

Name Strings



    Stephen Warren, NVIDIA
    James Jones, NVIDIA


    Stephen Warren, NVIDIA (swarren 'at'




    8 (24 Feb 2010)




    This extension is written against the OpenGL 3.2 Specification
    but can apply to OpenGL 1.1 and up.

    OpenGL 1.1 is required.
    GL_EXT_framebuffer_object affects the definition of this extension.
    GL_ARB_texture_rectangle affects the definition of this extension.
    GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two affects the definition of this


    This extension allows VDPAU video and output surfaces to be used
    for texturing and rendering.

    This allows the GL to process and display the content of video
    streams decoded using VDPAU.

    Alternatively, the GL may modify VDPAU surfaces in-place, and VDPAU
    maythen process and/or display those surfaces itself.

    This allows the GL to be used to combine application user-interface
    elements with decoded video, implement custom video-processing
    algorithms, etc.

IP Status

    There are no known IP issues. 

New Procedures and Functions

    void VDPAUInitNV (const void *vdpDevice,
                      const void *getProcAddress);

    void VDPAUFiniNV (void);

    vdpauSurfaceNV VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV (const void *vdpSurface,
                                                enum       target,
                                                sizei      numTextureNames,
                                                const uint *textureNames);

    vdpauSurfaceNV VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV (const void *vdpSurface,
                                                 enum       target,
                                                 sizei      numTextureNames,
                                                 const uint *textureNames);

    void VDPAUIsSurfaceNV (vdpauSurfaceNV surface);

    void VDPAUUnregisterSurfaceNV (vdpauSurfaceNV surface);

    void VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV (vdpauSurfaceNV surface,
                              enum           pname,
                              sizei          bufSize,
                              sizei          *length,
                              int            *values);

    void VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV (vdpauSurfaceNV surface,
                               enum           access);

    void VDPAUMapSurfacesNV (sizei                numSurfaces,
                             const vdpauSurfaceNV *surfaces);

    void VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV (sizei                numSurface,
                               const vdpauSurfaceNV *surfaces);

New Tokens

    Accepted as the <pname> parameter of VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV:

        SURFACE_STATE_NV                0x86EB

    Returned in <values> for VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV <pname> 

        SURFACE_REGISTERED_NV           0x86FD
        SURFACE_MAPPED_NV               0x8700

    Accepted as the <pname> parameter of VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV:

       WRITE_DISCARD_NV                 0x88BE

Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification
(OpenGL Operation)

    Add to Table 2.2, GL data types:

    GL Type         Minimum    Description
                    Bit Width
    -------         ---------  ----------------------------------------------
    vdpauSurfaceNV  <ptrbits>  VDPAU surface object handle (see section 3.8.3)

Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification

    Insert a new section following "Alternate Texture Image
    Specification Commands" (Section 3.8.2). Renumber existing section
    3.8.3 "Compressed Texture Images" and all following 3.8.* sections.

    3.8.3, Alternate Texture Image Specification Using VDPAU Surfaces

    Texture images may also be specified using image data taken
    directly from the framebuffer, in the form of VDPAU surfaces.

    VDPAU surfaces are logically ascribed an interop state. States
    and transitions are:

            |                                        |
            v            VDPAURegister*SurfaceNV     |
    Unknown/unregistered ----------------------> Registered
            ^                                       |  ^
            |                    VDPAUMapSurfacesNV |  | VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV
            |                                       v  |
            \------------------------------------- Mapped

    In order to use such "interop" functionality, the command

    void VDPAUInitNV (const void *vdpDevice,
                      const void *getProcAddress);

    must be used to inform the GL which VDPAU device to interact with.
    <vdpDevice> must be an extant VdpDevice handle previously created
    using VDPAU. <getProcAddress> must be the VdpGetProcAddress
    generated during VdpDevice creation.

    When interop functionality is no longer required, the GL may be
    informed using the command

    void VDPAUFiniNV (void);

    This operation will succeed even if surfaces exist in the mapped
    or registered states; such surfaces will internally be unmapped and
    unregistered before interop state is destroyed.

    The command

    vdpauSurfaceNV VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV (const void *vdpSurface,
                                                enum       target,
                                                sizei      numTextureNames,
                                                const uint *textureNames);

    defines a set of two-dimensional textures, where the image data may
    be taken from the VdpVideoSurface <vdpSurface>. <target> must be
    one of TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. <numTextureNames>
    determines how many textures are defined. <textureNames> contains
    the names of the textures that are defined. The surface is
    transitioned into the registered state.

