-gERMANY's gRAFFITI bOARD nUMBER oNE!- .____________________________________________. [t^/lp!] | - T H E - Y A R D - | 6 nODEZ! ______ ____ | _________ ____ ___ _____|__ _____ _\ /_ /__|_____/ _ / / /__________\_ \____\_ /_____\ \ \ / _ / /____/ / / / _ \ / / _\ \ /______\__//______/________\ /______ /____\_______\ \___________\______\ dKB / dOPE / | /______/ l_____| | aMIGA.cONSOLES wX / sOIA / | | gRAFFITI.aSCII hEADQUATERS |____________________________________________| hIPhOP.lINUX eMAIL -aRTcOREcREW@yAHOO.cOM- oR aSK oN iRC! @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ............ neurodancer/abyss/1oo% presents : : : c o r r i d o r s o f p a i n : plain iso style ascii collection : : : my first plain stuff release :.................. with many odd styles! :) @END_FILE_ID.DIZ [sof] INTRODUCTION. --------------- Hi there. This is my first "real" ASCII collection; that is: onefiled, no colors, plain textfile. Its named "Corridors of Pain", which is a fragment of some lyrics from Apotygma Berzerk's song "Spiritual Reality", which is on a CD that Grimlock!/GRT sent me, and which I really like. Its not that I would be inspired by music often when finding names... errr... "Germaniac"... "Neurodancer"... I think all names I used somewhere are taken from some lyrics or so. Dammit, but even Red Sector (A) is a song from Rush (a great one, by the way), and Offspring are dudes from the music scene although I regard them as commercial pseudopunk shitheads. Some words about this. It appears to me that a lot of dudes in the ASCII scene load in CEd, get the requests they got and start tapping da keys here and there and then release it. This is not one of these collections. Its just that I got some request here and there, and I simply thought that if others release logos none can use except the one who requested it, I can do the same. Besides, this fuck contains some logos suitable for all sysops out there. Anyway it might be. A word about "own styles". Hell, I don't really care if some of my logos look like "ripped" or some other dudes had the same ideas or better say "were inspirative for me". If it would be most important for each and every ascii artists (which I don't claim to be) to have a UNIQUE own style we'd better spread modules than ascii collies because there wouldn't be that much. If some logo looks okey, where's the problem if at least not someone put it together from another logo in CEd... hehe. I also give some kinda shit on all this hell of a design which is sometimes better than the whole bloody bunch of logos in some descriptions. Naturally, I could do those -----. | .--÷----. `--' | `--> funny lines and stuff, but I'm simply to lazy for it. Its just I want to release these logos now and thats it. If you like this stuff you may want to contact me for any odd reason except mail swapping because I can hardly serve those few contacts I have very well, but anyway: neurodancer@highvolt.gun.de, and then we'll see further, will we. NEURODANCER/ABYSS/1OO% GREETINGS. ------------ grimlock: i'm very lazy but i'll reply for sure pr!de: shit that you quit scene. w8 4 my re anyway! voyage: amiex is a bitch and you know it :) dreamer: dream team? anti-g: isdn supporter :) secrefice: call more often loray: damn your "wall" logos ain't here, I know magz: i'll be back! radiosity: c'mon gimme 28.8. it rocks! aerosoul: inet suxx. trade more often. :) poet: same to you. dexter: just w8 4 tha first bill... grin. t-bone: hell! i still have yer letta lying around here... mike: when? when will it run stable? har-har... :) smc: get up you lazy bastard! hehe. bartman: stillgestanden!!! the rest: sorry i 4got ya. feel greeted. INDEX. ------- . 