From: Klaus Iglberger klaus.iglberger@gmail.com
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: Blaze 2.5 Released
After some month of hard work we finally release version 2.5 of the
Blaze C++ math library! This version comes with a fair amount of new
features, many of them focused on computations with complex numbers:
Hermitian matrices, the conj(), ctrans(), real(), and imag()
operations, and the vectorization of integral complex numbers.
In addition, we are particularly proud about the performance
improvements of several dense matrix/sparse matrix multiplication and
sparse matrix/dense matrix multiplication kernels. Furthermore, to
extend the support for special environments, we have enabled the
customization of the error reporting mechanism. Enjoy!
Blaze 2.5 is now available for download at
From: Filipa Vance MI-NET@bath.ac.uk
Date: October 08, 2015
Subject: Industrial Mathematics Funding
As part of the new EU COST Action, MI-NET (Mathematics for Industry
Network), funding calls for workshops, study groups, modelling weeks,
and research visits are now open! Deadline 20th October 2015. Please
visit MI-NET’s website for more details http://mi-network.org
From: P. Vasant vasantglobal@gmail.com
Date: October 01, 2015
Subject: Call for Chapters, Holistic Optimization Techniques
Proposal Submission Deadline: December 15, 2015
Holistic Optimization Techniques in the Hospitality, Tourism, and
Travel Industry
A book edited by Pandian Vasant (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Malaysia) and Kalaivanthan (Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa
and Golden Sands Resort , Malaysia)
Holistic optimization techniques are well known in the research areas
of engineering, science and technology. The current trends on
application problems in engineering, science and technology are
expanded in the areas of hotel, tourism and travel industry across the
globe. This book chapter focuses on the best and high quality selected
papers on the following research topics. The well-known and new
methodologies on the holistic optimization techniques have been used
to solve some of the complicated and hard problems in the areas of
hotel, tourism and travel industry.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before
December 15, 2015, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words
clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed
chapter. Authors will be notified by January 10, 2016 about the status
of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are
expected to be submitted by February 28, 2016.
From: Kody Law lawkj@ornl.gov
Date: October 01, 2015
Subject: New book, Data Assimilation, A Mathematical Introduction
Title: Data Assimilation, A Mathematical Introduction.
Authors: Law, Kody, and Stuart, Andrew, and Zygalakis, Konstantinos
Publisher: Springer Texts in Applied Mathematics
Springer has generously allowed us to post the first half of the book
on the arxiv, here http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.07825
The matlab code which produced the images in the book provides simple
examples of the fundamental algorithms. That code is available at the
following link, and each program is executable within seconds
From: Adelia Sequeira adelia.sequeira@math.ist.utl.pt
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: Autumn School and Workshop, Portugal, Nov 2015
An Autumn School on Data Driven Computations in the Life Sciences
(November 9-13, 2015) and one day Workshop on Innovative Modeling
Techniques for Predictive Medicine (November 12, 2015) will take place
at Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon. The aim of the
School and the Workshop is to bring together doctoral candidates,
postdoctoral scientists and graduates in applied mathematics,
bioengineering and medicine, interested in computational modeling of
physiological problems and in interacting with recognized experts.
Autumn School Speakers:
- Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández (INRIA, Paris – Rocquencourt, France)
- Alessandro Reali (Università di Pavia, Italy)
- Alessandro Veneziani (Emory University, Atlanta, USA).
Workshop Speakers:
- Chandrajit Bajaj (ICES/UT Austin, USA)
- Antonio Fasano (Univ. Firenze, Italia)
- Shaolie Hossain (Texas Heart Inst/Houston and ICES/UT Austin, USA)
- Willi Jäger (Univ. Heidelberg, Germany)
- Paula Oliveira (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal)
- Maria Neuss-Radu (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
- Michael Sacks (ICES/UT Austin, USA)
- Alessandro Veneziani (Emory University, Atlanta, USA).
There is no registration fee. Financial support for local expenses is
available to graduate and postgraduate students. Curriculum Vitae,
Motivation and Recommendation Letters, are requested for evaluation.
Interested participants should register by sending an email to
jftiago@math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt. Deadline for applications and
abstract submission: October 15, 2015. All the information is
available at http://cemat.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/DDCLS2015
From: Nico Trost nico@paralution.com
Date: October 05, 2015
Subject: GPU Training Course on CUDA and OpenCL, The Netherlands, Nov 2015
PARALUTION Labs offers a Four Days CUDA and OpenCL training. The
course will take place in the SURFSara Science Park, Amsterdam (NL),
Nov 30 – Dec 3, 2015. It covers all basics in both languages as well
as advanced topics and libraries.
