+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tHIS fILE hAS bEEN uPLOADED tO | | -- -+--*---=>.. bLOODY dECISION ..<=---*--+- -- | | dA bD sTAFF: pHAZE^mAZ! -» sARGOR -» cENOBYTES -» lUZIFER -» hOMEBOY | | [sKID rOW gERMAN hEADQUARTERS!] | | [49-232-425791] | +---------> uPLOADED tIME aND dATE: Sun Jan 31 21:17:37 1993 <---------+ ¤ __________.___. __________.___ /\__________________.___ ._________________ | _ | | | _ | \/ /\ \ _ |\ \| __________ / | |\___| | | |\___| /\ \/ \__/| |/ \ | | | \ | ___|_ |_|_ ___|_ \/ / __ \ | / \ | | | \ | |/ | / | |/ \ / /\ / / | \ / | | | / |_________|_______|_______|\______/ \___\ / |____|\_ /_______|____|_ / [=========================================\/-OEP ======\/===============\/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | This File was Leeched from: Gates Of Asgard ELEVATION WHQ | | | | 4 NODES! ALL 16800 DUALS! 1 GIG On-LINE + DAT BACKUPS | | | | Node1 +1-501-982-1933 Ring down to other nodes! | | | | CooL Amiga, PC, SNES and XXX Areas Call NOW! | | | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to read this then download it! No free loaders here!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ·············································································· --> DiD U AL®EADY CALL THE W0®LD FAM0U$ TA®KU$ TEAM GE®MAN HEADQUA®TE® ... _ _ _ _ _ __/ |__| \_________/ \_____/ \_____/ \____ _ _ _ \_ | | _/ \_____ \_ _/:\_____ V \/ |. | | .|. | |.__| __|. |:::|. | .| -[-SYZ:-ALI-BABA-]- |¦ | | :|¦ | |¦\__ ¬|¦ |:/¯|¦ | :| -[--C0:-DCSL!----]- .|° : : ¦|° : |° | |° |¯ |° : ¦|s .|_____ °A____ A___| _A____ A____ °|c {49}405244517 :_ _\_/ \_/_ |_/ _\_/_ \_/_ _ _____| \__/ \_________/ \_________/ \ / \_____/ \_________/ \____ _ _ _ \_ | \_____/ \_ _/:\_____ .V \_____/ \_____ .V \/ |. | .|. |. | |. |:::| __| :|. | |. |. | |. | :| s|¦ | ¦|: |¦ | |¦ |:/¯| \__ ¦|¦ |_ |: |¦ | |¦ | ¦|s c|° : °|¦ |° : |° |¯ | | °|° |:\_|¦ |° : |° | °|c :\_____/|° _A_______A____ A_ |___A_ |:::|° _A_______A___| _| . |_/ \_/ \_| \_|¯¯¯|_/ |_/ : : : : . . . : [30-Jan-93]-[00:26:36] . iT$ NUTTiN $PECiAL, ®UNNiNG 0N L8TE$T AMiEX, 500 MEGS $T0®AGE, 8 MEGZ ®AM -> P®E$ENTiNG Y0U MEGAFA$T (BLABLABLA) /\MiG/\ AND $NE$/FAMiC0M $TUFF! ... BUT THi$ i$ A PLACE WHE®E C00L F®iEND$HiP R00LZ, N0 $HiTTY ELiTEZ!! ### bABaTXT by aLi bABa! ### ________ /\__ ___ ___/\ /\_______________/\/\__________ / \ /o . \ /o \ |. \/o \o ___ \ ____. \ \ o . \ // /\\ \ // \|| \\ /\__/| /__ \/o \. \\ / || \\ \ // /_ \\ \ // \: // / || __/ || .|__/// |: |\\ \// ~ \// \// |. . // / ___/\: \ _/\: \\ \ / . |// // /\ : \\ |\\ /: \/ /. \/ /. |\\ / \____/ ____/____/ \. ____\____| \____/\. ________/|________/\____| \\ / \/ ~ \/ ~ ~ \/ ~ ~ \/ ------------------ _____________/\_____ ___ ___/\_______/\ SYSoP:DCSL/TARKUS TEAM \. o /o __ \ /o \ |. \o ___ \ \\ // // / \\ \ // \|| \\ /__ \/ Co-SYSoP:TERMINATOR/AFL \// // / \\ \// \: // __/ ------------------ // /\\ \__ // // |. . // \ _/\ HST ONLY! ELITE USER! \\ // \\ \// /\\ |\\ /: \/ / FAST 0-DAY WAREZ! \________\_____ / \____| \____/|________/ US-IMPORTS EVERYDAY! ~ \/ ~ ~ [TE] -------------------- CALL NOW: NODE0 +49 (0)30 401-3923 *DANGER ZONE* --- ----------------------------- NODE1 +49 (0)30 401-SOON *TARKUS TEAM EHQ* ______ ______ ____ _ _ ____ |. _/_ ___ ___ _ _ ___ |. _/_ ___ ____ |. __|.|| |: _ | /| |. |:_ |: /|.