          .                                      .
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    \ _   | \---.____/\____    \_    /  \________:_____/\  -poyZ!
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          .                              \/              \/

 * Ringdown on two nodes at 33k6 and 64k ISDN - 24h/7days Telnet at 64k ISDN *

Aeroholics wHQ - Dream Theatre wHQ - Arcade wHQ - Aerosol wHQ - Black Sista wHQ
  Lightforce gHQ - Bad Karma gHQ - Royal gHQ - Low Profile gHQ - Up Rough gHQ
Sick of it All gHQ - Most Valueable Players gHQ - Tequila gHQ - 1oo Percent gHQ

 * Amiga^Handhelds^N64^Psx^Snes^Ascii^Graffiti^Oldies^Linux^Drux^Mp3^Musique *

       -+- Zaner/Lightforce -+- Dipswitch/Bad Karma -+- Ninja/Paradox -+-
       -+- Darkus/Skid Row -+- Hash/Panzerknacker -+- Mool/Aeroholics -+-


Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International
MGSCI Issue 4 February/2000


    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
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 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - February  Issue 2000!

             ( Hopefully still the coolest magazine in the scene... )

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 NOTE: Since this is an International Gameboy Chart,(not just a European one)
       We include all releases from the end of the month in USA time.
       So for example... If a group releases a Game in the last hours of
       the previous month in USA Time it's a new month in Europe, but
       it was still old month in USA. So we will of course include that....

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  Remember.. We are making this for fun and we are not trying to
    have a war with anyone or such lame things (you know ...)

    So if you wish to contribute in some way or maybe you want to take part
    in commenting on the releases, then leave an e-mail to any of the guys
    behind "Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International" listed at the end of
    the mag or contact us on IRC in the elite-channels.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  The guys behind Monthly Console Scene International are for Februar'99

                    - amptor              [.OLDSKOOL.]
                    - harlekin            [.INDIE.]
                    - fAZWONGA!           [.OLDSKOOL.]
	            - konfused            [.MENACE.]

                      and co-starring Gilligan as 'The Tester' :)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  Contents:

              . Smarties & Sweets ..... Explanation of the Point System

              . Gooong .......... General Words about the actual Month!

              . Group Releases And Totals ...... Who Did What and When!

              . Results ...................... Who's Top and Who's Not!

              . Scene Interview....Interview with some cool scene dude!

              . Final Words ................................. Bye! Bye!

         The Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International Point System :

  NOTE: The point system has been nearly complete overtaken from Capital's
                              "Gameboy Charts"

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                          GAME BOY COLOR .GBC.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 -1 Point :

           * DUPE: Releasing a game that has been released before
                   will cost you 1 point.

           * DUPE TRAINER: A late trainer with the same or less options
                           will also take you 1 point.

           * BROKEN: Releasing a not working game/trainer/crack
                     means -1 point too.

 +0 Points: 
           * RELEASE FIX: You get 0 points for fixing one of your own mistakes.

 +1 Point : 

           * +1, +2, +3, +4 trainers receive 1 point.

 +1 Point : 

           * Good, useful utility for GBC. You get one point for the major
             tool once in a month, but not anymore point for simple updates.

 +2 Points:
           * AVERAGE FOREIGN: Foreign (non-English) games receive 2 points,
                              even if the game has previously been released
                              in another language.  JAP/GER/FRA/SPA, whatever.

                              A European release of a previously available US release will
                              also receive 2 points.

           * QUALITY TRAINER: A +5 or above trainer will receive 2 points.

           * CRACK: A crack for a protected/non-working game gets you 2

 +3 Points:
           * INT: An English-language release of a game will receive 3

           * QUALITY FOREIGN: A Foreign (non-English) game that is 100%

           * TRANSLATION: Translating a non-English game to English =
                          3 points.  The points reflect the major amount
                          of work this requires!

  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 -1 Point  - DUPE: Released a game, but only after another group already beat
             you?  -1 point then.
             DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options.
             BROKEN: If you release a game/trainer/crack that doesn't work,
             -1 time!