1oo percent file id . . abyss grimlock 1 . . aerosoul grimlock 2 . . the ambush 1 grimlock 3 . . the ambush 2 hpa . . the ambush 3 leechers . . another world 1 mods . . another world 2 da sysop is away . . ansi public questionaire . . archive uppers . . bbs tools virus . . bizz voyage . . cafe del mar 1 leech! . . cafe del mar 2 pump! . . creative lab order . . c'ya gamblin' . . disk tools coconet . . dreamer hallucinative coma . . fatal dreams mouth/blood . . file tools terminal fuckup . START. -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: group logo req'd: none reads: 1oo percent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- __. ___. ._____ ____ _____. ____ ____ ._____ | | / Ĵ| | _ Ĵ\_/ _ \_/ _ Ĵ|/ _ Ĵ\_/ _Ĵ\| _ Ĵ\| | | | ____ ____ | | | (/ | (/ | | | (/ | | | |___ | :/ _ \_/ _ \_ | : | ___| _ /Ż |___| ___| | | ___/. | | | | | | | | | | | | \_ | Ĵ| | Ĵ| | | | Ĵ| : | : | | | | |__/| | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | : | : | | | : | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|\____/Ż\____/Ż |___| Ż\_____|__| |\_____|\_____|__| |\____/Ż : Ż· Ż: Ż: `---' Ż Ż`---' A S C I I / A N S I / C N E T D E S I G N -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: group logo req'd: none reads: abyss -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | : . : | - -- --- --^v^-- MeMBAZ ONLY! --^v^-- --- -- - . : . : ______ : |___ ____. ________ ________ ___/Ż Ĵ\__| __/ Ĵ\____/ Ĵ:______ / Ĵ\__ / Ĵ\__ / \________ Ĵ\ ._ Ĵ\ |_ Ĵ\___\___ ____/____\___ ____/_ _/ ____/ \_ l/ \_ |/ \_ \__ Ĵ\_ \__ Ĵ\_ \ | / / ` / \/ / \/ / \_____| _ _____/___ _ ___/________ /____ _ ____/____ _ _____/ ŻŻŻŻl_____/ŻŻ Ĵ\________/Ż _/ Ĵ\/ _) Ĵ\_________/Ż Ĵ\________/ŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \ /Ż ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \_________/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: dude logo req'd: none reads: aerosoul -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . :: . | .....:: | | _____ _____ _____ _____ .:::::::·.____ __.__ | / __ Ż\ / __ \ / __ \ / _ \:::. / _ \ / | Ĵ\ _|___ / \_ \ \___/_ \_ /_ | \·::::.. | \ | \ \_ Ż\ / | \ \ | Ĵ\ \ ·::::. \ \ \ / |_____\ ______\ | \ _____ \ ·:::.______\ ______\ _ \ / ____| |______\ ::::. .:::: |___ \ / · ::::::::::: \ /__ ·:::::::· __\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs login screen req'd: me... err! reads: the ambush (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . · · · · · · · · · · . | · · | | · · | | the·ambush······abyss·whq | |___ ___.___ _______ 1oo%········rcp·dist·site | __/_ / | Ż\ / _ \ usr··courier··dst··33.6oo | | Ż\ _ \ (____/_ · · | | \ | \ Ż\ · · |___ \ __|______\ __ \ · · Ż\__________\ · Ż\_______\ · · · · . neurodancer····abyss^1oo% . | dreamer··········sx!^1oo% | | radar··············r.c.p. | | · · _______ ___ ___ |___ ___.___ ______ ___.___ / _ Ż\ /Ż V \ _ Ż\ / | Ż\ / __/__ / Ż| \ / (_ \ _ \ | \ | \ ____ Ż\ _ \ / | \ | \ \ \ | \ | \ / |______\ __| \ _________\ _________\ _ \ __| \ /_______| |_______\ · Ż\________\ ·|_______\ · · · · · · · · · · · · -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: boring question reads: the ambush (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- : .__. ..__.... .__. ::. .__. | |:::| |:::::... | | ::. | | .| |· | | ··:::. | | ::. | | .:| | | | ·:: | | ·::. | | .::| |___| |__ ____ :: ____ __ __| |__ __.__::.