| |/. / /| |. _|. |. | || __||~_ |||_|| \: |:|_|_\ |_ \|:__|\\ \ \: |:__|:|_|:\/_| |:___|:||_|:__ |_ \/~\/~ ~\/ \/\/ ~ /__/ \/~\/ ~\/~ \/~~ \/ ~\/ ~ ~~ ~|_/[TE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS FILE WAS UPLOADED ON THE : 29-Jan-93 AT 22:22:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Berlin , den 29.01.93! Betreff: Aktivitaet der Berliner Polizei.. Hi..also es hat den Anschein,dass die Polizei in Berlin immer noch keine Ruhe gibt! Folgendes passierte RADIOxxxx/MixixxxY: Da er kein eigenes Telefon hat,benutzte er das Geschaefts-Telefon eines guten Freundes zum Rumcallen! Die Telefonnummer dieses Geschaeftes hat er nur in 1 oder 2 berliner Boards angegeben,die wirklich voice validieren wollten! Nun rief er mich gerade an (20.10Uhr) und erzaehlte mir,das die Polizei bei besagtem Geschaeft (von dem aus er callte),und bei den Eltern seines Freundes vorbeischauten und nach seinem Namen fragten ("Gibt es ihnen im Geschaeft einen Ibrahim ??? / Und ihnen ist auch kein Ibrahim bekannt ??") Sein Freund verneinte dieses! Daruf hin fragten sie noch einmal,ob die Telefonnummer die sie hatten mit der vom Geschaeft ueber- einstimmt ?? Danach sahen sie sich noch ein wenig um,untersuchten den Rechner des Geschaeftes...(auf dem KEINE RAUBKOPIEN WAREN!!) und zogen danach wieder unverrichteter Dinge ab! Diese soll kein Panik-Text sein,wie ihn ja viele Leute schreiben, sondern es ist eine Tatsache und sollte uns alle warnen,da die Polizei anscheinend doch nicht so Tatenlos rumsitzt,sondern bemueht ist Leute dingfest zu machen!! Was ich nur verwunderlich finde ist, dass die Polizei nur aufgrund von einer TELEFONNUMMER solche Aktionen startet! Eine weitere Frage soll sein,wo die Telefonnumer her sein koennte ?? Also entweder verfolgt die Kripo nun spuren (Adressen,Telefonnummern usw), die sie bei den Bustings damals sichergestellt haben,oder es gibt wirklich jemanden der mit der Polizei zusammenarbeitet oder seinen eigenen Hals zu retten versucht, und deshalb irgendwelche Leute in die SCHEISSE zu reiten !! Auf jeden Fall sollten wir alle weiterhin vorsichtig sein.... [-AmøK-] --> DiD U AL®EADY CALL THE W0®LD FAM0U$ TA®KU$ TEAM GE®MAN HEADQUA®TE® ... _ _ _ _ _ __/ |__| \_________/ \_____/ \_____/ \____ _ _ _ \_ | | _/ \_____ \_ _/:\_____ V \/ |. | | .|. | |.__| __|. |:::|. | .| -[-SYZ:-ALI-BABA-]- |¦ | | :|¦ | |¦\__ ¬|¦ |:/¯|¦ | :| -[--C0:-DCSL!----]- .|° : : ¦|° : |° | |° |¯ |° : ¦|s .|_____ °A____ A___| _A____ A____ °|c {49}405244517 :_ _\_/ \_/_ |_/ _\_/_ \_/_ _ _____| \__/ \_________/ \_________/ \ / \_____/ \_________/ \____ _ _ _ \_ | \_____/ \_ _/:\_____ .V \_____/ \_____ .V \/ |. | .|. |. | |. |:::| __| :|. | |. |. | |. | :| s|¦ | ¦|: |¦ | |¦ |:/¯| \__ ¦|¦ |_ |: |¦ | |¦ | ¦|s c|° : °|¦ |° : |° |¯ | | °|° |:\_|¦ |° : |° | °|c :\_____/|° _A_______A____ A_ |___A_ |:::|° _A_______A___| _| . |_/ \_/ \_| \_|¯¯¯|_/ |_/ : : : : . . . : [30-Jan-93]-[00:26:36] . iT$ NUTTiN $PECiAL, ®UNNiNG 0N L8TE$T AMiEX, 500 MEGS $T0®AGE, 8 MEGZ ®AM -> P®E$ENTiNG Y0U MEGAFA$T (BLABLABLA) /\MiG/\ AND $NE$/FAMiC0M $TUFF! ... BUT THi$ i$ A PLACE WHE®E C00L F®iEND$HiP R00LZ, N0 $HiTTY ELiTEZ!! ### bABaTXT by aLi bABa! ### __________.___. __________.___ /\__________________.___ ._________________ | _ | | | _ | \/ /\ \ _ |\ \| __________ / | |\___| | | |\___| /\ \/ \__/| |/ \ | | | \ | ___|_ |_|_ ___|_ \/ / __ \ | / \ | | | \ | |/ | / | |/ \ / /\ / / | \ / | | | / |_________|_______|_______|\______/ \___\ / |____|\_ /_______|____|_ / [=========================================\/-OEP ======\/===============\/ This File was Leeched from: Gates Of Asgard ELEVATION WHQ 4 NODES! ALL 16800 DUALS! 