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And Now It's YOUR .______. _____________.________________________. | |_____._______ | _______________ | | | | _/ |______._ \_. / | | | | \ | |/ | /______| |____________|______\_____|____________|________|uMn .___________ __________________________________..___________ ___________. ._|_____ /. _____/ _____________._ ||_____ /.______ | | _/ _/ | ___|__._____._ \_. |/ | _/ _/ | / | | \ | \| | |/ | / | \ | /______| |______\______|___________|___________|__________|_____\______|________|aC! · A 1200 ^ 28 MHZ ^ 6Mb Ram ^ 1.1 Gb HD ^ 28800 Speed · · AMiGA ^ PC ^ SNES ^ X-RATED ^ CODiNG ^ BBSUTILS ^ ASC²&ANSi · · SYSOPS: EXERON&MANIAC/EQX ^ mODE ^ MiSFiT/hNY^gF^dS · BiG bEn/RLX · Order Your Ascii's From MiSFit / hNY ^ g'FORCE ^ dS Here! Leave A Mail To The Staff For The Number... 13:25:45 15-Jul-95 ___________ __/________ ._________ _________/_ _________\______ /.__________/_____ /___:___|_ _____/._____ :\_ ____/ \_______ / __/ / | ___ / ___/ / | / ___/__| |__| \ \ | ___/ / \_ \| |/ /| \ __/| __| / \ \__ _____/ \ \ | \ __/|____\ \ / _____ | \_ _____ \ \ _____ \ _|__ \ : \_________ \ \________\ \ \_________ \ \____\ | \____\ \____\ \____\ \____\ .__________ __________|__ \ [-cASE] 5!nODES oF pLEZURE ____:___|_ ___ /_____. \______ | · | | / |/ /| __|__ / / | Nd!1 +46-476-21262 | __| / / \| \ \/ /| | Nd!3 +46-476-21726 Nd!2 +46-476-21005 | \_ _____ \ \ _____ | Nd!4 +46-476-21253 |____\ \ \__________ \ \___| aMIGA/pC/cON!0-hRS \____\ \____\ iN cHARGE!nERO/pDX Prophecy Ehq Pc sLAVES!aRE·zYCh!/cLS·RaJ/PsG·pALADiN zEPHYR/pCY^oGN·tASTE/cLS ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« tAKEN fROM tHE nUT & bOLT EURo-HQ. _____ _______________|___ _|____________ _________ ______________ ___________ \_______ \__ / \_____ _____/ \______ \_/______ \ \_/____ ____/ _/ / / / | | | | / _/_ _ / \_ ___/___| | \ / _/ / | | | & | / / \/ / \ | | \___/ \__________|__|____| |_________/__________/_________|____| +- -/_____/- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -+ tHE mANSiON +44-(0)P-R-I-V-A-T-E (Node 1) tHE mANSiON +44-(0)P-R-I-V-A-T-E (Node 2) Fri Jul 14 18:24:13 1995 (*)------------------------------------------------------------------(*) .______ wHO aRE yOU k¡DD¡NG?? ____ | / _____/ \| / wE aRE oZZ¡E'S NO.#1! ________/ ____\_____\ / .___. _/ ____ /_ \____/__rYL\_/ aCCEPT nO ¡M¡TAT¡ONS! ___. | |_____ \___/ /____| / ____| |__ | _ / / /(c)t^|___/ ____.______ ___/_| | /______/ _____ \_ | _/ | \__|____/ _______/ _ \/ | \___________/ _/ _____/_ | \________/ _ .________ \______/ .-- .--..-.-.:-.--..-.-|- |_________/ `-- `--'` '` `--'` `-' R · O · Y · A · L A · U · S · T · R · A · L · I · A · N H · Q 243·n&B·rYL dAFFY dUCK·oTL·n&B ^ dEV¡L&rAVEN·pSG·tRS¡·dCS ^ r¡NG+r¡NG!·rLG·rYL (*)------------------------------------------------------------------(*) .--------------------> ..iNnEr..dImEnSiOnZ..bBs.. <-----------------------. | __ _. _. ____ ____ | |_( _) _/ l__ _/ l__ _/ ___)_/ _ \ .----------------------------. | :\_ \ \_ __ \ \_ __ \ \_ __) \_ ___/ | nODe1 28k8:+61-755-fIND-iT | | ./ \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ _ \ | nODe2 28k8:+61-755-iZ-sOOn | : / \_ | \_ | \_ l \_ | \_ | | . \_____ /_l_____/_l_____/____ /_l__ / `-----> SYSPW = U nEED tHIs | \/ \/ \/-Ra! NUP = aND tHIS <---' . ^uLTRa-sONiX!^ /X tOOLz dISTRo sITE _____ __ _ _ ____ _. ____ __ ___ _. ____ . \___ \ _( _) _/_\/ \ _/ ___)_/ l_ _/ ___) _( _) _/ _ \ _/ l_ _/ ___) : :/ | \ \_ \ \_ \_/ \ \_ __) \_ _ \ \___ \ \_ \ \_ | \ \_ _ \ \___ \ | / | \/ \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ \/ | \/ | \/ | \| / l \_ \_ | \_ l \_ | \_ l \_ \_ l \_ | \_ l \_ \_________/___ /__l_____/____ /_l____/_______/___ /_______/_l____/_______/ | \/ \/ \/ | | 1 gIG hD cD-rOM sOOOoon rUNNINg /X 4.xX bIG /X & aSC² aREAz | : | dA aLMITEy mASTa --> SmaSh!//uSx hIZ rITe hAND mAN: Chewie//uSx <---' . dA kIKKIn iT cO-SYs kREW .-> bUTTkIKKER//CLQ//uSx . :-----> RaSTa//CLQ//uSx . :---------> Paint//uSx : `----------------------------------------------. | fRESh 0-1 dAYz.. 1oo% pURe aMI pOWER! wIT' h/P/a/C aREA nO LAME! Pc | | jUST fUKKIn cALL iT fOR sUM fUN aND sOME wRZ | | | `-----------------> CLiQUE / PEARL oFFICIAL ßETA sITE <-------------------' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ADDY'z UP HERE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __ ______ .-- -__| \/ ___/_ - - ---------------. |Ra!/ | \____ \ ^uLTRa-sONiX!^ | | / | / | \ gIVeZ yOU --. | : \ l \ l \ .---------------' | . \_______\________/ `-> oN: 07-14-95! | | . Mega Cheat v2.1 ENGLISH TRANSLATION | | Original Filename: MGCHGUI2.lha | | Over 500 Cheatz Part 2/2 <L-Z> | `------------ -- - - --- --------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ @BEGIN_ORIGINAL_FILE_ID.DIZ |\/| |¯¯¯ |¯¯¯ /¯\ | | |--- | -- |___| | | |___ |___| | | V2.1 /¯¯¯ | | |¯¯¯ /¯\ --- | |--| |--- |___| | \___ | | |___ | | | Fast 500 Cheats für ECS,AGA und CD³² . Komplett Deutsch. In Guide Form . Jetzt noch @END_ORIGINAL_FILE_ID.DIZ CONTENTS: L SECTION: Line 44 T SECTION: Line 1404 M SECTION: Line 299 U SECTION: Line 1785 N SECTION: Line 399 V SECTION: Line 1823 O SECTION: Line 527 W SECTION: Line 1877 P SECTION: Line 632 X SECTION: Line 1928 Q SECTION: Line 999 Y SECTION: Line <No `Y' Gamez ed.> R SECTION: Line 1012 Z SECTION: Line 1946 S SECTION: Line 1197 < Remember, Addyz will alter this contentz, that iz the original > L SECTION: Last Duel- Pause the game with F9, HELP and shift1 then hold.. Start the game again, now you can pick levelz with the F(X) keyz and F8 givez 5 livez.. Last Ninja 3- Type ILLBEBACK in the highscore list, youll get unlimited livez With F1 to F6 you can pick levelz.. Leander- Level-Codez: Level Code 1 SUSS 2 IMED 3 URTI 4 BASD 5 NOUS 6 RERO Leather Neck- In game type CUTHBERTNECK, F3 makiez immortal.. Lead Storm- On the title screen type DAVID BROAHURST WANTS TO CHEAT (note the two spacez), for unlimited livez.. Leonardo- Type FREIBIERC as a password for unlimited livez.. Level-Codez: EMMENTALER - Level 10 ALPHORN - Level 20 MATTERHORN - Level 30 IVANHOE - un-known Lemmingz- DemoVersion Level-Codez: Level 2 - OHPVMXDIIR Level 3 - LPVMXDGJIO Level 4 - PVMXDOLKIX Level 5 - VMXDGHTLIQ EndVersion Level-Codez: One Player Game Two Player Game ( FUN ) ( TRICKY ) ( TAXING ) ( MAYHEM ) XXXXXXXXXX HBANLMFPDV ONICEKLNFS NHMFHFALHV JAJHLDIBMO IJHLDHBCCU CMOLMFNQDK FIBIJLMOFL HMFHFINMHD IJHLDKJCMJ NHLDHBADCR BAKHLLMBEL IBANLMFPFY MFHFAJLNHX NHLDKJADMW HLDHBINECK MKHNLICCEX BINLMFIQFR FHFIJLMOHQ HLDIJINEMW LDHBAJLFCT OJNLICADES FAJHLDHBGT HFANLMFPHN LDIJAJLFMW DHBIJLLGCM HLDMCMOEEX IJHLDHFCGM FINLMFHQHW DIJIJLLGMP HBANLLDHCJ LLICAJMFEQ NHLDHFADGJ FAJHLDIBIW IJANLLDHMM BINLLDHICS DIBIJMLGEQ HLDHFINEGS IJHLDIFCIP JINLLDIIMV BAJHMDHJCV IBANLLDHEM LDHFAJLFGL NHLDIFADIM JAJHMDIJMX IJHMDHBKCN BINLLDIIEV DHFIJLLGGU HLDIFINEIV IJHMDIJKMQ NHMDHBALCK BAJHMDIJEX HFANLLDHGR LDIFAJLFIO NHMDIJALMN HMDHBINMCT IJHMDIBKEQ FINLLDHIGK DIFIJLLGIX HMDIJINMMW MDHBAJLNCM NHMDIBALEN FAJHMDHJGM IFANLLDHIV MDIJAJLNMP DHBIJLMOCV HMDIBINMEW IJHMDHFKGV FINLLDIIIN DIJIJLMOMY HBANLMDPCS MDIBAJLNEP NHMDHFALGS FAJHMDIJIP IJANLMOPMV BINLMDHQCL DIBIJLMOEY HMDHFINMGL IJHMDIFKIY JINLMDIQMO BAJHLFHBDO IBANLMDPEV MDHFAJLNGU NHMDIFALIN JAJHLFIBNR IJHLFHBCDX BINLMDIQEO DHFIJLMOGN HMDIFINMIO IJHLFIJCNK NHLFHBADDU BAJHLFIBFR HFANLMDPGK MDIFAJLNIX NXLFIJADNX HLFHBINEDN IJHLFIBCFK FINLMDHQGT DIFIJLMOIQ HLFIJINENQ LFHBAJLFDW NXLFIBADFX FAJHLFHBHW IFANLMDPIN FHBIJLLGDP HLFIBINEFQ IJHLFHFCHP FINLMDIQIW HBANLLFHDM LFIBAJLFFJ NHLFHFADHM FAJHLFIBJJ BINLLFHIDN FIBIJLLGFS HLFHFINEHV IJHLFIFCJS BAJHMFHJDX IBANLLFHFP LFHFAJLFHO NHLFIFADJP IJHMFHBKDQ BINLLFIIFY FHFIJLLGHX HLFIFINEJY NHMFHBALDN CEKHMNIJFY HFANLLFHHU LFIFAJLFJR HMFHBINMDW IJHMFIBKFT FINLLFHIHN FIFIJLLGJK MFHBAJLNDP NHMFIBALFQ FAJHMFHJHP IFANLLFHJX FHBIJLMODY HMFIBINMFJ IJHMFHFKHY FINLLFIIJQ Lemmingz 2- Click in all 4 cornerz of the titlescreen until you hear `Lets Go' now you can start on any level.. Oh No! More <DAMN! ed.> Lemmingz!