__,,__ ___ _ ,,xiXXXXXXXXXXix,, _ ___ .\ ,xXXX7^"" ""^4XXXx, /. | .iXX7' `4XXi. | | ,XXX7 4XXX, | | XXXX A S S E M B L Y XXXX : | XXXl 2 o o 4 lXXX . _____ ___ :___ ____ _______ _____ .______ _____ __\\__ \_ _/ _//___/ _//____/ _//__ ___\ _ \_ /_____| |_____/ / _/ \/ /-\_____ \_____ / _/ /. \\// / \\ . |__ / / \_____/ : |/ |/______\_____| \/____/_____/ :______//______/ /______|____|_______| |_____\ \_____| __|_____ _______ | h7/dS! \ \_ _____ _____ \_ /____ \__/ // _ \/ _ \ / / / / /. / \_ / \\_ / /. /______|________/______//______/ : . | : 05.8. - 08.8.2004 | | | | HARTWALL AREENA, HELSINKI | |_ _| |/______________________________\| [ F I N A L R E S U L T S ] (v1.02 2004/Aug/11 08:30:00) * * * These are the final results of ASSEMBLY 2004 held at Hartwall Areena in Helsinki, Finland from 5th to 8th of August 2004. This updated version fills in some details (jury members, platform information) and special competitions (unofficial & sponsors' events). The final results replace the interim results file released after the first prize ceremony. * * * Here you can find results for all official competitions held at ASSEMBLY plus results for numerous sponsored or unofficial compos. For more information about ASSEMBLY demo party, please visit www.assembly.org. To download competition entries and AssemblyTV video clips, visit www.scene.org or check other distribution sites from the main party site. For more information about competition results, please mail us at compo-contact@assembly.org. *** FIRST PRIZE CEREMONY *** [ Fast music competition ] Place Points Title 1 4673 Summer Rain by Ari 'artz' Pulkkinen 2 3083 No Way Out by KiWi 3 2787 LEFA RIKOLLISTEN MESTARIPÄÄLLIKKÖÖ by RIMBI 4 2679 Voidcatcha' by Santeri "pinza" Pilli 5 2620 Omituiset Otukset by Coloneil 6 2204 winterline by tomas 7 1230 Rempseähkö by Klapi 8 918 banaanikauppias by captured & kemooni n/a 22 Huumori Pois by Aikapallo n/a 20 too minutes by disbit n/a 17 Kahvinkeittimenkesyttäjä / Coffee-maker tamer by tArzAn n/a 17 wool you fool by lca n/a 15 4 Gor by Juippi n/a 15 Two Parts of a Story by ->LUKE<- / Amazement^Numedia Cyclops n/a 14 Tuulahduksia Metsästä by Prophecy n/a 12 Insane Gangrene by Inphernic Total of 16 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 8 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to jury points. Compo organizer: Mikko "Yolk" Karvonen Members of the jury: Anders Schau Knatten Johannes "vivid" Häyry Martti "Nanaste" Laitinen Ilari "Gnizhak" Tuominen Valtteri "Tsone" Heikkilä Martti Anttila Marius Balea [ Fast graphics competition ] Place Points Title 1 6064 So long, and thanks for all the fish! by Sh'ar 2 4291 Halpaa Lihaa by john peeba 3 3805 Dolphin by Irah 4 3671 Saharan Magic Dolphin by marzu 5 3487 Don't Lose the Ball by maxon 6 2943 Learning to Swim by Oozie 7 2434 Älä käy mulle... by paltsi 8 1510 welcome aboard! by Rhasa 9 1181 Jointtidelfiini by Delicio 10 868 Mee Uimaan by Havocplague of Immersion 11 819 darude by An2 n/a 1.8 Death By Sun by Random n/a 1.7 The ocean dried, the dolphin died by devil / scene.ee n/a 1.6 Condom! ...No It's Cactus by Kingi n/a 1.5 Dry Dolphine by McLad n/a 1.5 Ilmaston haamu by Efe / THP n/a 1.3 Oskun kesae by SDg n/a 1.2 Flipper rescue! by tAAt hallitsee n/a 1.2 Punainen delfiini by Kultti.org n/a 1.0 kuivaa on by Murales Pöhinöös n/a 1.0 Mirage by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops Total of 21 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 11 