Please visit our web page for details on the agenda
From: Robert Nürnberg robert.nurnberg@imperial.ac.uk
Date: October 07, 2015
Subject: Biological Membranes, UK, Jan 2016
Workshop "Biological Membranes: Modelling, Analysis and Numerics"
7-8 January 2016, Imperial College London, UK
The workshop aims to bring together experts within the different
communities - biophysics, numerics, analysis - to better understand
the structure and the behaviour of biological membranes. The main goal
of the workshop is to discuss recent developments, stimulate the
discussions between the communities, and to initiate new
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Marino Arroyo (UPC, Barcelona)
- Sören Bartels (University of Freiburg)
- Klaus Deckelnick (University of Magdeburg)
- Charles Elliott (University of Warwick)
- Harald Garcke (University of Regensburg)
- Mourad Ismail (UJF, Grenoble)
- Timm Krüger (University of Edinburgh)
- Reinhard Lipowsky (MPIKG, Potsdam)
- John Lowengrub (UCI, Irvine)
- Moritz Mercker (University of Heidelberg)
- Chaouqi Misbah (UJF, Grenoble)
- David Salac (University at Buffalo)
- Pierre Saramito (LJK, Grenoble)
- Björn Stinner (University of Warwick)
A limited number of places are available at this workshop.
Registration for the workshop is now open and will close on December
4, 2015. Detailed informed about the meeting in on the webpage:
From: Paul Constantine pconstan@mines.edu
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: Conference on Data Analysis (CoDA), USA, Mar 2016
CoDA 2016, the Conference on Data Analysis
Exploring Data-Focused Research across the Department of Energy
March 2-4, 2016 | Santa Fe, NM
Website: http://cnls.lanl.gov/coda
We invite you to present your data-focused work at the poster session
of the third Conference on Data Analysis, CoDA 2016. CoDA highlights
data- driven problems of interest to the Department of Energy. Talks
and posters will feature research from the Department of Energy
national laboratories, academia, and industry.
The CoDA 2016 invited program explores six themes:
- Really Expensive Data
- Power Grid Data
- Multisource Data
- Cybersecurity
- Subsurface Modeling
- Data Analysis at Exascale
We welcome posters on these and other data-driven topics. Poster
abstracts are due February 3, 2016.
Our banquet speaker is Rayid Ghani, Program Director of Data Science for
Social Good.
Students: The American Statistical Association will sponsor a student
poster prize for full-time students.
Registration: $245 regular participant, $155 full-time student.
Visit cnls.lanl.gov/coda to get on the CoDA mailing list and to register.
From: P. Vasant vasantglobal@gmail.com
Date: October 01, 2015
Subject: Nature of Computation and Communication, Vietnam, Mar 2016
2nd EAI International Conference on Nature of Computation and
Communication MARCH 17–18, 2016 | RACH GIA, VIETNAM
The ICTCC Conference is a place for highly original ideas about how
the nature is going to shape computing systems of the future. Hence,
it focuses on rigorous approaches and cutting-edge solutions, which
encompass three classes of major methods:
- Those that take inspiration from nature for the development of novel
problem solving techniques;
- Those that are based on the use of computers or networks to
synthesize natural phenomena; and
- Those that employ natural materials (e.g., molecules,) to compute or
SCOPE OF TOPICS: Autonomic computing/communicating; Amorphous
computing; Biologically-inspired computing/communicating; Cellular
automata; Cellular computing; Collective intelligence in
computing/communicating; Collision-based computing;
Computation/communication based on chaos and dynamical systems;
Computation based on physical principles such as relativistic,
optical, spatial, collision-based computing; Context-aware
computing/communicating; DNA computing; Evolutionary computing; Fuzzy
computing; Hypercomputation; Massive parallel computing; Membrane
computing; Molecular computing; Neural computing; Optical computing;
Physarum computing; Quantum computing; Relativistic computing; Spatial
computing; Swam intelligence in computing; Wetware computing
From: Bart Vandereycken bart.vandereycken@unige.ch
Date: October 06, 2015
Subject: Hausdorff School Low-rank Tensor Techniques, Germany, Apr 2016
Low-rank Tensor Techniques in Numerical Analysis and Optimization
at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (University of Bonn) from
April 18- 22, 2016 in Bonn, Germany
This Hausdorff School is intended for graduate and postdoctoral
students who are interested in classical results and recent
developments in low- rank tensor approximation, and wish to acquire
modern research tools. Particular focus will be on high-dimensional
numerical tensor calculus, and low-rank optimization methods. More
information is available at
The lectures will be given by
- Lars Grasedyck (RWTH Aachen)
- Bart Vandereycken (Université de Genève)
- André Uschmajew (Universität Bonn)
Participation in the school is free of charge and accommodation will
be reimbursed for accepted participants. There is also limited travel
support available. To apply for the school, please fill out the
application form on the website above. The next round of notifications
will be sent out on November 31, 2015.
From: Michael Overton overton@cims.nyu.edu
Date: October 09, 2015
Subject: Nonlinear Optimization, Canada, Jun 2016
A workshop on Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms and Industrial
Applications will be held at the Fields Institute in Toronto, June
2-4, 2016. The workshop will celebrate the 70th birthday of Andrew
R. Conn, who, arguably more than anyone, has made major contributions
both to the theory of algorithms for nonlinear optimization and
application of algorithms through high performance software tools to
solve industrial optimization problems of critical importance. A full
program of invited talks will be scheduled on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. Thursday will be designated as Industry Day, with all talks
focused on topics relevant to industry, so participants from industry
and students interested in industrial careers are especially
encouraged to attend on Thursday. A poster session will be held
Thursday evening and a banquet celebrating Andrew Conn's 70th birthday
will take place on Friday evening.
