____ _____   ___  __  __    _____   ____ ___________     __
      / _  |  _  \ / _ \|  |/ /   |  _  \ / _  |  _  \_   _|\  / /
     / /_| | |_/ /| |_| |  ' (    | |_/ // /_| | |_/ / | | \ \/ /
    |  _   |  __ \|     |  |\ \   |  __/|  _   |  __ \ | |  |  |
    |_| |__|_|  \_\\___/|__| \_\  |_|   |_| |__|_|  \_||_|  |__|
                                           2 0 2 1 - O N L I N E
                     * T H E   R E S U L T S *


    1.  #08   267 pts    Kracken prince - Carrion / BONZAI                      plus/4
    2.  #07   232 pts    Over the Hill and Far Away - Facet / G*P & Lemon.      C64
    3.  #06   226 pts    Where's my ship? - Grass                               C64
    4.  #05   205 pts    HiRes on MC - Leon                                     C64
    5.  #03   189 pts    Ocean Bay - Joe/Wrath Designs                          C64
    6.  #04   187 pts    Mao - Chronos                                          plus/4
    7.  #01   153 pts    Deciding Residing - Dave                               C64
    8.  #02   126 pts    Atari Retro Feeling on Plus4 - MMS                     plus/4


    1.  #05   192 pts    Mirrored Inverse Fragments - vincenzo /LTH^SGR         C64
    2.  #04   154 pts    Mad Donna - Shogoon                                    C64
    3.  #03   146 pts    Journey Through the Prism - Dave                       C64
    4.  #02   138 pts    Yellowstorm - NecroPolo                                C64
    5.  #01    92 pts    Illegal Twingos - Moldvix                              C64


    1.  #13   171 pts    Black Lamp - Slaygon
        #08   171 pts    Ubi-sound (funkdance mix) - ziona & vincenzo
    3.  #06   168 pts    Dominator Loader (Pre-dominant mix) - Ctrl-Z
    4.  #11   165 pts    Giana Sisters - Glyn R Brown
    5.  #10   157 pts    Ghosts 'n Thrillers - Makke
    6.  #09   154 pts    Cortisone (Steroid remix) - Teo
    7.  #14   150 pts    Anosognosia (compo edition) - NecroPolo
    8.  #07   149 pts    Exorcist - Chabee
    9.  #05   147 pts    Full Contact - Dr. Future
   10.  #12   145 pts    Title Needed (GRG) - Magnar Harestad
   11.  #04   141 pts    Stranger in a Strange Land (Ensoniq Mix) - LaLa
   12.  #15   134 pts    Beat To The Pulp (2021) - Metal Tribute -
   13.  #03   133 pts    Birthday - NeonTimeTravel
   14.  #02   107 pts    Zynaps - paranoidroid
   15.  #01    96 pts    Hades Nebula subtune2 - paranoidroid


    1.  #02   185 pts    XXX - Lethargy                                         C64
    2.  #01   108 pts    MSX Firstie - gorgh/Agenda                             MSX


    1.  #02   161 pts    Sidrip to VIC - BSZ&Larry
    2.  #01    93 pts    qulality prod - Los Angeles Lamers


        64 votes were cast by 85 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu - http://wuhu.function.hu