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 2.2 to 4.5 (out of maximum of 5.0). Compo organizer: Mika "doc" Porspakka Members of the jury: Jussi "Tug / tAAt" Mäki Valtteri "Tsone / Konelapsi" Heikkilä Antti "John Peeba / DHFC" Tiihonen Jyri "Stallone" Ullakko Lauri "Random / DHFC" Mäki Antti "Rahnarsson" Rähkönen Mikko "Mik / Armada^DHFC" Strandborg Joona "McClad / GRIN^tAAt" Poikonen [ Instrumental music competition ] Place Points Title 1 3710 The final run by !Cube / Armada + SCS*TRC + Skalaria 2 3427 Groove Damage by Paavo "Tarantula" Härkönen 3 2772 Music Box of The Damned by Firestorm / Doomsday 4 2182 The Last Dolphin by Huezo 5 1941 Dolemite's Theme by Little Bitchard 6 1619 For the Wind by _pk_ 7 1614 Summerdawn [asm '04 mix] by Synthetic Spirit 8 1608 And The King Fell by Reed / Fairlight 9 1534 Nau by Der/United Narsists 10 1328 Underwater by Joukahainen / Axes Denied 11 1104 Flaming Spring by Riotbot / Bombsquad n/a 2.9 Band of Lamers by Aikapallo n/a 2.8 Zero One by Mark Vera n/a 2.8 Under Siege by Inphernic n/a 2.8 Superfunk feat. Juha Assembly 2004 Mix by Red Trax n/a 2.8 Ganymede City by Disbit n/a 2.8 Disturbance by Exactly Precise n/a 2.7 Darkside Resurrection by Ari 'artz' Pulkkinen n/a 2.7 Guitar Symphony by Cairbre n/a 2.6 Onward (with the popcorn) by jugi n/a 2.4 Wonderland by Prophecy n/a 2.2 Observed Observer by Kalajärvi n/a 2.2 Denial by cubik n/a 2.2 The Scent Of God by Ernesto Aeroflot n/a 2.2 Call of Chrono by Signal n/a 2.2 Radio Tribe by aeb/Carillon n/a 2.2 revenge of the 6581 by gloom/excess & flipside n/a 2.2 battle of iskander by quasian n/a 2.1 Anthem Electronica by qmp n/a 2.1 Desert Theme by Nobody of Wild Light n/a 2.1 Easy Access by ->LUKE<- / Amazement^Numedia Cyclops n/a 2.1 Absense by Ambion n/a 2.1 Anthem Electronica by qmp n/a 2.0 All alone with wireframes by Frequent n/a 2.0 Lively Night by Coloneil n/a 2.0 Action Continues by Tomi Antikainen n/a 2.0 Credits by phaser n/a 2.0 We'll Numb Ya by Lassel Kikel & Anttix Funx n/a 1.9 Desert Dancing by Terminus / scene,ee n/a 1.9 Light Dub by Räätäli n/a 1.8 monophonic android by ajj n/a 1.8 The Introduction by reverie n/a 1.7 effeff by ierker / granma n/a 1.7 Myrskymekaniikan alkeet by Jean Nine n/a 1.6 Attractions by 1in10 n/a 1.5 Parts by Kahvi Collective n/a 1.5 Darkness by Rocktech n/a 1.4 BluesMambo by MC Kurppa n/a 1.4 Star Warez by My Synapse n/a 1.4 --- by Xdoz n/a 1.3 Kuthno el Salvam autmaam II by tonic n/a 1.3 Exhumation by Sorgeumus n/a 1.2 Liquid Dimension by Spetsnaz n/a 1.1 Sleepless Spirit by AdZ8Qb n/a 1.0 Ihana taivas by arto Total of 55 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 11 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 3.0 to 4.4 (out of maximum of 5.0). Compo organizer: Mikko "Yolk" Karvonen Members of the jury: Milan "Acumen" Kolarovic Juho "Signal" Korhonen Åsmund T. "Frequent" Johansen Anders Schau Knatten Ilari "Gnizhak" Tuominen Kalle "blues" Kalliomäki Martti Anttila Jouni "SnoakeR" Rissanen Juha Lahti Martti "Nanaste" Laitinen [ Drawn graphics competition ] Place Points Title 1 5917 city tree by Epos / Granma 2 4787 Safe Haven by Visualice 3 2551 Waikiki by Zarai 4 2477 hei olisko sulla sokeria? by progress 5 2303 Victim of Time by xeNusion of ACiD 6 1974 Inkkaripinkkari by john peeba 7 1783 Matriculation Exam by Rhasa 8 1739 Afternoon by Jokke 9 1586 Hit Music Only by Mazor / Fairlight 10 1528 Lotto Jackpot by Problem 11 1505 Funky Family of Farmer Fuzzycock by