To register to attend the meeting and (optionally) submit a poster to
the poster session, please see the workshop web page at
Best regards from the organizers,
Michael Overton, Oleksandr Romenko, Tamas Terlaky and Henry
From: Andreas Dedner a.s.dedner@warwick.ac.uk
Date: October 04, 2015
Subject: PDESoft 2016, UK, Jul 2016
PDESoft 2016 4-8 July
We are happy to announce that PDESoft 2016 will be held at the
University of Warwick, UK. This main conference will run from 4-6 July
and the remaining time will be dedicated to small group coding days.
PDESoft 2016 provides a forum for the developers of open-source tools
solving the diverse stages of the numerical PDE process to exchange
the latest developments and future ideas. If you develop:
- meshing tools;
- HPC tools;
- solvers for large systems of equations;
- numerical PDE solvers ;
- visualisation systems for PDE;
- coupling with or user interfaces to scientific software;
or any other part of the PDE toolchain, this is the workshop for you.
For more details please visit http://warwick.ac.uk/pdesoft2016
From: Martin Stynes m.stynes@csrc.ac.cn
Date: October 10, 2015
Subject: BAIL 2016 Conference, China, Aug 2016
The BAIL 2016 conference will be held from 15 to 19 August 2016 in
Beijing, China, at Beijing Computational Science Research Center and
Tsinghua University. The conference website is
http://www.csrc.ac.cn/conference/BAIL2016/homepage.html and
registration is now open. Note that those participants who register
and pay their conference fee by 15 May 2016 will receive substantial
financial support towards their accommodation in Beijing.
BAIL = Boundary And Interior Layers. The conference should be of
interest to researchers working in numerical analysis, asymptotics,
applied mathematics or engineering who deal with problems exhibiting
layer phenomena. We continue the BAIL tradition of biennial
conferences; most recently, BAIL 2014 was held in Prague, Czech
The Proceedings of BAIL 2016 will appear in the Springer series
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering.
From: Jens-Peter M. Zemke zemke@tu-harburg.de
Date: October 06, 2015
Subject: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Sep 2016
16th GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra
with special emphasis on
Linear Algebra Challenges in Machine Learning
will take place at Hamburg University of Technology, September 15-16,
2016, Hamburg.
The plenary speakers are
Bart De Moor, KU Leuven, Belgium,
Efstratios Gallopoulos, University of Patras, Greece,
Philipp Hennig, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,
Tuebingen, Germany.
Talks related to Linear Algebra Challenges in Machine Learning and all
other areas of applied and numerical linear algebra are welcome.
Details of the workshop can be found at
https://www.mat.tuhh.de/gamm2016 .
From: Chauvier chauvier@ihp.fr
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: Numerical methods for PDEs, France, Sep-Dec 2016
It is our pleasure to announce a Trimester (3-month program) on
"Numerical methods for PDEs", organized with the collaboration of the
Centre Emile Borel at the Institut Henri Poincare in Paris, from
September 5th to December 16th, 2016.
Information on the scientific programme can be found at:
The registration for the programme is free but recommended:
The deadline to apply for financial support is March 15th, 2016.
The Institut Henri Poincare can help you find a room or an apartment
during your stay in Paris.
3 conferences will be organized:
- Advanced numerical methods: Recent developments, analysis and
applications, October 3-7
- Recent developments in numerical methods for model reduction,
November 7-10
- Industry and Mathematics, November 21-25
Read more : http://www.ihp.fr/en/ceb/T3-2016
From: Roland Herzog roland.herzog@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
Date: October 01, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Economical/Financial Mathematics, TU Chemnitz
The Faculty of Mathematics of the Technische Universität
Chemnitz has two openings for W2 (associate) professor
positions starting October 1, 2016:
- W2 Professur "Wirtschaftsmathematik" (economathematics)
- W2 Professur "Finanzmathematik" (financial mathematics)
Candidates should have a strong mathematical research record and a
convincing research program. They should be strongly committed to
excellence in teaching.
The focus of the two positions differs:
- economathematics should emphasize mathematical methods of operations
research and/or equilibrium/game theory and may include mathematical
aspects of finance,
- financial mathematics should emphasize mathematical aspects of
stochastic and statistic nature in financial (or insurance)
It is our goal to fill both positions at the same time and to form a
new core area in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics, which has
a further opening in "Produktionswirtschaft und
Industriebetriebslehre". Candidates should therefore demonstrate a
clear interest in disciplinary as well as trans-departmental
For the official announcement and the formal requirements for
applications (to be submitted by November 27, 2015) please consult the
respective pages above. Fluency in German is an advantage or will be
required within a reasonable period of time.
From: Gabriel Lord g.j.lord@hw.ac.uk
Date: October 01, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Heriot-Watt Univ, Edinburgh
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Heriot-Watt is
advertising a new permanent position in the broad areas of Algebra and
Geometry, Applied Mathematics, Computational Modelling, Mathematical
Biology, Mathematical Data Science, Stochastic Modelling and
Uncertainty quantification.
More details can be found at the link below.
From: Lina von Sydow lina@it.uu.se
Date: October 07, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Machine Learning, Uppsala Univ
The Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University invites
applications for a tenure-track position as associate senior lecturer
in Machine Learning.