 +1 Point  - Good, useful Utility for GB/SGB.

 +1 Point  - AVERAGE TRAINER: +1, +2, +3, +4 trainer receives 1 point.

 +1 Point  - Every new or unreleased GB/SGB game will get 1 Point.

  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                  General Words about the actual month

amptor: Some interesting and good games out this month.  UBI Soft has been
        innovating some cool stuff into games.  I'm starting to wish there
        were a lot more first party titles being released now though.  GBC
        seems to be getting some poor titles lately.

Fazwonga!: Oh yeah, the month was okay. We saw some nice games being released.
           But what else should I tell here now... I dunno... just check out
           the charts and keep playing the games...

harlekin: Gee, fucking late once again, but guess you didn't care anyways.. :) 
          Guess I don't need to tell how this month was like, do I ? Seems
          like Gill's prayings last month weren't heard by anyone, because
          there were only a few games worth having a look at this month, like 
          Rayman, Chinese Fighter EX or Konami Winter Games, but also LOADS of 
          crap (Checkout the Janosch game to see what I mean :)). But atleast 
          there were more games than last years february, hopefully this trend will 
          continues and we'll see some more good stuff next month.

konfused: February, the month of love, too bad I can't get any. Oh, and some
          good Gameboy Color games were released. (some bad ones too ;])

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                        Group Releases & Totals....

 .  Ok, let's take a look at the months releases and groups (A-Z Order)..
    BTW.. It's a hard work to keep track of all the shit that get's released.
    Don't start crying if we forget a little release from you and don't
    complain for more points if you release a Mahjong or Pachinko game!!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

       ________     _________/______
 ____ /     __/ ____\_      /      /  _____
|    //     |__/      _____//     /_/\     |
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
cpl-t2tr.zip - 00-10-02 - Top Gear Pocket 2            [+4/TR]   IPS    +01
cpl-ratr.zip - 00-23-02 - Rayman                       [+2/TR]   IPS    +01
cpl-amtr.zip - 00-24-02 - Army Men                     [+3/TR]   IPS    +01
cpl-ecwh.zip - 00-25-02 - ECW Hardcore Revolution    [GBC/INT]   08M    +03 
Total GB Releases From 'Capital' : 4                  GB Total Points = +06

amptor: Another game released this month by CPL. Good job. I don't see
        many games out of these guys but at least they still put out a lot
        of cool trainers. I thought Army Men was a bit too easy for a trainer,
        but this might make it more fun to play since I already beat it. I
        will have to check out its options.

Fazwonga!: Hardcore Revolution is a funny game, also the Trainer for Army
           Men and Rayman came really quick. I wonder why nobody did a Trainer
           for Chinese Fighter EX, it becomes real hard on the higher
           stages... Nice work from Capital on the others...

harlekin: It's been a slow month, with only a few good games that came out,so
          there wasn't much training action from CPL after all. Anyways they
          still managed to get some quality trainers and, with the help from
          their friends in Static, even a game out. Also it was very nice
          to see Mr. Kerr back in buissness :).
          I guess as soon as better games will come out CPL will be ready.
          Some very special thanks are going out to all the ppl in CPL, who
          have helped me so much, especially Rotox & Waynekerr.

konfused: Games from CPL, yeah! Good trainers too, especially Army Men, (hard
          game). Not many trainers, but not many games worth training anyway.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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`-\____ \_____|_\_ \__|__/ ____/___\  |__/-'
       \(        \(     )/         `-'
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
eur-li11.zip - 00-02-02 - LameIPS v1.1               [GBC/UTL]   UTIL   +01
eur-gt11.zip - 00-02-02 - GTool v1.1                 [GBC/UTL]	 UTIL   +01
eur-kowg.zip - 00-08-02 - Konami Winter Games        [GBC/INT]    08M   +03
eur-tbro.zip - 00-20-02 - Touch Boy System ROM       [GBC/JAP]    01M   +02
eur-gx5e.zip - 00-29-02 - GBX-Tool v1.5e	     [GBC/UTL]   UTIL   +01
Total GB Releases From 'Eurasia' : 5                  GB Total Points = +08

amptor: I haven't checked out any of these new utils but I'm sure they're good.
        Great to see people still making a good effort coding utils in this
        slow release time.
        I checked out the Touch Boy System rom and it works, but as I recall
        all the text was in Chinese so I couldn't really figure out what
        the functions do.  Oh well.  Without the Touch Boy copier, it is
        fairly useless but kinda neat to check out :)