    Legal values for <numTextureNames> are derived from the
    VdpChromaType of <vdpSurface>, as defined in table

      VdpChromaType        numTextureNames  Index  Size       Format    Content
      -------------        ---------------  -----  ----       --------  -------------------
      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420  4                0      w   x h/2  R8        Top-field luma
                                            1      w   x h/2  R8        Bottom-field luma
                                            2      w/2 x h/4  R8G8      Top-field chroma
                                            3      w/2 x h/4  R8G8      Bottom-field chroma
      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422  4                0      w   x h/2  R8        Top-field luma
                                            1      w   x h/2  R8        Bottom-field luma
                                            2      w/2 x h/2  R8G8      Top-field chroma
                                            3      w/2 x h/2  R8G8      Bottom-field chroma

      Table Supported VdpChromaType values, and derived values
      of <numTextureNames>, and texture parameters for each texture.

    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV's return value is a handle used by
    various other commands detailed below.

    The command

    vdpauSurfaceNV VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV (const void *vdpSurface,
                                                 enum       target,
                                                 sizei      numTextureNames,
                                                 const uint *textureNames);

    defines a set of two-dimensional textures, where the image data may
    be taken from the VdpOutputSurface vdpSurface. <target> must be one
    of TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. <numTextureNames> determines
    how many textures are defined. <textureNames> contains the names of
    the textures that are defined. The surface is transitioned into the
    registered state.

    Legal values for <numTextureNames> are derived from the
    VdpRGBAFormat of <vdpSurface>, as defined in table

      VdpRGBAFormat                numTextureNames  Index  Size   Format    Content
      -------------                ---------------  -----  ----   --------  --------------
      VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8     1                0      w x h  ARGB8     Entire surface
      VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2  1                0      w x h  A2BGR10   Entire surface

      Table Supported VdpRGBAFormat values, and derived values
      of <numTextureNames>, and texture parameters for each texture.

    In all cases, textures defined by VDPAU surfaces will be y-
    inverted; applications are expected to use y-inverted texture co-
    ordinates when using such textures.

    VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV's return value is a handle to be used
    as the surface parameter to various other commands detailed below.

    The command

    void VDPAUUnregisterSurfaceNV (GLvdpauSurfaceNV surface);

    may be used to revert the effect of VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV or
    VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV; namely, any <textureName>s that were
    passed into the register function will be returned to their default
    state. The surface will be transitioned into the unregistered state.
    This operation will succeed even if the surface is in the mapped
    state; such surfaces will internally be unmapped before being

    The command

    void VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV (GLvdpauSurfaceNV surface,
                               enum             access);

    informs the GL whether the application expects only to read from the
    VDPAU surface using the GL (<access> set to READ_ONLY), only to
    write to the VDPAU surface using the GL (<access> set to
    WRITE_DISCARD_NV), or both (<access> set to READ_WRITE). In
    implementations that need to copy image data during
    VDPAUMapSurfacesNV or VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV, this flag may allow the
    GL to skip some of those copy operations to improve performance.

    An <access> value of READ_ONLY ensures that any writes to the
    surface made by VDPAU prior to VDPAUMapSurfacesNV will be seen by
    the GL when reading the surface after VDPAUMapSurfacesNV. If the
    GL writes to the surface, results are undefined, possibly including
    program termination.

    An <access> value of READ_WRITE ensures that any writes to the
    surface made by VDPAU prior to VDPAUMapSurfacesNV will be seen by
    the GL when reading the surface after VDPAUMapSurfacesNV. Equally,
    any writes to the surface made by the GL prior to
    VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV will be seen by VDPAU after

    An <access> value of WRITE_DISCARD_NV ensures that any writes to the
    surface made by the GL prior to VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV will be seen
    by VDPAU after VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV. If the GL reads from the
    surface prior to writing those particular pixels itself, the
    graphical results are undefined, but should not include program

    VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV sets the access flag for the VDPAU surface.
    the GL reads the access flag only during VDPAUMapSurfacesNV.
    VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV uses the value of the access flag that was
    set when the previous VDPAUMapSurfacesNV was called.
    VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV itself has no effect on the image data of any
    surface, and in particular does not initiate any copy operations.

    Calling VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV when the surface is in a mapped state
    is illegal, and will generate an error.

    The command

    void VDPAUMapSurfacesNV (sizei          numSurfaces,
                             vdpauSurfaceNV *surfaces);

    moves a set of VDPAU surfaces from the registered state into the
    mapped state.

    The command

    void VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV (sizei           numSurface,
                               vdpauSurfaceNV* surfaces);

    moves a set of VDPAU surfaces from the mapped state into the
    registered state.