Machine learning is a major area of research comprising several
subareas. Examples of such subareas include: probabilistic
programming, approximate inference, Monte Carlo methods, numerical
solution of differential equations, Bayesian nonparametric modeling,
maximum likelihood estimation, Gaussian processes, graph learning, web
analysis, model generation, system identification, deep learning,
sensor fusion, reinforcement learning, inverse modeling , parameter
estimation, optimization, big data (processing of large data sets),
computerized image analysis, pattern recognition, uncertainty
quantification, implementation of machine learning algorithms for
modern computer architectures.
The broad interpretation of the subject area makes this position
relevant for readers of NA digest.
For more information, see http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?
From: J.J.W. van der Vegt j.j.w.vandervegt@utwente.nl
Date: October 11, 2015
Subject: Two Tenure Track Positions, Scientific Computing
The University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands, is seeking
researchers for two tenure track positions in Scientific Computing
within the Department of Applied Mathematics.
We are looking for two highly talented research scientists whose focus
is on the development, analysis and application of computational
tools, such as finite elements and multiscale methods, for models
described by ordinary and partial differential equations. The
successful candidate is expected to have a strong affinity with
mathematical modeling and numerical mathematics. In addition, the
capability to develop collaboration between mathematics and the
multi-disciplinary research context at the University of Twente is
crucial. Particular focus is with forging connections with the MESA+
institute for Nanotechnology and with the MIRA institute for
biomedical technology and technical medicine.
For more information, see please visit the website
or contact
Prof.dr.ir. J.J.W. van der Vegt (phone +31 534895628, email
j.j.w.vandervegt@utwente.nl) or Prof.dr.ir. B.J. Geurts (phone +31
534894125, email b.j.geurts@utwente.nl).
From: M. Ganesh mganesh@mines.edu
Date: October 09, 2015
Subject: Multiple Positions, AMS, Colorado School of Mines
The Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (AMS) at the
Colorado School of Mines (Mines) invites applications for multiple
positions in three categories: Tenure Line (TL), Department Head (DH),
and Teaching Faculty (TF).
Information about the jobs postings are in the following three URLs.
Questions about the position(s) should be directed to the chair of the
respective search committees.
1. Open rank TL position(s) in Applied Mathematics search
(chair: Prof. Ganesh, mganesh@mines.edu):
2. AMS Department Head (chair: Prof. Navidi, wnavidi@mines.edu):
3. Open rank AMS TF position(s)
(chair: Dr. Nicholas, nicholas@mines.edu)
From: Michael Stich m.stich@aston.ac.uk
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: Lectureship Positions, Mathematics, Aston Univ, UK
Aston University, Birmingham UK
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Two Lectureship positions
The Mathematics Group in the School of Engineering and Applied Science
is seeking to make two new appointments at the Lecturer level. The
appointments will augment our existing strengths within the newly
established System Analytics Research Institute and the Nonlinearity
and Complexity Research Group in statistical pattern processing,
machine learning, statistical physics and dynamical modelling of
complex systems (http://www.aston.ac.uk/ncrg) and would ideally be in
the broad area of probabilistic data modelling. We are seeking strong
enthusiastic applicants keen to develop their international research
profiles and their own research teams.
Applicants must have a PhD in a relevant discipline, e.g.
Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or related subject, and
experience of initiating, conducting and leading independent
research. They should also have experience of supervising
undergraduate and postgraduate projects and engaging with external
individuals and groups.
We are looking individuals with a proven track record of publications
in internationally excellent journals and conferences. The new
appointees will be joining the Mathematics team in delivering our
quality applied mathematics degree programmes at undergraduate and
graduate levels as well as developing their research profiles. You
will have the opportunity to supervise undergraduate and postgraduate
projects, be involved with our mathematics student society activities,
and also to engage externally through contributing to industrial
networks, masterclasses and summer schools. Information on the
teaching activities can be found at
For more information visit
From: Kate Carter carterka@ornl.gov
Date: October 02, 2015
Subject: Alston S. Householder Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Computational & Applied Mathematics (CAM) Group, within the
Computer Science and Mathematics (CSM) Division at The Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) invites outstanding candidates to apply for
the Alston S. Householder Fellowship in mathematics and scientific
computing. This prestigious Fellowship offers an excellent opportunity
to conduct exceptional and innovative research in mathematics,
statistics and scientific computing, for applications of national
priority, utilizing the world’s most powerful extreme scale computing
platforms, including TITAN and SUMMIT. Additional information about
CAM at ORNL can be found at cam.ornl.gov. The Fellowship honors
Dr. Alston S. Householder, founding director of the Mathematics
Division (now CSM Division) at ORNL and recognizes his seminal
research contributions to the fields of numerical analysis and
scientific computing.
For more details about the fellowship, see
Finalists for the Fellowship will be invited to visit ORNL to present
a seminar and visit the area. The selected Fellow must be available to
begin the appointment during calendar year 2016. The application
process will remain open until November 30, 2015. This appointment is
offered through Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Qualified applicants
must apply online at http://www.ornl.gov/careers to the the Alston
S. Householder Fellowship / NB50512991 posting in order to be
considered. All applicants must submit a (1) Curriculum Vitae (CV);
(2) Statement of Research, that provides the significance of you
current research as well as the technical background of your proposed
research at ORNL; and (3) a minimum of 3 Letters of Reference,
describing your contributions to your field of interest. The letters
of reference may be emailed directly to carterka@ornl.gov and
reference the position title and the applicant’s last name.
