                                     /  \                ____
          ___________ __________    /   \\  ____________/    |______ 
       ___\____      \_       __|__/__   \\/          _/     |_     |
.--- -|       /       /     _|       /    \\          |      _/     |- ---.
|     |______________/_______________\     \\_________|      |______|     |
|                               /           \\÷e÷   /________|            |
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|                                                 _________               |
|               _____________ ___________ _______|_       /               |
|            ___\____       /            \        /      |                |
`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
hOOdLUM MhQ          \    /  ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B]
  INSaNE USHQ         \  /       /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE]
    SNEaKERS TRHQ      \/            LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt]
      ARCLitE ASCii WhQ                NiGHt AsSAsSiN/SNK]
        NUT & BOLT WHQ      
          HYBRiD HQ                      
                          nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68
                          nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678
                          nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916
                          nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267
                          nODE 5: ++ASK-4-TELNET

|_________________________     _ ________:    |__________________________ |
|___  ______\_  /____ \   |__________    |    |____ \_______  ___  ______\|
| |   l/    / \/| \__  \  |      /  |   _|    | \__  \  __/   /|   l/    /|
| |   /    /    |   |   \ |     /   |   \_    :   |   \ \    / |   /    / |
| ø  /    /     |   |    \_    /    |    |    |   |    \_\  /__ø  /    /  |
| |______/|_____|___|     /___/     |____|____:___|     /_\___/|______/   |
| :                 |____/                    :   |____/       :[kAm]     |
|                                                                         |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:     c·R·U·x     WORLD-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:   a·T·O·M·i·c   WORLD-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA: h·E·L·L·F·i·R·e SWISS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:   m·O·T·i·O·n   SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  SNES!:  a·N·T·H·R·O·x  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  SEGA!:  a·N·T·H·R·O·x  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  ASCii:  a·R·T·c·O·R·e  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|                                                                         |
|                          Sysop:  FURY/PRESTiGE                          |
|        Cosysops:  DEATHKNiGHT, BEAST, ECHO&GUIDO, SNAKE & DELBOY        |
|                       -[dEViL&rAVEN]-, aRTiC CAT!                       |
|                                                                         |
|                 [ NODE-1: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                 [ NODE-2: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
| SYSPW REQUIRED! [ NODE-3: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]  NUP REQUIRED!  |
|                 [ NODE-4: ISDN X.75 ]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                 [ NODE-5: ISDN X.75 ]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                                                                         |

     /\  /\  /\  /\  /\__
    /\ \/ /\/ / /  \/    \
   / / / / / / / / / / / /
  / / /\  / /\/ __/ / / /
 /\/ / / / / / / / / / /
 Some infos on the discmag
     under preparation!

   :       ___________    ________                  ________     ______:_
 ÷dYLEm÷   \__       /__./       /__.     _ _______/       /__ _/      ·/
   : _______/_      /   |       /   |_________    _       /   Y        /
   :/     ___/   __/    |    __/    |     ___/  __/      /   \_/    __/:
  _/      /       \______     \_    |      \_   \_______/_    |      \_:
  \_____________\  /___________/____________/____________/____|____\  /:
   `----:--- -   \/   - ---:---------------------------------fRm/e^D\/-'
        :..................: ÷ sTONES yA aWAY fROM bOREDOM ÷--- -- -

Yeah.. I (KaliKone) got a weird idea some days ago... I decide to start
a discmag who looks like ROM, RAW, GENERATION, and so many more...
There won't be any charts ('coz most of them didn't show the reality )
Not only a message-part and/or news part like a shitty pack-stuff...
But a real news-based discmag, a kind of BIBLE...
That will be the name of our discmag... ( BIBLE )

Yes, in fact, I decide to start this discmag, because the mag's market
is going down, the quality falls, and everybody is complaining about
the poor quality...

That's why, instead to join the mass of people who's complaining every-
time, i'll work the best that i can on this discmag.. By this way, I'll
try to upgrade the quality and the diversity of the mag's market.