    Using the GL to texture from, or write to, a surface in any state
    other than mapped will yield undefined results, potentially
    including program termination.

    Using any other API to access a VDPAU surface while that surface is
    in the mapped state in the GL will yield undefined results,
    potentially including program termination.

    Texture image data for VDPAU surfaces in the mapped state is
    defined as being identical to the VDPAU surface content.

    While a VDPAU surface is in the mapped or registered states, the
    textures associated with that surface are immutable. In other
    words, operations that affect texture state, or attempt to replace
    the source of the texture image data (e.g. TexImage2D) will return
    an error. Rendering to the texture is allowed.

Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification
(Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)


Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification
(Special Functions)


Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification
(State and State Requests)

    Add a new subsection to "Querying GL state" (section
    6.1) describing VDPAU surface object queries.

   "6.1.X VDPAU Surface Object Queries

    Properties of VDPAU surface objects may be queried using the command

    void VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV (vdpauSurfaceNV surface,
                              enum           pname,
                              sizei          bufSize,
                              sizei          *length,
                              int            *values);

    The value or values being queried are returned in the parameters
    <length> and <values>.

    On success, VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV replaces up to <bufSize> integers
    in <values> with the corresponding property values of the object
    being queried. The actual number of integers replaced is returned
    in *<length>. If <length> is NULL, no length is returned.

    If <pname> is SURFACE_STATE_NV, a single value representing the state
    of the VDPAU surface object (SURFACE_REGISTERED_NV,
    SURFACE_MAPPED_NV) is placed in <values>.

    If <surface> is not the name of a VDPAU surface object, an
    INVALID_VALUE error is generated. If <pname> is not one of the
    values described above, an INVALID_ENUM error is generated. If an
    error occurs, nothing will be written to <values> or <length>.

    The command

    void VDPAUIsSurfaceNV (vdpauSurfaceNV surface);

    returns TRUE if <surface> is the name of a VDPAU surface object. If
    <surface> is not the name of a VDPAU surface object, or if an error
    condition occurs, IsSurface returns FALSE (note that zero is not
    the name of a VDPAU surface object).

Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications


Additions to the OpenGL Shading Language


GLX Protocol

    VDPAU implementations currently only support direct-rendering.
    Consequently, no GLX protocol is currently defined for this

Dependencies on GL_ARB_texture_rectangle

    If GL_ARB_texture_rectangle is not supported, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE may
    not be used as target for VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV.

Dependencies on GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two

    If GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is not supported, only VDPAU
    surfaces with power-of-two size may be used with target TEXTURE_2D.


    INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <vdpDevice> or
    <getProcAddressOpaque> parameters to VDPAUInitNV is NULL.

    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if VDPAUInitNV is called on a given
    GL context, where VDPAUInitNV has been called, and VDPAUFiniNV has
    not been called since.

    INVALID_OPERATION is generated by VDPAUInitNV,
    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV, or VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV if the
    VDPAU driver refuses the request for some reason.

    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if VDPAUFiniNV,
    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV, VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV,
    VDPAUIsSurfaceNV, VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV, VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV,
    VDPAUMapSurfacesNV, or VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV are called on a given
    GL context, where VDPAUInitNV has not been called, or VDPAUFiniNV
    has been called since.

    INVALID_ENUM is generated if the <target> parameter of
    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV or VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV is not

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <numTextureNames> parameter of
    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV or VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV does
    not match the required value; see tables and

    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any texture named by an entry
    within the <textureNames> parameter of VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV
    or VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV is marked as immutable.

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if the VDPAU surface named by the
    <vdpSurface> parameter of VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV or
    VDPAUUnregisterOutputSurfaceNV does not have a supported format;
    see tables and

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <surface> parameter of
    VDPAUIsSurfaceNV, VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV, VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV,
    VDPAUMapSurfacesNV, VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV is not the name of a VDPAU
    surface object.

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <surface> parameter of
    VDPAUUnregisterSurfaceNV is neither zero nor the name of a VDPAU
    surface object.

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <bufSize> parameter of
    VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV is too small to return the results via the
    <values> paramter.

    INVALID_ENUM is generated if the <pname> parameter of
    VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV is not SURFACE_STATE_NV.

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <access> parameter of
    VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV is none of READ_ONLY, WRITE_ONLY, nor

    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the state of the surface(s) named
    by the <surface> parameter of VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV, or named by any
    entry within the <surfaces> parameter of VDPAUMapSurfacesNV is

    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the state of any of the surfaces 
    named by entries within the <surfaces> parameter of
    VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV is not SURFACE_MAPPED_NV.