Technical Questions: Contact Dr. Clayton Webster
(webstercg@ornl.gov). Please reference the position title when
corresponding about this position.
From: Denis Ridzal dridzal@sandia.gov
Date: October 01, 2015
Subject: John von Neumann Fellow Position, Sandia National Labs
The Center for Computing Research and the Computer Sciences and
Information Systems Center at Sandia National Laboratories invite
outstanding candidates to apply for the 2016 John von Neumann
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Computational Science. This
prestigious fellowship is supported by the Applied Mathematics
Research Program in the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Advanced
Scientific Computing Research. The fellowship provides an exceptional
opportunity for innovative research in computational mathematics and
scientific computing on advanced computing architectures with
application to a broad range of science and engineering problems of
national importance. Applicants must have or soon receive a Ph.D. in
applied/computational mathematics or related computational science and
engineering disciplines. Applicants must have less than three years
of postdoctoral experience. This appointment is for one year, with a
possible renewal for a second year, and includes a highly competitive
salary, moving expenses and a generous professional travel allowance.
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Complete applications
received by December 1, 2015 will receive full consideration; the
position will remain open until filled.
For more information, including application instructions, please
see our web page at http://www.cs.sandia.gov/VN_Web_Page/ .
Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V.
From: Esmond G. Ng EGNg@lbl.gov
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: Luis W. Alvarez Postdoc Fellowship Position, Berkeley Lab
The Computational Research Division, the National Energy Research
Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and the Scientific Networking
Division at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory invite applications for the 2016 Luis W. Alvarez Fellowship
in Computational Science. The fellowship allows recent graduates with
a Ph.D. (or equivalent) to acquire unique scientific training at one
of the leading facilities for scientific computing and to develop
professional maturity for self-directed independent research.
The fellowship provides opportunities to work on some of the most
important research challenges in computing sciences, from the
architecture and software of next generation high performance
computing systems and networks, to mathematical modeling, algorithms,
and applications of advanced computing to astrophysics, cosmology,
chemical sciences, materials science, climate change, biology and
other scientific domains. The successful candidate will be able to
interact and collaborate with Berkeley Lab researchers that develop
and apply the latest technologies to computational modeling,
simulation, and data analytics for scientific discovery.
The position offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits.
Additional information on the Luis W. Alvarez Postdoctoral Fellowship
can be found at
For application instructions, please see our web page at
From: Des Higham d.j.higham@strath.ac.uk
Date: October 12, 2015
Subject: Research Fellowship Positions, Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, will award approximately
20 Chancellor's Fellowships in strategic areas, including Network
Science, Health Informatics and Data Science.
These research fellowships will last for five years. On completion,
fellows who meet appropriate criteria will transfer to permanent
academic posts.
Further details:
From: Tiago Pereira tiago@icmc.usp.br
Date: October 11, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, Sao Paulo Univ
The Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CEPID-
CeMEAI) a post-doc position available for starting immediately. The
requirements for each of the positions are described below. The salary
is R$5908,00 per month tax free. The appointed Post-doc will also get
return travel from his/her country to Brazil paid by the grant. The
positions are initially for one year, renewable for a second year
pending on suitable performance.
Post-Doctoral Research Project
University of São Paulo at São Carlos
ICMC  Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Location: São Carlos – São Paulo State- Brazil
Title: Stability and Synchronisation of Power-grid Networks
Supervisor: Tiago Pereira
Job description/Requirements: Power-grids are formed by the complex
interaction structure between generators and consumers. The power
stations must keep a proper synchronisation to avoid energy supply
disturbances and blackouts. Because of the complex linking structure
of the network predicting the stability of synchronisation and how the
network structure affects the stability remains an open
challenge. This project aims at understanding how the linking
structure affects the overall synchronisation of the power
generators. In particular, how blackouts can be avoided by
manipulating the network structure. To this end, we study how the
network affects the stability of the synchronised dynamics and its
basin of attraction.
Interested candidates should e-mail a CV and two letters of
recommendation from university professors as soon as possible to:
Prof. Tiago Pereira
Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
Univ. de Sao Paulo
Av. Trab. Sao-Carlense, 400, CEP 13560-970, Sao
Carlos, SP, Brasil
TEL: +55 (16) 3373-9754

Contract Condition: Grant from FAPESP under the Research, Innovation
and Dissemination Centers (RIDC-CeMEAI)
(http://www.fapesp.br/en/17,http://www.cemeai.icmc.usp.br/ )
From: Brian Tracey brian.tracey@tufts.edu
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, X-ray Imaging, Tufts Univ
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Laboratory
for Imaging Science Research (LaISR) in the Tufts University Dept. of
Electrical and Computer Engineering. This appointment would be for 18
months, with an estimated start date of September 2015, for a project
entitled “3D Reconstruction Methods for Novel Sparse-view Energy-
discriminating Computed Tomography System.†Under this project, the
fellow will work with Tufts faculty and industrial collaborators to
perform research in the area of limited view, multi-energy X-ray
reconstruction methods with the goal of developing next-generation
airport baggage scanning systems. In particular, we are developing
iterative methods that can exploit novel system geometries and can
combine energy-resolved X- ray measurements from a sensors operating
at varying levels of energy resolution. While previous experience in
CT reconstruction would be ideal, we welcome applicants with
significant experience in related fields including inverse problems,
statistical signal processing, sparse signal or image processing,
compressive sensing, and computational modeling. Interested
applicants should send a cover letter detailing their research
interests and career goals, CV, and names and contact information of 3
references to Dr. Brian Tracey (brian.tracey@tufts.edu).