- Level-Codez: TAME 01......No Code 02......IHRTDNCCAD 03......LRTDLCADAO 04......RTDLCILEAH 05......TDLCAITFAP 06......DLCIHVTGAJ 07......LCALVTDHAG 08......CILVTDLIAP 09......CAHRVDLJAR 10......IHRUDLCKAK 11......LRUDLCALAH 12......RUDLCILMAQ 13......UDLCAHVNAJ 14......DLCIHVUOAS 15......LCALVUDPAP 16......CILVUDLQAI 17......CAHRTFLBLL 18......IHRTFLCCBE 19......LRTFLCADBR 20......RTFLCILEBK XMAS Lemmingz- Level-Codez: Flurry Blizzard 01 No code cakhnnhbdk 02 ijjldcccn ijjlfnccdq 03 njldlccdck njlflccddn 04 hldlcijoecq jfllcinedc 05 ldlcajnfck lflcajnfdn 06 dlcmjllgcv flcmjllgdy 07 lcaolldhcp lccnnlfhdv 08 cinnllhicn cinnlflidk 09 ccjjmdljcn ccjjmfljdq 10 ijjmdlckcu ikhmflckdw 11 njolhcelcl njmflcaldu 12 jmdlcinmck jmfcinmdn 13 mdlcajnnct mflcakmndw 14 dlcijnmocm glcojmmodv 15 lcaolmdpcy lccnnmfpdo 16 cinnmdlqcs binooolqdq Lethal Weapon- Key-Combinationz: ALT+Y+I - De-Bug mode.. ALT+Y+K - Ammo.. ALT+Y+L - More livez.. ALT+Y+M - Getz rid of Spritez and platformz.. <i think ed.> ALT+Y+N - Putz `em back.. ALT+Y+Number - Selectz level.. With the following codez you get 99 magazinez and heapz of livez: Mission Code 1 IRUREI 2 MYEBUE 3 TICELT 4 CTLYOA Light Corridor- Level-Codez: Level Code Level Code 1 0000 26 8215 2 5400 27 5116 3 0101 28 7017 4 3901 29 5518 5 2602 30 2819 6 9902 31 2819 7 4303 32 9919 8 9003 33 7320 9 6904 34 2521 10 3305 35 0622 11 9305 36 3722 12 3406 37 1223 13 0407 38 4523 14 6407 39 4124 15 2008 40 1825 16 7408 41 1926 17 4709 42 9726 18 3810 43 5927 19 0511 44 0528 20 6811 45 7328 21 3212 46 3929 22 0213 47 3030 23 8213 48 0531 24 5014 49 8413 25 1015 50 9932 Lion Heart- Duck down and pause the game, now press CTRL and HELP for immortality.. Little Puff- Type FAT DRAGON NINJA, now skip levelz with CAPS LOCK.. Locomotion- Level-Codez: BOOT CHOR DORF ENTE FUSS GIFT HAND IGLU JAHR KUSS LAND Logical- Level-Codez: Level 01....WELCOME Level 02....THE OTHER SIDE Level 03....QUADRI QUADRA Level 04....STONE ROAD Level 05....NICE COLORS Level 06....MORE COLORS Level 07....REAL FUN Level 08....PINK AND PINK Level 09....GREEN PATH Level 10....BAD DIRECTION Level 11....DONT PANIC Level 12....COLORMANIA Level 13....REFRESHMENT Level 14....FULL MOON Level 15....RUNNING BALLS Level 16....GREEN RIVER Level 17....TWO ISLANDS Level 18....MORE ISLANDS Level 19....TIMES CHANGE Level 20....OTHER THINGS Level 21....BE HONEST Level 22....BLUE N VIOLET Level 23....THREE PATHS Level 24....DANGEROUS Level 25....THE WANDERER Level 26....SECRET CHAMBER Level 27....FALCONS FLIGHT Level 28....BLUE ANGEL Level 29....FAR THUNDER Level 30....A SIMPLE ONE Level 31....BLUE VELVET Level 32....PARADISE I Level 33....CLASSIC ART Level 34....VENI VIDI VICI Level 35....WE LIKE IT Level 36....FOREVER HERE Level 37....WONDERLAND Level 38....THE SNARE Level 39....CURE IT Level 40....SUN IS SHINING Level 41....A RAINBOW Level 42....ARROW ROAD Level 43....TURNING WHEELS Level 44....ACCELERATION Level 45....THE PRESIDENT Level 46....HE IS MISSING Level 47....PICKNICK TIME Level 48....WHO IS CALLING Level 49....ANCIENT ART Level 50....SHE IS GONE Level 51....LOGISTIC Level 52....TURNING COLORS Level 53....PARAMOUNT Level 54....THE LADDER Level 55....BACK IN RED Level 56....TREASURE ROOM Level 57....DONT WANT THAT Level 58....FREE FALL Level 59....CORRADO BEACH Level 60....MORE POPCORN Level 61....WILD AT HEART Level 62....THE DARK AGE Level 63....DIMLIGHTS Level 64....THE FIFTIES Level 65....PICTURE OF HER Level 66....GORDIAN KNOT Level 67....HIGH SPEED Level 68....ALEXANDRIA Level 69....RUNNING TEARS Level 70....HER RAINBOW Level 71....WALK IN CREAM Level 72....TOUCH HER Level 73....SHADOWLAND Level 74....JACK IN BAG Level 75....VITAMIN C Level 76....STUNT BALL Level 77....MIRRORLAND Level 78....ACE QUEST Level 79....BOA BOA BOA Level 80....DA DA DA Level 81....HAUNTED HOUSE Level 82....THE SECRETS Level 83....SMILING JOKE Level 84....CHILDREN GO Level 85....IT IS ATLANTIS Level 86....ON THE ROAD Level 87....BLUE IS FIRST Level 88....WOLFS MOON Level 89....WILD CHINA Level 90....ITS LOGICAL Level 91....SHE COMPARES Level 92....BIG MOUNTAINS Level 93....TOMORROW Level 94....TELEPORTER JAM Level 95....LEVER SUNLIGHT Level 96....NEW EXODUS Level 97....THE PEACEPIPE Level 98....FINAL SURPRISE Level 99....WHITE MIAMI Level 100...THE FINAL CUT Lost Vikingz- Level-Codez: Level Code Level Code Level Code 1 STRT 14 C1R0 27 WKYY 2 GRST 15 SPKS 28 CMB0 3 TLPT 16 JMNN 29 8BLL 4 GRND 17 TTRS 30 TRDR 5 LLM0 18 JLLY 31 FNTM 6 FL0T 19 PLNG 32 WRLR 7 TRSS 20 BTRY 33 TRPD 8 PRHS 21 JNKR 34 TFFF 9 CVRN 22 CBLT 35 FRGT 10 BBLS 23 H0PP 36 4RN4 11 VLCN 24 SMRT 37 MSTR 12 QCKS 25 V8TR 13 PHR0 26 NFL8 Lotus Turbo- To get rid of the `Not Qualified' thing, for player one type this as a name `FIELDS OF FIRE' and for player two `IN A BIG COUNTRY`.. ( Y = Z ).. If this dont work try without spacez.. For an extra little game type `MONSTERS` for player one and `SEVENTEEN` for player two.. Lotus Turbo Challenge 2- Type DUX as a password for a two player version of a kewl little game from the carnival.. Level-Codez: Forest: No Code Night: TWILIGHT Fog: PEA SOUP Snow: THE SKIDS Desert: PEACHES Motorway: LIVERPOOL Marsh: BAGLEY Storm: E BOW For unlimited time type TURPENTINE.. Lotus 3- Type GAMESMAST as a track code and pick the round, GamesMaster comez, this is the track from???.. <I have no idea what this meanz ed.> Use these as namez: BACKTOTHEFISH - no timeoutz (type for both playerz).. CU AMIGA (watch the spacez) and youll find yourself in a bonus game, type BIGCOUNTRY and a number to choose a level.. M SECTION: Magic Marble- Level-Codez: Level 1 - ADVERTISER 2 - EVERYWHERE 3 - TOOTHPASTE 4 - CONNECTION 5 - CLEVERNESS 6 - COPYWRITER 7 - TELEVISION 8 - CIGARETTES 9 - COMPLICATE 10 - IMPOSSIBLE END - INTERESTED MagicLand of Dizzy- Type DIAMONS AND PEARLS in-game for unlimited livez.. Manic Miner- Pause the game and type * for 9 livez.. Marvinz Marvelous Adventure- Level-Codez: HEART OF GLASS BIG BANG SYSEX TWIN PEAKS FALLING APHEX TWIN ELASTICA MAX GOLDT Might And Magic- Teleport-Codez: LUDWIG WOODLAND DSCH BABAYAGA GLOBDULE QUIXOTE THE MOJO CLANGERS Might And Magic 3- Teleport-Codez: HOME SEADOG FREEMAN DOOMED REDHOT AIR WATER FIRE EARTH McDonald Land- When you see Mick And Mack in the fast food add type KID and press <Cr>, now you'll both have unlimited livez.. Mega Worm- Level-Codez: Level Code Level Code Level Code 5 MASTERS OF WAR 32 DARK EYES 44 SLOW TRAIN 10 DESOLATION ROW 34 TRUST YOUR EYES 45 SOLID ROCK 14 IDIOT WIND 36 MAN OF PEACE 46 HEART OF MINE 18 FOREVER YOUNG 38 MOONSHINER 47 FOOT OF PRIDE 22 LENNY BRUCE 40 GOLDENLOOM 48 ISIS 25 HURRICANE 41 UNION SUNDOWN 49 GATES OF EDEN 28 JOKERMAN 42 LAY LADY LAY 30 SHOOTING STAR 43 PRECIOUS ANGEL Menace- In-game type XR3ITURBONUTTERBASTARD.. Now press 1-6 on the numeric pad to skip to the next level.. HELP fillz weaponz and RETURN bringz you to the end-dude. If this dont work try XR31 TURBO NUTTER BASTARD. Metal Law- In game type DßSWAT, now F1-F5 to change fire-power, F6 shield on, F7 shield off, F8 skip level and F9 skip world.. These might only work on A500.. Metal Masterz- Press F4 to freeze enemy.. Midnite Resistance- In-game type ITS EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW for unlimited every thing.. If this dont work try without spacez.. Monkey Island 1&2- Press ALT & W together to get to the end of the game.. Monty Pythonz Flying Circus- Type SEMPRINI on the notice board, to start at the place of the level where you died on.. Move `Em- Level-Codez: 01-"IHKKSDCC" 17-"LLKASHBC" 33-"LJWQZECB" 02-"NHFSTJLL" 18-"CCDFFEJF" 34-"MBXCWICS" 03-"IJGGFDSG" 19-"JJASDTES" 35-"LASGFHEZ" 04-"AKJSWEZE" 20-"LIEZGXCY" 36-"LKDIUIWE" 05-"ADDSFWWW" 21-"LNGGSIIW" 37-"LKAZUWUE" 06-"UTRQKLKK" 22-"OKDPWEOO" 38-"SDNCEUZF" 07-"LPAPWIEW" 23-"LASZEWQZ" 39-"LKIIFGDW" 08-"ZTTRDGFS" 24-"MBCWZTED" 40-"BCNVDFWE" 09-"LKLSDGET" 25-"LKASHHEE" 41-"CXEIUWXS" 10-"PLPLPWZZ" 26-"LKVXXSAE" 42-"AJDHXVWW" 11-"LKSFDREE" 27-"QWUICBVE" 43-"IRWEHCBS" 12-"DARSEZZE" 28-"MNMNCBXW" 44-"MCSUZEOI" 13-"IUEGDGHS" 29-"ULNBUWEU" 45-"MCNWIVBD" 14-"LHSVXVCD" 30-"WNXYQZUE" 46-"MCLSOEIW" 15-"LKJHJEZT" 31-"HUETTWEW" 47-"LLDFIOED" 16-"IIIEUWDD" 32-"PPOEUUCH" 48-"PEIRNFDN" 49-"PCEGXNBC" 50-"GRISWOLD" Mr Blobby- Level-Codez: BABE CCAH DAKD EMEA FLAF GGAK HAHJ BAJM CKAP DASL EUMA GOAS HAPR AACB BBBF CCBI ENEB FMBF GGBL HBHK AIKB DBTL EVMB GOBT HBPS AADC BCBG CDMD EOEC HCHL AICL CKCR DCUL EWMC FVCN GOCU FODF GGDN HDHM AIMD BDJP DDVL Mr Nutz- Pause the game and type slowly COOL JUMP NUT, that givez you unlimited livez.. SORCERER makez immortal, type OCEANSOFT then press F9 for bombz and F10 for diamondz.. Space skipz levelz.. N SECTION: Naughty Onez- On the title screen type JOSHUA for unlimited livez.. In-game press DEL, SPACE or RETURN to skip a level.. Dont try to skip in the last level or youll get GURU!!! <hehehe ed.