____ | |__ :: | ___/| __ \_/ _ Ĵ\_:: _/ _ Ĵ\| \/ Ĵ| __ Ĵ\| | Ĵ|/Ż_ \| __ Ż\_ .: | | | \_ | | |:: | | | _ | \_ | | | |___| \_ | :· | |___| | | ___| ::|__| | | | | | | |__ Ĵ\| | | :: | | Ĵ| | | | Ĵ| ::_/__ | | | | | | | | | | | : | | | : | | | ::| \_ | : | | | : | | | : | · | : | | | : | :| | | | | : | | : | | | | | | | | :| | | | | | | | | | | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | :: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .:: Ż\____/|__: |\_____| Ż\_____|__| |_____/Ż\_____|\_____l__: | ::: `---' Ż: Ż`---'Ż Ż' `---' ::: ..::· ···:::::· -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: don't know reads: the ambush (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ ____: _______ ____/ Ĵ\__ __/ |_______ __/ Ĵ\__ \____ ______/___/ | Ĵ\/ __ ____/_ __/ \/ Ĵ\_ _ \_ \__/ Ĵ\_ \ _/ / | / / \_____ _____/________| ____/____ _ ____/ ŻĴ\_______/ŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ:_____/Ż Ĵ\________/Ż ŻŻŻŻŻ ________ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | _____/ Ĵ\__ _________ _________ : / \__________ Ĵ\/ Ĵ\_/ Ĵ\ . _/ _____/ \_ _ \_ : | \ | / | / . : \________| _ _____/____ _ |___________/ | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻl______/ŻŻ ŻŻ\______:ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ : . : ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ : | ____ _________ ._____ | __|________ ________| Ĵ\___ / Ĵ\__ ________: Ĵ\__ | |_ Ĵ\/ | Ĵ\____\___ _____/_/ | Ĵ\ | l/ \_ | \_ \__ Ĵ\_ _ \_ | / / \/ / | / l_____ _ ____/____ __ ______/_____ _ _____/___ _|_________/ ŻĴ\_________/ŻŻ Ĵ\___________/ŻŻ ŻĴ\_________/ŻŻ Ĵ\_____|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: voyage reads: another world -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ------------÷-------------- | . ------------- -÷---------. | | | _____ ______ ______ __|__ ___.__ ______ ___:__ / __ \ _ Ĵ\ / __ \ _/_ / _| \ / __ Ĵ\ / __ \ / \_ \ | \ \_ \ | Ĵ\ \_ \ \___/_ \_ /_ / | \ | \ \ \ | \ \ | Ĵ\ / |_____\ _| \ ___\ _. \ | \ _ \ | \ / |Ż | __/ |_____/ ___/ |_____/ | \ / | : \ /_ .. | . | | _\ .:: . | | | | .::· .::. _____ ______ | ___| | .:: ·:: __ \ / __ \ _|___ / __ | .:: . ::: \_ \ \_ /_ \_ \ \_ | ·:: :: ::: \ | \ | \ | | ::. .:::.. .::: _________\ _| \ _______\ _______| ::::::: :::::::nd! |______\ ·::: :::· -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: voyage reads: another world -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :__. ____ _____ ____ | | __:___. ____ _____ _/ _ Ĵ\_| _ Ĵ\__/ _ Ĵ\_| | | | |_/ _ Ĵ\__/ _ Ĵ| . | | || | || | || |___ | __ || | || | | `-------------------. |__| || | || | || ___/ | \_ || ___|| _ /Ż | _/ || | || | || | Ĵ|| | || | Ĵ|| | \_ and here! · | | | || : || : || | || : || | || | | . | | | || | || || : || | || : || | | : | | : || | || || || | || || | | | | | || | || || || | || || | | | | Ż\_____|| | |Ż\____/ŻŻ\____/Żl__: |Ż\_____||__| | | | | `---' · `---' Ż:· `---' | | | __:___ ____ _____ .___. _| | | place your text here! | | Ĵ|_/ _ Ĵ\__/ _ Ĵ|| | _/ __ | | | | || | || | || | | _/ | | | | || | || _ /Ż| |__ | | | | | | || | || | \_| _/Ż || | | | | : || : || | || : || | | | | | || || | || | || | | | | ^ || || | || || | `---------------------------. | || || | || || | nd' |__/\__|Ż\____/Ż|__| |Ż\_____|Ż\_____| · `---' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: ansi -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .......... ..::::::::::::::::::::... ..:::::::·· ··::::::::.. .:::::::· ·::::::::.. .:::::::· ·::::::::.. .::::::::· ·::::::::. :::::::::· ·::::::::. ::::::· ·: ·:::·: ·:. ________ _____ _________ __________ ___/ Ĵ\__ __/ Ĵ\_______ / Ĵ\__ \________/ / _________ Ĵ\/ _ \ Ĵ\ ___\___ _____/_ /Ż Ĵ\ _/ ____/ \_ \ \__ \_ Ĵ\__ Ĵ\_ \_ \ | / \ / \/ / / \______| _ _____/___ \________/_____ _ _____/__________/ ŻŻŻŻŻl______/ŻŻ Ĵ\_____:ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻĴ\_________/ŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ· ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ÷ T H E A N S i A R E N A ÷ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: dreamer/sx reads: archive -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . · | ___ / _______ _______ ______ ___.