Reko / Instant Ejakulation 12 1282 F U Buddy by maxon 13 876 Polly wants a crackbaby by Kinnerean / Pyrotech 14 865 Magical moments by paltsi 15 765 Bonny Lass by phase1 of creators / decadence 16 735 Old crook by Partikle 17 720 Day Before Tomorrow by elukka 18 714 Rubberplastic by theodore 19 608 For the view by toukka 20 498 Twista Sista Permanent by Joil from Planet HASSERS n/a 4.4 Siesta by SDg n/a 4.4 Unready by Asasel n/a 4.4 nox by d'arcy/excess n/a 4.0 Find the little green men - again! by Scottie/bC! n/a 3.8 Bamboo Chicken by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops n/a 3.8 Nature Calls by Random n/a 3.0 Lonely Sailor by McK / Ananasmurska n/a 1.8 Page 35 by iNF n/a 1.5 Captain Chin by Kingi n/a 1.0 Paranoid by Joukahainen Total of 30 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 20 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 4.5 to 9.1 (out of maximum of 10.0). Compo organizer: Markus "Murk" Grannenfelt Members of the jury: Antti "H7" Kiuru Antti "Serge" Vassinen Mikko "mik" Strandborg Arten "Sh'ar" Goutsoul Lauri "Random" Mäki Antti "John Peeba" Tiihonen Jyri "Stallone" Ullakko Tero "Phase1" Antinkaapo Reko "Reko" Nokkanen [ Freestyle music competition ] Place Points Title 1 2626 Vår dag by Shanona 2 2216 Rakkaus meitä yhdistää by Harmonian polku 3 2080 Vietnam Veteran by Der/UN/Madeleine 4 1577 this night by numus 5 1513 Powerless by _pk_ 6 1242 Dolphin 2 - Dolphin's escape by Dixan 7 1219 Unlike Me by Tanja & Vesa 8 1165 Positive Vibe by Exactly Precise 9 898 Too Cute To Know You (110rnd Remix) by Candyass/110rnd n/a 2.8 Nanotech by Injektio n/a 2.8 Rough Around the Edges by Poème n/a 2.8 Android People by Mark Vera n/a 2.6 Günther toisaalla by Vilunen / Kaytanhousuja n/a 2.6 How Can We Be Lovers by damage / wAMMA n/a 2.6 laserboy meets robotgirl by lithis n/a 2.6 Hymynhyydyttäjä by Sirkkeli n/a 2.4 Revontulet by Aikapallo n/a 2.4 Vague by Mindflayer n/a 2.4 Monumoment by Churchill n/a 2.2 Stick härifrån by The Trixters n/a 2.2 Pain and Suffering by Hollow Cast n/a 2.2 Bad Songs Should Stay Untitled by Jean Nine n/a 2.2 Forsström Petri by HSC n/a 2.0 Claustrophobia by vfgdfg feat. XnmE n/a 2.0 Surfing through the gray by Rocktech And Zamu n/a 1.8 Suomen Parhaat Lanit by Lemonaid and Ion n/a 1.8 Conscience by Coloneil n/a 1.6 Skydiving by Aygonox n/a 1.0 Toivo by MC Kurppa n/a 1.0 banaanisose by rnn n/a 1.0 Yheksääkymppii by arto disq Ken-Ulla by The Trixters (reason: only one entry per author allowed, the jury ranked the other tune from same author higher) Total of 32 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 9 entries for the big screen and disqualified one entry. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 3.2 to 4.8 (out of maximum of 5.0). Compo organizer: Mikko "Yolk" Karvonen Members of the jury: Anders Schau Knatten Jouni "SnoakeR" Rissanen Milan "Acumen" Kolarovic Martti Anttila Ilari "Gnizhak" Tuominen [ Freestyle themed graphics competition ] Place Points Title 1 2487 Get Off My Back by poro 2 1395 Purple Cow by kris / rebels (amiga!) & clique 3 1131 Creeping flesh by Erikthon 4 1129 Hunger for Freedom by st Rana 5 977 Welkin Glow by Vertex 6 924 Jazzmaster Hunger by Hazul 7 922 A Dinner For Two by maxon 8 916 Kurjet by Lauri Eloranta 9 913 Summer Shine by Pege, Mad Crew 10 848 The Core by Nek / Quadra 11 814 Harvester by spikey 12 753 Your TV loves you by Partikle 13 749 Assault on Fort Batenburg by marzu 14 718 Shining Bulb by