New State

Table 6.X.  VDPAU Surface Objects.

Get value           Type  Get command          Initial value                 Description     Section
------------------  ----  -----------          ----------------------------  --------------- -------
SURFACE_STATE_NV    Z     VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV  GL_SURFACE_REGISTERED_NV      Surface state   3.8.3

New Implementation State



    1. Should YUV surfaces be exposed as a frame Y and frame UV
       texture, or two field Y and two field UV textures?

       RESOLVED: YUV surfaces will be exposed as separate fields

       Exposing the surface as separate fields allows applications to
       directly implement de-interlacing algorithms other than weave
       without having to undo the weaving of fields together. Put
       another way:



         * Simple applications can directly access the entire frame,
           without having to manually implement weave de-interlacing.
           This also applies for progressive content.

           However, simple applications probably won't want to interop
           on a VdpVideoSurface, but will rather rely on VDPAU's
           VdpVideoMixer for post-processing, and instead interop on a


         * In order to implement bob de-interlacing, vertical
           interpolation between lines of a single field is required.
           The GL's texturing does not allow interpolation to skip
           lines in a texture. Consequently, the two fields must be
           manually separated by the application using a shader and
           some texture co-ordinate calculation prior to bobbing. This
           forces a copy operation, which would reduce performance.

         * In NVIDIA's implementation, VDPAU surfaces are stored as
           separate fields. Consequently, VDPAUMapSurfacesNV would have
           to perform a copy operation, which would reduce performance.



         * Advanced de-interlacing and post-processing algorithms get
           direct access to individual fields.

         * In NVIDIA's implementation, no copying is required during


         * Simple applications that simply want to weave, or for
           progressive content, must manually combine the fields.
           However, this operation is relatively simple to code, and
           sample code will be provided.

    2. Should Map/Unmap functions be removed, such that the GL
       implements those operations transparently at appropriate times?

       RESOLVED: No, map/unmap functions will be kept.

       The map/unmap functions provide a convenient place to perform
       synchronization between VDPAU and the GL command streams, and
       any format-converting copies that may be required by the GL or
       VDPAU implementation. Without explicit application-controlled
       APIs, it would potentially be difficult to trigger those
       operations at the appropriate time. It would also be less
       obvious to software developers when such operations were
       occurring, which may prevent successful investigation of
       interop performance.

    3. Should SurfaceAccess function be removed, and instead an
       "access" parameter added to the Map function?

       RESOLVED: No, a separate function will be kept.

       The value of this flag typically will not change on a per-frame
       basis, so specifying it for each map call was deemed redundant.
       For an advanced application that needs to change the flag often,
       the overhead of using a separate function should not be too

Revision History

    1. 23 Dec 2009 - Stephen W
        Initial version

    2. 5 Jan 2010 - Stephen W
        -Renamed VDPAUSetSurfaceAccessNV to VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV thus
         avoiding the word Set.
        -Fixed/wrote "Dependencies", "Dependencies on ..." sections.
        -Initial version of "Additions to Chapter 3".
        -Fill in answers for issues 1-3.

    3. 7 Jan 2010 - Stephen W
        -Dropped the GL prefix from type names.
        -Refer to "the GL" not "GL".
        -Removed XXX re: PROXY_TEXTURE_*; those targets don't seem
         useful for this extension.
        -Use <> around function parameter names in text.
        -Reword description of legal values for <numTextureNames>.
         Number, title, and reformat related tables.
         Rename "format" column to "internal format".
        -Describe VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV before Map/Ummap for more
         logical ordering.
        -Significant text rewrite to more explicitly describe states,
         state transitions, legal access to surfaces by various APIs
         during specific states, etc.
        -Explicitly state that registered/mapped textures are
        -Re-used VBO's READ/WRITE/READ_WRITE enums instead of inventing
         new enums.
        -Added explicit type GLvdpauSurfaceNV instead of using GLvoid*.
        -Added VDPAUIsSurface, VDPAUGetSurfaceiv, and associated
        -Documented state, state queries, and errors.

    4. 13 Jan 2010 - Stephen W
        - Added token WRITE_DISCARD_NV. Stated semantics of each legal
          value of VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV's <access> parameter.

    5. 13 Jan 2010 - Stephen W
        - Removed some XXXs. Marked spec as complete.

    6. 18 Jan 2010 - Stephen W
        - Added missing NV suffix to VDPAUIsSurfaceNV,

    7. 18 Jan 2010
        - Made various function parameters const.

    8. 24 Feb 2010
        - Fixed typo in table; the heights of luma surfaces
          were incorrectly specified.