> Navy Sealz- Type PSBOYS as your name on the main screen.. Then start the game and press ESC straight away to get to the next level.. Nacro Police- In-game type ABRIR to open doorzm NOENEMIG to kill enemyz, COMENZAR to bring you back, BLAST to activate Smart Bombz and MUNICON for ammo.. Nebulus- Type after the title screen helloiamjmp for unlimited livez.. F1-F8 pickz towerz.. Nebulus 2- Level-Codez: Tower 5: ICEHOUSE If you dont have enough wepaonz type HOUSEBLUES Tower 9: LANDANDLOVE if you are ontop of the tower, or if you are Tower 13: GREENTREES below type BLUESHOUSE.. Neuronics- Level-Codez: 002-"CIBCLM" 036-"RILWTK" 070-"WTTNRL" 003-"HVLATI" 037-"PVQMRS" 071-"FBRRRN" 004-"TMBFHS" 038-"JAQKRQ" 072-"IHGUSG" 005-"XTOAEL" 039-"YAEMVC" 073-"BDYJPB" 006-"ZYORZY" 040-"DCGUSW" 074-"FTUVLW" 007-"TXGFWT" 041-"QQMVMC" 075-"NZWCGP" 008-"YRYQTX" 042-"NVZRPQ" 076-"LAYZVL" 009-"CCJEYT" 043-"JLRNCV" 077-"WWRUZW" 010-"FFNZBE" 044-"OBLNKW" 078-"CHXDUF" 011-"WOQXOS" 045-"HEMMAA" 079-"CVBKPY" 012-"AZMFED" 046-"AUAGQD" 080-"JOVDBM" 013-"AQXXZZ" 047-"KFHMAE" 081-"VFPWZA" 014-"UQJNQF" 048-"UYGMYG" 082-"VOQWQV" 015-"VAJDKH" 049-"QUICHN" 083-"RGULOI" 016-"MSILEK" 050-"SCBLEB" 084-"JLLEAH" 017-"ZAGFNG" 051-"UDHHIU" 085-"HEEIBJ" 018-"IVCNKN" 052-"SGZPVV" 086-"JHYVUQ" 019-"EAZXGR" 053-"ORHMIY" 087-"ONNWFJ" 020-"YFSNRB" 054-"OGOUTW" 088-"ZGLUCJ" 021-"UYUURP" 055-"ALAFAJ" 089-"MJYENJ" 022-"UPVMER" 056-"PLQOJF" 090-"HVZBFP" 023-"ACYNPG" 057-"LWTAYS" 091-"XGJEOP" 024-"DUAGDK" 058-"GLNMZF" 092-"MBYRIE" 025-"TSTIHH" 059-"YODAOC" 093-"RJWZMG" 026-"QUTFFN" 060-"XRPXYB" 094-"PXSRSX" 027-"EISYWQ" 061-"KCSGKQ" 095-"ECDCTR" 028-"BJDDYQ" 062-"QXDYMM" 096-"NBAHTD" 029-"USENIE" 063-"EIADJJ" 097-"IGEHQY" 030-"AOIYSW" 064-"GTJFGS" 098-"PTLGPG" 031-"BVOIMJ" 065-"UJEQPP" 099-"GKJBHH" 032-"HPIWGV" 066-"UYMHGZ" 100-"HKARSZ" 033-"SGKSOP" 067-"XJXVDJ" 101-"JZGIRY" 034-"CVQHAZ" 068-"CKHNQJ" 102-"IPPRHB" 035-"CTLKAL" 069-"DGKYXQ" 103-"MNZBEL" Never Ending Story 2- Level-Codez: Level 1 PHZANLO <Part 3 SUX!! ed.) Level 2 QCFDGQB Never Mind- On the main screen type 328GTS, now you can skip levelz with the right mouse buttonz.. Level-Codez: 00......MMMRHM 14......IAMRHB 01......AMMRHA 15......RAMRHF 02......HMMRHH 16......MHMWHM 03......VMMRHV 17......AHMWHA 04......PMMRHP 18......HMMWHJ 05......GMMRHG 19......VHMWHV 06......IMMRHI 20......PHMWHP 07......RMMRHR 21......GHMWHG 08......MAMRHW 22......IHMWHI 09......AMMRHN 23......RHMWHR 10......HAMRHZ 24......MVMWHM 11......VAMRHT 25......AVMWHN 12......HMMWHH 13......CMMRHQ New Zealand Story- Press DEL then M, now type FLUFFYKIWIS for unlimited livez, S now skipz levelz.. Nick Faldoz Golf- Type MAJORTOM on the title screen for the original 9 hole course and a course on Mars.. Night Breed- Type RISEN FROM THE DEAD for unlimited livez.. Night Shift- Level-Codez: 02.......Cherry, Banana, Banana, Lemon. 03.......Banana, Cherry, Pineapple, Plum. 04.......Pineapple, Lemon, Pineapple, Pineapple. 05.......Pineapple, Pineapple, Lemon, Cherry. 06.......Cherry, Plum, Plum, Pineapple. 07.......Cherry, Pineapple, Lemon, Banana. 08.......Pineapple, Banana, Pineapple, Cherry. 09.......Pineapple, Lemon, Lemon, Cherry. 10.......Lemon, Banana, Plum, Plum. Ninja Warriorz- Type these in-game, alwayz press caps-lock before typing them in and press it again afterwardz.. THE TERMINATOR Body Partz explode when you die.. <Kewl! ed.> MONTY PYTHON Enemyz walk backwardz.. SKIPPY Enemyz explode.. A SMALL STEP FOR A MAN Jumping enemyz jump out of the screen.. STEVE AUSTIN S turnz slow motion on/off.. KYLIE Turnz the screen.. OPEN THE POD BAY DOORS HAL Unlimited Shurikenz.. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU Unlimited Energy.. CHEDDAS Unlimited Credz.. WARP FACTOR ONE, MR SULU 1-6 choosez level.. <Star-Trek rulez, ok! ed.> NickyBoom- Level-Codez: Level 2: MEDIT 3: KRATTY 4: MIRTES 5: ARRAX 6: JANIR 7: TRINOS 8: SIXAN Nicky 2- Level-Codez: Level Code Level Code 2 DRACO 6 PALET 3 ATIKH 7 MIURA 4 FIRAM 8 SLORY 5 LURNA Nitro- Type MAJ as your name for 5000 fuel unitz and 50 credz.. O SECTION: One Step Beyond- Level-Codez: Level 00: 48474 26: 26705 52: 30953 78: 36666 01: 39943 27: 05384 53: 21905 79: 03323 02: 22881 28: 32089 54: 52858 80: 39989 03: 62824 29: 37473 55: 09227 81: 43312 04: 20169 30: 04026 56: 62085 82: 17765 05: 17457 31: 41499 57: 05776 83: 61077 06: 37626 32: 45525 58: 02325 84: 13306 07: 55083 33: 21488 59: 08101 85: 08847 08: 27103 34: 01477 60: 10426 86: 22153 09: 16720 35: 22965 61: 18527 87: 31000 10: 43893 36: 24442 62: 18527 88: 53153 11: 60613 37: 47407 63: 28953 89: 18617 12: 38970 38: 06313 64: 47480 90: 06234 13: 34047 39: 53720 65: 10897 91: 24851 14: 07481 40: 60033 66: 10897 92: 31085 15: 41528 41: 48217 67: 62115 93: 55936 16: 49009 42: 42714 68: 00317 94: 21485 18: 08474 44: 02573 70: 62749 95: 11885 19: 33475 45: 27968 71: 59645 96: 33370 20: 41949 46: 30541 72: 56858 97: 45255 21: 09888 47: 58509 73: 50967 98: 13089 22: 51837 48: 23514 74: 42289 99: 58344 23: 61725 49: 16487 75: 27720 24: 48026 50: 40001 76: 04473 25: 44215 51: 56488 77: 32193 Operation Thunderbolt- On the title screen press FIRE and F8 for a weapon with laser sighting.. WIGAN NINJA on the main screen for unlimited continuez.. Oscar AGA- In the level-select screen go to the Horror level screen.. After it loadz dont press FIRE to start, instead push UP and press K and hold until, then press FIRE, ESC now skipz levelz.. Oopz Up- Level-Codez: DK51 467H EB01 Q058 VE96 ER7E D04G S04L A234 WAQD PW04 C5J0 DK49 MC90 4799 XPE4 TRP2 FE50 FUKO 10F4 JU68 DK39 R2T7 Out Run- In-game type RED BARCHETTA and then press T for more time and G skipz levelz.. This only workz with the European Version.. Out To Lunch- Type FEEDME as a level code to play the different levelz and there zonez.. World-Codez: Greece TZATZIKI West Indiens PLANTAIN Mexico FAJITAS China WONTON France CHOUX Oxyd Magnum- Level-Codez: 1. 12315524 35. 76231232 2. 98242163 36. 27333386 3. 89693796 37. 18604278 4. 12343596 38. 03298891 5. 93255867 39. 99454196 6. 07659199 40. 41961156 7. 96549204 41. 76588783 8. 31222519 42. 85245124 9. 63343665 43. 52876649 10. 40222617 44. 50310209 11. 44590444 45. 57899374 12. 35787325 46. 13834195 13. 68099940 47. 96169827 14. 88815926 48. 89062821 15. 13236967 49. 99490654 16. 24629215 17. 49344163 18. 11076228 19. 65670965 20. 22763196 21. 30124217 22. 70220598 23. 65870799 24. 20527223 25. 06002006 26. 94254906 27. 86510660 28. 86993842 29. 98493601 30. 04496947 31. 62087948 32. 64526776 33. 58468944 34. 14213476 P SECTION: P47 ThunderBolt- Use ZEBEDEE as your name in the high score table, now F1 will skip levelz and F2 givez livez.. PacLand- Type AVALON on then title screen for unlimited livez.. Pang- On the stage select screen type WHAT A NICE CHEAT <with spaces>.. Now you can go anywhere on the map.. Panza Kick Boxing- If you're getting your butt kicked press ESC to get back to the Menu.. Paradroid- Press F3 on the Title screen for a new menu.. Parasol Stars- Type CYNIX in-game then F1-F10 to skip levelz.. To skip whole levelz press 1-7.. C showz Extra Creditz, X takez you to a ExtraLevel, G givez you Smart-Bombz, B for a bonus stage, M for a I-Star-Icon and A quitz stage.. PinBall Fantastiez- Before your game type: EARTHQUAKE - Tilt deactivated.. EXTRA BALLS - 5 ballz per game.. VACUUM CLEANER - Clearz HighScore List.. DIGITAL ILLUSIONS - Cant lose the ball.. FAIR PLAY - Cant cheat.. <Stoopid cheat!! ed.