Fazwonga!: Yo, with Konami Winter Games the first playable Version was
           released (Japanese Version was later released).
           I remember the old "Winter Games - Times" on C=64 and Amiga, cool
           to collect these games. Nice work from Eurasia. Mfm did a cool
           job on updating some of his tools.

harlekin: Average month for EUR I'd say. They catched up one INT title and
          managed to bring the collectors out there the second System-ROM
          this month too. It's nice to see them taking effort to bring even
          the wierdest stuff to the scene. From what the rom looked like it
          surely wasn't that easy to get this dump done, congratulations.
          Ah, and yes, MFM also updated LameIPS, GTool and GBX-Tool, make
          sure to check those out.

konfused: As usual Eurasia releases some utils, but also a good game. I dunno
          about this touch boy stuff, but whatever. Most of these utils are
          just OK (who needs pocket voice support?), but GTool is pretty
          useful for people who have 16bit copiers.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 __.  __ ______.____________________________
 |  | (__)\_.  /|__   _/ __/ \____  \  _/___/
 | _|_|  |/ |_/ | \| |/  _/ . \ _/ _/ |  __/_
 |  | \  /  | _ _  \ /   |  |  \\  \  |__   /
 |_____\ \___ | |__/ \_  |_____/_\  \___/__/
      |__|   \|_|  |_| \_|        \__/
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
lfc-gbbs.zip - 00-01-02 - GB Back-Up Sation BIOS     [GBC/INT]   01M    +02
lfc-gwg2.zip - 00-02-02 - Game & Watch Gallery 2     [GB /INT]   02M    +01 
lfc-tage.zip - 00-02-02 - Disney's Tarzan            [GBC/GER]   16M    +02
lfc-azur.zip - 00-12-02 - Azure Dreams               [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
lfc-jano.zip - 00-28-02 - Janosch: D.G.P.S	     [GBC/GER]   08M    +02
lfc-itaf.zip - 00-29-02 - Int. Track & Field	     [GBC/MUL]   08M    +02
Total GB Releases From 'Lightforce' : 6               GB Total Points = +12

amptor: Nothing too exciting here but a good amount of releases.  Keep up the
        good work :)  I thought Azure Dreams was going to be a real fun RPG,
        but I guess I'm not much of an RPG fan so I found it fairly boring.
        What I disliked the most about it is on the map, you can't move
        diagonally like you can in Survival Kids.  That was pretty annoying
        even though I guess one might not need to move like that.

Fazwonga!: Oh well, Game and Watch Gallery 2 was out before, but that
           really doesnt care since this game seems not to be spread much.
           Then you see a mix of European Games and one USA title. Good work
           from LFC. Hope to see some Japanese Games from you soon, too.
           Greetings to RKR.

harlekin: Although Lightforce placed on 3rd this month I think some of there
          releases were somewhat questionable. They began the month with
          releasing a BIOS rom, but I'm pretty unsure whether this dump is
          good or not, but i won't go into detail here. I'm also unsure if
          G&WG 2 is a dupe or not, but the nfo stated it isn't and I
          didn't care that much too. Their other releases weren't that much
          exiting (besides Janosch, which is some of the wierdest crap I've
          ever seen :)), but they were all legit releases. Hopefully LFC can
          keep up that good work so we'll see more from them next month.

