   [| |   2o8|
                                 .                         .     !
                                 :                               :
                                 |         .                     |
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                                 |         |                     .
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                                 ||        :
                                 !|        .
                                  .        !
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                 :                                          :
                 |  _ _  _         at lASt          _  _ _  |
                 | \\          a sMALL liSt oF           // |
                _| _\       oUR rELEAsEs sO fAR...       /_ |_
                 :                                          :
     #  fILEnAME     dAtE    tItLE                         kINd       sIZE
     o1 2o81-wdE.txt o4o3||  wE dO eXiSt!                   nFO      37844 
     o2 2o81-wtw.zip o9o3||  a wiNtER tiME wALL        gRAFFiti    2652455 
     o3 2o81-elv.txt |4o3||  Eleven!                      aZKEE      79558 
     o4 2o81-btE.zip |9o3||  bad times EXIT!            aRtpACk    8952952 
     o5 2o81-bbS.txt 29o3||  bLUE bASS syMPHONy           aZkEE     |o8|o8 
     o6 2o81-rE1.txt 25o4||  ReVision 2o11                aZkEE      53269 
     o7 2o81-eSF.zip o6o5||  eNOUGh sPACEs tO fILL      aRtpACk    5909529 
     o8 2o81-tIG.zip |7o5||  tHiS iS ggUERRiLLa aRt #1 gRAFFiti   1o323918 
     o9 2o81-ltF.lha 2oo6||  lEGENdARy tEXtfiLES #2bEtA aRCHiVE  121527511
     |o 2o81-sRt.txt 2|o6||  sOUtHERn riOt tRAVELS        aZkEE      86659
     || 2o81-kyS.zip nOtsEt  kEEP yOUR sUbStitUdES      aRtpACk iNpROGRESS
                                 :.        .
                                 ||        |  
                                 |.        |  
                                 |         |  
                                 .         |  
                       rEMEMbER tHE idEA, nOt tHE mAN, bECAUsE a mAn cAN fAiL.
                            hE cAn bE cAUGht, hE cAN? bE kiLLEd aND foRGottEN,
                   bUt 4oo yEARs lAtER, "hIS" idEA cAn stILL cHANge tHE woRLd.
                                      | /
                                   -- o -
                             __ _____z!____ __
                             \// _____  __ \\/
                               \ \   |  \/ /
                                \ \__|    / 
                                 \  ____ /
                                    \ /
                              t H E  !  e N d e N d                                        tHiS iS a stANdARt dDL 2o81 rObOt dRONE, iN cASE sOMEbOdy aSkS.
                                                                                           aNd wE aLREAdy rEpROGRAmmEd iT! sO dONt bE aFFRAid tO tOUCh iT!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ eof ] - - -
    _________________________________________                             ·
   (                                        /         t H E   y A R D     :
 ::|  .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_
   |                                      /____ /                         |
 __|__/\____                             /    //   · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 1 ·  |
\\_|_    __/_.     __/\____        _____·__  //    ____   _______         |\___
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   /     /   |    _/  _)       )____\    /   (     _    /  _  _/_(       _   /
  /    _/    _    \   |       (      \_     _|     |   /   |      \      |  //
 (_____\_____|     \___       |           __\_______.__\___|      /_________\
   |                                   /                                  |
   | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES    /.  =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT       |
   |                              .                                       |
   '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 9611+ >»-'
            -> Another fine Ascii Release uploaded at TY <-