From: Wenyuan Liao wliao@ucalgary.ca
Date: October 02, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Geomathematics, Univ of Alberta
Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral positions in the Alberta
Geomathematics Group (University of Alberta and University of Calgary,
Canada). The positions are jointly funded by PIMS, the Department of
Mathematics and Statistics at University of Calgary and faculty
members in the Alberta Geomathematics group.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent in Mathematics or
Geophysics (or expect to receive a Ph.D. by June 30, 2016) and be
within three years of their Ph.D. at the time when the positions are
taken. The positions are open to candidates of any nationality and
selection will be based upon the candidates’ research potential and
teaching experiences. The start date of the positions is July 1, 2016
and the anticipated duration of the positions will be two years with
an annual salary of $45,000CAD. A complete application should include
curriculum vitae, a statement about current and future research and at
least three (3) reference letters, one of which should address the
applicant’s teaching ability. All application materials must be
submitted online at http://www.mathjobs.org/jobs. Applications should
be received by December 31, 2015 to ensure full consideration.
Ideal candidates should have excellent skills in applied mathematics
and/or geophysics. Specific training and experience in any of the
areas of partial differential equations, acoustic and elastic wave
equations, numerical methods, numerical optimization, scientific
computing, geophysical imaging, inverse theory, seismic data
processing and signal analysis would all be assets. The postdoctoral
fellows will work with one or more of the researchers in the Alberta
Geomathematics group (Drs. M. Lamoureux, G. Margrave, K. Innanen,
W. Liao, C. Rios, and Y. Zinchenko from University of Calgary and
Dr. M. Sacchi from University Alberta) in one or more of the above
mentioned research areas. In addition to conducting research, the
successful applicants will teach one or two courses per year in the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at University of Calgary.
For inquiry please contact Dr. Wenyuan Liao at wliao@ucalgary.ca
From: Ani Anciaux-Sedrakian ani.anciaux-sedrakian@ifpen.fr
Date: October 01, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, IFPEN
A position as research fellow (PhD candidate) in computer science and
applied mathematics is available at IFPEN Rueil Malmaison (FRANCE) .
The full announcement for the position can be found at:
(English version)
(French version)
The position is open for three years starting november 1st 2015.
Candidates should have a university master degree in HPC or numerical
For more information about the position or send CV, grades of the last
two years and two reference letters please contact
ani.anciaux-sedrakian@ifpen.fr and soleiman.yousef@ifp.fr.
From: Simon Shaw simon.shaw@brunel.ac.uk
Date: October 06, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, FEM/SPH Coupling, Brunel Univ London
A PhD studentship including fees (at UK/EU rates) and generous bursary
is available at Brunel University London in Mathematics and the
National Structural Integrity Research Centre (Brunel). The focus of
the research will be on the development of methods for the coupling of
total Lagrangian SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) methods to FEM
(Finite Element Methods) in the specific case of quasi-static and
dynamic elasticity. The SPH/FEM coupling should allow for more
accurate modelling of: damage initiation, evolution and localisation;
crack initiation, propagation, and branching. The initial focus will
be on problems posed in a 2D domain, with the intention of eventual
implementation into a 3D non-linear finite element/SPH code. The new
computational tool will be validated and applied to selected
industrial problems.
For further detail please see the document at:
From: Christian Gerhards christian.gerhards@univie.ac.at
Date: October 11, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Geomathematics, Univ of Vienna
Within the DFG-funded project ''Time-Space Multiscale Separation of
Ocean Tide Generated Magnetic Signals'', we offer a PhD Position (3
years) at the Computational Science Center at the University of Vienna.
The project focuses on the development and application of mathematical
tools for the extraction of the Earth's magnetic field signal that is
produced by (tidal) ocean currents and related inverse problems. In
particular, the goal is to construct spherical basis functions related
to the induction equation that reflect certain spatial properties and
which should also be implemented and applied to magnetic field
satellite data. Depending on the preferences of the candidate, the
emphasis can be on the more theoretical or the more applied aspects of
the problem.
The project is part of DFG's priority program ''Study of Earth system
dynamics with a constellation of potential field missions
(DynamicEarth)''. Further information on the project can be found on
the website of the Computational Science Center:
The position is limited to 3 years and payment is according to the
collective bargaining agreement for Austrian university employees
(level B1, 75%).
Required Qualifications: Candidates have a MSc degree (or equivalent)
in Mathematics, Physics, or a closely related field and have an
interest in interdisciplinary mathematics and geosciences. They are
open minded, active, and have a good command of the English and/or
German language.