> These show you some msgz: THE SILENTS, ANDREAS, FREDERIK, ULF, OLOF, MARKUS, BARRY, HIGHLANDER and TECH STUFF.... Pipe Dream- Level-Codez: Level 5: HAHA Level 9: GRIN Level 13: REAP Level 17: SEED Level 21: GROW Level 25: TALL Level 29: YALI Pipe Mania- Level-Codez: Level 4: GRIP Level 8: TICK Level 12: DOCK Level 16: OOZE Level 20: BLOB Level 24: BALL Level 28: WILD PipeLine- Level-Codez: Level Code 1 FOLD 2 TEAR 3 DUCT 4 EYES 5 PEAS 6 PODS 7 EGGS Pit Fighter- Start the game and press SHIFT and the Left Mouse button, then type in LOBSTERS.. Now you can do the following: 1 til 9 - to skip to that level.. C - Skip to chamionship level.. L - Skip to the last match.. Platoon- Type HAMBURGER on the title screen then press F5 for fx, F1-F4 bringz one into the different partz of the game.. Populous- Here are a FEW Codez for the Conquest mode.. Level Codeword 000.....GENESIS 002.....JOSAMAR 003.....TIMUSLUG 004.....CALDIEHILL 005.....SCOQUEMET 006.....SWAUER 007.....KILLPEING 008.....EOAOZORD 009.....BURLWILDON 010.....MORINGILL 011.....NIMHILL 012.....BILCEMET 013.....RINGMPED 014.....WEAVHIPHAM 015.....ALPOUTOND 016.....BADACON 017.....IMMUSILL 018.....HOBDIETORY 019.....BUGQUEEND 020.....SHADTED 021.....CORPEHAM 022.....BINOZOND 023.....SADWILLO 024.....LOWINGICK 025.....QUAZITORY 026.....VERYMEEND 027.....MINMPME 028.....HAMHIPOLD 029.....FUTOUTBOY 030.....SUZALOW 031.....DOUUSICK 032.....SHIDIEHOLE 033.....HURTLOPLAS 034.....JOSTME 035.....TIMPEOLD 036.....CALOZBOY 037.....SCOWILDOR 038.....SWAINGPAL 039.....KILLOHOLE 040.....EOAMELAS 041.....BURMPAL 042.....MORPHIPPIL 043.....NIMOUTJOB 044.....BILADOR 045.....RINGGBPAL 046.....WEAVINPERT 047.....ALPLOPOUT 048.....BADTAL 049.....IMMPEPIL 050.....HOBOZJOB 052.....SHADOGODON 056.....LOWWHIPBAR 058.....VERYELIN 060.....HAMINMAR 064.....SHIOZER 068.....CAMELUG 072.....EOAEING 077.....RINGOXMET 083.....BUGMPTORY 090.....VERYYTORY 097.....FLIRTDIHOLE 103.....KILLSODPAL 106.....MOREAAL 110.....WEAVDEPAL 114.....HOBIEPIL 118.....BINYPERT 120.....LOWEAT 123.....MINULIN 126.....SUZKOPLUG 128.....SHIEBAR 132.....CALYMAR 133.....SCOOXLUG 136.....EOAQUEED 138.....MORDEORD 139.....NIMDICON 141.....RINGINGTORY 146.....HOBYCON 151.....SADUHAM 155.....MININGHOLE 161.....HURTAICK 166.....SWADEBOY 172.....BILASPIL 178.....HOBQUET 179.....BUGUPIL 184.....LOWIOUT 190.....SUZUSMAR 198.....SWAILUG 200.....EOAMPHET 205.....RINGINILL 211.....BUGINGLOW 216.....LOWOUTOLD 219.....MININICK 224.....SHIWILBOY 226.....JOSOICK 229.....SCOHIPAL 237.....RINGEAPIL 238.....WEAVIKEJOB 246.....BINGBLIN 247.....SADINDON 257.....HURTKOPHILL 263.....KILLYLUG 269.....RINGDECON 273.....IMMEED 278.....BINOXTORY 285.....FUTKOPHOLE 290.....JOSSODDOR 295.....KILLQUEPIL 299.....NIMKOPPERT 305.....IMMYPAL 311.....SADDELIN 316.....HAMCEBAR 320.....SHIOXMAR 322.....JOSDIEHILL 327.....KILLWILCON 333.....RINGOUTOND 348.....HAMALOW 353.....HURTPEOID 359.....KILLMPAL 363.....NIMUSPAL 371.....BUGIPERT 376.....LOWALIN 381.....FUTPEBAR 385.....HURTOMAR 391.....KILLGBORD 399.....ALPOCON 403.....BUGOUTME 407.....SADIOPICK 410.....VERYEAME 412.....HAMOGOBOY 419.....TINGBBOY 422.....SWATHOLE 430.....WEAVKOPOUT 435.....BUGLOPDON 437.....COROXOUT 443.....MINDIMAR 451.....TIMOXLUG 455.....KILLUING 460.....BILEMET 467.....BUGIKEEND 470.....BINDEOND 478.....SUZYLOW 486.....SWAKOPPAL 492.....BILYDOR 493.....RINGAPAL 494.....WEAVUSPERT 999.....KILLUSPAL 1000.....SHISODING Popoulous 2- Type ADKITAKDVGZLRGZW as a password, this givez you the most of everything.. Level-Codez: 020...NGAF 026...UXCCAF 032...LDOMAD 036...ADUHAK 042...ALJIAC 048...PEHE 054...IIDDAF 060...INUNAD 066...LOISAB 070...OOOMAC 075...EMAAG 090...UXII 096...LDAKAG 108...MEOMAB 114...ERNEAT 120...PIABAF 131...ACFEAG 136...OPUMAB 141...HEAGAF 147...NEMMAC 149...ITIMAT 155...IMALAF 161...MONEAC 167...WOOP 173...UPSIAG 179...TTAFAK 184...PIMOAT 190...JIERAF 195...ACUH 201...AMJIAG 202...UMQU 208...QUSOAG 211...NESIAF 214...MMFEAK 220...DDLLAB 224...LDAGAD 228...ADERAK 234...ALAAAC 235...UNNEAK 241...SUABAK 244...EGUX 249...NEIIAK 251...LYLY 260...OMLOAF 263...AGISAK 268...UBMMAT 274...TUOWAF 280...VEEGAD Populous 2 Challenge Disk- Level-Codez: Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 2 WALLS 12 SURFIN 22 SFICE 32 SABOTEUR 3 BOLT 13 DIAGS 23 CONV 33 RITES 4 BASALT 14 BANDIT 24 MUSHY 34 GUARDS 5 PAPAL 15 WINDS 25 GAUNTLET 35 EXTINET 6 HEAT 16 WAVE 26 UWORLD 36 PATHWAY 7 OBVIOUS 17 WALL 27 SPLITTER 37 RUNNER 8 BULLFROG 18 FUSE 28 CELTIC 38 TWIN 9 SURROUND 19 MISGRATE 29 ELECTRIC 39 ORCHARD 10 RANGER 20 HURDLE 30 ILLUSION 40 ROCKY 11 MAGNET 21 SIEGE 31 ESCAPE 41 FRYING PP Hammer- Level-Codez: 02......WUCREBWA 03......HTSJVAUW 04......WRIJWVIW 05......HJBIJUWV 06......WIWHSTSU 07......HGIHGRRU 08......WFFGIJFT 09......HEVECITS 10......WCSEEGHS 11......HBEFVFGR 12......WABFAEBR 13......IVRCSCIJ 14......AUHDUBDI 15......ITADHACI 16......ASUAIWUH 17......IJGCCUEG 18......AIDCETWG 19......IHTUWSUF 20......AFFUBJEF 21......IECTSIWE 22......ADSWUHVD 23......IBIWHFJD 24......AABVJEAC 25......FWVJIDSB 26......BUHICBRB 27......UTEJEAFA 28......BSUJUWTA 29......FJRRWUGW 30......BIDSJTFV 31......UHASTSAV 32......BFREGJIV 33......FEHFIIDT 34......BDACCHCT 35......UCUBEGUS 36......BAGBVEES 37......GWDABDWR 38......CVTHSCVJ 39......VTJHUAJJ 40......CSCGGWAI 41......IGRWFVSH 42......CIIECTRH 43......VHFFFSFG 44......CGVFWRTG 45......GEHRBIRF 46......CDESSHFE 47......VCUSUGTE 48......CARIHEHD 49......DWDJGDGC 50......SVAJICBC 51......STJUCAIB 52......DSGUDWDB 53......DRWTUVCA 54......SJTWWUTW 55......SHFWRSDW 56......DGCVTRVV 57......DFTBGJVJ 58......SDJBIHJU 59......SCCBCGAT 60......DBWBEFST 61......EWICWDRS 62......TVFDBCFR 63......TUVDSBTR Predator- F10 for more energy.. Predator2- Pause the game and type YOU'RE ONE UGLY MOTHER.. Start the game again and youll have unlimited livez and shotz.. Premiere- Type SPARKPLUGS on the title screen for unlimited livez.. Premier Manager- Ring 781560 and your playerz will have maximum Handling, Attack, Passing, Shooting and Stamina.. 753423 for the best goalie.. <my club team needz one of those!! ed.> If you need money sell the keeper and get a new one.. 250967 dont worry bout defense.. 000123 dont worry bout midfield either.. 220796 3 Immortalz up front!! <hehehe ed.>.. 781560 all playerz have 99 strength and you get an extra £20000 on top.. Prince of Persia- Key-Combinationz: SHIFT + L : Skip Level.. CTRL + A : Start Level again.. CTRL + S : Sound on/off.. CTRL + R : Start at the level where you saw the last story screen.. Psyborg- Level-Codez: World1 World2 World3 World4 World5 World6 World7 Level 1 ------ 1610 1510 1704 2 7564 5027 5269 7235 4794 3 0413 9411 6855 9591 4269 4 4640 4412 2436 8883 5564 1902 5 0722 4464 9802 9972 2972 5804 6 6619 7672 6765 0218 9336 3704 4970 7 3610 2349 3482 2613 7292 2022 4425 Puffyz Saga- Press F1-F7 in-game, for Extra Shotz, HELP ad Jump to skip to next level.. Puggsy- Level-Codez: THE COVE 777 726 503 RED WOODS 377 726 743 REDWOOD KEEP 376 726 742 137 125 743 137 135 347 135 135 347 066 172 404 066 172 404 066 152 404 STARFALL LAKE 376 326 746 SPLINTER TOWN 757 306 356 325 135 347 224 125 747 026 172 004 026 172 000 DARKBLADE FOREST 747 306 356 DIAMOND MINES 747 226 376 220 125 747 120 125 707 026 172 200 026 572 200 DARKSKULL CASTLE 347 226 776 DIAMOND MINES 247 246 576 121 035 707 031 225 707 326 552 200 326 552 200 Putty Squad- Level-Codez: CAPRI JET BURGER MELON GAIA RHUBARB ORGAN GONDOLA PREY ARIES DREAMER CHERRY CHRIS FODDER BAZGIBB NICKEL ARABIA SENNA Push Over- Level-Codez: Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 1 00512 21 15878 41 31246 61 17982 81 29439 2 01536 22 14854 42 32270 62 16958 82 30463 3 01024 23 14342 43 31758 63 16510 83 29951 4 03072 24 10246 44 29276 64 16511 84 31999 5 03584 25 10758 45 30238 65 17023 85 32511 6 02560 26 11782 46 29214 66 18047 86 31487 7 02048 27 11270 47 28702 67 17535 87 30975 8 06144 28 09222 48 20510 68 19583 88 26879 9 06656 29 09734 49 21022 69 20095 89 27647 10 07680 30 08718 50 22046 70 19071 90 28671 11 07168 31 08206 51 21534 71 18559 91 28159 12 05122 32 24590 52 23582 72 22655 92 26111 13 05634 33 25102 53 24094 73 23167 93 26623 14 04610 34 26216 54 23070 74 24191 94 25599 15 04098 35 25614 55 22558 75 23679 95 26111 16 12290 36 27662 56 18494 76 21631 96 08703 17 12802 37 28174 57 19006 77 22143 97 09215 18 13826 38 27150 58 20030 78 21247 98 10239 19 13314 39 26638 59 19518 79 20735 99 09727 20 15362 40 30734 60 17470 80 28927 100 44543 PuzzNic- Level-Codez: Level 48: ICHI NICH Level 49: IGAN BARO Level 50: PASS WORD Level 51: MINA SAMA Level 52: NO.O KAGE Level 53: DE.N ANTO Level 54: KASH IAGA Level 55: RIMA SITA Level 56: THAN KYOU Level 57: MAID OOKA Level 58: IAGE ITAD Level 59: AKIM ASHI Level 60: TEAR IGAT Q SECTION: Quadrilean- Level-Codez: Level 1: 170961 Level 2: 010655 Level 3: 610169 Quik The Thunder Rabbit- Level-Codez: 2 SILIRONE 3 FUNETOC 4 URODECOLE For immortality SUCOLOKU.. R SECTION: Raider- Level-Codez: SHOT DYKE HIGH LINK PEAR KILN BAND RailRoad Tycoon- To get a whole lot of money press SHIFT and Y, stop at 32mil.. If this dont work try SHIFT and F4 for a map.. RainBow Islandz- Type the following on the title screen: BLRBJSBJ - Walk faster.. RJSBJSBR - Double RainBow.. SSSLLRRS - Triple RainBow.. BJBJBJRS - Hint 1.. LJLSLBLS - Hint 2.. SJBLRJSR - A helpfull fairy.. LBSJRLJL - Continue in all roundz.. Rambo 3- Type RENEGADE in the high score list and then type it in levelz 1, 2 or 3 to skip level.. RBI Baseball- When the enemy getz to 3rd base pull to the left and press SHIFT and Fire, hell be out.. R-Type- Play until you can get into the HighScore list then type `SUMITA.' and in the next game youll have unlimited livez.. R-Type 2- Type BURN IN HELL on the title screen, for unlimited livez.. In the pause mode press the left mouse button and F1 and hold til the screen goes green now your immortal.. Rescue- LevelCodez: GAME NEBEL BERGE RUNDE SCHUSS REGEN JUMPMAN SUPER SCHNEE ZOCKER Return of the Jedi- Type DARTH VADER in the highscore list, now you can skip levelz with F2.. Return to Genesis- Type WASP.ASM on the title screen now for immortality press F5.. Revelation- LevelCodez: Level Code 10 SIRENS 20 LOADER 30 PLAYER 40 RESULT 50 DOLLAR 60 CHANGE 70 FINGER Rings of Medusa- Type DESOXYROBONUKLEINSAURE as your name, now press HELP for a secret cheat menu.. Rick Dangerous- Type POOKY as your name in the hall of fame, now you wont have to play the levelz you already heve.. Rick Dangerous 2- Do the same as Part 1.. Risky Woods- Type RIP in the start picture, F1 in-game givez a life, F2 money and F3 to skip levelz.. Road Rash- Codez: .--------------+-------------. | Bike | Code | +--------------+-------------+ | Panda 600 | 00000 00J00 | Use 21132 011H7 VUKBE 27QAG as a code and | | 102VS 21JUD | youll start on the 2nd stage with £41mil |--------------+-------------| and the Diablo 1000....<KEWL! ed.>........ | Panda 750 | 00000 01591 | | | 00EGJ 567HM | |--------------+-------------| | Banzai 750 | 00000 00J01 | |--------------+-------------| | Kamikaze 750 | 00000 00S20 | | | 117H5 33UV1 | |--------------+-------------| | Ferruci 850 | 00000 04120 | | | 019G5 457V0 | |--------------+-------------| | Shuriken 1000| 00000 01421 | | | 109G5 448VN | |--------------+-------------| | Diablo 1000 | 00000 01S90 | | | 10EGJ 576IK | `--------------+-------------' Road Blasterz- Type LAVILLASTRANGIATO in-game, now with 1-4 you can choose different weaponz, S bringz you to the next step, X turnz the wagonz, G endz the game and F fillz the tank.. RoboCop- Type BEST KEPT SECRET in-game for unlimied shieldz.. RoboCop 2- Type SERIALINTERFACE on the title screen, F9 in-game for energy and F10 to skip a level.. RoboCop 3- Type THE DIDDY MEN while holding SHIFT, now press ESC to skip levelz.. Rock`n'Roll- Use RAINBOW ARTS as your name and press Return, the screen will go grey.. Now type the number of the stage that you want to go to, and after that two random Digitz then another four numberz that add up to the number of the stage you want to go to and finally type the number backwardz to get to thatlevel.. eg. level = 25;.-----.------.--------.-----. Key-Combinatioz: | 25|67 |5659 |52 | F3 Extra PikAxe F7 Extra Bombz | ^^|^^ |^^^^ |^^ | F4 Extra Speed F8 Extra ParaChute |Stage|Random|Numberz |25 | F5 Extra Spikez F9 EnLargez the card depth `+----+------|that add|back-| F6 Extra Armour F10 Skipz levelz | NO SPACEZ |up to 25|wardz| Keyz 1-4 also have an effect.. `-----------+--------+-----' Rodland- Pause the game then press the HELP key 5 timez, then get out for unlimited livez.. Space to skip levelz.. Rolling Ronny- Type RONNY or MICHAEL in the highscore list, now you should be able to fly.. If that dont work press F9 to get energy back Rolling Thunder- Type JIMBBY on the title-screen for unlimited energy.. Press I to skip levelz.. <Damn good Classik!! :) ed.> Rome A.D.92- Put in the following with the ALT key: HERCULANEUM: 764 - Storm.. 293 - Get money.. 119 - Something.. <Maybe Money, TOGA?? ed.> 275 - Shipz go to the Harbour.. 472 - You win automatically.. ROME 1: 792 - Hector getz money.. 442 - Night comez.. 443 - Itz Night.. 624 - Startz the dice game.. 426 - The slavez open the gatez.. <??? ed.> 608 - Buyz slavez.. 719 - Orderz a slave.. 857 - The imerator talkz.. <?!?!?! ed.> 682 - Auto Win.. BRITAIN: 232 - It rainz.. 234 - The night comez.. 235 - Sunrise.. 868 - You get a look at the enemyz strategy.. 490 - AAuto Win.. ROME 2: 102 - The choice thingiez come <vote form i think??? ed.> 103 - Hector becomez a candidate.. 436 - Startz the choice/vote if Hector has already candidated otherwise 437.. 792 - Moneyz.. 114 - Get a Slave.. 551 - Free Slave.. 362 - Auto Win.. EGYPT: 661 - The enemy goes into the cardz?? <Sorry!! :( ed.> 809 - Auto Win.. ROME: 792 - Moneyz.. 434 - Buyz a slave.. 624 - Hale Ceasar!! <hmmmm ed.> Rotor- LevelCodez: Level Code 1 GAG 2 LIP 3 SLY 4 MAN 5 AWE 6 TNT Rubicon- Press the SpaceBar and then type in THE REAPER, this givez unlimited livez.. One getz different weaponz when you press F1-F7, F10 loadz an other weapon again.. When you pauze the game and press L youll skip stagez.. Ruff`n'Tumble- WorldCodez: World Code 2 6581 Ending = 7339 3 3178 Unlimited Livez = 6717 4 8392 S SECTION: Schizophrenia- LevelCodez: RVEP NJUC FMND PBIM OTHK LBLZ DRLQ KLBD WNYS LJET Sentinel- LevelCodez: 0001 23778582 0002 44881440 0003 70511958 0004 51737669 0005 17877351 0006 50994690 0007 84257688 0008 16257084 0009 75861478 0010 43428170 0011 40556356 0013 64263669 0015 64046644 0016 66974534 0017 4085948 0018 68627185 0019 55742564 0022 96779955 0034 77979086 0035 14767076 0036 97578966 0050 61185004 0061 26060764 0066 68657887 0080 18452261 0103 36873128 0127 06567770 0150 92856449 0169 16788555 0196 72957558 0225 38546570 Second Samurai- LevelCodez: Level 2: BOIWNTID 3: NWKOWWDR 4: JDFRQMK6 5: WL4VHQQP 6: 64GXSLB6 7: 5ION23JG 8: VC2J53KM 9: E2SJEOZW Shadow Dancer- Pause the game and type GIVE ME INFINITIES and Then return.. Now you will have unlimited livez, and X will skip levelz.. Shadow Of The Beast- On the title screen from Disk1 press and hold both the left rat button and the Fire button until `Disk 2' Comez up for unlimited livez.. Shadow Of The Beast 2- Go right at the start to the first BridgeWatchMan, press A for ask and then type TEN PINTS for unlimited energy.. LevelCodez: ETERNITY SUNSTONE NECROPOLIS OBERON Shadow of the Beast 3- Type PLEASE DADDY DRAW THIS FOR ME on the title screen and press Return.. Now Cursor Right Activatez Immortality and Left turnz it off.. Shinobi- Pause the game and type LARSXViii for unlimited Credz.. <CLASSIK!! ed.> Silly Putty- Type HEADLIKEAHOLE then return in the highscore list, the screen will flash and F1-F10, SHIFT F1-F10 and CTRL F1-F10 will pick levelz.. Sim City- Press F U N D all together for $10000 but do this at the start only because at the same time a EarthQuake iz activated.. Sink Or Swim- LevelCodez: Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 1 BISHOPSMOVE 16 BLUEHORIZON 31 GINASDINER 46 WONDERSTUFF 2 PATSY4KERMIT 17 ARNIESMUM 32 CHICKENFEED 47 WITCHINGHOUR 3 HOWNOWPOWWOW 18 LOGOPOLIS 33 CARROTCAKE 48 ANEWMACHINE 4 RINGWORLD 19 DOCTORWHO 34 STRENGTH 49 GENERALALERT 5 TROUGHTON 20 MRJONESPUPPY 35 NEEDLEMATCH 50 UNBEARABLE 6 REDPLANET 21 HYPERSPACE 36 YUMCHOCDROPS 51 HAVEYOUGOTIT 7 MEGALITHIC 22 ROBERTSMITH 37 RADION90210 52 KILLERFISH 8 MYBREAKFAST 23 WHOWHYWHEN 38 MISTLETOE 53 THEHOLYGRAIL 9 TINNYBOPPERS 24 SOCKATTACK 39 INDIANAJONES 54 BADBADKARMA 10 LOCKSALORDY 25 WELLINEVER 40 AUNTIEJELLY 55 RUTHERFORD 11 HALLOWEENVII 26 MRPOTATOMAN 41 BEVERLYHILLS 56 WIZZBANG 12 NEWMODELARMY 27 JOSIEWHALES 42 JIMBOSFEED 57 PLOPSKYS 13 TIMEPIECE 28 SOBRIETYCITY 43 JAKOVONLUNA7 58 THELIMIT 14 LARRYNIVEN 29 WHERESMEBEER 44 CHUCKYCHEEKS 59 NEXTPASSWORD 15 KILLERWHALE 30 HORSEFACE 45 LINFORDHOUR 60 FIELDSOFDOOM Skeleton Krew- On the Character-Choice screen comez up type I WOULD RATHER BE WATCHING THE FOREST and then Space.. Then press End now you can pick levelz.. When you press Enter you will get 9 livez.. Sleepwalker- Type DINGADINGDANGMYDANGALONGLINGLONG on the title screen, M for a map and, RETURN to skip levelz and TAB to fill the sleep energy bar.. Sly Spy- Use 007 as a code then SHAKEN NOT STIRRED for unlimited credz.. Sorcery+ - Type GAS MASK WHEELER WANTS CHEAT in-game for unlimtied livez.. Spherical- LevelCodez: RADAGAST YARMAK ORCSLAYER SKYFIRE MIRGAL GHANIMA GLIEF MOURNBLADE JADAWIN GUMBA CHACHMAL.. <Ghanima; daughter of Muad'Dib ed.