1 GIG On-LINE + DAT BACKUPS Node1 +1-501-982-1933 Ring down to other nodes! CooL Amiga, PC, SNES and XXX Areas Call NOW! X============================================================================X Chaos. Live it. Learn it. Be it. _\!/_ The Illuminated Ones _\!/_ /!\ ««««««««««»»»»»»»»»» /!\ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tHIS fILE hAS bEEN uPLOADED tO | | -- -+--*---=>.. bLOODY dECISION ..<=---*--+- -- | | dA bD sTAFF: pHAZE^mAZ! -» sARGOR -» cENOBYTES -» lUZIFER -» hOMEBOY | | [sKID rOW gERMAN hEADQUARTERS!] | | [49-232-425791] | +---------> uPLOADED tIME aND dATE: Sun Jan 31 21:17:37 1993 <---------+ ¤ __ ____ _______________ ____ _________ __________ | |.../ __ |/ _/ __/| __ \| \/ __ \ _ \../ _/| __/:. .:| |../ /.| |\__ \| > | |/ /| |\ \/ | || |\ \/ /..| >:::::. .:::| |__\ \_| / \ |___| |\ \| |/ /\_| || | ) ) \__| |___:::::. .:::::|______|____\_____/_____\_| \_\___/\____||_|/_/ \____|_____\::::::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The time has come normal Adverts can No more force anyone to call a certain Bulletin Board System ... so what now ? perhaps just talk a bit about the Number you should dial ... My BBS doesn't run for a long while but I'm sure I'll do it and one thing is for sure - I will NOT(!) give up ... anyway ... let's move on. ! I'm in business for 2 years and hope to get a quality board running ! That means every sinlge one of them will do their best to satisfy me and all of the users ... of coz we talk a lot about the BBS, some new scene infos and of course problems of users .... The System is running under an Amiga 2000 D (no lame Softversion!) with 5 Megs of FASTmem (from $200000!!!) and 120 Megs of Harddisk. When the BBS runs good I'll add some other devices and more megs avail. So I hope you'll just have a look and if you decide to stay you'll get a good ratio and a lot of stuff to download ! The Laserdance BBS - Don't pass us or live passes you !!! TEAM: WISHFUL DEATH & B£UE ¦ STYLE/INDEP. ¦ CETERUS/VANISH ¦ CURONNER/INDEP. nOW dECIDE tO dIAL <<< +49-(0)210-482699 >>> -<>*- ASK LOCAL ELITE FOR NEW USER SECURITY PASSWORD -*<>- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ wHAT dO wE hAVE ??? AMIGA KWALITY WARES + /X SUPPORT CONFERENCE + XXX RATED STUFF - N·O· T·O·Y·S AND N·O M·S·D·O·S FUCK -AMIGA RULES!- - __ ____ _______________ ____ _________ __________ | |.../ __ |/ _/ __/| __ \| \/ __ \ _ \../ _/| __/:. .:| |../ /.| |\__ \| > | |/ /| |\ \/ | || |\ \/ /..| >:::::. .:::| |__\ \_| / \ |___| |\ \| |/ /\_| || | ) ) \__| |___:::::. .:::::|______|____\_____/_____\_| \_\___/\____||_|/_/ \____|_____\::::::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | - --- ----+------------------------------------------- ---- -- - - | : | - - --- -----+--- -- - _ __|___|_.__ _ _ | ___:| : | /\ _\/_ : | / || : |__________//~\________________/\____ /\__|\_____|___________ //~ /\ : | .___// /_ _._/ ~\\ \/ \\ |~\____: \ _ _._/ // : || _._/ \__ \////~ | _| // | \ | :|/: ////~ | \\ : |: |/\ \\// | |\_/ | \ | || :/ // | \ __/\___:_|________\_______/\\ ___|____| |_______/___|____|_/ \\ ___| \/ |31-Jan-93 \/ 23:46:06 \/-rS! | | - -+----------» tRiStAR & REd^SECtOR! 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