Arok 2007

Dates :
13 - 15 July 2007

Place :
Simon István Elementary School
Ajkarendek (near Veszprém)

Website :

Organizers :
Cargo, Leon, Poison

Organizer Groups :

Demo competition

01. Shades / Wilds (72pts) (c16 demo,
02. Party Pig / Booze Design (57pts)
03. Arok Scroll / Chorus (26pts)
04. Mellow / Active (20pts)
05. Birdy show / Szokez (4pts)

Music competition

01. Fly / Intensity (70pts)
02. Tavaly Charlie / Vincenzo (59pts)
03. Loading...Arok / DaFunk (57pts)

Graphics competition

01. Lucy in the Sky with a Butterfly / Jailbird (79pts)
02. Dinner / Leon (44pts)
03. Encrypted Possibilities 87% final / AMN (26pts)
04. Musketeer / Jedi (20pts) (Missing)
05. Tigris / Mr. Booa (10pts)
06. Ergoprxy / SHR (6pts)
07. Tragacs / Grass (3pts)
08. Lovers / Fatfrost (2pts)
08. Jobarat / Mr. Booa (2pts)

C= knowledge competition
01. Scintillation (17pts)
02. Lion (16pts)
03. Scorpy (14pts)