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    \ \                                                               / /

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ    GreeN CLoud Is Back !
  I can Restart to code trainers on
  GENESIS and others Consoles......
  After 3 months of inactivity !!!!

       ____:        ____:     ________:       :__       :________________
      /    |_____  /    |_____\__     !_______!  \_____ (__________.    /
     /  \  !  _  \/     !       /     ___________      \/     \    |___/_
   _/    \   /    \_____       /\_____      \___/      /       \   !     \
   \______\_/      \_____     /     _________/\       /\______ /__________\
.-----------l_______\---\____/\_____/----------\_____/-------\/[Sy-K!]----- -

                         ( DATE : End of June 1994 )

                           YoHo CoNsOle-FreAks !

  Here's GrEeN Cloud ! I'm back on the scene...why so long time after ?
   First reason was that i had lot of exams in my University and the
     the second reason was that some guys were busted near my Town.

      I decided to close my BBS 3 months for waiting less risks !
       Thiz one will reopen in end of June (ONLY INVITATION !!).

  Now i can code some trainers for GENESIS and of'coz help some friends
 who wants to code on GENESIS, SNES, GAME BOY... Enjoy the great MYSTIC
                 utils for all consoles coded by Empire.

   See Ya !                                      GREEN CLOUD / MYSTIC

SOme Hellos to my Old Friend :

Empire / MST    : Hope you like that i send to you, coding Rulez...
Axe / MST       : No news about you since 1 month ???
Incognito / MST : Call my BBS now ! Like to chat with You !
Vora / MST      : Vacation, i like it... Use condoms !!!
WildFire / MST  : Sorry i can't call you b'coz no CC's since 3 months !
Motte           : Call my BBS Now...you are so Coool.
Illuvator       : Great Californian BBS and kiss yar Baby for Me !

For a Bank of Data for coding on Consoles, call my BBS (Find It!), or
call da Best BBS : LAST OUTPOST and let me a message...

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|                          -> cLASSIc & gCs GHQ <-                          |
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|          sTRICLTy cLOSEd sYSTEm - 5 nODEs - sOON fOUr mORe nODEs          |
             Upload Date: [07-11-94] - Upload Time [18:35:12]
                [·SPEED TEXT ADVERTISER v1.09 BY DR.DRE!·]