> St Dragon- Press the left rat button and the Fire button whilst loading for unlimited livez.. OR In-game press CapzLock and type DECAFFEINATED.. Stardust- LevelCodez: BCQQAAAAAGGN CCSAQAAAALOO DDSAQAASANIM EDSAQAQTANKM Steg the Slug- LevelCodez: Level Code 2 RDNUHCCMGU 3 EDOUTIOCKO 4 HDPFUVLCCM 5 ODOMFUVLIC 6 MEBHETPIAG 7 LECGLDTRHK 8 NEDGFLDVRL 9 OEFVHAGHLV 10 PEGTTHIGLD Sternsiedler- LevelCodez: (Case Sensitive) Genesis Nonstromo Broomalien Trilithium Sybok Delta Hal Buckelwal Data Starfleet Marvin Finalfrontier Rethinax Spock Pandimensional Nomad Prometheus Kontinuum Corbomite Atoz Veega Aliens Kahn Armageddon Cage Carbonunit Logic Docsavage Zaphod Yesterdays Intrepid Arthurdent Buckrogers Warpfaktor Son Potemkin Donnergurgler Tantalus Tribbles Symbiosis Surak Deepthought Paradoxon Parsec Mindbenders Xenomorph Skolarier Dilithium Kalikams UssEnterprise Stone Age- LevelCodez: Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 1 **** 21 BUBOSO 41 LUVUDI 61 BOFAHA 81 LEHELU 2 BOVIDO 22 LIFOHU 42 BUDOLO 62 LUVUBO 82 HOTOSU 3 SIDULA 23 BOVIBE 43 LIFISA 63 HUDEDE 83 DARUHU 4 BIFISI 24 LIDADA 44 HAVAHU 64 LIFILI 84 HUHOBA 5 LOVUHO 25 BIFALO 45 LIDEBU 65 HAVUSO 85 DITIDO 6 BADEBA 26 LEVUSA 46 HEPODE 66 DUDIHA 86 HARABA 7 LUFEDO 27 LADOHI 47 DEVOLI 67 HEDUBU 87 DOHADI 8 HAVULO 28 LUFIBO 48 HUDISO 68 DOREDU 88 SATULO 9 LODISE 29 HIVADA 49 DUFAHA 69 SUHIBE 89 DOROSA 10 HIFUHI 30 DODALO 50 HIVEBI 70 DUTUDI 90 SAHIHO 11 DIVOBI 31 HIFUSE 51 DADODU 71 SIRILO 91 BUTABU 12 HEDIDA 32 DIVEHE 52 SIFUBA 72 DAHUSA 92 SIRADE 13 DAFALI 33 SEDEBI 53 DEVODO 73 SOTUHI 93 BIHULI 14 HUVISU 34 DUFUDI 54 SEDILE 74 BERIBU 94 LOTESI 15 DADOHA 35 SUVIBU 55 BUFASE 75 SOHADA 95 BARIHA 16 SOFOBO 36 DIDUDI 56 SUVAHI 76 BUTELO 96 LOHUBI 17 DIVIDE 37 SOFELU 57 BIDUBI 77 LUROSE 97 BATIBU 18 SIDABI 38 BIVIA 58 LAFODU 78 BIHOHI 98 LURULA 19 BEFEDO 39 SEDOHU 59 BIVILI 79 LATIBI 99 HIHESO 20 SAVOLI 40 BEFIBE 60 LEDASU 80 HORADI 100 LITIHI Storm Trooper- Type JAMES CAMERON in the high score list.. Now F9 givez extra livez.. Street Fighter- Type STREET CHEAT on the title screen, HELP now skipz levelz Street Fighter 2- Select a 1-player game and pick Blanka, type PATIENCE slowly for unlimited energy.. OR Select a 2-player game and pause the game then type 7KIDS and EXIT and both playerz can play with the same character.. Strider- First pause the game with F9, then HELP, Left SHIFT and 1 and hold all, now unpause with F10.. Now 1-5 choosez the levelz, and F1-F4 the single zonez of that level.. Strider 2- Type SWIFT in-game, a cheat pic will appear, press E, now when you press D the robotz energy will vanish.. Suburban Commando- LevelCodez: Level Code 2 PIXIEDIXIE 3 THOMAS 4 POSTMANPAT Supercars- Codez: Instead of your name type the following.. RICH You get 50000 credz.. ODIE 1st Level.. BIGC 2nd Level.. POOR 3rd Level.. Supercars 2- Type WONDERLAND as the first playerz name, the second THE SEER for maximum Weaponz.. You will also automatically qualify for the Championship race.. SuperFrog- LevelCodez: World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 1 1 392822 1 343522 1 467464 1 452234 1 387211 2 234644 2 446364 2 882311 2 818234 2 984841 2 981122 3 447464 3 984448 3 992334 3 182394 3 383772 3 017632 4 747822 4 477444 4 091332 4 298383 4 093152 4 398112 To get to a certain `Project F' use 837122 as a Levelcode.. Swiv- Pause the game and type NCC-1701N the screen will flash and both playerz will now have unlimited livez.. Sword of Honour- Pause the game with HELP key and type in FROG, now you will have unlimited livez and Throw Starz, if you now type KILL the cheatmode deactivatez.. Sword of Sodan- Type NANCY in the highscore list, now you will have unlimited livez and Return will skip levelz.. Syndicate- Use these codez as Company Name: NUK THEM - Can start in any land.. OWN THEM - You own every land except 1.. MARKS TEAM - You hav a team with everything and $10million.. MIKES TEAM - Normal team.. ROB A BANK - You have $10million.. T SECTION: Tactical Manager- In the menu type WEDIT now you can pick your team AND change their statz.. Tangram- LevelCodez: 02-"03797" 51-"08439" 100-"93996" 149-"44059" 03-"58829" 52-"38599" 101-"06764" 150-"73412" 04-"73159" 53-"18171" 102-"59524" 151-"58439" 05-"88530" 54-"96018" 103-"68744" 152-"52147" 06-"22585" 55-"55315" 104-"82543" 153-"60754" 07-"64383" 56-"48539" 105-"69198" 154-"78328" 08-"50037" 57-"34714" 106-"36627" 155-"24249" 09-"85164" 58-"91998" 107-"31909" 156-"26266" 10-"07274" 59-"29935" 108-"36959" 157-"31021" 11-"37322" 60-"02675" 109-"30712" 158-"45039" 12-"25105" 61-"47089" 110-"71511" 159-"96112" 13-"70473" 62-"18554" 111-"32222" 160-"78319" 14-"83524" 63-"02353" 112-"53870" 161-"70768" 15-"85720" 64-"27901" 113-"99460" 162-"16398" 16-"71990" 65-"92505" 114-"73185" 163-"45576" 17-"15683" 66-"87880" 115-"97271" 164-"87270" 18-"24759" 67-"44828" 116-"07464" 165-"27781 19-"10439" 68-"80294" 117-"95544" 166-"47137" 20-"14278" 69-"56847" 118-"03695" 167-"52193" 21-"95912" 70-"47274" 119-"15647" 168-"96195" 22-"58819" 71-"74219" 120-"43330" 169-"96438" 23-"58890" 72-"31429" 121-"26824" 170-"25105" 24-"85239" 73-"46658" 122-"45888" 171-"59006" 25-"72851" 74-"43247" 123-"75267" 172-"32809" 26-"47530" 75-"05111" 124-"63651" 173-"77032" 27-"46574" 76-"35359" 125-"54485" 174-"79354" 28-"81152" 77-"61230" 126-"46857" 175-"92292" 29-"72493" 78-"54066" 127-"75327" 176-"55475" 30-"81093" 79-"26317" 128-"96721" 177-"45759" 31-"51522" 80-"91281" 129-"87963" 178-"69535" 32-"58875" 81-"87792" 130-"64846" 179-"25274" 33-"59092" 82-"11164" 131-"69235" 180-"79164" 34-"74665" 83-"34047" 132-"88936" 181-"01657" 35-"36388" 84-"70917" 133-"70104" 182-"19019" 36-"39793" 85-"40282" 134-"69871" 183-"38497" 37-"43456" 86-"73172" 135-"84165" 184-"96446" 38-"51499" 87-"84157" 136-"41160" 185-"02971" 39-"63588" 88-"74230" 137-"92632" 186-"15894" 40-"47672" 89-"00016" 138-"62261" 187-"00442" 41-"54796" 90-"75232" 139-"89064" 188-"18380" 42-"96296" 91-"73834" 140-"38862" 189-"12666" 43-"50897" 92-"22120" 141-"95862" 190-"90828" 44-"71231" 93-"57837" 142-"95850" 191-"53026" 45-"98488" 94-"14711" 143-"75176" 192-"79822" 46-"40965" 95-"94330" 144-"10622" 193-"81648" 47-"70834" 96-"83879" 145-"88831" 194-"16247" 48-"46121" 97-"67725" 146-"01849" 195-"61426" 49-"31089" 98-"73777" 147-"68389" 196-"93278" 50-"27277" 99-"67882" 148-"27645" 197-"00006" 198-"26004" 199-"75258" 200-"95039" Tear Away Thomas- In-game type TIMEFLIESLIKEABANANA and youll have unlimited time.. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- When the safety codez thingy comez up type 8859 and with the second try do 1506, now HELP givez unlimited livez.. Terminator 2- Pause the game and press fire now ESC skipz levelz.. Test Drive 2 The Duel- In-game type GAS and then press S, now youll be 10 meterz from the Petrol Station.. AERTH givez you better brakez.. Theatre of Death- To get to the Lunar Missionz type 5640531D482C3 as a password.. LevelCodez: Level Code Level Code 2 3742C4FR06FR0 7 3745B5E076100 3 3742169454DC0 8 3767FBFE20020 4 37419B4C1FD40 9 3774207B5DFB0 5 3742B2546REC0 10 376B72307FC00 6 374F7BC719190 11 36FB084405BC0 The Humanz- LevelCodez: LEVEL CODE LEVEL CODE LEVEL CODE 01 DARWIN 28 GREEN CARD 55 CONSOLIDATED 02 ANDIE PANDY 29 COOKIE 56 STAY HAPPY 03 GET A LIFE 30 MALCY MALC 57 AMERICA 04 CARLOS 31 RAVING BURK 58 ANOTHER DAY 05 HOWIE 32 YOU GOT IT 59 ISOLATION 06 MOOBLE 33 SGNIMMEL 60 PROMISED LAND 07 CSL 34 MINISTRY 61 DAEMONSLATE 08 THE HUMBLE ONE 35 MAD FREEDY 62 BIG RAB 09 PIXIE 36 BIZARRE 63 MIAMI VICE 10 MILESTONE 37 FREE SCOTLAND 64 MARGARET M 11 WAR WAR WAR 38 APPLEJUICE 65 A34732473 12 J MCKINNON 39 PAYDAY 66 HELP ME 13 UNLUCKY 40 BANANA MOON 67 THE EXILES 14 BLUE MONKEY 41 BONUS 68 EIGHTLANDS 15 RED DWARF 42 BOUNCING 69 WINE AND DINE 16 BAD TASTE 43 NO MONEY 70 NIN 17 THE KITCHEN 44 A S F 71 TECHNOPHOBE 18 CJ 45 VISION 72 GETTING THERE 19 SORT IT OUT 46 SISTERS 73 TIME IS 20 SMART 47 FAST FASHION 74 RUNNING OUT 21 VILLA3BORO2 48 CARGO 75 LORDS OF CHAOS 22 EARLY MORNING 49 RAB C NESBIT 76 NOW ITS DONE 23 BORO4LEEDS1 50 RANGERS 77 IM OUT OF HERE 24 EASY LIFE 51 RAINBOW 78 HERES TO A 25 JIMS TIES 52 DOODY 79 BETTER LIFE 26 PARKVIEW 53 MIGHTY BAZ 80 BYE BYE BYE 27 NICENEASY 54 TIRED The Immortal- LevelCodez: Level 2: befe810006f70 Level 3: cc5ee21000e10 Level 4: 465fa31001eb0 Level 5: b57f943000eb0 Level 6: 1bbeb53010a41 Level 7: 8ddfb62010ac1 Level 8: e011f730178c1 The Power- LevelCodez: Level 02.....LEVEL2 Level 26.....JINGLE Level 03.....VISUAL Level 27.....JOGGER Level 04.....COWBOY Level 28.....INSIDE Level 05.....URGENT Level 29.....5P25PS Level 06.....OOPSUP Level 30.....KNIGHT Level 07.....TOPTEN Level 31.....HINOON Level 08.....D14DH7 Level 32.....NOBODY Level 09.....ASDFGH Level 33.....GOODIE Level 10.....SOLONG Level 34.....OQZAYB Level 11.....SURFIN Level 35.....ELTRIC Level 12.....RACKET Level 36.....187293 Level 13.....BULLIT Level 37.....QROVVY Level 14.....QRAZZY Level 38.....DOUBLE Level 15.....36F6FR Level 39.....ROLLER Level 16.....UNLINK Level 40.....CLOSET Level 17.....PIXXEL Level 41.....SLOWLY Level 18.....EUROPE Level 42.....BISNEZ Level 19.....NEWTON Level 43.....124816 Level 20.....FREEZE Level 44.....TARGET Level 21.....LAUNCH Level 45.....ANZING Level 22.....M7MS49 Level 46.....VOHDOH Level 23.....GALVAN Level 47.....Z97531 Level 24.....KLOWWM Level 48.....WOODIS Level 25.....INDIGO Level 49.....Y2X3W5 Level 50.....XUQZOX The Untouchablez- Type SOUTHAMPTONGAZETTE on the title screen, F10 now skipz levelz.. ThunderBirdz- LevelCodez: Level 2: RECOVERY Level 3: ALOYSIUS Level 4: ANDERSON Thunderblade- Type CRASH in the HighScore list and then in-game press HELP to skip levelz.. Time Machine- Type DIZZY in the high score list for unlimited livez.. Tiny Skweeks- LevelCodez: 000--"ADJUACES" 025-"PETRACCE" 050-"NONHMISC" 075-"SAILZOON" 001--"GASIANDA" 026-"SPONENCR" 051-"PERUSMIT" 076-"ISOSNURS" 002--"GROIDEKN" 027-"LAZYHOMI" 052-"DYSSDEKN" 077-"HENDWOOD" 003-"NEBRACRUC" 028-"HENDOUTH" 053-"DIURGASI" 078-"AGONUPSN" 004--"RESTUSHA" 029-"PAPYEPIP" 054-"ODORCAUS" 079-"LANDDIVY" 005--"ENTRLACO" 030-"COCKSTUM" 055-"PEASANCH" 080-"NICKMAST" 006--"BOTCREPA" 031-"ETHIGANG" 056-"URORDEFE" 081-"PICKROLL" 007--"OCTOANVA" 032-"INLADONC" 057-"SUBBPICK" 082-"OUTSSPOT" 008--"COADSUPP" 033-"INTEASSA" 058-"RULASCAR" 083-"KALAACCE" 009--"RAWBSKIT" 034-"MASTWOOD" 059-"NODUOOPH" 084-"TELORULA" 010--"TANGVILI" 035-"ABROINST" 060-"COBEGALE" 085-"WORKLAUD" 011--"DENAJOIN" 036-"BACKBANA" 061-"TROLTACS" 086-"GRAIUPLA" 012--"VAMBTHEA" 037-"ECLOWHIP" 062-"PEASVAMB" 087-"POLOOCTO" 013--"UNPASUBO" 038-"GROIIMPO" 063-"XYLOWIRE" 088-"REPADETA" 014--"LANDPAPY" 039-"CUBACUBA" 064-"SCIUMINT" 089-"FELDUNFO" 015--"PREPPAND" 040-"DECLDROL" 065-"EUGERUNE" 090-"BADIVELL" 016-"NIFESAILO" 041-"SIMPUNDE" 066-"ERUPPLOT" 091-"PATIBEEF" 017--"BROCINDI" 042-"UNHUSCHO" 067-"MARICONK" 092-"TITASAUC" 018--"BUSKPULI" 043-"LEGAMURA" 068-"NURSHISP" 093-"PUPIUNPR" 019--"LOGIMARA" 044-"ANIMCATE" 069-"SNOBHOMO" 094-"MASTERUP" 020--"OCTOGLAB" 045-"LAUGMAGE" 070-"PORTCARO" 095-"QUARFELD" 021--"TRISEMES" 046-"PALSDYSS" 071-"CHARGEDA" 096-"GRIFSIDE" 022--"CONVJEHO" 047-"BROCREVE" 072-"UNNEPOWS" 097-"WHITUNNI" 023--"RENDCLIN" 048-"PORRUNDE" 073-"POONROMA" 098-"DOWNINSU" 024--"NEGAPOLY" 049-"UIGUAPER" 074-"PREAPREP" 099-"UNLIISOP" 100-"MUAD DIB" Titan- LevelCodez: 1. J4JMKR 2. HBHCHC 3. 4492LI 5. 2401TO 6. 01LO38 7. 04KJOB 8. 198075 9. OVR70 10. H67JR1 11. 04JBR8 12. RDL89G 13. B8JLJ4 14. DNBE08 15. TMV281 16. LO9U3H 17. 9JHTQN 18. UKUTB8 19. 01HFJO 20. 1R7DCG 21. V30906 22. 4P4192 23. 40RSHP 24. E4DBQP 25. LFPOBO 26. 1H9615 27. MOBOPV 28. B9HH22 29. RN4RH9 30. BG6W61 31. 1W1440 32. 044080 33. E396V3 34. 740330 35. 2L41H1 36. SGOWOO 37. 48H093 38. FU5HJ9 39. OGU9PI 40. 294JBH 41. B608S0 42. P810B9 43. KWOHME 44. HC6YS8 45. 90OPNO 47. OOBI1O 48. HOO1OK 49. 1S4LOF 50. D80N6D 51. 3010LH 52. K47OMT 53. 09UPW9 54. OVE032 55. L29RHL 56. 6ORROR 57. H95LHT 60. 9LQHVU 61. HC932F 62. 117938 63. 6048HG 64. 4F039H 65. VOMO5V 66. CO1FHT 67. OS4500 68. 2U4BO5 69. CF6B71 70. 88H102 71. H844C3 72. OO5HOR 73. NOTON8 74. OD8V01 75. AH3HD8 76. TIDDI2 77. 43L6TV 78. 8HH0H3 79. 1I1S78 80. OIP4GO Titus the Fox- LevelCodez: .--------.-------.--------.-------. | Level | Code | Level | Code | +--------+-------+--------+-------+ | 1 | 2625 | 9 | 6390 | | 2 | 8455 | 10 | 8612 | | 3 | 2974 | 11 | 4178 | | 4 | 4916 | 12 | 1350 | | 5 | 1933 | 13 | 9813 | | 6 | 0738 | 14 | 5052 | | 7 | 2237 | 15 | 3360 | | 8 | 5648 | 16 | 2045 | `--------+-------+--------+-------' Toni & Friendz in KellogzLand- <What a name!! ed.> Type ENGINEBYNEON in the main menu.. After this the following Keyz can be used: F1 More energy.. F2 More livez.. F3 More Keyz.. F4 Heapz of Time.. F6 Less Energy.. F7 Warp to end of Level 1.. F8 Warp to end of Level 2.. F9 Warp to the last Level.. F10 Higher Score.. Toki- Type KILLER in-game for unlimtied credz.. R invertz the screen, F1-F8 choosez levelz and N makez everything normal.. Top Gear 2- LevelCodez: Amatuer Mode: 1 Player: Britain Canada Egypt Y+$Y2D+72B$]M9JC+965LL TWQ+B#M16L7MPN6GC965LL 4]8QTLD79F3243BVQFB%11 France Germany Greece VNJP[5YHLCYWLT#QLGCB22 HG6NQ$%6+$[5T3B1TPLJ88 P$YFH36]VNVL%H2F%]98PP India Ireland Italy 2]R%C[6QT7+]#J373HDC33 HV%24V311C5B+P7[7NJH77 CC7PR6[YW37+]M595LGF55 Japan Scandinavia South America PC8QTC8CR4353%RYR+[#RR ]7VCF57V9C[7Q7VB%632GG [TC462$N96PF7F#RQD%+YY Spain Switzerland United States N#WDGD3RJ[%5TVWDC854JJ 7R6NQ[9+6J]WLMN][2WVBB 7FVCF[6QNR1THJL#9YTR++ ChampionShip Mode: 1 Player: Britain Canada Egypt Y4WQTCH84WF%Q]NGC]98PP 1PHCF1Y+WC8]G58[#2WVBB C+624Y#D9LBNCVT3GD%+YY France Germany Greece H&WQT$J6Y5$]DD#R]#76MM HWTNQN%[VHRDM+1741VT%% G32VYG[[G]%LJF6%[TPN[[ India Ireland Italy 7#6248W6#JM$96N2VB$]VV 163W1H]]HTM3M3JDC854JJ 1PLFH3%P74M97]%1YLGF55 Japan Scandinavia South America #R+#]YL77C984#H65RNM## $VC$%3CL386WQ1]TRFB%11 V8MGJDYTC5M4RV9PNB$]VV Spain Switzerland United States 3%YRVR$B376GBJ1DC854JJ MVGBD+PV#7M3W5B1YLGF55 %9WQY]]YT3+WVHDC33 Professional Mode: 1 Player: Britain Canada Egypt MP3JMYHTNW3W#Y$85YTR++ BL5MPDC[6F#3D]%9C965CC YM6NQ%FYRTQJV8T7D#76MM France Germany Greece 54F68BRP9B49CQBP5TPN[[ 6L3JM2FB2R2]LVP#7VQP]] C6F688L5BLN[G%8GC854JJ India Ireland Italy 1BD57QDDT5[W[L2GF#76MM %DH8#21[F+4PB]+YWJFD44 4[[VY#MDQ9VMT6H65RNM## Japan Scandinavia South America 833JMJ3H[QGPJR7ML+[#RR NJL#]MJJ6TBB]DT+$41YDD 8NWDGB%J5$W]8+N#9YTB++ Spain Switzerland United States 8BL#]B]3833NJR7ML+[#RR BW3JM2][1HW%]DT+$41YDD 36[VYP5QY9D%]DT+$41YDD Total Recall- Type LISTEN TO THE WHALES on the title screen this givez you unlimited energy in-game.. In the Taxi-Level type JIMMY HENDRIX the taxi iz immortal.. <Immortal taxi??! ed.> Toyota Celica GT Rally- In-game type C to skip levelz.. If that dont work try ESC and C together.. Trailblazer- Press and hold HELP, I, 1 and 2 on the titlescreen then type CHEAT <whilst singing and juggling 5 atom bombz ed.