abiword: Abiword abiword: abiword: A light cross-platform word processor abiword: Part of GNOME office suite abiword: Compatible with Open Office, Ms Word abiword: ====================================================== CHANGE LOG 2004-01-20: Kocil - compiled to i586 - fixed doinstall ====================================================== The brand new Abiworn folks ... It can do many new thinhs, most importantly, table. Installation on VL-4.0 removepkg abiword installpkg abiword-2.0.1-i486-1.tgz add BROWSER=dillo (or firebird) on your environment variable Compiled on VL-4.0 with: export CFLAGS="-march=i486 -mcpu=i686" ./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6 make checkinstall Configuration message: Configured to build on a Unix/Linux platform. Configured with XFT support. XML Parser: libxml2 in -L/usr/lib -lxml2 -lz -lm zlib: zlib in -lz PNG Library: libpng in -lpng12 -lz -lm popt: libpopt in -lpopt WV Library: supplied wv in /home/src/abiword-2.0.1-2/wv iconv: system iconv spelling: enchant Modifications: - doinstall: ln -sf /usr/X11/bin/Abiword-2.0 /usr/X11/bin/abiword Dependencies: - zlib (in VL4.0) - libpng (in VL4.0) - popt (in vl4.0) - libiconv (in vl4.0) - nsis (in vl4.0) - ImageMagick-5.5.7 (in soho test) - freetype-2.0 (in soho test) - fribidi-0.10.4 - enchant-1.1.1 Known dependants - none Packager: - Kocil, 10 Nov 2003