konfused: Good to see Lightforce bust out onto GBC. I dont like B&W stuff but
          I'm sure some collectors would like it. And like the Touch Boy ROM,
          I don't care for this GB Back-Up Station BIOS.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
dbz-dgbw.zip - 00-12-02 - DGBMAX Windows v1.0       [GBC/TOOL]   UTIL   +01
dbz-dgw1.zip - 00-12-02 - DGBMAX Windows v1.01      [GBC/TOOL]   UTIL   +00
dbz-gbpe.zip - 00-15-02 - GBPHACK v1.6 for EMS      [GBC/TOOL]   UTIL   +01
Total GB Releases From 'Independent' : 3              GB Total Points = +02

amptor: I haven't tried any of this stuff out, but I read the readme files and
        it looks like they keep stacking in more and more features.  Looks
        real cool.  I talked to Harlekin about this stuff and it sounds like
        there are plenty more features to come.  Good job guys :)

Fazwonga!: Thanks to harlekin! hehe... :) Great Job

harlekin: I'm not commenting on my own stuff...Ah, and yes very, very warm
          greets to EMP for always being patient with me :) and for all the
          stuff he's done.

konfused: Nice coding skills for people who want an alternative to MFM's
          monopoly on idiot-proof send-tools. The EMS thing is cool for
          people who only have EMS cards.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   __ ___.  ___.  ___  ___   ______ ____/_
 _/  /   :_/ __| / . \/ _ \_/     // __/
/   \/   ø   _/-/  |  \_.  \_ /--<_  _/-,
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
mnc-vgms.zip - 00-05-02 - Vegas Games                [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
mnc-tgp2.zip - 00-08-02 - Top Gear Pocket 2          [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
mnc-dart.zip - 00-18-02 - Pro Darts                  [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
mnc-rman.zip - 00-22-02 - Rayman		     [GBC/MUL]   32M    +03
mnc-army.zip - 00-23-02 - Army Men                   [GBC/MUL]   08M    +03
mnc-mtcu.zip - 00-24-02 - Magical Tetris Challenge   [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Menace' : 6                   GB Total Points = +18

amptor: Well, like everyone else in the scene, I tried out Darts.  I thought
        it was kinda neat, but it makes me wonder why it wasn't just something
        from the Bung demo competition hehe.  Oh well I figured out how to
        play it pretty quick and it was ok.
        Army Men is one of the better games of the month, at least as far as
        'fun factor' goes.  I was chatting with O^Freeze the other day and
        he seemed to get a kick out of it as well.  Even though it is easy
        to beat, there are plenty levels in it to keep you going for a few
        days if you play it moderatly.  What would've been better about this
        game is if they allowed players to use vehicles more.  It's pretty
        cool that they left in the ability to run over people with the tank
        though :)
        And just as any other variation of this game, you will still find
        things that NATO wouldn't allow in real war fare like shooting at
        troops with a bazooka, etc ;)

Fazwonga!: Yeah, Menace always dominating the Scene with the US games.
           Rayman was a really good game. Top Gear Pocket 2 wasnït really
           a big title after the Japanese Version (which was full english and
           playable) was released. Congrats to MNC Guys for all these games.

harlekin: Another month without any surprises from Menace. Once again they
          dominated on the english releases, bringing the scene more int-games
          than all other groups together. But not only they showed up with
          quantity, but also quality by getting their hands on some eagerly
          awaited titles like Rayman, Army Men or Magical Tetris Challenge.
          It seems like there's currently no other group in the scene that
          could endanger Menace's No. #1 spot on the english releases.

konfused: Good i guess...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . OLDSKOOL (OS)         0
                 .       :_____
  :_____ _____«""|______.|    /__ _____ __.
  |  .  Y   / .  |  ____|!   /.  Y  .  Y  |__
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  l_____l____\___¡|   \__¡  \____|_____!_____|
                  l____\ |___\
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
os-bbtia.zip - 00-04-02 - Baku Bomberman: F.M.T.     [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
os-figex.zip - 00-05-02 - Super Chinese Fighter EX   [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-owari.zip - 00-18-02 - Owarai Yoiko No Game Dou   [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-datag.zip - 00-18-02 - Pachinko Hissho Guide      [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-chero.zip - 00-20-02 - Card Heroes                [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
os-mmode.zip - 00-24-02 - Meta Mode                  [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
os-hyper.zip - 00-24-02 - Hyper Winter Olympics 2000 [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02  
os-jacky.zip - 00-28-02 - Jack's Journey: A.E.T.     [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
os-missl.zip - 00-28-02 - Missile Command            [GBC/INT]   08M    +02
Total GB Releases From 'Oldskool' : 9                 GB Total Points = +18

