----------[ CAFe'2003                    ]----------------------
----------[ 23-24 august, Kazan/Russia   ]----------------------
----------[ official results             ]----------------------
----------[ v0.22                        ]----------------------

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC ASCII ]------[day 01]----------------------

 1 237 14 Paravespula             Ice'Di/Triumph
 2 236 10 Wisdom                  Kingpin Octopus/MiMiC
   236 19 Socializm               woody
 3 226  7 real joke!              c-jeff/gbg+bwt
 4 225 13 Elis                    Ice'Di/Triumph
 5 212  8 shut up, pc!            c-jeff/gbg+bwt
 6 206  1 Bitch                   Zero/Zeitnot
 7 200  9 TopPeople               petya/Red Brigade
 8 194  3 Ira                     Zero/Zeitnot
 9 189  4 competition             raz
10 185 12 gangsta house           shadow_lord/secular/galza/ceg
11 183 11 rebirth                 shadow_lord/secular/galza/ceg
12 169 17 CAFe'03 logo            DMan/Placebo
13 143 18 Hatred                  DMan/Placebo
14 130  5 relict wizards of galza zmej_/galza, varga
15 129  6 robots too people       riskej^oca, [v]arga
16 116 15 native pfhor            zmej_/galza, varga
17 115 16 picture                 pulsar/oca
18  92  2 cafe                    petya/Red Brigade

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC ANSI ]-------------------------------------

 1 210  1 Action                  Zero/Zeitnot
   210  2 body                    saji        
 2 192  5 last cigarette          shadow_lord\secular/galza/ceg
 3 185  3 cafe'o3                 c-jeff\gbg+bwt
 4 177  7 tee-vee                 saji
 5 176  4 paranormal              c-jeff\gbg+bwt
 6 113  6 cafe'o3 party!!!        shadow_lord/secular/galza/ceg

pl-pts-sh-[ 64k Web Page ]--------------------------------------

 1 244  4 Buzz web page           DMan/Placebo
 2 236  3 Red brigade             petya/Red Brigade
 3 189  5 Vek-TV web page
                  (promo version) DMan/Placebo
 4 134  2 psycho style -
            RecoveR's web project RecoveR/Power Reality
 5 131  1 Jim Morrison true poet  Eugeny Gordeyv

pl-pts-sh-[ ZX Spectrum AY Music  ]-----------------------------

 1 258  7 Retrochip 2             Gasman/Hooy-Program/AY Riders
 2 233 13 its life                mmcm^sage
 3 231  1 fioletto                c-jeff/gbg+bwt
 4 220 14 SunFlyer                Ravager/Computer Rats Group
 5 211 18 J.S.                    Gibson/Universal SoftGroup
 6 210  4 Mind Endurance          Key-Jee/Triebkraft
 7 205  6 Medieval -
            part I "Who Are You?" Artur(iK)/Tiraspol Art Group
   205 11 the box                 ahim/cpu
 8 198 12 i don't know
                    what me to do morfy/oca
 9 195 15 good morning            Fatal Snipe/Fenomen
10 189 16 Lappki Oziabli          Siril/4D
11 188 17 for love cafe version   sjee/ milytia
12 178  3 NEW SOUND               YERZMYEY/H-PRG^AY_R
   178  9 Sintezz                 KYV/Triumph
13 172  8 my foto                 riskej/oca
   172 20 Guardian Angel          Cj.Echo/Triumph
14 155 10 laser                   moran/cpu
15 144  5 killing loops           alx^bw
16 143  2 i'm niger               niger//nigergy team
17 132 19 Souperifik saund
                     of beis nout Nik-O
out of compo:
          LETNAA JARA              A.S.EKB. (Alexandr Smirtnov)
          Storm                    Scarab/Siberian Group
          Nedrukh                  Nik-O
          lazy evaluation          alone coder/i8
          Matrix1                  Research/Volgasoft
          to the sky               dee jey slee
          Tpexhem.pt3              EA/ANTARES
          'S novim godom,
                     kroshka' (MT) Sergey Bulba
lost:     Ded Mazaj & AllyM!
                     NEVAYa LOPATA Flabber/Virtual Masters