___ |_______| . /_____ / _ Ż\ / _ Ż\ / __/__ / | Ż\ ._______ ____| / _ Ż\ / \ (_ /_ | Ż\ _ \ nd Ż| Ż| / (____/_ / | \ | Ĵ\ \ | \ | | / \ / |______\ __| \ _________\ __| \ |\_______/ __ \ /_______| |_______\ Ż|_______\ | Ż\_________\ · -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: bbs-tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . | | . . . | | | · | . | |___ |___ ______ \ ·____ _______ | ______ | _ Ĵ\ _ Ĵ\ __/__ \___ ___/ _ Ĵ\ _ Ĵ\ |____ __/__ | | \ | \ ____ Ĵ\ / Ż\ | \ | \ | Ĵ\ ____ Ĵ\ | \ \ / \ \ \ \ | \ / \ |___ \ \ \ \ _______\ _______\ \ \ \_________/ _______/ ________\ ________\nd Ż\__________\ ______ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: bizz -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | . . | . | | |___ |________| ______ ______ | _ Ĵ\ ________. ___\__ Ĵ\ ___\__ Ĵ\ | \) \ | | / ____/_ / ____/_ | \ | · | \ · | \ |___ \ | ____ \ ____ \ \_________/ | \__________\ \__________\ ÷ BuZiNESS ÷ DaTABASE ÷ SToCK MaNAGiNG ÷ CRaP ÷ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: dreamer/sx reads: cafe del mar (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- W e L C O M E T O . ____ ____ ____/: ____ ____ ____ .__: ._ __. ____ ____ _/ _ Ĵ\_/ _Ĵ\_/ _ |/ _Ĵ\_ ._\_ Ĵ\_/ _Ĵ\: | | \ / Ĵ|/ _Ĵ\._\__ \_ | | | (/ | | | (/ | | | | (/ | | | Y | (/ | \_/ | | |___| _ | :___| ___| | | | ___| | | . | _ | . _/Ż | | | | | _>| | Ĵ| | | | | | | | | | | | | \_ | | | : | | | | | | | | | | : : | : | : | | | | : | | | | | : | | : | : | |___| | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ż\____/|__| |___| Ż\_____| |_____/Ż\_____|\____/Ż |__| |__| |__| | | Ż`---'Ż : Ż: :Ż Ż `---' `---' Ż`---' ' S o M E W H E R E N e A R T H E G o L D E N C o A S T -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: dreamer/sx reads: cafe del mar (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______ _______ _________ _______ . . . . . . . / ____/_ / _____Ż\ ______/_ ____ Ż\ . / \| Ż\ \__ \ ____/ \_____/_ cAFE dEL mAR! . / \ | \ | \ fiNE rEAL fRiENDsHiP . \______ \ __| \ : \______ \ BBS rUN bY dREAMER/SX . | ____\ |_____ \ . 7____ \ aND iTS m8 aEROsOUL! . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . | . | : oNLiNE ASCii oRDER! cD-rOM! . . ___|_ | _______ | | aMiGA ONLY BBS! bLA! bLuB! . ./Ż ___ | ____ \ __|____ . / \__ | \_____/_ \__ Ĵ\ ___ ___ _______ _______ / | Ĵ\ ` \ / V Ż\ / _____Ż\ / _____ \ \___________| ____ \ ______\ _ \ \__ \ \__ /_ . · 7____ \ / | \ | \ | Ĵ\ . / |_____ \ __| \ __| \ . a4ooo/o3o/25mHZ/xxxgiGZ HD! /_____ : |____ \ | __\ . yOU gOTTA lUV diZ niCE BBS! . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: dreamer/sx reads: creative lab -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . | . | . · | | | . / ______ _______ _______ _______ |___ |______| . /_____ / __/__ _ \ _ \ _ \ __/_ .______ ___| / _ Ż\ / | \ (_ /_ (____/_ \ | \|nd Ż| Ż| / (____/_ / \ | \ \ | \ \ | | / \ /_____________\ | \ _______\ | \_______\ | _______/ __ \ |_______\ |_______\ | Ż\_________\ · - --- -------^v^--------------------------------------÷--------------÷ L A B -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: none reads: c'ya -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- --- ---- ------^v^----- --. : ____ . _______ \ Ĵ\ _____. ________ ___/ Ĵ\__ \ / __/ Ĵ:________ ____/ Ĵ\___ . /Ż ________/___ \/ / |_ Ĵ\_/Ż __________ Ĵ\ _/ Ĵ\/ Ĵ\_ _/ |/ ÷ \_ Ż _____/ \_ . \ ÷ _/ / \ ` / | / . \_____ _ _____/ \____________ /________| _ _____/ : ŻĴ\__________/ŻŻ Ż_/ Ĵ\/ _) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻl______/ŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \ /Ż · ŻŻŻŻŻ : : \____________/ . | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ : | | | | | iN WHaT DiSTANT DeEPS OR SKiES, - ÷- ---^v^-------' | BuRNT THE FiRE OF THiNE EYES? | | ON WHaT WiNGS DaRE HE ASPiRE... | `-----^v^-- - WHaT THE HaND DaRE SEiZE THE FiRE? - -' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: disk -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . | · | | _ ___. . / ___| |________| ______ ______| / /Ż _ |________. / __/__ Ż| / / | | | ____. Ĵ\ _ /_ / ' | | | \ | Ĵ\ / ___| | __ \ __| \ \_________/ · | Ż\_________\ |_______\ · ÷ D i S K T o O L Z A R e A ÷ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: duder logo req'd: dreamer reads: dunno... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ _______ _______ _______ ___ ___ _______ _______ __\__ Ż\/ _ Ż\/ _ Ż\/ _ Ż\/ V Ż\/ _ Ż\/ _ \ / _) \ (_ /_ (____/_ (_ \ _ \ (____/_ (_ /_ / \ | Ĵ\ \ | \ | \ \ | Ĵ\ /____________/__| \ _______\ |______\ | \ _______\ | \ |_______\ : |_______\ |_______\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: rolf (?!?) reads: fatal dreams -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .__ ___. .___ ____ | | | | | | _/ _ Ż\_ | | | | | | | | | ____ | |___ ____ | | _| | _____ ____ ____ .__ __. _____. | | |/ _ Ĵ\| ___/_/ _ Ĵ\| | _/ __ |/ _ Ĵ|/ _ Ĵ\_/ _ Ĵ\| \/ Ĵ|/Ż_ | | | | | | | | | | | | _/ | | | | | | | _ | |___| | |___|__| | |___|__| | | | | | _ /| ___|__| | | |__ Ĵ\_ | _/_/ | | Ĵ_/ | | | | | | \| | Ĵ|/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | : | | | | | : | | | : | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : | | : | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ż\_____|\____/Ż\_____|\__| Ż\_____|__| |\____/Ż\_____|__| |\_____| `---' `---' Ż`---'nd! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . _______ . | . ____/Ż / |________| . | _______ | ___/__ ________. | |____ / _ Ż\ | ____/ | | | | Ż\ / (_____\ | | | | | | \ \ | | · | |___ \ __ \ · | · Ż\__________\ Ż\__________\ ÷ f i l e - a n d d i r t o o l s ÷ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: file id -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . _______. | . . | ____/Ż / ________| | _______ . | | . | ___/__ _______| |____ / _ Ż\ |________| ___| | | ____/ | | Ż\ / (_____\ ________. / _ | | | | | | \ \ | | / | | | | · |___ \ __ \ | | / | · | · Ż\__________\ Ż\__________\ · | ___| · _________/ ÷ d i z z e r t o o l s ÷ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: personal logo req'd: grimlock/grt reads: errrr -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____. _____ : . __ __.. : ____ ____ __.___ _/Ż_ |_/ _ Ĵ|| || \/ || | _/ _ Ĵ\__/Ż_ \_| | | | _|___|| | ||___|| _ || | | | || | || | | | \_ || _ /Ż.___:| | || |__ | | || |___|| _ /Ż | | || | \_| Ĵ|| | || _/Ż || | || | || | \_ | | || | |: || : || : || : || | || : | | : || | || || | || | || || : || | | | | || | || || | || | || || | || | | | : || | || || | || | || || · || | | | | || | || || | || | || || || | | | || | || |· | || || || || | | | || | || || | || || || || | | Ż\_____||__| ||___||__| |Ż\_____|Ż\____/ŻŻ\_____||__| | Ż · Ż`---' Ż`---' Ż`---' O F G R o T E S T i C L E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: duder logo req'd: grimlock/grt reads: errrr -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . · | . . | | | . · _____ _______ |_______|___ ___ | _______ ______ ____| / /Ż _/___/ _ \._______/ V Ż\ |____/ _ Ż\/ __/__ | / / (_ \ (_ /_ | _ \ | Ż\ | \ |/ Ż\ _/_ / | \ | Ĵ\ | | \ · \ \ \ | Ĵ\ /______| \ | \ | __| \ ________\ _______\ _______\ | \ |_______\|_______\ : |_______\ |_______\ | · -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: duder logo req'd: grimlock/grt reads: errrr -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ ________ __________ ___/ Ĵ\__ ___/ Ĵ\__ \________/ _______ _______ / ____________/_/ ________ /_ /Ż Ĵ\/ Ĵ\_/ Ĵ\ _/ \__ \_ \__ \_ \_ _ \_ \ | / | / / | / \______| _ _____/_____| /__________/___ |_________/ ŻŻŻŻŻl______/ŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻl_________/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ż\_____:ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ______. _/Ż | _______ _______ _________ | | __/ Ĵ\__ __/ Ĵ\__ ______/ / | | ________/ _ Ĵ\/Ż ________/__/ ______ ___/_ | l/ Ĵ\_ | \_ Ĵ\/ Ĵ\_ \__ \_ | / / _/ / | / l_____ _ ____/___ ____/___ ____/_____| / ŻĴ\_________/ŻŻ Ĵ\_________/Ż Ż\__________/Ż ŻŻŻŻŻl_________/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: hpa -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . · : ._____ _____ ________ | _______: Ĵ\__ ______/ Ĵ\__ _____/ Ĵ\___ | / | ÷ Ĵ\/ ______ Ĵ\/ _________ Ĵ\ | _/ _ \_ ___/ \_ ____/ \_ - --+------\ | / | / | /---- -- - | \___ _|_________/ |_________/_______| _ ______/ | Ĵ\_____|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻl______/ŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻ | ÷ | ŻŻŻŻŻ | Ż\______| | ŻŻŻŻŻĴ: | `---------------^- HaKKiNG -*- PHReAKiNG -*- ANaRCHY -^---- ---- --- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bulls title req'd: none reads: leechers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . | _______ _______ ______ ___:___ _______ _______ ______ | | / _ Ż\ _ \ __/__ | Ż\ _ \ _ \ __/__ | |_____ (____/_ (____/_ (/ Ż\ _ \ (____/ (_ _/_\____ Ż\ | | / \ Ż\ \ | \ | Ĵ\ | \ |__ /__ \ \ _______\ | \ _________| \ \ \______/ \_________\ _______\ |_______\ |_______\ _______ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: mods -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .---------------------- ---- -------------- -- - | . | DA MoDULeZ AReA : | | : .______ | | ________ ______| Ĵ\_____ ..:::::::::.. ______|__ _ | _/ Ĵ\__ | Ĵ\.:::::' `:::::/ _| |___\___ _____/_ | | :::::: :::::. \| | \__ Ĵ\_ | | | :::::: :::::: ' | \/ / |______|______| ::::::......::::::__ _ ____/Ż\____ _ _____/ ŻŻŻŻŻ·ŻŻŻŻŻĴ|_____/ ·:::::::::::::· Ĵ\__________/Ż ŻĴ\_________/ŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ : `---------------- ---- --- -- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: none reads: da sysop is away -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- --- ---- -----÷--- ----- DA -----------------. ________ ___. ________ _______ : .____ / Ĵ\__ __/ Ĵ:______ / Ĵ\__ __/ Ĵ\__ ______: Ĵ\__ __\___ ____/_/ |_ Ĵ\__\___ ____// _ Ĵ\/ Ĵ\ _/ \__ Ĵ\_ |/ \_ \__ Ĵ\_ | \_ .___ \_ \ \/ / ` / \/ / / | / \____ _ _____/_________ /__ _ _____/___ _ _____/ |________/ Ĵ\________/ŻŻ _/ Ĵ\/ _)Ĵ\________/Ż Ĵ\_________/Ż| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \ /Ż ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ : | | \_________/ | Ż\______| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ .--- iZZz --- ------------' ŻŻŻŻĴ: __________ ._____ __________ _____. __/ Ĵ\__ ________| Ĵ\__ __/ Ĵ\__ __/ Ĵ:________ / \__________ Ĵ\/ Ĵ| Ĵ\/ \__________ Ĵ\/ |_ Ĵ\ _/ _____/ \_ |_ \_ _____/ \_ |/ ÷ \_ \ | / :/ / | / ` / \_______| _ _____/_ _ __/______| _ _____/___________ / ŻŻŻŻŻŻl______/ŻŻ Ĵ\_____/Ż\_____/Ż ŻŻŻŻŻl______/ŻŻ Ż_/ Ĵ\/ _) ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ \ /Ż : \____________/ `---÷------- ---- --- -- - ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: new user screen req'd: none reads: public questionaire -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ __:___ ____ __: :___ ____ | Ĵ\_| Ĵ| Ĵ|__\_ Ĵ\_| Ĵ| | Ĵ|_/ _ Ĵ\_ .