amptor: Not much for me to remember here since I didn't play any of it for
        very long.  I guess it wasn't a very good month for Japanese releases.
        The only one here that I thought was cool was Super Chinese Fighter.
        Too bad not many of the good Japanese games come out translated to
        English.  I would really like to see Transformers: Beast Wars
        translated still.

Fazwonga!: Yo.. Not much this month, but some Japanese and one European
           Game. I think the next month OS wonït have many releases (japanese)
           since I am in holiday in USA (Florida) for one month, but after
           that trip I hope I'll find my way back to usual buisness.
           Card Hero was a big title in Japan. Itïs one of Nintendos hopes
           this year to make some money....

harlekin: Doesn't this get boring somehow ? What has been said about Menace
          can also be applied to Oldskool. They seem to be the only group
          keeping the jap-scene alive by bringing us all releases from the
          far east. There was some argue in the scene where these releases
          came from, but I won't comment on that here. Just one thought: If
          these games have been aviable at webpages, then why wasn't there
          just one *single* jap-game released by another group ? Anyways,
          Chinese Fighter is really cool, make sure to check that out, but
          the rest is just some more stuff to add to your collection.

konfused: OS released an INT game neat. As usually loads of Jap stuff for

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . RAPID FIRE (RPF)     
         _______     _______.___________
 __ .____\_     \____\_     \     _    / _
|.  |.    /    //     |    //.    |___/  .|
|:. ||    \     \_    _____/||    _/   .::|
`-- l_____|\_____/____|-rtx!l_____| ------'
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
rpf-f1rc.zip - 00-25-02 - F1 Racing Championship     [GBC/MUL]   32M    +03  
Total GB Releases From 'Rapid Fire' : 1               GB Total Points = +03

amptor: I heard this game was a beta and it more than likely is true.  We
        will have to see when it is actually released in stores in Europe
        then :)  Aside from that, the best part of the game I found was the
        intro.  Considering that UBI made this game (and F1 Pole Position),
        they should've done a better job.  I thought F1 Pole Position was a
        better looking game, but I didn't play it much.

Fazwonga!: Yo... Michael Schumacher is a pimp.

harlekin: Rapid Fire surprisingly pulls out an unreleased INT game, the
          second 32mb bummer this month. The reason why this one was passed
          along by other groups, is that it's rumored to be beta. I guess
          only time will tell...

konfused: RPF sucks and they know it! GBL 4 ever.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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  °   ß    Üß   ßßÜ      Þ²²ÛÛÝ ÛÛÛ² ß   °
                    Ü    ²²²²ÛÛÜÜÛÛ²Ý     °
   _THE CORPORATION_ Ü Ü²ßß²²ß ÛÛ²²²²±°° °
 °                    Ü        ß
                     ß²ß  FOR THE PEOPLE!
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
tc-snowx.zip - 00-18-02 - Polaris Snowcross          [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'The Corporation' : 1          GB Total Points = +03

amptor: This game offers what most people look for in a game to last them for
        a while.  It is fairly easy at first but then progressively gets
        harder.  Well, for me, it seemed to get hard real fast.  What's cool
        is you get to distribute points to upgrade your snowmobile.  If you
        want to downgrade one feature, you can do that and use its point
        to upgrade another feature.  This way, you can tweak your vehicle
        for each track in order to get it to run right for victory.