Visualice 15 616 Space Mayhem by A.S.Corp 16 386 naelaekae by Duce/Extend 17 386 Too many by toukka 18 266 Sontiaismolottaja, Sontiaismolottaja by Hz by AmigaONE n/a 4.7 Shining Go by Draugo Silverscale n/a 4.7 She's got a ticket to ride by Apaksi / Lasi Interactive n/a 4.5 Setting Soul by Milan Kolarovic (a.k.a. Acumen) n/a 4.5 the day i saw my ghost by nosfe n/a 4.2 Honeysuckle by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops n/a 4.2 Recharging by wound n/a 4.2 The End of The by Kataja n/a 4.2 Dinner for 2 by Mary-Lou n/a 4.2 Motherly Love by SMR of Subexit n/a 3.7 Pyyhi jalkasi by b. o. w. n/a 3.7 Lennän minkä ennän by aziiz n/a 3.0 comming home by iiK n/a 3.0 Shiner by J.J. n/a 3.0 Final Game by Nappe1 / R.R.E n/a 2.7 Luminance by BlazeTM n/a 2.5 Daybreak on Amon-Ra by devil / scene.ee n/a 1.0 Legoman Forever by isw of SoCS n/a 0.0 Cardiac Arrest by DeCoder / lucid Total of 36 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 18 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 5.0 to 9.0 (out of maximum of 10.0). Compo organizer: Markus "Murk" Grannenfelt Members of the jury: Rasa "Rhasa" Gabrenaite-Verkhovskaya Anatoly M. "Xx" Verkhovsky Ilari "Spikey" Lehtinen Antti "Serge" Vassinen [ Oldskool music competition ] Place Points Title 1 2731 Da Smit Eastwood Jacks by Skalaria [C64] 2 2049 Last Try by Britelite / Dekadence [C64] 3 1440 Waste of Time by Jammic/Skalaria 4 1371 A Big Bad Party Robot by KiWi [MOD] 5 1354 Wonderland by SounDemoN [C64] 6 1290 The Dragon Returns by Reed / Fairlight 7 1235 The Dark Came Swinging by Santeri "pinza" Pilli 8 969 Fussy Mack by Lofihile and Aeroflot [MOD] 9 783 All Hail the Caffeine Monster by Gasman [ZX Spectrum] 10 723 2 SLOW 2 BORING by deetsay [C64] 11 637 Flying With "Never Noised" by C-Jeff 12 617 Final Music by aeb/Carillon [Nintendo Game Boy] 13 608 First Encounter by Chaj [C64] 14 523 Oikean Kaden Pakkoliike by Player One / Dekadence [C64] 15 506 TitFunk by Teel/Mattcurrent n/a 2.3 Banana Strawberry Perry Pineapple etc by Lofihile [XM] n/a 2.2 brasilia by chuck norris / wAMMA [XM] n/a 2.2 Thunderloop by Jean Nine [MOD] n/a 2.2 Keep Rockin' by Little Bitchard [XM] n/a 2.0 Terssilasku by Lofihile [MOD] n/a 2.0 Time For Tennis by tempest/fairlight a.k.a. dr.vector/megahawks [S3M] n/a 2.0 ripuli by lemmis [XM] n/a 2.0 JoJo The Monkey's Mushroom Island Adventure by artz [S3M] n/a 1.9 bleep of faith by raina [XM] n/a 1.8 those were the days by chuck norris / wAMMA [XM] n/a 1.8 Dr. Wilys Last Robot by Coloneil [S3M] n/a 1.8 Drunken Bass (Kaennikala) by Jean Nine [MOD] n/a 1.7 Gridspurmal Wife by gremino & roskanaama/säästöpojat [XM] n/a 1.7 Basic Lines by Petrified [IT] n/a 1.6 Donnerwetter by Inphernic [XM] n/a 1.6 Little Mary Went Fishing by Prophecy [S3M] n/a 1.6 Golfpornclip by Jean Nine [MOD] n/a 1.5 alloy estente by chuck norris / wAMMA [XM] n/a 1.5 asmkaali by lemonade [XM] n/a 1.3 Lokki Larsian by Uskovaisten Poika / säästöpojat [XM] n/a 1.3 monophonic android 64k by ajj [XM] n/a 1.3 The Journey of Ignorance by ->LUKE<- / Amazement^ Numedia Cyclops [S3M] n/a 1.3 Kuistin Rakennus by Ernesto Aeroflot [XM] n/a 1.3 My Mother Was A Cosmic Ninja Slayer by Zium [XM] n/a 1.2 Duckie World Order by Inphernic [XM] n/a 1.2 Strongbullet vampire edges by säästöpojat vs. KING'S [XM] n/a 1.2 Clavmarks (Song for Herbie) by Rondo [XM] n/a 1.2 g. by Syntax Errol [XM] n/a 1.2 boozembly hills cop versus reed the dragon by sauli [XM] n/a 1.2 Dual Blade Fighter by Toaster [XM] n/a 1.2 Matkalaukku by JDruid [XM] n/a 1.0 Pump It Trax #69 by rm/rno/dekadence [S3M] n/a 1.0 MK VI by 1in10 [XM] n/a 0.0 Tottero by Beathawk Total of 49 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 15 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 2.4 to 3.6 (out of maximum of 5.0). Compo organizers: Tommi "Dr. Doom" Raulahti Jani "Dr. Dick" Tikkanen Members of the jury: Sampsa "TexMex" Lehtonen Vesa "Vesuri" Halttunen Santeri "Pinza" Pilli Ilkka "DrVeriEevil" Savilampi Tuomas "Nonix4" Heino Matthew "Gasman" Westcott Ville "Viznut" Heikkilä Paul "EvilPaul" Grenfell Tero "Deetsay" Mäyränen Ari "Agemixer" Yliaho Joona "Asobu" Pulliainen [ Oldskool graphics competition ] Place Points Title 1 4761 COCILLANA by Electric/Extend [C64] 2 3911 PEACEMAKER by Duce / Extend [C64] 3 3760 Mun Mirri (My Pussy) by Britelite / Dekadence [C64] 4 3631 Enemy territory by phase1 / creators, dekadence [C64] 5 2353 Snes Girl - Wanna play? by DrVeriEevil [Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)] 6 1925 Fading Memory by blackdroid / Wrath Designs 7 1863 Brahe by aeb/Carillon [VIC-20] 8 1780 Menergy by tempest/fairlight 9 928 VAEAERINPAEIN by lepaenkaeaeroekaersaekaes / oetoekaet [C64] 10 778 Love Mario by Asobu 11 254 Torttunaama by W0 n/a 1.9 KYAAAAAAAAA!! by DrVeriEevil [Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)] n/a 1.9 Hermannin faija by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops n/a 1.8 mosaic by ascizo / kerma [C64] n/a 1.5 naamioitu kostaja by png/kerma [C64] Total of 15 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 11 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 2.0 to 4.4 (out of maximum of 5.0). Compo organizers: Tommi "Dr. Doom" Raulahti Jani "Dr. Dick" Tikkanen Members of the jury: Sampsa "TexMex" Lehtonen Vesa "Vesuri" Halttunen Santeri "Pinza" Pilli Ilkka "DrVeriEevil" Savilampi Tuomas "Nonix4" Heino Matthew "Gasman" Westcott Ville "Viznut" Heikkilä Paul "EvilPaul" Grenfell Tero "Deetsay" Mäyränen Ari "Agemixer" Yliaho Joona "Asobu" Pulliainen [ Oldskool demo competition ] Place Points Title 1 7544 Halfway There by Dekadence [C64] 2 5935 Major Release by dA JoRMaS [Amiga 500] 3 5651 Back in the Good Old Days by Carillon [VIC-20] 4 3551 We Control by Fairlight 5 2625 kymmene by Aspekt [C64] 6 1447 Stick Up Game by evilpaul-4mat-eater [ZX Spectrum] 7 893 Emulated by Ozzy Oldskool of Upstars [C64] n/a Lentävä Matto by ISO [C64] Total of 8 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 7 entries for the big screen. Average jury points for the qualified entries ranged from 2.0 to 4.0 (out of maximum of 5.0). Compo organizers: Tommi "Dr. Doom" Raulahti Jani "Dr. Dick" Tikkanen Members of the jury: Sampsa "TexMex" Lehtonen Vesa "Vesuri" Halttunen Santeri "Pinza" Pilli Ilkka "DrVeriEevil" Savilampi Tuomas "Nonix4" Heino Matthew "Gasman" Westcott Ville "Viznut" Heikkilä Paul "EvilPaul" Grenfell Tero "Deetsay" Mäyränen Ari "Agemixer" Yliaho Joona "Asobu" Pulliainen [ 4k intro competition ] Place Points Title 1 6980 San Angeles Observation by tonic, !Cube, st Rana [Windows] 2 5906 Feet4 by AND [Windows] 3 4805 Micropolis by TBC/Mainloop [Windows] 4 2740 Evolutio by Northern Dragons [Windows] 5 2297 Je Regrette by Fit & Bandwagon [Linux] 6 1555 Factory by bemz [Windows] 7 1458 Escape From The Planet Of The Apes by Digital Devotion [Windows] 8 1071 Smells Like Fish by Axes Denied [Windows] 9 691 Cubic Revolution by Itchi / Lonely Coders [Windows] 