>.. F3 givez more sword power, F5 changez the ballz for player 1 and F6 does it for player 2 aand HELP letz you hear someone laughing. Transplant- In the TeamWork Mode type JMJAMFCAB as a code, now youll have the best setup, 15 space shipz and 201000 credz.. Traps`n'Treasures- LevelCodez: Level 2 : 52011413 Level 3 : 31245300 Level 4 : 15204524 Treasure Island Dizzy- For moving around the map, stand as near as possible to the water. Hold down the keys <S>, <P>, <A>, <C>, and <Space Bar>.. Now, when you press <C>, you disappear and pressing <Space Bar> makes you reappear. When you have disappeared, <M> makes the map move around.. Troddlers- LevelCodez: 1 Player: Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 1 BUILDT 26 ONEONEONE 51 UPSIDEOUT 76 LETITOUT 2 NOSWEAT 27 SIXROOMS 52 DROPEMIN 77 ALLABOUT 3 PYRAMID 28 THETOWER 53 POSSIBLE 78 BOUNCEIT 4 CLEAROUT 29 GOFORHEART 54 CLOSEUP 79 RAINDROPS 5 SPHINX 30 NEWTHING 55 FOOLSRUN 80 FIREANDICE 6 QUARTET 31 BOULERO 56 JEWELPUSH 81 SLOWBURN 7 CENTERIN 32 CRUELWORLD 57 GUIDETRY 82 STALLEM 8 REDGEMS 33 CRUELCUBES 58 WOTANSGO 83 BADBOMBS 9 CROSSED 34 SLIPINSIDE 59 LOOSEM 84 SOLOMAN 10 SKIPAROUND 35 KEYX 60 YOURSOR 85 HELLSDITCH 11 PACKEDUP 36 COLDCROSS 61 SACRIFICE 86 FIRSTFIRST 12 PILLARS 37 STONEM 62 BOOMPARADE 87 GOODLUCK 13 BZZZZZ 38 HARDROUND 63 WAITFORIT 88 TIMEHUNTER 14 FIVEROWS 39 FIRSTGUNS 64 ROCKBLAST 89 NODELAY 15 TIGHTIME 40 CROSSFIRE 65 NOWASTEALL 90 NOPULLPLUG 16 EASYTONE 41 RUNFORIT 66 FROMABOVE 91 GUNZONE 17 TWOTRIBES 42 NORULES 67 SMASHHITS 92 BELTZENRUN 18 DONT'MIX 43 NOFARFALL 68 CRUSHRUSH 93 BRIDGEMIN 19 HELPMEOUT 44 RUNAROUND 69 FIRSTFIRE 94 FALLOUT 20 MEANONES 45 BADBIRD 70 BURNOUT 95 COLOURRUN 21 NOPROBLEMS 46 COVERTHEM 71 RUMBLEHOT 96 AUTOFIRE 22 TREASURE 47 SAVEBLOCKS 72 COCKTAIL 97 SWEETHEAT 23 STOREROOM 48 GLAMOUR 73 BUGGINHAND 98 HEAVYDUTY 24 UPANDDOWN 49 HACKBACK 74 MOREFUN 99 TWEAKY 25 TECHNO 50 ALOTODO 75 SPINAROUND 2 Playerz: Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 0 ROOKIES 15 SPLITTED 30 SPLITUP 45 FULLHOUSE 1 ROOKIES 16 RUSHIT 31 TARGETS 46 TWORANKS 2 HOPALONG 17 MIXUP 32 SLOWSQUARE 47 TRAPANDZAP 3 BRACKETS 18 NOPANIC 33 FLAKPASS 48 STAGEDOWN 4 SPARKLES 19 THEMACHINE 34 THEWALL 49 GRINDSLIP 5 DOUBLEPLUS 20 TEAMWORK 35 ROCKBOX 50 QUICKCUBES 6 LONGJUMP 21 DIVIDED 36 TWINGUNS 51 WORKOUT 7 RIGHTWAY 22 ROCKITOUT 37 GETHIMDOWN 52 TRAXMIX 8 TRIDENT 23 CLEARAWAY 38 DROPTURN 53 HELLTRACK 9 GUIDERIGHT 24 LOOKUP 39 TUFFJOB 54 GETDABLUES 10 JUSTDOIT 25 ONEOFTHREE 40 NOFALLDOWN 55 SHOOTNBLOW 11 ZOMBIEGO 26 QUICKBRICK 41 ICEICEBABY 56 SLOWFLOW 12 BADLAX 27 FROSTY 42 SWIFTLY 57 COOPERATE 13 TIMEAROUND 28 SURROUNDED 43 TAKETURNS 58 DENNISFAV 14 TOOMUCH 29 BOOMER 44 DELAYNPLAY 59 FINALE Trollz- First go into the choice screen and go into the door for SodaPopWorld. When `Get Ready' appearz, push up, press K and the Fire button at the same time ESC now skipz you o the next part of the level.. Turbo OutRun- After the countdown type WEARPEEPEL, now youll have more turboz with D, F show you the end, and G losez a credit.. Turrican- For 99 livez and 500 of all weaponz type BLUESMOBIL in the highscore list.. Turrican 2- Press HELP to get into the Music menu, press 4 to stop the music, then 2.. After 10 secondz of music press ESC twice.. Start the game and youll have unlimitd livez and energy.. Turrican 3- Type the following in-game: DESTRUCT = Unlimited bombs.. ETERNITY = Unlimited Energy.. BEAMMEUP = Warp to next level.. ROLLING = Unlimited Roll energy.. U SECTION: Under Pressure- Type GRAYMALKIN in-game.. F1 skipz level, 1-9 givez all weaponz.. Ugh!- LevelCodez: 01: FREISCHTIEL 02: SELBSTLÄUFER 03: HENNABREGGEL 04: PFANNEHEISS 05: SOICHGOMBASEPP 06: 2PFUNDHACKFLEISCH 07: DOGODDERDEIG 08: SPAMSPAMBEANSNSPAM 09: SEMPRINI 10: PROFRJGUMBY 11: CONFESS 12: MITTERMEIER 13: DIESCHNICKIANGST 14: INTRESTINGPEOPLE 15: INSURRANCESKETCH 16: ITSTHEARTS 17: ? 18: HAROLDTHESHEEP 19: PICASSSOONBICYCLE 20: SPANISHINQUSITION 21: LUIGIVERGOTTI 22: JIMMYBUSSARD 23: KENCEANAIRSYSTEM 24: JOHANNGAMBOLPUTTY 25: TRAINSPOTTING 26: BICYCLEREPAIRMAN 27: IRUINGCSALZBERG 28: THEENDBERG 29: HOWTOFLINGANOTTER 30: THECATSATONTHEMAT 31: CONFUSEACATLTD 32: DISTRACTABEE 33: MITTELSCHMERTZ 34: INSPECTORTIGER 35: LOOKOUTOFTHEYARD Ultima VI- Talk to your buddy LoLo and type SPAM 3 timez, then type HUMBUG.. Now youll get a Cheat Menu.. Ultimate Body Blows CD³²- Type MEANTEAM in the HighScore list for unlimited continuez.. This should work with the disk version V SECTION: Valhalla- LevelCodez: 2 (Sanctuary) LOPFGW 3 (The Chapel) UHGWIL 4 (The Tower) ABHEFT Viking Child- LevelCodez: Level 1: IMAGITEC Level 2: JOJOSM Level 3: GUSTAVUS Level 4: NINJADL Virus- In-game hold down ENTER on the numeric pad then pause, now still holding ENTER press O to start the game again.. C now turnz the SpecialFX on/off, L letz a Rocket go, F fillz the tank, D turnz the Demo mode on/off and N turnz the Cheat mode on/off.. Viz- Type WHAT A GREAT LOAD OF BOLLOCKS on the title screen, now you can skip levelz with 1-5.. W SECTION: Walker- At the start of the 2nd level dont move and type EAT LEAD FUDDY MUNSTER for unlimited shield.. War in the Gulf- On the thing where you usually type your name, type `Let me cheat!' (Case matterz) but dont press return instead reduce with the rat button.. In a fight press Left Amiga Key and W and youll win.. Wingz Of Fury- Type COLIN WAS HERE to activate cheat mode.. M - unlimited ammo.. D - Shipz cant get hurt.. R - Weaponz come back.. F - Fillz the tank.. Wing Commander- In the Shell Wing type h0 Origin&tonic (case matterz) and change a few parameterz.. s 1-13 Pickz the System where you start.. m 0-2 Pickz the mission you start at.. -k You are immortal.. Numberz of Systemz: 1 Enyo 8 Port Hedland 2 McAuliffe 9 Kurasawa 3 Gateway 10 Rostov 4 Gimle 11 Hubbles Star 5 Brimstone 12 Venice 6 Chengdu 13 Hells Kitchen 7 Dakota WizBall- Pause the game and type RAINBOW, start the game again, C fillz the pot again, S stopz the level and T bringz you to the end of the game Wizkid- If you go into the shop with five starz and 100 gold coinz and try to buy a star you will get an extra 100 gold coinz, you can do this until you have enough money.. Wolfchild- Type THE PERFECT KISS on the title screen for unlimited livez.. For unlimited continuez type ITS NOT ALL WALKING in-game.. WonderDog- LevelCodez: Level 2: LEMONADE 3: PHARMACY 4: ULTIMATE 5: DANIELLE 6: LUCOZADE Woodys World- LevelCodez: Steam Castle AHJBEAEA Fishy Castle MODNAAOG Lava Castle OKDNFAPK Checker Castle MPDNGAMF Cog Castle MKDNCAIK Conveyer Belts OIHMOACO X SECTION: Xenon 2- Pause the game and type RUSSIAN AIR, N now skipz roundz.. What You Should Buy And Where: Level 1, Shop 1: Health, Super NashWan.. Level 1, Shop 2: Sell Rear Shot, Buy Double Shot and Side Shot.. Level 2, Shop 1: Buy Side Shot.. Level 2, Shop 2: Sell Side Shot.. Level 3, Shop 1: Buy Health and Rear Shot.. Level 3, Shop 2: Sell Rear Shot, Buy Side Shot, Laser and Power Up.. Level 4, Shop 1: Sell Rear Shot, Sell Side Shot.. XyBotz- Type ALF in the high score list for unlimited livez and energy.. X-Out- To skip a level press ESC.. To get 500000 credz: Buy the cheapest ship and aim at the Galkto-Handlerz and press fire.. If this dont work buy the most expensive click on the small green satelitez and then on your Score.. Z SECTION: Zeewolf- Type FRAMPAGE as a password and you can fly to the next level in a jet.. LevelCodez: Level Code 1 START 5 IMAGO 9 TIBURON 13 ARGUS 17 MARTEN 21 SOCKIN 25 GANNPAY Z-Out- To make it real easy just hold J and press K, you are immortal.. If you hold J and press from 1-6 youll skip to that level.. Zool- Just before GameStart type GOLDFISH.. Now you can do the following: 1 = Immortal.. 2 = Next zone.. 3 = Next level.. 4 = Suicide.. In stage 2.2 do the following on the piano.. 2nd key - Red.. 4th key - Yellow.. 6th key - LiteBlue.. 7th Key - Blue.. Zool II- Type the following on the title screen: CREAMOLA - for 10 livez.. VISON - for 20 livez.. TOUGH GUY - for unlimited livez.. OLDENEMY - for unlimited time.. ALCENTO - to be able to get 99 thingz.. KICKASS - for unlimited Smart-Bombz.. BUMBLEBEE - to skip levelz.. (return skipz).. LevelCodez: SESAME Swan Lake RONSON Bluebery Hill FUNKYTUT Tooting Common HISSTERIA Snaking Pass 7LURP Mount Ices PLUNGER Mental Block Zoom- Level Select with F10.. .--------------------> ..iNnEr..dImEnSiOnZ..bBs.. <-----------------------. | __ _. _. ____ ____ | |_( _) _/ l__ _/ l__ _/ ___)_/ _ \ .----------------------------. | :\_ \ \_ __ \ \_ __ \ \_ __) \_ ___/ | nODe1 28k8:+61-755-fIND-iT | | ./ \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ _ \ | nODe2 28k8:+61-755-iZ-sOOn | : / \_ | \_ | \_ l \_ | \_ | | . \_____ /_l_____/_l_____/____ /_l__ / `-----> SYSPW = U nEED tHIs | \/ \/ \/-Ra! 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