------------- | O || | || | || | -- | || | | --------------. | | : || | || _/Ż| |___ | || |___| | | | | || | || | Ĵ\_| | Ĵ|| || | Ĵ| | | | |__/Ż| : || | || : |: || | | | | | | | | || : || | || || : | | | | | | || | || | || || | | | | | | | || || | || || | | | | | | || || || || | | | |___| Ż\_____||_____/ŻŻ\____/Ż|___|Ż\_____| | | `ŻŻŻ: ŻŻŻŻŻ·:ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ :ŻŻŻ· ŻŻŻŻŻ· | `-----------------( Q U E S T i O N A i R E )-------------------' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bulls title req'd: none reads: uppers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___.___ __________ __________ _______ _______ ______ / | Ż\ _ Ż\ _ Ż\ _/ _ \ _/ _ Ż\ _/ __/__ / | \ / \ / \ (____/_ (_ /_ ____. Ĵ\ / ' \ /______\ /______\ Ĵ\ | Ĵ\ | \ /_____________\ | | | ___ \ __| \ _ \ |______| |______| Ż\________\ |_______\ \________\ a l l t i m e g r e a t e s t u p l o a d e r s -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: virus -------------------------------------------------------------------------- · . / . _______| /______| _______ ___:___ ______ \ Ż| /_______. / _ Ĵ\ / | Ĵ\ / __/__ \ | / / (_ /_· | \ ____. Ĵ\ \ | /. / | Ĵ\ | \ | \ \_______/ | /______| \ _________\ _ \ | · |_______\ \________\ ÷ a n t i v i r u s t o o l s ÷ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: sysop logo req'd: voyage reads: blabla -------------------------------------------------------------------------- · \ \ __. ........ \ |______ ··::::. __.____ _____ ______ ______ \ | /..... ·::: | / / __ Ż\ / ___/_ / __ Ż\ \ | /::· ·· ·:: | \ \_ \ \_ Ż\ \___/_ \ /::: .:: ___ \ | \ | \ \ \ / ::::. ..::: ___/ \ | \ | \ __ \ \___/ ·::::::·nd! / \ |__ \ | ___\ \_____\ /___ _ · | · ÷ e n t e r s t h e a r e n a ÷ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: voyage reads: leech! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- : .......:::::: | | :::::::::: : | .:::. ::::::::: . : .::::: :::::::· _______ _______ ______ ·___:___ .::::· ::::::: / __ Ż\ __ \ ___/__ | Ż\ :::: ·:::::: .:::::: \____/_ \____/_ / Ż\ _ \ ·:: :::::: ::::::: \ Ż\ \ | \ ::::::::::::: \ \ _______\ | \ ... ::::::::::::\_________\ _______\ . |_______\::::: ·:::::::::· : | ·:::· | would you mind | | upping | | sometimes? | | : : · -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs screen req'd: voyage reads: pump! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-------÷------------------------------- ----- --- -- - | | : :: :::::::::.. . | ·:::: __.__ __ __ _______ .___ | | ·::: / | Ĵ\ / V \ __ Ĵ\ | | `--^v^-- :::::::. -- ::: | \ _ \ \_ \--|______| --^v^---. ::::::::. .::: \ | \ \ ______ | :::::: ·:::::· __________\ _| \ _____/ |__ Ż| | :::::: nd!|______\ | · | | .::::::. : . | : | : yezz honey... that woz about to be da right choice! | finally ya pressed voyage's favourite button! | | - -- --- ------ --- -------------------÷------------' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: door title req'd: dreamer/sx reads: order (for the 1oo% order door) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ÷ A ÷ S ÷ C ÷ I ÷ I ÷ | . ÷ A ÷ N ÷ S ÷ I ÷ ...... ______ __| | ______ ______ :::::::::::. __ \ / __ | __ \ __ \ .... ·:::. \_ /_ \_ | \___/_ \_ /_ .::::::::. ::: | \ | | \ | \ :::: ::: | \ ______| _________\ | \ ·::::.....::: |_ \ |__ \ ·:::::::: : : nd! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: gamblin' (online gamez) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- : . : : . | | | . : : ___ :_____ _____ __ __| _|__| | |_____| _____ :/Ż / / ___/_ / __ Ż\ / V Ż\ \_ Ĵ\ _|___ ._____. / _ Ĵ\:\_/ / \_ Ĵ\ \_ \ _ \ | \ \_ Ż\| Ż| | \ / | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | | \ /_____| \ |_____\ | \ ______/ ________\ | _| \ : |______\ · |______\ · : |______\ : : :.........