10 670 piNp by Juippi & Trilkk (& Warma) [Linux] 11 668 Borots by XZM [Windows] 12 437 Naive Flowers by Aspekt [Linux] 13 399 Doobie by zoi, blackis, kallekanin and plague [Linux] 14 110 Lätäkkö by Apaksi / Lasi Interactive [Linux] n/a Flowers by Sula [Windows] n/a Disco by Efe / THP [Java] disq 10969 Rebirth by Push Entertainment [Amiga] (reason: soundtrack heavily uses copyrighted material without permission from the original author) disq A Little Shady by Loonies [Windows] (reason: did not work on the compo machine) disq Synchrozoid by Ananamurska [Windows] (reason: did not work on the compo machine) Total of 19 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 15 entries for the big screen and disqualified two non-working entries. One of the entries shown on the big screen was disqualified after the first prize ceremony. Compo organizers: Matti "Tundrah" Tiainen Mikko "Sivu" Sivulainen Members of the jury: Valtteri "Tsone" Heikkilä Kristian "Apaksi" Kristola Lauri "BioNik / 2ndpoint" Hakkarainen Tuomas "Akahito" Kristola Kosti Rytkönen Jaakko "Rascal" Jumisko *** UNOFFICIAL COMPOS *** [ Unofficial ANSI/ASCII competition ] Place Points Title 1 6026 East 1999 by hseven 2 5459 kallo-otus by ansichrist 3 2104 Cyan highlights are ugly by webpige0n 4 1891 Follow your heart by diamondie 5 1572 tukkail by random 6 1338 poison lips by kokki 7 897 Cubist Kungfu by ricky m 8 836 pen15 logo by unseen fate of pen15 9 676 taiteilijan ahdinko by tribe 10 521 dO yOU REMEMBER by yOP 11 438 Enjoy by fts [ Warcraft 3 competition ] 1 Dsky`Envious 2 Multani 3 Leijonamieli This competition was organized by Lari "Steelrasp" Sihvo. The games were played on participants' own computers in the party network. [ Unreal Tournament 2004 competition ] 1 Smile3 2 cubik 3 osir This competition was organized by Smil3 and Dsky`Gibber. The games were played on participants' own computers in the party network. [ Portrait drawing competition by The Alternative Party ] 1 73 Ansichrist 2 38 Pizte Gamez 3 30 Rad Man 4 29 Bass Cadet 5 21 Ravel 6 20 Mck 7 15 Kraku 8 12 Owli 9 11 Tug 10 10 paparazzi 11 8 Theodore 12 7 DiamonDie 13 6 K4M3L1 13 6 Mystica 13 6 Isw of Socks 16 2 Roosa 17 1 Lumiufo 17 1 A 17 1 Baggio 20 0 Moo 20 0 gRAFFA (gRAHVE) This competition was organized by the Alternative Party. The task was to draw a picture of Abyss, the main organiser of Assembly. You were to use paper and a pen. [ Vox humana live music competition by the Alternative Party ] 1 114 Jaffa 2 111 tAAt 3 76 Die Rebels This competition was organized by the Alternative Party. You were to produce music using your mouth but no words were allowed. So, you could do "beat-boxing" for example. [ Most innovative entry nominated by The Alternative Party ] Sormiväritelkkari by tAAt (from the Short film competition) *** SPONSOR'S COMPETITIONS *** [ Fastest PC competition by Coolputer ] 1 13386 Peter Ryynänen (AMD Athlon(tm) 64 2706MHz, ATI RADEON X800 XT) 2 12563 Matias Kivelä (Intel Pentium 4 3514MHz, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT) 3 10753 Joni Lökfors (AMD Athlon(tm) XP/MP/4 2222MHz, ATI RADEON X800 XT) [ Coolest Case competition by Coolputer ] 1 Antti Hara (location: D6/29-30) 2 Lassi Niemistö (location: D15/18) 3 Antti Kinnunen (location: C11/10) [ Colin McRae tournament by MBnet ] 1 ak- (time: 9:05,41) 2 beetle (time: 9:08,79) 3 tuuppari (time: 9:21,57) [ FlatOut tournament by MBnet ] 1 del1987 (time: 3:13,21) 2 loorni (time: 3:14,16) 3 rahiant (time: 3:14,22) *** SECOND PRIZE CEREMONY *** [ Disk throwing ] 1 64 m Antti Pohjola 2 57 m Tuomas Launiainen 3 55 m Antti Tourunen [ CD throwing ] 1 58 m Anatoly Verkhovsky 2 57 m Kalle Kataja 3 56 m Keijo Loisa [ Street basketball ] 1 Team Asm03&04Winners 2 Josken homopojat 3 Texas Group [ ASUS Soccer competition ] 1 Sugarboyz 2 Team Höyryhirvi 3 Team Läski [ ASUS DDR competition ] 1 Lauri "Smooth" Turunen 2 Joonas "jka" Kapiainen 3 Marko "redix" Ahola [ Game development competition ] Place Points Title 1 12001 B.A.L.L.O by Marelwish production [Windows] 2 7225 TSS Demo by Aukiogames [Windows] 3 6747 StarFight: Comrades by JP-Production Finland Inc. [Windows] 4 4374 Dismount Levels Preview by tAAt 2004 [Windows] 5 3303 Gangsta Fodder: Return 2 the hood by Divided by Ice [Java] 6 2879 RullakkoRalli - Trolley Rally by Lasi Interactive [Linux] 7 2479 Cadog Adventures by TA Studios [Windows] Total of 7 entries were submitted to this competition and all of them were qualified for the big screen. Entries in this competition were evaluated by the CompoCrew and released for the visitors to play with. [ Counter-Strike 5-on-5 Team Tournament ] 1 Team: mixtralis (players: vaahto, bloodR, tihOp, kuviCk, Darn, niQ) 2 Team: FF (players: drunk, Lopa, Crimis, Jbld, blzrd) 3 Team: redruM (players: Bigi, Donatello, Koistinen, naukkis, NicoustiE) Total of 16 teams were invited to participate in this tournament. Tournament bracket: <http://compo.cutery.fi/2004/assembly/cs>. [ The First Ever Doom 3 Tournament ] 1 Vesa Nieminen 2 Jalmari Vattulainen 3 Johannes Vähätalo Almost 150 players participated for the qualification rounds of the world's first ever public Doom 3 tournament. [ Call of Duty Tournament ] 1 D-Skyline 2 E-Star 3 Southpoint.SE 4 Idioblast 5 Insta-Gods 6 asm04.team 7 BYE 8 BYE [ 64k intro competition ] Place Points Title 1 17023 The Prophecy - Project Nemesis by Conspiracy [Windows] 2 10292 Wessyde by RNO [Amiga] 3 10139 Parallaksirasva - Parallax Fat by tAAT 2004 [Windows] n/a The Crime by Kraviz & Peregrinius n/a Transportation by Pkettu Total of 5 entries were submitted to this competition and 3 entries were qualified for the big screen. Due the low number of entries, the CompoCrew evaluated the entries by itself. Compo organizers: Juusi "Deck" Salmijärvi Matti "Tundrah" Tiainen Mikko "Sivu" Sivulainen [ Short film competition ] Place Points Title 1 6647 Kanava OMEGA by Tekotuotanto 2 5142 Cursed Forest 4 by Pelld Productions 3 4176 Demoreel 2004 by F. Dice Studios 4 4094 Kontula: Underkraund by Kontula GhettoCrew 5 2961 Sormiväritelkkari by tAAt 6 2694 Avaruusseikkailu by A.S.Corp. 7 1893 Ernesto Aeroflot : Two Dimension Woman by Oktol 8 1587 Vilkutin IV by Pyrmiö Group 9 1436 Salesman by Dice Production 10 1387 Lemes Gond Returns by HOViNET team 11 1239 if i could trade this ache for indifference by nosfe 12 865 tAAtbusters by gNNg 13 542 tume-3 by aem n/a 5.2 SpaceCat 2 by Kultti.org n/a 5.2 The Universe is Shaky by Hasso Neurath Foundation n/a 5.2 Power On by LUME-GROUP n/a 4.6 Fabio-TV by #Risteys n/a 4.6 Syvältä by Amazement n/a 4.2 1024 by Tsone / Konelapsi n/a 3.8 Bridgeliverslat by PoMeGaLa Cinema n/a 3.5 Progression by Visualice & PS n/a 3.2 The 911 Challenge by ACiD n/a 2.7 RR2 by Last Moment Panic Productions n/a 2.6 fuckhead by satori n/a 2.6 Apple Vendetta by Overnight Productions n/a 1.8 Sirkan metafyysinen tyyli by säästöpojat feat. lempeät kuninkaat disq 2069 An Italian in Malta by Rawnoise / The