pl-pts-sh-[ ZX Spectrum Graphics ]------------------------------

 1 345  8 Unreal                   Rion
 2 290 11 Alien                    G.D./TBK^4D
 3 287 19 Village People           Diver/4th Dimension
 4 285  6 morda                    clown/delirium tremens
 5 274 20 KPbICA                   Kasik/Sinclair Club
 6 264  5 Holiday in the sun       Exocet/Just For Fun
 7 262  1 Stay Cool                Diver/4th Dimension
 8 261 18 Thoughtf (Thoughtful)    Dimidrol/Green Bit Group
 9 245 13 sIckNess                 Ice'Di/Triumph
10 243  4 Green                    Hedgehog
11 235  7 semilanceta hunting      r0m/progress
12 222 12 Tram racing              Gas 13
13 214  3 dolphin's fly            voodoo//delirium tremens
14 200 14 Battery                  Stanly/stall
15 199 16 cosmopolitan             sg/milytia
16 188 17 Rix                      Iron Lord/Green Bit Group
17 178 15 Mauntain                 Robodron/Ultraviolence
18 176  2 Chasm of his mind        Yerzmyey/H-PRG
19 173  9 The Eye Of God Is Blind  Kempy / Veezya
20 166 10 Zavisimost(dependence)   Surfin Bird

out of compo:
          de-anima                 DizZy
          sk:018                   scan master
          a bomb                   alx^bw
          drunk chasm              voodoo/delirium tremens
          Disfigurated Face
                   of the Freedom  clown^delirium tremens
          PIC001.SCR               MZ
          PIC001.SCR               MZ
          Sobanya                  Lilu/Omega Hackers Group
          Bob Marley               r0m/progress

pl-pts-sh-[ ZX Spectrum 512b Intro ]----------------------------

 1 265  9 i512                     psb/halloween
 2 237  1 DRAWING                  Siberian Group
 3 206  5 _kosmos_                 voodoo/delirium tremens
 4 202 10 HARMONY                  Konex/Antares
 5 192  6 Love Of Stars            KIM/PoS-WT
 6 184  3 kubo                     mikezt/zeroteam, constelation
 7 178  7 Shock 512                Flying/Digital Reality                            
 8 176  8 512 mlt                  milytia
 9 174  2 Estonia                  SCAR/PoS-WT
10 157  4 Phore512                 Ice'Di/Triumph

pl-pts-sh-[ ZX Spectrum 4k Intro ]------------------------------

-- ---  1 Requiem of a Sun         KIM/PoS-WT

pl-pts-sh-[ ZX Spectrum Demo ]----------------------------------

 1 370 07 Weed                     Triebkraft
 2 303 06 RESURRECTION             Jocker, Klim/OHG
 3 208 03 caprize                  milytia
 4 199 04 Fuck You Scene           Skrju
 5 192 01 demo22                   organizm
 6 178 05 EVENLESS                 CPU
 7 134 02 _the_source_             inward/CPU

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC 4áhn Music ]--[day 02]---------------------

 1 134  3 STPRO.MOD                EA/ANTARES
 2 124  2 Goa                      Psycho/DJ MoHaX
 3  91  1 gas-alarm                n1k-o/techno lab

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC Rendered Graphics ]------------------------

 1 219  4 bitch                    hewle art/cpu
 2 212  6 Game Over                Trion
 3 190  8 Oruzeynaya (armoury)     tara/eYe-Q team
 4 172  5 Sniper (BattleTech)      AmiF1Team/team Dogma
   172  2 Arachnids                Trion
 5 169 10 Desert Life              Andrey
 6 155  9 T-90 Heavy Tank          woody
 7 151  7 autumnal waltz           magnetik/cpu
 8 148  3 back to the primitive    petya/Red Brigade
 9 140  1 free flight              petya/Red Brigade

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC Handdrawn Graphics ]-----------------------