Applications (including letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, copies
of academic certificates, and a letter of recommendation) and
inquiries on the position should be send to:
The vacancy will be closed whenever a qualified candidate has been
From: Franz Rendl rendl@aau.at
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Klagenfurt, Austria
PhD Position in Combinatorial Optimization
Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria
We are seeking outstanding PhD candidates with interest and experience
in computational approaches to deal with NP-hard combinatorial
optimization problems. The successful PhD candidate will pursue
her/his PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Franz Rendl as part
of a research group focusing on computational approaches for NP-hard
problems. Good knowledge of semidefinite optimization and
computational methods from nonlinear optimization will be very useful.
The candidate will be part of the Doctoral Program 'Modeling,
Simulation, Optimization of discrete, continuous and stochastic
systems' hosted by the Institute of Mathematics in Klagenfurt.
The position is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Qualifications and condition of employment:
- Strong track record of mathematical studies
- Diploma/Master's degree or equivalent in mathematics
Application documents:
(1) Letter of application
- describing your qualifications, academic experience, and
scientific interests
- specifying your earliest possible starting date
(2) Curriculum Vitae
(3) Transcript of courses and grades, scanned copy of Diploma or
Master's degree
(4) Master thesis if available
All the application documents which are merged into a single PDF-file
should be electronically submitted by October 20, 2015 to
franz.rendl@aau.at . One or two confidential letters of recommendation
can be directly sent to franz.rendl@aau.at.
See also: https://www.math.aau.at
From: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb cbs31@cam.ac.uk
Date: October 12, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Cambridge Centre for Analysis
The Cambridge Centre for Analysis (CCA) advertises PhD positions
within a 4-year doctoral training programme at the Centre for
Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge.
The CCA offers an enhanced PhD course which covers all aspects of
mathematical analysis, including: Geometric analysis; Partial
differential equations; Probability; High dimensional and
non-parametric statistics; Inverse problems; Image analysis;
Approximation theory; Compressed sensing; and Applications.
The course emphasises a breadth of knowledge, alongside teamwork,
communication and a strong sense of community. Interaction across all
aspects of mathematical analysis and the application of modern
techniques are the foundation of all years of study.
To find out more about the course see here
For direct links to highlighted research see here
And a link to potential CCA supervisors see here
For informal enquiries about the course please email Tessa Blackman
Dates: Applications open on 1 September and the closing date is 15
January 2016.
Open day: the CCA open day will take place on the 26th of November
2015. Please email cca@maths.cam.ac.uk if you would like to attend for
more information.
From: Sam Subbey samuels@imr.no
Date: October 06, 2015
Subject: Internship Positions, IMR, Bergen, Norway
There are a number of openings for internship in 2016, at the
Institute for Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, Norway
(http://www.imr.no/en). Prospective candidates will work in a team
developing parsimonious mathematical/statistical models for marine
population dynamics. The internship tasks will cover aspects of
mathematical/statistical modeling, parameter estimation (optimization)
and uncertainty quantification, and involve computer programing (R,
C++ or Matlab).
Priority will be given to MSc students with good programing skills and
background in mathematical/statistical modeling, population dynamics,
optimization, dynamical systems or computational ecology. Students
who may consider writing their thesis at the institute are especially
encouraged to apply. Internship positions are unpaid, although for
exceptionally good candidates and those considering a thesis at the
Institute, partial funding to cover board and lodging may be
considered. The start time for the internship is negotiable but a
minimum of 3 months internship is expected. For consideration, send
me a copy of your academic records (transcipts), a statement of intent
(max. 1 paragraph) and a reference to samuels@imr.no.
From: David Jones david.jones@iop.org
Date: October 08, 2015
Subject: Call for Papers, Learning and Inverse Problems
Inverse Problems is pleased to announce the following upcoming 2016
special issue entitled ‘Learning and Inverse Problems’.
This special issue aims at bringing together articles that discuss
recent advances on analyzing and optimizing inversion models. Several
strategies for conceiving optimization problems, combining prior and
data information, have been considered. Let us evoke statistically
grounded methods, model design under uncertainties, parameter choice
rules, adaptive regularization, dictionary learning, bilevel
optimization, among others. Application areas include, but are not
limited to, biomedical engineering and imaging, remote sensing and
seismic imaging, astronomy, oceanography, atmospheric sciences and
meteorology, chemical engineering and material sciences, computer
vision and image processing. The guest editors are Juan Carlos De Los
Reyes (MODEMAT, EPN Quito, Ecuador), Eldad Haber (University of
British Columbia, Canada) and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (University of
Cambridge, UK).
This special issue is now open for submissions. We also kindly ask you
to distribute this call among all colleagues who might be interested
in submitting their work. All papers will be refereed to the usual
high standard of Inverse Problems, and must fall within the journal’s
scope, available at http://iopscience.iop.org/0266-5611/page/Scope
We invite you to submit your manuscript via
http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/ip-iop. Please make sure that you
select “Special Issue Article†and “Special Issue on learning and
inverse problems†from the drop-down menus on the submission page.
The closing date for submissions is 18 January 2016.