Fazwonga!: That game is rocking... Is that the first GBColor Game from TC?
           Good opening I guess... (added by harl: no it's not the first game,
           shame on you faz! :))

harlekin: One INT game by The Corporation. Nothing more, nothing less. It's
          always nice to see other groups besides the established ones
          contributing to the scene.

konfused: TC rawks my sawks on N64, not too shabby on GBC with a descent game 

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -                                                                                                                                   . UTOPIA (UTP)
      ___ ___
     /  (   /
    /  //  /
   /  //  / TOPIA
  /   "  /
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
utp-kong.zip - 00-10-02 - Donkey Kong GB +1 Trainer    [+1/TR]   IPS    +01
utp-dkcr.zip - 00-22-02 - Donkey Kong GB 100% Crack    [CRACK]   IPS    -01     
Total GB Releases From 'UTOPIA'  : 2                GB Total Points =    00

amptor: I chatted with the guy who made this crack and at the time it seemed
        fine. The problem is, the game needed to be tested quite a bit longer.
        After finding out about the bugs coming back in the 10th or so level,
        I emailed him but he hasn't responded.  Maybe this group gave up?
        Hard to say.  I haven't been around long enough this week to see if
        he still comes online.

Fazwonga!: Hmm, looks like UTOPIA are the first guys who tried to make a
           working Version for Bung Cards for that game.
           I guess these guys could also train other games. Hopefully
           they'll continue with that! Thanks anyways not to let me alone,
           when everyone wanted to say : Typical Oldskool, released again a
           Bad dump (which isnt true...)

harlekin: Hmm, 0 for Utopia in their first month, that's not what I'd call a
          very good startup. They began the month by releasing a trainer for
          Donkey Kong, which caused quite some controversy, because at this
          point of time it wasn't confirmed yet, whether the dump was good or
          not. Also releasing a +1 for a major title like was somewhat
          dissapointing to me, some more options wouldn't have hurt anybody,
          would they ?  Sometime later they pulled out a so called '100%
          crack', which, unfortunately, doesn't seem to work at all (gfx
          corrpution, crashes on lvl 10 etc...). Hopefully they'll get
          qualitiy control somewhat tightened to give CPL the well needed

konfused: This crack doesn't work, and they released a trainer before the
          crack. Better luck next time.

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

  [========================[  NOW THE RESULTS.. ]========================]
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/
                                   \    /
                                    \  /
                                    \  /


 . GRAND TOTAL results...

       : *  *  *  NINTENDO GAMEBOY RESULTS FOR JANUARY 2000  *  *  * :
       : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :
       :  1  : Menace.......... .:.. 18 ..:. ..........  01 / 35     :
       :     : Oldskool........ .:.. 18 ..:. ..........  02 / 24     :
       :  3  : Lightforce...... .:.. 12 ..:. ..........  -- / --     :
       :  4  : Eurasia......... .:.. 08 ..:. ..........  03 / 06     :
       :  5  : Capital......... .:.. 06 ..:. ..........  03 / 06     :
       :  6  : Rapid Fire...... .:.. 03 ..:. ..........  06 / 00     :
       :     : The Corporation. .:.. 03 ..:. ..........  -- / --     :
       :  7  : Utopia.......... .:.. 00 ..:. ..........  -- / --     :
       :  7  : ................ .:.. .. ..:. ..........  -- / --     :
       :  8  : ................ .:.. .. ..:. ..........  -- / --     :
       :  9  : ................ .:.. .. ..:. ..........  -- / --     :

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

. Personal Favourites of this Month ... (Just 4 fun!)

        -Super Chinese Fighter EX
        -Polaris Snowcross
          -Dino Crises (PSX) - because I havenït played through, still...
          -Meta Mode (GBC) - funny shit
          -Touchboy Rom (GBC) - what the hell...

          -Super Chinese Fighter
          -Magical Tetris Challenge

          -Army Men
          -Super Chinese Fighter EX

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  [========================[  SCENE INTERViEW ]========================]
     Here's the reason why this issue took up so long again, because o^f
     and me had some...aehhm.."problems" to get this going.  Hope you all
     like it, it was sure fun for me. Special greets & thanks to O^F for

   <O^F> YO

   <harlekin> hehe, finally.... :)

   <O^F> hahah, no doubt.

