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		        - "The RAINBOW pARTy" -
                               RADWAR V7

			held by the legends from
                         `Radwar Enterprises'
            `Spreadpoint, Tristar & Red Sector, Fairlight'

        The whole contest is organized by TRISTAR & RED SECTOR.

Date:         15./16. January 1994 !!!
Place:        Discotheque CHEZ RENZO
              Am Volkspark
              52525 Heinsberg-Oberbruch

talent-scouts/headhunters of MAJOR companies are looking for
(maybe) YOU?!...be discovered.. be famous.. be rich..
featuring companies are:

Lucas Arts (Lucasfilm Games) / Factor 5 / Blue Byte / Rainbow Arts
Microprose / Thalion / Magic Bytes / Kaiko / System 3 and more ...

invited press:
ASM / Amiga Joker / Amiga Plus / Play Time / Amiga Fun
DOS International, Amiga Special, PC-Professionell ...

There will be also a team from a big German TV-Channel.

****************** THE DEMO COMPETITION RULES: ************************

Dear demo artists,

read the following rules carefully, because if your demo doesn't fit
into the rules, it will not be taken into the contest.

We know how hard it is to develop "NEVER SEEN BEFORE THINGS" today and
we don't want you to waste the following weeks in terrorising your brains
for good demo ideas.
We have already done this for you and so here are 3 demo subjects that you
may convert into your productions.

***                      First subject                            *****
***   SUPER STAR WARS (Empire Strikes Back) Introduction Demo     *****
***          sponsored by LUCASFILM GAMES/LUCAS ARTS              *****

For the PC and the Amiga there is an offer from LUCAS FILM GAMES.
Code a decent TITLE INTRO for the forthcoming game "SUPER STAR WARS"
with all kind of movie effects like in the film sagas.
We arranged a deal with LUCAS ARTS, that the best "SUPER STAR WARS"
title will get a super special REWARD.
The Intro will be used in the original game and of course they will
pay for it. So you have the chance to to make a fortune twice.
As LUCAS ARTS doesn't have a programming team for the AMIGA version yet,
they offered us also that the DEMO TEAM will get the chance to convert
the whole game for the COMMODORE AMIGA, if they are satisfied enough with
the result.

All kind of absolutely needed grafix for this DEMO will be posted on

***                      Second subject                           *****
***                     ANTI RACISM DEMO                          *****

Everybody talks about how bad all the racism shit is, but finally it's
time to change things.
Let's show the rest of the world that we all belong to one big community.
State your opinion to this important fact in a nice "Friendship Demo".
Let's make the world a better place for everyone, without hating and trouble.
This SUBJECT is really worth to be supported, don't ya think so ???

***                      Third subject                            *****
***              IT'S PARTY TIME, LET'S CELEBRATE                 *****
This demo should contain everything that makes fun and shows total
party atmosphere (think of the `RAINBOW PADDY`).
What about some tekkno sound, dancing champagne glasses, girls'n'boys
in trance, screaming heavy guitars, flipping shoes and so on.
Feel free to paddy on...

****                 TECHNICAL DEMO RULES			   ****

- the demo should run up to 5 minutes only!
- it has to be shipped on 3.5 inch floppy disks and may run directly
  from disk or must have an harddisk installation setup.
- The persons behind the demo have to be present at the party... at least 
  the coder should be there.


   AMIGA 500 with 1 MB (500kb CHIP and 500 kb FAST Memory)
   KICKSTART 1.3/2.0

   CPU 386 DX 33 with 4 MB Ram
   VGA Card with 1MB Ram
   Soundblaster or compatible soundcard

   1. Super Nintendo 16Bit
      Demo in SUPER WILDCARD file format up to 16 MBit (2 MB Ram)
   2. Sega Mega Drive 16Bit
      Demo in SUPER MAGIC DRIVE file format up to 16Mbit (2 MB Ram)

4. ARCHIMEDES (all kind of models)
   2MB Ram
   RISC OS 2.0

5. COMMODORE C-64/C-128
   0.8 Mhz
   64 KB Ram
   Floppy Disk 1541 (with speeder systems)

***************       WE OFFER PRICES LIKE: ***************************

1. PC 486 DX System with monitor, harddisk and software
2. CD-ROM drives
3. Sound Cards
4. Consoles and Console Backup Systems
5. Software for all formats

And of course we're gonna help you to get in contact with the major
software companies.

In this contest there will be no loosers, every demo programming team
will win a price.


[v]oice info:        ++49-621-106698   ---   (international)
                        0-621-106698   ---   (     national)

                     call between 18:00 and 22:00 MEZ; VOICE !!
                     call between 22:00 and 18:00 MEZ; answering machine


[s]upport bbs:       Micro Mania FIDO BBS     [19200 ZyXEL V32.bis  (24h)]

                     ++49-2452-5174   ---   (international)
                        0-2452-5174   ---   (     national)

                     login:    PARTY
                     password: PARTY


snail [m]ail:        you can write to the `RaINBOW PARTY' address:

                     PLK: A 025993
                     52525 Heinsberg
                     United Germany