Lab (reason: no permission to use copyrighted audio track) disq 1195 The Jolly Gypsy Man by The Benny Holmström Posse (reason: no permission to use copyrighted music) disq Miliisi TV by Metsolan Kuvaajat (reason: no permission for copyrighted music) disq Die Akte by PADse (reason: no permission for copyrighted music) disq 0xFF by Leiponen & Vormula (reason: exceeds the file size limit) disq Best Hits Of Assembly by Hkelukka (reason: exceeds the file size limit) Total of 32 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 15 entries for the big screen and disqualified four entries. Two entries were disqualified after being shown on the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 5.5 to 9.0 (out of maximum of 10.0). Compo organizers: Antti "H7" Kiuru Mika "Doc" Porspakka Members of the jury: tba [ Browser demo competition ] Place Points Title 1 9872 Mooncheese by Shingebis [Javascript & DHTML] 2 9384 the Summer is HERE! by kellari & inapt [Flash] 3 5404 Kontrast by Pyrotech [Flash] 4 2682 Governmentro by MukaSmarts [Shockwave 3D & Flash] 5 2649 Party Island by Poro & Exca [Flash] 6 2255 Kuutioprojekti by Plinc [Flash] Total of 6 entries were submitted to this competition all of which qualified for the big screen. Compo organizer: Mika "Doc" Porspakka Members of the jury: Arttu "Avatar" Iisalo Pekka "Breweri" Riipinen Jalmari Raippalinna Hannu Pelkonen Riku-Ville "Project / Fobia Design" Mäkelä [ Mobile demo competition ] Place Points Title 1 7370 Uhka idästä by Jumalauta [Nintendo Game Boy Advance] 2 7258 Spirit by Ex-Euthanasia [PocketPC (Presented with HP iPAQ 4100, 400 MHz XScale CPU)] 3 5692 Kalmo by Rokkstar [Symbian Series 60 (Presented with Sony Ericsson P900)] 4 3856 Jenny Thinks by Fit and Bandwagon [GamePark GP32] 5 3191 ffi by ka, alien/vd [Series 40 Java (Presented with Nokia 6230)] 6 3062 CordClipper by cord-less [Symbian Series 60 (Presented with Nokia 6600)] Total of 6 entries were submitted to this competition all of which qualified for the big screen. Compo organizer: Ville "wiba" Vatén Members of the jury: Tuomas "ka / ananas" Kärkkäinen Petri Nordlund Arto Astala Johannes "vivid" Häyry Jaakko "Megamies" Pyykkölä Pekka "xybo" Mäenpää [ Demo competition ] Place Points Title 1 7344 Obsoleet by Unreal Voodoo [Windows/Linux] 2 5958 Planet Risk by Andromeda Software Development [Windows] 3 5135 MOPED by Mayoneez and the Boys [Windows] 4 4496 Come Clean by Fairlight-sektion new direktion [Windows] 5 4216 we cell by kewlers [Windows] 6 3322 Elektronimusiikkia by Matt Current [Windows] 7 2138 Hevonen laukkaa takatak ja pitää turpansa kiinni. by DHFC [Windows] 8 1948 47`100.0 by Faktory [Windows] 9 1695 Laav by tAAt 2004 [Windows] 10 1458 Flow Control by Cubicle [Windows] 11 1450 I am by Traction [Windows] 12 1048 Jalousie by Moppi Productions [Windows] 13 798 vIIt by noice [Windows] 14 599 Fr-021: D (Stands For) by Farb-rausch [Windows] 15 445 Secret Government Thing by Nesnausk! [Windows] n/a 5.0 Brothers by Kooma [Windows] n/a 4.8 Foobar by Bad Karma / Zale [Windows] n/a 3.4 Squalor by Fallow [Windows] Total of 18 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 15 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for the qualified entries ranged from 5.1 to 8.2 (out of maximum of 10.0). Compo organizers: Juusi "Deck" Salmijärvi Matti "Tundrah" Tiainen Mikko "Sivu" Sivulainen Members of the jury: tba ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party archive @ ftp.scene.org