Well.. I'll need of alot of stuffs, like addies (Swap+BBS), news and
articles evidently... Everything is hot welcome!!

About the date of the release, i'll be happy if there will be the same
than our internal party ( 24-25 february )...

Of course, i had begin to work on the BIBLE!...

So i wait for our contributions, and i wish an happy new year with a lot
of delays.... Nobody is perfect :)

Then, the adress stuff:

Handle:         KALIKONE
Crew:           DYLEM
Ex-crews:       Sardonyx, Medellin
Real Name:      BREGNARD Alain
Adress:         Curtils 134B
                2944 Bonfol
Email Add:      Alain@logic.helvetica.ch
Fidonet Add:    2:301/706.23
Aminet Add:     44:8010/507.23
Amiganet Add:   39:110/1.23
And, of course, on most of swiss BBS ( Dial Hard, Braindead, Weyland
Yutany, Castles Rock ) and on a french one ( Frenchkiss; ANALOG FHQ )

  .--------------------------------------------- ---- --- --  -
  |   ___/\___  __/\.__  __/\.    __/\____/\_/\  _
- | - \______ \ \   l  \ \_  l___ \_  ____/\_  \/ \ -----------
  |    /    |  \/\____  \/   |   \/  __/___/  \  / \
  |   /     |   \    /   \   |    \  \     \   \/   \  - dylem!
  |   \____      \__      \__      \__      \__/     \_
- | ----- \_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/ -------

|_________________________     _ ________:    |__________________________ |
|___  ______\_  /____ \   |__________    |    |____ \_______  ___  ______\|
| |   l/    / \/| \__  \  |      /  |   _|    | \__  \  __/   /|   l/    /|
| |   /    /    |   |   \ |     /   |   \_    :   |   \ \    / |   /    / |
| ø  /    /     |   |    \_    /    |    |    |   |    \_\  /__ø  /    /  |
| |______/|_____|___|     /___/     |____|____:___|     /_\___/|______/   |
| :                 |____/                    :   |____/       :[kAm]     |
|                                                                         |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:     c·R·U·x     WORLD-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:   a·T·O·M·i·c   WORLD-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA: h·E·L·L·F·i·R·e SWISS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  AMiGA:   m·O·T·i·O·n   SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  SNES!:  a·N·T·H·R·O·x  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  SEGA!:  a·N·T·H·R·O·x  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|               =>>>  ASCii:  a·R·T·c·O·R·e  SWiSS-HQ  <<<=               |
|                                                                         |
|                          Sysop:  FURY/PRESTiGE                          |
|        Cosysops:  DEATHKNiGHT, BEAST, ECHO&GUIDO, SNAKE & DELBOY        |
|                       -[dEViL&rAVEN]-, aRTiC CAT!                       |
|                                                                         |
|                 [ NODE-1: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                 [ NODE-2: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
| SYSPW REQUIRED! [ NODE-3: 33.6 V.34+]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]  NUP REQUIRED!  |
|                 [ NODE-4: ISDN X.75 ]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                 [ NODE-5: ISDN X.75 ]  [ +41 ASK-4-iT ]                 |
|                                                                         |
                                     /  \                ____
          ___________ __________    /   \\  ____________/    |______ 
       ___\____      \_       __|__/__   \\/          _/     |_     |
.--- -|       /       /     _|       /    \\          |      _/     |- ---.
|     |______________/_______________\     \\_________|      |______|     |
|                               /           \\÷e÷   /________|            |
|                              /______________\                           |
|                                                 _________               |
|               _____________ ___________ _______|_       /               |
|            ___\____       /            \        /      |                |
`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
hOOdLUM MhQ          \    /  ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B]
  INSaNE USHQ         \  /       /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE]
    SNEaKERS TRHQ      \/            LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt]
      ARCLitE ASCii WhQ                NiGHt AsSAsSiN/SNK]
        NUT & BOLT WHQ      
          HYBRiD HQ                      
                          nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68
                          nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678
                          nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916
                          nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267
                          nODE 5: ++ASK-4-TELNET

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]