 1 191 14 See real life            Ray_Noa/Mayhem
 2 169  7 Mother's Nightmare       Critikill/Mawi^Farbrausch
 3 166  9 Overlook                 Ray_Noa/Mayhem
 4 155  8 nosay                    magnetik/cpu
   155  3 Why?                     Demiurge Ash
 5 150 15 Gnome and Fish           Manwe/SandS
 6 148 11 Axis of the ill          L-Graph/team PowerAmiga
 7 145  1 Faith                    L-Graph/team PowerAmiga
 8 140  4 freedom                  hewle art/cpu
 9 121  5 Doped Vision             sand/mayhem
10 108 10 Summer forever           Ice'Di/Triumph
11 107 13 Space                    Trion
12  92 12 Deevaaha                 qWErt/roxxsoxx
13  84  2 Fantasy                  Trion
14  77  6 pane                     zmej_/galza, varga

out of compo:
          Live                     Trion [3rd pic from author]

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC MP3 Music ]--------------------------------

 1 163 10 You love me              MMCM/Sage
 2 158  5 Twisted Love             ViSuAl
 3 156  7 Dreaming Of You          Arktika
 4 149  6 We Will Funk You!        Megus/Brainwave Team
 5 144  2 Ski Da                   ukms[z]
 6 143  9 My name is Ganja         Chuk'n'Gek
 7 141  4 Funky Tropicale Gangsta  Zeebr/deMarche
 8 135 13 SpaceDelay               Deft and Art
 9 134  1 dirty sounds             petya/[red brigade]
10 131 12 Ne ty                    Maxi GC/KOHTAKT
11 130 14 Rescue "Kursk"           BJ/Technology insys
12 128 11 Voshod (Rise)            Vodoley/Excess Team
13 124  3 broka                    neogen/corner cut
14 118  8 Music From The Space     dj Scally/PoS-WT
15 114 15 Latino Disco             Maxwell/Technology insys

Out of compo:
          I Fly To The Sky         dj Dreamer
          punk_theme.mp3           Research/Volga-Soft
          MARAZM                   W.A.M./MixOFP
          Saigot                   MMasteR/PowerReality
          Suicide 2                RecoveR/PowerReality
          suggestion               ahim/cpu
          Play this tune
                    at full blast  Forward
          Forward Again            Dj Kym
          How You Feeling?         iam29
          Day&night.mp3            EA & Marianna/ANTARES
          Festivalnaya             Yuri Lugovskikh/PoS-WT
          I Have a plan            Nyquist/KCN
          Merging2                 Tiamad, Klim/Critical Mass
          Insanity                 Alexey Zotov/Grinch
          mad dolls factory        fish/makheim
          MixMusic                 RedS/Technology insys
          Unknown                  George/Technology insys
          Arctic Sun               leopart/deMarche
          Birds Inside Me          Phantom Lord/CMS + Psy
          I want to say            YurOk
          Vosstanovlenie           YuriL

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC Mchn Music (Traditional) ]-----------------

 1 177  4 mirror people            rain/the sands
 2 162  1 West song                Butch/UnLimit
 3 135  6 There was a Hole.it      Necrolyte Ulin
 4 133  5 Life                     ImpulSe/UnLimit group
 5 125  9 Just believe             Vibe/Cornercut
 6 122 10 gentle dance             RedS/Technology insys
 7 118 11 Jazz with white bear     Stormbringer
 8 116  2 HARD-ROCK                Lt.Columbo/Kooperativ
 9 110  7 Fantasy #5               iam29
10 108  8 Vint                     Phantom Lord/CMS + Psy
11 102  3 dark angel of love       neogen/cornercut

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC Mchn Music (Alternative) ]-----------------