÷ o n l i n e ÷.÷ g a y m z ÷...........: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: area title req'd: none reads: coconet -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .. ..::::::: . | :::::: _______ _______ _______ _______ :::. ::: ______ | __|__ /Ż ___/_ / __ \ / ___/_ / __ Ż\:::::. ::: ____Ż\| ___/_ / | Ĵ\ \_ \ | Ĵ\ \_ \::::::.::: \____/_ \_ Ż\ / \ | \ \ | \::·:::::: Ĵ\ | \ \______ \ _______/ _________\ _______/:: ::::: __________\ ___ \ 7_______\ .:::: :::: 7______\ : :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::· ·:: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: bbs add req'd: secrefice reads: hallucinative coma (hell, what a name!!!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- on its way thru da finest boards this file passed . . . . : . ._:_.___:_| :_| |_._:___| :___.___| |_: |_._:___. | | | _ | | | | | | | |_| _ | _ | _/|_| | | __| | | | _ | |_| |_| | | |_|_| | | _ | | |_| | | _> | _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | ' | : | | | : | : : : | | | | : : | : | : : : /: | | shoot ghq : | | : | | | | | | | : | | | | | / | : rdl whq hzn memhq | : | | | | | | : | | | | | | mcn ehq _ _____________ | _____________ | ______ ______ __________ ___ _ ________/_ ·/ Ż\ / V Ĵ\ /Ż \ Ĵ\ / __ \ / _ \ / __ \ / \Ż / | / \ / / | / \ _ ___ _______ / ______________ / ________|____ / ________\ ______ _ | / : : . : / . : : : . . \nd! 2ndz 28.8 | : | . | | | | : . | · | | | : | tempest bbs! 2ndz isdn | : | : | | | | | : | | | : | | op secrefice : : | | · · : · : | · : · · : ask any friendly real elite dude for the numbers! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: nonsense req'd: none reads: you open your mouth and the blood runs out -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --- ---- yOU oPEN yOUR ÷---. . : : | ___ ___ _______ : ___.___ | |___ ___.___ / V \ / __ \: / | \ _____/_ / __| \ / _ \ \_ \ | \ \__ \ \__ \ / | \ | \ \ | \ | \ / |___ \ ________\ ________\ ___ \ : \ /____ | : 7_____ \ | ____\ : : : : . | | `- aND tHE ÷----------. | . | | . | : | | | __|___ | | _______ _______ : ___|__ | | \__ \ __|____ / ____ \ / ____ \: / __/ | | | \ \___ \ \_ \ _/ \ | | | \ \ | \ | \ | |___________/ ____ \ _________\ _________\ ________| 7_______\ : `--÷ rUNS oUT --- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: login screen req'd: radiosity reads: terminal fuckup -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . | . | | | | |__ .::::::. _____ __ __ |______| _____ _____ | | __/_:::· .:::/ __ \ / V \ .______. / \ / __ \ _|___ | | ::: ::::: \_ /_ _ \ | | \ \_ \ \_ \ | :::. ... | \ | \ | | \ | \ \ |______ ·::::::::::: | \ | ____\ | ___| \ |____ \ _ \ |___ ·:::::::· |__ \ : |__ \nd! |__ \ | | ._________ | : | ______\ __.__ _____ | _ __.__ ______ | ___/ / | \ / ___/_ | / / | \ __ \ | | / | \ \ \ _ /_ | \ \_ \ | | / \ \ | \ \ \ | | /___________\ ______\ | \ ______\ _____/ · | |__ \ . | | | hoodlum hq! best boy iz radiosity/hlm! | | running on a3ooo/25mhz/2.5gigs online! [eof] -gERMANY's gRAFFITI bOARD nUMBER oNE!- .____________________________________________. [t^/lp!] | - T H E - Y A R D - | 6 nODEZ! ______ ____ | _________ ____ ___ _____|__ _____ _\ /_ /__|_____/ _ / / /__________\_ \____\_ /_____\ \ \ / _ / /____/ / / / _ \ / / _\ \ /______\__//______/________\ /______ /____\_______\ \___________\______\ dKB / dOPE / | /______/ l_____| | aMIGA.cONSOLES wX / sOIA / | | gRAFFITI.aSCII hEADQUATERS |____________________________________________| hIPhOP.lINUX eMAIL -aRTcOREcREW@yAHOO.cOM- oR aSK oN iRC!