   <harlekin> Ok, then let's go :) this is something i've ever been curious
              about...is there any story behind your nick or has it some
              special meaning ?

   <O^F> ahh. O^F = OPTiC^FrEEzE... its just some random crazy name I thought up
         about 14 years ago, when I was first getting into the c64 scene.
         I've used it ever since.

   <harlekin> hehe...this leads me straight to my second question (which is
              normally usual for such interviews :)) Can you give me (and the
              readers of courcse :)) a quick overwiev over your scene-history?

   <O^F> Started a long time ago in the c64 world... that was a great time...
         a lot of really cool ppl.  I ran a 0-day bbs and joined a few groups
         along the way. NFL, FBR/Intense, just to name a couple. I saw the
         famous pc-scene Candyman get his start in the c64 scene... lots of
         memories... phreaking, world wide teleconferences..it was all fun.

   <harlekin> So when and why'd you choose to get into consoles ?

   <O^F> Some years ago, a friend of mine had a copier that copied SNES and
         Sega games... i watched him download these games, put them on 3.5"
         discs, slap them into the copier, and away we went. I thought this
         was damn cool .... so anyways, a couple years ago, I saw something
         on the WWW that interested me. It was a backup unit for the Nintendo
         64 called the Z64...so i found their website, checked it out,
         checked out the links they provided and whatnot, and decided to
         order one. For a while, i didnt even know the N64 scene existed... i
         would just rent games, dump them, and play them... one day i rented
         a game, copied it, and it didnt work.  So I called harrison
         electronics and they told me about the patch section.I downloaded
         the patch, read the nfo, and found some channels on efnet.

   <harlekin> so that was the beginning of the infamous o^f/mnc story ? :)

   <O^F> yea, i suppose thats the beginning, heh... rza was one of the first sceners i talked to.

   <harlekin> what did you do for your former c-64 and whatever groups, did
              you use to supply like hell for them too ? :)

   <O^F> heheh...i imported a few games, and supplied a couple usa games...
         but i was just a kid back then.. mostly just ran a bbs... that was a
         lot of fun.

   <harlekin> seems you're talking pretty nostalgic about the good old times
              :)...so if you'd have to compare the way it's going today and
              the old bbs days, what'd you say ?

   <O^F> The old BBS days were the shit.  I had sooo much fun.  It was a
         little more personal back then, you got to know ppl by their real
         names and whatnot.. lots of late night alliance teleconferences,
         lots of trading, lots of cool ppl. Today with the internet and irc,
         everything is so much more accessible... and i dont know if thats
         good or bad.. sometimes i think problems that happen in the gbc
         scene wouldnt if it wasnt for irc. But as in anything, there's
         always going to be those little squabbles, group wars, arguments,
         and all that bullshit... and there's always going to be good times,
         you just have to take the good with the bad i suppose.

   <harlekin> but if there wasn't irc we prolly would've never talked to each
              other (hehe i leave it up to you to consider this good or bad :)

   <harlekin> so what's the nintendo system of your choice ? gbc or n64 ?

   <O^F> I really like GBC, dont get me wrong.  But N64 has to be my
         favorite.  I've always loved video games on my tv screen...I think
         i've had almost every console ever created...way back to the Atari
         2600 and Intellivision. The graphics and sounds of the N64 make it
         for me...I love the fact that i can sit around with a few homies
         in my livingroom, drink a few beers, and play 4 player games on the

   <harlekin> hehe yeah. Do you have any all-time favourite console system ?

   <O^F> Hrmm...

   <harlekin> hard to decide he ?

   <O^F> well for the times... I think the Sega Master System was the shit...
         but i can also remember way back and LOVING Super Mario Bros on my
         NES... So, I would have to say that each system has had its time.

   <O^F> Iv'e had sooo many.

   <harlekin> :)

   <O^F> Atari 2600, Intellivision, NES, SNES, Sega Saturn, 3DO, N64, PSX....
         oh yea and the Atari Jaguar too... :)

   <harlekin> hmm so we've got the consoles covered, let's get to the games :)
              anything you liked / hated most ?

