_ _.__ ______ | \/ )_ _ _ _ _ ________ ______. _ | / __ \ ______ _ _( \\// / ____(\ ___\_ | \ __|__ /______ _\_)_ ___\_ )_ / \/ /__\_ \ / |___\_ )_ _._/_\_ )_/ )_ / / _/ _ _ / _\ / | / / | / /_ / / /_ \_ _ / / _ / _| / /_ | _ / / (_ __\/ /_______) \ _/ / \ . _/ / Y \___ / /__________ \ / .____\_______| \ _/ . Y ( _____\_____ _| /_ /____\____ _) . Y /_____) (____/ Y ____ _ _ __________._______________ _________ _ _______ _ . ._/ /(/______. __\)\_ | )_ _/(/___ / _/(/______. | _ |/ / / _) /______ | |_ \ __ / :_ .__ / \ __ / _| :(____________):___ _______/ | (_______________):_______________): - -diP-------------\_____\----/____________|------------------------------dS!- - M O U N T A i N B Y T E S 2 o 2 5 official resultsfile - ---------------- - OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 1. #03 288 pts OHP ! FTW - OHP.Love.craft() 2. #02 234 pts Nicht 🤬 sondern 👀 - wurstOHuPe 3. #01 224 pts Cowee is having a ball - Lampenfieber COMBINED MUSIC 1. #01 238 pts Chasing Dreams (feat. tiAm) - bacter & Saga Musix 2. #06 229 pts Stormrunner - MaV .aka Filippp #09 229 pts What Remains - Enfys 4. #16 215 pts Special Date - RaccoonViolet 5. #12 213 pts Last Snow - cockroach ^ wiremaniacs 6. #03 195 pts Au Revoir - Mibri / Atlantis ^ MultiStyle Labs ^ Proxima 7. #04 188 pts Baggy Jeans - fence #05 188 pts Nothing But Orange Lights - Singer/Altair 9. #14 182 pts microsoft funk - mickaleus/TSA^ICUP^BEC 10. #08 179 pts Speed Chess - aldroid 11. #02 177 pts Lets Go - MARV 12. #10 173 pts Fifteenth Alien Fractal (15ed7:2) - Tachy Bunker 13. #11 169 pts moo yar azz - chlumpie^rebels 14. #07 162 pts 303 dabei - Bodensynth (Fabrice, ZeHa, Venty) 15. #17 159 pts THE STAR GROUP - rimmler The Solaris Agency ^ Science inc. 16. #15 156 pts Underwater - TheMadDoctor 17. #13 135 pts Untitled (Mountain Bytes25) - Mogria COMBINED GRAPHICS 1. #06 246 pts It is the business of future to be dangerous - Suule/Oftenhide 2. #07 196 pts Valentine Mail - yugecin / Royal Belgian Beer Squadron 3. #05 179 pts MooVentine - Jobj 4. #04 158 pts A Goldfish Named Eve - Brie (aka Brittle) 5. #03 155 pts Greeting for a Bunny - RaccoonViolet 6. #02 133 pts Ant Man - Nightspider 7. #01 126 pts Sunset in at the lake - Esarlin 3D GRAPHICS SPECIAL 1. #04 126 pts Mountain Bot - Oni ^ Poo-Brain 2. #06 123 pts Cowee - Violet 3. #07 122 pts David Lynch in Memoriam - Luisa Poo-Brain^Rabenauge 4. #05 102 pts SubmarineFärjan - Anteeksi / Jumalauta 5. #02 97 pts Amstrad CPC624 - ScrLk 6. #01 69 pts Canister - psykon OLDSCHOOL & ALTERNATIVE REALTIME 1. #06 216 pts Spreadpoints - Spreadpoint 2. #05 205 pts The story of Josef K and cathodic guillotine | Ugly Demo - la1n 3. #02 204 pts zax384 (c64_nanogame) - la1n 4. #04 193 pts AUGS - JokerX / Marcel / NK13 5. #03 190 pts crimebadge-invite - ceemos 6. #01 135 pts Confoederatio Ludens: Thank you for all your demoz & gamez from 1970-2000! - Confoederatio Ludens / la1n / computermusiker PC REALTIME 1. #09 294 pts Grow Beyond - SQRLS 2. #08 250 pts Markov Chant - ë¦¼í”„ë‹Œìž (limp ninja) 3. #04 224 pts All Filler, No Killer - Spectrox 4. #06 208 pts Awakening from a dream - silvia & Leon003 5. #07 181 pts mOOhOO - chlumpie^rebels 6. #01 163 pts C64 MULTICOLOR CAMERA (p5js) - la1n 7. #02 162 pts Nevermind - DLG Crew 8. #05 152 pts cosin-2025-invite.rs - UwU-Space 9. #03 140 pts ovcci - ⎠DEMOLAB #01 Hello World - It emerged from itself #02 cAmpViRe 5K - seto #03 3D modeled head of you know who >:) - Minebrandon #04 BrainStorm - Leon003 #05 NESnBytes 2025 - Luca #06 MeinSweePas - Douba #07 TurboWobbel2k - A n00b's first C64 assembly demo - mikerofone #08 Space Bugs - caebr & cockroach ^ wiremaniacs #09 Ye Nan Pu - seism #10 awesomenes-part2 - binary-sequence #11 julia set - noneofyourbusiness #12 shape of a thought - canmom #13 mixbox example - noneofyourbusiness =============================================================================== 84 votes were cast by 104 registered voters. Made possible by Wuhu - https://wuhu.function.hu