 1 172 16 matyage.it               Vipe
 2 162  1 Road to Sunset           Butch/UnLimit
 3 151 15 x3 sound                 Maxwell/Technology insys
 4 149  8 Positive Energy          Vibe/Cornercut
 5 145  3 Divine [Curse of Love]   technoiZ/Cornercut
 6 141 11 Blade in The Dark        DJ MoHaX/Psycho
 7 139  9 Release                  djkor/Cornercut
   139  5 philosophy of live       Em(022000)
 8 135 14 feel the sound           BJ/Technology insys
 9 130  6 EVILTRNC.XM              EA/ANTARES
10 128  2 In the crazycar          Darkman007
11 127 13 Toren 2                  Phantom Lord/CMS + Psy
12 109  7 Guests are comming       |<ypa/)esa
13 100 10 DAT like DAT             iam29
14  94  4 Electronic depression    neogen/cornercut
15  77 12 immersing                riskej/oca, [v]arga

Out of compo:
          robotization             neogen/Cornercut
          Ocean                    Maxwell/Technology insys

Compo not signed, then out of compo:
          80th Returned            Technology insys(bad regform)
          No way back              Grover
          King of the rings        Dreamer-V/Unlimit Group
          Forward Again            KyM/Global Corp.

pl-pts-sh-[ Wild ]----------------------------------------------

 1 217  3 4 Gluks                  Power Of Sound Web Team
 2 215  4 ww3                      l-graph/team poweramiga
 3 183  2 cpuday                   cyberpunks unity
 4 172  9 DOS                      MacTep
 5 168  7 Gift for Jane            Vivid/Brainwave Team
 6 156  8 Comrade WOODY: Samolet   woody
 7 151  5 Prostye Dvizhenya        ukms[z]/"Apollones" 
                  (Simple Motions)                Creative Group
 8 123 10 Scaners (party version)  Ray_Noa/Mayhem
 9 115  1 Swine (wild funtro)      DMan/Placebo
10  86  6 speccy                   petya/[red brigade]

out of compo (unknown codec):

out       Ezhik v tumane
            (Hedgehog in the Mist) Cat Broken & AmiF1Team

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC 512b Intro ]-------------------------------

-- ---  1 glass512                 Doctor Max^GLOBAL Corporation

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC 128b Intro ]-------------------------------

 1 244  1 CyberLand                SerzhSoft
 2 191  2 command.com              napoleon/brainwave team
   191  3 www.porno.com            napoleon/brainwave team

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC 4K Intro ]---------------------------------

-- ---  1 matrix                   3d Poison
-- ---  2 matrix                   IndirectGroup

pl-pts-sh-[ Flash Demo ]----------------------------------------

-- ---  1 Are We?                  Ail,C-jeff
-- --- -- ball&smoke               Midulator/PhF

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC Animation ]--------------------------------

 1 243  3 memory of rek            magnetik/cpu
 2 189  5 Run baby!                CatBroken/team Dogma
 3 188  4 Visitor 2:REVENGE        Ivan MT/WARPIG Studio
 4 175  2 Anticondome              Ivan MT/WARPIG Studio
 5 129  1 COH                      Kawaii Baka
 6 101  6 Cafe~2003                RA

pl-pts-sh-[ Amiga/PC Demo ]-------------------------------------

 1 231  4 deBut      (pc)          deMarche
 2 219  1 Agitation! (amiga)       teamPowerAmiga
 3 180  2 militarize (pc)          brainwave team, warpig studio
 4 126  3 10days     (pc)          bemz
 5 108  5 Vice       (amiga)       V-nom

pl-pts-sh-[ ZX Spectrum Game ]----------------------------------

 1 206  6 Fire&Ice                 n-Discovery
 2 204  5 Lethargy                 Studio Stall
 3 200  3 Darkwing Duck            Virtual Masters
 4 172  2 Death Valley prerelease  Green Bit Group
 5 161  1 Milos Kazmus             Alf/CPU
 6 132  4 Erotris                  Virtual Masters

----------[additional info]-------------------------------------

   day 01 voters: ~80 total
   day 02 voters: ??? total

   votes counted by Himik^PoS, Lasoft^Excess team, Leonard
   day 01&02 compiled by UnBel!ever^x7m & Vinnny^AiC
   special tnx to Diver

---[eof]---------------------------------[ 25.o8.2oo3 03:57 ]---

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org