   <O^F> i really like sports and racing games.... dont like rpg's much....
         I'd say my favorite game ever has to be 1080 Snowboarding...thats
         about as realistic as the N64 has ever gotten...And i really can't
         think of any games that i absolutely hated off the top of my head...
         Oh Bionic Commando for GBC suxx... the c64 version was much better :)

   <harlekin> nah, it ain't *that* bad... :P

   <O^F> There's always bad games released, but i would say there's more good
         than bad.  Everything is worth a try, at least once. :)

   <harlekin> yeah, especially if the games are  for free :)

   <O^F> exactly

   <harlekin> so what do you think about ngpc..are you looking foward to a
              future scene, or isn't that much of an interest to you ?

   <O^F> I think the NGPC is awesome.... from the graphics, to the controls
         on down... Most definately looking forward to a NGPC scene.

   <harlekin> so we can expect lotsa supplies from o^f too, he :P

   <O^F> Heh, we'll see i suppose.  Bung needs to release the copier or
         adapter or whatever they're going to do first.

   <harlekin> Anyways, you don't seem to be the kind of guy that has got that
              'i'm leet, you suck' attidude - i really appreciate that ;)

   <O^F> Yeah... MNC gets stuck with that label sometimes... but its hard
         when every Tom, Dick, and Harry comes into the channel requesting

   <O^F> ppl are sooo pushy with shit.... and sometimes our patience for that
         stuff can be short.

   <harlekin> guess thats the price of your mnc's fame :) it's really
              impressive to see how mnc has made it up to #1 on gbc and also
              to became a major n64 group

   <harlekin> doesn't this get any boring to you guys ;)

   <O^F> Boring? Yea sometimes... but we've got a group where everyone
         contributes.. that makes it something special, and a pleasure to be
         a part of. Its a group effort, one for all... we all deserve the
         same amount of credit.  Not 1 guy can do it on his own, and be
         successful.. it takes the whole lot of us to be organized about what
         we're doing.

   <harlekin> hehe at last, here's something i took from the old 'console
              news'..the infamous "5 lines for stuff"

   <harlekin> just write 5 lines...anything you want on any topic you want

   <O^F> 1: hehe... ok
         1: Thanks to all who support MNC....
         2: I'd like to send out some personal greets, cuz if it wasnt for
         these ppl, I wouldnt be around in the scene: rza, ennay, Rotox,
         Wayne Kerr, NeuralizR, scrotey, nil, redbox and flower....
         4: thats about it yo

   <harlekin> hehe that weren't 5 lines, but only 4  ;) ....guess i'll fill
              the missing lines up with something like : "for all rom requests
              /msg o^f on #xxx" hehehe :)

   <O^F> hehe, fuck that!

   <harlekin> yeah i guess i should better do so :) hehe, guess thats it...
              thanks alot for you time =)

   <O^F> np, see ya later

   <harlekin> yeah later

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                                Final Notes..

   Fazwonga!: Yo... not many changes this month to the first places, but
              funny to see some more groups entering the ring (TC,Utopia).
              And nice to see others continuing doing releases (TLF).
              What will see in March ??? Lightforce on Place 3 - Congrats!

   harlekin: I'd like to thank all the people that have helped me..evryone
             out there who knows me - feel yourself greeted..hehe

   konfused: another month goes by... what will the future hold?

[========================[  GROUP GREETINGS : ]========================]

             ...Greetings to the following active scene groups...

             CZN, PARADOX, TRSI, DCS, TC, LFC, Napalm ....


                        WHERE CAN YOU REACH US ?

          amptor: Death Row if ya can get in ;)
          FAZWONGA: fazwonga@gmx.de
          harlekin: Is there any need to contact me ?
          konfused: u don't want to talk to me.

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 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - February Issue 2000!

                                    E  N  D

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    ÷ 2 nODES dIAL-UP 33k6 aND 64k iSDN ÷ 4 nODES tELNET 24h/7 64k iSDN ÷