From: Carsten Carstensen cmam@degruyter.com
Date: October 01, 2015
Subject: Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 15 (4)
Editorial, Ulrich Langer (pp. 415-416)
On Preservation of Positivity in Some Finite Element Methods for the
Heat Equation, Panagiotis Chatzipantelidis, Zoltan Horváth, Vidar
Thomée (pp. 417-438)
An Adaptive Wavelet Method for Semi-Linear First-Order System Least
Squares, Nabi Chegini, Rob Stevenson (pp. 439-464)
A Deluxe FETI-DP Preconditioner for a Composite Finite Element and DG
Method, Maksymilian Dryja, Juan Galvis, Marcus Sarkis (pp. 465-482)
Survey of Existence Results in Nonlinear Peridynamics in Comparison
with Local Elastodynamics, Etienne Emmrich, Dimitri Puhst
(pp. 483-496)
An Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Two-Sided Space-Fractional
Partial Differential Equations, Neville J. Ford, Kamal Pal, Yubin Yan
(pp. 497-514)
Estimates of the Distance to the Set of Solenoidal Vector Fields and
Applications to A Posteriori Error Control, Sergey Repin (pp.
Some Open Questions in the Numerical Analysis of Singularly Perturbed
Differential Equations, Hans-Görg Roos, Martin Stynes (pp. 531-550)
Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Problems, Olaf
Steinbach (pp. 551-566)
For more information, please, visit
http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cmam .
All CMAM ahead of print papers can be viewed at
http://www.degruyter.com/printahead/j/cmam .
From: Raimondas Ciegis rc@vgtu.lt
Date: September 30, 2015
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 20 (5)
The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:
Volume 20, Number 5, September 2015
Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska, Analysis of Interspike-Intervals for the
General Class of Integrate-and-Fire Models with Periodic Drive,
Giuseppe Izzo and Zdzislaw Jackiewicz, Strong Stability Preserving
Multistage Integration Methods, 552-577
Johnny Henderson and Nickolai Kosmatov, Positive Solutions of the
Semipositone Neumann Boundary Value Problem, 578-584
Mrinal Jana and Geetanjali Panda, Multi-objective Geometric
Programming with Varying Parameters: Application in Waste Water
Treatment System, 585-603
Ravi P. Agarwal, Guotao Wang, Bashir Ahmad, Lihong Zhang, Aatef Hobiny
and Shatha Monaquel, On Existence of Solutions for Nonlinear
$q$-difference Equations with Nonlocal $q$-integral Boundary
Conditions, 604-618
Algirdas Lan\v{c}inskas, Pilar Mart\'{i}nez Ortigosa and
Julius~\v{Z}ilinskas, Parallel Optimization Algorithm for Competitive
Facility Location, 619-640
Carmelo Clavero, Jose Luis Gracia, Grigorii~I.~Shishkin and Lidia
P. Shishkina, Schemes Convergent $\varepsilon$-Uniformly for Parabolic
Singularly Perturbed Problems with a~Degenerating Convective Term and
a~Discontinuous Source, 641-657
Zhiyong Si, Yunxia Wang and Xinlong Feng, Modified Method of
Characteristics Variational Multiscale Finite Element Method for Time
Dependent Navier-Stokes Problems, 658-680
Suheil A. Khuri and Ali M. Sayfy, Numerical Solution of a Class of
Nonlinear System of Second-Order Boundary-ValueProblems: a
Fourth-Order Cubic Spline Approach, 681-700
From: Claude Brezinski claude.brezinski@univ-lille1.fr
Date: October 02, 2015
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 70 (2)
Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 70, Issue 2.
Efficient low-error analytical-numerical approximations for radial
solutions of nonlinear Laplace equations, John Haussermann, Robert
A. Van Gorder
Reusing Chebyshev points for polynomial interpolation, Saman Ghili,
Gianluca Iaccarino
conjugate gradient method with sufficient descent property, Hao Liu,
Haijun Wang, Xiaoyan Qian, Feng Rao
Estimating the condition number of f(A)b, Edvin Deadman
Verified error bounds for singular solutions of nonlinear systems, Zhe
Li, Haifeng Sang
Some remarks on the paper “Strong convergence of a self-adaptive
method for the spilt feasibility problemâ€Â, Haiyun Zhou, Peiyuan Wang
Error bounds for linear complementarity problems of MB-matrices,
Tingting Chen, Wen Li, Xianping Wu, Seakweng Vong
Efficient n-point iterative methods with memory for solving nonlinear
equations, Xiaofeng Wang, Tie Zhang
On the semilocal convergence of a three steps Newton-type iterative
process under mild convergence conditions, M. A. Hernandez-Veron,
Eulalia Martinez
Complexity analysis and numerical implementation of a full-Newton step
interior-point algorithm for LCCO, Mohamed Achache, Moufida Goutali
A key to choose subspace size in implicitly restarted Arnoldi method,
S. A. Shahzadeh Fazeli, Nahid Emad, Zifan Liu
The sparse cardinal sine decomposition and its application for fast
numerical convolution, François Alouges, Matthieu Aussal
Erratum to: “Comments on another hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm
for unconstrained optimization by Andreiâ€Â, Zhifeng Dai, Fenghua Wen
End of Digest