Digital Nexus 2001 - Results

.general info.

Digital Nexus is a Demo Party Held in Athens/Greece from August 31 to September 2nd 2001
The Digital Nexus Official site is at

14 productions were shown/played during the Digital Nexus 2001 (On Saturday Night)

3 Demos (1 64kb intro)
4 Handdrawn Graphics (1 contribution from Poland as well)
7 Multichannel music pieces (4 XMs, 2 IT's 1 MOD)

.mixed demo competition.

Rnk Production Name		Group			Votes		Shown

1.  Cadence and Cascade		A.S.D.			65		(Shown 3rd)
2.  Atsou			Optimus & Badsector	42		(Shown 1st)
3.  cubez (64k)			wfc & messiah		35		(Shown 2nd)

.handdrawn graphics competition.

Rnk Production Name		Author(s)		Votes		Shown

1.  Atomic bubblegum		fm/dEUS & iM/theLab	49		(Shown 1st)
2.  Corpses of dreams		Amoivikos/A.S.D.	43		(Shown 2nd)
3.  Born to be wild		Mime/grid		41		(Shown 3rd)
4.  Flight			Aliasmedron/Padua	05		(Shown 4th)

.multichannel music competition.

Rnk Production Name		Author(s)		Votes		Played

1.  Frogs			moT/dEUS		34		(Played 2nd)
2.  Stuck in the chimney	aMUSiC/Split Infinity	32		(Played 3rd)
3.  Challenger			Aliasmedron/Padua	17		(Played 7th)
4.  x-place			Amigo/The Lab		15		(Played 5th)
5.  Changes			Amoivikos/A.S.D		13		(Played 1st) (3 1st Votes)
6.  Theater of magic		cjDib			13		(Played 4th) (2 2nd Votes)
7.  Melodied			Darkrose		13

Party archive @